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Dungan vocabulary requests

Could you give me the Dungan translation for these words:

--Jose77 (talk) 03:06, 2 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Jose, this is a more realistic request for me than attempting to translate a paragraph into a language that I don't know. This is what my dictionary (ed. Yu. Yanshansin, 1968, Bishkek) would have (with Russian or Chinese equivalent, added by me, when obvious):

Christianity = җидўҗё
China = Җунгуй (中国)
Jesus = Эрса
Bible= Инҗил
Twenty - эршы (二十)
Century - шыҗи (but 世 is шы, so 世纪 probably would be шыҗи)
True = ?; but they have
  • шыди = truth; real (实的 ?)
  • шызэ = truly, in reality (实在)
  • шыян = true words, truth (实言)
  • шыхуа = truth, true words (实话)
America - Америка (Russian loanword)

As you might imagine, a small Soviet dictionary like this would not be heavy of Christian terminology, so I don't have an idea if, for example, when Dungan people decide to talk about Christianity they would use a word like 基督教 [Jidujiao] (which could be transcribed җидўҗё, in the regular way), or one more like the Russian or Arabic/Persian name for the same concept (maybe equipped with a Chinise suffix, such as 教 "җё"). Similarly, I would have no idea if Jesus would be 基督 (Җидў), or a word like Rusisan "Иисус" or Arabic Isa is used; whether the "Bible" would be 圣经 (шынҗин), or "Библия" (from Russian), or some Arabic/Persian loanword is used; whether the word 教派 (җёпэ) exists in Dungan, etc, etc.

You may be interested to know that there actually were people who set themselves the task of translating the Gospel into Dungan: http://www.ibt.org.ru/english/info/info_news_en06.htm ; http://www.orthodox.cn/news/20061115dungan_en.htm . There is a photo of the book cover there. And guess what is the word chosen to mean "Gospel"? It's "Инҗил", which of course is not Mandarin at all, but Arabic Injil! So I would say that if you are really serious about rendering your Church's message into that language, you may want to contact IBT and get yourself a copy of the Gospels in Dungan - that would give you all vocabulary you need.

In practice, though, my impression is that that Russian is very widely known in Kyrgyzstan or Kazakhstan by people of all ethnic groups. Regardless of one's ethnicity, pretty much all Internet users in those countries are likely to have a good command of Russian. Nonetheless, I appreciate your desire to express your message in other languages, and I am sorry that I don't happen to know them.

I agree. Perhaps the word for "Jesus" could be "Isa" as mentioned in the Koran but this needs to be confirmed. --Jose77 (talk) 09:23, 2 October 2009 (UTC) The Dungan word for "Jesus" is "Эрса". --Jose77 (talk) 04:48, 7 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

As a bonus, a few words that were attested in the dictionary:

  • җин = a holy book, a religious book (经)
  • җин = an evil spirit, a daemon (憬)
  • пушы = (entire) world (普世)
  • пушыди = world wide ( (普世的)
  • пушы-тянщя = everywhere in the world (普世天下)
  • тян = sky, heaven (天)
  • тяншон = in the sky ("in the heaven"?) (天上)
  • тянтон = Paradise (天堂 ?)
  • тянщя = universe (天下)
  • тянщян = angel (天仙 ?)
  • Шэтани = shaitan, satan (from Arabic)
  • шыщин-шыйи = sincerely, honestly (实心实意)
  • шызы = cross (十字)
  • шыдэ = era (时代)
  • шын = spirit, deity (神? 圣? )
  • шын ды гуй = [the good] spirit and the devil (神...鬼)
  • шы, шыҗе = world (世, 世界)
  • шынпэзы = [a Christian] icon (圣牌子)
  • шысы = fact (事实)
  • шыфын-шийи = in reality (十分实意 (?))
  • шышон, шыҗёшон = in the world (世上, 世界上)

Regards, Vmenkov (talk) 04:46, 2 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Thankyou very very much for your Excellent help Mr. Vmenkov.
I am currently in the process of compiling a Chinese pinyin to Dungan vocabulary list.
Would you also be able to kindly help me transliterate the "real" Dungan text here into the Dungan cyrillic alphabet? Because it is currently in latinized form.
Thankyou very much.--Jose77 (talk) 07:54, 2 October 2009 (UTC).[reply]

Ah, the schoolbook exaxmples quoted in Victor Mair's article! I'll try to do it some time, but not right away. Vmenkov (talk) 08:00, 2 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Dungan words, 2nd installment

In the meantime do you know the Dungan equivalents for these words:
  • Pray 祷告
  • Year年
  • Feet/foot 脚
  • Spirit灵
  • Wash洗
  • Rest/sabbath 安息/安息日
  • Save/salvation救
  • Receive 得到
  • Judgement 审判
  • Last最后
  • Sing Song 唱歌
  • Dance 跳舞
  • Cure 医治
  • Illness 病
  • True 真
  • cast out (the devil) 赶
  • interpretation 解释
  • ten thousand 万
  • luck 福
  • sound 声音
  • Nation 民族
  • meeting 开会
  • worship 拜
  • mistake 错误
  • Spread 传
  • Enter 进入
  • Welcome 欢迎

--Jose77 (talk) 08:39, 2 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Apologies if I have caused any inconveniencies to you due to my regular editing on your talk page. --Jose77 (talk) 09:01, 2 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

See below, as per the same small dictionary. For some words not in the dictionary I have put a hypothetical "transcription" preceded by a "*".

  • Pray 祷告 (*дого)
  • Year年 нян
  • Feet/foot 脚  ? (*җё)
  • Spirit灵  ? (but they have шын = spirit, deity (神? 圣? ))
  • Wash洗 щи
  • Rest/sabbath 安息/安息日 ?
  • Save/salvation救 җю (not necessarily with any religious overtones, of course)
  • Receive 得到 дый (得) (* дыйдо, 得到)
  • Judgement 审判  ? (* шынпан)
  • Last最后  ? (* зуйху)
  • Sing Song 唱歌 (* чон гә)
  • Dance 跳舞 (* тё ву)
  • Cure 医治 ?
  • Illness 病 бин
  • True 真 (see my previous message)
  • cast out (the devil) 赶 ?
  • interpretation 解释 ?
  • ten thousand 万 ван (they do have вансуй for 万岁)
  • luck 福 фу
  • sound 声音 шын, шынйин
  • Nation 民族 минзў
  • meeting 开会 кэ хўй (to open a meeting; to conduct a meeting)
  • worship 拜 ?
  • mistake 错误 цуә (错) to make a mistake; a mistake
  • Spread 传 чуан
  • Enter 进入 (* җинжў: they do have җин (进))
  • Welcome 欢迎  ?

Bonus words, from the same 1968 dictionary:

  • йимани - belief (in God) (from Arabic iman)
  • йилюха - to bequeath
  • вансуй - 万岁
  • мәмин - a true Muslim
  • минҗин - the time of one's death
  • Мыйгуй - 美国 (along with Америка)
  • нэмазы - namaz (Muslim prayer)
  • сэвабу - an action good for the salvation of one's soul
  • сэҗыдэ - bowing to the ground (while praying)
  • суәдэгэ - alms, donations (to religious charity)
  • хуәкын - Hell (火坑)
  • хўйхўй - a Muslim; a Hui person (回回)
  • хўйхўй җё - Islam (回回教)

Obviously, the fact that I could not find a Dungan version of a Mandarin word in this small dictionary (looking up at its expected spelling) does not mean that it does not exist - and vice versa, some words attested in the dictionary may not be current anymore... Vmenkov (talk) 12:10, 2 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]


THANKYOU SO MUCH Mr. Vladimir Menkov for your Outstanding Translation effort!
I am overwhelmed with gratitude.
May God Bless you!

If you want your favorite articles to be translated into the Chinese or Minnan language, then I would be glad to help you. --Jose77 (talk) 22:12, 7 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Dungan Words, 3rd Installment


Greetings Mr. Vladimir Menkov my friend,

Do you know the Dungan translations for these Chinese characters:
  • 安 (ān); eg. Peace (平安), comfort (安慰)
  • 和 (hé); eg. and (与/及)
  • 现 (xiàn); eg. appear (出现), discover (发现)
  • 创 (chuàng); eg. create (创造), establish (创建/建立), begin/commence (开始)
  • 目标 (mùbiāo); eg. Aim/purpose/goal (目的)
  • 更 (gēng); eg. Change/alter (更改), Renovate (更新), Reform (改革)
  • 各 (gè); eg. Every/each (各自)
  • 误 (wù); eg. Misunderstanding (误解), Error (错误/误差)
  • 对 (duì); eg. Sorry (对不起), Dialogue (对话), Compare (对照)
  • 解 (jiě); eg. Understanding (了解), Explain/Explanation (解释)
  • 正 (zhèng); eg. Accurate (正确), Correct/correction (更正),
  • 拯 (zhěng); eg. Rescue/Save/deliver (拯救)
  • 真 (zhēn); eg. Sincere/Genuine (真诚); Real/Actual/Authentic (真实); , genuine/real (真正)
  • 包 (bāo); eg. Including/comprising/consisting of (包括)
  • 靠 (kào); eg. rely on/lean on/depend on (依靠)
  • 赶 (gǎn); eg. catch up (赶上), hurry up (赶快),
  • 治 (zhì); eg. Rule/govern/administer (统治/治理),
  • 礼 (lǐ); eg. Ceremony (典礼), Circumcision (割礼), Marriage (婚礼), religious service (礼拜),
  • 拜 (bài); eg. Visit/pay a visit (拜访), Request (拜托)
  • 餐 (cān); eg. Meal (餐), restaurant (餐厅), Breaskfast/Lunch/dinner (早餐/午餐/晚餐)
  • 息 (xī); eg. New/tidings (消息), Interest (利息)
  • 主 (zhǔ); eg. Lord/master (主/主人), Advocate/proposal (主张), mainly/mostly/principal (主要), Allah (真主)
  • 跪 (guì); eg. Kneel down (跪下)
  • 同 (tóng); eg. Same time (同时), identical (相同/同样)
  • 本 (běn); eg. Originally (本来/原本), basic (基本)
  • 独 (dú); eg. independent (独立), unique (独特)
  • 地 (dì); eg. Earth/ground (地球/地上), Map (地图)
  • 徒 (tú); eg. Members/Followers/disciples/believers (信徒/门徒)
  • 强 (qiáng); eg. Emphasise (强调); Strong (强)

--Jose77 (talk) 22:32, 7 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Could you check the Russian-Dungan dictionary to see if the following words exist:

  • Soul/Душа/灵魂
  • Genuine (подлинный, истинный, настоящий, искренний, одлинный, подлинный, неподдельный, чистопородный)
  • Establish (учреждать, упрочивать, укреплять, создавать, заложить)

--Jose77 (talk) 06:40, 9 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for Linxia County

Updated DYK query On September 30, 2009, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article Linxia County, which you created or substantially expanded. You are welcome to check how many hits your article got while on the front page (here's how) and add it to DYKSTATS if it got over 5,000. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the Did you know? talk page.

Kanonkas :  Talk  04:42, 30 September 2009 (UTC)[reply]

DYK nomination of Louis J. Gallagher


Hello! Your submission of Louis J. Gallagher at the Did You Know nominations page has been reviewed, and there still are some issues that may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) underneath your nomination's entry and respond there as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to Did You Know! –Katerenka (talk • contribs) 08:59, 5 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Barnstar Award

The Original Barnstar
For your many months of service to Wikipedia, I, Jose77, hereby award Mister Vladimir Menkov this barnstar. --Joseph, 22:40, 7 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for Louis J. Gallagher

Updated DYK query On October 11, 2009, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article Louis J. Gallagher, which you created or substantially expanded. You are welcome to check how many hits your article got while on the front page (here's how) and add it to DYKSTATS if it got over 5,000. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the Did you know? talk page.

JamieS93 15:28, 11 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

DYK nomination of De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas


Hello! Your submission of De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas at the Did You Know nominations page has been reviewed, and there still are some issues that may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) underneath your nomination's entry and respond there as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to Did You Know! ≈ Chamal talk ¤ 02:08, 13 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas

Updated DYK query On October 14, 2009, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article De Christiana expeditione apud Sinas, which you created or substantially expanded. You are welcome to check how many hits your article got while on the front page (here's how) and add it to DYKSTATS if it got over 5,000. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the Did you know? talk page.

