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User:Videsh Ramsahai/List of birds 2- Phoenicopteriformes to Psittaciformes

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This is part 2 of a list of all birds extinct and extant that has ever existed. Birds in this instance refers to the apomorphy-based clade Avialae i.e. all dinosaurs that possessed feathered wings used in flapping flight, and the birds that descended from them.[1]

See also User:Videsh Ramsahai/List of birds 1- pre Neoaves

Avialae phylogeny


Phylogeny of non-Neornithine Avialae based on the work of Lee et al. 2013[2] and modified with the work of Wang et al. 2015.[3] and Wang et al., 2016.[4] The phylogeny of Neornithes based on the following:[5][6][7][8]


Phoenicopteriformes Fürbringer 1888 (Flamingoes)

Podicipediformes Fürbringer 1888 (Grebes)


Mesitornithiformes Wetmore 1960 (Mesites)

Pteroclidiformes Huxley 1868 (Sandgrouse)

Columbiformes (Latham 1790) Garrod 1874 (Doves & pigeons)


Otidiformes Wagler 1830 (Bustards)

Musophagiformes Seebohm 1890 (Turacos & allies)

Cuculiformes Wagler 1830 (Cuckoo & allies)


Caprimulgiformes Ridgway 1891 (Nightjars & allies)

Steatornithiformes (oilbirds & potoos)

Podargiformes (Sharpe 1891) Matthews 1918 sensu Nesbitt, Ksepka & Clarke 2011 (Frogmouths)

Apodiformes Peters 1940 (Swifts & hummingbirds)


Opisthocomiformes (L'Herminer 1837) Sharpe 1891 (hoatzins)


Gruiformes Bonaparte 1854

Charadriiformes (Huxley 1867) Fürbringer 1888 (shorebirds


Phaethontiformes Sharpe 1891 (Tropic birds)

Eurypygiformes Fürbringer 1888


Gaviiformes Coues 1903 (loons)

Pelecaniformes Sharpe 1891


Sphenisciformes Huxley 1867 (penguins)

Procellariiformes Fürbringer 1888 (Tubenoses)


Accipitriformes Vieillot 1816


Strigiformes Wagler 1830 (owls)


Coliiformes Murie 1872 (mousebirds)


Leptosomiformes Sharpe 1891 (Cuckoo rollers)


Trogoniformes (AOU 1886) Wetmore & Miller 1926 (trogons)


Bucerotiformes Fürbringer 1888


Piciformes (Linnaeus 1758) Meyer & Wolf 1810

Coraciiformes Forbes 1884


Cariamiformes Fürbringer 1888 (Seriemas)


Falconiformes Seebohm 1890 (Falcons)


Psittaciformes Wagler 1830 (parrots)

Passeriformes Linnaeus 1758 (songbirds)

Phylogeny of Phoenicopteridae[9]
Phylogeny of Podicipedidae[9]
Phylogeny of Pteroclidae[10]
Phylogeny of Columbidae[11]
Phylogeny of Cuculidae[12]
Phylogeny of Otididae[13]
Phylogeny of Musophagidae[14][15]


