Papers by Panagiotis Voudouris
Applied Sciences, 2021
The Vathi porphyry Cu-Au ± Mo mineralization is located in the Serbo-Macedonian metallogenic prov... more The Vathi porphyry Cu-Au ± Mo mineralization is located in the Serbo-Macedonian metallogenic province of the Western Tethyan Metallogenic Belt. It is mainly hosted by a latite and is genetically associated with a quartz monzonite intrusion, which intruded the basement rocks of the Vertiskos Unit and the latite, 18 to 17 Ma ago. A phreatic breccia crosscuts the latite. The quartz monzonite was affected by potassic alteration, whereas the latite was subjected to local propylitic alteration. Both styles of alteration were subsequently overprinted by intense sericitic alteration. M-type and A-type veins are spatially associated with potassic alteration, whereas D-type veins are related to the sericitic alteration. Three ore assemblages are associated with the porphyry stage: (1) pyrite + chalcopyrite + bornite + molybdenite + magnetite associated with potassic alteration; (2) pyrite + chalcopyrite related to propylitic alteration; and (3) pyrite + chalcopyrite + native gold ± tetradymite associated with sericitic alteration. A fourth assemblage consisting of sphalerite + galena + arsenopyrite + pyrrhotite + pyrite ± stibnite ± tennantite is related to an epithermal overprint. Fluid inclusion data indicate that the A-type veins and related porphyry-style mineralization formed at 390–540 ◦C and pressures of up to 646 bars (<2.6 km depth) from boiling hydrothermal fluids. A later condensation of vapor-rich inclusions resulted in a moderately saline fluid (8.4–11.2 wt % NaCl equiv) at temperatures between 311 and 392 ◦C, which were related to sericitic alteration, D-type veins, and associated metallic mineralization. Subsequent dilution of the moderately saline fluid at lower temperatures (205–259 ◦C) produced a less saline (1.4–2.9 wt % NaCl equiv.) fluid, which is likely associated with the late epithermal overprint.
Citation: Stergiou, C.L.; Melfos, V.; Voudouris, P.; Spry, P.G.; Papadopoulou, L.; Chatzipetros, A.; Giouri, K.; Mavrogonatos, C.; Filippidis, A. The Geology, Geochemistry, and Origin of the Porphyry Cu-Au-(Mo) System at Vathi, Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Greece. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 479.
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2017
Gem-quality (cabochon) ruby-bearing occurrences (here termed PAR-1 and PAR-5) located near Parane... more Gem-quality (cabochon) ruby-bearing occurrences (here termed PAR-1 and PAR-5) located near Paranesti, north eastern Greece have been systematically studied for the first time in this paper. Tectonically, the occurrences are located within the Nestos Shear Zone (NSZ). The NSZ separates two distinct geological units. The Rhodope Terrane is a heterogeneous unit of gneisses, mafic, ultramafic, and meta-sedimentary rocks in the hanging wall. The footwall Pangaion-Pirin Complex consists of marbles and acid gneisses of a Mesozoic carbonate platform on pre-Mesozoic continental basement. In this paper, a range of petrographic and geochemical techniques were used to determine (1) any similarities and differences to other mafic-ultramafic hosted ruby deposits worldwide; (2) distinctive geochemical fingerprints for Paranesti; and (3) the likely P-T conditions of formation. Detailed petrographic and whole-rock analyses utilizing ICP-MS, XRF, and XRD have found the Paranesti corundum to be of a mafic/ultramafic protolith with approximately 40 wt.% SiO 2 , 16 wt.% Mg, 11000 ppm Cr, and 440 ppm Ni. EMPA major element analysis determined the mineral inclusions within the corundum grains to be picotite and hercynite spinels. Pargasite is the dominant amphibole within the corundum-bearing amphibole schist host. The surrounding non-corundum bearing chlorite schist mainly comprises clinochlore. Petrographic examination of the mineral assemblages within the corundum-bearing schists revealed strong fracturing and alignment (parallel to the main regional foliation) of the corundum grains and margarite reaction rims around the corundum. The surrounding non-corundum amphibolites also contain anorthite, along with relict sillimanite, kyanite, and chlorite/muscovite/epidote overprinting. Detailed LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of the color range of corundum from the two occurrences showed the corundum to be mainly of metamorphic origin, though pale rubies from PAR-5 suggest some metasomatic influence.