Thank you - have a rest! Lots of time to get a Halloween hook Victuallers (talk) 21:28, 14 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

China counties


Hi. No worry, I expect bots to add interwiki links after creation. If no, I will add links later or ask bot to add them. My goal is to start all counties and then import figures from de wiki. Sources will be added later too, I don't know Chinese.Starzynka (talk) 15:07, 19 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]

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DYK for Bento de Góis

Updated DYK query On October 28, 2009, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article Bento de Góis, which you created or substantially expanded. You are welcome to check how many hits your article got while on the front page (here's how) and add it to DYKSTATS if it got over 5,000. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the Did you know? talk page.

Wikiproject: Did you know? 15:42, 28 October 2009 (UTC)

DYK for Musa Sayrami

Updated DYK query On November 22, 2009, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article Musa Sayrami, which you created or substantially expanded. You are welcome to check how many hits your article got while on the front page (here's how) and add it to DYKSTATS if it got over 5,000. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the Did you know? talk page.

Jake Wartenberg 07:15, 22 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for Li Yingshi

Updated DYK query On November 23, 2009, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article Li Yingshi, which you created or substantially expanded. You are welcome to check how many hits your article got while on the front page (here's how) and add it to DYKSTATS if it got over 5,000. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the Did you know? talk page.

Mifter (talk) 01:15, 23 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Siberian Cossack


You added this to article Ivan Petlin. What do you think of the use of 'Cossack' to refer to practically the whole Russian population of early Siberia? These people were mostly from Northern Russia and seemingly had nothing to do with the Don or Zaporozhian Cossacks. Is this a loose way of saying that they were neither landlords not peasants, is it a misuse by foreigners, or does Cossack have some meaning that I do not understand?Benjamin Trovato (talk) 02:23, 23 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Truth be told, I don't know much about the Cosacks, but I am certainly aware that besides the better known Don Cossacks and Zaporozhia Cossacks, there was a veritable host of other "Cossack hosts", such as the Siberian Cossacks. I believe that being a Cossack was indeed a particular legal status (soslovie) in Czarist Russia (distinct, indeed, both from peasants and landlords), with its own rights and obligations (in particular, military ones, of course).
As to Ivan Petlin and his traveling companion, I follow the venerable Samuel Purchas, who no doubt went along with the text of the original (1619) reports in Russian, which include phrases like this: "Лета 7128 августа в... день государь царь и великий князь Михайло Федорович всеа Русии велел сибирского Томского города казаку Ивану Петлину проведывати про Китайское государство и про Обь-реку великую и про иные государства" ("On August ... of AM 7128, the Lord Mikhailo Feodorovich, Czar and Great Prince of All Russia, ordered Ivan Petlin, a Cossack of the Siberian City of Tomsk to investigate about the Cathayan [Kitayskoye] State and the great Ob River and about other states"). The "Tomsk Cossack" appellation was then used in the title of numerous Russian publications of Petlin papers in the 19th and early 20th century, back when the Cossacks were still around as an actual soslovie, so I assume that the historians who used the term knew what they were doing.
As I was looking at other "Petlin papers" in this collection, I've noticed that at least one does use a more general term than "Cossack" to describe Petlin and Madov. Namely, the Tomsk voevoda I.S. Kurakin, reporting to Czar Mikhail, writes: "В нынешнем, государь, во 127 году писали мы, холопи твои, к [91] тебе, государю, с тоболь[ским] конным казаком с Климком Бобошиным, што пришли в Тоболеск ис Китайского государства и от Алтына-царя томские служилые люди Иваинко Петлин да Ондрюшка Мадов", i.e., "we... sent a report to Your Majesty with the Tobolsk Mounted Cossack Klim Boboshin, that the Tomsk Service People Ivan Petln and Andrei Madov had returned to Tobolsk ....". So in this letter, the voyvoda uses different terms for different people: he sends a Cossack to the Czar to report of the arrival of the Service class people (ru:Служилые люди) Petlin and Madov. But even then, according to the Russian wiki, the Service class people (ru:Служилые люди) included Cossacks as one of their subgroups, so this text is not necessarily contradictory. Vmenkov (talk) 03:10, 23 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]
P.S. And as to the very early Russian Siberian (i.e. the first several decades of the 17th century), I would not be surprised that most of the Russian people in Siberia (or at least in the areas closer to the current frontier of expansion) during some decades were in fact classified as Cossacks [or Service People in general]. While I don't know this for a fact, I reckon that in any given region there certainly had to be a period of exploration / conquest prior to the start of more regular agricultural and urban settlement, which brought more "conventional" Russian peasants and city people (meshchane, ru:мещане) to the region. Vmenkov (talk) 03:20, 23 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

The best source I could find is Raymond H. Fisher, 'The Russian Fur Trade',1943. He says that service-men were divided into Voyevodas,boyar-sons,streltsy,prisoners of war and cossacks-the largest class. In return for compulsory military service they received a salary and a plot of land (in eastern Siberia??) and elected their own atamans (??). When their services were not needed they could work on their own account. 'Ultimately all these military serving men came to be known as Cossacks', probably because distinctions broke down under frontier conditions. This still does not explain how the term migrated from the Don to Siberia. A mystery. Benjamin Trovato (talk) 06:15, 26 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Again, I don't claim expertise on this matter, but I reckon that the term migrated from the Lower Volga (home of the Volga Cossacks, mostly suppressed by the government in the late 16th) to the Kama (being recently conquered, and intensively colonized, in the 1570s) to Siberia (with Yermak).
A cursory search on Google Books reveals plenty of references to the 16th century Cossack activities not just on the Don and the Yaik (now Ural; see Ural Cossacks) but on the Volga as well. (They sure knew the way there - after all, that's where Stepan Razin had his rebellion a century later... ). While you don't hear much about "Volga Cossacks" these days, they apparently were quite active in the 16th c. - but already in decline, suppressed by Moscow authorities, by 1600: http://books.google.com/books?id=oIJcxOCwv54C&pg=PA11&dq="volga+cossacks"&as_brr=3&ei=VDMOS_DQHpOElQTo4JGYDA#v=onepage&q="volga cossacks"&f=false , page 11; http://books.google.com/books?id=SXewkdStLTEC&pg=PA60&dq="volga+cossacks"&as_brr=3&ei=4zEOS8C5FZWelQS6iqTYCw#v=onepage&q="volga cossacks"&f=false Ranging on the Volga, of course they would take part in the colonization of the recently conquered (after the fall of Kazan) Kama basin in the second half of the 16th century; thus, Yermak Timofeyevich was able to go from the Upper Kama to Siberia ca. 1580 with a band of Cossacks...
Forsyth has 58 hits for "Cossacks" in his book ( http://books.google.com/books?id=nzhq85nPrdsC&pg=PA33&dq=cossacks&as_brr=3&ei=eDQOS9nqE4qQlQSD8vicDA#v=onepage&q=cossacks&f=false , mostly none too complimentary ), and feels that the term was sometimes used quite generically (pp. 33-34). Vmenkov (talk) 08:03, 26 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Hi. can you help out with this? I've used it in a FAC here and the comment has been this. Thanks. Fainites barleyscribs 16:38, 26 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks very much.Fainites barleyscribs 23:22, 26 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

There's a message for you at the bottom of my talkpage.Fainites barleyscribs 14:42, 27 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your help.Fainites barleyscribs 19:30, 30 November 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Russian Far East


Hi, Vladimir! When I first joined Wikipedia, my intent was to work on the topics related mostly to the Russian Far East. I did that for a while, but then moved on to broader subjects. Nevertheless, I managed to leave after me a whole lot of mess (well, it wasn't mess then, but by our current criteria it is). One of the things I was routinely doing is to include very early histories of areas on which modern Russian places now stand. History of Primorsky Krai, for example, contains a whole bunch of stuff dating back to Bronze and Iron Ages, and there were a few other articles like that. At that time, there was no good place to put that kind of information, but now it can probably very easily be split into separate articles or even merged into existing ones. Would that be something you'd be interested in doing every now and then? I see, for instance, that you've recently worked on the Blagoveshchensk article; perhaps it would have been easy for you to offload the "early history" section to somewhere else? I do believe this kind of information adds value to these articles, but the problem is that it is often way too elaborate and creates a false impression of longer history (which, for the most part, has nothing to do with the Russians). A short paragraph or two is often quite sufficient, and, if a need arises, the main subject can always be linked to via {{Main}}. Do you have any thoughts about this?—Ëzhiki (Igels Hérissonovich Ïzhakoff-Amursky) • (yo?); 16:47, November 30, 2009 (UTC)