  • Family Musophagidae Lesson 1828 (Turacos & allies)
    • GenusVeflintornis Kašin 1976 [Apopempsis Brodkorb 1971 non Schenkling 1903]
      • Veflintornis meini (Ballmann 1969) Kašin 1976 [Musophaga meini Ballmann 1969; Apopempsis meini (Ballmann 1969) Brodkorb 1971]
      • Veflintornis africanus (Harrison 1980) [Musophaga africanus Harrison 1980; Apopempsis africanus (Harrison 1980)]
    • Sub family Corythaeolinae Verheyen 1956 (Great Blue Turacos)
    • Sub family Criniferinae Verheyen 1956
      • Genus Criniferoides Roberts 1926
      • Genus Crinifer Jarocki 1821 (Plantain-eaters)
      • Genus Corythaixoides Smith 1833
        • Corythaixoides personatus (Bare-faced Go-away-bird)
          • C. p. personatus (Rüppell 1842) (brown-faced go-away-bird)
          • C. p. leopoldi (Shelley 1881) (Ugogo/black-faced go-away-bird)
        • Corythaixoides concolor (Gray Go-away-bird)
          • C. c. molybdophanes Clancey 1964
          • C. c. pallidiceps Neumann 1899 (Angola grey go-away-bird)
          • C. c. bechuanae Roberts 1932
          • C. c. concolor (Smith 1833) (South African go-away-bird)
    • Sub family Musophaginae Lesson 1828
      • Genus Gallirex Lesson 1844
      • Genus Menelikornis
        • Menelikornis ruspolii (Salvadori 1896) (Prince Ruspoli’s Turaco)
        • Menelikornis leucotis (Rüppell 1835) (White-cheeked turaco)
          • M. l. leucotis (Rüppell 1835) (White-cheeked Turaco)
          • M. l. donaldsoni (Sharpe 1895) (Maroon-crested/Donaldson's white-cheeked Turaco)
      • Genus Musophaga Isert 1788
      • Genus Tauraco Kluk 1779
        • Subgenus (Proturacus) Bates 1923
        • Subgenus (Tauraco)
          • Tauraco schuettii (Cabanis 1879) (Angola black-billed Turaco)
          • Tauraco schalowi (Reichenow 1891) (Schalow's Turaco)
          • Tauraco emini (Reichenow 1893) (Ruwenzori/Niam-Niam/green-rumped/eastern black-billed turaco)
          • Tauraco hartlaubi (Fischer & Reichenow 1884) (Hartlaub’s/black-crested Turaco)
          • Tauraco persa (Linnaeus 1758) (Guinea/green-crested Turaco)
            • T. (T.) p. buffoni (Vieillot 1819) (Senegal/western green turaco)
            • T. (T.) p. persa (Linnaeus 1758) (Eastern green Turaco)
            • T. (T.) p. zenkeri Reichenow 1896
          • Tauraco reichenowi (Fischer 1880) (Reichenow's/Nyasa/Tanganyika Turaco)
          • Tauraco fischeri (Reichenow 1878) (Fischer’s/East African red-crested Turaco)
            • T. (T.) f. fischeri (Reichenow 1878) (blue-winged black-billed turaco)
            • T. (T.) f. zanzibaricus Pakenham 1938 (Zanzibar turaco)
          • Tauraco livingstonii Gray 1864 (Livingstone's Turaco)
          • Tauraco corythaix (Wagler 1827) (Knysna/Helmeted/South African green Turaco)
            • T. (T.) c. phoebus Neumann 1907 (northern Knysna/Barberton turaco)
            • T. (T.) c. corythaix (Wagler 1827) (southern Knysna turaco)
Phylogeny of Caprimulgidae[16]
Phylogeny of Steatornithiformes[16]

Suborder Aegotheli

Phylogeny of Aegothelidae[17]

Suborder Apodi


Suborder Trochili


Suborder Grui


Suborder Ralli

  • Family Heliornithidae Gray 1841 (finfoots/sungrebes)
    • Genus Heliopais Sharpe 1893 (Asian/masked finfoots)
    • Genus Podica Lesson 1831 [Rhigelura Wagler 1832; Podoa Bonaparte 1857 non Illiger 1811] (African finfoots)
    • Genus Heliornis Bonnaterre 1791 [Podoa Illiger 1811 non Bonaparte 1857; Plotoides Brookes 1830 ] (American finfoot)
  • Family Sarothruridae
  • Family Rallidae Rafinesque 1815 [Crecinae Olphe-Galliard 1884-91; Gallinuleae Bonaparte 1853; Gallinulinae Gray 1840; Himanthornithinae Gray 1871; Ocydrominae Bonaparte 1853; Ortygometridae Sharpe 1891; Porphyriinae Verheyen 1957; Tribonicinae Bonaparte 1856; Zaporniinae Des Murs 1860]

Basal Charadriiformes


Suborder Charadrii


Suborder Scolopaci

  • Infraorder Jacanida
  • Infraorder Scolopacida

Suborder Lari

  • Infraorder Turnicida [Turniciformes; Turnicomorphae Huxley 1868; Turnici] (Buttonquails)
  • Infraorder Larida

Basal Pelecaniformes


Suborder Ciconiae

  • Family Ciconiidae Sundevall 1836 [Anastomidae Bonaparte 1849; Melanopelargidae Poche 1904; Tantalidae Bonaparte 1831] (storks)

