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SCD articles created




George Angus (architect), John Armstrong (architect), H & D Barclay, William Hamilton Beattie, William Bell (architect), Alexander Black (architect), Thomas Bonnar, Thomas Brown (architect), Thomas Brown (prison architect), Robert Macfarlane Cameron, Alexander Lorne Campbell, Stewart Henbest Capper, John Alexander Carfrae, James Carswell (engineer), Peter MacGregor Chalmers, John Chesser (architect), Alexander Hunter Crawford, David Cousin, George Craig (architect), Richard Crichton (architect), Alexander Cullen (architect), Francis William Deas, William Gordon Dey, R & R Dickson, Campbell Douglas, Reginald Fairlie, Francis Farquharson (architect), John Farquharson (architect), William Fowler (architect), Dunn & Findlay, Thomas Gildard, Sir James Gowans, Henry Hardy (architect), John Honeyman, Honeyman and Keppie, Robert Hurd, Ernest Auldjo Jamieson, Charles Kinnear, John Lessels, John McLachan (architect), Ebenezer James MacRae, Thomas P. Marwick, Robert Matheson, James Matthews (architect), Duncan Menzies (architect), John Milne (architect), Robert Morham, William Notman (architect), William Thomas Oldrieve, Robert Paterson (Scottish architect), David Paton (architect), Arthur Forman Balfour Paul, Robert Reid Raeburn, Reid and Forbes, Thomas Duncan Rhind, David Robertson (architect), John Murray Robertson, Walter W. Robertson, Robert Weir Schultz, Frank Worthington Simon, John Starforth, John Tait (architect), Ramsay Traquair (architect), James Campbell Walker, George Mackie Watson, Patrick Wilson (architect), Robert Wilson (architect)



William Francis Beattie, Phyllis Bone, William Kellock Brown, Thomas Stuart Burnett, Thomas Campbell (sculptor), Peter Francis Chenu, Andrew Currie (sculptor), George Ehrlich (sculptor), James Fillans, John Fisher the elder, and John Fisher the younger (sculptors), Robert Forrest, Michael Foye, Henry Snell Gamley, Louise Giblin (sculptor), Mary Grant (sculptor), John Greenshields, Amelia Robertson Hill, John Hutchison (sculptor), Pilkington Jackson, Samuel Joseph (sculptor), Charles McBride, William McMillan (sculptor), John Marshall (Scottish sculptor), Christopher Moore (sculptor), John Francis Moore (sculptor), William Mossman, John van Nost the younger, George Henry Paulin, Guy Portelli, Mary Pownall, Charles Regnart, John Stevenson Rhind, Alexander Handyside Ritchie, Thomas Scheemakers, William Shirreffs, Peter Slater (sculptor), George Clark Stanton, Adamo Tadolino, Peter Turnerelli, James Sherwood Westmacott, Richard Westmacott (the elder)



Canongate Kirkyard, Craigton Cemetery (Glasgow), List of Graveyards and Cemeteries in Edinburgh, Logie Kirk, New Calton Cemetery, Old Calton Cemetery, Morningside Cemetery, Edinburgh, Newington Cemetery, Niederzwehren (Germany), Ramshorn Cemetery (Glasgow), Scottish Cemetery at Calcutta, Warriston Cemetery, Wellshill Cemetery (Perth)



Cleish, Cockburn Street, Collessie, Leith Links, Midmar, Mouswald, Moray Estate, Northfield, Edinburgh, Hellerau (Germany), Victoria Park, Edinburgh



John Brown Abercromby, Florence St John Cadell, Hugh Ford Crighton, Thomas Elder Dickson, David Gauld, Jean-Baptiste Frénet, Meraud Guinness, Robert Herdman (artist), William Howison (engraver), Robert Gemmell Hutchison, George Whitton Johnstone, Tavernor Knott, John Knox (artist), Elizabeth Liddell, Daniel Lizars and Daniel Lizars Sr., John Campbell Mitchell, Robert Noble (artist), John Oliphant (artist), John H. Oswald, John Pairman, Waller Hugh Paton, George Ogilvy Reid, Alexander Ignatius Roche, Robert Sivell, George Smith (Scottish artist), Andrew Somerville, Gourlay Steell

Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh


Sir James Ormiston Affleck, Andrew Peebles Aitken, Rev David Aitken (minister), Robert Allan (mineralogist) and his grandson Sir Robert George Allan, Thomas Alty, Sir David Stirling Anderson, Frederick William Anderson (geologist), Francis Gibson Baily, Dr John William Ballantyne, Major Gen William Burney Bannerman, Alexander Hugh Freeland Barbour, George Brown Barbour, Sir James Barr, James Livingstone Begg, John MacKay Bernard (brewer), John Berry (zoologist), Prof Richard James Arthur Berry, John Sutherland Black, Dr Joseph John Blackie, Edward J. Bles, Thomas Robert Bolam, George Augustus Borthwick, James Thomson Bottomley, Sir Thomas Jamieson Boyd, Orlando Charnock Bradley (vet), Byrom Bramwell (brain surgeon) and his son Edwin Bramwell, Herbert Archbold Brechin (Lord Provost), John Burns Brooksby, Henry Brougham (landowner), Prof Rev Andrew Brown (minister) (DYK), Very Rev Thomas Brown (minister), Thomas Brown of Lanfine and Waterhaughs, Carl Hamilton Browning, Alexander Bruce (neurologist), Frederick Malloch Bruce, Very Rev Alexander Brunton, David Lawrence Bryce (zoologist), Thomas Hastie Bryce (anatomist), John Young Buchanan, William Bullerwell, Alexander G. Burgess (mathematician), George Murray Burnett, Rev Dr Thomas Burns (minister, born 1853), Prof David Raitt Robertson Burt, John Graham MacDonald Burt, Prof Raymond Keiller Butchart, Hugh Ernest Butler, John Watt Butters, Dr Colin Cadman, William Leadbetter Calderwood, James Davidson Stuart Cameron, John Cameron (anatomist), David Campbell (pharmacologist), John Campbell, Lord Stonefield, John Menzies Campbell (dentist), Neil Campbell (chemist), Richard Vary Campbell, Herbert Graham Cannon, Daniel Fowler Cappell, Dr Edmond Carlier, Charles Augustus Carlow, Benjamin Carrington (botanist), George Carse (physicist), Aglionby Ross Carson, George Stuart Carter, Joseph Henry Carter (vet), William Fisher Cassie, Prof Edward Provan Cathcart, John Cay, William Dyce Cay (harbour engineer), David Chalmers (Scottish industrialist), John Kaye Charlesworth, Thomas Malcolm Charlton, Prof Matthew Charteris, Prof Charles Chesters, Prof John Chiene, Charles Bernard Childs, William Harold Joseph Childs, Edmund Chisholm-Batten, Geoffrey Duncan Chisholm (urologist), John Christie (landowner), Alexander Christison, Arthur Melville Clark, James Clark (physician in Dominica), John Brown Clark, Sir Thomas Clark (Lord Provost), William Andrew Clark, William Inglis Clark, Alexander Cleghorn (marine engineer), Prof Robert Cleghorn, James Clerk-Rattray, Charles Clough (geologist), David Clouston, Sir Peter Coats, Ernest George Coker, Joseph James Coleman, Dr Alfred Charles Coles, Dr James Scarth Combe, Peter Comrie, Sir Charles Gibson Connell, Dr Elsie Conway, Prof Arthur Connell, George Cook (Scottish minister), Sir James Wilfred Cook, Robert Percival Cook, Henry Anstey Cookson, Charles Alfred Cooper, Malcolm McGregor Cooper (agriculturalist), Roland Edgar Cooper (botanist), Prof Patrick Copland, Sir John Rose Cormack, George Washington Corner (USA - Hon), Dr Tom Cottrell, George Coull, William Barron Coutts, Sir Henry Kenneth Cowan, John Macqueen Cowan, Sir James Coxe, Edward Hubert Cunningham Craig, James Ireland Craig, Robert Meldrum Craig, William Craig (botanist), William Stuart Mcrae Craig, John Arnold Cranston, Francis Chalmers Crawford, Lawrence Crawford (mathematician), Very Rev Thomas Jackson Crawford, Francis Albert Eley Crew, James Edward Crombie, Cecil Cronshaw, Sir John Halliday Croom, Prof Robert Craigie Cross, Prof Ernest Cruickshank and his twin Martin Melvin Cruickshank, Robert Cruickshank (bacteriologist), Alexander Cullen (architect), Ernest Geoffrey Cullwick, Alexander Charles Cumming, Prof Patrick Cumming, Brysson Cunningham, L. B. C. Cunningham, Robert James Blair Cunynghame, Prof Samuel Newby Curle, James Currie (shipowner), Ronald Ian Currie (oceanographer), Sir Thomas Dalling (vet), James Dalrymple Duncan Dalrymple, Prof Ivan De Burgh Daly, Allen Dalzell, Andrew Dalzell, Dr Alfred Daniell, Arthur Dukinfield Darbishire, Dr Robert Daun (Scots Greys), Prof Alexander Dyce Davidson, Charles Findlay Davidson, John Davidson (antiquarian), Dr Joshua Henry Davidson, Kemp Davidson, Lord Davidson, Prof William Mackay Davidson, Cedric Thorpe Davie (composer), Lewis Merson Davies (anti-evolutionist), Shepherd Dawson, Thomas Cuthbert Day, Arthur Deane (botanist), Sir Archibald Denny (shipbuilder), John Dewar, 2nd Baron Forteviot, John Michael Dewar, William McLachlan Dewar, Major W G B Dickinson (vet), Sir David Dickson (naval surgeon), James Douglas Hamilton Dickson, Thomas Elder Dickson, William Dickson (chemist), Charles Hawker Dinham, Prof William Dittmar, Ronald Audley Martineau Dixon, Leonard Dobbin (chemist), Prof James