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Iran–Iraq War

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Iran–Iraq War

Iranian soldier with gas mask in the battlefield.
Date22 September 198020 August 1988
Persian Gulf, Iranian-Iraqi border
Result Stalemate; UN Resolution 598 (ceasefire); Strategic Iraqi failure; Tactical Iranian failure. Both sides claim victory.
Status quo ante bellum; observed by UNIIMOG based on UN Resolution 619.

Patriotic Union of Kurdistan
Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iraq

Islamic Movement of Kurdistan

Iraq Iraq¹
People's Mujahedin of Iran
Arab League Soldiers and volunteers from different Arab countries[1] Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran, Komalah[2][3]

United States United States Navy
Commanders and leaders
Iran Ruhollah Khomeini
Iran Abolhassan Banisadr
Iran Ali Khamenei
Iran Ali Sayed Shirazi
Iran Mostafa Chamran  
Iraq Saddam Hussein
Iraq Ali Hassan al-Majid
305,000 soldiers,
400,000 to 700,000; meaning ±550,000 Pasdaran and Basij militia,
900 tanks,
1,000 armored vehicles,
1,000 artillery pieces,
447 aircraft,
750 helicopters[4]
200,000 in 1980,
800,000 by 1988,
5,000 tanks,
4,000 armored vehicles,
7,330 artillery pieces,
500+ aircraft,
100+ helicopters[5]
Casualties and losses

213,255 soldiers/militia/civilians killed (Official Figures) [6] Iraqi claims and some unofficial claims are widely varied up to 800,000. However, according to MSN encarta: "Neutral estimates come closer to the Iranian claim but are uncertain." [7]

Economic Loss= more than US$500 billion
Est. 250,000-500,000 soldiers/militia/civilians killed or wounded Economic Loss= more than US$500 billion
¹ With support from the U.S.S.R., the People's Republic of China, France, Brazil, Egypt, Denmark, the United States, and other Arab, NATO and Warsaw Pact countries.

The Iran–Iraq War, also known as the Imposed War (جنگ تحمیلی, Jang-e-tahmīlī) and Holy Defense (دفاع مقدس, Defā'-e-moghaddas) in Iran, and Saddām's Qādisiyyah (قادسيّة صدّام, Qādisiyyat Ṣaddām) in Iraq, and the First Gulf War (حرب الخليج الأولى Ḥarb al-Khalīj al-'Ūlā) in the Arab world (the Persian Gulf War being the Second Gulf War), was a war between the armed forces of Iraq and Iran lasting from September 1980 to August 1988.

The war began when Iraq invaded Iran on 22 September 1980 following a long history of border disputes and fears of Shia insurgency among Iraq's long suppressed Shia majority influenced by Iran's Islamic revolution. Although Iraq hoped to take advantage of revolutionary chaos in Iran and attacked without formal warning, they made only limited progress into Iran and within several months were repelled by the Iranians who regained virtually all lost territory by June 1982. For the next six years Iran was on the offensive.[8] Despite several calls for a ceasefire by the United Nations Security Council, hostilities continued until 20 August 1988. The last prisoners of war were exchanged in 2003.[8][9]

The war is noted for several things. It was of great cost in lives and economic damage - a half a million Iraqi and Iranian soldiers as well as civilians are believed to have died in the war with many more injured and wounded - but brought neither reparations nor change in borders. It is also noted for its similarity to World War I. Tactics used included trench warfare, manned machine-gun posts, bayonet charges, use of barbed wire across trenches and on no-mans land, human wave attacks and Iraq's extensive use of chemical weapons (such as mustard gas) against Iranian troops and civilians as well as Iraqi Kurds.


The war began with Iraqi planes bombing the Iranian airfields and attempting to destroy Iranian air force on the ground but failed, and also bombed other targets. The Iraqis advanced into Iran and met unexpectedly stiff resistance. They also came under attack from Iranian aircraft. The Iraqis entered the city of Khorramshahr. In the conquest for Khorramshar in 1980, the Iraqis suffered 7,000 casualties. The Iranians liberated Khorramshahr in 1982 and captured 19,000 Iraqi soldiers. The Iranians also managed to force the Iraqis to withdraw from the city of Abadan in the battle of Abadan. In very heavy fighting, the Iranians managed to drive the Iraqis out of Iran. Despite fierce Iraqi resistance, the Iranians slogged their way into Iraq and kept up offensives on Iraqi defenses for the next six years. The Iranians sent teenage boys to charge through the minefields, clearing the way for Iranian tanks. The Iraqis used chemical weapons against the Iranians and even against possibly unreliable civilians of their own in Halabja. The Iranian offensives were mostly repelled, but they did manage to capture the Majnoon Islands, the Al-Faw peninsula a few other small gains. A major naval battle in the Persian Gulf between the two navies resulted in losses on both sides and an Iranian victory. The Iranian land offensives often resulted in massive casualties for the Iranians, mainly because of their large scale use human wave attacks, in which Iranian soldiers were mowed down by the tens of thousands. Iraqi losses were also heavy, and Iraqi soldiers died by thousands. Both sides launched missiles at each other and Iraqi warplanes bombed Iran, killing thousands of civilians on both sides, in what became known as the 'war of the cities'.The war finally ended when boths sides pressured from the United Nations declared a ceasefire


History of war's name

The war was commonly referred to as the Gulf War or Persian Gulf War until the Iraq-Kuwait conflict (Operation Desert Storm Jan-Feb 1991), and for a while thereafter as the First Persian Gulf War. The Iraq-Kuwait conflict, while originally known as the Second Persian Gulf War, later became known simply as "The Gulf War." The United States-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the ongoing conflict there has since been called the Second Persian Gulf War.

Early history

Iranian soldiers landing from a U.S. designed CH-47 Chinook helicopter in the northern front of the war.

Although the Iran–Iraq War from 1980–1988 was a war for dominance of the Persian Gulf region, the roots of the war go back many centuries. There has been rivalry between kingdoms of Assyria (the Fertile Cresent valley, modern Syria) and the rugged highlands to the East (Persia or modern Iran) since the beginning of recorded history in Sumer.

Of strategic importance was the question of sovereignty over the resource-rich province of Khuzestan. Before the Ottoman empire 1299-1922, Iraq was part of Persia. The rising power of the Ottomans put an end to this when Suleyman I annexed Arabian Iraq. The Turkish Sultan and general, Murad IV recaptured Baghdad from the Safavids of Persia in 1638 via the Treaty of Zuhab (Peace of Qasr-e-Shirin). The border disputes between Persia and the Ottomans never ended. Between 1555 and 1918, Persia and the Ottoman empire signed no fewer than 18 treaties delineating their disputed borders. Today's border comes from the Treaty of Zuhab. Modern Iraq was created from the British Mandate of Mesopotamia, formed after the final collapse of the Ottoman empire following the First World War, thereby inheriting all the disputes with Persia.

Saddam Hussein biographers have described Saddam's anti-Iranianism, developed in his formative years living with his virulently anti-Iranian uncle Khairallah Talfah as a factor in his later foreign policy, including the Iran–Iraq War.[10][11] Talfah was the author of Three Whom God Should Not Have Created: Persians, Jews, and Flies, a pamphlet Saddam's government was later to republish.[12]

Post-colonial era

On 18 December 1959, the new leader of Iraq Abdul Karim Qassim, declared: "We do not wish to refer to the history of Arab tribes residing in Al-Ahwaz and Mohammareh [Khorramshahr]. The Ottomans handed over Mohammareh, which was part of Iraqi territory, to Iran." The Iraqi regime's dissatisfaction with Iran's possession of the oil-rich Khuzestan province was not limited to rhetorical statements; Iraq began supporting secessionist movements in Khuzestan, and even raised the issue of its territorial claims at the next meeting of the Arab League, without success. Iraq showed reluctance in fulfilling existing agreements with Iran—especially after the death of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and the rise of the Ba'ath Party, when Iraq decided to take on the role of "leader of the Arab world".

In 1969, the deputy prime minister of Iraq stated: "Iraq's dispute with Iran is in connection with Arabistan (Khuzestan) which is part of Iraq's soil and was annexed to Iran during foreign rule." Soon Iraqi radio stations began exclusively broadcasting into "Arabistan", encouraging Arabs living in Iran and even Balūchīs to revolt against the Shah of Iran's government. Basra TV stations even began showing Iran's Khuzestan province as part of Iraq's new province called Nasiriyyah, renaming all Iranian cities with Arabic names.

In 1971, Iraq broke diplomatic relations with Iran after claiming sovereignty rights over the islands of Abu Musa, Greater Tunb and Lesser Tunb in the Persian Gulf, following the withdrawal of the British.[13] Iraq then expropriated the properties of 70,000 Iraqis of Iranian origin and expelled them from its territory, after complaining to the Arab League and the UN without success. [citation needed]

One of the factors contributing to hostility between the two powers was a dispute over full control of the Arvand Rūd waterway at the head of the Persian Gulf, an important channel for the oil exports of both countries.

In addition to Iraq's fomenting of separatism in Iran's Khuzestan and Iranian Balochistan provinces, both countries encouraged separatist activities by Kurdish nationalists in the other country. During the first few years of the 1980-1988 Iraq-Iran war, the Iraqi government tried to accommodate the Kurds in order to focus on the war against Iran. In 1984, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan agreed to cooperate with Baghdad, but the Kurdish Democratic Party remained opposed.[14]

In the 1975 Algiers Accord Iraq made territorial concessions — including the waterway — in exchange for normalized relations.

