AVIFAUNA No. 11 A Distributional List of the Birds of California By JOSEPH GRINNELL 217 page? and 3 maps Published October 21, 1915 An up-to-date, authoritative bird-list which should be in the hands of every active bird student in the western United States. It gives geographical ranges, with exact citations, and will be the basis for all further distributional studies. The Cooper Club has strained its resources to the limit to publish this latest number in its Avifauna series. The management urges quick re- spouse, so that a large sale will help meet this unusual expense. Each C. 0. C. member should procure a copy at once. Members of the C. 0. C. may take the regular Club discount (50%) which applies to all Aftfaunas. Price, prepaid, $3.00 W. LEE CHAMBERS, Business Manager Eagle Rock, Los Angeles Co., Calif. BIRDS ---NESTS---EGGS Thc Ooloist is one of the oldest publi- cations in the UnitedStates devoted to these. It is now in its thirty-third year. If you are interested, subscribe now. Only Fifty Cents per year. The Oologist, Lacon, Ill. BIID--LO! E For October is A Bird Club Number with articles by Mr. Baynes of the Meri- den Club, Dr. Kennedy of the Brush Hill Club, Mr. Floyd of the Milton Club, Mr. Ripley of the Hartford Club, Dr. Allen of the Ithaca Club, and others. These reports contain information of the utmost value to organizers and con- ductors of Bird Clubs. 20 Cents a Copy $1. OO a Year D. APPLETON C? CO. Harrisburg, Pa.
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