Munro Dodd, Archibald Thomas John Dollar and his father John Archibald Watt Dollar, Prof Alexander Stuart Douglas, Basil William Douglas (Lord Daer), Prof Carstairs Cumming Douglas, David Douglas (publisher), Francis Brown Douglas, Loudon MacQueen Douglas, Morrell Draper, Alexander Murray Drennan, Dr Harold Drinkwater, Thomas William Drinkwater, Robert Wilson Dron, David Drummond (minister), George Stirling Home Drummond, James Montagu Frank Drummond, Dr John Drummond of Jamaica, Prof Henry Dryerre, Charles Vickery Drysdale, Very Rev John Drysdale (moderator), Patrick Dudgeon, Prof Donald Duff, Prof Alan James Duncan, James Duncan (surgeon) and his son John Duncan (surgeon), Sir William Barr McKinnon Duncan, Kirk Duncanson, Robert Dundas of Beechwood, William John Dundas, Sir Derrick Dunlop, Prof Ernest Dunlop, Henry Dunlop of Craigton, James Dunsmure, William Durham (chemist), Prof Archibald Durward, George Duthie, Prof Robert Dyce, Edmund Dymond, George Eason, Dr Handyside Edgar, Prof Alexander Edington, Prof George Henry Edington, Thomas Edington, Dr Philip Eggleton, Gustav Egloff, Prof Edward Eisner, Leonard Alsager Elgood, Daniel Ellis (botanist), David Ellis (botanist), Richard Ellis (paediatrician), Sir Maurice Douglas Warburton Elphinstone, William Gidley Emmett, James Robert Erskine-Murray, William Euing, William Evans (ornithologist), Douglas Hugh Everett, Victor Eyles, Prof John William Henry Eyre, William Alexander Fairbairn, Mungo Fairgrieve, John Downie Falconer, William Farquharson (surgeon), Dr William Moses Feldman, Edward Wyllie Fenton, Andrew Freeland Fergus, James Haig Ferguson, Thomas Ferguson (physician), Sir Adam Fergusson, 3rd Baronet, Sir James Fergusson, 8th Baronet, Prof David White Finlay, Thomas Matthew Finlay, Reginald Brettauer Fisher, James Simpson Fleming (banker), John Arnold Fleming, Dr John Gibson Fleming, Robert Alexander Fleming, Harold Roy Fletcher, Prof William Whigham Fletcher, William Roberts Flett, Dr Charles Edward Foister, Arthur Forbes of Culloden, Prof Eric G. Forbes, Sir John Stuart Hepburn Forbes, Norman Hay Forbes, Ebenezer Ford, John Simpson Ford (brewer), Sir James Forrest, 1st Baronet, William Hope Fowler (x-ray pioneer), David Kennedy Fraser, Sir Ian Fraser (surgeon), Prof Kenneth Boyd Fraser, Robert Freer (physician), John Frost (physician), John Fullerton, Lord Fullerton, Prof Reinhold Furth, Frederick Gardiner (radiologist), Alfred Charles Gardner (engineer), Prof Robert Campbell Garry, Charles Henry Gatty, Alexander Geddes (meteorologist), Prof James Fairlie Gemmill, William Gentle (headmaster), Prof James Clark Gentles, Prof Alfred William Gibb, David Gibb (mathematician), Charles Robert Gibson, David Templeton Gibson, Dr George Alexander Gibson (DYK), George Gibson (mathematician), Robert John Harvey Gibson, Thomas Gibson (surgeon), Andrew Rae Gilchrist (cardiologist), Alexander Gillespie, James Gillespie (minister), Robert Pollock Gillespie, William King Gillies, Dr George Ritchie Gilruth, Christopher Girtanner (Swiss), Sir Hugh Steuart Gladstone, Dr Reginald John Gladstone, Dr Robert Mortimer Glover, Archibald Goldie (meteorologist), Prof Joseph Strickland Goodall, Prof Graham Gooday, Rev Joseph Taylor Goodsir, Cosmo Gordon MP, John Gordon (anatomist), John Thomson Gordon, Major Patrick Hunter Gordon, Prof Thomas Gordon (philosopher), William Thomas Gordon, John Gordon Gordon-Munn, George Walter Grabham, Denis Coulthard Graham, James David Provins Graham, James Methuen Graham, Richard Dalziel Graham, Robert James Douglas Graham, Very Rev James Grant (minister), James William Grant (astronomer), Dr Albert Alexander Gray, Sir Francis Gray, 14th Lord Gray, William Forbes Gray, Prof William Smith Greenfield, Dr Thomas Duncan Greenlees, Alan William Greenwood, Rev Dr William Osborne Greenwood, James Wyllie Gregor, Dr James Crawford Gregory, David Cunningham Greig, David Middleton Greig, Prof John Russell Greig, Sir Robert Blyth Greig, David Grieve, Very Rev Henry Grieve, John Grieve (physician), John Grieve (Lord Provost), Harry Devonald Griffith, John Masson Gulland, Robert Halliday Gunning, Dr Matthew Guthrie, William Guy (dentist), Sir Alexander Haddow, Frederick Hallard, Alexander Hamilton (physician), Allan McLane Hamilton, James Hamilton (Scottish physician), Very Rev Prof Robert Hamilton, Robert Hamilton (advocate), Prof William Hamilton (physician), Rev William Hamilton (Irish minister), Dr Peter David Handyside, Robert Handyside, Lord Handyside, William Hanneford-Smith, Dr James Macadam Hare, Prof William Arthur Harland, Edward Philip Harrison, John Harrison (historian), John Vernon Harrison, John Gordon Harrower, William Trevelyan Harry, James Hartley Ashworth, William Frederick Harvey, Robert Walker Hay, Prof Peter Joseph Heald, Major General Sir Patrick Hehir, Prof