Uvazhaemye Ëzhiki:
Cesarevich Nicholas was welcomed to Vladovostok...
... even as the Jurchen stone tortoise was welcomed at Khabarovsk!
Thank you for your thoughtful comment. This region is not my top interest at the moment, but I do edit relevant articles every now and then. More often than not, I do it when I get too annoyed by seeing a little fact appear in a distorted or a strangely out-of-context way (as it was with Nikolayevsk-on-Amur a while back, I believe), and I feel it appropriate to provide more of that context. So in a sense I feel that I don't initiate "adding remote and irrelevant history" (as someone might say) to those articles, but rather try to bring existing half-digested pieces of history (usually, deposited by some anonymous contributors ages ago) into better shape. Thus my response to your suggestion will be necessarily "nuanced".
1) I certainly feel that plenty more separate articles on historical issues - peoples, places, and events - related to the Russian Far East and Northeastern China ought to be created and expanded. I myself have created such articles as Duchers, Sarhuda, Yishiha, Tyr, Russia, Boris Petrovich Polevoy and significantly expanded Zabaykalsk, South Manchurian Railway, Aigun, Ning'an, Ivan Petlin, Russian–Manchu border conflicts, Willow Palisade. I hope to do something with Outer Manchuria some day; at present, I can only be puzzled by the term, because of a seemingly anachronistic and "a-historic" name (basically, my impression is that the expression "Outer Manchuria" has hardly been ever used in the purported meaning outside of Wikipedia; a more likely early (19th c) use was simply, "the part of Manchuria north of the Willow Palisade". But I digress here...) So I certainly am in favor in creating higher-level historical articles and linking to them from individual cities' articles. How to properly "divide" the history is, of course, another issue - there should be of course a History of Amur Oblast article, but even then much material could probably located not there but in articles whose topic is defined in a more appropriately historical way - e.g. Amur Valley during the Bronze Age, or Russian settlements in 17th century Amur Basin, or Qiqiha'er Governorate, or whatever.
2) In principle, I quite agree with you in not being in favor of putting only vaguely relevant history material into every article that it can be conceivable connected to. (E.g., one could insert a disquisition on the Silk Road into most articles about Central Asian cities, but I try only to insert facts from that period that are relevant to the particular city).
3) Nonetheless, I don't think that I added too much "prehistory" to this particular article, Blagoveshchensk. That is, there are now exactly 7 sentences in the section Blagoveshchensk#Early_history_of_the_region (i.e., dealing with the area's history before 1856). These sentences were intended either to link to larger-scope historic articles of relevance (such as Russian–Manchu border conflicts or Treaty of Nerchinsk), or to talk about settlements that existed within immediate vicinity of today's Blagoveshchensk (i.e., first the Duchers' Aytyun, then the Manchus' Old Aigun), and for which there is no separate article. I don't think that the "impression of longer history" is necessarily false; nor do I think that the fact that the people who had lived in the area of today's Blagoveshchensk and Heihe during most of the last 1000 years had "nothing to do with the Russians" (or with Chinese) implies that the their history does not belong in the story of Blagoveshchensk. There is a big paragraph on Eora in Sydney; there is a bit of Mi'kmaq, and plenty more on Acadians in City of Halifax; so I daresay that the Duchers or Daurs deserve at least as much. In my view, history is continuous, and the existence of the (Ducher) agricultural civilization in the region in the 17th century affected both the Russians' and the Manchus' actions at the time, which in their turn determined what happened to the area for the next 200 years. And even if the Russian settlers and governors of the 1860s and later decades may have wanted to have a clean break with the past, I don't think that that was possible.
From my point of view, the problem with Blagoveshchensk#History is not so much that it has too much on "pre-history", but that it has too little on later (Russian Empire / USSR) history! As you can see, I have added a couple paragraphs (and references) on 1890-1900, but I have no ambition to write other sections from scratch - but it, obviously, is absolutely ridiculous that the article presently has exactly one (1) sentence on the city's USSR-period history! I guess that, unlike Nizhny Novgorod, Khabarovsk, or, lately, Tyumen, we just don't have any contributors from Blagoveshchensk who are interested in writing a good article about the place's more recent history - but IMHO that's hardly a reason why other contributors should not add information on other periods for which they have sources. Ideally, of course, the history section should be expanded to at least a couple pages, with both pre- and post-1917 information; and once it's that big, it will be justify to move most of it into a separate History of Blagoveshchensk article.
With Nikolayevsk-na-Amure (which I edited a year or so ago) the situation was a bit different: it used to have some, generally correct, but strangely represented, facts, and I just tried reference them and put them in the right context (which, incidentally, would indicate that Tyr, Russia is a fairly long way upstream from Nikolayevsk-na-Amure, so the facts in fact aren't all that relevant... But again, lacking a history article with a proper scope to which I could move those facts (and then refer to them with {{Main}}), I did not move them out of the article.
4) If you have an inclination to reorganize history coverage for the region by creating appropriate articles and reshuffling existing material accordingly, I will be only glad to see that. I probably don't have time and sufficient dedication to undertake such a project myself. Two projects for which I do have plans to finally complete them are User:Vmenkov/Linxia City and Dungan Rebellion, and both are 2+ years in the making already... Vmenkov (talk) 01:21, 1 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for your detailed and thoughtful reply, Vladimir. With Blagoveshchensk, I admit it wasn't the best example to use; it just was something that popped up in my watchlist that day, so I used it as an example. I most certainly don't think that there is too much "pre-history" in that particular article. History of Primorsky Krai, on the other hand, is a different matter entirely.
All in all, my thoughts about handling the history sections of places/oblasts/krais in the RFE are as follows. With cities, I believe it suffices to provide a short blurb regarding the area in which that particular city is located, but the detailed stuff should start from around the time of the city's foundation by the Russians. With Vladivostok, for example, we could mention that the area had a rich medieval history followed by a period of relative quiet, and then really go into details starting with the 1850s. For modern polities (like Primorsky Krai or Amur Oblast) the focus should really be on the 1930s and later. Earlier histories should be placed in articles about earlier entities (like currently non-existing Primorskaya Oblast), and histories earlier still would be covered in more appropriate articles (for example, describing the intricacies of Mohe tribes in the "history of Primorsky Krai" article in relation to modern districts of Primorsky Krai, as it is currently done, makes no sense whatsoever). Yeah, Mohe did live on the territory of modern Terneysky District, but that warrants a short side note in the Terneysky District article at best, not an elaborate description in an article about the history of a krai which did not even exist until 1938. While history is continuous, care should be exercised as to not imply connections which are simply not there. It's not about severing links to the past (i.e., separating Russian and pre-Russian histories); it's about not creating links that never were. Ancient Jurchens have no relation to modern Primorsky Krai whatsoever, other than the fact that their empires covered the same territory Primorsky Krai now does. There simply is no continuity here. You and me know that, of course, but I'm afraid an uninformed reader stumbling upon the "history of Primorsky Krai" article might very well get a very false impression.
The bottom line is that I'd love to be the one to organize all that history stuff neatly and properly, but when I was asking you I was kind of hoping you'd be able to do it (since you are one of very few people interested in this area). Alas, it seems you don't have much more time for that than I do, so I'm not going to keep bugging you, asking to clean up the mess for which I myself am in no small part responsible. So, all I ask of you is to keep in mind possible splits and separations if you happen to stumble upon something you are going to edit anyway (like Blagoveshchensk or Nikolayevsk-na-Amure). Thanks again for your time and response!—Ëzhiki (Igels Hérissonovich Ïzhakoff-Amursky) • (yo?); 14:54, December 1, 2009 (UTC)

A content RfC has been opened on this topic if you would like to comment. Cla68 (talk) 07:01, 6 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Great work on adding a lot of good information. Perhaps a lot of that also needs to be added to the main articles on those railroads. I'll need to go through and list the sources in the references section, so I may need to ask you for more detail on the Russian sources. Thanks again. Cla68 (talk) 12:51, 7 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
[1] It's just that when I searched for the word in Wikipedia, it came up with several locations around Eastern China with that same name, so I took the easy way of dealing with it. Cla68 (talk) 12:09, 9 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]
That link to Trans-Eurasian logistics is very useful. By the way, I'll probably be spending some time fixing up the Bering Strait crossing article which means I may be away from the Eurasian Land Bridge article for awhile. Cla68 (talk) 23:48, 9 December 2009 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for Turtle farming

Updated DYK query On January 3, 2010, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article Turtle farming, which you created or substantially expanded. You are welcome to check how many hits your article got while on the front page (here's how, quick check ) and add it to DYKSTATS if it got over 5,000. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the Did you know? talk page.

Materialscientist (talk) 00:00, 3 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Bixi (tortoise) layout


The Marco Polo Bridge image's caption is far longer than the other one, thus I think in terms of appearance, it looks much better for it to be on the right and leave some space for the image and the text. It looks crowded if its on the left hand side.--Sevilledade (talk) 23:29, 18 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

DYK nomination of Bixi (tortoise)


Hello! Your submission of Bixi (tortoise) at the Did You Know nominations page has been reviewed, and there still are some issues that may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) underneath your nomination's entry and respond there as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to Did You Know! Bradjamesbrown (talk) 22:29, 23 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Request for input


Hi Vmenkov,

I've often seen you making edits to China-related articles and you always do good work. So I was wondering if you'd like to (if you have time) offer comments or criticism on the July 2009 Ürümqi riots, which is currently at FAC (see Wikipedia:Featured article candidates/July 2009 Ürümqi riots/archive1). If not, that's ok; just thought I'd ask. Best, rʨanaɢ talk/contribs 08:41, 25 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, Vmenkov. You have new messages at Rjanag's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

DYK for Bixi (tortoise)

Updated DYK query On January 25, 2010, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article Bixi (tortoise), which you created or substantially expanded. You are welcome to check how many hits your article got while on the front page (here's how, quick check ) and add it to DYKSTATS if it got over 5,000. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the Did you know? talk page.

Materialscientist (talk) 18:00, 25 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]

What is your opinion? Share with us!


We are having problems to reach a stable consensus about removal of visa-free sections from the Passport articles. Please share your opinion with us here: Talk:Passport and here: a request for mediation Thanks. --Ozguroot (talk) 15:50, 4 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Linxia City


... has been challenged at DYK. Please respond to the concerns raised, thanks Gatoclass (talk) 10:50, 26 February 2010 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for Linxia City

Updated DYK query On March 1, 2010, Did you know? was updated with a fact from the article Linxia City, which you created or substantially expanded. You are welcome to check how many hits your article got while on the front page (here's how, quick check ) and add it to DYKSTATS if it got over 5,000. If you know of another interesting fact from a recently created article, then please suggest it on the Did you know? talk page.

Materialscientist (talk) 06:08, 1 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Splitting Motorize bicycle into two articles


I wanted to make sure that you had seen my discussion re: my plans to split Motorized bicycle into two articles, one of which will deal exclusively with ebikes. Please let me know if you have any input. Thanks! Ebikeguy (talk) 20:28, 14 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

I am concerned that this may be a sock of Yongle the Great (talk · contribs) who had some sleeper socks and still edits daily with new accounts and IPs. Like Yongle, he/she is unresponsive on their talk page, doesn't use edit summaries, and edits similar arguments. I'm away now until Saturday so can do little about him except place a warning on his page. Dougweller (talk) 14:49, 15 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

No worries, if you feel like undoing what he did (and I did after him), I have nothing against that. Vmenkov (talk) 14:59, 15 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Machang qingzhensi


Hello Vmenkov! I just wrote a short article about (de:Xidaotang) (in German). Do you have further information about the building? Best, Reiner Stoppok -- (talk) 21:22, 27 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Reiner, Thank you for writing the article. By the way, I recall that there is a whole chapter (or at least a section) on Xidaotang in J. Lipman's book. If you are interested, but neither have access to the hard copy of the book nor can view those pages on Google Books, I can email you a photocopy.
As to the mosque building itself, I don't know anything about it - I just took a picture as I was walking by... In fact, you can see from the file names that when I (and the other poster, earlier) posted our photos, neither of us even knew its name! Now I have added the coordinates of the building (as based on the "Satellite" mode in Google Maps, where it can be seen quite clearly; the Satellite view seems to be shifted by a few hundreds of meters from the "Map" mode, though!) to commons:Category:Linxia_Xidaotang_Machang_Mosque, but that's the only bit of knowledge I can communicate.
Keep the good work! -- Vmenkov (talk) 02:58, 28 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]
Here it is more clear ... ;) Keep the good work (and the good photography)! Reiner Stoppok -- (talk) 12:19, 28 March 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Re: Hydro power plants in China

Hello, Vmenkov. You have new messages at Rehman's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Hi, Vmenkov. We have discussed this article before, and I was wondering if you'd be interested in expressing your opinion or offering suggestions/criticisms at the FAC, located here. Thanks, rʨanaɢ (talk) 15:46, 7 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, Vmenkov

Please see my note in the discussion page of Bixi (tortoise). Have a nice day.Nedim Ardoğa (talk) 06:38, 10 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Note taken, correction made. Thanks for correcting the Kagan's name. -- Vmenkov (talk) 20:54, 15 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Article in Dungan


Hi Vmenkov,

Here my attempt at the translation to Dungan:

What do you think? --Jose77 (talk) 03:31, 27 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Ma Hualong


Just wanted to give you some kudos for updating the Ma Hualong page. Jordalus (talk) 17:47, 29 May 2010 (UTC)[reply]

You are now a Reviewer


Hello. Your account has been granted the "reviewer" userright, allowing you to review other users' edits on certain flagged pages. Pending changes, also known as flagged protection, will be commencing a two-month trial at approximately 23:00, 2010 June 15 (UTC).

Reviewers can review edits made by users who are not autoconfirmed to articles placed under flagged protection. Flagged protection is applied to only a small number of articles, similarly to how semi-protection is applied but in a more controlled way for the trial.

When reviewing, edits should be accepted if they are not obvious vandalism or BLP violations, and not clearly problematic in light of the reason given for protection (see Wikipedia:Reviewing process). More detailed documentation and guidelines can be found here.

If you do not want this userright, you may ask any administrator to remove it for you at any time. Courcelles (talk) 20:23, 15 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Fair use rationale for File:Chingachgook-ASIN-B00005NFMB.jpg


Thanks for uploading or contributing to File:Chingachgook-ASIN-B00005NFMB.jpg. I notice the file page specifies that the file is being used under fair use but there is not a suitable explanation or rationale as to why each specific use in Wikipedia constitutes fair use. Please go to the file description page and edit it to include a fair use rationale.

If you have uploaded other fair use media, consider checking that you have specified the fair use rationale on those pages too. You can find a list of 'file' pages you have edited by clicking on the "my contributions" link (it is located at the very top of any Wikipedia page when you are logged in), and then selecting "File" from the dropdown box. Note that any non-free media lacking such an explanation will be deleted one week after they have been tagged, as described on criteria for speedy deletion. If you have any questions please ask them at the Media copyright questions page. Thank you. Sfan00 IMG (talk) 09:40, 29 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]



Would you have anything to add here Talk:Metallurgical_education#Redirection? Thanks. Philly jawn (talk) 16:42, 7 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

An article that you have been involved in editing, Metallurgical education, has been listed for deletion. If you are interested in the deletion discussion, please participate by adding your comments at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Metallurgical education. Thank you.

