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1 – 20

  1. Joseph Zabara (JE | WP GWP G) -- See J535: Joseph Zabara
  2. Zabdai ben Levi [Wikidata] (JE | WP GWP G) Palestinian amora of the first generation (third century). He belonged to the scholarly group of which Hoshaiah Rabbah was the ......
  3. Zabim (JE | WP GWP G) Ninth tractate in the Mishnah and Tosefta of the sixth Talmudic order Ṭohorot. It deals with the uncleanness caused by ......
  4. Israel (Isidor) Zabludowski (JE | WP GWP G) Russian physician; born at Byelostok, in the government of Grodno, July 30, 1850. At the age of twelve he wrote ......
  5. Jehiel Michael ben Chayyim Zabludowski (Jehiel Michael ben Hayyim Zabludowski) (JE | WP GWP G) Russian Hebrew scholar and author; born at Byelostok, government of Grodno, in 1803; died there Nov. 14, 1869. He devoted ......
  6. Zachariah of Kiev (JE | WP GWP G) -- See J668: Judaizing Heresy
  7. Abraham ben Samuel Zacuto S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish astronomer mathematician, and historian; born at Salamanca about 1450; died in Turkey after 1510. An astronomer of wide-spread reputation, ......
  8. Moses ben Mordecai Zacuto JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Cabalistic writer and poet; born about 1625; died at Mantua Oct. 1, 1697. It is generally supposed that his birthplace ......
  9. Tzaddiq (Tzaddik, Zaddik) S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H349: Ḥasidim
  10. Tzadduqim (Tzaddukim, Zaddukim) S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See S40: Sadducees
  11. Zadok (JE | WP GWP G) A priest, perhaps the high priest during the reign of David. He was the son of Ahitub (II Sam. viii. ......
  12. Zadok Gaon (JE | WP GWP G) Gaon of Sura from 820 to 821. On the basis of a responsum quoted in the "Sha'are Ẓedeḳ" (iv. 311, ......
  13. Zadok 'Imani (JE | WP GWP G) African liturgical poet, who wrote the following eight poems that are found in the Tripolitan Maḥzor: (1) "El hekal ḳodsho"; ......
  14. Zag S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) See Benveniste, Isaac; Malea, Meïr de; Isaac ibn Sid; Alfonsine Tables. ......
  15. Tzahalon (Zahalon) >> Yom Tov Tzahalon JE (JE | WP GWP G) A family of Spanish origin; represented by members who, after the exile from Spain, settled in Italy and the Orient, ......
  16. Zakkai (JE | WP GWP G) Palestinian tanna of the second century; contemporary of Judah ha-Nasi I. and apparently a pupil of Simeon b. Yoḥai. He ......
  17. Edmund Louis Gray Zalinski (JE | WP GWP G) American soldier and inventor; born at Kurnich, Prussian Poland, Dec. 13, 1849. In 1853 his parents emigrated to the United ......
  18. Moses G. Zalinski [Wikidata] (JE | WP GWP G) American soldier; born in New York city Jan. 23, 1863; educated in the public schools. He joined the regular army ......
  19. Zalmunna S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Midianite king defeated and slain by Gideon (Judges viii. 5-7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 21; Ps. lxxxiii. 12 [A. V. ......
  20. Lazarus Ludwig Zamenhof S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Founder of the universal language "Esperanto"; born at Byelostok in Dec., 1859. His father, Markus Zamenhof, and his grandfather, Fabian ......

