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Trimurti Yoga is the path of love (do good, work for a happy world), spiritual practice (yoga, meditation, mental work) and daily connection with the enlightened masters (reading, praying, oracle). Find your personal way of connecting, your daily exercises and your path of doing good. Then you will live in inner peace, love and happiness. Your life will be happy and healthy. Trimurti Yoga is the easiest way to enlightenment. You can go forward in your speed. You only have to practise consistently every day.

Yogi Nils

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Blessing hermit

Mid-1988 Nils moved into his small house in the woods and became a Yogi. In early 1991 he sat in prior to his first yoga group.

First, Nils made a round of introductions. Each participant told what he personally expected from the yoga class. Thus Nils could give them what they wanted. Most group members wanted some relaxation, some gymnastics, and some health training. They wanted to reduce their stress and maintain good energy. Some participants were without any expectations. They simply wanted to know what yoga is. After the introductions Nils turned on some music. All the people danced for ten minutes on their way freely out their stress. Later on Nils developed the Shake Meditation for the beginning of each yoga class.

After the free dance they all lay on their yoga mats and relaxed. Nils then showed them simple yoga exercises in the supine position, the prone and the sitting. Basically, in a yoga class always all body parts are trained so that one gets an all around good feeling. After the dynamic yoga exercises they meditated ten minutes in sitting and fifteen minutes in lying down. After the yoga class, he asked the participants what was good and bad. He changed some yoga exercises and adapted them to the needs of the people. Over time he developed his special style of yoga. He called it intuitive Hatha Yoga. The focus of practice was on the inner feeling. Each participant was allowed to try out what was helpful for him.

After a yoga session all participants were peaceful and happy. A real rush began on his group. Gradually he got more and more yoga classes, until he had almost every day in the week two groups. And on weekends, he regularly hosted a yoga weekend.

In the fall of 1991, Nils visited for a few days his sister Inge in Berlin. A Sivananda Yoga course was offered in the neighborhood. Nils went there to learn perhaps something new. He asked the yoga teacher if he could join a trial lesson. Suddenly he was hit by a strong spiritual energy. That energy came neither from the group nor of the yoga teacher. Nils thinks, that Swami Shivananda has sent him this energy. He later on appeared Nils several times in dreams and gave him spiritual advices.

The first four years as a yogi, there was good progress. After Nils had about half a year adjusted to his new situation, defined his goals and found the right spiritual exercises for him, he resolved much old stress and often came in blissful states of consciousness. In his dreams he saw past exam situations, difficult relationships and negative experiences from his childhood. All the stress from his former life disintegrated. His mind became calm, peaceful and happy. One night in 1991 Nils dreamed even of his birth. In the dream, he flowed through a long dark tunnel. He made a birth cry and woke up by it. He breathed like a newborn. Nils had a difficult birth. Thus many tensions arose. These tensions went away now. Later on Nils felt a deep longing to be a baby again. He wanted to be in his mother's womb. That was impossible. But possible was it to be enlightened and to live in a cosmic consciousness, in the womb of God.

In 1990 Nils wrote a book about positive thinking. In writing this book, he came across the question of the best path to inner happiness. Is it more important to exercise consistent or to live in a relaxed way? Enlightenment appears, if we resolve our inner tensions. Tensions heal, if we live relaxed. But they also dissolve, if we do consistent spiritual exercises. There are two different schools of thought in yoga. One school emphasizes the life of unattached being (Ramana Maharshi, Lao Tzu, Buddha) and the other school focuses on the spiritual practice (Swami Sivananda, Sai Baba, Mata Amritanandamayi, Mother Meera, Dalai Lama). Who is right?

Nils had to clarify this question for himself. He thought a day so intense about the problem of being or exercising, that after falling asleep in the night the thinking goes on. When he awoke in the morning, he was in a deep state of enlightenment. His mind had solved the problem in the night. The answer was conclusive. Enlightenment, inner happiness and the state of unattached being are closely linked. If you let go of all attachments to external things, you relax so deeply into your soul, that the inner happiness can unfold. Being can be described as a precursor to enlightenment. A yogi must come into a state of unattached existence. Then eventually enlightenment develops by itself. On the other hand normally nothing happens without consistent practice.