Please contact me if you're unsure why you received this message. Fiddle Faddle (talk) 18:03, 7 July 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Speedy deletion declined: Muticolored Mosque


Hello Vmenkov. I am just letting you know that I declined the speedy deletion of Muticolored Mosque, a page you tagged for speedy deletion, because of the following concern: reasonable redirect from alternative spelling. Thank you. JohnCD (talk) 09:22, 22 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Sorry, I didn't spot the missing "l" - that is indeed a good R3 and I have deleted it. JohnCD (talk) 14:15, 22 August 2010 (UTC)[reply]

DYK Hong Bao


Hello! Your submission of Hong Bao at the Did You Know nominations page has been reviewed, and there still are some issues that may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) underneath your nomination's entry and respond there as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to Did You Know!

DYK for Hong Bao


RlevseTalk 00:03, 4 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

DYK nomination of Ghiyasu'd-Din Naqqah


Hello! Your submission of Ghiyasu'd-Din Naqqah at the Did You Know nominations page has been reviewed, and there still are some issues that may need to be clarified. Please review the comment(s) underneath your nomination's entry and respond there as soon as possible. Thank you for contributing to Did You Know!  Sandstein  21:43, 9 September 2010 (UTC)[reply]

WikiProject Central Asia


Hi~ Based on some of your recent edits, I wanted to invite you to join WikiProject Central Asia. I think you would be a valuable contributor. Aelfthrytha (talk) 02:30, 17 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]



See discussions at User talk:Silver seren#Article rescue and User talk:Uncle G#About mumijo. It might be worth your dropping at note at Talk:Shilajit#Mumiyo deserves a separate article, too. Uncle G (talk) 19:23, 30 November 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Since you previously commented on the issue, you might want to chime in at Talk:Ministry of External Relations (Soviet Union)#Requested move. Nsk92 (talk) 15:14, 1 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Bely Yar


Just wanted to say thanks for this clarification. But do you know if it is a part of any inhabited locality there, or not? I'm trying to rid that page of that entry altogether and move the fort information to an applicable article, and I don't have access to mapping services at the moment. Cheers,—Ëzhiki (Igels Hérissonovich Ïzhakoff-Amursky) • (yo?); December 1, 2010; 20:07 (UTC)

All I know is what the Russian Wikipedia and Google Maps say! The article ru:Белоярское сельское поселение (Ульяновская область) claims that the "rural settlement" includes (among other things):
  1. село Новый Белый Яр — административный центр;
  2. село Старый Белый Яр;
Google Maps shows both villages, within 2-3 miles from each other. It would be logical to assume that the old fort (and, probably whatever is shown as Bely Jar at File:Stielers_Handatlas_1891_47.jpg) was at (or near) what's called Stary Bely Yar now-a-days; some of the old village may have been lost to the Kuybyshev Reservoir, though. The article at http://www.ulgov.ru/power/regions/cherdaklar/ actually has a phone number for the village's local government - you can call if you really care! :-) -- Vmenkov (talk) 20:37, 1 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
P.S. Did a bit of searching, and here are all the gory details, much as I thought. It seems that the most notable event in the 20th-century history of the place was the capture of a giant beluga sturgeon in 1933: "21 июня 1933 года недалеко от Старого Белого Яра удалось поймать неводом белугу весом 343 кг." -- Vmenkov (talk) 20:37, 1 December 2010 (UTC)[reply]
I do actually care to the point that I would call them :) Unfortunately, whatever they tell me (which I doubt is going to be much if I just call out of the blue) won't qualify as a reliable source, so there. At any rate, thanks much for looking into this. I'm going to check what kind of old maps I have back at home; perhaps there'll be some clues there. Thanks again; you've helped quite a bit!—Ëzhiki (Igels Hérissonovich Ïzhakoff-Amursky) • (yo?); December 1, 2010; 21:16 (UTC)

DYK for Fate, Shulan


The DYK project (nominate) 12:02, 11 December 2010 (UTC)



I noticed you’ve contributed to the article on Xiao’erjing. Could you please help adding inline citations to that article and/or discuss here? --Babelfisch (talk) 04:59, 11 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I've taken a look at the history, and my contribution to that article was pretty minimal, and not involved adding actual facts. I don't consider myself knowledgeable on the topic in any way, but know that Lipman's book (mentioned among the sources) has a few pages on the history of XEJ, and probably so does Dillon's book as well. Unfortunately, I will be traveling for the next month, and won't have a chance to look at the sources. -- Vmenkov (talk) 05:14, 11 January 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Zhejiang Railway Station listed at Redirects for discussion


An editor has asked for a discussion to address the redirect Zhejiang Railway Station. Since you had some involvement with the Zhejiang Railway Station redirect, you might want to participate in the redirect discussion (if you have not already done so). HXL's Roundtable and Record 22:26, 4 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Shou Qiu‎ & Shaohao Tomb‎


Thank you for providing all the material on these sites. I appreciate it a lot. rm (talk) 14:02, 6 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

What do you mean?


兄台在Talk:Family tree of Confucius in the main line of descent这里的留言,我怎么看不懂?——星光下的人 (talk) 10:00, 11 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

我所要说的是:人要是写什么关于的空子的嫡孙,就都写 "孔德成,孔子77代嫡孙","孔令贻, 孔子76代嫡孙","孔祥珂,孔子75代嫡孫", 等等. 我就觉得,我们在Family tree of Confucius in the main line of descent也会写, "Kong Decheng (77)", "Kong Lingyi (76)", "Kong Xiangke (75)", 等等. 读者要是问"第43,53,63的是谁?",就可能马上找到他。(Articles, books, monuments almost always say something like "Kong Decheng, the 77th-generation descendant of Confucius", etc. Every time these people are mentioned, their generation number is mentioned too. So I thought that it would be useful to have the generation number given for every [main line of descent] person in the table as well. This way if a reader wants to know e.g. "Who was the 43rd/53rd/63rd-generation descendant of Confucius?", he can easily find him in the table.) -- Vmenkov (talk) 02:35, 12 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]
这恐怕有难度,汉朝封给孔家世袭的爵位始于孔霸,但他是二房长孙,长房长孙孔何齐一支是殷绍嘉公,负责祭祀成汤的,这成问题。更不必说宋元金时代南北衍圣公并立,一度出现三个衍圣公同时存在的情况。——星光下的人 (talk) 03:11, 12 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Hi, would you have an interest in improving "Turtle farming" to WP:Good article?TCO (talk) 18:44, 15 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Of course I would be glad to see that article improved to the GA state; but I am pretty busy at the moment with my work and other projects, and don't think I will be able to contribute too much to this project. Besides, I am not very knowledgeable about all the formal criteria that an article has to satisfy to qualify as a GA, and don't have time and inclination to learn about them at the moment. So if you want to start the process and to manage it, I will put the discussion page on my watchlist and will try to make some of the requested improvements; but it is you who may end up having to do most of the work! -- Vmenkov (talk) 19:10, 15 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi Vmenkov
I am from the french Wiki. I've seen that you ask yourself of the changes made by an IP:, on the talk page of Purevdorj . I can tell you this IP made the same on french Wikipedia. All these autochtonous names are absolutely nonsense, but from someone who knows transcriptions systems and IPA..A strange case! There were, as on en:Wiki, different IP adresses during a few days. Dhegiha (talk) 10:55, 14 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

PS: Here are two other IP: [2], [3] — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dhegiha (talkcontribs) 11:02, 14 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Good idea to replace memorization with Hafiz (Qur'an) here. There's one little further improvement: The piped link gives the reader no indication that it goes to an article more pertinent than the simple term "memorize" (see WP:EGG). I was thinking about clarifying that in the text, but I don't know how to do that elegantly, because I don't know enough about hafiz. Do you have an idea? — Sebastian 11:34, 30 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I have re-worded for clarity, although at the cost of having a longer sentence. If you can improve on it, feel free to do it. I am sure don't know any more of the subject than you do. -- Vmenkov (talk) 14:58, 30 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you, that's about what I could have come up with yesterday. Now that I reread it, I think I found a better solution by rearranging the text of the two last sentences. I'm sorry that I'm thereby replacing your carefully worded addition; please don't hesitate to revert me if you'd rather not have such a big change. Thank you for your patience with this trifle, there are of course much bigger issues here waiting for us. — Sebastian 20:29, 30 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]
No worries. -- Vmenkov (talk) 01:14, 1 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Track gauge categories


All new imperial gauge categories have their metric equivalents displayed within the category. All metric gauge categories that survived are subcats of the appropriate imperial gauge category. Mjroots (talk) 11:15, 2 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Guangdong/Macau border crossings


Sorry for the confusion. I'm trying to make a consistent category and template that does not look like these are country-country bilateral borders. There is a bit of flux of redlinks because it seems like the db cache is not current. SchmuckyTheCat (talk)

"Subtle vandalism" on another language page?


If you have a moment, please take a look at this diff, showing edits to the Nivkh language article by someone who may be the same author as the one you identified on as producing subtle vandalism, or perhaps disinformation, on the Evenki language talk page. However, I'm not well enough acquainted with the language to know alone. If you are able to verify these edits in fact published false information, please let me know here on your talk page, and I'll undo them. If you are aware of other similar edits to language articles, I can undo those also. Cheers! JFHJr () 06:19, 16 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Vandalism of course, this and others. --Vmenkov (talk) 14:35, 16 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! I'll get on it. JFHJr () 17:00, 16 May 2011 (UTC) You beat me to it! Thanks again. JFHJr () 17:06, 16 May 2011 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for Bernardino de Escalante


Materialscientist (talk) 06:29, 13 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Wangtang (northwest of Guilin), Guangxi


Re-nommed. —HXL's Roundtable and Record 17:24, 18 June 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Bernardino de Escalante


Could you please reply to my query on the talkpage? Thanks, Ironholds (talk) 09:29, 1 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Proposed Tibetan naming conventions


A while back, I posted a new proposal for Tibetan naming conventions, i.e. conventions that can be used to determine the most appropriate titles for articles related to the Tibetan region. This came out of discussions about article titles on Talk:Qamdo and Talk:Lhoka (Shannan) Prefecture. I hope that discussions on the proposal's talk page will lead to consensus in favour of making these conventions official, but so far only a few editors have left comments. If you would be interested in taking a look at the proposed naming conventions and giving your opinion, I would definitely appreciate it. Thanks—Nat Krause(Talk!·What have I done?) 16:28, 2 July 2011 (UTC)[reply]

China province navboxes


Thank you so much. I've been begging for input. Your edits are most welcome. :) Anna Frodesiak (talk) 16:36, 2 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

My pleasure. I certainly like these navboxes.
Here's my opinion on navboxes like this in general. Pragmatically, they are useful, as they would give a reader an idea of what articles to look at in order to learn more about a province. However, such a box is only useful if it is of a more or less manageable size (i.e., only occupies a smallish portion of a screen). Editorially, therefore, it may be a struggle to decide where to put the cut-off line for inclusion.
E.g., we have 4 universities included in the Hubei navbox. Even if we assume that these are the "top 4" universities according to some widely accepted ranking, how can we object who feels that schools no. 5 and 6 in the same ranking also should be included, and so on - and there are probably over a dozen universities just in Wuhan. (And, of course, there is no universally accepted ranking of universities in reality).
Same goes for ethnic groups - I see that you have listed Han. Manchu, Mongol and Hui for Hubei. Fair enough, they all live there and are connected to the region's history. But in Gansu, for example, besides Han, there are 8 ethnic groups whose names appear in the names of various autonomous counties and prefectures (Hui, Mongol, Dongxiang, Bao'an, Salar, Yugur, Kazakh, Tibetan) - should we list all 9 there, or only those for which Gansu is the "main home"?
The cut-off decision may be even more problematic for, say, water features, mountain ranges (take a look at a map of Sichuan or Tibet A.R.!), or visitor attractions. I've added a couple of each to Hubei - but who is to say that, for example, the East Lake of Wuhan, Tortoise Mountain TV Tower, or Danjiangkou Reservoir should not be there as well? Common sense stops me from trying to overload the template with entries like those - but everybody has his own version of common sense; so how will we avoid future edit wars? Would you like to propose some kind of formal/informal guidelines on what should be included? Perhaps it can be worked on in Category talk:Country and territory topics templates, or, better, on the discussion pages of an appropriate subcategory. -- Vmenkov (talk) 19:19, 2 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]
You make good points. I do suggest waiting. The reason is that, unlike list articles, most drive-by editors don't think of adding to templates. More established editors usually work on them. These navboxes will expand, but I guess slowly. During that free-for-all time, the templates might improve naturally as editors who know the provinces, remove and add items per relative notability. I suggest addressing the problem if and when it becomes a problem.
For now, I am delighted to see you applying your judgment. When I made these navboves, I didn't know what should be added. I anticipated relying on editors like you to properly shape them. What do you think? Anna Frodesiak (talk) 01:56, 3 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Nomination of Shuǐ diào gē tóu for deletion


A discussion is taking place as to whether the article Shuǐ diào gē tóu is suitable for inclusion in Wikipedia according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines or whether it should be deleted.

