Category:Kettunen's Finnish dialect atlas

Maps from the work:

  • Kettunen, Lauri. Suomen murteet III A. Murrekartasto. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura. Helsinki, 1940. Digitized to CSV by Kotimaisten kielten keskus (CC BY 4.0).

Kettunen's work is one of the most important works in Finnish dialectology, but as with all works, its data may be outdated, incomplete or inaccurate.

There are a total of 213 maps. The numbers form sorts of groups:

  • 1—140 · Consonantism
    • 1—3 · General features
    • 4—5 · Consonantism of syllable-initial stops
    • 6—27 · Consonantism of syllable-final stops
      • 6—11 · Ahead of unvoiced consonants
      • 12—27 · Ahead of voiced consonants
    • 28—36 · Consonantism of word-final stops
    • 37—91 · Consonant gradation of stops (after stressed syllables)
      • 37—64 · /k/ k
        • 37—47 · between two short vowels
        • 48—50 · after a long vowel or diphthong
        • 51 · after a nasal
        • 52—58 · after a liquid
        • 59—62 · after /h/ h
        • 63—64 · after /s/ s
      • 65—87 · /t/ t
        • 65—72 · between two short vowels
        • 73—80 · after a long vowel or diphthong
        • 81—82 · after /h/ h
        • 83—87 · after a nasal or liquid
      • 88—91 · /p/ p
    • 92—103 · Lenition of consonants after an unstressed syllable
      • 92—97 · of /k/ k
      • 98—102 · of /t/ t
      • 103 · of /p/ p
    • 104—140 · Consonantism of other consonants
      • 104—106 · /s/ s
      • 107—111 · /h/ h
      • 112—126 · /n/ n
      • 127—132 · /l/ l, /r/ r
      • 133—137 · /j/ j
      • 138—140 · /ʋ/ v
  • 141—213 · Vocalism
    • 141—149 · Short vowels in initial syllables
    • 150—153 · Variation between short and long vowels (including diphthongs) in initial syllables
    • 154—157 · Long vowels in initial syllables
    • 158 · Diphthongs in initial syllables
    • 159—213 · Vowels in non-initial syllables
      • 159—168 · Particular short vowels
      • 169—172 · Particular cases of vowel harmony
      • 173—174 · Syncope
      • 175—179 · Apocope
      • 180—197 · Reductions
        • 180—184 · of like vowels
        • 185—190 · of unlike vowels
        • 191—197 · of vowel + /a/ a or vowel + /æ/ ä sequences
      • 198 · Lengthening of vowels
      • 199—200 · Epenthesis
      • 201—212 · Diphthongs without primary stress
      • 213 · Diphthongs created by loss of consonants

The full list of maps:

  1. Map #1: Initial consonant clusters
  2. Map #2: Secondary consonant gemination
  3. Map #3: Consonant palatalization
  4. Map #4: Third-person singular present ending in verbs with monosyllabic (or odd-syllabic) stems
  5. Map #5: Partitive ending in trisyllabic words
  6. Map #6: Assimilation of *k to following *s with more than two syllables (kaksoset)
  7. Map #7: Assimilation of *t to following *k with more than two syllables (vastatkaa)
  8. Map #8: *-cc- between first and second syllable (metsä)
  9. Map #9: *-cc- between second and third syllable (tarvitsen)
  10. Map #10: Prolative ending
  11. Map #11: The interjection 'vatsii'
  12. Map #12: *-kr-: the noun 'myyrä'
  13. Map #13: *-kr-: the noun 'kekri'
  14. Map #14: *-kl-: the adverb 'eilen'
  15. Map #15: *-kl-: the noun 'neule'
  16. Map #16: *-tr-: the noun 'aura' ('sahra')
  17. Map #17: *-tr-: the noun 'teeri'
  18. Map #18: *-tr-: the noun 'puuro'
  19. Map #19: *-t(e)r-: the noun 'ateria'
  20. Map #20: *-tr-: the noun 'katras'
  21. Map #21: *-cr-: 'ohra', 'ihra', 'kehrätä'
  22. Map #22: *-cr-: the noun 'atrain'
  23. Map #23: *-pr-: 'hauras', 'koura', 'äyräs'
  24. Map #24: *-pl-: the noun 'kaplas'
  25. Map #25: *-pj-: the noun 'kavio'
  26. Map #26: *-pj-: the noun 'hipiä'
  27. Map #27: *-tv-: the noun 'latva'
  28. Map #28: Final *-k
  29. Map #29: Plural personal pronouns ('me', 'te', 'he')
  30. Map #30: The clitic '-kin'
  31. Map #31: Conditional connegative forms
  32. Map #32: Past active participles
  33. Map #33: Past passive participles
  34. Map #34: *-ut adjectives
  35. Map #35: The numeral 'kolme'
  36. Map #36: Abessive ending
  37. Map #37: *-aga- (jaan < jakaa)
  38. Map #38: *-ege- < *-eki (reki)
  39. Map #39: *-ege- (tehdä)
  40. Map #40: *-äge- (mäen < mäki)
  41. Map #41: *-oge- (joen < joki)
  42. Map #42: *-uge- (luen < lukea)
  43. Map #43: *-ogo- (koota)
  44. Map #44: *-ugi- (ruis)
  45. Map #45: *-ago- (raot < rako)
  46. Map #46: *-ego- (teot < teko)
  47. Map #47: *-agu- (mausta < maku)
  48. Map #48: *-aaga- (raa'at < raaka)
  49. Map #49: *-ooga- (ruoan < ruoka)
  50. Map #50: *-Vi̯ga- (ajan < aika, pojan < poika)
  51. Map #51: *-ng- (hengen < henki, auringon < aurinko)
  52. Map #52: *-alga- (jalan < jalka), *-arga- (varas)
  53. Map #53: *-älgä- (nälän < nälkä), *-ärgä- (härän < härkä)
  54. Map #54: *-ulge- (kuljen < kulkea), *-urge- (kurjen < kurki)
  55. Map #55: *-ulgi- (kuljin < kulkea), *-urgi- (särjin < särkeä)
  56. Map #56: *-Vlgo- (pelon < pelko), *-Vrgo- (koron < korko)
  57. Map #57: *-Vlgu- (alun < alku), *-Vrgu- (parun < parkua)
  58. Map #58: *-Vlgü- (hylyn < hylky), *-Vrgü- (säryn < särky)
  59. Map #59: *-Vhga- (nahan < nahka)
  60. Map #60: *-Vhgo- (tahon < tahko)
  61. Map #61: *-Vhge- (vehkeen < vehje, puhjeta)
  62. Map #62: The noun 'keuhkot'
  63. Map #63: Weak grade of *-sk- (lasken < laskea, posket < poski)
  64. Map #64: *-st- and its possible assimilation to *-ss- (pestä, juosta)
  65. Map #65: *-ada- (padan < pata)
  66. Map #66: *-ede- (veden < vesi, including forms of 'veden' to distinguish from 'veren' < 'veri')
  67. Map #67: *-edä- (vedän < vetää)
  68. Map #68: *-ade- (sade)
  69. Map #69: *-ude- (sudet < susi)
  70. Map #70: *-adu- (ladun < latu)
  71. Map #71: *-oda- (sodan < sota)
  72. Map #72: *-edo- (vedon < veto)
  73. Map #73: *-AAdA- (saada, jäädä) when /d/ is deleted
  74. Map #74: *-VVdAhA- (impersonal/passive forms of verbs) when /d/ is deleted
  75. Map #75: The verb 'myydä' when /d/ is deleted
  76. Map #76: *-aade- (kaadettu < kaataa) when /d/ is deleted
  77. Map #77: *-oode- (vuoden < vuosi, luode) when /d/ is deleted