The relationship between Iranian and Iraqi governments briefly improved in 1978, when Iranian agents in Iraq discovered a pro-Soviet coup d'etat against the Iraqi government. When informed of this plot, Saddam Hussein, who was Vice President at the time, ordered the execution of dozens of his army officers, and to return the favor, expelled Ruhollah Khomeini, an exiled leader of clerical opposition to the Shah, from Iraq.

After the Islamic Revolution

American M1A1 tanks in 2003, in front of ‘The Sword of Qādisiyyah’, sometimes known as the ‘Hands of Victory’, opened August 1989.
Iraqi 25-dinar note, with the Battle of al-Qādisiyyah depicted in the background.

The Pan-Islamism and revolutionary Shia Islamism of Ayatollah Khomeini and the Islamic Republic of Iran; and the Arab nationalism of Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime were central to the conflict.

Saddam Hussein was keenly interested in elevating Iraq to a strong regional power. A successful invasion of Iran would enlarge Iraq's oil reserves and make Iraq the dominant power in the Persian Gulf region.

On several occasions Saddam alluded to the Islamic conquest of Iran in propagating his position against Iran. For example, on 2 April 1980, half a year before the outbreak of the war, in a visit by Saddam to al-Mustansiriyyah University in Baghdad, drawing parallels with the 7th century defeat of Persia in the Battle of al-Qādisiyyah, he announced:

In your name, brothers, and on behalf of the Iraqis and Arabs everywhere we tell those Persian cowards and dwarfs who try to avenge Al-Qadisiyah that the spirit of Al-Qadisiyah as well as the blood and honor of the people of Al-Qadisiyah who carried the message on their spearheads are greater than their attempts."[15]

In turn the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini believed Muslims, particularly the Shias in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait, whom he saw as oppressed, could and should follow the Iranian example, rise up against their governments to join a united Islamic republic.[16] Khomeini and Iran's Islamic revolutionaries despised Saddam's secularist, Arab nationalist Ba'athist regime in particular as un-Islamic and "a puppet of Satan,"[17] and called on Iraqis to overthrow Saddam and his regime. At the same time severe officer purges (including several executions ordered by Sadegh Khalkhali, the post-revolution sharia ruler), and spare parts shortages for Iran's American-made equipment, had crippled Iran's once mighty military. The bulk of the Iranian military was made up of poorly armed, though committed, militias. Iran had minimal defenses in the Shatt al-Arab river.

Iraq started the war believing that Sunnis of Iran would join the opposing forces, failing to fully appreciate the power of Iranian nationalism over historically clan-centered differences, and the power of Iranian government control of the press. Few of the ethnic Arabs of Khuzestan or Sunnis of Iran collaborated with Iraqis.[citation needed]

Iran's embassy in London was attacked by Iraqi-sponsored terrorist forces a few months prior to the war in 1980, in what came to be known as the Iranian Embassy Siege.[18]

The UN Secretary General report dated 9 December 1991 (S/23273)[clarification needed] explicitly cites "Iraq's aggression against Iran" in starting the war and breaching International security and peace.Cite error: The <ref> tag has too many names (see the help page).


September 1980: Iraqi invasion

Iraq launched a full-scale invasion of Iran on September 22 1980. Iraq's pretext was an alleged assassination attempt on Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz in southern

The Shatt al-Arab waterway on the Iran-Iraq border.

Iraq, which Saddam Hussein blamed on "Iranian agents", in one of his speeches. "Relations deteriorated rapidly until in March 1980, Iran unilaterally downgraded its diplomatic ties to the charge d'affaires level, withdrew its ambassador, and demanded that Iraq do the same. The tension increased in April following the attempted assassination of Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tariq Aziz and, three days later,

File:Iranian Resistance.jpg
An armed Iranian woman in front of a mosque during Iraqi invasion to Khorramshahr in September-October 1981.

the bombing of a funeral procession being held to bury students who had died in an earlier attack. Iraq blamed Iran, and in September, attacked.[19]

On September 17, in a statement addressed to the Iraqi parliament, Saddam Hussein stated that "The frequent and blatant Iranian violations of Iraqi sovereignty...have rendered the 1975 Algiers Agreement null and void... This river...must have its Iraqi-Arab identity restored as it was throughout history in name and in reality with all the disposal rights emanating from full sovereignty over the river."[20]

On September 22 1980, Iraqi air force attacked Iran, attacking ten airfields inside Iran, but failed to achieve their objective of destroying the Iranian air force on the ground. [21] The next day Iraq initiated a ground invasion of Iran along a front measuring 644 kilometres, in three simultaneous thrusts.[21] The purpose of the invasion, according to Saddam Hussein, was to blunt the edge of Khomeini's movement and to thwart his attempt to export his Islamic revolution to Iraq and the Persian Gulf states."[19] Of the six Iraqi divisions that were invading, four were sent against the Iranian province of Khuzestan, which was located near the southern end of the border, to cut-off the Shatt al-Arab from the rest of Iran, and to establish a territorial security zone.[21] The other two divisions invaded through the northern, and central part of the border, to prevent an Iranian counter-attack into Iraq.[22] Two of the four Iraqi divisions operating near the southern end, one mechanized and one armored, began a siege of the strategically important towns of Abadan and Khorramshahr.[21] The other two, both armoured, secured the territory bounded by the line Khorramshahr-Ahvaz-Susangerd-Musian, due to an enveloping movement.[21] On the central front, the Iraqis occupied Mehran, advanced towards the foothills of the Zagros Mountains; and were able to block the traditional Tehran-Baghdad invasion route by securing some territory forward of Qasr-e-Shirin.[22] On the northern front, the Iraqis attempted to establish a strong defensive position opposite Suleimaniya to protect the Iraqi Kirkuk oil complex.[22]

Since the Iranian regular military and the Pasdaran conducted their operations separately, the Iraqi invading forces did not face co-ordinated resistance.[22] On September 24, though, the Iranian navy attacked Basra and, on the way, had destroyed two oil terminals near the Iraqi port of Fao, which reduced Iraq's ability to export oil.[23] The Iranian air force also begun air strikes in September against strategically important Iraqi targets, including oil facilities, dams, petrochemical plants, and a nuclear reactor near Baghdad.[23] Baghdad was subjected to eight air raids by October 1.[23] In response to these air attacks, Iraq launched a number of aerial strikes against Iranian targets.[23] The Pasdaran fought against the Iraqi invasion with "great fervour and tenacity"[24], and bore the brunt of the invasion.[25] On October 24, Khorramshahr was captured[24], and by November Saddam ordered his forces to advance towards Dezful and Ahvaz[23], but they were not successful in occupying these two settlements.[23]

Iraq had mobilized 21 divisions for the invasion, while Iran countered with only 13 regular army divisions and one brigade. Of these divisions, only 7 of those were deployed to the border.

The objectives of Iraq's invasion of Iran were:

  1. Control over the Shatt al-Arab waterway
  2. Acquisition of the three islands of Abu Musa and the Greater and Lesser Tunbs, on behalf of the UAE.
  3. Annexation of Khuzestan to Iraq
  4. Overthrow of the revolutionary regime in Tehran[citation needed]

The surprise offensive advanced quickly against the still disorganized Iranian forces, advancing on a wide front into Iranian territory along the Mehran-Khorramabad axis in central Iran and towards Ahvaz in the oil-rich southern province of Khuzestan.

The invasion stalls

File:Iraqi stamp.jpg
Iraqi stamp depicting the original Battle of al-Qādisiyyah and the Iran–Iraq War which Saddam referred to as "Saddam's al-Qādisiyyah".

The Iraqi invasion soon encountered unexpected resistance, however, and around March 1981 it stalled. A preemptive strike executed by the Iraqi Air Force on the first day of the war successfully destroyed parts of Iran's airbase infrastructure, but failed to destroy a significant number of aircraft. The IQAF was only able to strike in depth with a few MiG-23BN, Tu-22 and Su-20 aircraft, ineffective in a country as large as Iran. When three MiG-23BN's flew over Tehran, they attacked its airport but damaged only a few aircraft.[26] Over the next day dozens of Iranian F-4s attacked Iraqi targets, and in a few days the IRIAF gained air superiority over IQAF, allowing them to conduct ground attack missions with fighter-bombers and helicopters.

Also, rather than turning against the Ayatollah's government as exiles had promised, the people of Iran rallied around their country and mounted a stiff resistance. An estimated 200,000 additional troops arrived at the front by November, many of them "ideologically committed" volunteers.[5] The Iraqis soon found the Iranian military was not nearly as depleted as they had thought.

For about a year after the Iraqi offensive stalled in March 1981 there was little change in the front, but in mid-March 1982 Iran took the offensive and the Iraqi military was forced to retreat. By June 1982, an Iranian counter-offensive had recovered the areas lost to Iraq earlier in the war. An especially significant battle of this counter-offensive in the Khuzestan province was the liberation of Khorramshahr from the Iraqis on May 24 1982.

Iraq retreats but the war continues


Demoralized Iraqi soldiers taken PoW at Khorramshahr.

Saddam decided to withdraw his armed forces completely from Iran, and that they should be deployed along the international border between Iraq and Iran.[22] Efraim Karsh states that Saddam made this choice because the Iraqi leader believed that his army was now too demoralised and damaged to hold onto any territory in Iran, and that Iran could be successfully resisted through a line of defence on Iraqi land near the border.[22] Using the Israeli invasion of Lebanon on June 6 1982 as a pretext for a withdrawal, Saddam suggested to Iran that they should stop fighting, and that they should send their troops to assist the Palestinians fighting in Lebanon, an offer which was refused.[22] The withdrawal began on June 20, and was complete by June 30.[22] Karsh describes Saddam's decision to withdraw his forces from Iran as "one of his wisest strategic moves during the war"[22].

