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Archive 1


Free elections? Come on! Maurice Bishop, the "Marxist" terror, was the most popular leader in Grenadan history. Following the US invasion, a bunch of good British "Sir Xs" and "Lord Ys" won what were almost certainly rigged elections -- not that it matters, the Grenadans knew very well that if they elected leaders Reagan didn't like, he'd invade again in ten minutes -- and proceeded to clamp down on free speech, close radio stations, confiscate "subversive" literature, etc etc etc. It's a corrupt pseudo-democracy set up in line with American, not Grenadan interests.

Grenadan interests are not different than anyone elses, and that is to have their individual rights protected. Democracy cannot legitimize a government that violates rights. There is right and wrong even in the voting booth. Freedom and sufferage are not a license to do wrong.--Silverback 19:54, 1 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Why does wikipedia take all its country information from the CIA, anyway?

Because it is in the public domain. However, it is up to us to make it more balanced and NPOV ...
What I want to criticize here is that the elections that gave M.B. the power are just called "elections" and the ones after the US invasion are called "free elections", without giving any evidence in what way they were more free than the previous ones ... But the use of "free" here could make the reader think the ones before were not free.
So I removed the "free".
--zeno 05:38 Feb 6, 2003 (UTC)
Bishop was never actually elected to power. He overthrew the Gairy government, and then was overthrown himself. "Most popular leader in history?" Hmmm . . . If so, why can't his party win any more elections?
Probably because it doesn't stand for what he stood for anymore, and because the people of Grenada fear being invaded again by the Colossus to the north if they go against its wishes. 19:06, 6 November 2006 (UTC)
I very much doubt the general population of Grenada shares your fear.Esszhey (talk) 07:38, 18 July 2011 (UTC)

Is the mentionened COA correct (St-lucia?) Bemoeial 12:52, 22 Nov 2003 (UTC) The best time of my life in Grenada was when Bishop was running the island.

Bishop was indeed a popular leader, and Reagan hated both Bishop and the Cord camps. It is highly likely the overthrow of Bishop was coordinated by the CIA so that Reagan could kill two birds with one stone, three if you count that fact that the invasion was a "wag the dog" distraction from the Bombing of the marines in Beirut from which Reagan waved cut and ran waiving the white flag of surrender. When one realizes that today the Sandinista rule Nicaragua, the FMLN rule El Salvatore and Southern Africa is free of Western puppet regimes and CIA created terrorist groups, Granada represents Reagan's ONE (1) foreign policy victory in his 8 years of proxy wars as president Cosand (talk) 02:37, 13 December 2012 (UTC)

Ivan struck here. I saw video of the damage in St. George's. --Patricknoddy 13:30, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)User:Patricknoddy --Patricknoddy 13:30, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)User talk:Patricknoddy 9:30 September 11, 2004 (EDT)

Ivan was a Category 3 when he struck Grenada. Pobbie Rarr 05:41, 9 April 2006 (UTC)

I would like to announce the establishment of the Wikipedia:Caribbean Wikipedians' notice board. Anyone with an interest in the Caribbean is welcome to join in. Guettarda 1 July 2005 04:01 (UTC)

Spelling, Grammer, Syntax, and other broken stuff

The first historical mention of Grenada/Granada in the article has the 3 a spelling. Yet there seems to be no mention of a change. What gives? Kdammers 05:44, 5 September 2006 (UTC)

The link to Rhonde Island on the Geography page is broken ChuckBiggs2 17:36, 16 May 2007 (UTC)

GRENADA is the Correct form of Spelling. It is My Nationality I need no Source.........................

Proposed WikiProject

There is now a proposed WikiProject for the Caribbean area, including Grenada, at Wikipedia:WikiProject Council/Proposals#Caribbean. Interested parties should add their names there so we can determine if there is enough interest to start such a project in earnest. Thank you for your attention. Badbilltucker 16:57, 13 December 2006 (UTC)


How can Grenada be independent if the queen of the UK is still considered the head of state? Can we at least point out the the "independence" is quasi?

The queen is also head of state of Canada and Australia, but nobody ever calls them "quasi independent" - it's just a ceremonial position.
Legally they are independant, they just share a head of state. The Queen is queen of many countries

Celiamaria 13:47, 16 February 2007 (UTC)

Grenada IS independent. It makes it's own laws and has a constitution like other countries who share a monarch. One is confusing constitutional monarchy and government. Acorn897 (talk) 01:12, 7 August 2012 (UTC)


I take issue with the phrase "second-smallest independent country" as Grenada is not recognised as a country by the UN and does not constitute one of the 192-194 countries of the world. Can we replace "country" with "independant nation" or similar? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:13, 24 September 2007 (UTC)

I assume your joking, right? Grenada is a member of the UN and is most certainly a country. Russeasby 21:06, 24 September 2007 (UTC)

American students comment lacks NPOV

There are numerous testimonials from the students who were at the University who claimed they were put under a 24 hour shoot on site curfew. This was claimed by both students and the US military who had taken reports. It's OK to be against the invasion, but there's been a resurgence of talk about Grenada because of the war in Iraq. After doing some research on the topic, it appears that a lot of the sources saying the students were experiencing some kind of island paradise situation is illegitimate when they clearly have their own angle (just like the US military.) Moral of the story, it's POV. That entire section shouldn't even be on this page, but on the invasion of Grenada page. This Time magazine article offers a more NPOV [1]--DevCharles 18:49, 5 March 2007 (UTC)

  • That's probably because this Wikipedia article, like many others, was written and edited by liberals or communists with too much time on their hands. The section regarding the invasion of Grenada is so obviously and pathetically biased that it's actually quite funny to read. Where do Wikipedia editors get their facts from, anyways...? Wikipedia? 01:42, 11 August 2007 (UTC)
.Could it also be written by a right winger who think Bombs and Guns(War) is the answer. The U.S baited Jamcaica and others into invading Grenada. The main reason was To Squeeze Cuba and the souviets into Submission. The School isn't just serving an education purpose but watch dog have u notice the Location? Think about it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 00:28, 19 September 2011 (UTC)