According to Nils both doctrines are right. Practicing and being are both important on the spiritual path. Every person has to find his personal way. Who is prone to laziness, should emphasize the exercises. Whoever is uneasy inside, should come to calmness and live without attachment to worldly things. Nils path is it primary to live in rest, to work a little bit for a better world and to do steady some spiritual exercises. On his way Nils feels each day very sensitive, if he has to focus on exercising, doing good or relaxing.

In early 1991 Nils visualized on a walk the whole universe full of happy beings. He wished that all beings all over the world might be happy. He identified himself with all beings and their desire for happiness. He thought the mantra: "May all beings in the world be happy." He opened his heart for all beings. Suddenly he got into a dimension of universal love. The entire landscape around him changed completely. It was bathed in bright light. In Nils appeared the thought: "I am love." He never had had such a strong experience of love. The whole universe consisted of happiness and love.

In 1992, Nils had reached a stage where very often breakthroughs took place in enlightenment dimensions. It was an exciting but also very stressful time. Nils often got great inner happiness and a cosmic consciousness. This usually lasted for several hours. Then by the strong energy dissolved many internal tensions and Nils came in difficult cleaning processes. In his body it was raging and his mind became negative. Nils then immediately made spiritual exercises. He walked for an hour. He read in spiritual books. He meditated a few hours. So the inner rage calmed down. If this did not help, Nils rescued himself through sweets or watching television.

The first half of 1992 was a very stressful time. Nils lived in constant alternation of joy and pain. This constant change was very stressful. Although the many experiences also inspired him. But he was happy when the high energy processes calmed down after a while. There were, in the opinion of Nils two reasons. First, Nils was something gentle with himself. He practiced his exercises sensitive and not so radical. Second, he was now living on a good daily plan. He combined wisely cleaning and recovery phases. Thereby he could largely avoid negative states of mind.

In December 1995, after seven years as a yogi, started again a difficult time. Intense energy processes passed through his body. At night he could not sleep and during the day he was limp and exhausted. It was particularly bad in the thirteenth year. He had one after another an illness, an accident and his girlfriend parted from him. The last major cleaning phase was then in March 2003. In a short time dissolved a lot of internal tension. Nils had for four weeks the feeling as if he had stuck his hands into a socket. He was glowing so much, that he needed sometimes no blanket at night. Although it was winter. After four weeks the cosmos turned the power off. Nils had to recover for one week. He ate one day very much cake. And then he felt good again.

Spiritually, humans can be compared to onions. Tensions and inner conflicts (inner stress) must be dissolved layer by layer. When one layer is peeled away, the next quickly appears at the surface until the inner core is revealed. At this point, a lasting inner joy is found, and the Yogi or Yogini lives in light. Inner joy appears in a person when the tentions (Samskaras) in body and soul have been dissolved. We need exercises for the body (Yoga, Meditation) and for the soul (reflection, Positiv Thinking). Buddha developed a very simple yet genius practice. This consisted of “sitting, going, and thought practice.” This is the center of a successful Hatha Yoga Practice. You need body work (Yoga, walking), mental work (reflection, reading, praying, mantra) and meditation (sitting or lying). And everything in balance, in the right moment and with the right technik.

When one varies one’s activities between body work, mental work and meditation, the inner conflict and tension can be done away with. When a person only meditates, the spirit becomes dull and listless. Routine movement makes the spirit clear, keeps the body healthy and gives the person inner energy. If you only go or do Yoga asanas, the mind is restless. Inner happiness comes from inner peace. If the body is kept very quiet, well you can get into deeper dimensions of meditation.