The Canadian Mineralogist, 2014
Molybdenite from the Voznesensk porphyry Cu ± (Mo,Au) deposit, southern Urals, Russia, displays h... more Molybdenite from the Voznesensk porphyry Cu ± (Mo,Au) deposit, southern Urals, Russia, displays high Re content and a well-documented oscillatory zoning for this mineral. The molybdenite forms part of a quartz-molybdenite-pyrite-chalcopyr-ite assemblage cemented at low-temperatures by pumpellyite and tobermorite. Oscillatory zoning occurs as micro-bands up to 200 μm wide and 200-600 μm long oriented parallel to the basal cleavage, as well as within basal planes of molybdenite sheets. The micro-bands are Re-enriched to different degrees (0.3-1.0 wt.%, typically they contain 0.6-0.8 wt.% Re). Outside these structures the Re content in molybdenite is up to 0.25 wt.%, usually <0.10-0.15 wt.%. It is suggested that the Re in the Voznesensk molybdenite retains its original growth pattern, marked by sharp concentration variations, and is not the result of leaching through post-crystallization diffusion. Variations in the number, width, and Re-content in individual micro-zones observed within the oscillatory zones may suggest involvement of extrinsic mechanisms of micro-zone formation. However, the Re content of the Voznesensk molybdenite (ICP-MS and EPMA data) is almost uniform along the studied vertical and lateral interval of the mineralization, suggesting no major variation in Re concentration in the fluid and favoring uniform, self-organization processes causing Re enrichment and oscillatory zoning in molybdenite. Despite the strong degree of epigenetic post-crystallization deformation of the molybdenite flakes and their cementation by low-temperature tobermorite, there is no essential change of the primary micro-zoning in the distribution of Re and any evidence of its epigenetic migration.
IECMS 2018, Sciforum, 2018
The Konos Hill prospect, represents a telescoped MoRe -Cu-Au porphyry system overprinted by a hig... more The Konos Hill prospect, represents a telescoped MoRe -Cu-Au porphyry system overprinted by a high sulfidation event. Porphyry mineralization is exposed in the deeper parts of the study area and comprises quartz stockwork veins, hosted in subvolcanic bodies of granodioritic composition. In the upper topographic levels, a significant hydrothermal alteration overprint predominates, and consists of silicification and various advanced argillic alteration assemblages, related to N-S and E-W trending faults. Further outwards, advanced argillic alteration gradually evolves into phyllic assemblages dominated by sericite. Zunyite, described for the first time from a lithocap in Greece, along with various amounts of quartz, alunite, APS minerals, kaolinite, pyrophyllite and diaspore constitute the major advanced argillic alteration minerals in the area. Mineral-chemical analyses revealed significant variance in the SiO2, F and Cl content of zunyite. Alunite supergroup minerals display a wide compositional range corresponding to members of the alunite, beudantite and plumbogummite subgroups. Diaspore displays almost stoichiometric composition with traces of TiO2, BaO, Ce2O3 and Nd2O3. The presence of the above-mentioned minerals indicates that low pH hydrothermal fluids flowing through fault planes resulted in extensive advanced argillic alteration in the area. The discovery of zunyite points towards an enrichment of volatile elements like F and Cl in the hydrothermal fluid, and helps to set constrains on the physicochemical conditions and the evolution of the mineralization and associated alteration.
Minerals 2018, 8, 487, 2018
The color of quartz and other minerals can be either caused by defects in the crystal structure o... more The color of quartz and other minerals can be either caused by defects in the crystal structure or by finely dispersed inclusions of other minerals within the crystals. In order to investigate the mineral chemistry and genesis of the famous prase (green quartz) and amethyst association from Serifos Island, Greece, we used electron microprobe analyses and oxygen isotope measurements of quartz. We show that the color of these green quartz crystals is caused by small and acicular amphibole inclusions. Our data also shows that there are two generations of amphibole inclusions within the green quartz crystals, which indicate that the fluid, from which both amphiboles and quartz have crystallized, must have had a change in its chemical composition during the crystallization process. The electron microprobe data also suggests that traces of iron may be responsible for the amethyst coloration. Both quartz varieties are characterized by isotopic compositions that suggest mixing of magmatic and meteoric/marine fluids. The contribution of meteoric fluid is more significant in the final stages and reflects amethyst precipitation under more oxidizing conditions.
