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The Telescope



History of the telescope
Jacob Metius
History of optics
Leonard Digges (scientist)
Giambattista della Porta
Juan Roget
Hans Lippershey
Zacharias Janssen
Galileo Galilei
Thomas Harriot
Giovanni Demisiani
Refracting telescope
Johannes Kepler
Christoph Scheiner
William Gascoigne (scientist)
Christiaan Huygens
Giovanni Domenico Cassini
Johannes Hevelius
Chromatic aberration
Aerial telescope
Reflecting telescope
Gregorian telescope
Isaac Newton
Newton's reflector
Newtonian telescope
Cassegrain reflector
Laurent Cassegrain
John Hadley
James Short (mathematician)
Mikhail Lomonosov
William Herschel
William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse
Leviathan of Parsonstown
Achromatic lens
Chester Moore Hall
John Dollond
Leonhard Euler
Samuel Klingenstierna
Great refractor
Great Paris Exhibition Telescope of 1900
Carl August von Steinheil
Léon Foucault
Adaptive optics
Active optics
Karl Guthe Jansky
Grote Reber
Radio telescope
Mills Cross Telescope
Infrared telescope
Ultraviolet astronomy
X-ray telescope
Gamma-ray astronomy
Astronomical interferometer
List of telescope types