KALI LINUX(Aircrack-ng)




Aircrack-ng is an 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program that can recover keys once enough data packets have been captured. It implements the standard FMS attack along with some optimizations like KoreK attacks, as well as the all-new PTW attack, thus making the attack much faster compared to other WEP cracking tools.

Aircrack-ng can recover the WEP key once enough encrypted packets have been captured with airodump-ng. This part of the aircrack-ng suite determines the WEP key using two fundamental methods. The first method is via the PTW approach (Pyshkin, Tews, Weinmann). The default cracking method is PTW. This is done in two phases. In the first phase, aircrack-ng only uses ARP packets. If the key is not found, then it uses all the packets in the capture. Please remember that not all packets can be used for the PTW method. This Tutorial: Packets Supported for the PTW Attack page provides details. An important limitation is that the PTW attack currently can only crack 40 and 104 bit WEP keys. The main advantage of the PTW approach is that very few data packets are required to crack the WEP key. The second method is the FMS/KoreK method. The FMS/KoreK method incorporates various statistical attacks to discover the WEP key and uses these in combination with brute forcing.

Additionally, the program offers a dictionary method for determining the WEP key.

For cracking WPA/WPA2 pre-shared keys, only a dictionary method is used. SSE2 support is included to dramatically speed up WPA/WPA2 key processing. A “four-way handshake” is required as input. For WPA handshakes, a full handshake is composed of four packets. However, aircrack-ng is able to work successfully with just 2 packets. EAPOL packets (2 and 3) or packets (3 and 4) are considered a full handshake.


How does it work?


The first method is the PTW method (Pychkine, Tews, Weinmann). The PTW method is fully described in the paper found on this web site. In 2005, Andreas Klein presented another analysis of the RC4 stream cipher. Klein showed that there are more correlations between the RC4 keystream and the key than the ones found by Fluhrer, Mantin, and Shamir and these may be additionally used to break WEP. The PTW method extends Klein's attack and optimizes it for usage against WEP. It essentially uses enhanced FMS techniques described in the following section. One particularly important constraint is that it only works with arp request/reply packets and cannot be employed against other traffic.

The second method is the FMS/Korek method which incorporates multiple techniques. The Techniques Papers on the links page lists many papers which describe these techniques in more detail and the mathematics behind them.

In this method, multiple techniques are combined to crack the WEP key:

FMS ( Fluhrer, Mantin, Shamir) attacks - statistical techniques Korek attacks - statistical techniques Brute force When using statistical techniques to crack a WEP key, each byte of the key is essentially handled individually. Using statistical mathematics, the possibility that a certain byte in the key is correctly guessed goes up to as much as 15% when the right initialization vector (IV) is captured for a particular key byte. Essentially, certain IVs “leak” the secret WEP key for particular key bytes. This is the fundamental basis of the statistical techniques.

By using a series of statistical tests called the FMS and Korek attacks, votes are accumulated for likely keys for each key byte of the secret WEP key. Different attacks have a different number of votes associated with them since the probability of each attack yielding the right answer varies mathematically. The more votes a particular potential key value accumulates, the more likely it is to be correct. For each key byte, the screen shows the likely secret key and the number of votes it has accumulated so far. Needless to say, the secret key with the largest number of votes is most likely correct but is not guaranteed. Aircrack-ng will subsequently test the key to confirm it.

Looking at an example will hopefully make this clearer. In the screenshot above, you can see, that at key byte 0 the byte 0xAE has collected some votes, 50 in this case. So, mathematically, it is more likely that the key starts with AE than with 11 (which is second on the same line) which is almost half as possible. That explains why the more data that is available, the greater the chances that aircrack-ng will determine the secret WEP key.

However the statistical approach can only take you so far. The idea is to get into the ball park with statistics then use brute force to finish the job. Aircrack-ng uses brute force on likely keys to actually determine the secret WEP key.

This is where the fudge factor comes in. Basically the fudge factor tells aircrack-ng how broadly to brute force. It is like throwing a ball into a field then telling somebody to ball is somewhere between 0 and 10 meters (0 and 30 feet) away. Versus saying the ball is somewhere between 0 and 100 meters (0 and 300 feet) away. The 100 meter scenario will take a lot longer to search then the 10 meter one but you are more likely to find the ball with the broader search. It is a trade off between the length of time and likelihood of finding the secret WEP key.

For example, if you tell aircrack-ng to use a fudge factor 2, it takes the votes of the most possible byte, and checks all other possibilities which are at least half as possible as this one on a brute force basis. The larger the fudge factor, the more possibilities aircrack-ng will try on a brute force basis. Keep in mind, that as the fudge factor gets larger, the number of secret keys to try goes up tremendously and consequently the elapsed time also increases. Therefore with more available data, the need to brute force, which is very CPU and time intensive, can be minimized.

In the end, it is all just “simple” mathematics and brute force!

For cracking WEP keys, a dictionary method is also included. For WEP, you may use either the statistical method described above or the dictionary method, not both at the same time. With the dictionary method, you first create a file with either ascii or hexadecimal keys. A single file can only contain one type, not a mix of both. This is then used as input to aircrack-ng and the program tests each key to determine if it is correct.

The techniques and the approach above do not work for WPA/WPA2 pre-shared keys. The only way to crack these pre-shared keys is via a dictionary attack. This capability is also included in aircrack-ng.

With pre-shared keys, the client and access point establish keying material to be used for their communication at the outset, when the client first associates with the access point. There is a four-way handshake between the client and access point. airodump-ng can capture this four-way handshake. Using input from a provided word list (dictionary), aircrack-ng duplicates the four-way handshake to determine if a particular entry in the word list matches the results the four-way handshake. If it does, then the pre-shared key has been successfully identified.

It should be noted that this process is very computationally intensive and so in practice, very long or unusual pre-shared keys are unlikely to be determined. A good quality word list will give you the best results. Another approach is to use a tool like john the ripper to generate password guesses which are in turn fed into aircrack-ng.

Explanation of the Depth Field and Fudge Factor The best explanation is an example. We will look at a specific byte. All bytes are processed in the same manner.

You have the votes like in the screen shot above. For the first byte they look like: AE(50) 11(20) 71(20) 10(12) 84(12)

The AE, 11, 71, 10 and 84 are the possible secret key for key byte 0. The numbers in parentheses are the votes each possible secret key has accumulated so far.

Now if you decide to use a fudge factor of 3. Aircrack-ng takes the vote from the most possible byte AE(50):

50 / 3 = 16.666666

Aircrack-ng will test (brute force) all possible keys with a vote greater than 16.6666, resulting in

AE, 11, 71

being tested, so we have a total depth of three:

0 / 3 AE(50) 11(20) 71(20) 10(12) 84(12)

When aircrack-ng is testing keys with AE, it shows 0 / 3, if it has all keys tested with that byte, it switches to the next one (11 in this case) and displays:

1 / 3 11(20) 71(20) 10(12) 84(12) Category:Hacking (computer security)