Geologica Carpathica, 2017
New mineralogical and mineral-chemical data from the Stan Terg deposit, Kosovo, revealed the pres... more New mineralogical and mineral-chemical data from the Stan Terg deposit, Kosovo, revealed the presence of abundant Bi-sulphotellurides associated with Bi-and Sb-sulphosalts and galena in pyrite-pyrrhotite-rich skarn-free ore bodies (ores without skarn minerals). The Bi-bearing association comprises Bi-sulphotellurides (joséite-A, joséite-B, unnamed phase A with a chemical formula close to (Bi,Pb) 2 (TeS) 2 , unnamed phase B with a chemical composition close to (Bi,Pb) 2.5 Te 1.5 S 1.5), ikunolite, cosalite, Sb-lillianite, members of the kobellite series and Bi-jamesonite. Compositional trends of the Bi-sulphotellurides suggest lattice-scale incorporation of Bi-(Pb)-rich module and/or admixture with submicroscopic PbS layers in modulated structures, or complicated BiTe substitution. Cosalite is characterized by high Sb (max. 3.94 apfu), and low Cu and Ag (up to 0.72 apfu of Cu+Ag). Jamesonite from this mineralization has elevated Bi content, from 0.85 to 2.30 apfu. The negligible content of Au and Ag in the Bi-sulphotellurides, the low content of Ag in Bi-sulphosalts, together with the lack of Au-Ag bearing phases in the mineralization, indicate either ore deposition from fluid(s) depleted in precious metals, or physico-chemical conditions of ore formation preventing Au and Ag precipitation at the deposit site. The temperature of initial mineralization may have exceeded 400 ºC as suggested by the lamellar exsolution textures observed in lillianite, which indicate breakdown textures from decomposition of high-temperature initial crystals. Non-stoichiometric phases among the Bi-sulphosalts and sulphotellurides studied at Stan Terg reflect modulated growth processes in a metasomatic environment.
Minerals 2016, 6, 42, 2016
Stannite group minerals (ferrokësterite and stannite) occur in small amounts in association with ... more Stannite group minerals (ferrokësterite and stannite) occur in small amounts in association with sulfides in hydrothermal Pb-Zn deposits in Kosovo. The chemical composition of sphalerite co-existing with Sn-bearing minerals has been investigated using laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Flat Sn-spectra suggest that Sn is bound in the sphalerite lattice or as nanoincluions. Sphalerite from Stan Terg, overgrown by ferrokësterite, contains the lowest Sn content (few ppm) and have been precipitated before Sn-enrichment in the fluids. The highest value of Sn (520 ppm) of Stan Terg sphalerite was obtained directly close to the ferrokësterite rim, and indicates a rapid increase of Sn in the hydrothermal fluids. Significantly higher values of Sn in sphalerite were obtained from other deposits: 1600 ppm (Artana), up to 663 ppm (Kizhnica), up to 2800 ppm (Drazhnje). Stannite-sphalerite geothermometry revealed the following ore-forming temperatures for the Kosovo mineralization: 240-390˝C for Stan Terg, 240-370˝C for Artana, >340˝C for Kizhnica, and 245-295˝C for Drazhnje. Sphalerite and stannite group minerals precipitated simultaneously during cooling from reduced hydrothermal fluids and under low-sulfidation fluid states. Fluctuations in physico-chemical fluid conditions are evidenced by the presence of stannite group minerals along growth zones in sphalerite and may be related to short interval of magmatic pulses during ore deposition.
Ore Geology Reviews, 2015
Copper-gold-bismuth-tellurium mineralization in the Stanos area, Chalkidiki Peninsula, Greece, oc... more Copper-gold-bismuth-tellurium mineralization in the Stanos area, Chalkidiki Peninsula, Greece, occurs in the Proterozoic-to Silurian-aged Serbomacedonian Massif, which tectonically borders the Mesozoic Circum-Rhodope metamorphic belt to the west and crystalline rocks of the Rhodope Massif to the east. This area contains the Paliomylos, Chalkoma, and Karambogia prospects, which are spatially related to regional NW-SE trending shear zones and hosted by marble, amphibolite gneiss, metagabbro, and various muscovite-biotite-chlorite-actinolite-feldspar-quartz schists of the Silurian Vertiskos Unit. Metallic minerals occur as disseminated to massive aggregates along foliation planes and in boudinaged quartz veins. Iron-bearing sulfides (pyrite, arsenopyrite, and pyrrhotite) formed prior to a copper-bearing stage that contains chalco-pyrite along with galena, sphalerite, molybdenite, and various minerals in the system Bi-Cu-Pb-Au-Ag-Te. Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures of primary aqueous liquid-vapor inclusions in stage I quartz veins range from 170.1°C to 349.6°C (peak at~230°C), with salinities of 4.5 to 13.1 wt.% NaCl equiv. Calculated isochores intersect P-T conditions associated with the upper greenschist facies caused by local overpressures during late-stage tectonic movement along the shear zone in the Eocene, which produced stretching and unroofing of rocks in the region. Values of δ 34 S for sulfides in the Stanos shear zone range from 2.42 to 10.19‰ and suggest a magmatic sulfur source with a partially reduced seawater contribution. For fluids in equilibrium with quartz, δ 18 O at 480°C varies from 5.76 to 9.21‰ but does not allow for a distinction between a metamorphic and a magmatic fluid. A 187 Re-187 Os isochron of 19.2 ± 2.1 Ma for pyrite in the Paliomylos prospect overlaps ages obtained previously from intrusive rocks spatially-related to the Skouries porphyry Cu-Au, the Asimotrypes Au, and the intrusion-related Palea Kavala BiTe -Pb-Sb ± Au deposits in northern Greece, as well as alteration minerals in the carbonate-replacement Madem Lakkos Pb-Zn deposit. Ore-forming components of deposits in the Stanos area were likely derived from magmatic rocks at shallow depth that intruded an extensional shear environment at~19 Ma.
