Western Romance language of the Indo-European language family
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Phrasebooks > Portuguese phrasebook

Portuguese-speaking areas

Portuguese (português) is a Romance language. It is spoken as the official language of Portugal and Brazil, with some differences in pronunciation, spelling, vocabulary, and use of pronouns. It is also the official language of Angola, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, and São Tomé and Príncipe. It is co-official in East Timor, Equatorial Guinea, and Macau. It is spoken in the Indian state of Goa and the union territory of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, mainly by the elderly. Portuguese-based creoles are still spoken in various former Portuguese colonies in Africa and Asia. There are around 250 million Portuguese native speakers, the vast majority in Brazil, and 24 million second-language speakers.

Distribution of Portuguese speakers by percentage in the four countries with most speakers. (Outros = "Others")

If you know a Romance language, it will be easier for you to learn Portuguese. It is closely related to Spanish, and even more closely related to Galician, which descends from the common ancestor tongue of Galician-Portuguese (also known as Old Portuguese, Medieval Galician, or galego-português). However, people who know a little Spanish may hastily conclude that Portuguese is close enough that it need not be studied separately. While they may be able to figure out the meaning of some signage, items on a menu, etc., understanding of verbal communication will be very low to nothing. Words such as "gente" (people) are pronounced so differently in either variant of Portuguese, that you would hardly recognise them. Also, some personal names such as "Jorge Ramos," for example, will be pronounced quite differently as well. If you speak Spanish fluently, invest a few hours getting used to the sound differences and some common words—after that you'll be able to make rapid progress understanding what people are saying to you. If you know Spanish, watch for a lot of new vowels, a large number of contractions (comparable to del and al) and irregular plurals. Some pronunciation differences can be easily missed, such as año (year) becoming ano. If you speak good French, you may find Portuguese pronunciation to be fairly easy, though much of the vocabulary will have changed substantially.

Pronunciation guide

With Wikivoyage's easy-to-understand pseudo-phoneticization pronunciation help and embedded sound clip files, there's no need to learn the cryptic IPA characters to speak Portuguese with confidence. (Click image to enlarge chart.)

The pronunciation in Portugal differs significantly from that in Brazil. The difference is basically in pronunciation and a few vocabulary differences, which make it tricky even for Brazilians to understand the European Portuguese accent. Speech rhythm differs between the countries. European Portuguese is what linguists call "stress-timed", which is the same speech rhythm used by English speakers. This leads to unstressed vowels being reduced or omitted altogether by speakers in Portugal. Depending on circumstances, Brazilian Portuguese varies between stress-timed and "syllable-timed", the more "musical" speech rhythm found in languages such as French, Italian, and Spanish.


Nasal vowels

Like French, Portuguese has its share of nasal vowels. These are written in one of six ways:

  1. A tilde over the vowel: ã, õ (This is also the phonetic representation of the nasal vowel.)
  2. Any vowel followed by m at the end of a word
  3. Any vowel followed by n plus a consonant (except nh)
  4. Any vowel followed by m plus b or p
  5. The vowel â with the circumflex (stressed)
  6. The diphthong ui, if in the middle of a word

Often, but not always, nasal vowels occur at the end of a word.


  1. imã (EE-muhn, magnet; a tricky word, end it nasally, don't move your tongue or close the mouth for the final N), rã (frog; say aloud the English word "run" with a guttural (throat-clearing) R and not closing your mouth for the final N, and you'll fairly be close), irmã (eer-MUHN with mouth open, sister); diphthongs: irmão (eer-MUHNW, brother), cão (kuhnw, dog), Camões (the Portuguese poet)
  2. andam (UHN-duhnw, they walk), viagem (vee-AH-zhehn, trip), ruim (roo-EEN, bad), bom (bohn, good), algum (ahl-GOON, singular male form of adjective "some")
  3. antes (UHN-t(ih)sh, before), mundo (MOON-doo, world), ano (UHN-noo, year), but not nulo (NOO-loo, null), enorme (ee-NOHR-m(ih), enormous), banho (BUH-nyoo, bath), etc.)
  4. emprego (ehn-PR(IH)-goo, job), simples (SEEM-pl(ih)sh, simple), combinar (kohn-bee-NAHR, to combine, to harmonize one's clothes, to set up a date), penumbra (pehn-OOM-bruh, astronomical word)
  5. lâmpada (LUHM-puh-duh, lamp), but not você, avô (uh-VOH, grandfather), etc.
  6. muito (MUHNY-too, much): slight nasalization

Many vowel sounds do not have exact equivalents in English, so examples below are the best approximations.

as the 'a' in "about" [uh]  (IPA: ɐ)
as the 'a' in "father" [ah]  (IPA: a)
as the 'a' in "about" [uh]  (IPA: ɐ), usually nasalized, as it's typically follows by n or m [uhn]  (IPA: ɐ̃)
ã, -am, -an, -âm, -ân
a nasal sound like 'um' in "umbrella" [uhn]  (IPA: ɐ̃)
like 'i' in "him" [ih]  (IPA: ɨ), or nearly absent at the end of many words and in unstressed syllables
long sound as the 'e' in "get" [eh]  (IPA: ɛ)
similar to the 'i' in "ill" [ih]  (IPA: ɨ)
-em, -en, -êm, -ên
nasal sound like 'en' in "end" [ehn]  (IPA: )
as the 'ee' in "week" [ee]  (IPA: i)
-im, -in, -ím, -ín
nasal sound like 'ing' in "wing" [een]  (IPA: ĩ)
as the 'o' in "open" [oh]  (IPA: o), often reduced or nearly silent at the end of words after a "t" or "d"; in many positions, like the 'oo' in "boot" [oo]  (IPA: u)
like the 'a' in "awful" [aw]  (IPA: ɔ)
like the 'oa' in "coat" [oh]  (IPA: o), but less rounded
-om, -on, -ôm, -ôn
nasal sound like "Ohm" [ohn]  (IPA: õ)
as the 'oo' "boot" [oo]  (IPA: u)
-um, -un, -úm, -ún
nasal sound like 'um' in "hum" [oom]  (IPA: ũ)


[b] like boy (IPA: b)
[k] like scam (before a, o, or u; IPA: k)
[s, ss] like peace (before e or i, or with a cedilha, ç; IPA: s)
[d] like do (IPA: d)
[f] like fin (IPA: f)
[g] like go (before a, o, or u; IPA: ɡ). When followed by "u" the "u" is usually silent when it's followed by "e" or "i".
[zh] like sabotage (before e or i; IPA: ʒ)
silent at the beginning of a word; see digraphs the "ch", "lh", and "nh" below
[zh] like measure (IPA: ʒ)
[k] like skit (found only in loanwords; IPA: k)
[l, ll] light L (higher-pitched, non-dental), like British light (IPA: l)
[m] like milk (IPA: m)
[n] like nose (IPA: n)
[p] like spin (IPA: p)
[k] like skit (IPA: k). The following "u" is pronounced like the semi-vowel "w" before "a" as in quando ("when", KWUHN-doo, /ˈkwɐ̃.du./) or "o" (uncommon words only). The "u" is silent when followed by an "e" as in quente ("hot", KEHN-t(ih), /ˈkẽ.tɨ/) or an "i" as in quinta ("fifth", "Thursday", "farm", or "villa", KEEN-tuh, /ˈkĩ.tɐ/).
[r] flapped R, like American butter (IPA: ɾ), or [rr] guttural R, pronounced at the back of the throat (IPA: ʁ), depending on context. "rr" is always guttural.
[s] like seem (when at the beginning of a word or when followed by an "s"; IPA: s)
[sh] like pressure (when at the end of a word or when followed by a consonant other than "s"; IPA: ʃ), e.g., gostaria ("I/he/she would like", goosh-tuh-REE-uh, /guʃ.tɐ.ˈɾi.ɐ/)
[z] like busy (if preceded and followed by vowels; IPA: z), e.g., casa /KAH-zuh/
[t] like still (IPA: t)
[v] like very (IPA: v)
[w] like will (found only in loanwords; IPA: w)
[ks] like taxi (IPA: ks), [sh] like ship (IPA: ʃ), or [s] like seem (IPA: s), depending on context
[y] like hallelujah (found only in loanwords; IPA: j)
[z] like zoo (IPA: z)
[zh] like measure (IPA: ʒ)

Common diphthongs

Many signs in tourist areas and sights are bilingual Portuguese/English.
ãe, ãi
as 'ai' in "main" but nasalised [uhny]  (IPA: ɐ̃j̃)
ai, ái
like 'ie' in "pie" [igh]  (IPA: aj)
as 'ow' in "cow" but nasalised [uhnw]  (IPA: ɐ̃w̃)
au, áu
as 'ow' in "cow" [ahw]  (IPA: aw)
ei, éi, êi
as 'ay' in "play" [ehy]  (IPA: ɐj)
eu, êu
as in the exclamation "ew!" [ihw]  (IPA: ew)
eu, éu
like "eh oo" [ehw]  (IPA: ɛw)
as 'oy' in "oyster" but nasalised [ohny]  (IPA: õj̃)
oi, ôi
as 'oy' in "oyster" [ohy]  (IPA: oj)
oi, ói
as 'oy' in "oyster", but less rounded [awy]  (IPA: ɔj)
as 'oo' in "took", but less rounded [ohw]  (IPA: ow)
as 'wee' in "week" [ooy]  (IPA: uj), may nasalised as in the word "mui" [oony]  (IPA: ũj̃)

Common digraphs

[sh] like ship (IPA: ʃ)
[ly] somewhat like million (IPA: ʎ)
[ny] somewhat like canyon (IPA: ɲ)


Many old neon signs can still be found throughout Portugal.

As a general guide, stress the penultimate (last-but-one) syllable in most words unless it ends with any of the following letters: -i, -l, -r, -u, -x, -z, -im, -um, -ins, -is, -uns, -us – in which case, the stress is on the last syllable. Words that are stressed on syllables not according to these rules will have a written accent on the accented syllable.