Medical students told Koppel how grateful they were for the invasion and the Army Rangers, which probably saved their lives. This is factg. Why wasn't it presented? The saefety of AMerican lives was a major reason cited for the invasion....in particular with the Iran hostage crisis fresh in our minds. Not that there weren't other political motives for the invasion, but this needs to be included for fair reporting. The ommission of this information, which was paramount in this issue, does indict the original authors. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Mbplus3 (talkcontribs) 19:15, 2 March 2014 (UTC)


Clearly a hit-piece on Reagan. To write about the invasion without mention of the Cold War or the pre-invasion Cuban Maxist intervention is rediculous. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 12:37, 20 May 2008 (UTC)

Wow, this article is scary in how POV it is. Just look at how much of it is devoted to the invasion and how little devoted to the government pre invasion. The invasion should be made into a seperate section and scaled down considerably with a link to the main artcle at Invasion of Grenada and the History 1958 - 1984 expanded and rewritten to be much more neutral. I am adding this to my list of things to do and urge others to help. Russeasby 13:20, 21 January 2007 (UTC)

Attempted to edit the Independence and Revolution section. Aaronhumes-- 15:56, 7 February 2007 (UTC)

The IP editor at is actually working to make this article even more US centric POV, especially shameful to be doing so today while they celebrate their independance. I dont have one of those roll tools installed to roll back to the "Joseph Solis in Australia". Can someone else do it? This article is going in the wrong direction. NPOV is the goal or at least representing both views. Russeasby 19:06, 7 February 2007 (UTC)
Nevermind, I found a reasonalby easy way to do it Russeasby 19:27, 7 February 2007 (UTC)

"Pre-invasion Cuban Maxist intervention"? You mean the air strip a water purification project and a medical network to vaccinate children? Totally ridiculous. I think what you mean is the Pre Invasion CIA intervention to overthrow Bishop and set Bernard cord up as a patsy, not to mention a distraction from 200+ dead marines in Lebanon Cosand (talk) 02:45, 13 December 2012 (UTC)

1/3 born there don't live there?

This looks like a guess to me in the demograghics section, how do we know the other countries with large populations from Grenada are not counting children born to Grenada immigrants? Should we remove the comment?

Serious POV problems

"A power struggle developed between Bishop and a majority of the ruling People's Revolutionary Government (PRG), including the co-founder of the NJM, Bernard Coard. This led to Bishop's house arrest; he and many others were eventually executed at Fort George on October 19, 1983 during a hardline PRA coup which brought a new pro-Soviet/Cuban government under General Hudson Austin to power."

- Given the importance of these events, the description is absurdly short and limited in scope compared to other material in the article.

- Calling what happened a "power struggle" isn't accurate.

- The claim that a "majority" of the PRG supported the illegal overthrow, arrest and murder of Bishop is pure POV.

- Using the term "house arrest" tries to pretend that an extrajudicial action was somehow within the law. It would be more accurate to say that Bishop was kidnapped in the course of the government being overthrown.

- The description of the murders at Forrt George as "executions" is inaccurate.

- The description of the post-Bishop group as "a new pro-Soviet/Cuban government" is not accurate. The post-Bishop government was no more pro-Soviet/Cuban than Bishop's government. The difference between Bishop and what replaced him was that the new government ruled by force with no legitimacy or regard for law.

"Premier Sir Eric Matthew Gairy, who became the first Prime Minister of Grenada. Eric Gairy's government became increasingly authoritarian and dictatorial, prompting a coup d'état in March 1979 by the charismatic and popular left-wing leader of the New Jewel Movement,"

- The description of Gairy's government as "authoritarian and dictatorial" is POV.

- The description of Bishop's overthrow of the government as a coup d'etat is not remotely accurate. a coup d'etat typically involves the military of a country overthrowing the government. It would be more accurate to describe the events of 1979 as a revolution in that a small group of men overthrew the legal government by force.

- Calling Bishop "charismatic and popular" is POV. It is especially POV in the context of a description of his overthrowing the government. 15:18, 7 September 2007 (UTC)

I agree with almost everything you have said and have brought up the POV issues of this article in the past myself. The article needs a real expert on the topic to revamp this section. And I dont mean some expert who just reads US point of view propiganda on the subject. The reality of what happened in Grenada pre-intervention is vastly different then what was generally reported in the US media. I am not suggesting pushing a Grenada POV either, but there is a complete lack of balance right now and weasel words throughout. You seem to have a fair grasp on the topic, perhaps you can take a stab at a rewrite? The main problem that exists however is that most sources and references easily available tend to be US centric and support the US POV. One doesnt have to spend long however talking to Grenadians who lived through this whole era to realize how false much of the US POV is. Russeasby 16:51, 7 September 2007 (UTC)

What's a Camerhogne?

