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Interesting social sciences/Body language and symbolic interactionism

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Body language Gestures of flirtation, lies and aggression.

English subtitles exist in this video


Symbolic interactionism/

English subtitles exist in this video. Rules of communication. Scenes. Image. Aleksandr Lebed - "a real colonel"

Body language

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Okay sign
Thumb up


The "cut-throat" or throat slash sign
Ronald Reagan with his horse "Little Man" at Rancho del Cielo, 1977
Alexander Lebed
Alexey Buldakov

Body language is inherited by people from its animal ancestors, therefore it is not necessary to teach of man to communicate in this language.

Animals conflicted and realized control with help of body language. The person hasn't lost up to the end ability to enter in conflict and to realize psychological control with help of a body language after the invention of spoken language and written language. People make gestures involuntary, therefore it is impossible to lie in body language. It is possible to learn separate simple gestures in order to deceive interlocutor, but other small involuntary gestures can betray you. The training of body language is used under the education of managers today, because it makes it possible to understand secret intentions of partners in the business. Women understand body language better then men, therefore it is very difficult for husband - to deceive its wife.

In opinion of Allan Pease, it is possible to isolate three basic kinds of the gestures:

• the gestures of flirtation,

• the gestures of lie,

• the gestures of aggression.

The gestures of flirtation for women:

  • rolling hips,
  • the head toss,
  • open legs,
  • sideways glance, [1]
  • a dilated pupils (bedroom eyes), which indicate excitement; [2]
  • long fixed glance longer than 10 seconds.
  • Woman begins to smarten up before the mirror (“to clean of plumes”) on the eyes of man, to do up hair, to color lips. [3]

The aggressive male gesture of courtship is thumbs-in-belt, that highlights genital region. Man also can “clean of plumes” ‐ man may straighten his tie and brush imaginary dust from shoulder. [4]

The gestures of deceit, doubt, lying:

  • attempt to cover our mouth, eyes or ears with our hands, [5]
  • The opened palms indicate: “I speak truth”.[6]
  • To hide his palms in his pockets is the sign of secretive person. [7] Boredom is expressed in the fact that man begin to use his hand to support his head. “I speak truth”.[8]

The gestures of aggression:

  • The hands are compressed in fists and rested against a belt.
  • The demonstration of thumb-up gesture indicates: “I am Boss” or “Everything is all right”. [9]
  • One palm gripping the other hand behind the back (the gesture of policeman) indicates: “I do not fear you”. [10]
  • Arms, tightly folded across his chest are sign of defensive. [11]
  • The round-shouldered back means an inferiority complex.
  • Straddling a chair means protection. [12]
  • The V-sign of fingers means victory when palm faces out. The V-sign of fingers means obscene insult version when palm faces toward the speaker. [13]
  • Long fixed view in combination with the narrow pupils ("beady little eyes" or “snake eyes”) indicate anger in prison. [14]


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Erving Goffman observed the life of cripples, patients of psychiatric hospitals, visitors of casino in America. Confusion is the sign of mistake in this game and confusion is the expression of request to repeat attempt. People, noted by "badge of shame“, can experience difficulties in the contact, because it is difficult to produce a good impression for this people. The color of the skin, scar on face, prosthesis, wart, birthmark on half of face and so on can become this "badge of shame“. Such people try to hide their "badge of shame“ and they manage it temporarily sometimes.[15] According to its observations, the bureaucrat ‐ representative of middle class is forced to develop his capability to social mimicry that to create his image on the service. Image is social role. Each politician has own image also. It is possible to give examples of the successful images: First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin had image “The father of nation”, President of the USA Ronald Reagan has image "ordinary guy". Leader of liberal ‐ democratic party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky has image “Clown”. Mayor of Moscow Yury Luzhkov had image “Ordinary guy in the cap”. Governor general Alexander Lebed had image “Real Colonel”. The actor Alexey Buldakov has played role of "the real colonel" in the movie "Peculiarities of the National Hunt". The singer Alla Pugacheva has sung the "Real Colonel" song. Second President of Russia Vladimir Putin has image “the creator of order”. Leader of party “Union of Right Forces” in Russia Boris Nemtsov has image “curly - haired favorite of women”. Bad image testifies about professional unfitness to the role of elective politician. Ronald Reagan, as the former actor, who played cowboys and supermen, used bodybuilding and cosmetic for creating of this image.

When husband and wife come to guests, then wife demonstrates respected subordination to the will of own husband, although she behaves completely differently at home. If blind person reminds about own unhappiness constantly and thus blind person degrades own merit, then people begin to avoid of contact with this blind person, because they don't want to have unnecessary problems. It is considered that the low cost of a wedding ring demonstrates that the groom appreciates of bride a little.

Symbolic interactionism

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According to Herbert Blumer, interaction is the continuous dialogue, in process of which the people observe, people comprehend intentions of each other and people react to this intentions.[16] People play scenes as performances in the miniature in order to deceive, to push away, to throw into confusion, to offend, to humiliate or, on the contrary, to show high opinion about the person. Joseph Stalin loved to be late to the meeting in order to show that Joseph Stalin is most important man and nothing will begin without Joseph Stalin.

Harold Garfunkel studied rules of the communication between the people, this rules determine when it is appropriate to say something or to be silent, to joke or to deviate from sneers, to tie conversation or to end conversation delicately. If man violates rules of communication, this causes anger and bewilderment. Husband and wife understand each other from the half word and they communicate with help of the hints, for example, husband speaks that their son threw the coin into the automatic machine on the parking today, this hint means that their son has grown so much that he can reach the slot for coins in the machine himself.[17]

Citations and references

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  1. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Ten. Courtship gestures and signals. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  2. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Nine. Eye signals. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  3. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Ten. Courtship gestures and signals. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  4. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Ten. Courtship gestures and signals.https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  5. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Five. Hand-to-face gestures. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  6. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Three. Palm gestures.https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  7. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Three. Palm gestures. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  8. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Five. Hand-to-face gestures. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  9. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? One. A framework for understanding. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  10. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Four. Hand and arm gestures. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  11. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? One. A framework for understanding. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  12. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Eight. Other popular gestures and actions. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  13. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? One. A framework for understanding. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  14. Allan. Pease Body language. How to read others' thooghts by theirs gestures? Nine. Eyes signals. https://www.academia.edu/16115299/Body_Language_How_to_Read_Others_Thoughts_by_Their_Gestures_by_Allan_Pease_John_Chandler
  15. Neil Smelser. Sociology. New-Jersey Prentice Hall 1988. Chapter 5. Social interaction.
  16. Neil Smelser. Sociology. New-Jersey Prentice Hall 1988. Chapter 5. Social interaction.
  17. Neil Smelser. Sociology. New-Jersey Prentice Hall 1988. Chapter 5. Social interaction.