Meditation can be practiced either in a sitting position or lying down. Some people can meditate better when sitting, others when lying down. Those who fall asleep easily when lying down, should meditate by sitting. Those who cannot sit straight for a long time should practice meditation lying down. In addition to periods of sitting and relaxing in combination with movement, working with the thoughts is important in getting rid of inner conflict. A Yogi or Yogini should develop his or her thoughts with love, wisdom, and self-discipline.

The five most important spiritual activities are: lying down (or sitting and meditating), reading, walking (or Yoga asanas), doing good for others (work), and to enjoy life. Meditation is a way to get inner peace. Reading spiritual books helps to cleanse the spirit. Walking, jogging, biking, swimming or yoga gives you health and inner strength. Even the Dalai Lama rides a stationary bike every day, for a half an hour. Swama Shivananda liked to take walks. There are appropriate exercises for everyone. Yogis living in caves developed the very well-known sun salute, for example.

A yogi should find out how much contact with others is good for him or her. At a certain point, physical rest can cause the energy of a person to go inward. This turning point must be discovered by each yogi for him or herself. It is difficult to find and difficult to hold onto. Life energy tends toward an excess of activity or towards dullness. Both need to be avoided with daily self-discipline.

When we keep inner calm, inner happiness appears. An effective yogic life feels like a constant swimming against the tide of ones own neurotic impulses. It's like living in a pressure cooker. First rest is extremely boring and then the energy starts to work intensive in the body. It tingles and pulls and you want to move. But if you stay at rest, then suddenly inner peace and happiness arises. We become happy in ourselves. We enter into a life in the light.

For Nils, the spiritual daily schedule is the central technique on the path into the light. It is based on letting go of tensions in the body and soul. The secret here is the right application of the right technique at the right moment.

A Yogi senses his inner conflicts and uses the proper techniques to dissolve the tensions. That is usually what the body and soul wants the least at that moment. Wherever the neurotic defense is, is usually the way into the light. On the other hand, we need to sometimes give the body and soul what they would like, otherwise tension is built.

The way to happiness requires a lot of wisdom and inner sensitivity. Nils begins his day with a positive attitude and assessment of the day, to get himself situated. Which exercises does he need in which order? What should be emphasized? If he feels dull, he emphasizes exercises to activate himself. If he feels restless, he emphasizes rest. He asks himself, ”What do I need today? What do I like today?”

According to Swami Sivananda, enlightenment occurs via relaxation, practice, and love. When a Yogi or Yogini lives in an area of peace, he or she is already halfway there. The second half is tackled with spiritual practice (yoga, walking, meditation, mental work). We pass through the gate to a life in light, if we live in focus for a happy world and train the quality of love to all.

The enlightened being

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Enlightened Masters. Blessing.

Our goal state of being is a state of freedom from tension. Then health and inner happiness can thrive. Then inner healing can take place. Then we feel good from deep within. We live in light and in God and in happiness.

Being free from inner tension can also be described as emptiness. We become an empty vessel. In Christianity, it is said that the Holy Ghost of God can flow into people when they become empty. In the sermon on the mount it is said:” blessed are the pure for they will see God.” We reach a state of consciousness of the unity of all things. We experience peace, love and happiness. We see the light of God in the world. We are filled with light and become a light of God.

Buddhism speaks of Nirvana. Nirvana means inner happiness. Only when we completely relax can we experience real emptiness. All phenomena are empty when it comes down to it. They are meaningless emotionally. We can only dissolve them when we dissolve our attachment and rejection of things. Only then can happiness develop within us. Then we become a Buddha. We are happy independent of what happens in the world around us.

It is difficult to comprehend on its own. It has to be experience. We do spiritual exercises, achieve a state of pure being and become spontaneously happy. That happened to me this morning. I went for a walk, did my chair Yoga exercise while walking, dissolved my energy blockages and arrived in a state of light. The energy flowed again. I was happy unto myself. I could see the beauty of the world. I recognized that it is enough to live in enlightened being. That is the deeper purpose of life.