Why does the word "Camerhogne" appear twice in this article, when it is not explained? Is this a defacement? -- 03:03, 25 September 2007 (UTC)

From googling the best I can figure is that Camerhogne was the Caribs name for the island before Columbus came along and "discovered" it. I did not find anything solid enough to properly source that though, so I am not going to jump in and change it. I suspect at one point this article probably explained the Camerhogne orgin but it got edited out through revisions, and unfortunate problem with WP sometimes. Russeasby 03:24, 25 September 2007 (UTC)


grenada climate is tropical —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:51, 1 May 2008 (UTC)

Can you explain further? Is this a question or a change you would like made in the article? (EhJJ)TALK 21:12, 1 May 2008 (UTC)


There has been some disagreement about the term "illegally" in the section about the invasion. I'd like to reach consensus on the matter here. One user has insisted that the term be added [2][3][4][5] while several have removed the term [6][7][8]. Here is the exact sentence: "The next day, October 25, Grenada was illegally invaded by combined forces from the United States, the Regional Security System (RSS), Jamaica, and Barbados." (emphasis added). Given that the legality of the invasion is then discussed in the next few sentences, I don't think that the word should be included (by exclusion, there is no implication that it was legal, simply states the fact that it was invaded.) I believe avoiding the word helps reduce bias and allow the reader to make an informed decision. (EhJJ)TALK 15:04, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

"Illegally" under what law? Was the invasion supposedly illegal under any law whose jurisdiction actually covers the US? Not to mention, any law which the US actually acknowledges the legitimacy of? Remember, being "condemned" by the UN does not make an action illegal. JDS2005 (talk) 07:33, 1 April 2009 (UTC)
I agree "illegally" should be omitted before "invaded", if this is even an issue any longer. carl bunderson (talk) (contributions) 03:26, 4 April 2009 (UTC)

This appears to still be an issue, as there has been a low-grade edit war for the last few days between an IP range and several editors. To be thorough, do we still have consensus that combined with the UN resolution discussion further down, adding "illegal/illegally" in the section header is unnecessary POV? VQuakr (talk) 16:13, 9 July 2010 (UTC)

It's superfluous, and serves only to express one, or several editors', agenda (edits appear to be from same IP range as this charmer [9]). The content does the job already, without the added POV thrusts. JNW (talk) 14:18, 10 July 2010 (UTC)
All the IPs involved in this come from Bangkok, and are related to this longterm vandalism [10] as well. I think we're looking at one user who's had what could kindly be called an original research agenda, with attendant personal attacks against other contributors, for several years. JNW (talk) 14:31, 11 July 2010 (UTC)
America invaded a sovereign nation that posed absolutely no threat to any other nation. That is illegal. Certain bags of crap and delusional right-wing nuts believe otherwise but it should be pointed out that they are delusional, right-wing nuts. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:05, 14 November 2010 (UTC)

Twenty-first Century History

I'm not sure of the technical term, but the following section seems to fail miserably at being NPOV:

"Grenada has recovered with remarkable speed, due to both domestic labour and financing from the world at large and the wonderful work done by the New National Party Administration of Dr. Keith C Mitchell and his competent team."

I haven't edited the page, as I don't know which flags are appropriate, but I thought it should at least be mentioned. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 05:24, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Grenada's national bird

Is it significant enough to be put on the opening paragraph of the page?-- (talk) 07:03, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

I think it was endangered for a while... The company which Simon Cowell was affiliated with ( www.cinnamon88.com -- Wealthy Britons are discovering paradise in Barbados and Grenada) Cinnamon88 was being blamed for destroying the habitat. At least according to some of the people I know from Grenada. Not sure if the bird issue captures everything there is about Grenada. It sounded like a hot-button political issue in the nation though with the current party making promises to protect the bird or something to that effect. CaribDigita (talk) 08:35, 18 June 2009 (UTC)


What the heck is a "Fepresentative"?? (talk) 20:17, 11 July 2009 (UTC)

Change in airport name

Since my sister was last in grenada in the summer and me at christmas the airport "Port Salines airport" had in fact been changed to "Maurice Bishop International Airport" and i do not know how to change this on the article so whoever does please could you do this. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Wymcollkid1 (talkcontribs) 19:35, 18 January 2010 (UTC)

Where did you see this in the article? Griffinofwales (talk) 19:33, 17 February 2010 (UTC)

This is such a small article, dealing with security forces rather than military forces themselves, that it would have greater context if it were included in the main Grenada article. Regards to all, Buckshot06 (talk) 19:53, 17 February 2010 (UTC)

There really isn't anything to merge from. The invasion is already detailed. IMO the page can be redirected. Griffinofwales (talk) 20:46, 17 February 2010 (UTC)

[[ I LOVE GRENADA]] —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:18, 25 February 2010 (UTC)

Edit request from Shillingkid, 20 April 2010

{{editsemiprotected}} To whom it may concern, My name is Caleb Gabriel also known as Shilling, i am the producer / artist or Redshield Recordz and I noticed that my group was mentioned in the culture heading of this article. I am very happy that we are being noticed and we are mentioned on the Grenada wikipedia page,it is an honour. I would like if you can just hyperlink the words Red Shield Recordz to our myspace page at www.myspace.com/redshieldrecordz.

Thank you for your cooporation, Caleb Gabriel

Shillingkid (talk) 01:51, 20 April 2010 (UTC)

Sorry, we don't link to external sites within the text.  fetchcomms 02:44, 20 April 2010 (UTC)

Hi, About Grenada country in spanish wikipedia

I've been working on standardization and regularization in several countries in Latin America and Central America (in spanish wikipedia), in respect to the Human Development Indices of the United Nations and I find the surprise that when you go to Granada page I see this being used as a page of a city in another country without any relation to Granada (name of Grenada in spanish), I'm really bemused, and unfocus trying to understand the arguments that seek to revalue a city over a country, however, my contribution to wikipedia is not regular, so my opinion not worth, may be that Granada (country) is always a secondary page of es:Granada city of Spain. I tried to doing something but I need help. If some of you are interested to follow is important because They aren't impartial, They really love that city--Hipergeo (talk) 16:47, 29 July 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for pointing that out, i will remember to mention that example the next time i hear people moaning about systemic bias on the English language wikipedia. It is rather strange that a city takes priority over a country. Although here on the the English language wikipedia we stop Georgia from being about the country because there is also a US state, but having a disam page like in that case seems fairer.
You are probably breaking some wikipedia rules by asking us to join in that debate, so whilst i agree with your concerns i will not be going there. What i would suggest you do when you next comment there is ask for the country to also be noted at the top of the article. At the moment it only links to the Disam page, the country should be listed too. BritishWatcher (talk) 16:56, 29 July 2010 (UTC)

Adjective of Grenada.