Wikivoyage provides pronunciation help in certain contexts such as phrasebooks and destination names. Wikivoyage's pronunciation help mainly uses pseudo-phoneticization, for which readers can find a simplified pronunciation guide.

Beyond this preferred standard, you may also find:

  • IPA, the International Phonetic Alphabet
  • recorded sound files

This section serves as a bridge between Wikivoyage's pseudo-phoneticization, IPA symbols, and the sounds specific to the Portuguese language as spoken in Portugal. This article should not be used for Brazilian Portuguese, but it will provide some guidance for other Portuguese-speaking countries.

Vowel sounds


Portuguese has several vowel sounds not found in English. These are rendered as close but inexact approximations.

Portuguese vowel sounds
Wikivoyage pseudo-phoneticization IPA Portuguese example English approximation Sound
ah a falámos father
aw ɔ hospital off
ee i dia see
eh ɛ café set
ih e mesa they, varies
(ih) ɨ de (often barely audible or absent) emission, varies
oh o avô row
oo u rua boot
uh ɐ manhã about

Consonant sounds


Portuguese consonants mostly sound like their English equivalents. A few can only be given as approximations, such as ʎ (ly), ɲ (ny), ɾ (r), ʁ (rr).

Portuguese consonant sounds
Wikivoyage pseudo-phoneticization IPA Portuguese example English approximation Sound
b b cabeça baby
d d digo today
f f café face
g ɡ gato ago
k k dica, quente, kiwi scan, skip
l l lua lot, toll
ly ʎ velho million
m m mês might
n n não not
ny ɲ sonho canyon
p p sopa spouse
r ɾ por favor latter (very roughly)
rr ʁ rio, carro, enrascado French rouge
s s saco, isso, braço, máximo sack
sh ʃ escola, dez, chave, baixo sheep, pressure
t t tipo stand
v v vela vest
z z casa, os amigos, doze, existir zebra
zh ʒ já, gente, rasgo, os meus pleasure

Semivowel sounds

Portuguese semivowel sounds
Wikivoyage pseudo-phoneticization IPA Portuguese example English approximation Sound
y j saia, pais you, boy
w w mau quick, glow

Other symbols

Other symbols for Portuguese sounds
Wikivoyage pseudo-phoneticization IPA Portuguese example Explanation
CAPITAL LETTERS ˈ (apostrophe) falo (FAH-loo, /ˈfa.ɫu/) stressed syllable
n ˜ (tilde) inglês (een-GLIHSH, /ĩ.ˈgɫeʃ/) nasalisation
- (hyphen) . (full stop/period) rio (RREE-oo, /ˈʁi.u/) syllable break
( ) (parentheses) ( ) (parentheses) Douro (DOH(W)-roo, /ˈdo(w).ɾu/ optional or reduced sound


Portugal has some beautiful schools, but you can learn Portuguese right here on your own device.



Portuguese nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and articles have a grammatical gender–either masculine or feminine. Humans and animals use the gender that matches their real-world gender. Inanimate objects and concepts require memorization. Generally, the endings on these classes of words will reflect the gender. Nouns ending in -o (singular) or -os (plural) are masculine, while those ending in -a or -as are feminine. However, words ending in -ção or ções are usually feminine with some exceptions. Nouns ending in -r, -e, or -u vary.

The most important gender difference that travellers need to know is "thank you". Men say obrigado, and women say obrigada. (Obrigado/a is an adjective which literally means "obliged".) Learning other adjective differences can also come in handy. "I am tired" is estou cansado for men and estou cansada for women. Most adjectives follow this pattern.



Portuguese has definite and indefinite articles, with different forms according to the gender and number of the noun to which they refer:

Articles in Portuguese
singular plural meaning
masculine feminine masculine feminine
definite article o a os as "the"
indefinite article um uma uns umas "a"/"an"; "some" (in the plural)


A 16th-century Portuguese orthography guide. After centuries of writing reforms, many of the spellings are now archaic.

Plurals are formed by adding an "s". In most cases, it's just added at the end of the word with no further fuss. "The house" is a casa, and "the houses" is as casas. "The car" is o carro, and "the cars" is os carros. Note that "s" is added to both the article and the noun.

In some cases, the root word changes slightly. "The television" is a televisão and "the televisions" is as televisões, with "ão" changing to "õe" before adding the "s". "The hotel" is o hotel and "the hotels" is os hotéis, with the "l" changing to an "i" and the "e" gaining an acute accent before adding the "s". "The man" is o homem, and "the men" is os homens, with the "m" changing to "n" before adding the "s".



The personal pronouns of Portuguese have three basic forms: subject, object (object of a verb), and prepositional (object of a preposition).

Portuguese pronouns
number person subject object of verb object of preposition
singular 1st eu me mim
2nd tu te ti
3rd ele, ela o, a1; lhe2; se3 ele, ela; si3
plural 1st nós nos nós
2nd vós vos vós
3rd eles, elas os, as1; lhes2; se3 eles, elas; si3
1 direct object (masculine and feminine)
2 indirect object
3 reflexive or reciprocal, direct or indirect object

The pronoun "you"


In Portuguese, there are different words for the second-person singular pronoun "you", depending on level of formality and politeness. It basically boils down to how well you know the person you're addressing. Travellers can get by using você with the third-person singular verb. "How are you?" would be Como é que você está?. However, in most contexts, including this one, the pronoun can be—and usually is—dropped, so you would say Como é que está? or simply Como está?. More formally, you can say o senhor ("sir", "the gentleman") or a senhora ("madam", "the lady"), as in Como está o senhor? and Como está a senhora?, but this would not be expected of tourists. If you get to know someone well enough to be on a first-name basis, you can use the second-person singular pronoun tuComo é que tu estás?, or more typically Como estás?.

For the second-person plural "you", the Portuguese use vocês with the third-person plural verb. The traditional form of second-person plural "you", vós, has fallen into disuse and nowadays is found only in literature, scripture, or highly formal contexts.

The use of pronouns in Portugal is one of the major differences from Brazilian Portuguese.



Portuguese has a complex verb conjugation system compared to English, but it's simpler than some other languages. There are three classes of conjugation, based on the ending of the infinitive:

  • First conjugation: ending in -ar
  • Second conjugation: ending in -er
  • Third conjugation: ending in -ir

There are also several verbs with irregular conjugation. As a traveller, having a quick overview of the present tense of each verb class and a few common irregular verbs should suffice. For the regular conjugations, remove the -ar, -er, or -ir ending from the infinitive and add the letters in bold from the tables below.

Like Spanish and Italian, but in contrast to English or French, Portuguese is a "pro-drop" language, where you can leave off the subject pronoun if it is clear from context. For example, eu canto and canto both mean "I sing"; tu comes and comes both mean "you eat".

First conjugation: cantar ("to sing")
English Portuguese
I sing eu canto
you (singular informal) sing tu cantas
he/she sings ele/ela canta
you (singular polite) sing você canta
we sing nós cantamos
they sing eles/elas cantam
you (plural) sing vocês cantam
Second conjugation: comer ("to eat")
English Portuguese
I eat eu como
you (sing. inf.) eat tu comes
he/she eats ele/ela come
you (sing. pol.) eat você come
we eat nós comemos
they eat eles/elas comem
you (pl.) eat vocês comem
Third conjugation: partir ("to leave")
English Portuguese
I leave eu parto
you (sing. inf.) leave tu partes
he/she leaves ele/ela parte
you (sing. pol.) leave você parte
we leave nós partimos
they leave eles/elas partem
you (pl.) leave vocês partem
Irregular: ser ("to be" long-term)
English Portuguese
I am eu sou
you (sing. inf.) are tu és
he/she is ele/ela é
you (sing. pol.) are você é
we are nós somos
they are eles/elas são
you (pl.) are vocês são
Irregular: estar ("to be" short-term)
English Portuguese
I am eu estou
you (sing. inf.) are tu estás
he/she is ele/ela está
you (sing. pol.) are você está
we are nós estamos
they are eles/elas estão
you (pl.) are vocês estão
Irregular: ter ("to have")
English Portuguese
I have eu tenho
you (sing. inf.) have tu tens
he/she has ele/ela tem
you (sing. pol.) have você tem
we have nós temos
they have eles/elas têm
you (pl.) have vocês têm

Phrase list


The Brazilian phrasebook details a few vocabulary differences between the two countries' varieties.