21 – 40

  1. Abraham ben Isaac ha-Kohen Zamosz (JE | WP GWP G) Polish rabbi and anti-Shabbethaian of the eighteenth century; rabbi of Tarly. He was very prominent in persecuting the Shabbethaians who ......
  2. Israel ben Moses ha-Levi Zamosz (JE | WP GWP G) Polish Talmudist and mathematician; born at Buberki about 1700; died at Brody April 20, 1772. He was appointed one of ......
  3. Joseph ben Jacob Isaac Zamosz (JE | WP GWP G) Polish rabbi of the eighteenth century; rabbi of Zamosz. He was the author of "Mishnat Ḥakamim" (Lemberg, 1792), an analytical ......
  4. Tzebi Hirsch ben Benjamin Zamosz (Zebi Hirsch ben Benjamin Zamosz) (JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi; born in 1740; died at Altona in 1807. He was rabbi of several communities, including Brody and ...
  5. Zamzam (JE | WP GWP G) A sacred well in the mosque of Mecca; identified by Islamitic legend with the spring from which Hagar and Ishmael ......
  6. Israel Zangwill (JE | WP GWP G) English man of letters; born in London Feb. 14, 1864. When he was young his parents ......
  7. Louis Zangwill JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) English novelist; born at Bristol, England, July 25, 1869; brother of Israel Zangwill. He was educated at Jews' Free School, ......
  8. Zante S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Island in the Aegean Sea. According to a study, as yet unpublished, by Leonidas Zoë, a lawyer of Zante, Jews ......
  9. Abraham Zante (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A573: Abraham ben Shabbethai Cohen of Zante
  10. Joseph Zapateiro (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C119: Çapateiro, Joseph
  11. Zaphnath-Paaneah (JE | WP GWP G) Name given by Pharaoh to Joseph (Gen. xli. 45). It seems to be an Egyptian name, but its etymology is ......
  12. Bruno Zappert (JE | WP GWP G) Austrian dramatist and journalist; born in Vienna Jan. 28, 1845; died there Jan. 31, 1892. The Zappert family, many members ......
  13. George Zappert JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian historian and archeologist; born in Alt-Ofen Dec. 7, 1806; died in Vienna Nov. 23, 1859. The son of well-to-do ......
  14. Israel L. Zappert (JE | WP GWP G) Austrian philanthropist; elder brother of George and grandfather of Bruno Zappert; born at Prague in 1795; died there in 1865. ......
  15. Tzara'at (Zara'at) S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See L208: Leprosy
  16. Tzarfati, Tzarefati (Zarfati, Zarefati) (JE | WP GWP G) Epithet frequently applied in rabbinical literature to Jews of French birth or descent. Among those so called may be mentioned: ......
  17. Tzarfati (Zarfati) (JE | WP GWP G) Oriental Jewish family, traced by the bibliographer Azulai to a line of French rabbis descended from Rashi through his grandson ......
  18. Tzarifa (Zarifa) (JE | WP GWP G) Name of a goddess mentioned in a single passage of the Talmud ('Ab. Zarah 12a) as having been worshiped at ......
  19. Zarka S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A717: Accents in Hebrew
  20. Judah ben Abraham Zarqo (Judah ben Abraham Zarko) (JE | WP GWP G) Hebrew poet distinguished for the elegance of his style; flourished at Rhodes in the sixteenth century. During a residence at ......