The country is called Grenada, shouldn't the adjectival form be 'Grenadan'? 'Grenadian' sounds odd or even silly to me. Afterall, we do have 'African' not 'Africian' and 'American' not 'Americian'. Although I note that Merriam-Webster lists both forms, and it is probably a valid Americ(i)anism in the US, it is illogical ('Canadian' notwithstanding).1812ahill (talk) 12:26, 31 January 2011 (UTC)

I see there are many pages with 'Grenadian' in the title so I guess it is not an option to change it. I guess it depends on whether one pronounces 'Grenada' with and American or British accent. Antone know how the inhabitants of Grenada refer to themselves?1812ahill (talk) 12:35, 31 January 2011 (UTC)
The local usage is 'Grenadian'. My wife is Grenadian so although I am British I visit the island frequently. treesmill (talk) 15:44, 14 February 2011 (UTC)
I think it's UK based spelling/pronunciation that leads this. It's like "Canada" -> "Canadian". (talk) 15:54, 3 April 2012 (UTC)


The religion table is quite confusing considering that within the 'Percentage' column, it mixes the Christian percentage with churches within the Christian religion. Perhaps making this bold or moving this to the bottom of the table would make sense. marchaos (talk) 14:11 13 May 2011 (GMT)

Now it really is confusing. Roman Catholic, Anglican & Other Protestant sum up 100 percent. And then there is couple percents of other religions, going up over 102 percent. (talk) 12:47, 20 July 2011 (UTC)

The link to Nicholas Brathwaite is incorrect. It should NOT link to the British musical composer.

Robvious (talk) 15:14, 27 December 2011 (UTC)

 Done Thanks for the input. Dru of Id (talk) 12:34, 28 December 2011 (UTC)

Edit request on 18 July 2012

Grenada's Human Development Index rank can be updated as it has changed from 74th to 67th in the World with an HDI of 0.748 Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_Human_Development_Index Joshman40 (talk) 18:01, 18 July 2012 (UTC)

Not done:Wikipedia cannot be used as a reliable source. While we generally trust the accuracy of information on the site, we would run the risk of circular referencing. Can you find another source? Ryan Vesey Review me! 13:42, 19 July 2012 (UTC)


I'm kind of detecting heavy helpings of bias in this page, particularly the section on cricket lauding Devon Smith. He is hardly as famous as the article makes him out to be. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Understand my world (talkcontribs) 04:41, 8 November 2012 (UTC)

Bias version of the events leading to the revoltion.

The story of revolution is the most interesting political story in modern history. It would be a shame if this US biased version of the truth were all that people remembered. The US intelligence on this issue was more incorrect then their Iraq intelligence leading to that invasion. This version of what happened here is out of that same CIA book. Can someone step up to tell the real truth here. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:10, 23 November 2013 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 2 March 2014

In addition to concern about a potential Cuban-Soviet military-capable airport, the safety of US citizens was in jeopardy, which included about 600 students [1][2]. These were cited as the primary reasons for the invasion. The recent memory of the Iranian Hostage Crisis [3] perhaps contributed to the widespread attitude in support of the invasion from the American citizens, which in the end was welcomed by 91 percent of Grenada'speople, according to a CBS poll[4]. 

Mbplus3 (talk) 21:21, 2 March 2014 (UTC)

Not done: it's not clear what changes you want made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format. Jackmcbarn (talk) 20:03, 3 March 2014 (UTC)


  1. ^ http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/10/24/3709792/us-invasion-of-grenada-30-years.html
  2. ^ Grenada, A Preliminary Report, DOD & State
  3. ^ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_hostage_crisis
  4. ^ Grenada, A Preliminary Report, DOD & State

Map of Grenada

Is there a different map than the one used? It doesn't seem to fit the style that is continuous with the other countries on here. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Rorywatt (talkcontribs) 18:48, 3 September 2014 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 31 August 2015

When the United Kingdom gained control of Grenada in 1776, it began the import of African slaves for use on the cotton, sugar and tobacco plantations.[2] Most of the slaves imported to Grenada hailed from Nigeria (specifically Igbo and Yoruba,[3] more than 37,000, 34% of the slaves of the island[4]) and Ghana[5][6] (Fante people,[7] more than 18,000, 19% of the slaves of the island[4]). To a lesser extent, slaves were also were imported from Senegambia (more than 5,000, 4.9% of the slaves of the island[4]), Guinea,[8] Sierra Leone (more than 12,000, 11% of the slaves of the island), Windward Coast (more than 14,000, 13% of the slaves of the island), Bight of Benin (more than 5,800, 5,4% of the slaves of the island),[4] Congo (specifically Kongos) and Angola.[3] The slaves of Central Africa numbered more than 12,000 people, 11% of the slaves of Grenada.[4] Many of the slaves were also Mandinka.

Grenada's first census, in 1700, recorded 525 slaves and 53 freed slaves living on the island. Julien Fédon, a mulatto planter, led a violent rebellion on the island, leading a group of slaves. The rebellion led to the takeover of Grenada by Fedon, who afterwards freed the slaves who participated in the rebellion. The struggle of the slaves for their rights continued for a year and a half, until the British regained control of the island. The British, as a punishment for disobedience and rebellion, executed the alleged leaders of the rebellion, however Fedon was never captured. Even though the British retained control of the island, tensions between the two groups - slaves and slaveholders - remained significant until slavery was abolished by a British law in 1834,[9] and all slaves were freed in 1838.[10] (talk) 20:12, 31 August 2015 (UTC)

Not done: it's not clear what changes you want to be made. Please mention the specific changes in a "change X to Y" format. This is a copy paste of the History section on Afro-Grenadian. What is your specific request Cannolis (talk) 01:21, 1 September 2015 (UTC)