Common signs
Aberto (uh-BEHR-too, /ɐ.ˈbɛɾ.tu/)
Fechado (f(ih)-SHAH-doo, /fɨ.ˈʃa.du/)
Entrada (ihn-TRAH-duh, /ẽ.ˈtɾa.dɐ/)
Saída (suh-EE-duh, /sɐ.ˈi.dɐ/)
Empurre (ehm-POO-rr(ih), /ẽ.ˈpu.ʁɨ/)
Puxe (POO-sh(ih), /ˈpu.ʃɨ/)
Casa de banho (KAH-zuh d(ih) BUH-nyoo, /ˈka.zɐ dɨ ˈbɐ.ɲu/)
Homens or Senhores (AW-muhnsh, suh-NYOH-r(ih)sh, /ˈɔ.mɐ̃jʃ/, /sɐ.ˈɲo.ɾɨʃ/)
Mulheres or Senhoras (moo-LYEH-r(ih)sh, suh-NYOH-ruhsh, /mu.ˈʎe.ɾɨʃ/, /sɐ.ˈɲo.ɾɐʃ/)
Proibido (proo-ee-BEE-doo, /pɾu.i.ˈbi.du/)
Hello. (formal)
Olá. (oh-LAH, /o.ˈɫa/)
How are you?
Como está? (KOH-moo sh-TAH?, /ˈko.mu ʃ.ˈta/)
Fine, thank you.
Bem, obrigado. (masc.) / Bem, obrigada. (fem.) (buhny, aw-bree-GAH-doo / buhny, aw-bree-GAH-duh, /bɐ̃j ɔ.bɾi.ˈga.du(ɐ)/, /bɐ̃j ɔ.bɾi.ˈga.dɐ/)
What is your name?
Como se chama? (KOH-moo s(ih) SHUH-muh?, /ˈko.mu sɨ ˈʃɐ.mɐ/)
My name is ______.
Chamo-me ______. (SHUH-moo-m(ih) ______.)
Pleased to meet you.
Prazer em conhecer. (pruh-ZIHR uhny koo-ny(ih)-SIHR, /pɾɐ.ˈzeɾ ɐ̃j ku.ɲɨ.ˈseɾ/)
Por favor. / Se faz favor. (poor fuh-VOHR / s(ih) FAHSH fuh-VOHR, /puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/ , /sɨ ˈfaʃ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
Thank you.
Obrigado. (masc.) / Obrigada. (fem.) (aw-bree-GAH-doo/aw-bree-GAH-duh, /ɔ.bɾi.ˈga.du/ , /ɔ.bɾi.ˈga.du/)
You're welcome.
De nada. (d(ih) NAH-duh, /dɨ ˈna.dɐ/)
Sim. (seem, /ˈsĩ/)
Não. (nuhnw, /ˈnɐ̃w/)
Excuse me. (getting attention)
Com licença. (kohm lee-SEHN-suh, /kõ ɫi.ˈsẽ.sɐ/)
Excuse me. (begging pardon)
Desculpe. / Perdão. (d(is)h-KOOL-p(ih) / p(ih)r-DUHNW, /dɨʃ.ˈkuɫ.pɨ/ , /pɨɾ.ˈdɐ̃w/)
I'm sorry.
Desculpe. (d(ih)sh-KOOL-p(ih), /dɨʃ.ˈkuɫ.pɨ/)
Adeus. (ah-DIHWSH, /ɐ.ˈdewʃ/)
I can't speak Portuguese well.
Não falo bem português. (nuhnw FAH-loo buhn poor-too-GIHSH, /ˈnɐ̃w ˈfa.ɫu bɐ̃j puɾ.tu.ˈgeʃ/)
Do you speak English?
Fala inglês? (FAH-luh een-GLIHSH?, /ˈfa.ɫɐ ĩ.ˈgɫeʃ/)
Is there someone here who speaks English?
Alguém aqui fala inglês? (ahl-GUHNY uh-KEE FAH-luh een-GLIHSH, /aɫ.ˈgɐ̃j ɐ.ˈki ˈfa.ɫɐ ĩ.ˈgɫeʃ/)
I (only) speak English.
(Só) falo inglês. (saw FAH-loo een-GLIHSH, /ˈsɔ ˈfa.ɫu ĩ.ˈgɫeʃ/)
Socorro! (soo-KOH-rroo, /su.ˈko.ʁu/)
Help me!
Ajude-me! (uh-ZHOO-d(ih) m(ih), /ɐ.ˈʒu.dɨ-mɨ/)
Look out!
Atenção! / Cuidado! (uh-tehn-SUHNW / cooy-DAH-doo, /ɐ.tẽ.ˈsɐ̃w/, /kuj.ˈda.du/)
Good morning.
Bom dia. (bohm DEE-uh, /bõ ˈdi.ɐ/)
Good afternoon.
Boa tarde. (BOH-uh TAHR-d(ih), /ˈbo.ɐ ˈtaɾ.dɨ/)
Good evening./Good night.
Boa noite. (BOH-uh NOHY-t(ih), /ˈbo.ɐ ˈnoj.tɨ/)
I understand.
Compreendo. / Percebo. / Entendo. (kohm-prih-EHN-doo / pihr-SIH-boo / ehn-TEHN-doo, /kõ.pɾi.ˈẽ.du/, /pɨɾ.ˈse.bu/, /ẽ.ˈtẽ.du/)
I don't understand.
Não compreendo. (nuhnw kohm-prih-EHN-doo, /ˈnɐ̃w kõ.pɾi.ˈẽ.du/)
Where is the toilet/restroom?
Onde é a casa de banho? (OHN-d(ih) eh uh KAH-zuh d(ih) BUH-nyoo, /ˈõ.dɨ ˈɛ ɐ ˈka.zɐ dɨ ˈbɐ.ɲu/)


Portugal's firefighters (bombeiros), mostly volunteers, operate the ambulance services.
Leave me alone!
Deixe-me em paz! (DAY-sh(ih)-m(ih) ehm pahsh!, /ˈdɐj.ʃɨ mɨ ɐ̃j ˈpaʃ/)
Don't touch me!
Não me toque! (nuhnw m(ih) TOH-k(ih)!, /ˈnɐ̃w mɨ ˈto.kɨ/)
I'll call the police.
Vou chamar a polícia. (voh shuh-MAHR uh poo-LEE-see-uh, /ˈvo ʃɐ.ˈmaɾ ɐ pu.ˈɫi.sɨ.ɐ/)
Polícia! (poo-LEE-see-uh, /pu.ˈɫi.sɨ.ɐ/)
Stop! Thief!
Pára! Ladrão! (PAH-ruh luh-DRUHNW, /ˈpa.ɾɐ ɫɐ.ˈdɾɐ̃w/)
I need your help.
Preciso da sua ajuda. (pr(ih)-SEE-zoo duh SOO-uh uh-ZHOO-dah, /pɾɨ.ˈsi.zu dɐ ˈsu.ɐ ɐ.ˈʒu.dɐ/)
It's an emergency.
É uma emergência. (eh OO-muh ee-m(ih)r-ZHEHN-see-ah, /ˈɛ ˈu.mɐ i.mɨɾ.ˈʒẽ.si.ɐ/)
I'm lost.
Estou perdido. (masc.) / Estou perdida. (fem.) (sh-TOH p(ir)r-DEE-doo(uh), /ʃ.ˈto pɨɾ.ˈdi.du(ɐ)/)
I lost my bag.
Perdi a minha mala. (p(ih)r-DEE uh MEE-nyah MAH-luh, /pɨɾ.ˈdi ɐ ˈmi.ɲɐ ˈma.ɫɐ/)
I lost my wallet.
Perdi a minha carteira. (p(ih)r-DEE uh MEE-nyah kuhr-TAY-ruh, /pɨɾ.ˈdi ɐ ˈmi.ɲɐ kaɾ.ˈtɐj.ɾɐ/)
I'm sick.
Eu estou doente. (ehw sh-TOH doo-EHN-t(ih), /ˈew ʃ.ˈto du.ˈẽ.tɨ/)
I've been injured.
Eu fui ferido. (ehw fooy f(ih)-REE-doo, /ˈew ˈfuj fɨ.ˈɾi.du/)
I need a doctor.
Preciso de um médico. (pr(ih)-SEE-zoo d(ih) oom MEH-dee-koo, /pɾɨ.ˈsi.zu dɨ ˈũ ˈmɛ.di.ku/)
Call an ambulance.
Chame uma ambulância. (SHUH-m(ih) OO-muh uhm-boo-LUHN-see-uh, /ˈʃɐ.mɨ ˈu.mɐ ɐ̃.bu.ˈɫɐ̃.si.ɐ./)
Can I use your phone?
Posso usar o seu telefone? (POHS-soo OO-zahr oo sehw t(ih)-l(ih)-FOH-n(ih), /ˈpo.su u.ˈzaɾ u ˈsew tɨ.ɫɨ.ˈfo.nɨ/)


Try your luck with the numbers at an establishment with this sign like this newsstand in Lisbon. The lottery supports charitable causes.
zero (ZEH-roo, /ˈze.ɾu/)
um (masc.) / uma (fem.) (oom / OO-muh, /ˈũ/, /ˈu.mɐ/)
dois (masc.) / duas (fem.) (dohysh / DOO-uhsh, /ˈdojʃ/, /ˈdu.ɐʃ/)
três (trehsh, /ˈtɾeʃ/)
quatro (KWAH-troo, /ˈkwa.tɾu/)
cinco (SEEN-koo, /ˈsĩ.ku/)
seis (saysh, /ˈsɐjʃ/)
sete (SEH-t(ih), /ˈse.tɨ/)
oito (OHY-too, /ˈoj.tu/)
nove (NOH-v(ih), /ˈno.vɨ/)
dez (dehsh, /ˈdɛʃ/)
onze(OHN-z(ih), /ˈõ.zɨ/)
doze(DOH-z(ih), /ˈdo.zɨ/)
treze (TRIH-z(ih), /ˈtɾe.zɨ/)
catorze (kuh-TOHR-z(ih), /kɐ.ˈtoɾ.zɨ/)
quinze (KEEN-z(ih), /ˈkĩ.zɨ/)
dezasseis (d(ih)-z(ih)-SAYSH, /dɨ.zɨ.ˈsɐjʃ/)
dezassete (d(ih)-z(ih)-SEH-t(ih), /dɨ.zɨ.ˈse.tɨ/)
dezoito (d(ih)-ZOHY-too, /dɨ.ˈzoj.tu/)
dezanove (d(ih)-zuh-NOH-v(ih), /dɨ.zɐ.ˈno.vɨ/)
vinte (VEEN-t(ih), /ˈvĩ.tɨ/)
vinte e um (VEEN-t(ih) ee OOM, /ˈvĩ.tɨ i ˈũ/)
vinte e dois (VEEN-t(ih) ee DOHYSH, /ˈvĩ.tɨ i ˈdojʃ/)
vinte e três (VEEN-t(ih) ee TREHSH, /ˈvĩ.tɨ i ˈtɾeʃ/)
trinta (TREEN-tuh, /ˈtɾĩ.tɐ/)
quarenta (kwuh-REHN-tuh, /kwɐ.ˈɾẽ.tɐ/)
cinquenta (seen-KWEHN-tuh, /sĩ.ˈkẽ.tɐ/)
sessenta (s(ih)-SEHN-tuh, /sɨ.ˈsẽ.tɐ/)
setenta (s(ih)-TEHN-tuh, /sɨ.ˈtẽ.tɐ/)
oitenta (ohy-TEHN-tuh, /oj.ˈtẽ.tɐ/)
noventa (noo-VEHN-tuh, /nu.ˈvẽ.tɐ/)
cem (suhny, /sɐ̃j/)
cento e um (SEHN-too ee OOM, /ˈsẽ.tu i ˈũ/)
cento e dois (SEHN-too ee DOHYSH, /ˈsẽ.tu i ˈdojʃ/)
cento e vinte e cinco (SEHN-too ee VEEN-t(ih) ee SEEN-koo, /ˈsẽ.tu i ˈvĩ.tɨ i ˈsĩ.ku/)
duzentos (doo-ZEHN-toosh, /du.ˈzẽ.tuʃ/)
trezentos (tr(ih)-ZEHN-toosh, /tɾɨ.ˈzẽ.tuʃ/)
mil (meel, /ˈmiɫ/)
dois mil (DOHYZH MEEL, /ˈdojʒ ˈmiɫ/)
um milhão (OOM mee-LYUHNW, /ˈũ mi.ˈʎɐ̃w/)

