User:Carl Flygare (UU)/Uppsala municipality's usage and supply of energy

Usage and supply of energy in a Sankey diagram for Uppsala municipality 2017 (Source: Länsstyrelsen Uppsala län).

Uppsala municipality's usage and supply of energy 2017 is shown in the Sankey diagram to the right.

Local production of electricity


During the 2010:s the traditional power system structure of electricity production started to change on a higher system level in Sweden. Earlier there were often a lower number of big power producing facilities such as hydro power plants and nuclear power plants which produced almost all the needed electricity. This electricity was then transmitted through long power lines since the power plants usually was located far away from more densely populated areas. This is now changing into more decentralized power production units such as Solar power and Wind power, but also through storage technologies such as Battery storage power stations. Uppsala municipality are striving for an increased local production of electricity to aid the transformation into Renewable energy and to increase the Resilience of the power grid.[1]

Battery storage system


Vattenfall is installing a battery storage system what will be online during winter 2020 which will support the local grid. It has an install capacity of 20 MWh and a maximum power of 5 MW.



Uppsala's combined heat power plant earlier had a turbine of 100 MW which corresponds to about one third of the city's maximum power need. A new building is about to be built, Carpe Futurm, which will use bio fuels and to which a turbine of 30 MW could be connected.

Solar power


Uppsala municipality has set a long term goal that solar power will cover 10-15 % of the total electricity production on an annual basis. The first sub-goal is 30 MW install capacity until 2020 and the second sub-goal is 100 MW until 2030.[1] Solar power, however, mostly produced electricity during summer at Sweden's latitude and will not contribute much to electricity production during winter.

Wind power


There is no noticable win power constructed within Uppsala munipality yet. A future development is also complicated due to the interests of Swedish armed forces, Försvarsmakten, and that many areas inside Uppsala municipality has high nature or cultural values.


  1. ^ a b Energiprogram 2050: För ett energisystem som möter effekt- och materialutmaningarna för ett klimatpositivt Uppsala (PDF). Uppsala kommun. 2018-03-14. p. 15.

[[Category:Uppsala Municipality]]