


Hello my name is __________ i was born in _________ in the month of ________ on the day of _____________. I used to live in _________, but after the year ________ i moved to ________ and am still living there today. I am currently located in the continent of _____________ in the province/state of ____________ in the city of _________ in the coordinates _________ __ _______ __. My hobby is _________ and _____ and i play __________ i currently work in ________ and my pay is ________. My deepest darkest secret is that i _________ when _________ and _________ i ________ and _________ in the __________ and _________ i ___________. currently my shcool is _________ and i hate ________ beacuse that guy aalways _________. I believe in _________ and i am a ________. The ________ is my life and i ______ for ________ hours. I think all ________ should die because they ________ and _________ all ________ because im a _____________!!!! so anyways I ________ sometims, and i've _______ many times. My social security number is _____________ and my credit card number is _________. My password for all the online sites i go to is _________ and _____________. Really if you see me in other places my name is really ____________. I love to ____ many ______s. my favorite is ____________. Sometimes i just __________ cause i know i ________. I have a __________i in _________. Something i have never old anyone is that i have ____________ a _______ where you _____. i REALLY hate _________ because _______ and ____________. yeah i know it sounds crazy but trust me i really do. anways life is good now. my wage is _______ which is _ from _____ because i _______. i have a _________- in _____ and _________ also _________. its wonderful. i have visited ________ and _________ in the year _________ and ____________. I love _______ because it is awesome!!!!









space space space space space space space space space space space

ἄθεοςThis user is an atheist.

Proverb: 'What came first, the idiot or the bozo?'

WIB?This user knows that the question is: Will It Blend?
about me
glue tape doornob
If i could go somewhere it would be cheese pie seagull
My favorite authors flying purple cows OMG- (ostriches munch grandmas) piece of pi= chicken+ 3.32
stapler yassou!!! Poland is a nation- or is it!?!?! It is a dog- OR IS IT!?!?!?!

      /        \
      |  (.)(.)|
      |    _\  |
       \ \____/|
    /            \
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  That is not me- OR IS IT?!?!?!
        sadf/     $       6      \sdfgask
   asdfsaf      jdghhjgk      hjdsagf    safd
   as|as       hjdsafvh      sagfdsg    ahsj
   sdfasf       wellwhod      knowsaid   they
   idunno       chicken&      piesotha   isgo
   zhyeah       nasdgfagh      hsjdgf     ashv

dshjgfsajdhgfhjsagdfkjgsadfjkgsajkhdgfvjksahdgfvjkgsad hasgdfjgsadfvjsahgdfvjkhsagdfkvjghsdfjkgdsfvkhdsgfvkjgdsfkvjgsa

Goverment Weapons Tests Push the buttons- ya know you wanna....

Wortheless things i've made that has no point and is stupid: Boney Peak

{{POV-section}} {{POV-section}}

This user is a Capitalist.
This user identifies as a Marxist.
this user thinks they both have good points and should not be judged as evil and should use their benefits to make a stronger central wroking, fair government

Something awesome that i DID NOT make


Mushroom cloud formation sequence:

Mushroom cloud formation.


The Strangest Idiot
For being the stupidest moron for the lamest and strangest userpage.

Picture of the day

Wheat Fields
Wheat Fields is a series of dozens of paintings by the Dutch Post-Impressionist artist Vincent van Gogh, borne out of his religious studies and sermons, connection to nature, appreciation of manual laborers and desire to provide a means of offering comfort to others. The series includes this 1890 oil-on-canvas landscape, painted at Auvers-sur-Oise and titled Wheatfield with Cornflowers, now in the collection of the Beyeler Foundation in Riehen, Switzerland.Painting credit: Vincent van Gogh




2025 AD- Intelligent race of seagulls Arrives on earth from a wormhole

2189 AD- Seagulls take over superpowers, China and the US.

2195 AD- World is conquered by seagulls. Humanity is enslaved.

2504 AD- Seagulls break into civil war

2560 AD- Seagull rule is overthrown by the re-rise of humanity

2561 AD- Seagulls flee earth and establish major Federation on moon

2578- 3001 AD- fierce space battles constantly take place between the Seagull Federation, and the Nations of Humans

3050 AD- Evil Chicken Aliens from outer space attack both humans and seagulls. Seagull Federation, and the Nations of Humans unites and fights off alien chickens

3100 AD- Seagulls and humans join together.

3108 AD- sun blows up and everyone dies. WEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yagga Foob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh mega ugh