A Saudi Arabia-backed plan to end the war agreed to by Iraq included $70 billion in war reparations to be paid by Arabian states of the Persian Gulf on behalf of Iraq, and complete the Iraqi evacuation from Iranian territory - an offer called by some critics of Iranian government as "extraordinarily favorable to Iran."[27] Iran rejected Iraq's offer, demanding the removal of the Saddam Hussein regime, the repatriation of 100,000 Shi'ites expelled from Iraq before the war, and $150 billion in war reparations. [citation needed]

On June 21, Khomeini indicated that Iran would invade Iraq shortly, and on June 22, the Iranian Chief-of-Staff Shirazi declared to "continue the war until Saddam Hussein is overthrown so that we can pray at Karbala and Jerusalem".[22] This matched a comment made by Khomeini on the issue of a truce with Iraq: "There are no conditions. The only condition is that the regime in Baghdad must fall and must be replaced by an Islamic Republic."[28]

Iranian offensive, blunders, and hardening of Iraqi resolve

This statement was not long in being fulfilled. On 13 July, the Iranians crossed the border, in force, aiming towards the city of Basra, the second most important city in Iraq.

However, in this offensive, the Iranians encountered an Iraqi enemy which had entrenched itself in formidable defenses. Unlike the hastily improvised defenses that the Iraqis had manned in Iran during the 1980-1981 occupation of the conquered territories, the border defenses were, by necessity, well developed even before the war; and the Iraqis were able to utilize a highly-developed network of bunkers and artillery fire-bases. Saddam had also more than doubled the size of the Iraqi army from 1981's 500,000 soldiers (26 divisions and 3 independent brigades) to 1985's 1,050,000 (55 divisions and nine brigades).[citation needed]

The efforts of Saddam bore fruit. Iran had been using combined-arms operations to great effect when it was attacking the Iraqi troops in its country, and had launched the iconic human-wave attacks with great support from artillery, aircraft, and tanks. However, lack of ammunition, meant that the Iranians were now launching human-wave assaults, with no support from other branches of the military. The superior defenses of the Iraqis meant that tens of thousands of Iranian soldiers were lost in most operations after 1982, and the Iraqi defenses would continue to hold in most sectors.

In the Basra offensive, or Operation Ramadan five human-wave attacks were met with withering fire from the Iraqis. The boy-soldiers of Iran were particularly hard-hit, especially since they volunteered to run into minefields, in order to clear the way for the Iranian soldiers behind them. The Iranians were also hard-hit by the employment of gas by the Iraqis.

1983-1985: Iraq battered, but not beaten

The red line shows the Iraqi furthest ground gains and yellow shows the Iranian ones.
File:Khamenei in battlefield.jpg
Ali Khamenei, the current Supreme Leader of Iran, with Iranian soldiers on the front-line. Khameini opposed Khomeini's decision to extend the war into Iraq.[29]

After the failure of their 1982 summer offensives, Iran believed that a major effort along the entire breadth of the front would yield the victory that they desired. Iranian numerical superiority might have achieved a break-through if they had attacked across all parts of the front at the same time, but they still lacked the organization for that type of assault. Iran was getting supplies from countries like North Korea, Libya, and China. The Iraqis had more suppliers like the Warsaw Pact nations, France, Great Britain, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United States.

During the course of 1983, the Iranians launched five major assaults along the front. None met with substantial success. Khomeini's position on a truce remained unchanged.

Saddam had hoped that mounting casualties and the lack of progress would force the Iranians to accept peace, but the Khomeini government again re-iterated their demands for the overthrow of the Ba'ath regime in early 1984.[citation needed] Saddam realized that he would need to adopt a more aggressive posture to bring the Iranians to the bargaining table.[citation needed] He declared that eleven Iranian cities would come under attack unless Iran halted their acts of aggression by 7 February 1984.

As an answer to this ultimatum, the Iranians launched an attack against Iraqi forces along the northern sector of the front line. Although a minor attack, Saddam stuck to his pledge and ordered aerial and missile attacks against the eleven cities that he had designated. The bombardment ceased on 22 February. Iran soon retaliated against urban centers, and these exchanges become known as the first "war of the cities". There would be five throughout the course of the war.

The attacks on the Iranian cities did not destroy the Iranian government's resolve to fight. On 15 February, the Iranians launched a major attack against the central section of the front where the Second Iraqi Army Corps was deployed. 250,000 Iranians faced 250,000 Iraqis.

From 15 to 22 February, in Operation Dawn 5, and 22 to 24 February, in Operation Dawn 6, the Iranians attempted to capture the vital town of Kut al-Amara and to cut the key highway linking Baghdad and Basra. Capture of this road would have made it extremely difficult for the Iraqis to supply and co-ordinate the defenses, but the Iranian forces only came within 15 miles (24 km) of the highway.

However, Operation Khaibar met with much greater success. Involving a number of thrusts towards the key Iraqi city of Basra, the operation started on the 24 February and lasted until 19 March. The Iraqi defenses, under continuous strain since 15 February, seemed close to breaking conclusively. The Iraqis successfully stabilized the front but not before the Iranians captured part of the Majnun Islands. Despite a heavy Iraqi counterattack coupled with the use of mustard gas and sarin nerve gas, the Iranians held their gains and would continue to hold them almost until the end of the war.[5]

January 1985 - February 1986: Abortive offensives by Iran and Iraq

With his armed forces now benefiting from financial support from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Persian Gulf states, and substantial arms purchases from the Soviet Union, China and France (among others), Saddam went on the offensive on 28 January 1985, for the first time since late 1980. This offensive, however, did not produce any significant gains, and the Iranians responded in kind with their own offensive directed against Basra, codenamed Operation Badr, on 11 March 1985. By this time, the failure of the unsupported human wave attacks during 1984 meant that Iran was trying to develop a better working relationship between the army and the Pasdaran. The Iranian government also worked on molding the Pasdaran units into a much more conventional fighting force. The attack did succeed in capturing a part of the Baghdad-Basra highway that had proven elusive during Operation Dawn 5 and Operation Dawn 6. Saddam responded to this strategic emergency by launching chemical attacks against the Iranian positions along the highway and by initiating the second 'war of the cities' with a massive air and missile campaign against twenty Iranian towns, including Tehran.

The Tanker War and U.S. support for Iraq

The Tanker War started when Iraq attacked Iranian tankers and the oil terminal at Kharg island in 1984. Iran struck back by attacking tankers carrying Iraqi oil from Kuwait and then any tanker of the Gulf states supporting Iraq. The air and small boat attacks did very little damage to Gulf state economies and Iran just moved its shipping port to Larak Island in the strait of Hormuz.[30]

In 1982 with Iranian success on the battlefield, the U.S. made its backing of Iraq more pronounced, supplying it with intelligence, economic aid, normalizing relations with the government (broken during the 1967 Six-Day War), and also supplying weapons.[31] President Ronald Reagan decided that the United States "could not afford to allow Iraq to lose the war to Iran", and that the United States "would do whatever was necessary to prevent Iraq from losing the war with Iran."[32][33] President Reagan formalized this policy by issuing a National Security Decision Directive ("NSDD") to this effect in June, 1982.

Attacks on shipping

Lloyd's of London, a British insurance market, estimated that the Tanker War damaged 546 commercial vessels and killed about 430 civilian mariners. The largest portion of the attacks were directed by Iran against Kuwaiti vessels, and on November 1 1986, Kuwait formally petitioned foreign powers to protect its shipping. The Soviet Union agreed to charter tankers starting in 1987, and the United States offered to provide protection for tankers flying the U.S. flag on March 7 1987 (Operation Earnest Will and Operation Prime Chance).[34] Under international law, an attack on such ships would be treated as an attack on the United States, allowing the U.S. Navy to retaliate. This support would protect neutral ships headed to Iraqi ports, effectively guaranteeing Iraq's revenue stream for the duration of the war.[citation needed]

Iraqi attack on US warship

On May 17 1987, an Iraqi plane attacked the USS Stark (FFG 31), a Perry class frigate, killing 37 and injuring 21.[35][36]

US military actions toward Iran

However, U.S. attention was focused on isolating Iran as well as freedom of navigation, criticizing Iran's mining of international waters, and sponsored UN Security Council Resolution 598, which passed unanimously on July 20, under which it skirmished with Iranian forces. During the Operation Nimble Archer in October 1987, the U.S. attacked Iranian oil platforms in retaliation for an Iranian attack on the U.S.-flagged Kuwaiti tanker Sea Isle City.[34]

On April 14 1988, the frigate USS Samuel B. Roberts was badly damaged by an Iranian mine, suffering 10 wounded but no dead. U.S. forces responded with Operation Praying Mantis on April 18, the United States Navy's largest engagement of surface warships since World War II. Two Iranian oil platforms, two Iranian ships and six Iranian gunboats were destroyed. An American helicopter also crashed.[34]

US shoots down civilian airliner

In the course of these escorts by the U.S. Navy, the cruiser USS Vincennes shot down Iran Air Flight 655 with the loss of all 290 passengers and crew on July 3 1988. The American government claimed that the airliner had been mistaken for an Iranian F-14 Tomcat, and that the Vincennes was operating in international waters at the time and feared that it was under attack, which later appeared to be untrue.[37][35] The Iranians, however, maintain that the Vincennes was in fact in Iranian territorial waters, and that the Iranian passenger jet was turning away and increasing altitude after take-off. U.S. Admiral William J. Crowe also admitted on Nightline that the Vincennes was inside Iranian territorial waters when it launched the missiles.