Ore Geology Reviews, 2017
The Cenozoic metallogeny in Greece includes numerous major and minor hydrothermal mineral deposit... more The Cenozoic metallogeny in Greece includes numerous major and minor hydrothermal mineral deposits, associated with the closure of the Western Tethyan Ocean and the collision with the Eurasian continental plate in the Aegean Sea, which started in the Cretaceous and is still ongoing. Mineral deposits formed in four main periods: Oligocene (33-25 Ma), early Miocene (22-19 Ma), middle to late Miocene (14-7 Ma), and Pliocene-Pleistocene (3-1.5 Ma). These metallogenic periods occurred in response to slab-rollback and migration of post-collisional calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmatism in a back-arc extensional regime from the Rhodopes through the Cyclades, and to arc-related magmatism along the active south Aegean volcanic arc. Invasion of asthenospheric melts into the lower crust occurred due to slab retreat, and were responsible for partial melting of metasomatized lithosphere and lower crustal cumulates. These geodynamic events took place during the collapse of the Hellenic orogen along large detachment faults, which exhumed extensive metamorphic core complexes in mainly two regions, the Rhodopes and the Cyclades. The detachment faults and supra-detachment basins controlled magma emplacement, fluid circulation, and mineralization. The most significant mineralization styles comprise porphyry, epithermal, carbonate-replacement, reduced intrusion-related gold, intrusion-related MoW and polymetallic veins. Porphyry and epithermal deposits are commonly associated with extensive hydrothermal alteration halos, whereas in other cases alteration is of restricted development and mainly structurally controlled. Porphyry deposits include Cu-Au-, Cu-Mo-Au-Re, MoRe , and MoW variants. Epithermal deposits include mostly high-and intermediate-sulfidation (HS and IS) types hosted in volcanic rocks, although sedimentary and metamor-phic rock hosted mineralized veins, breccias, and disseminations are also present. The main metal associations are Cu-Au-Ag-Te and Pb-Zn-Au-Ag-Te in HS and IS epithermal deposits, respectively. Major carbonate-replacement deposits in the Kassandra and Lavrion mining districts are rich in Au and Ag, and together with reduced intrusion-related gold systems played a critical role in ancient economies. Finally hundreds of polymetallic veins hosted by metamorphic rocks in the Rhodopes and Cyclades significantly add to the metal endowment of Greece.
Ore Geology Reviews, 2017
The Mn-Ba-Pb deposit at Aspro Gialoudi in NW Milos is shown to be a fossil inhalative-exhalative ... more The Mn-Ba-Pb deposit at Aspro Gialoudi in NW Milos is shown to be a fossil inhalative-exhalative hydrothermal deposit that represents the deepest part of the Vani succession at the western extremity of the main Vani manganese deposit. The geology of the Vani-Aspro Gialoudi area is characterized by Upper Pliocene-Lower Pleisto-cene dacitic and rhyodacitic lava domes, which are overlain by the Vani volcaniclastic unit considered to be part of the 2.66-1.44 Ma magmatic event at Milos Island. The presence of in-situ and intrusive hyaloclastite brec-cias surrounding the coherent lava domes at Aspro Gialoudi and Vani areas indicates submarine emplacement for the domes. The dacitic-rhyodacitic domes are variously altered (mainly propylitic and/or argillic alteration, silic-ified and in some cases locally exhibiting adularia alteration). Both Aspro Gialoudi and main Vani deposit are located proximal to fault systems: the main Vani manganese deposit is adjacent to the NW-trending Kondaros-Katsimouti-Vani Dome fault, whereas the Aspro Gialoudi deposit is adjacent to the relatively minor NE-trending fault on the west coast of Milos. At Aspro Gialoudi, mineralization took place in a subseafloor and/or seafloor environment and is characterized by a stratabound Mn-barite-rich deposit mainly within a package of propylitized intrusive hyaloclastites and within the overlying sandstones. Banded epithermal veins trending NE-SW and composed of chalcedonic silica/quartz + barite + Mn-oxide ± sulfides crosscut the dacitic lavas, the hyaloclastites and the overlying volcaniclastic sequence at Aspro Gialoudi and are considered to represent the feeder zones of the manganese-barite mineralization. Within the veins, early sulfide (galena-sphalerite) barite and quartz de-position is followed by manganese oxides and aragonite, thus resembling the epithermal-style Pb-Zn-Ag-Mn mineralization across the NW-trending Katsimoutis-Kondaros-Vani fault. Mineralization in Aspro Gialoudi and Vani deposits seems to be controlled by alternating cycles of deposition of sulfides and hydrothermal manganese oxides within the faults. Manganese deposition in both deposits formed in a similar manner, namely by transport of hydrothermal fluids through the adjacent fault systems into a reservoir of volcanoclastic sandstone and hyaloclastites to produce a deposit initially consisting of principally of pyrolusite and occasionally ramsdellite, which were subsequently replaced by cryptomelane, hollandite, coronadite and hydrohaeterolite. Precipitation of hydrothermal manganese oxides took place very quick and under microbial Mn(II) oxidation. Compositional data show that metallic elements most enriched in the Aspro Gialoudi and Vani manganese deposits relative to the average continental crust, lie in the sequences Pb N Cd N Mn N As N respectively. Miner-alogical and geochemical (e.g. REE) data from both Aspro Gialoudi and main Vani deposit are taken to indicate mainly a seawater source for the hydrothermal fluids. These two deposits are genetically and spatially related to base-and precious metal intermediate-sulfidation epithermal mineralization. They formed successively by similar processes and are considered to be integral parts of the same hydrothermal system.
