Category:FM-Class politics pages

This category contains files that have been rated as "FM-Class" by WikiProject Politics. Files are automatically placed into this category when the corresponding rating is given through built-in transclusion from {{WikiProject Politics}} project banner; please see the assessment department for more information.
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Pages in category "FM-Class politics pages"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of approximately 203 total. This list may not reflect recent changes.
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- File talk:A.J. Muste, anti-war activist, cropped.jpg
- File talk:Abdul Haris Nasution.jpg
- File talk:Abigail Scott Duniway registering to vote.jpg
- File talk:Abū l-Hasan Banīsadr IMG 2044 edit.jpg
- File talk:ADAMS, John Q-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:ADAMS,John-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Almirante Antonio de Ulloa.jpg
- File talk:An Iconic Photograph of 1990 Nepalese revolution.jpg
- File talk:Anne Dallas Dudley LOC.jpg
- File talk:Another voice for Cleveland - F.B. LCCN95522869 - restoration2.jpg
- File talk:Arthur-James-Balfour-1st-Earl-of-Balfour.jpg
- File talk:Barack Obama family portrait 2011.jpg
- File talk:Barack Obama with artistic gymnastic McKayla Maroney 2.jpg
- File talk:Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood.jpg
- File talk:Benjamin Franklin 1767.jpg
- File talk:Benjamin Franklin Tilley - NH 67313.jpg
- File talk:Berlin reichstag west panorama 2.jpg
- File talk:Bertha Lutz 1925.jpg
- File talk:BIBB, George M-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Bolschewismus ohne Maske2.jpg
- File talk:Booker T. Washington by Francis Benjamin Johnston, c. 1895.jpg
- File talk:BOUTWELL, George S-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:BRISTOW, Benjamin H-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:BUCHANAN, James-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Bust of Germanicus, front - Getty Museum (2021.66).jpg
- File talk:Bust of Ibn Khaldun (Casbah of Bejaia, Algeria).jpg
- File talk:Cabinet card of William Howard Taft by Pach Brothers - Cropped to image.jpg
- File talk:CAMPBELL, George W-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:CARLISLE, John Griffin-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Townshend by Sir Godfrey Kneller, Bt (2).jpg
- File talk:Charles Willson Peale - Portrait of Thomas Willing.jpg
- File talk:CHASE, Samuel P-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Che Guevara - Guerrillero Heroico by Alberto Korda.jpg
- File talk:Chester A. Arthur by Abraham Bogardus.jpg
- File talk:Civil Rights March on Washington, D.C. (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mathew Ahmann in a crowd.) - NARA - 542015 - Restoration.jpg
- File talk:CLEVELAND, Grover-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:COBB, Howell-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Convicts Lunatics and Women! Have No Vote for Parliament, ca. 1907-1918.jpg
- File talk:CORWIN, Thomas-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:CRAWFORD, William H-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Cuban missiles.jpg
- File talk:Daisy (1964).webm
- File talk:DALLAS, Alexander J-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:David Ben-Gurion (D597-087).jpg
- File talk:Declaration of Independence (1819), by John Trumbull.jpg
- File talk:Dewey Defeats Truman.jpg
- File talk:DEXTER, Samuel-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Dilma Rousseff - foto oficial 2011-01-09.jpg
- File talk:DIX, John A-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Dorothy Houston Jacobson 1967 - Crop.jpg
- File talk:DUANE, William J-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:DurbanSign1989.jpg
- File talk:FAIRCHILD, Charles S-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:FESSENDEN, William P-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:FILLMORE, Millard-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Flickr - Government Press Office (GPO) - THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE LAUREATES FOR 1994 IN OSLO..jpg