For numbers 1,000,000,000 and above, European Portuguese uses the long scale (Brazilian Portuguese uses the short scale).

mil milhões (MEEL mee-LYOHNSH, /ˈmiɫ mi.ˈʎõjʃ/)
um bilião (OOM bee-lee-OHWN, /ˈũ bɨ.ɫi.ˈɐ̃w/)
number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
número _____ (NOO-m(ih)-roo, /ˈnu.mɨ.ɾu/)
metade (m(ih)-TAH-d(ih), /mɨ.ˈta.dɨ/)
menos (MEH-noosh, /ˈme.nuʃ/)
mais (mighsh, /ˈmajʃ/)


A clock in Vila Viçosa.
agora (uh-GOH-ruh, /ɐ.ˈgo.ɾɐ/)
depois (d(ih)-POHYSH, /dɨ.ˈpojʃ/)
antes (AHN-t(ih)sh, /ˈɐ̃.tɨʃ/)
manhã (muh-NYUHN, /mɐ.ˈɲɐ̃/)
tarde (TAHR-d(ih), /ˈtaɾ.dɨ/)
noite (NOHY-t(ih), /ˈnoj.tɨ/)

Clock time

one o'clock AM
uma da manhã (OO-mah duh mah-NYAHN, /ˈu.mɐ dɐ mɐ.ˈɲɐ̃/)
two o'clock AM
duas da manhã (DOO-uhzh duh mah-NYAHN, /ˈdu.ɐʒ dɐ mɐ.ˈɲɐ̃/)
meio-dia (MAY-oo DEE-uh, /ˈmɐj.u ˈdi.ɐ/)
one o'clock PM
uma da tarde (OO-mah duh TAHR-d(ih), /ˈu.mɐ dɐ ˈtaɾ.dɨ/)
two o'clock PM
duas da tarde (DOO-uhzh duh TAHR-d(ih), /ˈdu.ɐʒ dɐ ˈtaɾ.dɨ/)
meia-noite (MAY-uh NOHY-t(ih), /ˈmɐj.ɐ ˈnoj.tɨ/)


_____ minute(s)
_____ minuto(s) (mee-NOO-too(sh), /mi.ˈnu.tu(ʃ)/)
_____ hour(s)
_____ hora(s) (AW-ruh(sh), /ˈɔ.ɾɐ(ʃ)/)
_____ day(s)
_____ dia(s) (DEE-uh(sh), /ˈdi.ɐ(ʃ)/)
_____ week(s)
_____ semana(s)(s(ih)-MUH-nuh(sh), /sɨ.ˈmɐ.nɐ/)
_____ month(s)
_____ mês / meses (mihsh / MIH-z(ih)sh, /ˈmeʃ/, /ˈme.zɨʃ/)
_____ year(s)
_____ ano(s) (UH-noo(sh), /ˈɐ.nu(ʃ)/)


hoje (OH-zh(ih), /ˈo.ʒɨ/)
ontem (OHN-tuhmy, /ˈõ.tɐ̃j/)
amanhã (ah-muh-NYAHN, /ɐ.mɐ.ˈɲɐ̃/)
this week
esta semana (EHSH-tuh s(ih)-MUH-nuh, /ˈeʃ.tɐ sɨ.ˈmɐ.nɐ/)
last week
semana passada (s(ih)-MUH-nuh puh-SAH-duh , /sɨ.ˈmɐ.nɐ pɐ.ˈsa.dɐ/)
next week
próxima semana (PRAW-see-muh s(ih)-MUH-nuh , /ˈpɾɔ.si.mɐ sɨ.ˈmɐ.nɐ/)

domingo (doo-MEEN-goo, /du.ˈmĩ.gu/)
segunda-feira (s(ih)-GOON-duh FAY-ruh, /sɨ.ˈgũ.dɐ ˈfɐj.ɾɐ/)
terça-feira (TIHR-suh FAY-ruh, /ˈteɾ.sɐ ˈfɐj.ɾɐ/)
quarta-feira (KWAHR-tuh FAY-ruh, /ˈkwaɾ.tɐ ˈfɐj.ɾɐ/)
quinta-feira (KEEN-tuh FAY-ruh, /ˈkĩ.tɐ ˈfɐj.ɾɐ/)
sexta-feira (SAYSH-tuh FAY-ruh, /ˈsɐjʃ.tɐ ˈfɐj.ɾɐ/)
sábado (SAH-buh-doo, /ˈsa.bɐ.du/)

(For Monday to Friday, -feira is often omitted in speech and writing.)


Portuguese horoscope for 2021.
janeiro (zhuh-NAY-roo , /ʒɐ.ˈnɐj.ɾu/)
fevereiro (f(ih)-v(ih)-RAY-roo, /fɨ.vɨ.ˈɾɐj.ɾu/)
março (MAHR-soo, /ˈmaɾ.su/)
abril (uh-BREEL, /ɐ.ˈbɾiɫ/)
maio (MAHY-oo, /ˈmaj.u/)
junho (ZHOO-nyoo, /ˈʒu.ɲu/)
julho (ZHOO-lyoo, /ˈʒu.ʎu/)
agosto (uh-GOHSH-too, /ɐ.ˈgoʃ.tu/)
setembro (s(ih)-TIHM-broo, /sɨ.ˈtẽ.bɾu/)
outubro (oh-TOO-broo, /o.ˈtu.bɾu/)
novembro (noo-VIHM-broo, /nu.ˈvẽ.bɾu/)
dezembro (d(ih)-ZIHM-broo, /dɨ.ˈzẽ.bɾu/)

Writing time and date


Portugal uses the 24-hour clock, so 8AM is written as 08:00 or 08h00, noon as 12:00 or 12h00, 8:30PM as 20:30 or 20h30, and midnight as 00:00 or 00h00 (sometimes 24:00 or 24h00). This is what you will find in timetables and business hours. In casual conversation, the Portuguese do use 12-hour time.

In Portugal, the month is written after the day, so Christmas Day, the 25th of December, is 25/12.


Colourful pottery in Sagres, Algarve.
preto (PRIH-too, /ˈpɾe.tu/)
branco (BRUHN-koo, /ˈbɾɐ̃.ku/)
cinzento (seen-ZEHN-too, /sĩ.ˈzẽ.tu/)
vermelho (v(ih)r-MEH-lyoo , /vɨɾ.ˈmɐ.ʎu/)
azul (uh-ZOOL, /ɐ.ˈzuɫ/)
amarelo (uh-muh-REH-loo, /ɐ.mɐ.ˈɾɛ.ɫu/)
verde (VIHR-d(ih), /ˈveɾ.dɨ/)
cor de laranja (KOHR d(ih) luh-RUHN-zhuh, /ˈkoɾ dɨ ɫɐ.ˈɾɐ̃.ʒɐ/)
cor-de-rosa (KOHR d(ih) RRAW-zuh, /ˈkoɾ dɨ ˈʁɔ.zɐ/)
roxo (RROH-shoo, /ˈʁo.ʃu/)
castanho (kuhsh-TUH-nyoo , /kɐʃ.ˈtɐ.ɲu/)



Public transport

A train station (estação de comboio) in Porto.
elétrico (ee-LEH-tree-koo, /i.ˈɫɛ.tɾi.ku/)
barco (BAHR-koo, /ˈbaɾ.ku/)
elevador (ee-leh-vuh-DOHR, /i.ɫɨ.vɐ.ˈdoɾ/)
autocarro (ahw-too-KAH-rroo, /aw.tu.ˈka.ʁu/)
comboio (kohm-BOHY-oo, /kõ.ˈboj.u/)
How much is a ticket to _____?
Quanto custa o bilhete para _____? (KWUHN-too KOOSH-tuh oo bee-LYIH-t(ih) puh-ruh _____?, /ˈkwɐ̃.tu ˈkuʃ.tɐ u bi.ˈʎe.tɨ pɐ.ɾɐ/)
One ticket to _____, please.
Um bilhete para _____, por favor. (oom bee-LYIH-t(ih) puh-ruh _____, poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈũ bi.ˈʎe.tɨ pɐ.ɾɐ puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
Where does this train/bus go?
Para onde vai este comboio/autocarro? (puh-ruh OHN-d(ih) vigh IHSH-t(ih) kohm-BOHY-oo/ahw-too-KAH-rroo, /pɐ.ɾɐ ˈõ.dɨ ˈvaj ˈeʃ.tɨ kõ.ˈboj.u, aw.tu.ˈka.ʁu/)
Where is the train/bus to _____?
Onde apanho o comboio/autocarro para _____? (OHN-d(ih) uh-PUH-nyoo oo kohm-BOHY-oo/ahw-too-KAH-rroo puh-ruh _____?, /ˈõ.dɨ ɐ.ˈpɐ.ɲu u kõ.ˈboj.u, aw.tu.ˈka.ʁu pɐ.ɾɐ/)
Does this train/bus stop in _____?
Este comboio/autocarro pára em _____? (EHSH-t(ih) kohm-BOHY-oo/ahw-too-KAH-rroo PAH-ruh uhny _____?, /ˈeʃ.tɨ kõ.ˈboj.u/aw.tu.ˈka.ʁu ˈpa.ɾɐ ɐ̃j/)
When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
Quando é que sai o comboio/autocarro para _____? (KWUHN-doo eh k(ih) sahy oo kohm-BOHY-oo/ahw-too-KAH-rroo puh-ruh _____?, /ˈkwɐ̃.du ˈɛ kɨ ˈsaj u kõ.ˈboj.u, aw.tu.ˈka.ʁu pɐ.ɾɐ/)
When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
Quando é que este comboio/autocarro chega a _____? (KWUHN-doo eh k(ih) EHSH-t(ih) kohm-BOHY-oo/ahw-too-KAH-rroo SHIH-guh uh _____?, /ˈkwɐ̃.du ˈɛ kɨ ˈeʃ.tɨ kõ.ˈboj.u/aw.tu.ˈka.ʁu ˈʃe.gɐ ɐ/)