Geosciences, 2018
A new porphyry Mo prospect has been discovered in the Aisymi-Leptokarya area, along the southern ... more A new porphyry Mo prospect has been discovered in the Aisymi-Leptokarya area, along the southern margin of the Byala Reka-Kechros metamorphic dome, southeastern (SE) Rhodope metallogenic zone. The study area is dominated by an Oligocene felsic dike complex, which hosts the porphyry Mo mineralization and intrudes into upper Eocene sandstones-marls and the Leptokarya monzodiorite pluton. The Aisymi-Leptokarya felsic dike complex displays a rhyodacitic to dacitic composition with post-collisional affinities. The porphyry Mo mineralization occurs in the form of porphyry-style quartz stockworks in the felsic dike complex associated with potassic alteration characterized by hydrothermal K-feldspar. The ore minerals consist mainly of pyrite, molybdenite, kesterite, bismuthinite and galena within both the stockwork and the rock matrix. Bulk ore analyses indicate enrichment in Mo (up to 215 ppm), Se (up to 29 ppm), Bi (up to 8 ppm) and Sn (up to 14 ppm) in the porphyry quartz veins. Late-stage, northeast (NE-) and northwest (NW-)trending milky quartz intermediate-sulfidation epithermal veins with base metals, crosscut previous vein generations and are characterized by Ag, Sn and Te anomalies. The Aisymi-Leptokarya porphyry Mo prospect is set in a back-arc geotectonic regime and shares similarities to other post-subduction porphyry molybdenum deposits elsewhere.
Ore Geology Reviews, 2013
Milos Island contains several epithermal deposits (e.g., Profitis Ilias-Chondro Vouno Pb-Zn-Ag-Au... more Milos Island contains several epithermal deposits (e.g., Profitis Ilias-Chondro Vouno Pb-Zn-Ag-Au-Te-Cu, Triades-Galana-Agathia-Kondaros Pb-Zn-Ag-Bi-W-Mo± Cu-Au, and Katsimoutis-Kondaros-Vani Pb-Zn-Ag-Mn) of Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene age. These deposits are hosted in calc-alkaline volcanic rocks emplaced as a result of three successive magma pulses in an emergent volcanic edifice: submarine rhyolitic to rhyodacitic cryptodomes at ca. 2.7.Ma (Profitis Ilias-Chondro Vouno), submarine to subaerial andesite to dacite domes at ca. 2.2 to 1.5 Ma (Triades-Galana-Kondaros-Katsimouti-Vani). Hydrothermal alteration of the volcanic rocks includes advanced argillic-(both hypogene and steam-heated), argillic, phyllic, adularia-sericite and propylitic types. In the northern sector (Triades-Galana-Agathia-Kondaros), initial magma degassing derived from andesitic-dacitic intrusives along NE-SW to E-W trending faults resulted in the development of pre-ore hypogene advanced argillic alteration (dickite, alunite, ±diaspore, pyrophyllite, halite, and pyrite) in a submarine environment. Mineralogical data indicate common features among the Profitis Ilias-Chondro Vouno, Kondaros-Katsimoutis-Vani and Triades-Galana mineralized centers, all of which are characterized by the presence of galena, Fe-poor sphalerite, and chalcopyrite as well as abundant barite, adularia, sericite and, to a lesser extent, calcite, which are typical of intermediate-sulfidation epithermal type deposits. Locally, at Triades-Galana and Kondaros-Agathia, high-sulfidation conditions prevailed as suggested by the presence of coexisting enargite and covellite. The high silver and gold content of the western Milos deposits is derived from Ag-bearing sulfosalts (polybasite, pearceite, pyrargyrite, freibergite) and tellurides. Gold at Profitis Ilias, both as native gold and silver-gold tellurides, is present in base-metal precipitates within multicomponent blebs, which recrystallized to form hessite, petzite, altaite, coloradoite, and native gold. Mineralogical evidence (e.g. microchimney structures , copper sulfides, widespread occurrence of barite, aragonite) suggests that precious metal mineralization in western Milos mineralization formed in a