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      PsychologyMusic Psychology
Data sharing is one of the cornerstones of modern science that enables large-scale analyses and reproducibility. We evaluated data availability in research articles across nine disciplines in Nature and Science magazines and recorded... more
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    • Scientific Data
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      LinguisticsLiterary studies
Method For the data collection, Test Battery (Cohen et al. , 2009) from Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in Singing (AI RS) project was applied to Estonian children (N = 26, 1 7 girls and 9 boys, age 4 to 12). All sessions were... more
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    • Psychology
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      Computer ScienceQualityScienceData Management
This article describes the author’s informal observations of the development of movement response to music with the added interaction with a musical toy robot. The subject under observation was one child, from the age of 8 to 24 months.... more
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      PsychologyDanceEarly Childhood Music EducationROBOT
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      NeurosciencePsychologyCognitive PsychologyComputer Science
Artikkel püüab rehabiliteerida Liedertafel’i mõistet, millel eesti muusikalookirjutuses on negatiivne tähendus. Liedertafel’id olid 19. sajandi saksa kultuuriruumis asjaarmastajate meestelauluseltsid ja nende repertuaaris oli nii häid... more
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    • Musicology
This essay examines the development of twentieth-century Estonian musicology through the lens of one of the discipline’s central concerns: the study of folk melodies. It suggests that the latter, though closely linked with attempts to... more
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In conclusion we can say that the ideological background of Baltic music history writing is a very complex phenomenon. Texts written in the 1960s and later do not represent a uniform Soviet historiography, not to speak about Marxism.... more
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    • Musicology
Among the correspondence of Karl Leichter (TMM, Department of Music: M 159) there are 18 letters from Elmar Arro, written in Vienna from 1972 to 1982. Some of them are very short and practical -- for years Arro planned to visit his... more
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    • Musicology
Muusikat armastanud kirjanike teostes leidub sageli olustikuliselt väga täpseid kirjeldusi omaaegsest muusikaelust. Muidugi pole jutustusena mõeldud lugu otseselt dokumentaalne materjal, kuid Randvere J[ohannes]e “Ruth” oma pikkade... more
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      MusicologyLiterary Criticism
Through the Estonian history song festivals have had politically ambiguous background, beginning with the first festival in 1869 that served as a powerful stimulus of national awakening although it was officially dedicated to the... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicology
Wie in anderen Bereichen der Kultur, war auch in der Musik die Zwischenkriegszeit die Zeit der Etablierung einer eigenen professionellen Kunst. Obwohl alle Personen im kulturellen Bereich im Allgemeinen national eingestellt waren, gingen... more
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    • Musicology
Eine der düstersten Perioden in der Geschichte des Tallinner Konservatoriums war die vom Jahre 1948 bis ungefähr zur Mitte der 1950er Jahre. Die Reformierung des dortigen Musiklebens nach den sowjetischen Modellen hatte zwar bereits im... more
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    • Musicology
Estonian National Men’s Chorus or RAM (Eesti Rahvusmeeskoor) has been one of the representative institutions of Estonian musical life all through the Soviet years. The problem discussed is the following: RAM was founded as a... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicology
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      PhoneticsTraditional KnowledgeVoiceHumans
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    • Multidisciplinary