Length of Runway

The actual constructed runway length on the island is 9,000 feet. True the NY Time cite quotes the then-administration's 10,000 foot claim, however this was later shown to be inflated. I think the article should reflect that the 10,000 length was a claim at the time and not the actual runway length. (talk) 23:22, 8 November 2015 (UTC)


The article says Devon Smith is legendary. Ridiculous claims like that should be immediately removed from Wikipedia. (talk) 17:42, 7 January 2016 (UTC)

Whether it's something to laugh at or not is not the problem with that claim. There is no reference given to back up the claim, so I've removed it. Bazza (talk) 15:14, 8 January 2016 (UTC)

Hello fellow Wikipedians,

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New Official Name

Someone has posted on the Help Desk that the official name has been changed to "GRENADA CARRIACOU AND PETITE MARTINIQUE" but hasn't provided a source. If anyone here can confirm this, can it (should it) be added to the article? Rojomoke (talk) 04:25, 15 July 2016 (UTC)


What’s the difference between a SPICE and a SPECIES?. Can youz teach a DONKEY to be a HORSE?. Do you believe in ALIANS?. Or are you a ILLEGAL ALISN?. What is a CRONIE?. What is DoubleTalk?, and why do they teach it in American Collages?. Does it have anything to do with DOUBLE CROSS ?. Well Let’s find out. THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES and THE ISLAND OF SPECIES.

Grenada’s former name, which was the “Isle of Spice” is Lost (Like the series). Below is a TIMELIE N. And links to some truth. I use Wikipedia first, Then I just fill out the lies that the BASKET CASES are making up as they go. The national flag of Grenada was adopted upon independence from the United Kingdom, 7 February 1974. The six stars in the red border represent the country's six parishes, with the middle star, encircled by a red disk, representing Carriacou and Petite Martinique. The symbol in the hoist represents a clove of nutmeg, one of the principal crops of Grenada. It also represents a link to Grenada's former name, which was the "Isle of Spice".[

You say Granada, Canada (What Ever). WE ARE GRENADA. THE GRENADIAN SPECIES. English: Flag of Grenada Italiano: Bandiera di Grenada. About 2 million years ago, Grenada was formed as an underwater volcano. Before the arrival of Europeans, Grenada was inhabited by Caribs who had driven the more peaceful Arawaks from the island. Christopher Columbus sighted Grenada in 1498 during his third voyage to the new world. (But he was so tired of Sailing so he didn’t stop ?. Yea right. Then they started their “GAME OF THRONES”. French colony (1649–1763) In 1649 a French expedition of 203 men from Martinique led by Jacques du Parquet founded a permanent settlement on Grenada. Within months this led to conflict with the local islanders which lasted until 1654 when the island was completely subjugated by the French.[5] Those indigenous islanders who survived either left for neighbouring islands or retreated to remoter parts of Grenada where they were marginalised—the last distinct communities disappeared during the 1700s. Warfare continued during the 1600s between the French on Grenada and the Caribs of present-day Dominica and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. The French named the new French colony La Grenade, and the economy was initially based on sugar cane and indigo. The French established a capital known as Fort Royal (later St. George). To shelter from hurricanes the French navy would often take refuge in the capital's natural harbour, as no nearby French islands had a natural harbour to compare with that of Fort Royal. The British captured Grenada during the Seven Years' War in 1762.

Freash out of Newz land. LET THE LIES BEGIN. The HISTORLIES of Grenada, is now HisBigLie Stories of NewZland Canada, Australia and anywhere but GRENADA.

In 1763, at the end of the French and Indian War, the British issued a proclamation mainly intended to conciliate the Indians by checking the encroachment of settlers on their lands. In the centuries since the proclamation, it has become one of the cornerstones of Native American law in the United States and Grenada (Not to be confused with Canada).

Basket Case ?. Basket case; Grenada (In Basket Case or Font). Grenada. Q From Graham Rooth, UK; Michael Drake, New Zealand: The phrase basket case is quite commonly used to describe failing economies nowadays. I think it would originally have been applied to describe dysfunctional individuals. Any thoughts on its origins? A You’re partly right, though the nature of the dysfunction was much more severe than you might be thinking. The term started to appear quite suddenly in American newspapers at the end of March 1919. The press was reporting an official denial of rumours that were circulating widely among ex-servicemen back from the First World War. SO WHAT IS BASKET CASE ?. WHERE IS BASKET CASE FROM ?. IS IT IN UPPER CASE ?. OR LOWER CASE ?.

The senses of a person regarded as useless or unable to cope, specifically as the result of mental illness, and of a country that is unable to pay its debts or to feed its people came along shortly after the war. The first I’ve found is the title of a syndicated cartoon in January 1946 (above from the Hamilton Daily News Journal), commenting on the decline in value of the dollar. Both senses have continued to be widely known and used and have spread worldwide. Britain is an economic basket case, while Scotland, with its government’s quixotic obsession with windmills, is even worse. Daily Mail, 11 Jul. 2011. To clarify, the windmills are wind turbines.

SO IN 1763 When America and England couldn’t pay the back on the WAR BONDS that was OWED. What did the Basket Cases do?. FORGED THE ORIGINAL DECLERATION FROM 1763 With a TRYWRITER (That was yet to be invented). Now that’s a Real Stupid thing to do, Whoever did that is the ORIGINAL BASKET CASE !. UPPER BASKET CASE / lower basket case. What a disgrace!.