Suborder Sulae

  • Infraorder Fregati Sharpe 1891 [Fregatea (Sharpe 1891)]
    • Family Fregatidae Degland & Gerbe 1867 [Atagenidae Gray 1871; Attagenidae Jerdon 1862; Tachypetidae Brandt 1839] (Frigate birds
  • Infraorder Sulida Sibley & Ahlquist 1990 [Suloidea Reichenbach 1849 sensu Cracraft 1985]
    • FamilyProtoplotidae van Tets et al. 1989
    • Super family Suloidea Reichenbach 1849
      • Family Sulidae (Reichenbach 1849) [Enkurosulidae Kashin 1977; Pseudosulidae Harrison 1975; Halieidae Sundevall 1836; Sularinae Reichenbach 1849; Sulinae Bonaparte 1853] (Boobies, Gannets)
    • Super family Phalacorcoracoidea Bonaparte 1853 sensu Mathews 1919
      • Family Anhingidae Ridgeway 1887 [Anhingas Lesson 1831; Ptynginae Poche 1904; Plotinae Bonaparte 1831] (Anhingas, snakebirds)
      • FamilyPlotopteridae Howard 1969 [Plottidae Rafinesque 1815; Plotinae Bonaparte 1831]
      • Family Phalacrocoracidae (Bonaparte 1854) [Carbonidae Brandt 1839; Graculinae Jerdon 1862; Leucocarboninae Siegel-Causey 1988; Phalacrocoracinae Reichenbach 1849; Phalacrocoracinae Bonaparte 1854; Phalaeroeoraeeae Bonaparte 1853] (Cormorants & shags)

