Aotearoa New Zealand Online Meetup 13

  • Date: Sunday 20 June 2021
  • Time: midday to 2pm
  • Location: Virtual Meeting at this link
    Note this video conferencing software link will ask permission to use your computer camera and microphone. You will need to agree to get full functionality. Google Chrome or Chromium is recommended for the best experience (not all aspects work correctly with other browsers). The Jitsi web-based video conferencing platform is 100% open source and fully encrypted. No account is needed and it's free.
  • Cost: Free

Meetup Code of Conduct and Anonymity when Meeting Via Video Conference


All attendees are expected to understand and abide by the Draft Universal Code of Conduct for the Wikimedia Movement.

This video conferencing meetup is a replacement for an in-person meetup. While attending and remaining anonymous is supported by the group, lurking is not supported and will be actively discouraged. All attendees are expected to use their User name as an identifier on the video conference call and to introduce themselves and their interest in joining the call on the chat channel of the call as a minimum. Participation using video and / or voice in addition to Chat is encouraged but not required.

Some members of the group have been the target of cyber bullying in the past and these measures are intended to support creating a safe space for collaboration.

If a new attendee joins the group with video and voice disabled, they will be encouraged to participate by the facilitator, using this script:

Welcome new attendee. This group respects your right to remain anonymous. This group has a policy of discouraging lurking as it makes some of us uncomfortable. If you are happy to introduce yourself over voice, please let us know what you've been working on and if you need help with any editing issues.
If you're not comfortable updating the group by voice, then that's okay. You have the option of introducing yourself and adding your user page link into the chat feature. The chat is deleted once the video conference finishes.
If you want to remain completely anonymous and not chat, then this meetup is not for you. We make comprehensive and extensive notes of the meetup that will be included in the meetup page afterwards. That's the best way to catch up with what this meetup has been doing if you don't want to contribute during the video call.
If you're not sure how to use the chat feature you can access it by clicking on the icon that looks like a speech bubble in the bottom left corner.

If, after an appropriate length of time, the new attendee does not participate by video, voice, or chat, the facilitator of the group will remove the attendee from the video call.

If the new attendee persists in logging in, the group will discuss abandoning the meet up.

Chat for sharing pastes, URLs and so on


The Jitsi video conferencing platform has a chat feature. This is used to share URLs and other commentary while the discussions are occurring. The facilitators may take a copy to help with writing up outcomes from the meeting on the meeting Wikipedia page. Any copies will be deleted once outcomes and notes are completed.

Future Meetups


This is a monthly event running every 4 weeks, but double check the Aotearoa New Zealand Online page to confirm.

Join the Wikimedia User Group of Aotearoa New Zealand to be kept informed.

Also see Wikipedia:New Zealand Wikipedians' notice board for discussion relevant to New Zealand Wikipedians.





Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and three tildes like this: * ~~~

Unable to come


Add your name to the list by adding an asterisk and three tildes like this: * ~~~

Agenda and Notes


1. Introduction to meet up by organisers

2. Wikimedia User Group of Aoteaora New Zealand Update and Discussion (15 minutes)

Comms Channels
User Group Page
Twitter account – please message @wikiprojectnz with what you're working on so they can message / retweet.
Facebook group (closed group for editors)
Facebook page (public page for promoting Wikimedia content relevant to NZ, encouraging editing and contributing)
Mailing list for newsletter please contact Giantflightlessbirds
Wiki-Con Weekends in 2021 and Events
Anything to update / discuss?
  • Any update on #1Lib1Ref campaign that will be taking place for three weeks between the 15 May to 2 June 2021?
Ambrosia10 (talk) to report back on campaign results. See this for report and this for Dashboard figures.
Next date for this online meeting is the 18 July. Because the conference is happening at the same time and a lot of us will be at the WikiCon in Auckland what shall we do with this online meeting? Cancel it for that date or continue it recognising it will have reduced attendence? Group agreed to hold the meeting the same time but the week after the WikiCon event.
Update on WikiCon progress.
Sunday 11.15am presentation slot - WikiSource?
Meetup location on Friday night
Registrations - at 16 pax - if you are attending and haven't registered please do so in order that the catering can be confirmed.
Surveying attendees - do we have any questions we'd like to ask those attending the Auckland WikiCon?