41 – 60

  1. Samuel ibn Seneh Zarza JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish philosopher; lived at Valencia in the second half of the fourteenth century. According to Zunz, his surname is derived ......
  2. Abraham bin Zarzal (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish physician and astronomer; flourished in the first half of the fourteenth century at the court of the Nasserites in ......
  3. Moses ibn Zarzal (JE | WP GWP G) Spanish physician and poet; physician in ordinary to Henry III. of Castile; flourished in the latter half of the fourteenth ......
  4. Jacob David ben Isaac Zausmer (JE | WP GWP G) Polish Masorite of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries; rabbi of Zausmer, near Cracow; died before 1644. He was the author ......
  5. Jacob ben Samuel Zausmer (JE | WP GWP G) Polish rabbi and preacher; flourished at Zausmer in the seventeenth century. He was the author of the "Bet Ya'aḳob." (Dyhernfurth, ......
  6. Zayin (?) S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Seventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The meaning of the name is uncertain. In sound the letter is a sonant ......
  7. Zbarazer (JE | WP GWP G) -- See E69: Ehrenkranz, Benjamin Wolf
  8. Samuel Zbitkover (JE | WP GWP G) -- See W43: Warsaw
  9. Zealots S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Zealous defenders of the Law and of the national life of the Jewish people; name of a party opposing with ......
  10. Zebachim (Zebahim) (JE | WP GWP G) Treatise in the Mishnah, the Tosefta, and the Babylonian Talmud, dealing mainly with the laws and regulations to be observed ......
  11. Tzeba'ot Adonai (Zeba'ot Adonai) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A840: Adonai
  12. Zebedee S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Father of the apostles James and John, and husband of Salome; a native of Galilee and a fisherman by calling ......
  13. Tzebi ben Aaron (Zebi ben Aaron) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See K29: Kaidanover, Ẓebi Hirsch
  14. Tzebi Ashkenazi (Zebi Ashkenazi) JE (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1970: Ashkenazi, Ẓebi Hirsch ben Jacob
  15. Tzebi Hirsch ben Chayyim (Zebi Hirsch ben Hayyim) (JE | WP GWP G) Dayyan and ḥazzan at Posen toward the end of the seventeenth century. Under the title "Sefer Or Yashar" he edited ......
  16. Tzebi Hirsch ben Isaac Jacob (Zebi Hirsch ben Isaac Jacob) (JE | WP GWP G) Shoḥeṭ at Cracow in the sixteenth century; a pupil of Moses Isserles. He was the author of "Haggahot le-Sefer Sheḥiṭah ......
  17. Tzebi Hirsch ben Joseph ben Tzebi ha-Kohen (Zebi Hirsch ben Joseph Zebi ha-Kohen) (JE | WP GWP G) Polish Talmudist of the seventeenth century; studied for some time at Cracow under Yom-Ṭob Lipmann Heller. He was the author ......
  18. Tzebi Hirsch b. Simon (Zebi Hirsch b. Simon) (JE | WP GWP G) Lithuanian Talmudist; lived in the middle of the eighteenth century. He was dayyan and preacher in the community of Vitebsk ......
  19. Zebid (JE | WP GWP G) Babylonian amora of the fourth century; a contemporary of Abaye, whose halakot he transmitted, and of whom he was perhaps ......
  20. Zebu'im (JE | WP GWP G) -- See H1000: Hypocrisy

61 – 80

  1. Zebulun S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) The sixth son of Leah (Gen. xxx. 20), and hence the name of the tribe descended from him (Num. i. ......
  2. Zechariah S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) One of the Minor Prophets, to whom is attributed the collection of prophecies and apocalyptic visions constituting the book bearing ......
  3. Book of Zechariah S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Prophetical book composed of fourteen chapters; the eleventh in the order of the Minor Prophets, following Haggai and preceding Malachi. ......
  4. Zechariah ben Abqilus (Zechariah ben Abkilus, Amphikalos) (JE | WP GWP G) Palestinian scholar and one of the leaders of the Zealots; lived in Jerusalem at the time of the destruction of ......
  5. Zechariah ben Jehoiada S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) A reforming priest who lived under King Joash of Judah. He reproved the idolaters, announcing God's judgment against them; and ......
  6. Zechariah ha-Kohen (JE | WP GWP G) Greek or Turkish Biblical commentator and liturgical poet of the fifteenth century; maternal grandfather of Menahem ben Moses Tamar. According ......
  7. Zechariah Mendel ben Aryeh Löb JE (JE | WP GWP G) Polish Talmudist of the eighteenth century; a native of Cracow, and in later life chief rabbi and head of the ......
  8. Zechariah Mendel ben Aryeh Löb JE (JE | WP GWP G) Galician and German preacher and scholar; born at Podhaice in the early part of the eighteenth century; died at Frankfort-on-the-Oder ......
  9. Zechariah ibn Sa'id al-Yamani (JE | WP GWP G) Author of an Arabic version of the "Yosippon"; flourished in the tenth or eleventh century. His version exists in three ......
  10. Zechariah ben Solomon Zebsil (JE | WP GWP G) German Talmudist of the sixteenth century; rabbi of the Ashkenazic community at Jerusalem, where he died. He was the father-in-law ......
  11. Tzedaqah Box (Tzedakah Box) (JE | WP GWP G) A receptacle in which voluntary charitable contributions are deposited. Theearliest mention of such a device is in connection with Jehoiada ......
  12. Joseph Kohen-Tzedeq (Joseph Kohen-Tzedek, Joseph Kohen-Zedek) (JE | WP GWP G) Austro-English rabbinical scholar and preacher; born in Lemberg 1827; died in London 1903. His family claimed to trace its ancestry ......
  13. Zedekiah S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) One of the four hundred prophets (I Kings xxii. 11, 24, 25) whom Ahab summoned to inquire of them before ......
  14. Zedekiah ben Abraham JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A1486: Anaw, Zedekiah ben Abraham
  15. Zedekiah ben Benjamin (JE | WP GWP G) Italian Talmudist and liturgist; lived in Rome in the thirteenth century; died after 1280; elder cousin of Zedekiah b. Abraham ......
  16. Alexander Ossypovitch Zederbaum JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Russian Hebrew journalist; born in Samostye, Lublin, 1816; died in St. Petersburg 1893; founder and editor of "Ha-Melitz," and other ......
  17. Joseph Zedner JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) German bibliographer and librarian; born at Gross-Glogau Feb. 10, 1804; died at Berlin Oct. 10, 1871. After completing hiseducation, he ......
  18. Israel Zeebi (JE | WP GWP G) Prominent Talmudist; son of Benjamin Zeebi, and on his mother's side a grandson of Abraham Azulai; born at Hebron in ......
  19. Tz'enah U-Re'enah (Ze'enah U-Re'enah S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Judaeo-German paraphrase of the Pentateuch, the Haftarot, and the Five Megillot, written by Jacob b. Isaac of Janow, who flourished ......
  20. Ze'era JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Palestinian amora of the third generation; born in Babylonia, where he spent his early youth. He was a pupil of ......