Suborder Pelecanimorphae

  • FamilyXenerodiopidae Rasmussen 1987
  • Infraorder Threskiornithes [‘Plataleiformes’ Newton 1884; Plataleae Newton 1884; Ibides Coues 1884]
    • Family Threskiornithidae Poche 1904 [Ibididae Coues 1884; Plegadidae Mathews 1913; Plataleidae Bonaparte 1853] (Ibises, spoonbills)
  • Infraorder Pelecani [‘Pelecaniformes’ Sharpe 1891]
    • Family Balaenicipitidae (Bonaparte 1853) Sclater 1924) [Balaenicepinae Bonaparte 1853] (shoebills)
    • Family Scopidae Bonaparte 1849 [Scopinae Bonaparte 1853] (Hammerkops)
    • Family Pelecanidae Rafinesque 1815 [Dysporidae Sundevall 1836; Pelecanea Rafinesque 1815; Pelecani]
  • Infraorder Ardeae Wagler 1830 [‘Ardeiformes’ (Wagler 1830) Gadow 1892; Herodiones Bonaparte 1853; Herodii Cope 1889]
    • Family Ardeidae Leach 1820 [Cochleariidae Ridgway 1887; Cancromidae Bonaparte 1853] (herons)
  • GenusBotauroides Shufeldt 1915 [a primobucconid sensu Feduccia 1996]
  • GenusEobucco Feduccia & Martin 1976 [a sandcoleid sensu Houde & Olson 1992 & Feduccia 1996]
  • GenusEocolius Dyke & Waterhouse 2001
  • GenusLimnatornis Milne-Edwards 1871 [Palaeopicus Lambrecht 1933 nomen nudum; Palaeopicus Brodkorb 1952]
    • Limnatornis consobrinus (Milne-Edwards 1871) [Picus consobrinus Milne-Edwards 1871; Palaeopicus consobrinus (Milne-Edwards 1871) Lambrecht 1933 nomen nudum; Urocolius consobrinus (Milne-Edwards 1871)]
    • Limnatornis paludicola Milne-Edwards 1871 [Colius paludicola (Milne-Edwards 1871) Ballmann 1969a; Urocolius paludicola (Milne-Edwards 1871)]
    • Limnatornis archiaci (Milne-Edwards 1871) [Picus archiaci Milne-Edwards 1871; Colius archiaci (Milne-Edwards 1871) Ballmann 1969a; Urocolius archiaci (Milne-Edwards 1871) Mlíkovský 2002]
  • GenusUintornis Marsh 1872 [a sandcoleid sensu Houde & Olson 1992]
  • FamilyChascacocoliidae Zelenkov & Dyke 2008
  • FamilyPalaeospizidae Wetmore 1925
  • FamilySandcoleidae Houde & Olson 1992 sensu Mayr & Mourer-Chauviré 2004
  • FamilySelmeidae Zelenkov & Dyke 2008
    • GenusSelmes Peters 1999 [Selmes Mayr 1998 nomen nudum]
  • Family Coliidae Swainson 1837 sensu Mayr & Mourer-Chauviré 2004 (mousebirds)
    • GenusCelericolius Ksepka & Clarke 2010
    • GenusMasillacolius Mayr & Peters 1998
    • GenusPrimocolius Mourer-Chauviré 1988
    • GenusOligocolius Mayr 2000
    • Sub family Coliinae [Coliidae Swainson 1837 sensu stricto; Urocoliinae] (Recent mousebirds)
      • Genus Urocolius Bonaparte 1854 (long-tailed mousebirds)
        • Urocolius indicus (Latham 1790) (Red-faced mousebird)
          • U. i. indicus (Latham 1790)
          • U. i. lacteifrons (Sharpe 1892) (Damaraland red-faced mousebird)
          • U. i. mossambicus (Reichenow 1896)(Mozambique red-faced mousebird)
          • U. i. pallidus (Reichenow 1896) (Rovuma red-faced mousebird)
          • U. i. transvaalensis Roberts 1922
        • Urocolius macrourus (Linnaeus 1766) (Blue-naped mousebird)
          • U. m. abyssiniacus Schifer 1975
          • U. m. griseogularis Someren 1919 (Kivu blue-naped mousebird)
          • U. m. laeneni (Niethammar 1955)
          • U. m. macrourus (Linnaeus 1766)
          • U. m. massaicus Schifter 1975
          • U. m. pulcher (Neumann 1900) (Ugandan blue-naped mousebird)
      • Genus Colius Brisson 1760 [Necrornis Milne-Edwards 1871]
        • Colius hendeyi Vickers-Rich & Haarhoff 1985
        • Colius palustris (Milne-Edwards 1871) Ballmann 1969 [Necrornis palustris Milne-Edwards 1871]
        • Colius castanotus Verreaux & Verreaux 1855 (Red-backed mousebird)
        • Colius colius (Linnaeus 1766) (White-backed mousebird)
          • C. c. damarensis Reichenow 1899
          • C. c. colius (Linnaeus 1766)
        • Colius leucocephalus Reichenow 1879 (White-headed mousebird)
          • C. l. leucocephalus Reichenow 1879
          • C. l. turneri Someren 1919 (Northern Guaso white-headed mousebird)
        • Colius striatus Gmelin 1789 (Speckled/striated/bar-breasted mousebird)
          • C. s. nigricollis subspecies-group (western speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. leucophthalmus Chapin 1921 (Uele speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. nigricollis Vieillot 1817 (Western Speckled mousebird)
          • C. s. striatus subspecies-group (southern speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. integralis Clancey 1956
            • C. s. minor Cabanis 1876 (Natal speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. rhodesiae Grant & Mackworth-Praed 1938
            • C. s. simulans Clancey 1979
            • C. s. striatus Gmelin 1789 (Southern/South African Speckled mousebird)
          • C. s. leucotis subspecies-group (Eastern Speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. affinis Shelley 1885 (East Coast speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. berlepschi Hartert 1899 (Berlepsch's speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. cinerascens Neumann 1900
            • C. s. congicus Reichenow 1923
            • C. s. hilgerti Zedlitz 1910 (Somaliland speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. jebelensis Mearns 1915 (Upper Nile speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. kikuyensis Someren 1919 (Uganda speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. kiwuensis Reichenow 1908 (Lake Kivu speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. leucotis Ruppell 1839 (Abyssinian/Eastern Speckled mousebird)
            • C. s. mombassicus Someren 1919

Basal Passeriformes


Suborder Acanthisitti


Suborder Tyranni

Infraorder Eurylaimides
Infraorder Tyrannides
Parvorder Tyrannida
Parvorder Furnariida

