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User:Artisticidea/Books/Graph Theory

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Graph Theory

Graph theory
1-planar graph
2-factor theorem
2-plan project management software
2–3 heap
2–3 tree
2–3–4 tree
3D Topicscape
A* search algorithm
Aanderaa–Karp–Rosenberg conjecture
Abstract syntax tree
Acyclic coloring
Adjacency algebra
Adjacency list
Adjacency matrix
Adjacent-vertex-distinguishing-total coloring
Albertson conjecture
Algebraic connectivity
Algebraic graph theory
Algebraic modeling language
Algorithmic version for Szemerédi regularity partition
Alpha centrality
Alpha–beta pruning
Angular resolution (graph drawing)
Anna Lubiw
Ant colony optimization algorithms
Aperiodic graph
Apex graph
Apollonian network
Approximation algorithm
Arc diagram
Area (graph drawing)
Art gallery problem
Assignment problem
Associative array
Audit Record Generation and Utilization System
AVL tree
Axon Idea Processor
B+ tree
Baker's technique
Bandwidth allocation
Barabási–Albert model
Barnette's conjecture
Baum–Welch algorithm
Bayesian network
Belief propagation
Bellman–Ford algorithm
Bend minimization
Best-first search
Betweenness centrality
Bicircular matroid
Biconnected component
Bidiakis cube
Bidirectional search
Big O notation
Binary matroid
Binary search tree
Binary space partitioning
Binary tree
Binomial heap
Biological classification
Bipartite graph
Bipartite matroid
Bipartite realization problem
Biregular graph
Blossom algorithm
Book (graph theory)
Boolean algebra
Boolean function
Boolean satisfiability problem
Borůvka's algorithm
Bottleneck traveling salesman problem
Braess's paradox
Branch and bound
Breadth-first search
Bridge Protocol Data Unit
Bron–Kerbosch algorithm
Brooks' theorem
Brute-force search
Bull graph
Butterfly graph
Buzan's iMindMap
Cactus graph
Cage (graph theory)
Canadian traveller problem
Candidate solution
Capacitated minimum spanning tree
Category (mathematics)
Caterpillar tree
Cayley graph
Cayley's formula
Chaitin's algorithm
Cheeger constant (graph theory)
Chordal graph
Christofides algorithm
Chromatic polynomial
Circle graph
Circle packing theorem
Circuit rank
Circular coloring
Circular layout
Circulation problem
Clique (graph theory)
Clique cover problem
Clique percolation method
Clique problem
Closure problem
Clustering coefficient
CMAP Tools
Coffman–Graham algorithm
Combinatorial optimization
Compendium (software)
Complement graph
Complete bipartite graph
Complete coloring
Complete graph
Completely Fair Scheduler
Complex network zeta function
Computational complexity theory
Concept map
ConceptDraw MINDMAP
Conceptual graph
Concorde TSP Solver
Conductance (graph)
Conference graph
Conference matrix
Connected component (graph theory)
Connected dominating set
Connectivity (graph theory)
Consensus dynamics
Constraint logic programming
Constraint programming
Constraint satisfaction
Constraint satisfaction problem
Continuous graph
Contraction hierarchies
Convex subgraph
Copying mechanism
Correlation clustering
Courcelle's theorem
Cover tree
Covering graph
Critical graph
Critical path method
Crossing number (graph theory)
Crown graph
Cubic graph
Curse of dimensionality
Cuthill–McKee algorithm
Cutting stock problem
Cycle (graph theory)
Cycle basis
Cycle decomposition (graph theory)
Cycle double cover
Cycle graph
Cycle rank
Cycle space
Data structure
Data type
David Eppstein
David Harel
De Bruijn graph
De Bruijn sequence
Decision tree
Defective coloring
Degree (graph theory)
Degree diameter problem
Degree distribution
Degree matrix
Degree-constrained spanning tree
Dense graph
Dense subgraph
Depth-first search
Depth-limited search
Deterministic algorithm
Dia (software)
Digraph realization problem
Dijkstra's algorithm
Dijkstra–Scholten algorithm
Dimension (graph theory)
Dinic's algorithm
Dipole graph
Directed acyclic graph
Directed graph
Discharging method (discrete mathematics)
Discrete Laplace operator
Discrete optimization
Distance (graph theory)