submarine setting. We present information on the surface distribution of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, As, Sb, Hg, Mo, Bi, W and Cd at western Milos. Gold is enriched at Profitis Ilias-Chondro Vouno deposits and to a lesser extent at Triades-Galana. Arsenic is absent from the southern sector but shows elevated concentrations together with molybdenum, bismuth and tungsten at the northern sector (Triades-Galana, Vani deposits). The differences in precious and base metal abundances may be related to the depths at which the deposits are exposed, and/or different sources of magma. The metal signatures of the Triades-Galana and Agathia-Kondaros-Katsimouti-Vani (Mo-Bi-WAs -Hg-Ag-Au) occurrences compared to Profitis Ilias (Te-Au-Ag) reflect different sources of magma (dacite-rhyodacite for Profitis Ilias, andesite-dacite for Triades-Galana, and dacite for Kondaros-Katsimoutis). The enrichment of Te, Mo, W, and Bi in the deposits is a strong indication of a direct magmatic contribution of these metals. At western Milos, precious and base-metal vein mineralization was deposited during episodic injection of magmatic volatiles and dilution of the hydrothermal fluids by seawater. The mineralization represents sea-floor/sub-seafloor precipitation of sulfides that formed in stockwork zones. Base and precious metal mineral-ization formed from intermediate-to high-sulfidation state fluids and mostly under boiling conditions as indicated by the widespread occurrence of adularia associated with metallic mineralization. We speculate that the widespread occurrence of boiling and the shallow depth of the precious-and base-metal emplace-ment prevented the formation of seafloor massive sulfides.
Minerals 2018, 8, 479, 2018
The Konos Hill prospect in NE Greece represents a telescoped Mo-CuRe -Au porphyry occurrence over... more The Konos Hill prospect in NE Greece represents a telescoped Mo-CuRe -Au porphyry occurrence overprinted by deep-level high-sulfidation mineralization. Porphyry-style mineralization is exposed in the deeper parts of the system and comprises quartz stockwork veins hosted in subvolcanic intrusions of granodioritic composition. Ore minerals include pyrite, molybdenite, chalcopyrite, and rheniite. In the upper part of the system, intense hydrothermal alteration resulted in the formation of a silicified zone and the development of various advanced argillic alteration assemblages, which are spatially related to N-S, NNW-SSE, and E-W trending faults. More distal and downwards, advanced argillic alteration gradually evolves into phyllic assemblages dominated by quartz and sericite. Zunyite, along with various amounts of quartz, alunite, aluminum phosphate-sulfate minerals (APS), diaspore, kaolinite, and minor pyrophyllite, are the main minerals in the advanced argillic alteration. Mineral-chemical analyses reveal significant variance in the SiO2, F, and Cl content of zunyite. Alunite supergroup minerals display a wide compositional range corresponding to members of the alunite, beudantite, and plumbogummite subgroups. Diaspore displays an almost stoichiometric composition. Mineralization in the lithocap consists of pyrite, enargite, tetrahedrite/tennantite, and colusite. Bulk ore analyses of mineralized samples show a relative enrichment in elements such as Se, Mo, and Bi, which supports a genetic link between the studied lithocap and the underlying Konos Hill porphyry-style mineralization. The occurrence of advanced argillic alteration assemblages along the N-S, NNW-SSE, and E-W trending faults suggests that highly acidic hydrothermal fluids were ascending into the lithocap environment. Zunyite, along with diaspore, pyrophyllite, and Sr-and Minerals 2018, 8, 479 2 of 18 Rare Earth Elements-bearing APS minerals, mark the proximity of the hypogene advanced argillic alteration zone to the porphyry environment.