The article will be discussed at Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Shuǐ diào gē tóu until a consensus is reached, and anyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion. The nomination will explain the policies and guidelines which are of concern. The discussion focuses on good quality evidence, and our policies and guidelines.

Users may edit the article during the discussion, including to improve the article to address concerns raised in the discussion. However, do not remove the article-for-deletion template from the top of the article. --Gh87 (talk) 04:34, 14 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

More Bloomington photos


If you're interested in more Bloomington photos, you may want to pay attention to the subcategories of Commons:Category:Streets in Bloomington, Indiana. I've been avoiding getting local pictures over the summer, since I've been trying to get more out-of-town photos (including two trips to Evansville), but with the advent of the new school year, I'm not likely to have time for many photos outside of the local area. Besides the historic buildings, I've been getting some others; the one that you'll likely find most interesting is File:School at 2280 Smith Road near Bloomington.jpg. According to Monroe County's GIS website, it was owned by All Saints Church from 1994 to 2002. Nyttend (talk) 02:55, 13 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

By the way, have you ever encountered Bloomingpedia? Nyttend (talk) 02:57, 13 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Glad you're enjoying everything; as I'm both in library science and in history (with a strong interest in microhistory/local history), I find it interesting/useful to give lots of details in the descriptions. I'm interning right now in the Monroe County History Center (the Carnegie Library, Washington and 6th, downtown), and I well know the annoyance of having an interesting photo but not knowing much about its subject, so I'm doing my best to spare future users that frustration. The All Saints connection to this property I found entirely by accident — I learned that there was once a PCA congregation in the area, so I contacted a man whom I know at their denominational archives (mainly for the History Center's benefit); he told me of its location, so I used the GIS and thus found the list of former owners as well as confirmation that it was the PCA congregation's property. One simple request: when you know the location, would you mind adding the coordinates? It will make it simpler for me to find the property and other information that you might not have. Nyttend (talk) 02:28, 14 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Do you have any other church photos that aren't online? In connexion with the internship, I've put together a list at User:Nyttend/Monroe County churches and added a photo for every church on the list if available on Commons, including your photo of the Hindustan church; however, a lot of rural churches are missing at the moment. Thanks! Nyttend backup (talk) 16:08, 22 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much! Unlike with average houses, the coords and descriptions aren't that important in my mind — I can't easily find an average house, but churches are generally easier to find. As well, I've already added data (and I have far more offline) to the list page, so as long as you specify which church is pictured, anything you don't add I should be able to do easily. Nyttend (talk) 16:46, 22 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks a lot! I was at Mount Ebal the other day (by accident: I made a wrong turn) and got a picture of significantly poorer quality. After the congregation folded in the 1970s, it was restored by a guy who now rents it out to people for weddings, dinners, etc.; that's probably why they advertise the fact that they have air conditioning. Nyttend (talk) 11:33, 23 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Another batch is in, in case you still need 'em. Of course, what's a landmark and what's an eyesore is in the eyes of the beholder... -- Vmenkov (talk) 22:15, 1 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

So you had blue sky today in Bloomington? I'm in Pennsylvania at Homecoming, and we had just-almost-freezing rain today...thanks for the new photos! Nyttend (talk) 05:14, 2 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for Yangshan Quarry


Materialscientist (talk) 08:02, 19 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Good work, getting your own photo featured in DYK! Have you ever had your own photo featured there before? Nyttend (talk) 12:03, 19 September 2011 (UTC)[reply]

St. Fireman's Church?


Just curious, where did you get St. Fireman's Church for First United? The station across the street? The tall tower out in front?

At some point, I suspect that we'll run into each other by accident: we'll both be photographing the same building, and then a day later we'll find each other's pictures online :-) Nyttend (talk) 19:10, 9 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

A brownie for you!

Thanks for making Wikipedia a better place. Enjoy this brownie! Pinkstrawberry02 talk 01:20, 17 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Wikipedia:The Musical in NYC

You are invited to Wikipedia:The Musical in NYC, an editathon, Wikipedia meet-up and lectures that will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2011, at the New York Public Library for the Performing Arts (at Lincoln Center), as part of the Wikipedia Loves Libraries events being held across the USA.

All are welcome, sign up on the wiki and here!--Pharos (talk) 05:17, 18 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

New Page Patrol survey


New page patrol – Survey Invitation

Hello Vmenkov! The WMF is currently developing new tools to make new page patrolling much easier. Whether you  have patrolled many pages or only a few, we now need to  know about your experience. The survey takes only 6 minutes, and the information you provide will not be shared with third parties other than to assist us in analyzing the results of the survey; the WMF will not use the information to identify you.

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You are receiving this invitation because you  have patrolled new pages. For more information, please see NPP Survey. Global message delivery 13:48, 26 October 2011 (UTC)

You are invited to the National Archives ExtravaSCANza, taking place every day next week from January 4–7, Wednesday to Saturday, in College Park, Maryland (Washington, DC metro area). Come help me cap off my stint as Wikipedian in Residence at the National Archives with one last success!

This will be a casual working event in which Wikipedians are getting together to scan interesting documents at the National Archives related to a different theme each day—currently: spaceflight, women's suffrage, Chile, and battleships—for use on Wikipedia/Wikimedia Commons. The event is being held on multiple days, and in the evenings and weekend, so that as many locals and out-of-towners from nearby regions1 as possible can come. Please join us! Dominic·t 01:42, 30 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

1 Wikipedians from DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Newark, New York City, and Pittsburgh have been invited.

Asking for some comments


Hi there, I happen to see that you have some knowledge on the tomb of the king of Boni, so would you please help us improve our page? I am a student of Nanjing Normal University, and I and some of my classmates have been working on a translation project on wikipedia. We are not sure of some of the translations, and we wish that you can help us. We are looking forward to your comments~ NNUTransAliceFan03090230 (talk) 15:31, 10 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Are you saying you are translating zh:浡泥国王墓? Great idea! I will be glad to take a look at your draft (e.g., in your user space on Wikipedia), and see if I can make any improvements. -- Vmenkov (talk) 16:14, 10 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I saw your comments and edits, thank you sooooo much for your help! If you need any help in the future about the Chinese culture, please feel free to ask us (although I think you probably know some of stuff better than we Chinese ourselves do...). Thank you again for your kind help!NNUTransAliceFan03090230 (talk) 15:30, 11 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for Turtle-back tombs


The DYK project (nominate) 08:02, 12 April 2012 (UTC)



... for the error-catches and additions at Battle of Cocos :) -- saberwyn 04:37, 20 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Am glad you found it useful. -- Vmenkov (talk) 05:31, 20 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]



Regarding User talk:Anna Frodesiak#Turtle farming: Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. :) Anna Frodesiak (talk) 23:21, 25 April 2012 (UTC)[reply]

A beer for you!

Thanks for taking an interest in the Zhaoqing page. I seem to be one of the few people interested in it :-) I'm good at new content and finding it but my poor word usage and run on sentencing tendencies are sometimes obvious as you can see; or I need to reread it a while later to see my errors. So do you have an interest in Zhaoqing or are you more on the technical side? You don't have to answer if you don't want, I'm not sure how this whole thing works yet. Cheers Whoisgalt (talk) 16:17, 14 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]
I am not particularly interested in Zhaoqing, but I made a few additions to that article a few years ago, when I was reading about Matteo Ricci, the Yongli Emperor, Michael Boym, and all that. So it has stayed on my watchlist ever since - somebody has to occasionally check for vandalism etc, after all... BTW, if you want to do some serious article rewriting and content adding, look at this one: Hui'an County! -- Vmenkov (talk) 16:24, 14 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Brisbane workshop and meetup invitation

Brisbane Meetup

See also: Australian events listed at Wikimedia.org.au (or on Facebook)

Hi there! You are cordially invited to a series of Paralympic History workshops and a meetup next Saturday (26 May) and Sunday. In attendance will be University of Queensland faculty members and Australian Paralympic Committee staff. Details and an attendee list are at Wikipedia:Meetup/Brisbane/5. Hope to see you there! John Vandenberg (chat) 10:34, 16 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

mass creation of stubs with errors


Hi, you might want to look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Administrators%27_noticeboard/Incidents#.27Jaguar.2FSandbox.2F3.27_edits Azylber (talk) 16:03, 17 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

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Thanks for helping make Wikipedia better. Enjoy your research! Cheers, Ocaasi t | c 22:02, 21 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

DYK for Cao'an


Casliber (talk · contribs) 00:05, 26 May 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Henry English Fulford


I was just abou to fix the date of death before you beat me to it. Don;t know if this is any help, but when checking the date, I came across another news story here, which suggests he was actually born in England, although still Australian. Also gives his school as the [[Melbourne Grammar School FlowerpotmaN·(t) 21:02, 15 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks much; I'll use it. -- Vmenkov (talk) 21:06, 15 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Great American Wiknic

We'll be meeting at West Branch Library noon to 4 p.m. on June 30th. See you soon! Bob the WikipediaN (talkcontribs) 02:58, 19 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Wikinic - last minute planning


The Wiknic is nearly upon us! We need to figure out who can bring different food items; please reply at Wikipedia talk:Meetup/Evansville/Wiknic/2012#Food. Thanks! Bob the WikipediaN (talkcontribs) 22:52, 25 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Depends on your schedule; see my note at User talk:BenKovitz. I'll check back once I'm off work. Nyttend backup (talk) 12:45, 27 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Got your email; on break from work right now. Just wanted to make sure — did you see the note I left at Ben's talk this morning? I probably left it after you sent the email. I'm out on the east side, but going Hillside to Walnut to Winslow would be a good route in my mind (of course it depends on where Ben wants to meet); I'm looking to take 45 to Scotland, south on 231 to 58 and through Odon, then south on 57 through Washington and Oakland City to Evansville. I've gone this route several times, except for the Odon cutoff; a friend here in Bloomington worked at Angel Mounds for a while, and he recommends going through Odon. Of course you have the I-69 construction down there, but I'm looking to contact another friend who drives that way to work daily. Nyttend (talk) 17:31, 27 June 2012 (UTC)[reply]



Trusting that you have merged all content from the current article on the village to the article on the town, I'll go ahead and re-direct. When you respond, I'll G6 speedy it. GotR Talk 05:00, 11 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Fine by me. -- Vmenkov (talk) 05:12, 11 July 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Bloomington meetup


Don't know if you heard, but the library school's Society of American Archivists student chapter is putting on a meetup on Saturday. There's not a ton of space at the venue (University Archives, fourth floor of Wells Library), so if you're interested, you should contact Brimarshall, the organiser. If you want to send Brimarshall an email directly instead of through the email service, let me know and I'll forward you the email that went put on the library school listserv. Nyttend (talk) 04:09, 4 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Oops, never mind: Brimarshall hasn't enabled Special:EmailUser. Just leave me a note if you're interested in seeing the listserv email. Nyttend (talk) 04:11, 4 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Email sent to you. Nyttend (talk) 04:33, 4 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

"Pike pole" v. "Pike"