  78. Map #78: Genitive plural forms of monosyllabic (C)VV nouns (puiden < puu)
  79. Map #79: Genitive plural forms of personal pronouns ('meidän')
  80. Map #80: Alternative (ownership) genitive plural forms of personal pronouns ('meitin')
  81. Map #81: Weak grade of *-kt-, *-ht- (nähdä, tehdä, tahdon < tahtoa)
  82. Map #82: Weak grade of *-ht- in later syllables (paukahda)
  83. Map #83: *-rd- in later syllables (ymmärrän)
  84. Map #84: *-ld-, *-rd- (kuolla, vierrä)
  85. Map #85: Gemination of *-r- after stressed diphthong (koira)
  86. Map #86: The suffix -lloinen
  87. Map #87: The adjective 'ensimmäinen'
  88. Map #88: The verb 'auttaa'
  89. Map #89: Weak grade triggered by /Vi/ diphthong
  90. Map #90: The noun 'lampi'
  91. Map #91: The adjective 'lämmin'
  92. Map #92: Second-person plural imperative forms (antakaa) < *-gate
  93. Map #93: Days of the week with -tai (tiistai)
  94. Map #94: The clitic '-kin' < *-gik with multiple syllables (poikakin)
  95. Map #95: *-ga: the noun 'vainaja'
  96. Map #96: *-ga: the noun 'kataja'
  97. Map #97: *-ga: the noun 'säynävä'/'säyne'
  98. Map #98: Third-person possessive form of bisyllabic partitive singular forms (nenäänsä)
  99. Map #99: Partitive of 'monta' ('monta', 'montaa')
  100. Map #100: The (con)negative of 'kauan' ('kauaa')
  101. Map #101: Second-person plural indicative past forms of verbs (annoitte)
  102. Map #102: -uus nouns (vanhuus)
  103. Map #103: Third-person plural indicative forms of verbs (antavat)
  104. Map #104: Inessive ending
  105. Map #105: *-sn- in participles and essives
  106. Map #106: Assimilation of /s/ to /h/ when followed by a voiced consonant
  107. Map #107: Unstressed *-AhA- in later syllables
  108. Map #108: Unstressed *-ehe- in later syllables
  109. Map #109: Illative plural of polysyllabic nouns with gradation
  110. Map #110: Illative singular forms of nouns like 'mieli' without and with possessive
  111. Map #111: The conjunction 'jahka'
  112. Map #112: Nominative singular forms of personal pronouns ('minä', 'sinä')
  113. Map #113: Genitive singular forms of personal pronouns ('minun', 'sinun')
  114. Map #114: Connegative/imperative form of the verb 'mennä' ('mene')
  115. Map #115: Connegative/imperative form of the verb 'sanoa' ('sano')
  116. Map #116: The noun 'känsä'
  117. Map #117: The postposition 'kanssa'
  118. Map #118: The adjective 'kolmas'
  119. Map #119: Third-person possessive nominative/genitive singular forms
  120. Map #120: Word-final -n before a major break
  121. Map #121: Word-final -n before a vowel
  122. Map #122: Word-final -n before a /h/
  123. Map #123: Word-final -n before a /s/
  124. Map #124: Word-final -n before a nasal, liquid or semivowel
  125. Map #125: The suffix -inen
  126. Map #126: Allative ending
  127. Map #127: /l/ before back vowels
  128. Map #128: Connegative/imperative form of the verb 'tulla' ('tule')
  129. Map #129: Connegative/imperative form of the verb 'olla' ('ole')
  130. Map #130: The noun 'kurkku' (throat)
  131. Map #131: Adessive singular ending
  132. Map #132: The noun 'pöly'
  133. Map #133: The noun 'käräjät'
  134. Map #134: The noun 'veräjä'
  135. Map #135: The noun 'pitäjä'
  136. Map #136: The adjective 'häijy'
  137. Map #137: The noun 'läjä'
  138. Map #138: The noun 'savu'
  139. Map #139: The verb 'kasvaa'
  140. Map #140: The noun 'rosvo'
  141. Map #141: The second-person singular negative imperative ('älä')
  142. Map #142: The initial vowel in the verb 'mennä'
  143. Map #143: The initial vowel in the verb 'eksyä'
  144. Map #144: The initial vowel in the verb 'pelätä'
  145. Map #145: The initial vowel in the stem 'pysty-'
