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Lombard/Present Conditional

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Lombard language course
Morphology of Lombard language

AdjectivesAdjective degrees
PronounsSubject personal pronouns •• Object and term personal pronouns •• Pronominal and adverbial particles - Demonstrative pronouns •• Possessive pronouns •• Indefinite pronouns
VerbsMoods and tenses •• Infinitive •• Gerund and gerundial complements •• Participle - Present Indicative •• Past Indicative (Perfect Indicative) •• Imperfect Indicative •• Past Perfect Indicative •• Simple Future Indicative •• Compound Future Indicative •• Present Subjunctive •• Past Subjunctive (Perfect Subjunctive) •• Imperfect Subjunctive •• Past Perfect Subjunctive •• Present Conditional •• Past Conditional •• Present Imperative •• Future Imperative •• Continuous construction ••• Irregular verbs
••• Auxiliary verbs
••• Modal verbs
••• Phrasal verbs
Prepositions and prepositional locutions
Adverbs and adverbial locutions
Pronominal and adverbial particles
Other constructions replacing the adverbs "easily" and "hardly"
Conjunctions and conjunctive locutions

Lombard The reference orthography for this page of Lombard course is New Lombard orthography

Here are the endings to be added to verbs to conjugate the regular verbs.
The verb "varda" for the first conjugation is shown as an example (the second and the third conjugations are like the first in future indicative in Milanese dialect),"finì" for the fourth incoative conjugation, "dormì" for the fourth non-incoative conjugation.

I II, III conjugation IV incoative
IV non-incoative
Mi vardariss / vardaria finissaria dormariss / dormaria
Ti vardarisset / vardariet finissariet dormarisset / dormariet
Lù el
Lee la
vardariss / vardaria finissaria dormariss / dormaria
Num vardarissom / vardariom finissariom dormarissom / dormariom
Vialter vardarissov / vardariov finissariov dormarissov / dormariov
Lor (i)
Lore (i)
vardarissen / vardarien finissarien dormarissen / dormarien

See the appendices to the wiktionary in Lombardy:

Western Lombard

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First conjugation
Second conjugation
Third conjugation
Forth non-incoative conjugation
Forth incoative conjugation

Eastern Lombard

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First conjugation
Third conjugation
Forth conjugation

Alpine lombard

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