3. Jon will demo some graph tools he's been using

  • Jon didn't attend.

4. Wiki News – add any news from the wider Wiki movement the group may be unaware of

  • Wikimania
Ambrosia10 contacted to enquire whether New Zealand will be contributing. Ambrosia10 will be contributing either to deliver a lightening talk or be a panel member. Andrew Leh is hunting for other contributors. MargaretRDonald has put in a submission in. You can modify what you put up. Do give it a go.
  • Update on Wiki Loves Earth.
MargaretRDonald . There’s a pre-jury link here.

The quality of images are variable and it's lots of work to sort through to find the gems and ensure that the metadata is accurate. Thanks to those who have ranked images so far.

5. Round table for participants to say what you’re working on and if you need help to do anything or want anything demonstrated – You can add requests for help here prior to the meeting if you want

  • Very productive and enjoyable editing session at Christchurch Art Gallery yesterday. Tim Jones, the librarian, was very helpful. 5 editors in person and another 4 or so by distance. We'd like to go there again later in the year; TBC. MurielMary (talk) 00:01, 20 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  • Ambrosia10 Working on Auckland WikiCon presentation. Attended the Christchurch edit-a-thon remotely. Having a jitzi panel really made it great as it allowed us to chat. We had a couple of interactions with the presenter at the start but then it felt as if they forgot us but that was fine as we were editing together remotely. Also doing more 1Lib1Ref reporting and editing.
  • Marshelec Wiki-time has been spent on the performing arts project. Some of its been difficult to find suitable citations, particularly for performance venues. Out of his comfort zone but enjoying it. DrThneed recommended that Marshelec might want to look at if there are notable performances per venue. Discussion on what should be included in a typical article and what should be left out. This work is leaving Pakoire with more work to do for theatre companies and venues that are not covered at the moment. MurielMary recommended looking at an article of a similar but very well known subject to help work out what to include and what not to include for lesser known subjects.
  • Lcmortensen Three months since we met up in Hokitika, completed entries for every school in New Zealand into Wikidata using Open Refine. Making sure that all Olympic and Paralympic athletes are included into Wikidata. Most articles in Wikipedia are stubs at best. In Masterton at the moment so taking a few photographs for Wikimedia Commons. Editing as needed - bits and pieces.
  • Gertrude206 Haven’t done much in the last month. Finished the article on Roger Fox. Looking for a photo. Giantflightlessbirds had an invitation to talk to a University of the Third Age (U3A) group which has been passed on to Gertrude206. Will be talking with Ambrosia10 about this.
  • DrThneed Went all out on 1Lib1Ref. It prompts a different kind of editing. Used the cleanup list identified by Ambrosia10 but took some time to find something on the list that they wanted to work on. Eventually found a section - orphaned articles - and linked those up and added citations along the way. Also working on theatre awards such as the Chapman Tripp awards and getting them into wikidata and wikipedia. Dunedin Theatre Awards are next. Performing arts editathon is happening in Dunedin on 10 July.
  • MurielMary is contributing wikipedia writing on Pakoire’s performing arts project. Yesterday’s event for the meetup at Christchurch Art Gallery went really well. Also has been tinkering with the facebook page. Today is World Refugee Day. Next week is National Volunteering Week. Re-posting the Stuff article on the wikipedia user group. If anyone is interested in contributing to a video piece on why you contribute to Wikipedia please get in touch.

6. Review of questions raised during round table

  • No questions.

7. Further discussion

  • National Digital Forum Conference Group has idea of putting together a presentation talking about our community and our engagement with the GLAM sector. Giantflightlessbirds Ambrosia10 and Einebillion have all presented in the past and maybe we need a new face to represent the User Group to NDF. Looking for someone who might want to present on behalf of the community. MurialMary expressed an interest. Funding to attend could be sourced from an NDF scholarship - they’ve offered these in the past, a rapid grant from Wikimedia Foundation or application for Internet NZ funding to attend the conference.
  • General discussion on the coverage of journalism and the lack of pages for Voyager media awards for 2020 and 2021. MurialMary will add these to her long list.
  • MargaretRDonald asked if anyone had any feedback on the pre-jury tool for Wiki Loves Earth


  • Add anything you worked on or learned during the meetup.

Next meeting and Meetup timetables

  • 25 July 2021, same time, same place