George H.W. Bush (U.S. Vice President) [July 14, 1988]:"One thing is clear, and that is that the USS Vincennes acted in self-defense."

Ted Koppel [voice-over]: An official story—

Of the American warship as victim. At the right place. At the right time.

Minding its own business.

Richard S. Williamson (Assistant Secretary of State, International Organization Affairs, 1988-1989) [July 13, 1988]: "The ship was, at the time of the incident, in international waters."

Ted Koppel [voice-over]:

It was official. And untrue. Tonight, the real story of what happened. And why. On July 3, 1988.

And why the U.S. government tried to cover it up.[38]

According to an investigation conducted by ABC News' Nightline, decoys were set during the war by the US Navy inside the Persian Gulf to lure out the Iranian gunboats and destroy them, and at the time USS Vincennes shot down the Iranian airliner, it was performing such an operation.

In 1996 the U.S. agreed to pay $131,800,000 in compensation for the incident, but expressed regret only for the loss of innocent life, and did not make a specific apology to the Iranian government.[39][35]

The shooting down of a civilian Iranian passenger plane Iran Air Flight 655 by the American cruiser USS Vincennes, was cited by an Iranian scholar [who?] as apparently giving Ruhollah Khomeini reason to withdraw from the conflict:[40]

An Iranian scholar present at the conference said a turning point in Iran's thinking came with the shooting down of an Iranian passenger plane in July 1988 by the American cruiser USS Vincennes. That incident apparently led Ayatollah Khomeini to conclude that Iran could not risk the possibility of U.S. open combat operations against Iran and he decided it was time to end the conflict.

"War of the Cities"

Toward the end of the war, the land conflict regressed into stalemate largely because neither side had enough self-propelled artillery or air power to support ground advances.

The relatively professional Iraqi armed forces could not make headway against the far more numerous Iranian infantry. The Iranians were outmatched in towed and self-propelled artillery, which left their tanks and troops vulnerable. What followed was the Iranians substituting infantry for artillery.

Iraq's air force soon began strategic bombing against Iranian cities, chiefly Tehran, in 1985. To minimize losses from the superior Iranian Air Force, Iraq rapidly switched to Scud and Al-Hussein improved Scud launches. In retaliation, Iran fired Scud missiles acquired from Libya and Syria against Baghdad. In all, Iraq launched 520 Scuds and Al-Husseins against Iran and received only 177 in exchange. In October 1986, Iraqi aircraft attacked civilian passenger trains and aircraft, including an Iran Air Boeing 737 unloading passengers at Shiraz International Airport.

In retaliation for the Iranian Operation Karbala-5, an early 1987 attempt to capture Basra, Iraq attacked 65 cities in 226 sorties over 42 days, bombing civilian neighborhoods. Eight Iranian cities came under attack from Iraqi missiles. The bombings killed 65 children in an elementary school in Borujerd alone. The Iranians also responded with Scud missile attacks on Baghdad and struck a primary school there. These events became known as "the war of the cities".[39]

Towards a ceasefire

People's Mujahedin of Iran supported by Saddam started their ten day operation after the Iranian government accepted UN Resolution 598. Casualties ranged from 2,000 to 10,000.

1987 saw a renewed wave of Iranian offensives against targets in both the north and south of Iraq. Iranian troops were stopped by Iraqi prepared defenses in the south in a month-and-a-half long battle for Basra (Operation Karbala-5), but met with more success later in the year in the north as Operations Nasr 4 and Karbala-10 threatened to capture the oil-rich Iraqi city of Kirkuk and other northern oilfields. However, the Iranian forces were unable to consolidate their gains and continue their advance, and so 1987 saw little land change hands. On 20 July, the Security Council of the United Nations passed the US-sponsored Resolution 598, which called for an end to fighting and a return to pre-war boundaries. Iraq, which had lost important pieces of land over the course of the war, accepted the resolution. Iran, however, was loathe to surrender its gains when total victory seemed close at hand, and so the fighting continued.[41]

By April 1988, however, the Iraqi forces had regrouped sufficiently to begin a new series of devastating attacks on the Iranians, and in quick succession recaptured the strategic al-Faw peninsula (lost in 1986 in Operation Dawn-8) and territory around Basra and also struck deep into the Iranian north, capturing much matériel.[5] In July 1988 Iraqi airplanes dropped chemical cyanide bombs on the Iranian Kurdish village of Zardan (as they had done four months earlier at their own Kurdish village of Halabja). Hundreds were killed at once, and the survivors are still suffering from a variety of physical and mental disorders. The enraged Iranians considered a huge rearming and nuclear weapons, but decided that this was beyond their means. Following these major setbacks, Iran accepted the terms of U.N. Security Council Resolution 598. However Iraq, which had seen major victories in the end of the war, thought at first it could invade Iran once more; in the end, Iraqi forces managed to make small gains in Khuzestan but were halted by the Iranians and so Iraq also accepted the terms and on 20 August 1988 peace was restored.

The People's Mujahedin of Iran started their ten day operation after the Iranian government accepted UN Resolution 598. While Iraqi forces attacked Khuzestan, the Mujahedin attacked western Iran and battled the Pasdaran for Kermanshah. Close air support from the Iraqis contributed to whatever gains the Mojahedin made. However, under heavy international pressure for ending the war, Saddam Hussein withdrew his fighter aircraft and the sky opened for the Iranian airborne forces to be deployed behind Mojahedin lines. The operation ended in a defeat for the Mojahedin. Casualty figures range from 2,000 to as high as 10,000.

List of major Iranian operations during the war

  1. 27 September-29 September 1981: Operation Samen-ol-A'emeh; Iran retakes Abadan.
  2. 29 November-mid-December 1981: Operation Tarigh ol-Qods; Iran retakes Bostan and area north of Susangerd.
  3. 21 March-30 March 1982: Operation Fath-ol-Mobeen (Operation Undeniable Victory; Iran expels Iraqi troops from Dezful-Shush area.
  4. 30 April-24 May 1982: Operation Beit-ol-Moqaddas; Iran retakes Khorramshahr and drives Iraqis back across the border.
  5. 14 July-28 July 1982: Operation Ramadan; Failed Iranian offensive to capture Basra.
  6. 9 April-17 April 1983: Operation Valfajr-1/Dawn-1; Failed Iranian offensive in Ein Khosh to capture Basra-Baghdad highway.
  7. 19 October-mid November 1983: Operation Valfajr-4/Dawn 4; Iranian offensive in Iraq's Kurdistan near Panjwin makes small gains.
  8. 22 February-16 March 1984: Operation Kheibar; Iranian offensive captures the Iraqi Majnoon Islands in the Haur al-Hawizeh marshes.
  9. 10 March-20 March 1985: Operation Badr; Unsuccessful Iranian offensive to capture the Basra-Baghdad highway.
  10. 9 February-25 February 1986: Operation Valfajr-8/Dawn 8; Three-pronged Iranian offensive leads to capture of al-Faw Peninsula.
  11. 2 June 1986: Operation Karbala-1.
  12. 1 September 1986: Operation Karbala-2; Iranian offensive in the Hajj Umran area of Iraqi Kurdistan.
  13. 9 January-26 February 1987: Operation Karbala-5; Iranian offensive in southern Iraq to capture Basra.
  14. 21 June 1987: Operation Nasr 4. Iranian Operation captures Kirkuk
  15. 16 March 1988: Operation Valfajr-10/Dawn 10; Iranian offensive in Iraqi Kurdistan.
  16. 27 July 1988: Operation Mersad.

List of major Iraqi operations during the war

  1. 22 September-mid November 1980; Iraqi invasion of Iran
  2. 9 March-10 March 1986; Unsuccessful Iraqi offensive to recapture Al-Faw Peninsula.
  3. 17 May 1986; Iraqi offensive captures Mehran.
  4. 16 April-18 April 1988; Iraqi offensive recaptures Al-Faw Peninsula. Use of chemical weapons
  5. 23 May-25 May 1988; Iraqi offensive in northern and central sectors recaptures Shalamche using chemical weapons.
  6. 19 June-22 June 1988; Iraqi offensive captures Mehran.
  7. 25 June 1988; Iraqi offensive recaptures Majnoon Islands.
  8. 12 July 1988; Iraqi offensive retakes all Iraqi territory in the Musian border region.
  9. 22 July-29 July 1988; Iraqi offensive along the entire Iran border, captures some territory in the central and southern sectors with the help of Mojahedin-e-Khalq, but fails in the northern sector.

Order of Battle

Foreign support to Iraq and Iran

Donald Rumsfeld as US special envoy to the Middle East, meets Saddām in December 1983. Ironically, Rumsfeld would later become US Defence Secretary during the 2003 Iraq War which saw Saddam ousted from power, and ultimately executed.
File:Type59 Iraq 2.jpg
Chinese T-59 copy of Soviet T-54 tank in Iraqi colors.
French Mirage F-1 fighter bomber, used by Iraq.

During the war, Iraq was regarded by the West (and specifically the United States) as a counterbalance to post-revolutionary Iran. The support of Iraq took the form of technological aid, intelligence, the sale of dual-use and military equipment and satellite intelligence to Iraq. While there was direct combat between Iran and the United States, it is not universally agreed that the fighting between the U.S. and Iran was specifically to benefit Iraq, or for separate, although occurring at the same time, issues between the U.S. and Iran. American ambiguity towards which side to support was summed up by Henry Kissinger when the American statesman remarked that "it's a pity they [Iran and Iraq] both can't lose."[2] More than 30 countries provided support to Iraq, Iran, or both. Iraq, in particular, had a complex clandestine procurement network to obtain munitions and critical materials, which, in some transactions, involved 6-10 countries. The most practical way to describe such complex procurement is to put the history in the article for the country in which the sale began.