A hiking sign in Peneda-Gerês National Park, Minho.
How do I get _____ ?
Como chego _____ ? (KOH-moo SHIH-goo _____ ?, /ˈko.mu ˈʃe.gu/)
...to the train station?
à estação de comboio (AH sh-tuh-SUHNW d(ih) kohm-BOHY-oo, /ˈa ʃ.tɐ.ˈsɐ̃w dɨ kõ.ˈboj.u/)
...to the bus station?
à rodoviária (ah roo-doo-vee-AH-ree-uh, /ˈa ʁu.du.vi.ˈa.ɾi.ɐ/)
...to the airport?
ao aeroporto (AH-oo uh-ee-roo-POHR-too, /ˈa.u ɐ.i.ɾu.ˈpoɾ.tu/)
ao centro (AH-oo SIHN-troo, /ˈa.u ˈsẽ.tɾu/)
...to the youth hostel?
à pousada da juventude (AH poh-ZAH-duh duh zhoo-vehn-TOO-d(ih), /ˈa po.ˈza.dɐ dɐ ʒu.vẽ.ˈtu.dɨ/)
...to the _____ hotel?
ao hotel (AH-oo oh-TEHL, /ˈa.u o.ˈtɛɫ/)
... to the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
ao consulado americano/canadense/australiano/inglês (AH-oo kohn-soo-LAH-doo uh-mih-ree-KUH-noo/kuh-nuh-DEN-s(ih)/ahwsh-trah-lee-UH-noo/een-GLISH, /ˈa.u kõ.su.ˈɫa.du ɐ.mɨ.ɾi.ˈkɐ.nu/kɐ.nɐ.ˈdẽ.sɨ/awʃ.tɾɐ.ɫi.ˈɐ.nu/ĩ.ˈgɫeʃ/)
Where are there a lot of...
Onde tem bastante... (OHN-d(ih) tuhny buhsh-TUHN-t(ih), /ˈõ.dɨ tɐ̃j bɐʃ.ˈtɐ̃.tɨ/)
hotéis (aw-TEHYSH, /o.ˈtɛjʃ/)
restaurantes (r(ih)sh-tahw-RAHN-t(ih)sh, /ʁɨʃ.taw.ˈɾɐ̃.tɨʃ/)
bares (bah-r(ih)sh, /ˈba.ɾɨʃ/)
...sites to see?
lugares para ver (loo-GAHRSH prah VAYR)
Can you show me on the map?
Você pode mostrar-me no mapa? (voh-SIH POH-d(ih) moosh-TRAHR m(ih) noo MAH-pah?, /vu.ˈse ˈpo.dɨ muʃ.ˈtɾaɾ mɨ nu ˈma.pɐ/)
rua (RROO-uh, /ˈʁu.ɐ/)
Turn left.
Vire à esquerda (VEE-r(ih) AH sh-KIHR-duh, /ˈvi.ɾɨ ˈa ʃ.ˈkeɾ.dɐ /)
Turn right.
Vire à direita (VEE-r(ih) AH dee-RAY-tuh, /ˈvi.ɾɨ ˈa di.ˈɾɐj.tɐ/)
esquerda (sh-KIHR-duh, /ʃ.ˈkeɾ.dɐ/)
direita (dee-RAY-tuh, /di.ˈɾɐj.tɐ /)
straight ahead
reto (RREH-too, /ˈʁe.tu/)
towards the _____
em direção a _____ (uhny dee-r(ih)-SUHNW uh, /ɐ̃j di.ɾɨ.ˈsɐ̃w ɐ/)
past the _____
depois de _____ (d(ih)-POHYZH d(ih), /dɨ.ˈpojʒ dɨ/)
before the _____
antes de _____ (UHHN-t(ih)zh d(ih), /ˈɐ̃.tɨʒ dɨ/)
Watch for the _____.
Fique atento a _____. (FEE-k(ih) uh-TEHN-too uh, /ˈfi.kɨ ɐ.ˈtẽ.tu ˈɐ/)
cruzamento (kroo-zuh-MEHN-too, /kɾu.zɐ.ˈmẽ.tu/)
norte (NOHR-t(ih), /ˈnoɾ.tɨ/)
sul (sool, /ˈsuɫ/)
leste (LEHSH-t(ih), ˈɫeʃ.tɨ/)
oeste (oh-EHSH-t(ih), /o.ˈeʃ.tɨ/)
subida (soo-BEE-duh, /su.ˈbi.dɐ/)
descida (d(ih)sh-SEE-duh, /dɨʃ.ˈsi.dɐ/)


A taxi stand in the Algarve.
Táxi! (TAH-ksee, /ˈta.ksi/)
Take me to _____, please.
Leve-me para _____, por favor. (LEH-v(ih) m(ih) puh-ruh _____, poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈɫe.vɨ mɨ pɐ.ɾɐ puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
How much does it cost to get to _____?
Quanto custa ir até _____? (KWUHN-too KOOSH-tuh eer uh-TEH _____?, /ˈkwɐ̃.tu ˈkuʃ.tɐ ˈiɾ ɐ.ˈtɛ/)
Take me there, please.
Leve-me para lá, por favor. (LEH-v(ih) m(ih) puh-ruh LAH, poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈɫe.vɨ-mɨ pɐ.ɾɐ ˈɫa puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)


This pousada in a castle in Óbidos is part of a chain of inns in historical buildings.
Do you have any rooms available?
Há quartos disponíveis? (AH KWAHR-toozh d(ih)sh-poo-NEE-vaysh, /ˈa ˈkwaɾ.tuʒ dɨʃ.pu.ˈni.vɐjʃ/)
How much is a room for one person/two people?
Quanto custa para uma pessoa/duas pessoas por noite? (KWAHN-too KOOSH-tah puh-rah OO-mah p(ih)-SOH-uh/DOO-ush p(ih)-SOH-uhsh poor NOHY-t(ih), /ˈkwɐ̃.tu ˈkuʃ.tɐ pɐ.ɾɐ ˈu.mɐ pɨ.ˈso.ɐ ˈdu.ɐʃ pɨ.ˈso.ɐʃ puɾ ˈnoj.tɨ/)
Does the room come with...
O quarto dispõe de... (oo KWAHR-too d(ih)sh-POHYN d(ih), /u ˈkwaɾ.tu dɨʃ.ˈpõj dɨ/)
lençóis (lehn-SAWYSH , /ɫẽ.ˈsɔjʃ/)
...a bathroom?
... casa de banho (KAH-zuh d(ih) BUH-nyoo, /ˈka.zɐ dɨ ˈbɐ.ɲu/)
...a telephone?
...telefone (t(ih)-l(ih)-FOH-n(ih), /tɨ.ɫɨ.ˈfo.nɨ/)
...a TV?
...televisão (t(ih)-l(ih)-vee-ZUHNOOW, /tɨ.ɫɨ.vi.ˈzɐ̃w/)
May I see the room first?
Posso ver o quarto antes? (PAW-soo vihr oo KWAHR-too AHN-t(ih)sh, /ˈpɔ.su ˈveɾ u ˈkwaɾ.tu ˈɐ̃.tɨʃ/)
Do you have anything...
Tem um quarto... (tighn oom KWAHR-too, /tɐ̃j ˈũ ˈkwaɾ.tu/)
mais silencioso? (mahysh see-lehn-see-OH-zoo, /ˈmajʃ si.ɫẽ.si.ˈo.zu/)
maior? (mahy-OHR, /maj.ˈoɾ /)
mais limpo? (mahysh LEEM-poo, /ˈmajʒ ˈɫĩ.pu/)
mais barato? (mahysh buh-RAH-too, /ˈmajʒ bɐ.ˈɾa.tu/)
OK, I'll take it.
OK, eu aceito. (aw-kah-Y, ehw uh-SAHY-too, /ɔ.kɐ.ˈi ˈew ɐ.ˈsɐj.tu/)
I will stay for one/two night(s).
Eu vou ficar por uma noite/duas noites (ehw voh fee-KAHR poor OO-muh NOHY-t(ih)/DOO-ush NOHY-t(ih)sh, /ˈew ˈvo fi.ˈkaɾ puɾ ˈu.mɐ ˈnoj.tɨ ˈdu.ɐʒ ˈnoj.tɨʃ/)
Can you suggest another hotel?
Pode sugerir um outro hotel na região? (PAW-d(ih) soo-zh(ih)-REER oom OH-troo aw-TEHL nuh rr(ih)-zhee-uhnw, /ˈpo.dɨ su.ʒɨ.ˈɾiɾ ˈũ ˈo.tɾu o.ˈtɛɫ nɐ ʁɨ.ʒi.ˈɐ̃w/)
Do you have a safe?
Tem um cofre? (tuhny oom KAW-fr(ih), /tɐ̃j ˈũ ˈko.fɾɨ/)
cacifos? (kuh-SEE-foosh, /kɐ.ˈsi.fuʃ/)
Is breakfast included?
O pequeno almoço está incluído? (oo p(ih)-KEH-noo ahl-MOH-soo sh-tah een-kloo-EE-doo, /u pɨ.ˈke.nu aɫ.ˈmo.su ʃ.ˈta ĩ.kɫu.ˈi.du/)
What time is breakfast?
A que horas é o pequeno almoço? (uh k(ih) AW-ruhz EH oo p(ih)-KEH-noo ahl-MOH-soo, /ɐ kɨ ˈɔ.ɾɐz ˈɛ u pɨ.ˈke.nu aɫ.ˈmo.su/)
Please clean my room.
Pode limpar o quarto, por favor? (PAW-d(ih) leem-PAHR oo KWAHR-too, poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈpɔ.dɨ ɫĩ.ˈpaɾ u ˈkwaɾ.tu puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
Can you wake me at _____?
Pode acordar-me às ___? (PAW-d(ih) uh-koor-DAHR-m(ih) ahsh ___?, /ˈpɔ.dɨ ɐ.kuɾ.ˈdaɾ-mɨ ˈaʃ/)
I want to check out.
Quero fazer check out. (KEH-roo fuh-ZIHR ah shek ah-oot, /ˈke.ɾu fɐ.ˈzeɾ ˈʃek ˈa.ut/)