- File talk:FOLGER, Charles J-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:FORWARD, Walter-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:FOSTER, Charles-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Frances Folsom Cleveland, by Charles Milton Bell.jpg
- File talk:Francisco Goya - Portrait of Ferdinand VII of Spain in his robes of state (1815) - Prado.jpg
- File talk:Frederick Douglass (circa 1879).jpg
- File talk:Fredrikke Mørck.jpg
- File talk:GAGE, Lyman J-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:GALLATIN, Albert-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:GARFIELD, James A-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:George Bush 2008 State of the Union Address.ogg
- File talk:George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron by Richard Westall (2).jpg
- File talk:George I (György) Rákóczi (1593-1648) - Rembrandt van Rijn & Jan Gillisz. van Vliet.jpg
- File talk:George Peter Alexander Healy - John C. Calhoun - Google Art Project.jpg
- File talk:George Washington by John Trumbull (1780).jpg
- File talk:Georges Ernest Boulanger by Atelier Nadar.jpg
- File talk:Gerald Ford hearing2.jpg
- File talk:Gilbert Stuart - George Washington - Google Art Project.jpg
- File talk:Gilbert Stuart Williamstown Portrait of George Washington.jpg
- File talk:Gilbert Stuart, John Adams, c. 1800-1815, NGA 42933.jpg
- File talk:Gobierno de Azerbaiyán, Baku, Azerbaiyán, 2016-09-26, DD 27.jpg
- File talk:Great presidential puzzle2.jpg
- File talk:GRESHAM, Walter Q-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Grover Cleveland by Charles Milton Bell color change.jpg
- File talk:GUTHRIE, James-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:GWBush Oval Office Address 20010911-1-.ogg
- File talk:Gwbush2002stateoftheunion.ogg
- File talk:HAMILTON, Alexander-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Happy Chandler - Harris and Ewing Crop.jpg
- File talk:Harris & Ewing - Helena Hill Weed.jpg
- File talk:HARRISON, Benjamin-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:HARRISON, William H-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Hattie Caraway by Harris & Ewing, 1914.jpg
- File talk:HAYES, Rutherford B-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Henry Clay Senate3.jpg
- File talk:Henry Highland Garnet by James U. Stead.jpg
- File talk:Henry Mayer, The Awakening, 1915 Cornell CUL PJM 1176 01 - Restoration.jpg
- File talk:Hong Kong Night Skyline.jpg
- File talk:Hong Kong Skyline Restitch - Dec 2007.jpg
- File talk:Hrh Princess Elizabeth in the Auxiliary Territorial Service, April 1945 TR2832.jpg
- File talk:JACKSON, Andrew-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Jacques-Louis David - The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries - Google Art Project.jpg
- File talk:James Abram Garfield, photo portrait seated.jpg
- File talk:James Pinson Labulo Davies and Sara Forbes Bonetta.jpg
- File talk:JFK limousine.png
- File talk:John Campbell Dancy, Recorder of Deeds, Washington, D.C..jpg
- File talk:John F Kennedy Official Portrait.jpg
- File talk:John Jay (Gilbert Stuart portrait).jpg
- File talk:John Quincy Adams drawing2.jpg
- File talk:JOHNSON, Andrew-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Jorge Amado, gtfy.00010.jpg
- File talk:Joseph Siffrein Duplessis - Benjamin Franklin - Google Art Project.jpg
- File talk:Laura Bush portrait.jpg
- File talk:Laura Clay by the Gerhard Sisters, 1916.jpg
- File talk:Letter of Resignation of Richard M. Nixon, 1974.jpg
- File talk:Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. - c. 1902.jpg
- File talk:Liliuokalani, c. 1891.jpg
- File talk:Louis Blanc by Carjat 1848.jpg
- File talk:Lysander Spooner by Hardy.jpg
- File talk:MADISON, James-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Malcolm X NYWTS 2a.jpg
- File talk:MANNING, Daniel-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (Web Summit).jpg
- File talk:Maréchal Canrobert by Nadar.jpg