Greetings User Vmenkov. Please see Talk: Pike pole so we may sort out the apparent confusion over Pike pole (a tool) and the Pike (a weapon). Thank you. Wikiuser100 (talk) 18:38, 4 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hello, Vmenkov. You have new messages at Ezhiki's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time.
Hello, Vmenkov. You have new messages at Ezhiki's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

Looking for sources for a map you uploaded


Hello! I'm currently going through a FAC review for Shunzhi Emperor, an article that uses File:Yongli-itinerary-cropped.svg, a file you uploaded a few years ago. In the image review, someone has asked what sources you used to create this map, and I had to admit I had no idea! I could check the itinerary of the Yongli Emperor in reliable sources like Frederic Wakeman's The Great Enterprise or Lynn Struve's book on The Southern Ming, but things would go faster if you could just let me know what your sources were. (Only if that is convenient, of course!) Thanks in advance for your help, Madalibi (talk) 04:15, 12 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]

The map does not claim to show the exact route (i.e., the exact roads and waterways used by the Yongli Emperor and his retinue), or to show all points where he stayed during his last 15 years. It simply includes the main locations and dates mentioned in the standard literature, connected by someone arbitrary lines. I can't quote exact page numbers now, but you probably will find all these places mentioned in any of the following works:
  • Struve, Lynn A. (1986), "The bitter end: Notes on the demise of the Yongli Emperor", Ming Studies, vol. 21, pp. 62–76, ISSN 0147-037X
  • Struve, Lynn A. (translator and editor) (1993), Voices from the Ming-Qing Cataclysm: China in Tigers' Jaws, Yale University Press, ISBN 0300075537 {{citation}}: |first= has generic name (help)
Struve (1988) and Wakeman (1985) are, of course, exactly the books you mention; so if you can do full-text search on either of them with Google Books, you probably will find all the locations I've mentioned (and maybe more - so you can improve the map a bit!). Hope this helps. -- Vmenkov (talk) 04:51, 12 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]
P。S。Guangnan is one point on the map that may perhaps have come from another source than the books above. You'll find a lot of references to the Emperor's family passing through it if you search on 广南 永历 with a web search engine. E.g. 云南历史遗迹:广南皇姑坟和皇姑庙, an article about the tomb of (皇姑坟) and temple in honor of (皇姑庙) of the emperor's sister who died there. -- Vmenkov (talk) 05:13, 12 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you very much for pointing this out, for updating the file, and for making a comment at the FAC review! Cheers, Madalibi (talk) 05:56, 12 November 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Hello, Vmenkov. You have new messages at Ezhiki's talk page.
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.

fengtai railway station


Hi, I've seen your recent changes to Fengtai Railway Station. They look great!

There's one thing I'd like to ask your opinion about:

As you explained in the changes you made, there are 3 "different" stations with this name:

  • the old railway station
  • the new railway station
  • the subway station

All of them have the same name, but they are in exactly the same place, and as far as passengers are concerned, they are the same station.

So my question is: do you think we should have one article, or 3 separate articles?

In my opinion, we should have one article, and explain all this stuff in the future history section of the article.

If you agree, we'll do it like that. Azylber (talk) 06:38, 13 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I don't care much one way or the other. It seems that the usual Wikipedia convention is to have separate articles for subway stations from articles about eponymous objects that the stations serve (see e.g. Hongqiao Railway Station (Shanghai Metro) vs Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station) . However, I agree with you that from the pragmatic point of view, it makes no sense to split this article until/unless it has become much bigger. (Which probably will happen a few years down the line, when the new Fengtai Railway Station is actually built.) -- Vmenkov (talk) 06:51, 13 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Location of Sanya Railway Station


Hi. I saw your recent edits on the Sanya Railway Station page. Many thanks! Sorry, I thought I had spotted an erroneous location... but I now believe what I first thought was the junction of the new high speed railway lines (namely Hainan Eastern Ring High-Speed Railway and Hainan Western Ring Railway) is indeed a nascent motorway. So, I have fixed the location on Geonames: http://www.geonames.org/8299311/sanya-railway-station.html . Note that Google Maps is not always right, and its accuracy is not always perfect... -- Denis.arnaud (talk) 13:48, 22 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Denis, I agree that one can't trust Google Maps (or any cartographic source) 100%. In this case, fortunately, we have consistent location confirmation from many sources:
* the typical passenger railway station building on Google Maps satellite view;
* label on the Google Maps map view
* location shown on "how to get to" web pages, such as 三亚新火车站地址; 交通图
* description of the location as being "some 4.7 km" from downtown on zh.wiki
* description of the new Sanya Railway Station - Sanya Phoenix Airport Railway Station segment as being about 10 km long. -- Vmenkov (talk) 17:21, 22 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, yes, sure, you are fully right :)
I also usually strive to gather a consistent collection of pieces of information on any given POR (point of reference, i.e., city, airport, railway station), so as to curate an open POR data file (http://github.com/opentraveldata/optd/). That data file is a synthesis of several sources, including IATA, Geonames and of course Wikipedia. Thanks for your vigilance! -- Denis.arnaud (talk) 18:58, 22 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

very nice. Decora (talk) 20:08, 22 December 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Location map tragedy


Unfortunately, in addition to Gansu, Commons lacks location maps for Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Shaanxi, and Ningxia, which is 13 out of 34; Shanxi and Henan use non-standard maps for their location map templates. They should have been released long before I started my township campaign, but it seems many of the cartographers at Commons are content with turning a blind eye and continuing to portray Chinese geography in the same, sloppy, monolithic manner much of the media does. In 2011, when I first pressed for change on this matter in June/July, Fujian (x2 versions), Hubei and Chongqing were uploaded by September. In 2012, only Shanghai was released. NordNordWest, the creator of many of the existing maps, will probably not agree to any requests for the time being. The same goes for Yug. Do you know anyone who can start churning these out, or could you possibly ask around Commons? P.S.: Happy the Year of Hope! (as CCTV puts it) GotR Talk 03:09, 1 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I don't have any good leads for reaching a "map master craftsman", unfortunately. But I'll try to research the issue when/if I have a chance. 新年快乐! -- Vmenkov (talk) 02:15, 2 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Doing the "Open Space" thing at one of our earlier NYC Wiki-Conferences.

You are invited to celebrate Wikipedia Day and the 12th anniversary (!) of the founding of the site at Wikipedia Day NYC on Saturday February 23, 2013 at New York University; sign up for Wikipedia Day NYC here, or at bit.ly/wikidaynyu. Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues!

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience!--Pharos (talk) 03:29, 2 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Chinese expressway article title renaming


Hi. I've made a proposal to Wikipedia talk:Naming conventions (Chinese)#Expressway naming to drop the numbered prefix from expressway article names for Chinese expressways. Thought you may be interested in giving your thoughts. Heights(Want to talk?) 01:32, 3 January 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Wikipedia Meetup NYC this Sunday April 14


Hi Vmenkov! You're invited to our next meeting for Wikipedia Meetup NYC on Sunday April 14 -this weekend- at Symposium Greek Restaurant @ 544 W 113th St (in the back room), on the Upper West Side in the Columbia University area.

Please sign up, and add your ideas to the agenda for Sunday. Thanks!

Delivered on behalf of User:Pharos, 18:16, 10 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Great American Wiknic


Hi! It's that time of year again-- this year's Wiknic will be held in Bloomington. We're still in the initial planning stages. Hope to see you in June! Bob the WikipediaN (talkcontribs) 21:12, 14 April 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Discussion on Ashkenazi Jews talk page - should Sholem Aleichem be in the collage


Hi :-) Due to the fact I saw you interested in the topic, I thought you might want to take part in it.

There is a discussion on the Talk:Ashkenazi Jews regarding should Sholem Aleichem and Mikhail Botvinnik be in the collage or not. The discussion is called "Ones and for all, should Sholem Aleichem and Mikhail Botvinnik be in the collage".

Please take part in the vote and state your opinion on the topic. Thank you! (talk) 15:52, 4 May 2013 (UTC)[reply]

NYC Wiki-Picnic: Saturday June 22

Great American Wiknic NYC at Prospect Park
You are invited to the Great American Wiknic NYC in Brooklyn's green and lovely Prospect Park, on this Saturday June 22! We would love to see you there, so sign up and bring something fun for the potluck :) -- User:Pharos (talk)

Wikipedia Takes Brooklyn! Saturday September 7

Brookln Public Library
Please join Wikipedia Takes Brooklyn scavenger hunt on September 7, 2013!
Everyone gather at the Brooklyn Public Library to further Wikipedia's coverage of—
photos and articles related to Brooklyn, its neighborhoods and the local landmarks.
--EdwardsBot (talk)

Wikimedia NYC Meetup! Saturday October 5

Jefferson Market Public Library
Please join the Wikimedia NYC Meetup on October 5, 2013!
Everyone gather at Jefferson Market Library to further Wikipedia's local outreach
for education, museums, libraries and planning WikiConference USA.
--Pharos (talk) 22:09, 1 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, I see that you have added some interesting stuff on one of Gorky's works, and I wonder if you have any special knowledge of the topic or if you can speak Russian. We are currently discussing "The Song of the Stormy Petrel" and its relevance or not to the European Storm Petrel at the articles FAC. Can you advance the discussion over there? Snowman (talk) 16:44, 27 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Given that this is a bit contentious, we will obviously need RS sources to progress, and Snowmanradio does not accept the Time review as such (not important as it stands since the fact it supported could be referenced to another source. Thanks in advance if you feel you can help Jimfbleak - talk to me? 17:31, 27 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
That reminds me, it might be helpful if the storm petrel article included sources for the lines about Gorgy. Snowman (talk) 19:28, 27 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I have added a few refs to Storm Petrel (and also to European Storm Petrel, where they perhaps are not needed), providing some context for using the term by Gorky and others. Margaret Ziolkowski in her book's bibliography actually lists an article by one N.S.Travushkin whose exact topic is, "Burevestnik [stormy petrel] before and after Gorky (a symbol, a metaphor, a signal word)". That article is not online, but we have Google n-Grams now to help us get an idea how the word was used. -- Vmenkov (talk) 04:53, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for refs. Note that European Storm Petrel is a Featured Article candidate, so referencing has to be consistent. For books I use shortform +cited text, cite template (not citation), no G-book links. I've reformatted your additions, but could you add the page numbers for the two short forms where I don't have them. Thanks Jimfbleak - talk to me? 07:07, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
The two "short forms" refs you mention (I assume, Jacobson (1925) and Lynah (1934)) are books which contain the metaphor in their very title, so if you really want a page number you'd have to say something like "title page" :-)
I am not really all that interested in formatting minutiae, but I would like to make two comments. (1) I would suggest that instead of formatting references by hand, as "Ziolkowski (1998) p. 111" etc., you use something like {{harvnb|Ziolkowski|1998|p=111}}. The latter form renders the same way on the screen, but it also allows painless navigation for the user, allowing him to find the full book citation in one click, instead of searching through the bibliography section. (2) The policy against links to Google Books links (and, presumably, links to books on archive.org, etc?) seems rather misguided to me. For newer books, which have ISBNs, it is forgivable, as an interested reader can fairly easily reach the Google Books page by following the ISBN link. But for older books, especially out of copyright ones (which may have their full text online on books.google.com or Archive.org) it is downright ridiculous, since finding the text (especially of the right edition, with the matching page numbers) just by title and author name is sometimes a non-trivial exercise. -- Vmenkov (talk) 17:07, 28 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]
  • Whatever the advantages of the Harvard system, in this article I'm not going to reformat all the earlier refs, and since I tend to use the same books for several FAs. Anyway, the only point I was trying to make was the need for a consistent Style
  • For out of copyright, I'm happy to link to Arkive.org if there is free text available there. I don't use Gbooks because the content varies with time and country (I followed two of your links to pages which didn't have any viewable text), the latter presumably due to different copyright laws and/or publisher agreements. I also dislike the fact that the Gbooks pages always have links to sales pages.

Books and Bytes: The Wikipedia Library Newsletter

Books and Bytes

Volume 1, Issue 1, October 2013

by The Interior (talk · contribs), Ocaasi (talk · contribs)

Greetings Wikipedia Library members! Welcome to the inaugural edition of Books and Bytes, TWL’s monthly newsletter. We're sending you the first edition of this opt-in newsletter, because you signed up, or applied for a free research account: HighBeam, Credo, Questia, JSTOR, or Cochrane. To receive future updates of Books and Bytes, please add your name to the subscriber's list. There's lots of news this month for the Wikipedia Library, including new accounts, upcoming events, and new ways to get involved...