81 – 100

  1. Ha-Zefirah (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  2. Ze'iri (JE | WP GWP G) Amora of the third century; born in Babylonia. He sojourned for a long time in Alexandria, and later went to ......
  3. Simon Zeisel (JE | WP GWP G) Austrian chemist; born at Lomnitz, Moravia, April 11, 1854; educated at the German gymnasium of Brünn and at the University ......
  4. Sigmund Zeisler JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) American jurist; born at Bielitz, Austria, April 11, 1860; educated at the University of Vienna and at the Northwestern University, ......
  5. Hermann von Zeissl (JE | WP GWP G) Austrian dermatologist; born at Vierzighuben near Zwittau, Moravia, Sept. 22, 1817; died at Vienna Sept. 23, 1884; educated at the ......
  6. Die Zeit S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  7. Der Zeigeist (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  8. Joshua Zeitlin JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Russian rabbinical scholar and philanthropist; born at Shklov in 1742; died at Kherson Aug. 18, 1822. He was a pupil ......
  9. Joshua b. Aaron Zeitlin JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Russian scholar and philanthropist; born at Kiev Oct. 10, 1823; died at Dresden Jan. 11, 1888. While he was still ......
  10. William Zeitlin JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Russian scholar and bibliographer; born at Homel, government of Moghilef, about the middle of the nineteenth century. He is known ......
  11. Zeitschrift für die Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  12. Zeitschrift für die Religiösen Interessen des Judenthums (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  13. Zeitschrift für die Wissenschaft des Judenthums (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  14. Zeitung (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  15. Zekor Berit [he] (JE | WP GWP G) A poem by Gershom ben Judah (960-1040), the "Light of the Exile" (Zunz, "Literaturgesch." p. 239); it is chanted in ......
  16. Catherine Zelazowska JE (JE | WP GWP G) Polish convert to Judaism; born in 1460; martyred at Cracow in 1540. She was the widow of an alderman of ......
  17. Samuele Vita Zelman (JE | WP GWP G) Austro-Italian poet; born at Triest in 1808; died there in 1885. He was educated at the rabbinical college of Padua, ......
  18. Zelophehad S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) A Manassite who in one passage is called the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the grandson of Manasseh ......
  19. Tzemach ben Chayyim (Zemah ben Hayyim) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Gaon of Sura from 889 to 895. He was the stepbrother and successor of Nahshon ben Zadok, and has become ......
  20. Jacob ben Chayyim Tzemach (Jacob ben Hayyim Zemah) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Portuguese cabalist and physician; died at Jerusalem in the second half of the seventeenth century. He received a medical training ......