When a country, at the same or different times, supported both Iran and Iraq, the "export control" section of both articles is apt to be identical, assuming it describes a national policy, or, in some cases, the lack of one. When a country made an exception, that will be noted. Articles in the following table detail of support of other nations to either Iran or Iraq during the Iran–Iraq War:

Country Foreign policy Support to Iraq Support to Iran
All countries International aid to combatants in the Iran–Iraq War
Soviet Union Soviet Union The Soviet Union and the Iran–Iraq War Soviet support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war Soviet support for Iran during the Iran–Iraq war
Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia Saudi support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war
Kuwait Kuwait Funded Iraq
Jordan Jordan Funded Iraq
United States United States U.S. support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war U.S. support for Iran during the Iran–Iraq war
Israel Israel Israeli support for Iran during the Iran–Iraq war
Singapore Singapore Singapore support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war
Italy Italy Italian support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war
United Kingdom United Kingdom British support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war
France France French support for Iraq during the Iran–Iraq war
China People's Republic of China
North Korea North Korea North Korean support for Iran during the Iran–Iraq war
Pakistan Pakistan
Argentina Argentina
Brazil Brazil
Germany West Germany
East Germany East Germany
Libya Libya
Switzerland Switzerland
Taiwan Republic of China


Among major powers, the United States' policy was to "tilt" toward Iraq by reopening diplomatic channels, lifting restrictions on the export of dual-use technology, overseeing the transfer of third party military hardware, and providing operational intelligence on the battlefield.

As will be seen in some of the country-specific sub-articles of this page, Iraq made extensive use of front companies, middlemen, secret ownership of all or part of companies all over the world, forged end user certificates and other methods to hide what it was acquiring. At this time, the country-level sub-articles emphasize the country in which the procurement started, but also illustrate how procurement infrastructure was established in different countries. Some transactions may have involved people, shipping, and manufacturing in as many as 10 countries.[42]

British support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war especially illustrated the ways by which Iraq would circumvent export controls. Iraq bought at least one British company with operations in the U.K. and the U.S.

Iraq had a complex relationship with France and the Soviet Union, its major suppliers of actual weapons, to some extent having the two nations compete for its business.

Singapore support for Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war discusses land mines assembled there, as well as chemical warfare precursors shipped from Singapore, possibly by an Iraqi front company.

Another country that had an important role in arming Iraq was Italy, whose greatest impact was financial, through the U.S. branch of the state-owned largest bank in Italy. The Italian article is one example of how Iraq circumvented a national embargo, by, as one example, moving land and sea mine production to Singapore.

Additional country details will be added as the articles become available, in some cases in stub format for individual yet significant support, such as providing the largest amount of precursor chemicals from which chemical weapons were produced.

Although the United Nations Security Council called for a cease-fire after a week of fighting and renewed the call on later occasions, the initial call was made while Iraq occupied Iranian territory. Moreover, the UN refused to come to Iran’s aid to repel the Iraqi invasion. The Iranians thus interpreted the UN as subtly biased in favor of Iraq [43].


While the United States directly fought Iran, citing freedom of navigation as a major casus belli, as part of a complex and partially illegal program (see Iran-Contra Affair), it also supplied weapons to Iran.

North Korea was a major arms supplier to Iran. Its support provided included weapons it manufactured, Chinese and Soviet weapons for which the major power wanted deniability of the sale, and other Soviet-bloc weapons for which the major powers wanted deniability.

Both Countries

Besides the US and the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia also sold weapons to both countries for the entire duration of the conflict. Likewise Portugal helped both countries: it was not unusual seeing Iranian- and Iraqi-flagged ships side-by-side in Sines (a town with a deep-sea port).

Iran's armament and support

Military armaments/technology

During the early years of the war, Iran's arsenal was almost entirely American-made, left over from the Imperial Armed Forces of the dethroned Shah. Iran's foreign supporters gradually came to include Syria and Libya. Iran purchased weaponry from North Korea and the People's Republic of China, notably the Silkworm anti-ship missile. Iran operated many U.S.-manufactured aircraft. Iranian Armored divisions revolved mainly around M60 and Chieftain tanks. The fleet of around 900 tanks was on par with the British Army [citation needed] and these tanks were the most modern versions available. Iran acquired weapons and parts for its Shah-era U.S. systems through covert arms transactions from officials in the Reagan Administration, first indirectly through Israel and then directly. It was hoped Iran would, in exchange, persuade several radical groups to release U.S. embassy hostages, though this did eventually result. Proceeds from the sales were diverted to the Nicaraguan Contras in what became known as the Iran-Contra Affair.

According to the report of the U.S. Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair issued in November 1987, "the sale of U.S. arms to Iran through Israel began in the summer of 1985, after receiving the approval of President Reagan."[44] These sales included "2,008 BGM-71 TOW anti-Tank missiles, and 235 parts kits for MIM-23 Hawk surface-to-air missiles had been sent to Iran via Israel." Further shipments of up to US$2 billion of American weapons from Israel to Iran, consisting of 18 F-4 Phantom II fighter-bombers, 46 A-4 Skyhawk fighter-bombers, and nearly 4,000 missiles were foiled by the U.S. Department of Justice, and "unverified reports alleged that Israel agreed to sell Iran AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, radar equipment, mortar and machinegun ammunition, field telephones, M-60 tank engines and artillery shells, and spare parts for C-130 transport planes."[45][46] The London Observer also estimated that Israel's arms sales to Iran during the war totaled US$ 500 million annually,[47] For more on Israeli Hawk missile sales to Iran see the Financial Times article, "Arms Embargo Which Cannot Withstand The Profit Motive."[48]


During the war, Iran operated U.S.-manufactured F-4, F-5 and F-14 fighters, as well as AH-1 Cobra light attack helicopters, which defended themselves very well against Mi-24s and Gazelle helicopters and had some success defending themselves against Iraqi fighter aircraft. The Iranian Army also possessed M109 Howitzers, Rapier and HAWK missiles, roughly one hundred ZSU-23-4 anti-aircraft systems, and Soviet BM-21 multiple rocket launch vehicles (of the Abash variant). It also operated a number of F-14 Tomcat fighters, which, according to a few sources, proved devastating to the Iraqis in the early phases of the war. However, due to the Iranian government's estrangement from the United States, spare parts were difficult to obtain. Despite this the Iranians managed to maintain a constant presence with their Tomcats during the entire conflict, mostly due to a combination of spare parts acquired on the black market and parts made in Iran. These were supported by KC-135s, a refueling tanker based on the Boeing 367-80.[49] Missiles of the IRIAF and Islamic Republic of Iran Army (IRIA) were over 2000 Mavericks, thousands of AIM-9B/J/Ps Sidewinders, AIM-54phoenix and AIM-7Es.

Military tactics

Perhaps the most commented-on and unconventional technique of the war was the use of human wave attacks by Iran, including the use of teenage Basij volunteers, some of whom[50] sacrificed their lives running over fields of landmines or charging heavy fire to clear the way for Iranian ground assault[51] or overrun Iraqi positions. Their devotion earned the reverence of pious Iranian revolutionaries and helped drive Iraq from Iran. To this day, the use of estesh-hadiyun (martyrdom-seekers) remains part of Iranian military doctrine. The Iranians also used versatile tactics to mow down the heavier and sluggish Iraqi forces, like when the Romans with their quick speed and versatility managed to eliminate Macedon's unruly and and disorganized pikemen[52]

Iraq's armament and support

Military armaments/technology

Iraq's army was primarily equipped with weaponry it had purchased from the Soviet Union and its satellites in the preceding decade. During the war, it purchased billions of dollars worth of advanced equipment from the Soviet Union, France,[53] as well as from the People's Republic of China, Brazil, Egypt, Germany, and other sources (including Europe and facilities for making and/or enhancing chemical weapons). Germany,[54] and other Western countries (among them United Kingdom, France, Spain (Explosivos Alaveses), Canada, Italy and the United States) provided Iraq with biological and chemical weapons technology and the precursors to nuclear capabilities (see below).

The sources of Iraqi arms purchases between 1970 and 1990 (10% of the world market during this period) are estimated to be:

Suppliers in Billions (1985 $US) % of total
Soviet Union 19.2 61
France 5.5 18
People's Republic of China 1.7 5
Brazil 1.1 4
Egypt 1.1 4
Other countries 2.9 6
Total 31.5 98.0

The U.S. sold Iraq $200 million in helicopters, which were used by the Iraqi military in the war. These were the only direct U.S.-Iraqi military sales and were valued to be about 0.6% of Iraq's conventional weapons imports during the war.[55]

Ted Koppel of ABC Nightline reported the following, however, on June 9, 1992: "It is becoming increasingly clear that George Bush Sr., operating largely behind the scenes throughout the 1980s, initiated and supported much of the financing, intelligence, and military help that built Saddam's Iraq into [an aggressive power]" and “Reagan/Bush administrations permitted — and frequently encouraged — the flow of money, agricultural credits, dual-use technology, chemicals, and weapons to Iraq.”