New positions: Sign up to be a Wikipedia Visiting Scholar, or a Volunteer Wikipedia Librarian

Wikipedia Loves Libraries: Off to a roaring start this fall in the United States: 29 events are planned or have been hosted.

New subscription donations: Cochrane round 2; HighBeam round 8; Questia round 4... Can we partner with NY Times and Lexis-Nexis??

New ideas: OCLC innovations in the works; VisualEditor Reference Dialog Workshop; a photo contest idea emerges

News from the library world: Wikipedian joins the National Archives full time; the Getty Museum releases 4,500 images; CERN goes CC-BY

Announcing WikiProject Open: WikiProject Open kicked off in October, with several brainstorming and co-working sessions

New ways to get involved: Visiting scholar requirements; subject guides; room for library expansion and exploration

Read the full newsletter

Thanks for reading! All future newsletters will be opt-in only. Have an item for the next issue? Leave a note for the editor on the Suggestions page. --The Interior 20:44, 27 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

The Wikipedia Library Survey


As a subscriber to one of The Wikipedia Library's programs, we'd like to hear your thoughts about future donations and project activities in this brief survey. Thanks and cheers, Ocaasi t | c 15:14, 9 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Question about Hui image in File:Beijing-Niujie-Minzu-Tuanjie-Da-Jiating-3666.jpg


Dear Mr. Menkov,

Do you have a closeup of the Hui person in File:Beijing-Niujie-Minzu-Tuanjie-Da-Jiating-3666.jpg? I would like to use it for the article about Niujie.

WhisperToMe (talk) 00:35, 13 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! If you had taken any more photos of the fence that are not already in Commons:Category:Niujie, please either list them for me (so I can recategorize them), or recategorize them from Xuanwu District to Niujie. WhisperToMe (talk) 02:07, 13 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Awesome! Thanks a bunch! WhisperToMe (talk) 03:06, 13 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Vladislav Krasnov, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page In absentia (check to confirm | fix with Dab solver). Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 09:07, 23 February 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for the questions about old Macedonian songs!


Hi—I replied on my own talk page, where you asked the question, because if I reply here the discussion will be "broken" between two places and I'll get lost! Hope I was able to say something helpful. —Martha (talk) 22:40, 30 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

BTW your translations are pretty darn fine, as far as I've studied them! Martha (talk) 22:42, 30 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

It's time to start planning our Wiknic! This year Evansville is hosting. Bob the WikipediaN (talkcontribs) 18:33, 8 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Sunday July 6: WikNYC Picnic

Sunday July 6: WikNYC Picnic

You are invited to join us the "picnic anyone can edit" in Central Park, as part of the Great American Wiknic celebrations being held across the USA. Remember it's a wiki-picnic, which means potluck.

1pm–8pm at southwest section of the Great Lawn, north of the Delacorte Theater.

Also, before the picnic, you can join in the Wikimedia NYC chapter's annual meeting.

11:30am-12:30pm at Yeoryia Studios, 2067 Broadway.

We hope to see you there!--Pharos (talk) 16:51, 28 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by removing your name from this list.)



Hello, Vmenkov! I'm just wondering whether Macedonian mastika is flavored with anise. See User talk:Sminthopsis84#Anise, Anise, and Mastika. CorinneSD (talk) 15:59, 15 July 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Sunday August 17: NYC Wiki-Salon and Skill Share

Sunday August 17: NYC Wiki-Salon and Skill Share

You are invited to join the the Wikimedia NYC community for our upcoming wiki-salon and knowledge-sharing workshop on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.

2pm–5pm at Yeoryia Studios at Epic Security Building, 2067 Broadway (5th floor).

Afterwards at 5pm, we'll walk to a social wiki-dinner together at a neighborhood restaurant (to be decided).

We hope to see you there!--Pharos (talk) 15:58, 4 August 2014 (UTC)[reply]

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by removing your name from this list.)

Atmospheric diving suits


Hi Vmenkov,

Your recent edit to Atmospheric diving suit includes the following:

As historians of science speculated later, the lack of interest in pressure suits in the 1940s through 1960s was due to the emphasis on the development of SCUBA gear in the diving engineering community. Loftas, Tony (1973-06-07), "JIM: homo aquatico-metallicum", New Scientist, 58 (849): 621–623, ISSN 0262-4079

However, I cannot find that information in the cited reference. Could you please quote the passage from which this statement was derived, with the heading of the section in which it was found. Thanks, • • • Peter (Southwood) (talk): 07:40, 2 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for your response on my talk page. I have reworked the edit a bit. Cheers, • • • Peter (Southwood) (talk): 15:05, 2 September 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Wednesday April 29, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our inaugural evening "WikiWednesday" salon and knowledge-sharing workshop by 14th Street / Union Square in Manhattan.

We also hope for the participation of our friends from the Free Culture movement and from educational and cultural institutions interested in developing free knowledge projects. We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming editathons, and other outreach activities.

After the main meeting, pizza and refreshments and video games in the gallery!

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Babycastles, 137 West 14th Street

Featuring a keynote talk this month on Lady Librarians & Feminist Epistemologies! We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Pharos (talk) 18:29, 14 April 2015 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Wednesday June 10, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon / Wikimedia NYC Annual Meeting

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our next evening "WikiWednesday" salon and knowledge-sharing workshop by 14th Street / Union Square in Manhattan.

This month will also feature on our agenda: recent and upcoming editathons, the organization's Annual Meeting, and Chapter board elections.

We also hope for the participation of our friends from the Free Culture movement and from educational and cultural institutions interested in developing free knowledge projects. We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming editathons, and other outreach activities.

After the main meeting, pizza and refreshments and video games in the gallery!

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Babycastles, 137 West 14th Street

Featuring a keynote talk this month to be determined! We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Pharos (talk) 17:36, 12 May 2015 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Wednesday July 8, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our evening "WikiWednesday" salon and knowledge-sharing workshop by 14th Street / Union Square in Manhattan.

This month will also feature on a review of past and upcoming editathons, including Black Lunch Table Editathon @ MoMA on July 13.

We also hope for the participation of our friends from the Free Culture movement and from educational and cultural institutions interested in developing free knowledge projects. We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming editathons, and other outreach activities.

After the main meeting, pizza and refreshments and video games in the gallery!

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Babycastles, 137 West 14th Street

Featuring a keynote talk this month to be determined! We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Pharos (talk) 05:45, 28 June 2015 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

The Wikipedia Library needs you!


We hope The Wikipedia Library has been a useful resource for your work. TWL is expanding rapidly and we need your help!

With only a couple hours per week, you can make a big difference for sharing knowledge. Please sign up and help us in one of these ways:

  • Account coordinators: help distribute free research access
  • Partner coordinators: seek new donations from partners
  • Communications coordinators: share updates in blogs, social media, newsletters and notices
  • Technical coordinators: advise on building tools to support the library's work
  • Outreach coordinators: connect to university libraries, archives, and other GLAMs
  • Research coordinators: run reference services

Send on behalf of The Wikipedia Library using MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:31, 7 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited China–North Korea border, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Life preserver. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 09:08, 7 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Hello, Vmenkov. You have new messages at Iryna Harpy's talk page.
Message added 06:50, 10 July 2015 (UTC). You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{Talkback}} or {{Tb}} template.[reply]

Iryna Harpy (talk) 06:50, 10 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]


Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited China–Russia border, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Tongjiang. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 11:51, 14 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Sunday August 2: WikNYC Picnic

Sunday August 2, 1-7pm: WikNYC Picnic

You are invited to join us the "picnic anyone can edit" in Brooklyn's Prospect Park, as part of the Great American Wiknic celebrations being held across the USA. Remember it's a wiki-picnic, which means potluck.

1pm–7pm - come by any time! @ Bartel-Pritchard Square entrance (Prospect Park West and 15th St), immediately on the lawn to your left as you walk through the lovely lotus columns.
Subway: "F" train"F" express train"G" train to 15th Street – Prospect Park (IND Culver Line)

We hope to see you there! --Pharos (talk) 03:32, 24 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

(Bonus event: WikiWednesday Salon @ Babycastles - Wednedsay, August 19)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Wednesday August 19, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our evening "WikiWednesday" salon and knowledge-sharing workshop by 14th Street / Union Square in Manhattan.

We also hope for the participation of our friends from the Free Culture movement and from educational and cultural institutions interested in developing free knowledge projects. We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming editathons, and other outreach activities.

After the main meeting, pizza and refreshments and video games in the gallery!

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Babycastles, 137 West 14th Street

Featuring a keynote talk this month to be determined! We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Pharos (talk) 15:59, 11 August 2015 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Wednesday September 16, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our evening "WikiWednesday" salon and knowledge-sharing workshop by 14th Street / Union Square in Manhattan.

This month, we will also host a Newcomer's Wiki Workshop for those getting started on the encyclopedia project!

We hope for the participation of our friends from the Free Culture movement and from educational and cultural institutions interested in developing free knowledge projects. We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming editathons, and other outreach activities.

After the main meeting, pizza/chicken/vegetables and refreshments and video games in the gallery!

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Babycastles, 137 West 14th Street

Featuring a keynote talk this month to be determined! We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Pharos (talk) 15:12, 10 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Bonus events, RSVP now for our latest upcoming editathons:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

What are the Chinese characters in this image?


What are the Chinese characters in File:CKS_Airport_drugs_sign.JPG? Thanks, WhisperToMe (talk) 18:28, 13 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

: “警告:贩毒、运輸毒品可判处死刑” (in simplified script that would be "警告:贩毒、运输毒品可判处死刑"). Google Translate translates this as "Warning: drug trafficking, transportation of drugs punishable by death", which is indeed correct. -- Vmenkov (talk) 23:49, 13 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you so much! I'll add the text to the image notes WhisperToMe (talk) 23:51, 13 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
What are the characters for arrival and transit? WhisperToMe (talk) 23:53, 13 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
入境 ; 轉機 ( 转机 )-- Vmenkov (talk) 00:16, 14 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks again! WhisperToMe (talk) 00:22, 14 September 2015 (UTC)[reply]

You appear to be eligible to vote in the current Arbitration Committee election. The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to enact binding solutions for disputes between editors, primarily related to serious behavioural issues that the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the ability to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail. If you wish to participate, you are welcome to review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. For the Election committee, MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:01, 23 November 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Wednesday March 16, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Babycastles gallery by 14th Street / Union Square in Manhattan.

We will include a look at the organization and planning for our chapter, and expanding volunteer roles for both regular Wikipedia editors and new participants.

We will also follow up on plans for recent (Art+Feminism!) and upcoming edit-a-thons, and other outreach activities.

We welcome the participation of our friends from the Free Culture movement and from all educational and cultural institutions interested in developing free knowledge projects.

We will also vote on nominations for the global Wikimedia Foundation board.

After the main meeting, pizza/chicken/vegetables and refreshments and video games in the gallery!

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Babycastles gallery, 137 West 14th Street

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! (One likely talk this month will be on the Wikidata project.) Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Pharos (talk) 18:02, 10 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)


Hi. Thank you for your recent edits. Wikipedia appreciates your help. We noticed though that when you edited Crnovec, you added a link pointing to the disambiguation page Demir Hisar. Such links are almost always unintended, since a disambiguation page is merely a list of "Did you mean..." article titles. Read the FAQ • Join us at the DPL WikiProject.

It's OK to remove this message. Also, to stop receiving these messages, follow these opt-out instructions. Thanks, DPL bot (talk) 10:37, 24 March 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Help with the Wells Library collection


If you're still in Bloomington, could you help me with something? Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/The Benton Review discusses a newspaper from northwestern Indiana, known alternately as the Benton Democrat and the Fowler Benton Review, and I've found several sources through IUCat that may address this newspaper, but they're only in print, and now that it's been two years since I moved away from Bloomington, going to Wells just for Wikipedia is a bit too much work.