101 to 200


101 – 120

  1. Tzemach ben Kafnai (Zemah ben Kafnai) (JE | WP GWP G) Gaon of Pumbedita from 936 to 938, at the time when Saadia had been reinstated in the gaonate of Sura ......
  2. Magister Zematus (JE | WP GWP G) -- See M568: Michael b. Shabbethai
  3. Zemirot (JE | WP GWP G) A term applied by the Sephardim to the Psalms in the earlier sections of the morning service. The Ashkenazim, on ......
  4. Zend-Avesta S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See A2165: Avesta
  5. Zenobia Septimia S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Empress of Palmyra; regent (from 267 to 273) for her minor son Vollabathus, who had been appointed imperator by the ......
  6. Zephaniah S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) One of the twelve Minor Prophets who describes himself as "the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son ......
  7. Zephaniah ben Mordecai Troki (JE | WP GWP G) Karaite scholar and author; flourished during the latter part of the sixteenth century; brother of Joseph b. Mordecai Troki. He ......
  8. Zerahiah ben Isaac Ha-Levi Gerondi JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Talmudic author and liturgical poet of the twelfth century; disciple of Moses ben Joseph of Narbonne. Azulai and many others, ......
  9. Zerahiah ha-Yewani (RaZaH) JE (JE | WP GWP G) Byzantine ethical writer of the thirteenth or fourteenth century. Of his life no details are known, except that he was ......
  10. Zera'im S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) The first order of the Mishnah, containing eleven treatises: Berakot, Pe'ah, Demai, Kil'ayim, Shebi'it, Terumot, Ma'aserot, Ma'aser Sheni, ?allah, 'Orlah, ......
  11. Brook Zered (JE | WP GWP G) One of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness, indicated as the end of the thirty-eighth year of wandering ......
  12. Gustav Zerffi JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian journalist and revolutionist; born in Hungary about 1820. He was the author of "Wiener Lichtbilder und Schattenspiele," with twelve ......
  13. Zerika (JE | WP GWP G) Palestinian amora of the fourth century; a pupil of Eleazar, whose halakic maxims he transmitted (Soṭah 4b; Zeb. 93b; Men. ......
  14. Raphael Jedidiah Solomon ben Jeshua Tzeror (Raphael Jedidiah Solomon ben Jeshua Zeror) (JE | WP GWP G) Algerian rabbi; born at Algiers Sept. 8, 1681; died there Dec. 21, 1737. He was a descendant of a family ......
  15. Zerubbabel S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Son of Shealtiel (Ezra iii. 2, 8; Hag. i. 1; "Pedaiah" in I Chron. iii. 19 is probably a scribal ......
  16. Zevast (JE | WP GWP G) -- See W188: Will
  17. Zhidovstvuyushchaya Yeres (JE | WP GWP G) -- See J668: Judaizing Heresy
  18. Zhitomir (Jitomir) JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Russian city; capital of the government of Volhynia. It is one of the oldest towns in European Russia, having become ......
  19. Zidon (Sidon) S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Eldest son of Canaan (Gen. x. 15; I Chron. i. 13).2. According to Strabo (xvi. 2), the oldest city of ......
  20. Ignaz Ziegler JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Austrian rabbi; born at Also-Kubin, Hungary, Sept. 29, 1861; educated at the Rabbinical Seminary and at the University of Budapest ......