SO again, GRENADA AND THE OTHER “FREE PEOPLE” WERE TAKEN OFF THE BOOKS. And then GRENADA became GEORGIA. British colony AGAIN (1763–1974) Grenada was formally ceded to Britain by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. The French re-captured the island during the American Revolutionary War, after Comte d'Estaing won the bloody land and naval Battle of Grenada in July 1779. However the island was restored to Britain with the Treaty of Versailles in 1783. Britain was hard pressed to overcome a pro-French revolt in 1795–96 led by Julien Fedon. A Crown colony, also known in the 17th century as royal colony, was a type of colonial administration of the British overseas territories.Crown, or royal, colonies were ruled by a governor appointed by the monarch. By the middle of the 19th century, the sovereign appointed royal governors on the advice of the Secretary of State for the Colonies.[1] Under the name of "royal colony", the first of what would later become known as Crown colonies was the English Colony of Virginia in the present-day United States, after the Crown, in 1624, revoked the royal charter it had granted to the Virginia Company, taking over direct administration.[2]Until the mid-19th century, the term "Crown colony" was primarily used to refer to those colonies that had been acquired through wars, such as Trinidad and Tobago[3]

St Georges Grenada, now St Georgia Canada. Before settlement by Europeans, Georgia was inhabited by the mound building cultures. The British colony of Georgia was founded by James Oglethorpe on February 12, 1733.[9] The colony was administered by the Trustees for the Establishment of the Colony of Georgia in America under a charter issued by (and named for) King George II. The Trustees implemented an elaborate plan for the colony's settlement, known as the Oglethorpe Plan, which envisioned an agrarian society of yeoman farmers and prohibited slavery. In 1742 the colony was invaded by the Spanish during the War of Jenkins' Ear. In 1752, after the government failed to renew subsidies that had helped support the colony, the Trustees turned over control to the crown. Georgia became a crown colony, with a governor appointed by the king.[10]

The Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, on June 27, 1864 The Province of Georgia was one of the Thirteen Colonies that revolted against British rule in the American Revolution by signing the 1776 Declaration of Independence. The State of Georgia's first constitution was ratified in February 1777. Georgia was the 10th state to ratify the Articles of Confederation on July 24, 1778,[11] and was the 4th state to ratify the current Constitution on January 2, 1788. In 1829, gold was discovered in the North Georgia mountains, which led to the Georgia Gold Rush and an established federal mint in Dahlonega, which continued its operation until 1861. The subsequent influx of white settlers put pressure on the government to take land from the Cherokee Nation. In 1830, President Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act into law, sending many eastern Native American nations to reservations in present-day Oklahoma, including all of Georgia's tribes. Despite the Supreme Court's ruling in Worcester v. Georgia that states were not permitted to redraw the Indian boundaries, President Jackson and the state of Georgia ignored the ruling.

In British maritime law and custom, an ensign is the identifying flag flown to designate a British ship, either military or civilian. Such flags display the United Kingdom Union Flag in the canton (the upper corner next the staff), with either a red, white or blue field, dependent on whether the vessel is civilian, naval, or in a special category. These are known as the red, white, and blue ensigns respectively.

Naval ensign is the ensign used by Navy vessels to denote nationality. It can be the same or different from the civil ensign and the state ensign. It's also known as the war ensign. Most countries have only one national flag and ensign for all purposes. In other countries, a distinction is made between the land flag and the civil, state and naval ensigns. The elaborate British ensigns, for example, differ from the flag used on land, the Union Flag, and have different versions of plain and defaced Red and Blue ensigns for civilian and state use, besides the naval ensign (White Ensign).A large version of the naval ensign which is flown on a warship's mast just before going into battle is called a battle ensign.

In 1877 Grenada was made a Crown colony. Theophilus A. Marryshow founded the Representative Government Association (RGA) in 1917 to agitate for a new and participative constitutional dispensation for the Grenadian people. Partly as a result of Marryshow's lobbying, the Wood Commission of 1921–22 concluded that Grenada was ready for constitutional reform in the form of a modified Crown colony government. This modification granted Grenadians the right to elect five of the 15 members of the Legislative Council, on a restricted property franchise enabling the wealthiest 4% of adult Grenadians to vote.

Alpheus Hyatt Verrill, known as Hyatt Verrill, (23 July 1871 – 14 November 1954) was an American zoologist, explorer, inventor, illustrator and author. He was the son of Addison Emery Verrill (1839–1926), the first professor of zoology at Yale University. Hyatt Verrill wrote on a wide variety of topics, including natural history, travel, radio and whaling. He participated in a number of archaeological expeditions to the West Indies, South, and Central America. He travelled extensively throughout the West Indies, and all of the Americas, North, Central and South. Theodore Roosevelt stated: "It was my friend Verrill here, who really put the West Indies on the map.” During 1896 he served as natural history editor of Webster's International Dictionary., and he illustrated many of his own writings as well. In 1902 Verrill invented the auto chrome (Or Kodachrome?). process of natural-color photography.

“TELEPHONES. In every island where ships call there are excellent telephone systems connecting all parts of the city as well as outlying towns”. Social clubs are in every island and visitors are usually welcomed and may enjoy all the privileges, if introduced by some member. There are also boating and yacht clubs, shooting clubs, ISLES OF SPICE AND PALM athletic associations and

similar institutions in the larger islands, while fishing, boating, motoring, riding, driving, hunting, sailing and bathing, furnish ample opportunities for both sport and recreation.

SUNSTROKE. Sunstroke is almost unknown in the islands, but care should be used not to become overheated. See Health, Climate, etc.



“It is to bring these islands to the attention of the public, to describe and make known their beauties and attractions, to point out their most interesting features and to provide a reliable guide to the Isles of Spice and Palm that this book has been written.”

https://archive.org/stream/islesofspicepalm00verr/islesofspicepalm00verr#page/n7/mode/2up Harper's wireless book; how to use wireless electricity in telegraphing, telephoning and the transmission of power

Verrill, A. Hyatt (Alpheus Hyatt), 1871-1954 Published 1913 Topics Radio, Ham Radio, Amateur Radio, Telegraph, Wireless


Union Island After the original settlers, Arawak and Caribs, the island has been in the possession of French and English slave traders and plantation owners. They brought hundreds of Africans to the island, mostly from regions of Africa that “are now” (Were) Nigeria, Cameroon, Angola, and Ghana. Sea Island Cotton was an important export crop – Sea Island cotton trees may still be found on the island  — a good example can be found in the Bougainvillia complex beside the Anchorage Yacht Club in Clifton Harbour.