  146. Map #146: The vowel harmony in the adjective 'tyhmä', 'tuhma'
  147. Map #147: The vowel harmony in the noun 'rusto'
  148. Map #148: The verb 'ylettyä', 'ulottua'
  149. Map #149: The interjection 'häh'
  150. Map #150: The nouns 'paarma', 'käärme'
  151. Map #151: The noun 'lattia'
  152. Map #152: The noun 'sorsa'
  153. Map #153: The verb 'pyyhkiä'
  154. Map #154: Long *aa, *ää in initial syllables ('maa', 'pää')
  155. Map #155: Long *oo, *öö, *ee in initial syllables ('tuon' < 'tuoda', 'syön' < 'syödä', 'vien' < 'viedä', 'vieras')
  156. Map #156: The noun 'ruoho'
  157. Map #157: The pronoun 'tuo'
  158. Map #158: Closing diphthongs in the initial syllable
  159. Map #159: Labialization of e-stem verbs in the third-person singular indicative
  160. Map #160: Labialization of e-stem verbs in the present active participle
  161. Map #161: The noun 'avanto'
  162. Map #162: The plural of the noun 'ahven'
  163. Map #163: The plural of the noun 'hauki'
  164. Map #164: First-person plural indicative forms of verbs (saamme, annamme)
  165. Map #165: Second-person plural indicative forms of verbs (saatte, annatte)
  166. Map #166: First-person plural possessive ending (-mme)
  167. Map #167: Second-person plural possessive ending (-nne)
  168. Map #168: Oblique stem of the noun 'syli'
  169. Map #169: The noun 'sisar'
  170. Map #170: The noun 'niitty'
  171. Map #171: The noun 'levy'
  172. Map #172: The partitive singular forms of the nouns 'meri', 'veri'
  173. Map #173: Nouns ending in -sikka ('vasikka', 'lusikka')
  174. Map #174: Plural of -inen
  175. Map #175: Elision of final /i/ of bisyllabic words
  176. Map #176: Elision of final /i/ with more than two syllables
  177. Map #177: Second-person singular possessive ending (-si)
  178. Map #178: First-person singular possessive ending (-ni)
  179. Map #179: Partitive singular forms with long /aa/ or /ää/
  180. Map #180: Third-person singular indicative of *-AidA- verbs (hyppää)
  181. Map #181: Third-person singular indicative forms from *-api
  182. Map #182: Inessive singular forms from *-Ahen
  183. Map #183: Inessive singular forms from *-Ohen, *-ehen
  184. Map #184: Inessive singular forms from *-ehen < *-eC
  185. Map #185: Genitive plural forms and second infinitive forms of e-stems and i-stems
  186. Map #186: Genitive plural forms of a-stems
  187. Map #187: Second infinitive forms of a-stems
  188. Map #188: -ile- frequentatives of a-stem verbs
  189. Map #189: -uu (*-ado) nouns
  190. Map #190: -auttaa/-uuttaa verbs
  191. Map #191: -ea adjectives
  192. Map #192: Partitive singular of e-stem nouns
  193. Map #193: *-eda-stem verbs
  194. Map #194: Partitive singular of o-stems
  195. Map #195: First infinitive of o-stems
  196. Map #196: *-oda-stem verbs
  197. Map #197: Reduction of partitive singular endings
  198. Map #198: Secondary lengthening of vowels
  199. Map #199: Epenthetic (svarabhakti) vowels after /l/ coda
  200. Map #200: Epenthetic (svarabhakti) vowels after /n/ coda
  201. Map #201: *oi in non-initial syllables
  202. Map #202: -loi- plural infix (in partitive plural forms)
  203. Map #203: The noun 'äiti'
  204. Map #204: The suffix -ton
  205. Map #205: -o(i)ttaa verbs
  206. Map #206: The verb 'kirjoittaa'
  207. Map #207: */oi/ in past verb forms and plural oblique forms of o-stem nouns
  208. Map #208: */ei/ in past verb forms
  209. Map #209: */ei/ in plural oblique forms of i-stem nouns
  210. Map #210: -ita (*-icce-) verbs
  211. Map #211: -isin adverbs
  212. Map #212: -aista (*-aice-) verbs
  213. Map #213: Partitive plural forms of nouns like 'varas'

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