Multibanco (MB) is Portugal's ubiquitous cash machine system.
Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
Aceita dólares americanos/australianos/canadenses? (uh-SAY-tuh DAW-lah-r(ih)z uh-m(ih)-ree-KUH-nuhsh/ahwsh-truh-lee-UH-nuhsh/kuh-nuh-DEHN-s(ih)sh?, /ɐ.ˈsɐj.tɐ ˈdɔ.ɫɐ.ɾɨz ɐ.mɨ.ɾi.ˈkɐ.nuz, awʃ.tɾɐ.ɫi.ˈɐ.nuʃ, kɐ.nɐ.ˈdẽ.sɨʃ/)
Do you accept British pounds?
Aceita libras esterlinas? (uh-SAY-tuh LEE-bruhz sh-t(ih)r-LEE-nuhsh, /ɐ.ˈsɐj.tɐ ˈɫi.bɾɐz ʃ.tɨɾ.ˈɫi.nɐʃ/)
Do you accept euros?
Aceita euros? (uh-SAY-tuh EHW-roosh?, /ɐ.ˈsɐj.tɐ ˈew.ɾuʃ/)
Do you accept credit cards?
Aceita cartão de crédito? (uh-SAY-tuh kuhr-TUHNW d(ih) KREH-dee-too, /ɐ.ˈsɐj.tɐ kaɾ.ˈtɐ̃w dɨ ˈkɾɛ.di.tu/)
Can you change money for me?
Pode trocar dinheiro para mim? (PAW-d(ih) troo-KAHR dee-NYAY-roo pur-ruh meen, /ˈpɔ.dɨ tɾu.ˈkaɾ di.ˈɲɐj.ɾu pɐ.ɾɐ ˈmĩ/)
Where can I get money changed?
Onde há uma casa de câmbio? (OHN-d(ih) AH OO-muh KAH-zuh d(ih) KUHM-bee-oo?, /ˈõ.dɨ ˈa ˈu.mɐ ˈka.zɐ dɨ ˈkɐ̃.bi.u/)
Can you change a traveller's cheque for me?
Você pode cambiar um cheque de viagem? (voo-SIH POH-d(ih) kuhm-bee-AHR oom SHEH-k(ih) d(ih) vee-AH-zhuhny?, /vu.ˈse ˈpo.dɨ kɐ̃.bi.ˈaɾ ˈũ ˈʃɛ.kɨ dɨ vi.ˈa.ʒɐ̃j/)
Where can I get a traveller's cheque changed?
Onde posso cambiar um cheque de viagem? (OHN-d(ih) POH-soo kuhm-bee-AHR oom SHEH-k(ih) d(ih) vee-AH-zhuhny?, /ˈõ.dɨ ˈpo.su kɐ̃.bi.ˈaɾ ˈũ ˈʃe.kɨ dɨ vi.ˈa.ʒɐ̃j/)
What is the exchange rate for the US dollar?
Qual é o câmbio para o dólar americano? (kwahl eh oo kuhm-BEE-oo puh-ruh oo DAW-lahr uh-m(ih)-ree-KUH-noo, /ˈkwaɫ ˈɛ u ˈkɐ̃.bi.u pɐ.ɾɐ u ˈdɔ.ɫaɾ ɐ.mɨ.ɾi.ˈkɐ.nu/)
Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
Onde há um Multibanco? (OHN-d(ih) AH oom mool-tee-BUHN-koo, /ˈõ.dɨ ˈa ˈũ muɫ.ti.ˈbɐ̃.ku/)


Outdoor dining by the Santa Justa Lift in Lisbon's Baixa district.
See also: Portuguese cuisine
A table for one person/two people, please.
Mesa para uma pessoas/duas pessoas, por favor? (MIH-zuh puh-ruh OO-ma p(ih)-SOH-uh/DOO-ush p(ih)-SOH-uhsh, poor fuh-VOHR?, /ˈme.zɐ pɐ.ɾɐ ˈu.mɐ pɨ.ˈso.ɐ ˈdu.ɐʃ pɨ.ˈso.ɐʃ, puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
I'd like to reserve a table.
Queria marcar uma mesa. (k(ih)-REE-uh mahr-KAHR OO-muh MIH-zuh, /kɨ.ˈɾi.ɐ maɾ.ˈkaɾ ˈu.mɐ ˈme.zɐ./)
Can I look at the menu, please?
Posso ver a ementa, por favor? POH-soo VEHR uh ee-MEHN-tuh poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈpo.su ˈveɾ ɐ i.ˈmẽ.tɐ, puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
Can I look in the kitchen?
Posso ver a cozinha? (POH-soo VEHR uh koo-ZEE-nyuh, /ˈpo.su ˈveɾ ɐ ku.ˈzi.ɲɐ/)
Is there a house speciality?
Há alguma especialidade da casa? (AH ahl-GOO-muh sh-p-see-uh-lee-DAH-d duh KAH-zuh, /ˈa aɫ.ˈgu.mɐ ʃ.p.si.ɐ.ɫi.ˈda.d dɐ ˈka.zɐ/)
Is there a local speciality?
Há algum prato típico? (ah al-GOON prah-TOO tee-PEE-koo, /ˈa aɫ.ˈgũ ˈpɾa.tu ˈti.p.ku/)
I'm a vegetarian.
Eu sou vegetariano. (ehw soh v(ih)-zh(ih)-tuhr-ree-UH-noo, /ˈew ˈso vɨ.ʒɨ.tɐ.ɾi.ˈɐ.nu/)
I don't eat pork.
Eu não como carne de porco. (ehw nuhnw KOH-moo KAHR-n(ih) d(ih) pohr-KOH, /ˈew ˈnɐ̃w ˈko.mu ˈkaɾ.nɨ dɨ ˈpoɾ.ku/)
I don't eat beef.
Eu não como carne de vaca. (ehw nuhnw KOH-moo KAHR-n(ih) d(ih) VAH-kuh, /ˈew ˈnɐ̃w ˈko.mu ˈkaɾ.nɨ dɨ ˈva.kɐ./)
I only eat kosher food.
Só como produtos kosher. (saw KOH-moo pru-DOO-toosh koh-SHEHR, /ˈsɔ ˈko.mu pɾu.ˈdu.tuʃ ko.ˈʃeɾ/)
Can you make it "light", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
Pode fazer com pouca gordura? (POH-d(ih) fuh-ZIHR kohn POH-kuh goor-DOO-ruh, /ˈpo.dɨ fɐ.ˈzeɾ kõ ˈpo.kɐ guɾ.ˈdu.ɾɐ/)
fixed-price meal
refeição a preço fixo (rr(ih)-fay-SUHNG FEE-shoo uh PREH-soo d(ih) FEE-ksoo, /ʁɨ.fɐj.ˈsɐ̃w ɐ ˈpɾe.su ˈfi.ksu/)
à la carte
à la carte (ah lah KAHR-t(ih) , /ɐ ɫɐ ˈkaɾ.tɨ/)
pequeno almoço (p(ih)-KIH-noo ahl-MOH-soo, /pɨ.ˈke.nu aɫ.ˈmo.su/)
almoço (ahl-MOH-soo, /aɫ.ˈmo.su/)
tea (meal)
lanche (LUHN-sh, /ˈˈɫɐ̃.ʃ/)
jantar (zhuhn-TAHR, /ʒɐ̃.ˈtaɾ/)
I want _____.
Eu quero _____. (ehw KEH-roo, /ˈew ˈke.ɾu/)
I want a dish containing _____.
Quero um prato que tenha _____. (KEH-roo oom PRAH-too k(ih) TEH-nyuh, /ˈke.ɾu ˈũ ˈpɾa.tu kɨ ˈtɐ.ɲɐ/)
galinha (guh-LEE-nyuh, /gɐ.ˈɫi.ɲɐ/)
carne de vaca (KAHR-n(ih) d(ih) VAH-kuh, /ˈkaɾ.nɨ dɨ ˈva.kɐ./)
presunto (pr(ih)-zuhng-too, /pɾɨ.ˈzũ.tu/)
salsicha (sahl-SEE-shuh, /saɫ.ˈsi.ʃɐ/)
queijo (KAY-zhoo, /ˈkɐj.ʒu/)
ovos (OH-voosh, /ˈo.vuʃ/)
peixe (PAY-sh(ih), /ˈpɐj.ʃɨ/)
bacalhau (buh-kuh-LYAHW, /bɐ.kɐ.ˈʎaw/)
sardinha (sahr-DEE-nyuh, /saɾ.ˈdi.ɲɐ/)
carapau (kuh-ruh-PAHW, /kɐ.ɾɐ.ˈpaw/)
atum (uh-TOOM, /ɐ.ˈtũ)
camarão (kuh-muh-RUHNW, /kɐ.mɐ.ˈɾɐ̃w/)
polvo (POHL-voo, /ˈpoɫ.vu/)
salada (/sɐ.ˈɫa.dɐ/, suh-LAH-duh)
(fresh) vegetables
vegetais (v(ih)-zh(ih)-TEYESH, /vɨ.ʒɨ.ˈtajʃ/)
feijão (fuhy-ZHUHNW, /fɐj.ˈʒɐ̃w/)
tomate (too-MAH-t(ih), /tu.ˈma.tɨ/)
alface (ahl-FAH-s(ih/), /aɫ.ˈfa.sɨ/)
pepino (p(ih)-PEE-noo, /pɨ.ˈpi.nu/)
cebola (s(ih)-BOH-luh, /sɨ.ˈbo.ɫɐ/)
cenoura (s(ih)-NOH-ruh, /sɨ.ˈno.ɾɐ/)
ervilha (eer-VEE-lyuh, /iɾ.ˈvi.ʎɐ/)
(fresh) fruit
frutas (FROO-tuhsh, /ˈfɾu.tɐʃ/)
maçã (muh-SUHN /mɐ.ˈsɐ̃/)
pera (PIH-ruh, /ˈpe.ɾɐ/)
pêssego (PIH-s(ih)-goo, /ˈpe.sɨ.gu/)
morango (moo-RUHN-goo, /mu.ˈɾɐ̃.gu/)
melão (m(ih)-LUHW, /mɨ.ˈɫɐ̃w/)
ananás (uh-nuh-NAHSH, /ɐ.nɐ.ˈnaʃ/)
ice cream
gelado (zh(ih)-LAH-doo, /ʒɨ.ˈɫa.du/)
pão (puhnw, /ˈpɐ̃w/)
torrada (too-RRAH-duh, /tu.ˈʁa.dɐ/)
macarrão (muh-kah-RRUHNW, /mɐ.ka.ˈʁɐ̃w/)
arroz (uh-RROHZH, /a.ˈʁoʃ/)
May I have a glass of _____?
Posso tomar um copo de _____? (POH-soo too-MAHR uhng KOH-poo d(ih), /ˈpo.su tu.ˈmaɾ ˈũ ˈko.pu dɨ /)
May I have a cup of _____?
Posso tomar uma chávena de _____? (POH-soo too-MAHR OO-muh SHAH-v(ih)-nuh d(ih) _____?, /ˈpo.su tu.ˈmaɾ ˈu.mɐ ˈʃa.vɨ.nɐ dɨ/)
May I have a bottle of _____?
Posso tomar uma garrafa de _____? (POH-soo too-MAHR OO-muh guh-RRAH-fuh d(ih), /ˈpo.su tu.ˈmaɾ ˈu.mɐ ga.ˈʁa.fɐ dɨ/)
café (/kɐ.ˈfɛ/, kuh-FEH)
May I have a coffee?
Um café, por favor. (oom kuh-FEH poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈũ kɐ.ˈfɛ, puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
coffee (espresso cup with milk)
pingado (peen-GAH-doo , /pĩ.ˈga.du/)
coffee (in a mug with milk)
café com leite (kuh-FEH koom LAY-t(ih), /kɐ.ˈfɛ kõ ˈɫɐj.tɨ/)
tea (drink)
chá (shah, /ˈʃa/)
sumo (SOO-moo, /ˈsu.mu/)
sparkling water
água com gás (AH-gwuh kohm gahsh, /ˈa.gwɐ kõ ˈgaʃ/)
still water
água sem gás (AH-gwuh suhm gahsh, /ˈa.gwɐ sɐ̃j ˈgaʃ/)
cerveja (s(ih)r-VAY-zhuh, /sɨɾ.ˈvɐj.ʒɐ/)
red/white wine
vinho tinto/branco (VEE-nyoo TEEN-too/BRUHN-koo, /ˈvi.ɲu ˈtĩ.tuˈbɾɐ̃.ku/)
May I have some _____?
Pode dar-me _____? (POH-d(ih) dahr-m(ih), /ˈpo.dɨ ˈdaɾ mɨ/)
sal (sahl, /ˈsaɫ/)
black pepper
pimenta (pee-MEHNG-tuh, /pi.ˈmẽ.tɐ/)
manteiga (muhn-TAY-guh, /mɐ̃.ˈtɐj.gɐ/)
Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
Com licença? / Desculpe? (kohm lee-SEHN-suh / d(ih)sh-KOOL-p(ih), /kõ ɫi.ˈsẽ.sɐ/, /dɨʃ.ˈkuɫ.pɨ/)
I'm finished.
Já acabei. (ZHAH uh-kuh-BAY, /ˈʒa ɐ.kɐ.ˈbɐj/)
It was delicious.
Estava uma delícia. (sh-TAH-vuh OO-muh d(ih)-LEE-s(ih)-uh , /ʃ.ˈta.vɐ ˈu.mɐ dɨ.ˈɫi.sɨ.ɐ)
Please clear the plates.
Por favor, limpe os pratos. (poor fuh-VOHR LEEM-p(ih) oosh PRAH-toosh, /puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ ˈɫĩ.pɨ uʃ ˈpɾa.tuʃ /)
The check, please.
A conta, por favor. (uh KOHN-tuh poor fuh-VOHR, /ɐ ˈkõ.tɐ puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)