According to the New Yorker, the Reagan Administration began to allow Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt to transfer to Iraq American howitzers, helicopters, bombs and other weapons.[clarification needed]

The United States, United Kingdom, and Germany also provided "dual use" technology (computers, engines, etc.) that allowed Iraq to expand its missile program and radar defenses. The U.S. Commerce Department, in violation of procedure, gave out licenses to companies for $1.5 billion in dual-use items to be sent to Iraq. The State Department was not informed of this. Over 1 billion of these authorized items were trucks that were never delivered. The rest consisted of advanced technology. Iraq's Soviet-made Scuds had their ranges expanded as a result.[56][57]


After suffering a severe blow in the Yom Kippur war, when an entire armored division was sent to help Syria, together with MiGs and other military units, and after the clashes happened with Iran, Saddam Hussein spent much money to build an improved air force although it expanded and upgraded its fleet considerably as the war progressed.

For air defense, MiG-21s, and later the more powerful MiG-25s were bought, and Soviet doctrine followed.[58]

Iraqi helicopter Mil Mi-24 which has been brought down during the Iran–Iraq War in an exposition of a Military museum in Tehran

Large numbers of Soviet Mi-8 and Mi-24 helicopters were made, which were more effective in close air support, using urban or mountain cover, than for antitank work.[58] Soviet 3M11 Falanga (NATO reporting name AT-2 SWATTER) were ineffective on helicopters. Iraq bought the Anglo-French Aérospatiale Gazelle scout helicopter with the Euromissile HOT, as Syria already had done.[49]

Soviet MiG-23 and Su-17 aircraft were not as effective for ground attack. Against shipping and ground targets, Iraq moved to French equipment and doctrine. The Exocet anti-shipping missile, launched first from Super Etendard and then Mirage F-1 aircraft, was effective. Iraqi Mirage F-1 ground attack pilots were trained by France. According to the U.S., "tactical changes accompanied the upgrading of equipment. On bombing missions the Iraqis started to use low-altitude attacks. Precision-guided munitions such as laser-guided bombs were used with increased accuracy."[58]

Chemical weapons

According to Saddam Hussein's report to the UN, the know-how and material for developing chemical weapons were learned by Iraq from the United States, West Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the People's Republic of China.[59] Iraqi acquisition of such information and technology from U.S. sources was illegal under export regulations.

In December 2002, Iraq's 1,200 page Weapons Declaration revealed a list of Eastern and Western corporations and countries, as well as individuals, that exported a total of 17,602 tons of "dual use" chemical precursors to Iraq in the past two decades, with potential for both industrial uses and manufacture of chemical weapons. By far, the largest suppliers of precursors for chemical weapons production were in Singapore (4,515 tons), the Netherlands (4,261 tons), Egypt (2,400 tons), India (2,343 tons), and Federal Republic of Germany (1,027 tons). One Indian company, Exomet Plastics (now part of EPC Industrie) sent 2,292 tons of precursor chemicals to Iraq. The Kim Al-Khaleej firm, located in Singapore and affiliated to United Arab Emirates, supplied more than 4,500 tons of VX, sarin, and mustard gas precursors and production equipment to Iraq.[60]

According to Iraq's declarations, it had procured 340 pieces of equipment used for the production of chemical weapons. More than half came from a German company which re-exported US equipment to disguise its destination and the remainder mostly from France, Spain, and Austria.[60] In addition, Iraq declared that it imported more than 200,000 munitions made for delivering chemicals, 75,000 came from Italy, 57,500 from Spain, 45,000 from China, and 28,500 from Egypt. Declassified U.S. government documents indicate that the U.S. government had confirmed that Iraq was using chemical weapons "almost daily" during the Iran-Iraq conflict as early as 1983. U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld was unexpectedly confronted while meeting with Saddam Hussein with the release of a UN that Iraq had used mustard gas and tabun nerve agent against Iranian troops.[61]

The New York Times reported from Baghdad on 29 March 1984, that "American diplomats pronounce themselves satisfied with Iraq and the U.S., and suggest that normal diplomatic ties have been established in all but name." The chairman of the Senate committee, Don Riegle, said: “The executive branch of our government approved 771 different export licenses for sale of dual-use technology to Iraq. I think it’s a devastating record”.[62]

According to the Washington Post, the CIA began in 1984 secretly to give Iraq intelligence that Iraq used to "calibrate" its mustard gas attacks on Iranian troops. In August, the CIA establishes a direct Washington-Baghdad intelligence link, and for 18 months, starting in early 1985, the CIA provided Iraq with "data from sensitive U.S. satellite reconnaissance photography...to assist Iraqi bombing raids." The Post’s source said that this data was essential to Iraq’s war effort.[63]

In May 2003, an extended list of international companies involvements in Iraq was provided by The Independent. Howard Teicher and Radley Gayle, stated that 31 Bell helicopters that were given to Iraq by U.S. later were used to spray chemical weapons.[64]

Iraq's chemical weapons program was mainly assisted by German companies such as Karl Kobe, which built a chemical weapons facility disguised as a pesticide plant. Iraq’s foreign contractors, including Karl Kolb with Massar for reinforcement, built five large research laboratories, an administrative building, eight large underground bunkers for the storage of chemical munitions, and the first production buildings. 150 tons of mustard were produced in 1983. About 60 tons of Tabun were produced in 1984. Pilot-scale production of Sarin began in 1984. Germany also supplied reactors, heat exchangers, condensers and vessels. France, Austria, Canada, and Spain provided similar equipment.

The Al Haddad trading company of Tennessee delivered 60 tons of DMMP, a chemical used to make sarin, a nerve gas implicated in the Gulf War Syndrome. The Al Haddad trading company appears to have been an Iraqi front company. The firm was owned by Sahib Abd al-Amir al-Haddad, an Iraqi-born, naturalized American citizen. Recent stories in The New York Times and The Tennessean reported that al-Haddad was arrested in Bulgaria in November 2002 while trying to arrange an arms sale to Iraq. Al-Haddad was charged with conspiring to purchase equipment for the manufacture of a giant Iraqi cannon, a design based on the Canadian HARP program. In 1984, U.S. Customs at New York's Kennedy Airport stopped an order addressed to the Iraqi State Enterprise for Pesticide Production for 74 drums of potassium fluoride, a dual-use chemical used in the production of Sarin. The order was placed by Al-Haddad Enterprises Incorporates, owned by an individual named Sahib al-Haddad.[65]

The U.S. firm Alcolac International supplied one dual-use mustard-gas precursor, thiodiglycol, to Iraq & Iran in violation of U.S. export laws but the U.S. Justice Department for illegal exports indicted the company in 1988 only for its illegal exports to Iran and was forced to pay a fine. Overall between 300-400 tons were sent to Iraq.[65]


Iraq did not use biological weapons in the war, but built up its capability during that time. On 25 May 1994, The U.S. Senate Banking Committee released a report in which it was stated that pathogenic biological research materials were exported to Iraq, pursuant to application and licensing by the U.S. Department of Commerce. It added: "These exported biological materials were not attenuated or weakened and were capable of reproduction."[66] The report then detailed 70 shipments (including Anthrax Bacillus) from the United States to Iraqi government agencies over three years, concluding that "these microorganisms exported by the United States were identical to those the UN inspectors found and recovered from the Iraqi biological warfare program."[67] The U.S. Centers for Disease Control sent Iraq 14 agents "with biological warfare significance," including West Nile virus, according to Riegle's investigators.

A report by Berlin's Die Tageszeitung in 2002 reported that Iraq's 11,000-page report to the UN Security Council listed 150 foreign companies that supported Saddam Hussein's WMD program. Twenty-four U.S. firms were involved in exporting arms and materials to Baghdad.[31] Donald Riegle, Chairman of the Senate committee that made the report, said, "UN inspectors had identified many United States manufactured items that had been exported from the United States to Iraq under licenses issued by the Department of Commerce, and [established] that these items were used to further Iraq's chemical and nuclear weapons development and its missile delivery system development programs." He added, "the executive branch of our government approved 771 different export licenses for sale of dual-use technology to Iraq. I think that is a devastating record."

Financial support

Iraq's main financial backers were the oil-rich Persian Gulf states, most notably Saudi Arabia ($30.9 billion), Kuwait ($8.2 billion) and the United Arab Emirates ($8 billion).[68]

The Iraq-gate scandal revealed that an Atlanta branch of Italy's largest bank, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, relying partially on U.S. taxpayer-guaranteed loans, funneled $5 billion to Iraq from 1985 to 1989. In August 1989, when FBI agents finally raided the Atlanta branch of BNL, the branch manager, Christopher Drogoul, was charged with making unauthorized, clandestine, and illegal loans to Iraq — some of which, according to his indictment, were used to purchase arms and weapons technology.

The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and ABC's Ted Koppel, covered the Iraq-gate story, and the investigation by the U.S. Congress.[69] This scandal is covered in Alan Friedman's book The Spider's Web: The Secret History of How the White House Illegally Armed Iraq.[clarification needed]

Beginning in September 1989, the Financial Times laid out the first charges that BNL, relying heavily on U.S. government-guaranteed loans, was funding Iraqi chemical and nuclear weapons work. For the next two and a half years, the Financial Times provided the only continuous newspaper reportage (over 300 articles) on the subject. Among the companies shipping militarily useful technology to Iraq under the eye of the U.S. government, according to the Financial Times, were Hewlett-Packard, Tektronix, and Matrix Churchill, through its Ohio branch. [clarification needed]

In all, Iraq received $35 billion in loans from the West and between $30 and $40 billion from the Gulf States during the 1980s.[70]

Comparison of Iraqi and Iranian military strength

The power of the Iranian and Iraqi forces was unbalanced. The strength of Iraq and Iran is seen on the table by The Economist estimates:[71] [clarification needed]

Imbalance of Power (1980-1987) Iraq Iran
Tanks in 1980 2700 1740
Tanks in 1987 4500 1000
Fighter Aircraft in 1980 332 445
Fighter Aircraft in 1987 500+ 65*
Helicopters in 1980 40 500
Helicopters in 1987 150 60
Artillery in 1980 1000 1000+
Artillery in 1987 4000+ 1000+

Weapons of mass destruction

File:Chemical weapon2.jpg
Chemical weapons, used by Saddam Hussein, killed and injured numerous Iranians and Kurds.