John Brian Helliwell, Dr Thomas Arthur Helme, John Robertson Henderson, Dr John Hennen, Prof David Hepburn, George Heslop-Harrison, Andrew Fergus Hewat, Colin Leslie Hewett, Charles Hayes Higgins, Sir Ian George Wilson Hill, Rev Prof John Hill (classicist), L. W. Hinxman, Sir Frederick Hobday, Rev Dr James Stephen Hodson, James Maitland Hog, Prof Henry Smith Holden, Prof Alexander Robert Horne, Ellice Horsburgh, Rev Theophilus Houlbrooke, Sir Alexander Houston, Prof Arthur St George Huggett, Major General Edgar Erskine Hume (US), William Fraser Hume, Rev Adam Mitchell Hunter, James William Hunter, John Hunter (classicist), Arthur Hutchinson (dentist), Alexander Copland Hutchison, Prof James Holmes Hutchison, Robert Hutchison of Carlowrie, Prof Frederick Hutt, Prof James Morton Hyslop, Dr T. B. Hyslop, Dr John Iball, Lt Col Ninian Imrie, John Alexander Inglis, Sir Robert Inglis (railway engineer), Prof Donald Esme Innes, Gilbert Innes of Stow, James Campbell Irons, Alexander Forbes Irvine, William Irvine (chemist), Alexander Irving, Lord Newton, William Jack (mathematician), John Meadows Jackson, Prof Thomas Jackson (physicist), William Jameson (botanist), Andrew Jamieson (engineer), James Dalgleish Hamilton Jamieson (dentist), Sir Henry Jardine, Robert Jardine (surgeon), Thomas James Jehu, David Smiles Jerdan, Rev Norman Miller Johnson, Ralph Hudson Johnson, John McQueen Johnston, Thomas Brumby Johnston, Thomas Nicol Johnston, William Campbell Johnston, David Thomas Jones (administrator), Edward Taylor Jones, Emil Jungfleisch, Dr Artur Jurand, Alexander Keith of Dunnottar, John Kemp (mathematician), James Tyldesley Kendall, Robert Kenedi, Alexander Kennedy (physician), Prof William Quarrier Kennedy, Prof Henry Richard Kenwood, William Ogilvy Kermack, Rev John Kerr (minister), Walter Hume Kerr, Douglas Keely Kevan and his son D. K. M. Kevan, Dr Walter Aubrey Kidd, Basil Charles King, Sir James King, Rev Dr J. R. L. Kingon, James Kinnear, Thomas Kinnear (banker), Prof Robert Kirk (pathologist), Rev G. A. Frank Knight, Prof Peo Charles Koller, James Gray Kyd, James L'Amy and his son John Ramsay L'Amy, John Watson Laidlay, Prof Charles George Lambie (insulin), William Forster Lanchester, Roger Burton Land, Stenhard Landale, Sir Peter Redford Scott Lang, Lt Col John Du Plessis Langrishe, Alexander Lauder (chemist), Dr William Preston Lauder, Canon Albert Ernest Laurie, Prof Michael Laverack, Catherwood Learmonth, John Learmonth (Lord Provost of Edinburgh), Derek Leaver (chemist), Peter LeComber, Gabriel Warton Lee, Right Hon Robert Lee, Lord Lee, David Lees, Gerald R. Leighton, Duncan Leitch (geologist), William Orr Leitch, Percy Samuel Lelean, J. M. A. Lenihan, J. A. R. Lenman, Alexander Leslie (engineer) and his father James Leslie (engineer), E. A. Letts, Alexander Levie, Walter Levinthal, Prof Francis John Lewis, N. M. H. Lightfoot, Rev Dr James Lindsay (theologian), William Lindsay (shipowner), William Lauder Lindsay, William Lister (physician), Henry Harvey Littlejohn, Josiah Livingston (merchant), Richard John Lloyd, J. B. Lockhart, Robert Douglas Lockhart, David Dale Logan, Surgeon General Cosmo Gordon Logie, Thomas Login, Prof Iwo Lominski, Albert George Long, John Alexander Loraine, Alexander Veitch Lothian, Rev William Lothian, John Arnold Lovern, George MacRitchie Low, Robert Cranston Low, Sir David Lowe, David Fowler Lowe, David Nicoll Lowe, Dr William Henry Lowe, Otto Egon Lowenstein, Sir Cyril Lucas, David Murray Lyon (physician), Stevenson Macadam, William Ivison Macadam, Alexander Morison McAldowie, Prof Donald McArthur, James McBain (naturalist), Peter McBride (physician), William John McCallien, John MacGregor McCandlish, Very Rev Joseph McCormick (minister), D. K. C. MacDonald, Lt Col David Robertson MacDonald, Sir Duncan McDonald, Prof James Alexander MacDonald (botanist), Alan MacDougall (railway engineer), Prof Robert Stewart MacDougall, Alexander MacDuff of Bonhard, Douglas M. C. MacEwan, Very Rev James Macfarlane (moderator), Robert MacFarlane, Lord Ormidale, Archibald Gordon MacGregor, Very Rev James MacGregor (moderator), Murray Macgregor, Alexander Bennett McGrigor, Douglas Haig McIntosh, Prof Archibald James Macintyre, Donald McIntyre (physician), John Sturgeon Mackay, Archibald McKendrick, John Souttar McKendrick, Sir Alexander Muir Mackenzie, Colin Mackenzie of Portmore, John Edwin MacKenzie, Very Rev Dugald Mackichan, Prof Douglas McKie, William Mackie (geologist), Rev Prof James McKinnon (historian), Dr Donald James MacKintosh, William Mackintosh, Lord Kyllachy, Very Rev Thomas MacKnight (minister), Daniel MacLagan, David Maclagan, Gen Sir Robert Maclagan, Dr Robert Craig Maclagan, John Maclaurin, Lord Dreghorn, Prof Sir Ewen Maclean, Prof Magnus Maclean, Prof George Husband Baird MacLeod, Hugh