Enjoying the Lisbon nightlife.
Do you serve alcohol?
Servem álcool? (SEHR-vuhny AHL-koo-awl, /ˈseɾ.vɐ̃j ˈaɫ.ku.ɔɫ/)
Is there table service?
Servem à mesa? (SEHR-vuhny ah MEH-zuh, /ˈseɾ.vɐ̃j à ˈme.zɐ/)
A beer/two beers, please.
Uma cerveja/duas cervejas, por favor. (OO-muh s(ih)r-VAY-zhuh / DOO-uhsh s(ih)r-VAY-zhuh poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈu.mɐ sɨɾ.ˈvɐj.ʒɐ, ˈdu.ɐʃ sɨɾ.ˈvɐj.ʒɐʃ puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
A glass of red/white wine, please.
Um copo de vinho tinto/branco, por favor. (oom KOH-poo d(ih) VEE-nyoo TEEN-too / BRUHN-koo poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈũ ˈko.pu dɨ ˈvi.ɲu ˈtĩ.tu/ˈbɾɐ̃.ku, puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
A pint, please.
Uma imperial, por favor. (OO-muh eem-p(ih)-ree-ahl poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈu.mɐ ĩ.pɨ.ɾi.ˈaɫ puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
A bottle, please.
Uma garrafa, por favor. (OO-muh guh-RRAH-fuh poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈu.mɐ ga.ˈʁa.fɐ puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
uísque (oo-EESH-k(ih) , /u.ˈiʃ.kɨ/)
vodka (VOHD-kuh , /ˈvod.kɐ/)
rum (rroom, /ˈʁũ/)
água (AH-gwuh, /ˈa.gwɐ/)
sparkling water
água gaseificada (AH-gwuh guh-zay-fee-KAH-duh, /ˈa.gwɐ gɐ.zɐj.fi.ˈka.dɐ/)
tonic water
água tónica (AH-gwuh TAW-nee-kuh, /ˈa.gwɐ ˈtɔ.ni.kɐ/)
orange juice
sumo de laranja (SOO-moo d(ih) luh-RUHNG-zhuh, /ˈsu.mu dɨ ɫɐ.ˈɾɐ̃.ʒɐ/)
coke (soda)
Coca-Cola (KOH-kuh KOH-luh, /ˈko.kɐ ˈko.ɫɐ/)
Do you have any bar snacks?
Tem aperitivos? (tuhny uh-p(ih)-r(ih)-TEE-voosh , /tɐ̃j ɐ.pɨ.ɾɨ.ˈti.vuʃ/)
One more, please.
Mais um/uma, por favor. (MAHZ oom / OO-muh poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈmajz ˈũ ˈu.mɐ puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
Another round, please.
Outra rodada, por favor. (OO-truh roo-DAH-duh poor fuh-VOHR, /ˈo.tɾɐ ʁu.ˈda.dɐ, puɾ fɐ.ˈvoɾ/)
When is closing time?
Quando é que fecha? (KWUHNG-doo eh k(ih) FUHY-shuh, /ˈkwɐ̃.du ˈɛ kɨ ˈfɐj.ʃɐ/)
Saúde! (suh-OO-d(ih)!, /sɐ.ˈu.dɨ/)