121 – 140

  1. Ziklag S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Simeonitic town which, after the union of the tribes of Simeon and Judah, became Judean; first mentioned in the account ......
  2. Antal Zilzer (Anton Zilzer) JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian painter; born at Budapest in 1861. He was a pupil of Rauscher, Gregusz, and Szekely at the national model ......
  3. Nathan Löb David Zimmer (JE | WP GWP G) English pietist and scholar; born at Fürth, Bavaria, in March, 1831; died at London Jan. 10, 1895. He was noted ......
  4. Helen Zimmern (JE | WP GWP G) German authoress; born at Hamburg March 25, 1846. She went to England at an early age, and resided there till ......
  5. Zimrat ha-Aretz (Zimrat ha-Arez) (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  6. Zimri S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Son of Zerah and grandson of Judah (I Chron. ii. 6), identical with Zabdi (Jos. vii. 1).2. Son of Salu, ......
  7. Zin (JE | WP GWP G) Frontier post of Judah on the south, mentioned in the description (Num. xxxiv. 4; Josh. xv. 3) of the frontier ......
  8. Zinc S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See B1412: Brass
  9. Zion S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See J242: Jerusalem
  10. Zion S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  11. Zionides JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) The songs of Zion, i.e., the lyrical hymns which express the longing of the Jewish nation to see the hill ......
  12. Zionism S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Movement looking toward the segregation of the Jewish people upon a national basis and in a particular home of its ......
  13. Der Zionist (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  14. Zippor S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Father of Balak, King of Moab, who hired Balaam to curse Israel. All the passages which mention Zippor name him ......
  15. Zipporah S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Daughter of Jethro and wife of Moses. According to the Bible,Moses met the daughters of Jethro when they were being ......
  16. Maier Zipser JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Hungarian rabbi; born at Balassa-Gyarmath Aug. 14, 1815; died at Rechnitz Dec. 10, 1869. He studied in various yeshibot, among ......
  17. Heinrich Zirndorf (JE | WP GWP G) German poet and rabbinical scholar; born at Fürth, Bavaria, May 7, 1829; died at Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 17, 1893; educated ......
  18. The Ziz, mythological flying creature the size of Leviathan in Jewish Lore
  19. Tzitzit (Zizit) S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See F423: Fringes
  20. Znaim (JE | WP GWP G) City in the Austrian province of Moravia. Jews probably settled there during the twelfth century; for in a document of ......
  21. Zoan S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) An important Egyptian city of great antiquity, almost as old as Hebron (Num. xiii. 22). The "princes of Zoan" are ......

141 – 160

  1. Zodiac S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) An imaginary zone of the heavens containing the twelve signs within which lie the paths of the principal planets, and ......
  2. Zohar S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) A pseudepigraphic work which pretends to be a revelation from God communicated through R. Simeon ben Yo?ai to the latter's ......
  3. Emile Zola S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) French novelist; born in Paris April 2, 1840; died there Sept. 29, 1902. It was only in his last years, ......
  4. Bernhard (Bär) Zomber (JE | WP GWP G) Polish scholar; born at Lask in 1821; died at Berlin in 1884. Having acquired a fair knowledge of rabbinical literature ......
  5. Zor S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See T373: Tyre
  6. Samuel ha-Levi Tzoref (Samuel ha-Levi Zoref) (JE | WP GWP G) Rabbi at Posen; died between 1710 and 1716. He was the author of "Maẓref la-Kesef" (Frankfort-on-the-Oder, 1681), containing extracts from ......
  7. Zoroastrianism S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) The religion of ancient Persia as founded by Zoroaster; one of the world's great faiths that bears the closest resemblance ......
  8. Ephraim Lamen Zox (JE | WP GWP G) Communal worker of Melbourne, Australia; born in London 1837; died Oct. 23, 1899. He was thirteen years old when he ......
  9. Zsidó Hiradó (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  10. Alfred Zucker (JE | WP GWP G) Chemist and manufacturer of Dresden, Germany; born Aug. 17, 1871, in Uffenheim, Bavaria. He studied pharmacy and chemistry at the ......
  11. Marcus Zucker (JE | WP GWP G) German librarian and author; born May 1, 1841. He was for some time chief librarian at the University of Erlangen, ......
  12. Emil Zuckerkandl JE S 2005-08-19 (JE | WP GWP G) Austrian anatomist; born at Raab, Hungary, in 1849; educated at the University of Vienna (M.D. 1874). In 1875 he became ......
  13. Moses Samuel Zuckermandel JE (JE | WP GWP G) German rabbi and Talmudist; born at Ungarisch-Brod, Moravia, April 24, 1836. He became a rabbi in Pleschen, Prussia, and was ......
  14. Benedict Zuckermann JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) German scientist; born at Breslau Oct. 9, 1818; died there Dec. 17, 1891. He received a thorough Hebrew and secular ......
  15. Aryeh Loeb Charif b. Moses (Aryeh Loeb Harif b. Moses) (JE | WP GWP G) Polish rabbi; born at Pinczow about 1773; died at Warsaw 1833. He was a thorough Talmudic scholar, and was also ......
  16. Zug S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See S1201: Switzerland
  17. Zugot JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Name given to the leading teachers of the Law in the time preceding the Tannaim. The period of the Zugot ......
  18. Johannes Hermann Zukertort S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Chess-player and physician; born at Lublin, Russian Poland, Sept. 7, 1842; died in London June 20, 1888; son of a ......
  19. Die Zukunft S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) -- See P199: Periodicals
  20. Maier Zunder (JE | WP GWP G) -- See C729: Connecticut