MacLeod (minister), Very Rev Norman Macleod (moderator), Major General Norman MacLeod, Roderick MacLeod (minister), W. F. P. McLintock, Sir John McMichael, Very Rev Hugh Macmillan (minister), William Hutchison McMillan, Very Rev John McMurtrie (moderator), Peter Macnair (geologist), Duncan MacNaughton, Prof Allan Alexander Maconochie, Prof Dugald McQuistan, William McRae (botanist), George McRoberts, Dr John McVail, John McWhan, John MacWhirter (physician), Lt Col Edward Madden (botanist), Rev John Main (minister), Donald Mainland, Alexander Mair (physician), William Mair (chemist), William Crosbie Mair, George Makgill, 9th Baronet, Charles Alexander Malcolm, Robert Bowes Malcolm, Rev Sir James Marchant, Guy Frederic Marrian, Charles Robertson Marshall, Henry Marshall (physician), Hugh Marshall (chemist), Sir David Christie Martin, Thomas Carlaw Martin, Arthur Masterman, Ernest R. Matthews, James Duncan Matthews, James Robert Matthews, Ernest Maylard, A. G. Mearns, Basil Megaw, Prof Hans Meidner, D. E. C. Mekie, Edward Meldrum, Sir John Melville, Sir Charles Granville Stuart Menteath and his son James Stuart Menteath, Alan W. C. Menzies, Sir Frederick Menzies, Sir Walter Mercer, Edward Merewether (physician), William Metzler (Canadian), Prof Sidney Michaelson, Hugh Miller (geologist), James Miller (surgeon), Sir James Miller (Lord Provost), Prof James Douglas Miller, Rev John Harry Miller, Nora Miller, William Miller, Lord Glenlee, William Christopher Miller (vet), James Robert Milne, John Milroy (railway engineer), Thomas Hugh Milroy, Arthur Crichton Mitchell, Commander C. C. Mitchell, Sir George Arthur Mitchell, George Hoole Mitchell, Robert Lyell Mitchell, William McGregor Mitchell, Rev Prof Alexander Moffat (physicist), John Moir (physician), David Stuart Moncreiff, George Montgomery (pathologist), Charles Morehead (physician) and his grandfather William Morehead, Alexander Morgan (mathematician), David Owen Morgan, John Morison (bacteriologist), Bishop Thomas Baker Morrell, John Todd Morrison, John Mortland, Sir James Morton, Robert Mossman (polar explorer), Magnus Mowat, Prof Alan Mozley, Prof Alan Muir (anatomist), Malcolm S. Muir, Very Rev Dr William Muir, Prof Hamish Munro, John M. M. Munro, Rev Robert Munro (folklorist), Sanford Sterling Munro, Thomas Arthur Munro, John Murray (physician), John Murray (geographer), Rev Matthew Murray (minister), Patrick Murray of Ochtertyre, Dr Robert Milne Murray, William Keith Murray, Dr James Muttlebury, Walter Mykura, Rev Robert Scott Mylne, Alfred George Nash (Jamaican), Charles Roy Nasmith (US consul), Robert Nasmyth, Dr Thomas Goodall Nasmyth, Philip Nelson (antiquarian), Thomas Nelson (1822-1892), John Steuart Newbigging, Patrick Newbigging, Sir William Newbigging, Prof David Newth, Prof James Edward Nichols, Hugh Nicol (chemist), W. W. J. Nicol, Hugh Bryan Nisbet, Robert Nisbet (minister), Thomas Paterson Noble, Alexander Robert Normand, Richard Hill Norris, Fletcher Norton (politician), Witold Nowacki, Col Joshua Nunn, Andrew Charles O'Dell, Alan Grant Ogilvie, Rev John Ogilvie (poet), Robertson Fotheringham Ogilvie, Sir Thomas Oliver, Sir William Oliver, Sir Arthur Olver, Robert Traill Omond, Andrew Picken Orr, Prof John Stewart Orr, Matthew Young Orr, Alexander Oswald, Prof John M. Ottaway, Prof Michael Ovenden, Alan Ernest Owen, Prof Donald Pack, Dr Samuel Alexander Pagan, Davidge Page, George Panton, George Ann Panton, Joseph Parker (mining engineer), Dr Richard Parnell, Dr Bartholomew Parr, Charles Wynford Parsons, Very Rev William Paterson Paterson, Prof Thomas Diery Patten, Edwin Mervyn Patterson, Thomas Stewart Patterson, Sir David Paulin, Peter Pauson, Alexander David Peacock, Joseph Pearson (zoologist), John Ronald Peddie, Prof Frederick Penney, Edmund Percival and his wife Elizabeth Percival, James Phemister and his brother Thomas Phemister, Alexander P. W. Philip, C. E. S. Phillips, J. F. V. Phillips, A. T. Phillipson, R. S. Pilcher, Peter Pinkerton, William Pirrie (surgeon), Robert Waldron Plenderleith, B. D. Porritt (rubber), John Powell (physicist), James Powrie, Isaac Arthur Preece, Dr Charles Preller, George Dawson Preston, Edward William Prevost, Thomas Slater Price, Bouverie Francis Primrose, George Cossar Pringle, James Pringle (Provost), John Pringle (geologist), Mark Pringle (politician), Robert William Pringle, Pierre Pruvost, Frederick Pullar, James Pullar, Laurence Pullar, John Smith Purdy, George Leslie Purser, John Archibald Purves (electrical engineer), K. A. Pyefinch, Maurice Quenouille, Bennet Birnie Rae, Andrew Maitland Ramsay, James Ramsay, 8th Baronet of Bamff, John Rankine (legal author), Rev Thomas Milville Raven, F. I. G. Rawlins, John Read (chemist), James Burgess Readman, George Adam Reay, John Reddie (judge), Sir Thomas Boverton Redwood, Douglas