Distance-regular graph
Distance-transitive graph
Distributed algorithm
Distributed minimum spanning tree
Domatic number
Dominance drawing
Dominating set
Dominator (graph theory)
Dorothea Wagner
DOT (graph description language)
Double pushout graph rewriting
Dual graph
Dual matroid
Dual polyhedron
Duality (mathematics)
Dulmage–Mendelsohn decomposition
Dynamic programming
Dürer graph
Edge coloring
Edge contraction
Edge cover
Edge dominating set
Edge space
Edge-transitive graph
Edmonds matrix
Edmonds' algorithm
Edmonds–Karp algorithm
Edraw Mind Map
Edward Reingold
Entanglement (graph measure)
Entitative graph
Equitable coloring
Erdős–Burr conjecture
Erdős–Gyárfás conjecture
Erdős–Hajnal conjecture
Euclidean minimum spanning tree
Euler tour technique
Eulerian path
Event tree
Evolutionary computation
Exact coloring
Existential graph
Expander graph
Expander mixing lemma
Expected linear time MST algorithm
Exponential tree
Extractor (mathematics)
Extremal graph theory
Failure analysis
Failure mode and effects analysis
Family tree
Fault tree analysis
Feedback arc set
Feedback vertex set
Fibonacci heap
Finite set
Five room puzzle
FKT algorithm
Flooding algorithm
Flow network
Floyd–Warshall algorithm
Forbidden graph characterization
Force-directed graph drawing
Ford–Fulkerson algorithm
Four color theorem
Fractional coloring
Frequency partition of a graph
Frequent subtree mining
Friendship graph
Friendship paradox
Fringe search
Frucht graph
Frucht's theorem
Functional programming
Fuzzy transportation
Fáry's theorem
Gain graph
Game tree
Genetic algorithm
Genetic operator
Genetic programming
Genus (mathematics)
Geometric lattice
Giant component
Girth (graph theory)
Girvan–Newman algorithm
Glossary of graph theory
GNU Prolog
Goal node (computer science)
Goldner–Harary graph
Gomory–Hu tree
Graceful labeling
Graph (abstract data type)
Graph (mathematics)
Graph algebra
Graph amalgamation
Graph automorphism
Graph bandwidth
Graph canonization
Graph coloring
Graph coloring game
Graph cuts in computer vision
Graph drawing
Graph dynamical system
Graph embedding
Graph energy
Graph equation
Graph factorization
Graph homomorphism
Graph isomorphism
Graph isomorphism problem
Graph kernel
Graph labeling
Graph minor
Graph partition
Graph pebbling
Graph power
Graph property
Graph reduction
Graph sandwich problem
Graph traversal
Graph-structured stack
Graphic matroid
Graphical model
Greedy algorithm
Greedy coloring
Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure
Grinberg's theorem
Group action
Grötzsch graph
Grötzsch's theorem
Guided Local Search
Hadwiger–Nelson problem
Hajós construction
Half-transitive graph
Halin graph
Hamiltonian path
Hamiltonian path problem
Hanani–Tutte theorem
Handshaking lemma
Harmonious coloring
Hasse diagram
Havel–Hakimi algorithm
Heap (data structure)
Hereditary property
Herschel graph
Heuristic (computer science)
Hidden Markov model
Hierarchical clustering of networks
Homeomorphism (graph theory)
Hopcroft–Karp algorithm
Hyperbolic tree
Hypercube graph
Icosian calculus
Icosian game
Ihara zeta function
Implicit graph
In-place algorithm
Incidence matrix
Inclusion–exclusion principle
Independent set (graph theory)
Induced subgraph isomorphism problem
Inner product space
Inspiration Software
Instant Insanity
Integer programming
Integral graph
International Symposium on Graph Drawing
Interval graph
Ishikawa diagram
Iterated logarithm
Iterative deepening depth-first search
Jack van Wijk
Johnson's algorithm
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications
Jump point search
Junction tree algorithm
János Pach
K shortest path routing
K-ary tree
K-d tree
K-minimum spanning tree
K-Variegated graph
K-vertex-connected graph
Karger's algorithm
Kinetic minimum spanning tree
Kirchhoff's theorem
Kleitman–Wang algorithms
Knapsack problem
Knight's tour
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Kosaraju's algorithm
Kozo Sugiyama
Kruskal's algorithm
Kuratowski's theorem
Labyrinth (software)
