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mDungnag language

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mDungnag Tibetan
Native toChina
Language codes
ISO 639-3None (mis)

mDungnag Tibetan (or mDung-nag; also known as Dongna 东纳话[1]) is a divergent Tibetic language of western Gansu, China.[2]



mDungnag is spoken in Qifeng Tibetan Ethnic Township (祁丰藏族乡), Sunan Yugur Autonomous County, Gansu, China.[1]



Shao (2018) notes that mDungnag is not mutually intelligible with either Khams Tibetan or Amdo Tibetan. It may possibly be a divergent form of Amdo Tibetan due to some shared vocabulary, although these similarities could also be due to contact. The exact classification of mDungnag within Tibetic remains uncertain.[1]



mDungnag is a non-tonal language.[1]



mDungnag can be divided into two dialects:[1]

  • Hexi 河西 ("West River"): spoken in Baozitan Village 堡子滩村
  • Hedong 河东 ("East River"): spoken in Qingkedi Village 青稞地村 and Ciyaokou 瓷窑口村 Village. This is the dialect that is primarily documented in Shao (2018).

Some lexical differences between the Hexi and Hedong dialects include the following. Translated English glosses have also been provided to supplement the original Chinese glosses from Shao (2018).[1]

Chinese gloss English gloss Hexi Hedong
乌鸦 crow (bird) kʰɐtʰɐ hɐtʰɐ
黄羊 Mongolian gazelle ʱgʷɐ ʱgo
旱獭 marmot ʂʮ ʂʷa
开水 boiling water tʂʰənkʰo tʂʰəkʰo
大坂 large mountain lʷɐ
红嘴鸦 Red-billed chough ʰtʂoŋχʷa ʰtʂoŋhɐ
馒头 mantou (steamed bun) kɔrɐ kʷɐrɐ
骆驼 camel ʱŋɐmaŋ ʱŋɐməŋ
白胸黑狗 white-chested black dog taŋkʰar taŋɣar
to step on ʱdə ʱdi
耕地 to plow, till ʰtʂɐk ʱmi (perfective; imperative); ʱmɔ (imperfective)
穿 to wear kon kʷan
to ride ʂon ʂʷan
点火 to ignite, light (fire) ʱdʑon ʱdʑʷan
to quarrel kʰon kʰʷan
使役/使用 to use kʰɔ ko
疼痛 pain ʱdzer zer
to scoop ʰtʂʷi (perfective; imperative); tʂʮ (imperfective) sʷi (perfective; imperative); sʮ (imperfective)
数字连词 numeral affix ʰtsɐ
棉袄 cotton jacket tʂyɣɔtsə orə
杏子 apricot ɣorək xaŋrə
山羊羔子 kid (of mountain goat) eᶳtsə rəᶳtsə
帽子 hat ⁿgɔʂɐ kɐli
两口子 married couple ʱdzɐwɐ ʱdzɐⁿgɔ
头面 face; woman's head ornaments ʰtəkgʷɔ ʰtəkdʑap


  1. ^ a b c d e f Shao, Mingyuan 邵明园 (2018). Hexi Zoulang binwei Zangyu Dongnahua yanjiu 河西走廊濒危藏语东纳话研究 [Study on the mDungnag dialect, an endangered Tibetan language in Hexi Corridor]. Guangzhou: Zhongshan University Publishing House 中山大学出版社.
  2. ^ 鈴木, 博之 Hiroyuki Suzuki (2019). "書評:邵明園(著)《河西走廊瀕危藏語東納話研究》慶州". 京都大学言語学研究 Kyoto University Linguistic Research. 38. Kyoto: 京都大学言語学研究室: 65–73. doi:10.14989/250192.