Miller Reid, Harry Avery Reid, Prof Robert Lovell Reid, Sir William Reid (mining engineer), L. P. W. Renouf, Graham Renshaw, Dr Francis Esmond Reynolds, Major F. I. Ricarde-Seaver, Linsdall Richardson, Ralph Richardson (geologist), Robert Richardson (travel writer), James Ernest Richey, Sir James Milles Riddell, 2nd Baronet, Prof W. J. B. Riddell, James Frederic Riley (mast cells), Prof Fred Rimmer, Leonora Jeffrey Rintoul, Prof Anthony Elliot Ritchie, Very Rev Prof David Ritchie (moderator), Sir John Neish Ritchie, Mowbray Ritchie, Prof Patrick Dunbar Ritchie, Dr Robert Peel Ritchie, Very Rev Prof William Ritchie (moderator), William Thomas Ritchie, Richard Robb, James Andrew Robbie, Sir James Roberton, David Lloyd Roberts, E. F. D. Roberts, John Alexander Fraser Roberts, John Martyn Roberts, Owen F. T. Roberts, Sir Alexander Robertson (veterinarian), Gen Alexander Cunningham Robertson, Alexander Provan Robertson, Giles Henry Robertson, Very Rev Prof James Robertson (moderator), James Duncan Robertson, John Monteath Robertson, Robert Alexander Robertson, Robert H. S. Robertson, Rev Thomas Robertson (minister), Thomas Graham Robertson, Lord Robertson, Dr W. G. Aitchison Robertson, William Robertson (antiquary), Dr William Robertson (statistician), William Robertson, Lord Robertson, Arthur Robinson (anatomist), William Wallace Robson, John Rogerson (physician), Adam Rolland of Gask, W. H. C. Romanis, J. A. F. Rook, Alexander David Ross, Edward Burns Ross, John Rotherham, Thomas Rowatt, Thomas Rumble (engineer), George Stanley Rushbrooke, Alexander Durie Russell, Alexander James Russell, Sir David Russell and his son Major David F. O. Russell, Prof James Russell (surgeon), Prof William Ritchie Russell, James Ruthven, Baron Ruthven, Henry Adolph Salvesen and his cousin Theodore Salvesen, Sir John Smith Samuel, David Sandeman, William Rutherford Sanders, James Sanderson (military surgeon), Erskine Douglas Sandford, F. W. Sansome, Richard Saunders (anatomist), Sir James Sawyer, Maurice George Say, J. G. Scaife, Harold Scarborough, Robert Wilfred Scarff, Robert Schlapp, Johann Gottfried Schmeisser, Adolf Paul Schulze, Robert Edmund Scoresby-Jackson, Alexander Scott (chemist), Alexander Scott (geologist), Alexander Ritchie Scott, Prof George Ian Scott (eye surgeon), Sir Henry Harold Scott, Hugh Scott of Gala, James Robinson Scott RN, John Scott (Queen's physician), Andrew Edward Scougal, William Seller, Sir Bruce Gordon Seton, E. C. Shankland, John Walker Sharpe, F. W. Sharpley, Col John James McIntosh Shaw, Prof Ernest Shearer, Dr Edward James Shearman, James Mackay Shewan, Dr John Shoolbred, Sir John Sibbald, J. L. Simkin, N. W. Simmonds (bananas), George Freeland Barbour Simpson, Prof Sutherland Simpson, Thomas Blantyre Simpson, Arthur Henry Havens Sinclair, William Angus Sinclair, H. S. Sington, Thomas Sivright, Andrew Skene, George Skene (physician), Robert T. Skinner, William Skinner of Corra, A. A. Scot Skirving, Harry Slack, James Kirkwood Slater, Noel Slater, John Sligo, James Cameron Smail, James Small (botanist), Prof Martin Smellie, William Smellie (geologist), Charles Michie Smith, George Smith (surgeon), Prof James Greig Smith, John Smith (physician), John Alexander Smith (physician), Robert MacKay Smith, William Robert Smith (physician), Dr George Smyttan, Octave Sneeden, Ernest Hugh Snell, Rev Dr Thomas Somerville (minister), William Somerville (agriculturalist), Douglas George Sopwith, James Sorley, Thomas Southwell (zoologist), Robert Cunningham Graham Spiers, David H. N. Spence, Very Rev Harry Spens, Thomas Spens (physician), Dr Robert Spittal, J. S. A. Spreull, Frank Stuart Spring, Thomas Coke Squance, Robert Arnot Staig, Kenneth Standley, Prof Richard Stanfield, Sir John Thomas Stanley, James Stark (statistician) and his father John Stark (printer), John Steadman (physician), Andrew G. Stenhouse, Alexander Charles Stephen, Thomas Stephenson (chemist), Alexander Steuart and his father Daniel Rankin Steuart, Sir Henry Steuart, Henry Marshall Steven, Moses Stevens of Bellahouston, Thomas Stevens Stevens, Alexander Stevenson (physician), James Stevenson (merchant) and his nephew James Croesus Stevenson, Rev John Stevenson (mycologist), Rev Prof William Stevenson (minister), Prof Alexander Boyd Stewart, Lt Col Alexander Dron Stewart, Rev Andrew Stewart (minister), Bernard Halley Stewart and his son Harold Charles Stewart, John Stewart of Nateby Hall, Prof Ralph Stockman, Prof Johnson Symington, John Barclay Tait, Robert Tennent (photographer), Thomas Jameson Torrie, Arthur Logan Turner, Dawson Turner (radiologist), Charles Edward Underhill, Herbert Watkins-Pitchford, John Kippen Watson, Sir Thomas Barnby Whitson (Lord Provost of Edinburgh), Andrew Wood (surgeon), William Wood (Scottish surgeon), D. G. M. Wood-Gush