Ladder graph
Laman graph
Laplacian matrix
Lattice graph
Laws of Form
Layered graph drawing
Left-leaning red–black tree
Left-right planarity test
Level structure
Lexicographic breadth-first search
Line graph
Linear programming
Link building
Lin–Kernighan heuristic
List coloring
List edge-coloring
List of algorithms
List of concept- and mind-mapping software
List of data structures
List of graph theory topics
List of order structures in mathematics
Local consistency
Logic gate
Logical graph
Longest path problem
Longest uncrossed knight's path
Loop (graph theory)
Lovász conjecture
Mac Lane's planarity criterion
Machine learning
Magic graph
Mark Lombardi
Markov chain
Markov random field
Matching (graph theory)
Matching polynomial
Mathematical logic
Mathematical optimization
Mathematics of Sudoku
Matroid intersection
Matroid oracle
Matroid rank
Matroid representation
Max-flow min-cut theorem
Maximal independent set
Maximum common edge subgraph problem
Maximum common subgraph isomorphism problem
Maximum cut
Maximum flow problem
Maze generation algorithm
Medial graph
Memetic algorithm
Metric k-center
Meurs Challenger
Michael T. Goodrich
Microsoft Automatic Graph Layout
Mind map
Mind Map Architect
Mindjet (software)
Minimum cut
Minimum degree spanning tree
Minimum k-cut
Minimum rank of a graph
Minimum spanning tree
Minimum spanning tree-based segmentation
Minimum-cost flow problem
Mixed graph
Modularity (networks)
Moral graph
Moser spindle
Multi-commodity flow problem
Multi-level technique
Multi-trials technique
Multipartite graph
Nearest neighbour algorithm
Neighbor joining
Neighbourhood (graph theory)
Nested triangles graph
Network theory
No free lunch in search and optimization
Nonblocking minimal spanning switch
Nowhere-zero flow
NP (complexity)
Null graph
Null model
Nurse scheduling problem
Open Shortest Path First
Operations research
Optimization problem
Optimizing compiler
Orientation (graph theory)
Oriented coloring
Out-of-kilter algorithm
Outerplanar graph
P versus NP problem
Pancyclic graph
Parry–Sullivan invariant
Parse tree
Partial permutation
Particle swarm optimization
Partition matroid
Partition of a set
Path (graph theory)
Path analysis
Path analysis (computing)
Path analysis (statistics)
Path coloring
Path-based strong component algorithm
Pattern matching
Pebble motion problems
Peripheral cycle
Permutation matrix
Persistent data structure
Peter Eades
Petersen graph
Petra Mutzel
Phylogenetic tree
Pierre Rosenstiehl
Pigeonhole principle
Planar graph
Planar separator theorem
Planar straight-line graph
Planarity testing
Polyhedral graph
Polynomial-time approximation scheme
PQ tree
Prim's algorithm
Probabilistic risk assessment
Processor register
Proof-number search
Push–relabel maximum flow algorithm
Quiver (mathematics)
RAC drawing
Radial tree
Radix tree
Ramanujan graph
Ramon Llull
Ramsey theory
Ramsey's theorem
Random graph
Random minimal spanning tree
Random walk closeness centrality
Rank (graph theory)
Rational point
Reconstruction conjecture
Rectilinear minimum spanning tree
Recurrence relation
Recursive tree
Red–black tree
Register allocation
Regular graph
Reliability block diagram
Resistance distance
Reverse-delete algorithm
Rigi (software)
Rigidity matroid
Roberto Tamassia
Robertson–Seymour theorem
Root cause analysis
Route inspection problem
RP (complexity)
Scale-free network
Scapegoat tree
Scheinerman's conjecture
Schnyder's theorem
Science of Science Tool (Sci2)
Search algorithm
Search tree
Seidel adjacency matrix
Self-balancing binary search tree
Semantik (software)
Semi-symmetric graph
Semidefinite programming
Sequential dynamical system
Series-parallel graph
Set (abstract data type)
Set TSP problem
Sethi–Ullman algorithm
Seven Bridges of Königsberg
Shortcut model
Shortest Path Faster Algorithm
Shortest path problem
Shortest total path length spanning tree
Shortest-path tree
Signed graph
Simulated annealing
Single-entry single-exit
Slope number
Snark (graph theory)
Solina Mind Mapping Software