Due to its volcanic silhouette, it is also called the Tahiti of the West Indies. The island is approximately three miles (4.8 kilometres) long and one mile (1.6 kilometres) wide. Surrounding islands are Tobago Cays, Mayreau, Palm Island, and Petit Saint Vincent. The highest peak is Mount Taboi - 999 feet (304 metres) above sea level.

Union Island (1794 ship) Union Island was a merchant vessel launched at Bristol in 1794.[2] Her master, William James Pocock, received a letter of marque for her on 6 December 1794.[3] In November 1795 Pocock was still her master; she was described at the time as "half frigate built".[2] Pocock remained her master until 1801.[1] In April 1801 Union Island, Dormer, master was sailing from St Vincent when a Spanish privateer attacked her. Union Island was able to repulse the attack, but with the loss of one man killed and Dormer and her mate wounded. She then put into Tortola, which she left on 1 May.[4] Shortly thereafter she encountered a French privateer and after a severe engagement, Dormer was forced to strike. The privateer sent Union Island and another prize, Sally, into Puerto Rico.[2][5] Still, a year later, in April 1802, Union Island was advertised for sale in London and described as sailing well and carrying "a remarkable large cargo for her tonnage.”

The Windward Islands are called such because they were more windward to sailing ships arriving to the New World than the Leeward Islands, given that the prevailing trade winds in the West Indies blow east to west. The trans-Atlantic currents and winds that provided the fastest route across the ocean brought these ships to the rough dividing line between the Windward and Leeward islands.

Carnaby Street derives its name from Karnaby House which was built in 1683 to the east. It is not known why the house was so named. The street was probably laid out in 1685 or 1686. First appearing in the rate books in 1687, it was almost completely built up by 1690 with small houses. A market was developed in the 1820s. In his novel, Sybil (1845), Benjamin Disraeli refers to "a carcase-butcher famous in Carnaby-market".[1]

Agostino Brunias (c. 1730 – April 2, 1796) was a London-based Italian painter from Rome. Strongly associated with West Indian art, he left England at the height of his career to chronicle Dominica and the neighboring islands of the West Indies. Painted in the tradition of verite ethnographique, his art was as escapist as it was romantic.

"Free Women of Color with their Children and Servants in a Landscape", oil painting, Agostino Brunias After Brunais met the Scottish architect Robert Adam, who was on a Grand Tour of Europe, he studied the "magnificent ruins of Italy" between 1756 and 1758. He became employed as a draughtsman by Adam, joining him in England in 1758, and painted many of Adam’s architecturally elegant buildings in England. Adam, praising his works, called Brunias a "bred painter". His paintings of murals and paintings covered the interior walls of many English stately homes.[1][2][4][5] By 1762, Brunias resided in Broad Street, Carnaby Market, London.[4] In 1763 and 1764, he exhibited at the Free Society of Artists in London.[2] In 1770, he left London at the height of his career.[4] He traveled with Sir William Young, 1st Baronet, the first British Governor of Dominica, then one of Britain's newest colonies in the Lesser Antilles, and settled in Roseau. Brunias submitted two of his drawings in that year to the Society of Artists' exhibition from the West Indies.[2] Young had hired him as his personal painter and Brunias accompanied him on his travels in the Lesser Antilles.[1] The Windward Islands are the southern, generally larger islands of the Lesser Antilles, within the West Indies. They lie south of the Leeward Islands, between latitudes 12° and 16° N and longitudes 60° and 62° W in one definition. As a group they start from Dominica and reach southward to the North of Trinidad & Tobago.

Dominica is the dividing line between the Windward and Leeward islands. Guadeloupe and the islands to the south were designated "Windward Islands". Later on, all islands north of Martinique became known as the "Leeward Islands".


NUTMEG TREE IN EDEN Do you go to CHURCH, or don’t you believe?. Work in process, more to come……………

Jason Evan Baldwin. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:25, 11 October 2016 (UTC)

Semi-protected edit request on 25 October 2016

Grenada Citizenship By Investment

Grenada's Citizenship by Investment Programme was restructured and relaunched in 2013 under the regulations of the Grenada Citizenship by Investment Act 2013 (Act No.15 of 2013). It was redeveloped with families in mind and is one of the most affordable options for parents applying with children, it is also widely regarded as one of the most efficently run schemes of its kind.

Citzens of Grenada benefit from visa free travel to 120 countires and territories, including business powerhouses United Kingdom, Switzerland and Hong Kong. Once citizenship is granted, indiviuals have the right to both live and work in the country; citizenship is granted for life and can be passed onto descendants. The country also offers a low tax regime ad citizens are safegaurded from capital gains and inheritance tax. The country recognises dual citizenship, which means that indiviuals will maintain and benefit from their current citizenship status.

The programme is run by the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) which applies strict due diligence protocols upon each applicant. Applicants are required to demonstrate a clear and clean source of funds.

There are two investment routes that will qualify indiviuals for citizenship under the programme. One is via a donation to the National Transformation Fund; established in 2013 in the NTF finances various projects in Grenada that many of its industries benefit from - these include sectors such as tourism, alternative energy and agriculture. The investment into this fund is a minimum of $200,000, an amount which must have been ownded and mainatined by the applicant for a minimum of 4 years.

The other route is via the purchase of preapproved real estate. In this instance, the required investment is a minimum of $350,000 plus a further $50,000 per applicant and per additional dependant in government fees.

There are also applicant fees along with due diligence and processing fees.

