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User:Jaredscribe/Psychodynamic theory

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"What is man?" That which differentiates us from other animals, is what defines us, it is the essence of our human nature. That is the capacity for conceptual intelligence. Man is a rational animal, a metaphysical animal, a homo sapien.

"What is the good for man?" When we actualize our human potential by choosing and living an ethos in harmony with our rational nature.

"How do I find happiness?"

The first and still best scientific studies of Psychology and Psychodynamics were Aristotle's in his Psychology / De Anima.

His positive psychology of eudaimonia is presented in the Nicomachean ethics, which answers the question of . moral virtues of temperance, courage, and justice, and the intellectual virtues of science and art.

The psychotherapy of abnormal conditions is presented in Aristotle's Poetics, where the role-playing of social relations and tragic grief enables hypothesization of suppressed guilt and responsibility, hence catharsis instead of mystery religion, and vicarious experience or rehearsal for the sphere of politics.

The poetics are is more than merely the art of dramatic theatre or the science of literary criticism, as the tractate has commonly been understood and received, but it does demonstrate that a concern for social justice is central to an effective psychotherapy, and are especially useful for treating the so-called "dramatic cluster" of personality disorders and resolving the borderline condition that troubled Freud.


In correction of the Freudian coverup, but also in partial agreement with Freud as against the pharmacologists, this essay and curriculum hypothesizes that the Oedipus complex is the efficient cause of the "manic-spectrum" of illnesses known alternatively known hysteria, mania, bi-polar manic-depression. Borderline personality disorder is the best contemporary description of the illness, and it is a result of patrial narcissism, the Laius complex, and matrial histrionics, the Jocasta complex.

We hold that it is a culture bound condition known to the greeks as hubris, and that hubris is systemic within the upper classes of hellenic and derivative graeco-roman and phil-hellenic cultures such as Freud's Vienna, being an aspect of the (mis)education and religious systems. It remains so today in the Anglosphere, where it is often described as conceit, superiority complex, white supremacism, and cultural narcissism, and appears to be systemic. Academic scientism has responded by repressing guilt and shame through displacement onto genetic and material causes, and the fixation on biochemistry and psychopharmacology enables a denial of moral responsibility as a form of cultural ego defense against narcissistic injury.

The syndrome is latent within the individual within these cultures, insofar as, being social creatures, it is in his or her nature to assimilate and culturally advance.

Freud was a victim of it, and a co-perpetrator as well, having abandoned Judaism and assimilated to Graeco-Viennese culture. He resolved his guilt over this by projecting Greek pathology as universal.

This essay argues that the Draft:Orestes complex of loss, estrangement, grief, and revenge, was correctly understood by the ancient greeks as a natural consequence of the hamartia of the house of Atreus, "the fearless", the archetypical Dysfunctional family of the ancient greeks, and a deserved curse pronounced on this house.

Responsa to Freud, Adler, et al, On:

The Family and Developmental Psychology


The Ethical - The Good for Man - Positive Psychology


When things go right: Ich und Du, I and Thou, healthy attunement. The erotic instinct satisfied through conversation with God, the family practices purity and holiness, the erotic urge expressed in love for sexual partner, with whom to be fruitful and multiply in the physical, and in love for friend and neighbor.

The concept of "tragic optimism" in the phrase coined by the existential-humanistic psychologist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl, has been suggested as a healthy antidote to toxic positivity,[1] by Scott Barry Kaufman. His colleague Susan Cain at the Center for Human Potential, diagnoses the problem in her 2022 book Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole.

The Pathological


When things go wrong, the soul splits into the Ego and the Id, memories are repressed and subconscious urges threaten the ego, suppressed by a tyrannical and lawless superego.

  • Walter Kauffman's introduction to Martin Buber's Ich und Du relates these two pairs of opposition while criticizing the tendency to dichotomize.


  • "We have sinned". overeaters anonymous, workaholics anonymous, sex and love addicts anonymous. In all of these, the goal is temperance in these natural pleasures. With regard to unnatural pleasures, abstinence is recommended.
  • "We and our fathers have sinned" If you are an adult child of alcoholics, abusers, or abstentees coming out of denial is a terrifying prospect of utter loneliness, giving up family and belonging. As numbness diminishes, repressed feelings and buried memories start to return. Fear, anger, and desire reawaken and threaten to destabilize the homeostasis. Borderline acting out is an entreaty, a cry to be heard and understood. But healing is found instead through following the original design: "A man should separate from his father and mother .." Dysfunctional families will refuse to hear, and may seek to compel you back to a dishonest and unhealthy "normality" by coercing you onto medications into hospitals. This is intellectual abuse, and schizotypal experiences, like many other mental and physical illnesses, are a post-traumatic stress response.

Psychoanalysis and Therapy


Peripetea, Anagnorisis.


Defence mechanisms: which also include dissociation, displacement, intellectualization, repression, Reaction formation Splitting is an unconscious defense mechanism that can lead to schizophrenia as well as other observed conditions, such as borderline personality disorder and dissasociative identity disorder.

(Greek) Civilization and Its Discontents


Prior analysis of civilization, and responsa to Freud's errors in Civilization and its Discontents.

Social Pathology of the Oedipus Complex


As we see from over-representation of perpetrating divinities in the List of rape victims from ancient history and mythology § Greek mythology, either the gods are wicked, or as Plato and Aristotle maintained, the poets are liars. The lies were told in order to justify misogyny, rape, and the Greek social custom of paiderastía, the erotic relationship between an adult male and an adolescent male, which was often permitted by the Catamite's family for the sake of social advancement.[2]

The Laius complex of filicidal envy and neglect of male offspring by their fathers, should be considered as widespread as the Oedipus complex, and as we read from Plato, it was. King Laius of Thebes, father of Oedipus by Jocasta, raped the young prince Chrysippus of Elis, and presumably neglected his wife, thence the lonely mother imitate's the men and seeks inappropriate emotional or physical relationship with her son.

The_Aetiology_of_Hysteria by Freud explained hysteria as a result of "seduction" within families. This is not mutually exclusive with the existence of a latent Oedipus and Oedipa complex. Perhaps Freud was merely extending guilt beyond the parents to society as a whole, and suggesting that the widespread social pathology of hubris and the institution of anti-family laws and custom are a partial cause of parental misbehavior.

It appears that Plato diagnosed it after of Mass Psychogenic Illness among the youth of city states where the spartan custom of common meals and gymnasia were introduced. It appears that here he renounced the communism of wives and children, for which he had earlier idealized Sparta in his Republic, and most likely presented this renunciation in his Laws after the Aristotle presented his criticism and broke from the Academy to begin the peripatetic school of natural philosophy.

Totem and Taboo


Prior analysis of idolatry and totem, and responsa to Freud's subsequent errors in Totem and Taboo.

Moses and Monotheism


Prior analysis of antijudaism in western civilization and Vienna, and responsa to Freud's subsequent errors in Moses and Monotheism.

Freud Family, Friends, and Colleagues


Martha Bernays, Anna Freud

Pierre Janet, Eugen Bleuler

Josef Breuer (1842–1925), who developed a cathartic method of treatment using hypnosis for persons suffering from intensive hysteria.


  • s:De Anima
  • s:Nicomachean Ethics
  • s:Poetics
  • Rappaport, Ernest A. (1975). Anti-Judaism: a psychohistory. Perspective Press. ISBN 9780960338207.


  1. ^ Kaufman, Scott Barry (2021-08-18). "The Opposite of Toxic Positivity". The Atlantic. Retrieved 2023-01-06.
  2. ^ According to AMHER (2000), catamite, p. 291.