Minerals 2018, 8, 324, 2018
Epithermally altered volcanic rocks in Greece host amethyst-bearing veins in association with var... more Epithermally altered volcanic rocks in Greece host amethyst-bearing veins in association with various silicates, carbonates, oxides and sulfides. Host rocks are Oligocene to Pleistocene calc-alkaline to shoshonitic lavas and pyroclastics of intermediate to acidic composition. The veins are integral parts of high to intermediate sulfidation epithermal mineralized centers in northern Greece (e.g., Kassiteres-Sapes, Kirki, Kornofolia/Soufli, Lesvos Island) and on Milos Island. Colloform-crustiform banding with alternations of amethyst, chalcedony and/or carbonates is a common characteristic of the studied amethyst-bearing veins. Hydrothermal alteration around the quartz veins includes sericitic, K-feldspar (adularia), propylitic and zeolitic types. Precipitation of amethyst took place from near-neutral to alkaline fluids, as indicated by the presence of various amounts of gangue adularia, calcite, zeolites, chlorite and smectite. Fluid inclusion data suggest that the studied amethyst was formed by hydrothermal fluids with relatively low temperatures (~200-250 • C) and low to moderate salinity (1-8 wt % NaCl equiv). A fluid cooling gradually from the external to the inner parts of the veins, possibly with subsequent boiling in an open system, is considered for the amethysts of Silver Hill in Sapes and Kassiteres. Amethysts from Kornofolia, Megala Therma, Kalogries and Chondro Vouno were formed by mixing of moderately saline hydrothermal fluids with low-salinity fluids at relatively lower temperatures indicating the presence of dilution processes and probably boiling in an open system. Stable isotope data point to mixing between magmatic and marine (and/or meteoric) waters and are consistent with the oxidizing conditions required for amethyst formation.
Episodes Vol. 32, no. 4, 2009
Minerals 2020, 10, 182, 2020
The Maronia Cu-Mo ± Re ± Au deposit is spatially related to a microgranite porphyry that intruded... more The Maronia Cu-Mo ± Re ± Au deposit is spatially related to a microgranite porphyry that intruded an Oligocene monzonite along the Mesozoic Circum-Rhodope belt in Thrace, NE Greece. The magmatic rocks and associated metallic mineralization show plastic and cataclastic features at the southeastern margin of the deposit that implies emplacement at the ductile-brittle transition, adjacent to a shear zone at the footwall of the Maronia detachment fault. The conversion from ductile to brittle deformation caused a rapid upward magmatic fluid flow and increased the volume of water that interacted with the host rocks through high permeable zones, which produced extensive zones of potassic and sodic-calcic alteration. Potassic alteration is characterized by secondary biotite + K-feldspar (orthoclase) + magnetite + rutile + quartz ± apatite and commonly contains sulfides (pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite). Sodic-calcic alteration consists of actinolite + sodic-calcic plagioclase (albite/oligoclase/andesine) + titanite + magnetite + chlorite + quartz ± calcite ± epidote-allanite. The high-oxidation state of the magmas and the hydrothermal fluid circulation were responsible for the metal and sulfur enrichments of the aqueous fluid phase, an increase in O2 gas content, the breakdown of the magmatic silicates and the production of the extensive potassic and sodic-calcic alterations. Brittle deformation also promoted the rapid upward fluid flow and caused interactions with the surrounding host rocks along the high temperature M-, EB-, A-and B-type veins.
Minerals 2019, 9, 91, 2019
In this study, the oxygen isotope (δ 18 O) composition of pink to red gem-quality rubies from Par... more In this study, the oxygen isotope (δ 18 O) composition of pink to red gem-quality rubies from Paranesti, Greece was investigated using in-situ secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) and laser-fluorination techniques. Paranesti rubies have a narrow range of δ 18 O values betweeñ 0 and +1 and represent one of only a few cases worldwide where δ 18 O signatures can be used to distinguish them from other localities. SIMS analyses from this study and previous work by the authors suggests that the rubies formed under metamorphic/metasomatic conditions involving deeply penetrating meteoric waters along major crustal structures associated with the Nestos Shear Zone. SIMS analyses also revealed slight variations in δ 18 O composition for two outcrops located just~500 m apart: PAR-1 with a mean value of 1.0 ± 0.42 and PAR-5 with a mean value of 0.14 ± 0.24. This work adds to the growing use of in-situ methods to determine the origin of gem-quality corundum and reconfirms its usefulness in geographic "fingerprinting".