With more than 100,000 Iranian victims of Iraq's chemical weapons during the eight-year war, Iran is one of the countries most severely afflicted by weapons of mass destruction.[72]

The official estimate does not include the civilian population contaminated in bordering towns or the children and relatives of veterans, many of whom have developed blood, lung and skin complications, according to the Organization for Veterans of Iran. According to a 2002 article in the Star-Ledger:

"Nerve gas killed about 20,000 Iranian soldiers immediately, according to official reports. Of the 90,000 survivors, some 5,000 seek medical treatment regularly and about 1,000 are still hospitalized with severe, chronic conditions."[73]

Iraq also used chemical weapons on Iranian civilians, killing many in villages and hospitals. Many civilians suffered severe burns and health problems, and still suffer from them. Furthermore, 308 Iraqi missiles were launched at population centers inside Iranian cities between 1980 and 1988 resulting in 12,931 casualties.[72]

On 21 March 1986, the United Nations Security Council made a declaration stating that "members are profoundly concerned by the unanimous conclusion of the specialists that chemical weapons on many occasions have been used by Iraqi forces against Iranian troops and the members of the Council strongly condemn this continued use of chemical weapons in clear violation of the Geneva Protocol of 1925 which prohibits the use in war of chemical weapons." The United States was the only member who voted against the issuance of this statement.[74]

According to retired Colonel Walter Lang, senior defense intelligence officer for the United States Defense Intelligence Agency at the time, "the use of gas on the battlefield by the Iraqis was not a matter of deep strategic concern" to Reagan and his aides, because they "were desperate to make sure that Iraq did not lose." He claimed that the Defense Intelligence Agency "would have never accepted the use of chemical weapons against civilians, but the use against military objectives was seen as inevitable in the Iraqi struggle for survival",[75][clarification needed] The Reagan administration did not stop aiding Iraq after receiving reports of the use of poison gas on Kurdish civilians.[76][77] There is great resentment in Iran [citation needed] that the international community helped Iraq develop its chemical weapons arsenal and armed forces, and also that the world did nothing to punish Saddam's Ba'athist regime for its use of chemical weapons against Iran throughout the war — particularly since the US and other western powers soon felt obliged to oppose the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and eventually invade Iraq itself to remove Saddam Hussein.

Aftermath of Halabja poison gas attack by Saddam Hussein.

The U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency also accused Iran of using chemical weapons.[citation needed] These allegations however, have been disputed. Joost Hiltermann, who was the principal researcher for Human Rights Watch between 1992-1994, conducted a two year study, including a field investigation in Iraq, capturing Iraqi government documents in the process. According to Hiltermann, the literature on the Iran–Iraq War reflects a number of allegations of chemical weapons use by Iran, but these are "marred by a lack of specificity as to time and place, and the failure to provide any sort of evidence".[78]

Gary Sick and Lawrence Potter call the allegations against Iran "mere assertions" and state: "no persuasive evidence of the claim that Iran was the primary culprit [of using chemical weapons] was ever presented".[79] Policy consultant and author Joseph Tragert also states: "Iran did not retaliate with chemical weapons, probably because it did not possess any at the time".[80]

At his trial in December 2006, Saddam Hussein said he would take responsibility "with honour" for any attacks on Iran using conventional or chemical weapons during the 1980-1988 war but he took issue with charges he ordered attacks on Iraqis.[81] A medical analysis of the effects of Iraqi mustard gas is described a U.S. military textbook, and contrasted with slightly different effects in the First World War.[82]


Damage to a mosque in 2006.
Cemetery for Iranian fallen during the war in Yazd.

The war was extremely costly in lives and material, one of the deadliest wars since World War II (see list of wars and disasters by death toll). Both countries were devastated by the war's effect. It cost Iran an estimated 1 million casualties, killed or wounded, and Iranians continue to suffer and die as a consequence of Iraq's use of chemical weapons. Iraqi casualties are estimated at 250,000-500,000 killed or wounded. Thousands of Civilians died on both sides from air raids and missiles.[39]

The financial loss was also heavy, at that time exceeding US$500 billion for each (US$1.2 trillion in total), but shortly after it turned out that the economic cost of war is more profound and long-lasting than estimated right after war. Economic development was stalled and oil exports disrupted. Iraq was left with serious debts to its former Arab backers, including US$14 billion loaned by Kuwait, a debt which contributed to Saddam's 1990 decision to invade.

Much of the oil industry in both countries was damaged in air raids. Iran's production capacity has yet to fully recover from the damages of the war. 10 million shells had landed in Iraq's oil fields at Basra, seriously damaging Iraq's oil production. Prisoners taken by both sides were not released until more than 10 years after the end of the conflict. Cities on both sides had also taken considerable damage.

Not all saw the war in negative terms. The Islamic Revolution of Iran was strengthened and radicalized.[83] The Iranian government-owned Etelaat newspaper wrote:

"There is not a single school or town that is excluded from the happiness of waging war, from drinking the exquisite elixir of death or from the sweet death of the martyr, who dies in order to live forever in paradise."[84]

The Iraqi government commemorated the war with various monuments, including the Hands of Victory and the Al-Shaheed Monument, both in Baghdad.

The war left the borders unchanged. Two years later, as war with the western powers loomed, Saddam recognized Iranian rights over the eastern half of the Shatt al-Arab, a reversion to the status quo ante bellum that he had repudiated a decade earlier.

Declassified US intelligence available has explored both the domestic and foreign implications of Iran's apparent (in 1982) victory over Iraq in their then two-year old war.[85]

Final ruling

On 9 December 1991, the UN Secretary-General reported the following to the UN Security Council:

"That Iraq's explanations do not appear sufficient or acceptable to the international community is a fact. Accordingly, the outstanding event under the violations referred to is the attack of 22 September 1980, against Iran, which cannot be justified under the charter of the United Nations, any recognized rules and principles of international law or any principles of international morality and entails the responsibility for conflict."

"Even if before the outbreak of the conflict there had been some encroachment by Iran on Iraqi territory, such encroachment did not justify Iraq's aggression against Iran—which was followed by Iraq's continuous occupation of Iranian territory during the conflict—in violation of the prohibition of the use of force, which is regarded as one of the rules of jus cogens."

"On one occasion I had to note with deep regret the experts' conclusion that "chemical weapons had been used against Iranian civilians in an area adjacent to an urban center lacking any protection against that kind of attack" (s/20134, annex). The Council expressed its dismay on the matter and its condemnation in resolution 620 (1988), adopted on 26 August 1988."[86]

In media

  • Kilomètre zéro (Kilometer Zero) is a 2005 French film about a young Iraqi who tries to flee Iraq in the late 1980s. However, he is captured and conscripted into the Iraqi army to fight in the Iran–Iraq War.


  1. ^ Lesch, David W. (2001), 1979: The Year That Shaped the Modern Middle East, Westview Press, p. 85
  2. ^ Kurds in Iran (page2)

    "He then makes an oblique reference to the fact that Ghassemlou and his party had collaborated with Saddam Hussain during Iraq's war against Iran"