A pedestrianised shopping street in Coimbra.
Do you have this in my size?
Tem isto no meu tamanho? (tuhny EESH-too noo mehw tuh-MUH-nyoo?, /tɐ̃j ˈiʃ.tu nu ˈmew tɐ.ˈmɐ.ɲu/)
How much is this?
Quanto custa isto? (KWUHN-too KOOSH-tuh EESH-too, /ˈkwɐ̃.tu ˈkuʃ.tɐ ˈiʃ.tu/)
That's too expensive.
É demasiado caro. (EH d(ih)-muh-zee-AH-do KER-roo, /ˈɛ dɨ.mɐ.zi.ˈa.du ˈka.ɾu/)
Would you take _____?
Você aceitaria _____? (voo-SEH uh-SUHY-tuh-REE-uh _____?, /vu.ˈse ɐ.sɐj.tɐ.ˈɾi.ɐ _____?/)
caro (KAH-roo, /ˈka.ɾu/)
barato (buh-RAH-too, /bɐ.ˈɾa.tu/)
I can't afford it.
Não tenho dinheiro para isso. (nuhnw TUH-nyoo dee-NYUHY-roo puh-ruh EE-soo, /ˈnɐ̃w ˈtɐ.ɲu di.ˈɲɐj.ɾu pɐ.ɾɐ ˈi.su/)
I don't want it.
Não quero isso. (nuhnw KEH-roo EE-soo, /ˈnɐ̃w ˈkɛ.ɾu ˈi.su/)
You're cheating me.
Estás a enganar-me. (sh-TAHZ uh een-guh-NAHR-m(ih), /ʃ.ˈtaz ɐ ẽ.gɐ.ˈnaɾ-mɨ/)
I'm not interested.
Não estou interessado. (masc.) / Não estou interessada. (fem.) (nuhnw sh-TOH een-t(ih)-r(ih)-SAH-doo / nuhnw sh-TOH een-t(ih)-r(ih)-SAH-duh, /ˈnɐ̃w ʃ.ˈto ĩ.tɨ.ɾɨ.ˈsa.du, ˈnɐ̃w ʃ.ˈto ĩ.tɨ.ɾɨ.ˈsa.dɐ/)
OK, I'll take it.
OK, eu levo. (aw-kah-y ehw LEH-voo, /ɔ.kɐ.ˈi, ˈew ˈɫe.vu/)
Can I have a bag?
Pode dar-me um saco? (POH-d(ih) DAHR-m(ih) oong SAH-koo, /ˈpo.dɨ ˈdaɾ-mɨ ˈũ ˈsa.ku/)
Do you ship (overseas)?
Entregam encomendas no estrangeiro? (ehn-TREH-guhnoow ehn-koo-MEHN-duhzh noo sh-truhn-ZHAHY-roo, /ẽ.ˈtɾe.gɐ̃w ẽ.ku.ˈmẽ.dɐʒ nu ʃ.tɾɐ̃.ˈʒɐj.ɾu/)
I need...
Eu preciso... (ehw pr(ih)-SEE-zoo, /ˈew pɾɨ.ˈsi.zu/)
...pasta de dentes (PAHSH-tuh d(ih) DEHNG-t(ih)sh, /ˈpaʃ.tɐ dɨ ˈdẽ.tɨʃ/)
...a toothbrush.
...uma escova de dentes (OO-muh sh-KOH-vuh d(ih) DIHN-t(ih)sh, /ˈu.mɐ ʃ.ˈko.vɐ dɨ ˈdẽ.tɨʃ/)
...tampões (tuhm-POHYNSH, /tɐ̃.ˈpõjʃ/)
...sabão (suh-BUHNOOW, /sɐ.ˈbɐ̃w/)
...champô (shuhm-POH, /ʃɐ̃.ˈpo/)
...pain reliever.
...analgésico (uh-nahl-ZHEH-zee-koo, /ɐ.naɫ.ˈgɛ.zi.ku/)
...aspirina (uhsh-pee-REE-nuh, /ɐʃ.pɨ.ˈɾi.nɐ/)
...ibuprofeno (ee-boo-proo-FEH-noo, /i.bu.pɾu.ˈfe.nu/)
...cold medicine.
...medicamento para constipação (m(ih)-dee-kuh-MEHN-too puh-ruh kohnsh-tee-puh-SUHNOOW, /mɨ.di.kɐ.ˈmẽ.tu pɐ.ɾɐ kõʃ.ti.pɐ.ˈsɐ̃w/)
...stomach medicine.
...medicamento para a barriga (m(ih)-dee-kuh-MEHN-too puh-ruh uh buh-RREE-guh, /mɨ.di.kɐ.ˈmẽ.tu pɐ.ɾɐ ɐ ba.ˈʁi.gɐ/)
...a razor.
...uma lâmina de barbear (OO-muh LUH-mee-nuh d(ih) bahr-bee-AHR, /ˈu.mɐ ˈɫɐ.mi.nɐ dɨ baɾ.bi.ˈaɾ/)
...an umbrella.
...um guarda-chuva (OOM GWAHR-duh SHOO-vuh, /ˈũ ˈgwaɾ.dɐ ˈʃu.vɐ/)
...sunblock lotion.
...protetor solar (proo-t(ih)-TOHR soo-LAHR, /pɾu.tɨ.ˈtoɾ su.ˈɫaɾ/)
...a postcard.
...um postal (OOM poosh-TAHL, /ˈũ puʃ.ˈtaɫ/)
...postage stamps.
...selos (SIH-loosh, /ˈse.ɫuʃ/)
...pilhas (PEE-lyuhsh, /ˈpi.ʎɐʃ/)
...writing paper.
...papel para escrever (puh-PEHL puh-ruh sh-kr(ih)-VIHR, /pɐ.ˈpɛɫ pɐ.ɾɐ ʃ.kɾɨ.ˈveɾ/)
...a pen.
...uma caneta (OO-muh kuh-NIH-tuh, /ˈu.mɐ kɐ.ˈne.tɐ/)
...English-language books.
...livros em inglês (LEE-vroozh uhny een-GLIHSH, /ˈɫi.vɾuz ɐ̃j ĩ.ˈgɫeʃ/)
...English-language magazines.
...revistas em inglês (rr(ih)-VEESH-tuhz uhny een-GLIHSH, /ʁɨ.ˈviʃ.tɐz ɐ̃j ĩ.ˈgɫeʃ/)
...an English-language newspaper.
...um jornal em inglês (OOM zhoor-NAHL uhny eeng-GLIHSH, /ˈũ ʒuɾ.ˈnaɫ ɐ̃j ĩ.ˈgɫeʃ/)
...an English-Portuguese dictionary.
...um dicionário inglês-português (OOM d(ih)-see-oo-NAH-ree-oo eeng-GLIHSH poor-too-GIHSH, /ˈũ dɨ.si.u.ˈna.ɾi.u ĩ.ˈgɫeʃ puɾ.tu.ˈgeʃ/)


Portuguese autoestradas (motorways) will take you through some gorgeous scenery.
See also: Driving in Portugal
I want to rent a car.
Posso alugar um carro? (POH-soo uh-loo-GAHR oom KAH-rroo, /ˈpo.su ɐ.ɫu.ˈgaɾ ˈũ ˈka.ʁu/)
Can I get insurance?
Posso ter seguro? (POH-soo tihr s(ih)-GOO-roo, /ˈpo.su ˈteɾ sɨ.ˈgu.ɾu/)
stop (on a street sign)
STOP (stohp, /ˈstop/)
one way
sentido único (sihn-TEE-doo OO-nee-koo, /sẽ.ˈti.du ˈu.ni.ku/)
cedência de passagem (s(ih)-DIHN-see-uh d(ih) puh-SAH-zhuhm, /sɨ.ˈdẽ.si.ɐ dɨ pɐ.ˈsa.ʒɐ̃j/)
no parking
proibido estacionar (proo-ee-BEE-doo sh-tuh-see-oo-NAHR, /pɾu.i.ˈbi.du ʃ.tɐ.si.u.ˈnaɾ/)
speed limit
limite de velocidade (l(ih)-MEE-t(ih) d(ih) v(ih)-loo-see-DAH-d(ih), /ɫɨ.ˈmi.tɨ dɨ vɨ.ɫu.si.ˈda.dɨ/)
gas (petrol) station
posto de abastecimento (POHSH-too d(ih) uh-buhsh-t(ih)-see-men-too, /ˈpoʃ.tu dɨ ɐ.bɐʃ.tɨ.si.ˈmẽ.tu/)
gasolina (guh-zoo-LEE-nuh, /gɐ.zu.ˈɫi.nɐ/)
gasóleo (guh-ZAW-lee-oo, /gɐ.ˈzɔ.ɫi.u/)


Portuguese police officer patrolling a coastal town during the summer.
I haven't done anything wrong.
Não fiz nada de errado. (nuhnw FEEZ NAH-duh d(ih) ee-RRAH-do, /ˈnɐ̃w ˈfiʒ ˈna.dɐ dɨ i.ˈʁa.du./)
It was a misunderstanding.
Isto é um mal-entendido. (EESH-too EH OOM MAHL-ihn-tihn-DEE-doo, /ˈiʃ.tu ˈɛ ˈũ ˈmaɫ ẽ.tẽ.ˈdi.du./)
Where are you taking me?
Para onde levam-me? (puh-ruh OHN-d(ih) LEH-vuhnw-m(ih), /pɐ.ɾɐ ˈõ.dɨ ˈɫe.vɐ̃w-mɨ/)
Am I under arrest?
Estou preso? (sh-TOH PRIH-zoo, /ʃ.ˈto ˈpɾe.zu/)
I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
Sou um cidadão Americano/Australiano/Britânico/Canadiano. (SOH OOM see-duh-DUHNOOW uh-mih-ree-KUH-noo/ahwsh-trah-lee-UH-noo/bree-TUH-nee-koo/kuh-nuh-dee-UH-noo, /ˈso ˈũ si.dɐ.ˈdɐ̃w ɐ.mɨ.ɾi.ˈkɐ.nu/awʃ.tɾɐ.ɫi.ˈɐ.nu/bɾi.ˈtɐ.ni.ku/kɐ.nɐ.di.ˈɐ.nu/)
I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian consulate.
Quero falar com o consulado Americano/Australiano/Britânico/Canadiano. (KEH-roo fuh-LAHR kohm oo kohn-soo-LAH-doo uh-mih-ree-KUH-noo/ahwsh-trah-lee-UH-noo/bree-TUH-nee-koo/kuh-nuh-dee-UH-noo, /ˈkɛ.ɾu fɐ.ˈɫaɾ kõ u kõ.su.ˈɫa.du ɐ.mɨ.ɾi.ˈkɐ.nu/awʃ.tɾɐ.ɫi.ˈɐ.nu/bɾi.ˈtɐ.ni.ku/kɐ.nɐ.di.ˈɐ.nu./)
I want to talk to a lawyer.
Quero falar com um advogado. (KEH-roo fuh-LAHR kohm oom uhd-voo-GAH-doo, /ˈkɛ.ɾu fɐ.ˈɫaɾ kõ ˈũ ɐd.vu.ˈga.du/)
Can I just pay a fine now?
Posso pagar uma multa agora? (POH-soo puh-GAHR OO-muh MOOL-tuh uh-GOH-ruh, /ˈpo.su pɐ.ˈgaɾ ˈu.mɐ ˈmuɫ.tɐ ɐ.ˈgo.ɾɐ/)
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