Minerals 2019, 9, 49, 2019
Greece contains several gem corundum deposits set within diverse geological settings, mostly with... more Greece contains several gem corundum deposits set within diverse geological settings, mostly within the Rhodope (Xanthi and Drama areas) and Attico-Cycladic (Naxos and Ikaria islands) tectono-metamorphic units. In the Xanthi area, the sapphire (pink, blue to purple) deposits are stratiform, occurring within marble layers alternating with amphibolites. Deep red rubies in the Paranesti-Drama area are restricted to boudinaged lenses of Al-rich metapyroxenites alternating with amphibolites and gneisses. Both occurrences are oriented parallel to the ultra-high pressure/high pressure (UHP/HP) Nestos suture zone. On central Naxos Island, colored sapphires are associated with desilicated granite pegmatites intruding ultramafic lithologies (plumasites), occurring either within the pegmatites themselves or associated metasomatic reaction zones. In contrast, on southern Naxos and Ikaria Islands, blue sapphires occur in extensional fissures within Mesozoic metabauxites hosted in marbles. Mineral inclusions in corundums are in equilibrium and/or postdate corundum crystallization and comprise: spinel and pargasite (Paranesti), spinel, zircon (Xanthi), margarite, zircon, apatite, diaspore, phlogopite and chlorite (Naxos) and chloritoid, ilmenite, hematite, ulvospinel, rutile and zircon (Ikaria). The main chromophore elements within the Greek corundums show a wide range in concentration: the Fe contents vary from (average values) 1099 ppm in the blue sapphires of Xanthi, 424 ppm in the pink sapphires of Xanthi, 2654 ppm for Paranesti rubies, 4326 ppm Minerals 2019, 9, 49 2 of 41 for the Ikaria sapphires, 3706 for southern Naxos blue sapphires, 4777 for purple and 3301 for pink sapphire from Naxos plumasite, and finally 4677 to 1532 for blue to colorless sapphires from Naxos plumasites, respectively. The Ti concentrations (average values) are very low in rubies from Paranesti (41 ppm), with values of 2871 ppm and 509 in the blue and pink sapphires of Xanthi, respectively, of 1263 ppm for the Ikaria blue sapphires, and 520 ppm, 181 ppm in Naxos purple, pink sapphires, respectively. The blue to colorless sapphires from Naxos plumasites contain 1944 to 264 ppm Ti, respectively. The very high Ti contents of the Xanthi blue sapphires may reflect submicroscopic rutile inclusions. The Cr (average values) ranges from 4 to 691 ppm in the blue, purple and pink colored corundums from Naxos plumasite, is quite fixed (222 ppm) for Ikaria sapphires, ranges from 90 to 297 ppm in the blue and pink sapphires from Xanthi, reaches 9142 ppm in the corundums of Paranesti, with highest values of 15,347 ppm in deep red colored varieties. Each occurrence has both unique mineral assemblage and trace element chemistry (with variable Fe/Mg, Ga/Mg, Ga/Cr and Fe/Ti ratios). Additionally, oxygen isotope compositions confirm their geological typology, i.e., with, respectively δ 18 O of 4.9 ± 0.2‰ for sapphire in plumasite, 20.5‰ for sapphire in marble and 1‰ for ruby in mafics. The fluid inclusions study evidenced water free CO 2 dominant fluids with traces of CH 4 or N 2 , and low CO 2 densities (0.46 and 0.67 g/cm 3), which were probably trapped after the metamorphic peak. The Paranesti, Xanthi and central Naxos corundum deposits can be classified as metamorphic sensu stricto (s.s.) and metasomatic, respectively, those from southern Naxos and Ikaria display atypical magmatic signature indicating a hydrothermal origin. Greek corundums are characterized by wide color variation, homogeneity of the color hues, and transparency, and can be considered as potential gemstones.
Minerals 2019, 9, 778, 2019
Gems are materials used for adornment or decoration that must satisfy several criteria where they... more Gems are materials used for adornment or decoration that must satisfy several criteria where they must be aesthetic and visually appealing; relatively rare; hard and tough enough to resist "normal" wear; and able to withstand corrosion by skin contact and cosmetics . Gems have been used since antiquity thus, gemology, the science dealing with gems, is positioned between academia and industry. As an applied science, in gemology, the instruments used should be non-or micro-destructive and their cost should be reasonable (both in terms of equipment and time consumption ). Gemology can also contribute to the development of pure science and in some cases, destructive techniques may have to be used . This special issue presents recent advances on the study of various types of gems based on a variety of research (e.g., geology, trace element geochemistry, inclusion studies, geochronology, spectroscopy). It includes 20 articles by around 100 researchers from over 30 different institutions situated in 20 countries from around the globe. These articles will hopefully contribute to our better understanding of the formation of gems.
Papers by Panagiotis Voudouris
Citation: Stergiou, C.L.; Melfos, V.; Voudouris, P.; Spry, P.G.; Papadopoulou, L.; Chatzipetros, A.; Giouri, K.; Mavrogonatos, C.; Filippidis, A. The Geology, Geochemistry, and Origin of the Porphyry Cu-Au-(Mo) System at Vathi, Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Greece. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 479.
Citation: Stergiou, C.L.; Melfos, V.; Voudouris, P.; Spry, P.G.; Papadopoulou, L.; Chatzipetros, A.; Giouri, K.; Mavrogonatos, C.; Filippidis, A. The Geology, Geochemistry, and Origin of the Porphyry Cu-Au-(Mo) System at Vathi, Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Greece. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 479.