Senators of the College of Justice


James Adam, Lord Adam, Robert Blackburn, Lord Blackburn, John Campbell, Lord Stonefield, William Campbell, Lord Skerrington, George Carre, Lord Nisbet, John Cowan, Lord Cowan, Robert Craigie, Lord Craigie, John Cunninghame, Lord Cunninghame, David Dalrymple, Lord Westhall, Kemp Davidson, Lord Davidson, George Dundas, Lord Manor, James Erskine, Lord Alva, Henry Johnston, Lord Johnston, Alexander Lockhart, Lord Covington, Robert Lee, Lord Lee, Robert MacFarlane, Lord Ormidale, Joshua Henry Mackenzie, Lord Mackenzie, Thomas Mackenzie, Lord Mackenzie, William Mackintosh, Lord Kyllachy, John Maclaurin, Lord Dreghorn, William Miller, Lord Glenlee, David Monypenny, Lord Pitmilly, James Wolfe Murray, Lord Cringletie, Thomas Graham Robertson, Lord Robertson, William Robertson, Lord Robertson, David Ross, Lord Ankerville, John Trayner, Lord Trayner, Peter Wedderburn, Lord Chesterhall, David Williamson, Lord Balgray, Alexander Wood, Lord Wood

Early Photographers


John Cay, Henrietta Gilmour, Cosmo Innes, Rev Dr James Calder Macphail, Richard Hill Norris, Rev Thomas Milville Raven, Hugh Lyon Tennent and his brother Robert Tennent

Presidents of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh


Francis Mitchell Caird, James Roderick Johnston Cameron, John Chiene, James Scarth Combe, Robert James Blair Cunynghame, James Haig Ferguson, James Methuen Graham, James Hodsdon, Francis Brodie Imlach, Walter Mercer, William Newbigging, Robert Omond, Samuel Alexander Pagan, George Ian Scott, Arthur Henry Havens Sinclair, William James Stuart, Arthur Logan Turner, Patrick Heron Watson, Andrew Wood (surgeon), William Wood (Scottish surgeon)

Presidents of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


Edwin Bramwell, John Graham MacDonald Burt, Joshua Henry Davidson, Andrew Halliday Douglas, James Hamilton (Scottish physician), William Henry Lowe, John MacWhirter (physician), John Moir (physician), Robert Peel Ritchie, William Thomas Ritchie, William Seller, John Smith (physician), Thomas Spens (physician), Robert Thin, Charles Edward Underhill

Moderators of the Church of Scotland


William White Anderson (1951), James S. Barty (1868), Andrew Nisbet Bogle (1930), John Brown (moderator) (1916), Thomas Brown (minister) (1890), Alexander Brunton (1823), George Buist (minister) (1848), J. H. S. Burleigh (1960), David Cathels (1924), John Cook (moderator) (1816), John Cook (Haddington) (1866), Archibald Campbell Craig (1961), James Craik (moderator) (1863), Thomas Jackson Crawford (1867), Samuel Marcus Dill (1912), Andrew Beveridge Doig (1981), John Drysdale (moderator), Lewis William Forbes (1852), James Rae Forgan (1940), Gavin Gibb (1817), John Gillespie (moderator) (1903), Paton James Gloag (1889), John Rodger Gray (1977), William Henry Gray (1888), James Grant (minister), Henry Grieve (1783), Matthew Guthrie, Edward James Hagan (1944), Robert Hamilton (moderator) (1754 and 1760), Andrew Herron (1971), Alexander Hill (minister) (1845), John Inglis (moderator) (1804), Ernest David Jarvis (1954), George Johnstone Jeffrey (1952), Matthew Leishman (1858), John Donaldson McCallum (1926), Joseph McCormick (minister) (1782), William J. G. McDonald (1989), Duncan Macfarlan (1819,1845), Dugald MacFarlane (moderator) (1937), James Macfarlane (moderator) (1865), Patrick MacFarlan (1834) Stevenson McGill (1828), James MacGregor (moderator) (1891), James MacKnight and hid son Thomas MacKnight (minister), Norman Maclean (moderator) (1927), Norman Macleod (moderator) (1900), John McMurtrie (moderator) (1904), William Mair (moderator) (1897), Angus Makellar (1840), Theodore Marshall (1908), Thomas Martin (moderator) (1920), James Gunn Matheson (1975), Duncan Mearns (1821), Hugh Meiklejohn (1810), George Milligan (moderator) (1923), Andrew J. Milne (1905), James Mitchell (Scottish minister) (1901), Mitford Mitchell (1907), Henry Moncrieff-Wellwood (moderator) (1785), Pearson McAdam Muir (1910), William Muir (divine) (1838), James Murison (moderator) (1767), Thomas Nicol (1914), Thomas Niven (1906), James Nicoll Ogilvie (1918), John Pagan (1899), John M. K. Paterson (1984), William Paterson Paterson (1919), David Paul (minister) (1915), K. M. Phin (1877), William Robinson Pirie (1864), James Pitt-Watson (1953), George T. H. Reid (1973), David Ritchie (moderator) (1814), William Ritchie (moderator) (1801), James Robertson (moderator) (1857), James Curdie Russell (1902), William Roy Sanderson (1967), Robert Scott (moderator) (1956), Alexander Lockhart Simpson (1849), Charles William Gray Taylor (1942), Peter Donald Thomson (1934), William Aird Thomson (1835), James Sellar (minister) (1875), David Shaw (moderator) (1775), R. H. W. Shepherd (1959), James Sherriffs (1807), Harry Spens (1780), Alexander Stewart (moderator) (1911), Samuel Trail (1874), Thomas Tullideph (1742), Hugh Watt (moderator), (1950), George Wishart (moderator) (1748)