Suborder Passeri

Infraorder Menurides
Infraorder Climacterides
Infraorder Meliphagides
Infraorder Orthonychides
Infraorder Corvides
Infraorder Passerides
Parvorder Melanocharitida
Parvorder Cnemophilida
Parvorder Petroicida
Parvorder Eupetida
Parvorder Sylviida
Parvorder Muscicapida
Parvorder Passerida
  1. ^ Gauthier, J., and de Queiroz, K. (2001). "Feathered dinosaurs, flying dinosaurs, crown dinosaurs, and the name Aves." Pp. 7-41 in New perspectives on the origin and early evolution of birds: proceedings of the International Symposium in Honor of John H. Ostrom (J. A. Gauthier and L. F. Gall, eds.). Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.A.
  2. ^ Lee; et al. (2013). "Morphological Clocks in Paleontology, and a Mid-Cretaceous Origin of Crown Aves". Systematic Biology. 63 (3): 442–9. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syt110. PMID 24449041. Retrieved 30 December 2015. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help)
  3. ^ Wang; et al. (2015). "The oldest record of ornithuromorpha from the early cretaceous of China". Nature Communications. 6 (6987). doi:10.1038/ncomms7987. PMID 25942493. Retrieved 30 December 2015. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help)
  4. ^ Wang M., Wang X., Wang Y., and Zhou Z. (2016). A new basal bird from China with implications for morphological diversity in early birds. Scientific Reports, 6: 19700. doi:10.1038/srep19700.
  5. ^ Jarvis; et al. (2014). "Whole-genome analyses resolve early branches in the tree of life of modern birds". SCIENCE. 346 (6215): 1320-1331. doi:10.1126/science.1253451. Retrieved 30 December 2015. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help)
  6. ^ Boyd, John (2007). "NEORNITHES: 46 Orders". John Boyd's website. Retrieved 30 December 2015.
  7. ^ Prum; et al. (2015). "A comprehensive phylogeny of birds (Aves) using targeted next-generation DNA sequencing". Nature. 526 (7574): 569–573. doi:10.1038/nature15697. Retrieved 30 December 2015. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help)
  8. ^ Yuri; et al. (2013). "Parsimony and Model-Based Analyses of Indels in Avian Nuclear Genes Reveal Congruent and Incongruent Phylogenetic Signals". Biology. 2 (1): 419-444. doi:10.3390/biology2010419. Retrieved 30 December 2015. {{cite journal}}: Explicit use of et al. in: |author= (help)CS1 maint: unflagged free DOI (link)
  9. ^ a b Boyd, John (2007). "Mirandornithes & Ardeae I". John Boyd's website. Retrieved 30 December 2015.
  10. ^ Boyd, John (2007). "Pteroclidae" (PDF) (personal website). Retrieved 30 December 2015.
  11. ^ Boyd, John H., III (2007). "COLUMBEA: Mirandornithes, Columbimorphae". JBoyd.net. Retrieved 30 December 2015.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  12. ^ Boyd, John (2007). "Cuculidae" (PDF) (personal website). Retrieved 30 December 2015.
  13. ^ Boyd, John H., III (2007). "Otididae" (PDF). JBoyd.net. Retrieved 30 December 2015.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  14. ^ Boyd, John H., III (2007). "Musophagidae" (PDF). JBoyd.net. Retrieved 30 December 2015.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  15. ^ Perktaş, Utku; Groth, Jeff G.; Barrowclough, George F. (April 2020). "Phylogeography, Species Limits, Phylogeny, and Classification of the Turacos (Aves: Musophagidae) Based on Mitochondrial and Nuclear DNA Sequences". American Museum Novitates. 2020 (3949): 1–61. doi:10.1206/3949.1. ISSN 0003-0082. S2CID 214763342.
  16. ^ a b Boyd, John (2007). "Strisores I Steatornithiformes, Nyctibiiformes, Podargiformes, Caprimulgiformes". John Boyd's website. Retrieved 30 December 2017. {{cite web}}: line feed character in |title= at position 14 (help)
  17. ^ Boyd, John (2007). "STRISORES II- Apodiformes". John Boyd's website. Retrieved 30 December 2017.