Who is Ziggy The Hamster?

Ziggy the Hamster is the mascot of The Ignition Project, the open source project I run, and more importantly, it's the nickname I use. I love you. (Hi Jerry)

What do hamsters eat?

You'd have better luck reading here. The diet of ZiggyTheHamster is enriched with a complex diet of: Lunchables, Jimmy Dean Sausage, Slim Jims, and Tabasco sauce; then consumes Bawls and Mountain Dew for energy.


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Interesting notes

The Colbert Report posted a photo of their audio board (https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/904512_10151375068511939_1090433564_o.jpg). It has phone numbers on it. Here they are:

  • Rem 1 / Cam PL: (212) 265-4914
  • IFB1:IFR2 (MXM3): (212) 265-4915
  • Rem 2 / Cam PL: (212) 265-4916
  • IFB2:IFR2 (MXM4): (212) 265-4917
  • PHN 1: (212) 581-3521