Spanning tree
Spanning Tree Protocol
Sparse graph code
Spatial network
Spectral clustering
Spectral graph theory
Spectral layout
Sperner's lemma
Splay tree
Split graph
SPQR tree
Star (graph theory)
Star coloring
State diagram
Steiner tree problem
Steinitz's theorem
Strangulated graph
Stress majorization
String graph
Strong coloring
Strong orientation
Strongly connected component
Strongly regular graph
Structural induction
Subgraph isomorphism problem
Subhamiltonian graph
Sue Whitesides
Sumner's conjecture
Suurballe's algorithm
Swarm intelligence
Symmetric graph
Symmetry breaking
Szymanski's conjecture
Tabu search
Tail call
Tait's conjecture
Tango tree
Tarjan's off-line lowest common ancestors algorithm
Tarjan's strongly connected components algorithm
Technology tree
Ternary search tree
Thickness (graph theory)
Threshold graph
Time complexity
Topological sorting
Total coloring
Tournament (graph theory)
Transitive closure
Transitive reduction
Transpose graph
Traveling purchaser problem
Traveling tournament problem
Travelling salesman problem
Tree (data structure)
Tree (descriptive set theory)
Tree (graph theory)
Tree (set theory)
Tree decomposition
Tree rotation
Tree spanner
Tree structure
Tree traversal
Trellis (graph)
Triangle graph
Triangle-free graph
Trémaux tree
Tulip (software)
Turán graph
Tutte embedding
Tutte graph
Tutte matrix
Tutte polynomial
Ultrahomogeneous graph
Uniform matroid
Uniform spanning tree
Uniform-cost search
Uniquely colorable graph
Unit disk graph
Universal point set
Upward planar drawing
Van Emde Boas tree
Variable neighborhood search
Vector space
Vehicle rescheduling problem
Vehicle routing problem
Verbal arithmetic
Vertex (graph theory)
Vertex cover
Vertex cycle cover
Vertex-transitive graph
Virtual Link Trunking
Visibility graph
Visone (software)
Visual Mind
Viterbi algorithm
W. T. Tutte
Wagner's theorem
Water, gas, and electricity
Weak coloring
Weapon target assignment problem
Wheel graph
Whitney's planarity criterion
Why–because analysis
Widest path problem
Yen's algorithm
List of graphs
Named graph
Gallery of named graphs
Table of simple cubic graphs
Table of the largest known graphs of a given diameter and maximal degree
Incidence structure
Levi graph
Incidence (geometry)
Family of sets
Isogonal figure
Fano plane
Heawood graph
Causal loop diagram
Causal model
Cause–effect graph
Accident analysis
Causal structure
Counterfactual conditional
5 Whys
Graph product
Cartesian product
Tensor product of graphs
Cartesian product of graphs
Lexicographic product of graphs
Strong product of graphs
Modular product of graphs
Rooted product of graphs
Kronecker product
Zig-zag product
Min-plus matrix multiplication
Vizing's conjecture
Hedetniemi's conjecture
Dependency graph
Loss network
Trace diagram
Cross product
Constraint graph (layout)
Rado graph
Paul Erdős
Brinkmann graph
Clebsch graph
Errera graph
Hoffman–Singleton graph
Gewirtz graph
Shrikhande graph
Asymmetric graph
Biased graph
Biconnected graph
Block graph
Bound graph
Circulant graph
Claw-free graph
Comparability graph
Convex bipartite graph
Distance-hereditary graph
Even-hole-free graph
Factor-critical graph
Hanan grid
Hypohamiltonian graph
Implication graph
K-edge-connected graph
Median graph
Overfull graph
Partial cube
Convex polytope
Quasi-bipartite graph
Quartic graph
Reeb graph
Self-complementary graph
Simplex graph
Skew-symmetric graph
Small-world network
Strongly chordal graph
Toroidal graph
Trivially perfect graph
Universal graph
Well-covered graph
Graph operations
Bipartite double cover
Bipartite half
Y-Δ transform
Rotation map
Periodic graph (graph theory)
Intersection graph
Circular-arc graph
Indifference graph
Intersection number (graph theory)
Permutation graph
Polygon-circle graph
Trapezoid graph
Möbius–Kantor graph
Harries–Wong graph
Biggs–Smith graph
Nauru graph
Blanuša snarks
Brouwer–Haemers graph
Block (data storage)
Tree automaton
Tree accumulation
Pebble automaton
Y-fast trie
X-fast trie
Polychotomous key