  4. ^ Federal Research Division, Country Study: Iran, Library of Congress
  5. ^ a b c d Iran–Iraq War (1980-1988), Globalsecurity.org (John Pike)
  6. ^ (امار شهداي جنگ) جامعه شناسي جنگ from Website of Prominent Iranian Journalist and Rights Activist, Emadeddin Baghi
  7. ^ http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761580640_2/Iran-Iraq_War.html
  8. ^ a b Molavi, Afshin (2005), The Soul of Iran, Norton, p. 152
  9. ^ "THREATS AND RESPONSES: BRIEFLY NOTED; IRAN-IRAQ PRISONER DEAL", by Nazila Fathi, New York Times, March 14, 2003
  10. ^ Blair, David (March 18, 2003), "He dreamed of glory but dealt out only despair", The Daily Telegraph
  11. ^ Coughlin, Con (2005). Saddam: His Rise and Fall. Harper Perennial. p. 19. ISBN 9780060505431.
  12. ^ Kengor, Paul (January 7, 2007), "The rise and fall of a dictator", The Washington Times
  13. ^ Fendereski, Guive (2005), 2005: Tonb (Greater and Lesser), www.iranica.com Eisenbrauns Inc.
  14. ^ CRS Report for Congress: The Kurds in Post-Saddam Iraq(Page 2)
  15. ^ Speech made by Saddam Hussein. Baghdad, Voice of the Masses in Arabic, 1200 GMT 2 April 1980. FBIS-MEA-80-066. 3 April 1980, E2-3. E3
  16. ^ Khomeini,Ruhollah and Algar, Hamid (translator) (1981). Islam and Revolution: Writing and Declarations of Imam Khomeini. Mizan Press. p. 122. {{cite book}}: |author= has generic name (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  17. ^ Mackey, Sandra (1996). The Iranians: Persia, Islam and the Soul of a Nation. Dutton. p. 317.
  18. ^ BBC News Online: Iranian Embassy Siege
  19. ^ a b Cruze, Gregory S. (Spring 1988), Iran and Iraq: Perspectives in Conflict, vol. research report, U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College
  20. ^ Karsh, Efraim (2002). The Iran–Iraq War, 1980-1988. Osprey Publishing. p. 22.
  21. ^ a b c d e The Iran–Iraq War: 1980-1988. p. 22. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  22. ^ a b c d e f g h i j The Iran–Iraq War: 1980-1988. p. 23. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help) Cite error: The named reference "FKR" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  23. ^ a b c d e f The Iran–Iraq War: 1980-1988. p. 29. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  24. ^ a b The Iran–Iraq War: 1980-1988. p. 27. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  25. ^ The Iran–Iraq War: 1980-1988. p. 25. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  26. ^ Cordesman, Anthony and Wagner,Abraham R. (1990). The Lessons of Modern War: Volume Two - The Iran-Iraq Conflict. Westview. p. 102.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  27. ^ Molavi, Afsin (2005). The Soul of Iran. Norton. p. 270.
  28. ^ Wright, Robin (1989). In the Name of God: The Khomeini Decade. Simon and Schuster. p. 126.
  29. ^ The Iran–Iraq War: 1980-1988. p. 41. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  30. ^ Dugdale-Pointon, TDP (27 October 2002), Tanker War 1984-1988
  31. ^ a b King, John (March 2003), Arming Iraq: A Chronology of U.S. Involvement, Iran Chamber Society
  32. ^ See statement by former NSC official Howard Teicher, dated 1/31/95, U.S. vs. Highsmith, Carlos Cardoen, Frnco Safta, Jorge Burr, Industrias Cadoen Limitada (US District Court, Southern District of Florida).
  33. ^ Parry, Robert (May/June 1995), Iraqgate: Confession and Cover-Up {{citation}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  34. ^ a b c Kelley, Stephen Andrew (June 2007), Better Lucky than Good: Operation Earnest Will as Gunboat Diplomacy, vol. Master's Thesis, U.S. Naval Postgraduate School
  35. ^ a b c Martins, Mark S. (Winter 1994), "Rules of Engagement for Land Forces: A Matter of Training, Not Lawyering" (PDF), Military Law Review: 43–46 {{citation}}: Unknown parameter |Volume= ignored (|volume= suggested) (help)
  36. ^ Peniston, Bradley, No Higher Honor: Saving the USS Samuel B. Roberts in the Persian Gulf, Naval Institute Press, pp. pp. 61-63, ISBN 1591146615. {{citation}}: |pages= has extra text (help); Check |isbn= value: invalid character (help); Text "Persian Gulf" ignored (help)
  37. ^ Fisk, Robert (2007). The Great War for Civilization - The Conquest of the Middle East. Vintage. {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |ISBN-10= ignored (help)
  38. ^ Koppel, Ted (July 1, 1992), "The USS Vincennes: Public War, Secret War", ABC Nightline
  39. ^ a b c Rajaee, Farhang. The Iran–Iraq War: The Politics of Aggression. University Press of Florida.
  40. ^ "The 1980-1988 Iran–Iraq War: A CWIHP Critical Oral History Conference", Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, August 11, 2004
  41. ^ MSN Encarta Encyclopedia, Iran–Iraq War: Diplomacy and International Involvement
  42. ^ United Nations Special Commission, "Annex D: Actions by Iraq to Obstruct Disarmament", UNSCOM's Comprehensive Review, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies
  43. ^ "Iran–Iraq War," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2008 encarta.msn.com © 1997-2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved
  44. ^ Jewish Virtual Library: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/US-Israel/Iran_Contra_Affair.html
  45. ^ Introduction [Iran], Globalsecurity.org (John Pike)
  46. ^ Kuznetzov, N., Text of Russian 'October Surprise' Report
  47. ^ Hunter, Jane (November 1986), "Special Report: Israeli Arms Sales to Iran", Washington Report on Middle East Affairs
  48. ^ Johns, Richard (13 November 1987). "Arms Embargo Which Cannot Withstand The Profit Motive". Financial Times(London).
  49. ^ a b Iran: Air Force
  50. ^ Nasr, Vali, The Shia Revival, Norton, (2006), p.132
  51. ^ Wright, Sacred Rage, 2001, p.37
  52. ^ Alfoneh, Ali (Winter 2007), "Iran's Suicide Brigades Terrorism Resurgent", Middle East Quarterly
  53. ^ BBC: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3324053.stm
  54. ^ Deutsche Welle report: http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,716376,00.html
  55. ^ SIPRI] (PDF)
  56. ^ Milhollin, Gary (June 1991), "Licensing Mass Destruction: U.S. Exports to Iraq: 1985-1990", Iraq Watch, Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control
  57. ^ Milhollin, Gary (January–February 2003), "The Real Target in Iraq", Iraq Watch, Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control{{citation}}: CS1 maint: date format (link)
  58. ^ a b c United States Gulf War Air Power Survey, vol. IV: Weapons, Tactics, and Training and Space Operations, Air Force Historical Research Agency, 1993
  59. ^ Link: The Independent, Wednesday, 18 December 2002: (dead URL)
  60. ^ a b What Iraq Admitted About its Chemical Weapons Program Cite error: The named reference "nytiraqchemweaponsgraphic" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  61. ^ Battle (editor), Joyce (February 25, 2003), Shaking Hands with Saddam Hussein: The U.S. Tilts toward Iraq, 1980-1984, vol. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 82, George Washington University National Security Archive {{citation}}: |last= has generic name (help)
  62. ^ "How America armed Iraq", Sunday Herald, 2004-06-13, retrieved 2006-10-12
  63. ^ Woodward, Bob (15 December 1986), "CIA Aiding Iraq in Gulf War; Target Data From U.S. Satellites Supplied for Nearly Two Years", Washington Post
  64. ^ Teicher, Howard and Gayle,Radley (1993). Twin Pillars to Desert Storm: America's Flawed Vision in the Middle East from Nixon to Bush. William Morrow. p. 275.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  65. ^ a b Iraq Chemical Chronology 1980-1989, Nuclear Threat Initiative
  66. ^ U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, Second Staff Report on U.S. Chemical and Biological Warfare-Related Dual-Use Exports to Iraq and The Possible Impact on the Health Consequences of the War{{citation}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  67. ^ Barletta, Michael; Ellington, Christina (November 1998), Foreign Suppliers to Iraq's Biological Weapons Program Obtain Microbial Seed Stock for Standard or Novel Agent, James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies
  68. ^ Iraq debt: non-Paris Club creditors
  69. ^ Lantos, Tom (May 19, 1992), The Administration's Iraq Gate Scandal, by William Safire, Congressional Record
  70. ^ "Annex D, Iraq Economic Data (1989-2003)", Comprehensive Report of the Special Advisor to the DCI [Director of Central Intelligence] on Iraq's WMD, vol. 1 of 3, 30 September 2004
  71. ^ The Economist: 19-25 September 1987
  72. ^ a b Center for Documents of The Imposed War, Tehran. (مرکز مطالعات و تحقیقات جنگ)
  73. ^ Fassihi, Farnaz (October 27, 2002), "In Iran, grim reminders of Saddam's arsenal", New Jersey Star-Ledger
  74. ^ [51] S/17911 and Add. 1, 21 March 1986. Note that this is a "decision" and not a resolution.
  75. ^ Colonel Walter Lang, former senior US Defense Intelligence officer, New York Times, August 18, 2002.
  76. ^ Galbraith, Peter W.; Van Hollen, Christopher Jr. (September 21, 1988), Chemical Weapons Use in Kurdistan: Iraq's Final Offensive, vol. staff report to the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, p. 30
  77. ^ Pear, Robert (15 September 1988), "U.S. Says It Monitored Iraqi Messages on Gas", New York Times
  78. ^ Potter, Gary; Sick (2004), Iran, Iraq, and the legacies of war, MacMillan, p. 153, ISBN 1-4039-6450-5 {{citation}}: More than one of |first1= and |first= specified (help)
  79. ^ Potter, Gary; Sick (2004), Iran, Iraq, and the legacies of war, MacMillan, p. 156, ISBN 1-4039-6450-5 {{citation}}: More than one of |first1= and |first= specified (help)
  80. ^ Tragert, Joseph (2003). Understanding Iran. p. 190. ISBN 1-59257-141-7.
  81. ^ Rasheed, Ahmed (December 19, 2006), "Saddam admits Iran gas attacks]", The Australian
  82. ^ Sidell, Frederick R.; Urbanetti, John S.; Smith, William J.; Hurst, Charles G., "Chapter 7: Vesicants", Medical Aspects of Chemical and Biological Warfare, Office of The Surgeon General, Department of the Army, United States of America
  83. ^ Nasr, Vali, The Shia Revival, Norton, (2006), p.140
  84. ^ Column in Etelaat, April 4, 1983, quoted in Molavi, Afshin, The Soul of Iran (Norton), (2006)
  85. ^ SNIE 34/36.2-82 link: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB167
  86. ^ See items 6, 7, and 8 of the UN Secretary General's report to the UN Security Council on December 9, 1991:[1]
  87. ^ YouTube - Iraqi War Movie
  88. ^ Flaming Borders - New York Times
  89. ^ [http://www.moviesfoundonline.com/iran_iraq.php}
  90. ^ Amazon.ca: Modern Warfare: DVD
  91. ^ Amazon.com: Modern Warfare: Various: Movies & TV

See also

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