The application process is one of the fastest, taking up to 3 months. During this process, there is no requirements for applicants to travel to Grenada.

[1] [2]

Rebecca Moore03 (talk) 10:49, 25 October 2016 (UTC)

Toggling for several reasons. While the first few paragraph probably look all right, much of the other text looks like WP:NOTGUIDE or WP:NOTMANUAL would be a counter for adding this, and needs copyediting. Please consider rephrasing the suggestion with in-line citations. The two sources you gave are probably WP:SPS. Please also consider where exactly this text should be placed in the article — Andy W. (talk) 08:24, 4 November 2016 (UTC)

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Improvements to Article/ Update Considerations Comments

Comment 1 - List Limited information on Hurricanes and no information on Tropical Storms that affected Grenada. This section of Climate list Hurricanes Janet (1955), Ivan (2004) and Emily (2005). In 2017, Grenada the Tropical Storm Bret (2017). Yet there exist wikis on various hurricanes and tropical storms. [Hurricanes in Grenada]

Comment 2 - Needs citation Sports section lacks information about other sports played. i.e Soccer / Football Team? Grenada national football team

In turn creates bias with the comment Cricket possibly a poll resource to verify information. Comment 3 - In Education there is a citation needed for a section.

St.George's University statistics. could possibly satisfy and lead to more information about this topic. (Verifiability)

RussellThomasWiki (talk) 19:52, 4 October 2017 (UTC)

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An ambiguous sentence

"Maurice Bishop International Airport is Grenada's main airport[135], connecting the country to (previously "with") other Caribbean islands"
I have removed the comma (either way, it should have been before the reference), but I'm not sure. This comma or lack thereof changes the meaning. Without it, the sentence can mean that there are a few airports connecting the country to other places and this one is one of them. But at the same time, placing a comma there is awkward.--Adûnâi (talk) 23:39, 14 July 2019 (UTC)

The comma is needed. Without it, it implies there's another main airport which connects with other places. I have also reinstated "connect with" as "connect to" requires an object (see [11]). Bazza (talk) 08:57, 15 July 2019 (UTC)

Reagan Reference

I have deleted the reference to the coup in 1983 "giving the administration of Ronald Reagan the excuse it was looking for to invade", no way that conforms to POV guidelines. I have changed it to "greatly concerned the administration..." — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 14:40, 27 August 2019 (UTC)


The page claims Grenada has 40% of the world's nutmeg production, contradicted by the FAO database: http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QC

The existing link goes to a Grenada tourism site without a citation. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:46, 8 October 2020 (UTC)

[[ — Preceding unsigned comment added by Noel Ellis (talkcontribs) 02:54, 3 November 2020 (UTC)

Bloodless coup

I don't think that the 1979 seizure of power by the New Jewel Movement was completely bloodless. I have to find the source, but I have read that there was "one intentional killing", when an army officer was shot when he went to investigate the fire at the True Blue barracks, which also implies that there was at least one more "unintentional" death. Shalini Puri, The Grenada Revolution in the Caribbean Present: Operation Urgent Memory refers to "the Grenada Revolution, beginning with the relatively bloodless coup of March 13, 1979" http://sdonline.org/69/5358/ — Preceding unsigned comment added by Noel Ellis (talkcontribs) 03:06, 3 November 2020 (UTC) The problem is that a lot of left wing sources ignore completely the fact that the People's Revolutionary Government, no matter how popular they claimed to be, never held elections during their time in office. Then the left have also made unsubstantiated claims that the US was somehow responsible for the overthrown and subsequent death of Maurice Bishop in 1983, ignoring the fact that the split with Cord within the PRG happened before the US led invasion. Then the right wing sources make up all of claims about the threat of Cuban interference and the "military purpose" of the airport. With regard to the threat to the lives of the US students in 1983, part of this is true, because General Hudson Austin imposed a curfew with the threat to shot anyone on the streets, which applied to everyone on the island. Noel Ellis — Preceding unsigned comment added by Noel Ellis (talkcontribs) 02:50, 3 November 2020 (UTC)

Dubious wording and claims in Section "United States and allied response and reaction"

The sentence that "The overthrow of a moderately socialist government by one which was a military dictatorship that some claimed was communist concerned the administration of US President Ronald Reagan" is vague, unclear and lacks citations. For one, it states that Maurice Bishop's government was "moderately socialist" yet it is unclear what exactly is being meant by this label. Second, its unclear how was Reagan "concerned" by Coard's coup against Bishop and whether this was the main aggravating factor in the US invasion of Grenada or whether the civil unrest in Grenada was only a contributing factor in the decision of Barbados, Scoon and OECS to appeal to the US for assistance.

This also does not jive well with the rest of the article considering that Reagan was already worried with the airport even in Bishop's regime. The sentence also lacks citations, violatating WP:V. Neko Cherise Sapphire Star (talk) 12:57, 15 March 2021 (UTC)

Human Rights

I deleted the first citation because it merely named Grenada with no details. The second one did not mention Grenada at all. Since the citation said 2019, I opened the PDF for that year and found that it did mention Grenada, but it said "al genders," so I removed the word "male" and corrected the date and title. The PDF itself suggests citing as "ILGA World: Lucas Ramon Mendos, State-Sponsored Homophobia 2019: Global Legislation Overview Update (Geneva; ILGA, December 2019)" but I am not sure what I should change (if anything) to follow that suggestion. Posting this here to explain lest someone think I'm vandalizing and changes it back. I should have put "See Talk" in the change comment—too late now. 伟思礼 (talk) 06:05, 25 June 2021 (UTC)

Second paragraph cites CIA for the first two sentences, but has no citations for the rest.

would like to know

is grenada the country st Vincent and the grenadines or is it different (talk) 02:05, 22 July 2021 (UTC)

Am sorry both are different countries (talk) 02:13, 22 July 2021 (UTC)