The center of life is not to seek change in the outside world, it is inner change. Despite this, we should work toward contributing in making the world a happy place. We should live in a way that makes us feel good on the outside, too. Above all, we should help others find their way to the path of lasting happiness. We should live in a state of all-encompassing love. We should bring light into the world.

The best way to make that happen is through spiritual exercises that awaken the happiness within us. If we are in a state of light, then we pass that light on to other beings. In that way, we stabilize our state of happiness and open the heart. We live in the energy of peace, of happiness and in love. In the Yoga texts it is said that an enlightened Yogi is 100 times happier than a person without inner happiness. An enlightened Yogi of love (Karma Yogi, Bodhisattva) is 100 times happier than a regular enlightened Yogi because the love of life makes one infinitely happy.

It's a great idea to combine the way of inner happiness along with the path of all-encompassing love. We find our mission in the world, our way of love. We do a good deed every day. We send all beings light every day. We live in our enlightened being and all-encompassing love.

It's important to not stress along the spiritual way. Stress destroys inner happiness. Stress burns up our happiness energy. Too much stress is bad for happiness energy. With stress, we grow depressed instead of enlightened. We need to take action from a relaxed state of being so that it almost feels like doing nothing. We are simply there. We do nothing and everything happens on its own. We do what is right at any given moment in a relaxed state of being and go where our love leads us.

We enjoy our lives. We give ourselves what we need for a happy life. We need to bring enough joy into our lives so that we can take our path in a positive manner. Buddha called that the middle way. Those who practice spiritually too vigorously winds up tense. Those who practice too little, do not grow along the way of happiness. The middle way is between the two extremes.

It's important to be ourselves. Enlightenment is self-realization. We develop our higher self, God, the light and the happiness within us. That can only take place if we develop a good sense of ourselves. We have to take the spiritual path with wisdom and sensitivity. It is of no use to take a foreign path if we use an unfamiliar spiritual system that exists outside of us. At first such a system can be helpful. But at some point we need to go beyond that and take our own personal path that is beyond spiritual systems.

Relaxation then takes place at a deep level of being. We feel that we are on the right path. We feel peace and harmony. We are satisfied with ourselves and our lives. This way is not ego realization. Ego realization only affects temporary happiness. Enlightenment means the overcoming of the ego. That takes place along the path of calm and peace, spiritual practice and unconditional love. We live emphasizing the happiness of other people. We also give ourselves what we need and what makes us feel well. That is the greatest gift that a person can possess.

Trimurti Meditation

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The "Trimurti" (Sanskrit, "three forms") is a concept in Hinduism "in which the cosmic functions of creation, maintenance, and destruction are personified by the forms of Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer or transformer." These three gods have been called "the Hindu triad" or the "Great Trinity", often addressed as "Brahma-Vishnu-Maheswara." They are actually manifestation of One person in three forms who is called Svayam Bhagavan. Svayam Bhagavan ("The Lord" or "The Lord Himself") is a Sanskrit theological term for the concept of absolute representation of God as Bhagavan within Hinduism.

Brahma in the universe
Brahma in the universe

1. Brahma = We make large circles with our hands around us, visualize the cosmos full of stars and think, "I live in peace (enlightened being), unity consciousness and bliss."

2. Shiva = We visualize within ourselves the Kundalini Serpent, twist in the spine, move our toes and think: "I am a Yogi. I save myself with my spiritual exercises."

Vishnu with Lakshmi on a lotus
Vishnu with Lakshmi on a lotus

3. Vishnu = We move our hand, send all beings light and think, "I send light to (all my friends). May all people be happy. May the world be happy."

4. Master Yoga = We rub the palms before our heart chakra, visualize the sky above us and think, "Om Shiva. Om Vishnu. Om Brahma. Om Trimurti. Om Yoga, Love and Wisdom. Please guide me on my way."

5. Meditation = We put our hands in the lap, move your toes and think one minute the mantra "Om" in your belly. Then we stop a minute every thought. The spine is straight and the belly is relaxed. Sit only there. Don't think. Then relax.

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Meditation with the inner voice