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Etymology 1


From intra- +‎ body.



intrabody (not comparable)

  1. That exists, operates or occurs within a body (especially the human body).
    • 2006, Rebecca Grinter, et al. (editors), CHI 2006: Interact, Inform, Inspire: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, Proceedings, Volume 1, Association for Computing Machinery, page 677,
      An intuitive context aware service between two devices is possible using touch with the intrabody communication.
    • 2015, Željka Lučev Vasić, Igor Krois, Silvio Hrabar, Mario Cifrek, “On the Transformer Effects in the Measurements of Capacitative Intrabody Transmission Characteristics Using Grounded Instruments”, in Igor Lacković, Darko Vasić, editors, IFMBE Proceedings, Volume 45: 6th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, MBEC 2014, Springer, page 263:
      In the measurements of the transmission characteristics of the intrabody communication system RF transformers with terminals that are not symmetric to the ground are often used for galvanic decoupling and referred to as balun transformers.
    • 2023, Isao Nakanishi, Tomoaki Oku, Souta Okasaka, Person Verification Based on Multipoint Measurement of Intrabody Propagation Signals, Abbas Moallem (editor), HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust: 5th International Conference, HCI-CPT 2023, Proceedings, Springer, LNCS 14045, page 686,
      The intrabody propagation signal is obtained by using intrabody communication technology [5,6], which utilizes the human body as a transmission path.
  2. (medicine, anatomy) That exists, operates or occurs within the vertebral body.

Etymology 2


Blend of intracellular +‎ antibody, probably influenced by the above.



intrabody (plural intrabodies)

  1. (medicine) An antibody that exists inside and operates within a cell.
    • 1998, Discover, Volume 19, Time Inc., page 36,
      The T cells could now produce their own anti-Tat intrabody.
    • 2006, HIV Molecular Immunology, Volume 2, Los Alamos National Laboratory (Theoretical Biology and Biophysics Group T-10), page 902,
      Single chain antibodies, intrabodies, were engineered that can be stably expressed in the cytoplasm of mammalian cells [] .
    • 2009, Laurence Guglielmi, Pierre Martineau, Intrabody Expression in Eukaryotic Cells, Robert Aitken (editor), Antibody Phage Display, Springer (Humana Press), page 196,
      Even when aggregated, some intrabodies may retain the capacity to sequester the target antigen, preventing it from reaching its intended cellular location and thereby inhibiting its function (2–3).