Patrick MacFarlan (Free Church of Scotland 1845), Mackintosh MacKay (Free Church of Scotland 1849), Dugald Mackichan (United Free Church Moderator 1917), Hugh Macmillan (minister) (Free Church of Scotland 1897), Angus Makellar (Free Church 1852), Adam Philip (United Free Church Moderator 1921)

Lord Provosts of Edinburgh


Sir John Boyd of Maxpoffle, Sir Thomas Clark, William Coulter (Lord Provost), Robert Cranston, Francis Brown Douglas, Louis Stewart Gumley, Sir Thomas Hutchison, Robert Kirk Inches, Jack Kane (Lord Provost), Alexander Kincaid, John Learmonth, George Lind, James Lumsden (Glasgow - father and son), Kincaid Mackenzie, John Manderston, Sir John Melville, Sir James Miller, Sir William Lowrie Sleigh, James Spittal, David Steuart (Lord Provost), James Stuart of Binend, Duncan Weatherstone, Thomas Barnby Whitson

Lord Provosts of Glasgow


John Aird, John Thomas Alston, Sir James Bain, Sir James Bell, Sir William Bilsland, John Blackie, Andrew Buchanan of Drumpellier and his son James Buchanan of Drumpellier, Mungo Campbell, Peter Clouston, Andrew Cochrane, Arthur Connell, John Coulter (Lord Provost), Lawrence Craigie, Robert Dalglish, Tommy Dingwall, Lawrence Dinwiddie, Colin Dunlop of Carmyle, Henry Dunlop of Craigton, Andrew Galbraith, Sir William Gray, Alexander Hastie, Archibald Ingram, Sir Donald Liddle, William McOnie, Sir David Mason, William Mills, Henry Monteith, Matthew Walker Montgomery, Sir John Muir, John Murdoch of Rosebank, Peter Murdoch of Rosehill, Sir Andrew Orr, John Ure Primrose, Sir David Richmond, Dame Jean Roberts, William Smith of Carbeth Guthrie, John Ure, Victor Warren

Other Provosts


Sir John Anthony (Govan), Sir Richard Mackie (Leith), James Pringle (Provost) (Leith), John Pullar (Perth)

Female Heroes


Phyllis Bone, Florence St John Cadell, Dr Grace Cadell, Margaret Neill Fraser, Dr Jessie Gellatly, Lady Henrietta Gilmour (photographer), Anne Grant (author), Mary Grant (sculptor), Amelia Robertson Hill, Helen Kerr, Dr Sybil Lewis, Elizabeth Liddell (artist), Dr Nora Miller, Dame Jean Roberts, Tibbie Shiel


Rear Admiral James Bisset, Rear Admiral Robert Craigie, Commander Alexander Karley, Admiral Francis Erskine Loch, Admiral David Peat, Vice Admiral George Anson Primrose, Admiral Sir William Ramsay, Admiral Pringle Stoddart, Rear Admiral James Haldane Tait

Other Notable Scots


David Laird Adams, Major General William Allan (British Army officer), Henry Bellyse Baildon, Surgeon Major Alexander Watt Beveridge, Andrew Betts Brown, Robert Carrick (banker), Robert Hodshon Cay, Rev Prof G. N. M. Collins, Sir William Robertson Copland, Alexander Cowan (philanthropist), Sir John Cowan (steel merchant), Alexander Ormiston Curle, James Deas (engineer), William Dick (veterinarian), Andrew Halliday Douglas, William Jolly Duncan FRS, Prof Kenneth Fearon, David Taylor Fish, James Gillespie (philanthropist), John Gray (Old Jock), James Young Gibson, James Hedderwick, Sir James Hodsdon, John Howkins (civil engineer), William Hurst (civil engineer), Francis Brodie Imlach (dental pioneer), Sir Robert Inches, Sir William Allan Jamieson (physician), Frederick Charles Kennedy, Sir Archibald Gordon Kinloch, 7th Baronet (murderer), Rev James Lapslie, Dr Thomas Latta, Rev William Leask, Rev Prof Robert Lee (minister), Sir Patrick Lindesay, John Lyon (botanist), Paul MacKenzie (physician), Gillian Maclaine, Hugh Martin (Scottish minister), Daniel Miller (engineer), George Mills (shipbuilder), Maitland Moir (priest), James Nicholson (poet), Rev Dr Maxwell Nicholson, George Paxton (minister), Alexander Mactier Pirrie, William Fettes Pitcairn, James Pringle (Provost), Andrew Provand, Edmund Pullar, Prof Thomas Purdie FRS, Harry Rainy, Robert Carstairs Reid, James Robertson (surveyor), Sir Henry Simson, Robert Scot Skirving, George Smith (1833-1919), Dr John W. L. Spence (x-ray pioneer), John Stirling of Kippendavie, Major General John Munro Sym, Prof Henry Alexis Thomson, William Thomson (physician), Robert de Bruce Trotter, William Veitch, James Watson (printer), Patrick Heron Watson (surgeon), Joseph Laing Waugh, Peter Williamson (Indian Peter)



Her Painted Hero (1915), Robin Redbreast (TV film), The House of Intrigue (1956 film), None Shall Escape, The Tin Drum (film)


Great Fire of Edinburgh (1824), Cpt James Robert Mosse (naval hero), Robert Hodshon Cay, Kenneth Denbigh, Il Musichiere (Italian game show), Ernest Maddox, Yanni Agisilaou, Canon Edward Joseph Hannan, Ilya Kopalin, Got Soul Choir, F. A. Fitzbayne (tram engineer), Sketchy Beats (arts concept), Franz Hedrich (Bohemian poet), Kilbryde Castle, Alistair Smart, General Sir John Alexander Ewart, Ramage & Ferguson (shipbuilders)