- File talk:Martin Luther King Jr. is welcomed with a kiss from his wife, Coretta Scott King, after leaving court in Montgomery, AL, on March 22, 1956.jpg
- File talk:Mary Church Terrell - cph.3b47842.jpg
- File talk:McCULLOCH, Hugh-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:McLANE, Louis-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:MEREDITH, William M-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Michelle Obama 2013 official portrait.jpg
- File talk:MORRILL, Lot M-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Moshe Ya'alon.jpg
- File talk:Mount Rushmore detail view (100MP).jpg
- File talk:Mrs. Pauline Adams 147002v.jpg
- File talk:Pach Brothers - Benjamin Harrison.jpg
- File talk:Palace of Assembly Chandigarh 2006.jpg
- File talk:Parliament House, Canberra, Pano jjron 25.9.2008-edit1.jpg
- File talk:Paul von Hindenburg (1914) von Nicola Perscheid.jpg
- File talk:Pedro Américo - D. Pedro II na abertura da Assembléia Geral.jpg
- File talk:Pedro II of Brazil - Brady-Handy.jpg
- File talk:Pedro II of Brazil by Nadar.jpg
- File talk:Philip de László - Princess Elizabeth of York - 1933.jpg
- File talk:PIERCE, Franklin-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Portrait of Napoleon II by Thomas Lawrence (1818–1819).jpg
- File talk:Portrait of Thomas Francis Meagher P4969.jpg
- File talk:Portrett av Gina Krog (6276081582) - Restoration.jpg
- File talk:President Lyndon B. Johnson Signing of the Immigration Act of 1965 (02) - restoration1.jpg
- File talk:President Rutherford Hayes 1870 - 1880.jpg
- File talk:Proclamação da República by Benedito Calixto 1893.jpg
- File talk:Rathaus Großbottwar neu edit.jpg
- File talk:Ray Strachey restored.jpg
- File talk:Rhina Aguirre Amézaga. 11 November 2014, Chamber of Senators, La Paz. (52421482576) Cropped I.jpg
- File talk:RICHARDSON, William A-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Ronald Reagan with cowboy hat 12-0071M edit.jpg
- File talk:ROOSEVELT, Theodore-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:RUSH, Richard-BEP069-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:S-IC engines and Von Braun.jpg
- File talk:Sacramento,-California---State-Capitol.jpg
- File talk:Senador Tancredo Neves.jpg
- File talk:SHERMAN, John-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Sir Winston Churchill - 19086236948.jpg
- File talk:So hilft dein Geld.jpg
- File talk:SPENCER, John C-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Supreme Court of the United Kingdom, Court 1 Interior, London, UK - Diliff.jpg
- File talk:T Roosevelt.jpg
- File talk:TANEY, Roger B-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:TAYLOR, Zachary-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:The Air Ministry, 1939-1945. CH10270 – Edit 1.jpg
- File talk:The Gerry-Mander Edit.png
- File talk:Theodore Roosevelt by the Pach Bros.jpg
- File talk:Theodore Rooseveltnewtry.jpg
- File talk:THOMAS, Philip F-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Toulouse Capitole Night Wikimedia Commons.jpg
- File talk:TYLER, John-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:VAN BUREN, Martin-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Vermont State House Montpelier October 2021 HDR.jpg
- File talk:Vernon E. Jordan working on a voter education project.jpg
- File talk:Victor Hugo by Étienne Carjat 1876 - full.jpg
- File talk:Victoria Claflin Woodhull by Mathew Brady - Oval Portrait.jpg
- File talk:Vincenzo Laviosa - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Google Art Project.jpg
- File talk:WALKER, Robert J-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:Walter Francis White by Clara Sipprell.jpg
- File talk:WASHINGTON, George-President (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:We Can Do It! NARA 535413 - Restoration 2.jpg
- File talk:Webcomic xkcd - Wikipedian protester.png
- File talk:Westfaelischer Friede in Muenster (Gerard Terborch 1648).jpg
- File talk:WINDOM, William-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg
- File talk:WOLCOTT, Oliver-Treasury (BEP engraved portrait).jpg