161 – 180

  1. Eliakim Zunser S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Russian "badḥan" and poet; born at Wilna in 1845. At the age of sixteen he had gained a local reputation ......
  2. Nathan Zuntz S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) German physiologist; born at Bonn Oct. 6, 1847; educated at the university of his native city (M.D. 1868). Becoming an ......
  3. Leopold Zunz - need to incorporate the text into our article - (JE | WP GWP G) Founder of the modern "science of Judaism" and pioneer in the history of Jewish literature, religious poetry, and the ritual ......
  4. Zuph JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) A Levite, and one of the ancestors of the prophet Samuel (I Sam. i. 1); in the parallel passage, I ......
  5. Aaron Hirsch Zupnik [de] (JE | WP GWP G) Galician Hebrew and Judæo-German writer; born at Drohobycz c. 1850. In addition to editing the "Drohobyczer Zeitung," a Judæo-German weekly ......
  6. Zurich S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Capital of the Swiss canton of the same name. Jews first settled there in the early part of the fourteenth ......
  7. Moses ben Samuel Zuriel (JE | WP GWP G) Mathematician of the seventeenth century; author of "Meḥaddesh Ḥodashim" (Venice, 1653), a calendar for 5414-34 (= 1654-74).Bibliography: Steinschneider, in Monatsschrift, ......
  8. Zurishaddai S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) The father of Shelumiel, a chief of the tribe of Simeon, who was chosen to aid Moses in numbering the ......
  9. Zurita (JE | WP GWP G) Fortified city of Castile on the River Tajo, one and one-half miles from Pastrana. It had a Jewish community as ......
  10. Mar Zutra I (JE | WP GWP G) Exilarch from 401 to 409. He was the successor of Mar Kahana and a contemporary of R. Ashi, whose enactments ......
  11. Mar Zutra II (JE | WP GWP G) Exilarch; born about 496; died about 520; ruled from 512 to 520. He was the son of Huna, who was ......
  12. Mar Zutra bar Mar Zutra (JE | WP GWP G) Palestinian scholar. On the day of his birth his father was crucified, and his mother fled with him to Palestine, ......
  13. Zuzim S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) Name of an ancient people mentioned in Gen. xiv. 5 as residing in Ham, the territory east of the Jordan, ......
  14. Lazar Zweifel (Lazar Eliezer Tzebi b. David ha-Kohen Zweifel, Lazar Eliezer Zebi b. David ha-Kohen Zweifel) (JE | WP GWP G) Russian apologist and critical compiler from rabbinical works; born at Moghilef April 15, 1815; died at Gluchof Feb. 18, 1888. ......
  15. Paul Zweifel JE S 2007-08-11 (JE | WP GWP G) German gynecologist; born at Höngg, near Zurich, Switzerland, June 30, 1848; educated at the University of Zurich (M.D. 1871). In ......
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