The sources in question are History of Benton County, Indiana, History of Benton County, Indiana, and Annals of Benton County, plus the Indiana Newspaper Bibliography (Z1281 .M65 at Lilly). Anything that you could tell us about these books' coverage of this newspaper would be helpful. Nyttend (talk) 05:08, 24 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I'll try to take a look at these books some time next week. --Vmenkov (talk) 11:12, 24 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Dungan Converter


Hello Vmenkov,

It's great to see you.

Could you please have a look at this tool and tell me what you think of it? When you come across any errors, please tell me what the correct words should be so that I can fix it. --JackonLee54 (talk) 06:10, 8 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]

JackonLee54, please understand that my only "experience" with Dungan was checking out a couple of books from a library and summarizing certain points from them in the Wikipedia article. With this caveat, this is what I can say about the converter: (1) Some syllables appear to be converted incorrectly. E.g. 羊 yang should be "ён", not "йон". (2) Just like the Hanyu Pinyin orthography, the Dungan orthography has rules for combining syllables into words. I see that your converter sometimes does it properly (老汉 -> лохан), but sometimes it does not (房子 -> фон зы). In principle you can just get a hold of the word-division rules used e.g. by Google Translate when it converts a Hanzi text into Hanyu Pinyin (they correctly do 房子 -> fángzi, but still make mistakes on other words sometimes); I suppose their rules are based on some large published dictionaries (some of which may be available online). However, that's not the end of the story, since the word division rules used in the Dungan orthography may be slightly different from those used in Hanyu Pinyin. (3) You should keep in mind that your converter merely converts a hanzi or pinyin text into a "Dungan-orthography transcription" of that text, but not necessarily into the actual Dungan spelling of Dungan cognates of the Mandarin (Putonghua) words. This is because the Dungan standard was based on a different North Chinese dialect (one from Gansu, I think) than the Putonghua standard. I have scans of some pages of the Dungan dictionary somewhere, but don't have them handy; but I do remember, for example, that the Dungan word corresponding to 鹅 e is "ң" (or something like this) rather than the expected "э"; many words that start with sh in Hanyu Pinyin have ф (f) in Dugan. There is nothing you can do about this without incorporating an entire Dungan dictionary into your application! For some short examples of actual Dungan texts with Hanyu Pinyin and Hanzi correspondences (from S. Rimsky-Korsakoff Dyer) you can look into the Russian wiki article, ru:Дунганский язык. -- Vmenkov (talk) 03:57, 9 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you for your feedback. I do not have the time to incorporate the entire Dungan dictionary into that tool so for now I will simply add a disclaimer at the bottom of the page noting that. If in the future someone really wishes to have that tool improved, then they could message me stating their interest. --JackonLee54 (talk) 07:33, 9 July 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Help with text


Hi Vmenkov,

Could you check the latin transcription of the Dungan cyrillic text (content is John 3:16 from Dungan New Testament):

Original Dungan text: Анлахў ба дун-яшонди жынму җыму щинеди йимяр, Та ба Тади луә-мур йигә Эрзы ги жынму гигили, җё мый йигә щинфу Та-ди жын бу вучон земусы йинавар хуәни.
Latin transliteration (automated using Uzbek cyrl->latn): Anlaxo‘ ba dun-yashondi jinmu zhimu shinedi yimyar, Ta ba Tadi lue-mur yige Erzi gi jinmu gigili, zhyo miy yige shinfu Ta-di jin bu vuchon zemusi yinavar xueni.

Any corrections to the transliteration errors in the latin text would be appreciated. --JackonLee54 (talk) 21:49, 18 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

I am sorry, but not being familiar with the language (other than looking at a few dictionaries etc 10 years ago), I am not competent to offer any opinions or corrections. Interesting, a Dungan translation of the Gospels actually does exist; a hard copy is for sale, and a few small fragments (apparently not including John 3:16, though) can be seen online as scans: http://worldbibles.org/language_detail/eng/dng/Dungan ; https://www.amazon.com/Gospels-language-Sinitic-Kyrgyzstan-Kazakhstan/dp/5939430805 ; http://gospelgo.com/a/dungan.htm -- Vmenkov (talk) 12:36, 19 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
P.S. Specifically about the Latin transcription (that's what you're asking about, as I've realized) - it's a more formal task, but still, I am not really sufficiently familiar with the subject (for one, I am not even sure if there is a "standard" Romanization of Dungan!) to be able to offer any sensible comments. -- Vmenkov (talk) 12:39, 19 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, I also saw the Dungan 4 gospels & acts being listed on Amazon.com for USD$99. I luckily found a better link although I am unsure how long it will last online. Maybe that site could be taken offline tomorrow but even if that happens, a digital version of the Dungan text could eventually be available on gospelgo.com some day.
With regards to transliteration of Dungan Cyrillic to latin, it does not yet exist online but I have now found a transcription table. --JackonLee54 (talk) 03:12, 20 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
So using that transcription table (the column dated 1997), we would get:
"Anlakhu̇ ba dun-i͡ashondi zhynmu jymu shchinedi ĭimi͡ar, Ta ba Tadi luă-mur ĭigă Ėrzy gi zhynmu gigili, jë myĭ ĭigă shchinfu Ta-di zhyn bu vuchon zemusy ĭinavar." --JackonLee54 (talk) 03:40, 20 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]
I have now listed it onto this page. What do you think of it? (from a Russian point of view)
Any suggestions for improvements? --JackonLee54 (talk) 03:45, 20 August 2016 (UTC)[reply]

ITN recognition for Moscow Ring Railway


On 10 September 2016, In the news was updated with an item that involved the article Moscow Ring Railway, which you nominated. If you know of another recently created or updated article suitable for inclusion in ITN, please suggest it on the candidates page. Stephen 06:56, 10 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

ITN-Moscow Ring Railway story removed & pulled from main page

  • according to the WP:Errors page, the name of the railway system is not correct. It was changed from Moscow Ring RailwayMoscow Central Circle. I think they're saying that Moscow Cental Circle refers specifically to the passenger-only service contour of the Moscow Ring Railroad. Anyhow, nice work fixing up the original article. Maybe you can offer some additional comments insight back at the Wikipedia:In the news/Candidates page. I think that's what you were referring to in your previous comment that the rail line had been renamed. You said that " city authorities, in their infinite wisdom, have recently renamed the line to "Moscow Central Ring" " '. Thanks. Christian Roess (talk) 14:03, 11 September 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Asian 10,000 Challenge invite


Hi. The Wikipedia:WikiProject Asia/The 10,000 Challenge has recently started, based on the UK/Ireland Wikipedia:The 10,000 Challenge and Wikipedia:WikiProject Africa/The 10,000 Challenge. The idea is not to record every minor edit, but to create a momentum to motivate editors to produce good content improvements and creations and inspire people to work on more countries than they might otherwise work on. There's also the possibility of establishing smaller country or regional challenges for places like South East Asia, Japan/China or India etc, much like Wikipedia:The 1000 Challenge (Nordic). For this to really work we need diversity and exciting content and editors from a broad range of countries regularly contributing. At some stage we hope to run some contests to benefit Asian content, a destubathon perhaps, aimed at reducing the stub count would be a good place to start, based on the current Wikipedia:WikiProject Africa/The Africa Destubathon which has produced near 200 articles in just three days. If you would like to see this happening for Asia, and see potential in this attracting more interest and editors for the country/countries you work on please sign up and being contributing to the challenge! This is a way we can target every country of Asia, and steadily vastly improve the encyclopedia. We need numbers to make this work so consider signing up as a participant! Thank you. --Ser Amantio di NicolaoChe dicono a Signa?Lo dicono a Signa. 04:54, 21 October 2016 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom Elections 2016: Voting now open!


Hello, Vmenkov. Voting in the 2016 Arbitration Committee elections is open from Monday, 00:00, 21 November through Sunday, 23:59, 4 December to all unblocked users who have registered an account before Wednesday, 00:00, 28 October 2016 and have made at least 150 mainspace edits before Sunday, 00:00, 1 November 2016.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2016 election, please review the candidates' statements and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:08, 21 November 2016 (UTC)[reply]

File:Kstovo-lenin.JPG listed for discussion


A file that you uploaded or altered, File:Kstovo-lenin.JPG, has been listed at Wikipedia:Files for discussion. Please see the discussion to see why it has been listed (you may have to search for the title of the image to find its entry). Feel free to add your opinion on the matter below the nomination.

ATTENTION: This is an automated, bot-generated message. This bot DID NOT nominate any file(s) for deletion; please refer to the page history of each individual file for details. Thanks, FastilyBot (talk) 23:50, 5 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Sunday March 26: Action=History Wiki-Hackathon @ Ace Hotel

On the last Sunday of every month, the Boardroom at Ace Hotel New York hosts Action Equals History — a unique opportunity for New Yorkers to learn hands-on in a technology training/workshop session about the mechanics, practices and benefits of Wikipedia and the Wikimedia projects. This is an opportunity for all to gather, share and work collectively towards a more robust account of history.

For this month, and following on the recent Art+Feminism campaign, we'll focus on building better edit-a-thon tools for a variety of different thematic campaigns, and user-testing them with the community. Towards a goal of advancing these tools for wider use with diverse local groups.

Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Pharos (talk) 05:13, 21 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Wednesday October 18, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Babycastles gallery by 14th Street / Union Square in Manhattan.

We will include a look at the organization and planning for our chapter, and expanding volunteer roles for both regular Wikipedia editors and new participants.

We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming edit-a-thons, museum and library projects, education initiatives, and other outreach activities.

We welcome the participation of our friends from the Free Culture movement and from all educational and cultural institutions interested in developing free knowledge projects.

After the main meeting, pizza/chicken/vegetables and refreshments and video games in the gallery!

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Babycastles gallery, 145 West 14th Street
(note the new address, a couple of doors down from the former Babycastles location)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Pharos (talk) 13:22, 12 October 2017 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Sunday November 19, 10:30 am - 4:00pm: Metropolitan Museum of Art Edit-a-thon

The Wikipedia Asian Month Edit-a-thon @ The Met will be the Metropolitan Museum of Art's second edit-a-thon, hosted on Sunday November 19, 2017 in the Bonnie Sacerdote Classroom, Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center for Education (81st Street entrance) at The Met Fifth Avenue in New York City.

Following the first Met edit-a-thon in May 2017, the museum is excited to work with Wikipedia Asian Month for the potential to seed new articles about Asian artworks, artwork types, and art traditions, from any part of Asia. These can be illustrated with thousands of its recently-released images of public domain artworks available for Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons from the museum’s collection spanning 5,000 years of art. The event is an opportunity for Wikimedia communities to engage The Met's diverse Asian collections onsite and remotely.

10:30 am - 4:00 pm in Bonnie Sacerdote Classroom, Uris Center for Education
81st Street entrance, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue

Attendees should bring their own laptops and power cords. Light snacks, drinks and cake will be provided.

We also welcome remote participation for the global online Wikipedia Asian Art Month, running November 1-30.

Thanks, and hope to see you at the museum, and/or as part of the online Wikipedia Asian Month contest!--Pharos (talk) 16:36, 1 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Wednesday November 15, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC @ NYU ITP

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at NYU ITP Tisch School of the Arts (4th floor) at 721 Broadway in Manhattan.

We will include a look at the organization and planning for our chapter, and expanding volunteer roles for both regular Wikipedia editors and new participants.

We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming edit-a-thons, museum and library projects, education initiatives, and other outreach activities.

We welcome the participation of our friends from the Free Culture movement and from all educational and cultural institutions interested in developing free knowledge projects.

After the main meeting, pizza/chicken/vegetables and refreshments and video games in the gallery!

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at NYU ITP Tisch School of the Arts (4th floor), 721 Broadway
(note that we are not at Babycastles this month)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Pharos (talk) ~~~~~

P.S. You are also invited to Wikipedia Asian Month Edit-a-thon @ Metropolitan Museum of Art on Sunday November 19!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

A barnstar for you!

The Photographer's Barnstar
Very nice picture you took in Linxia. It's on the front page now.

Cheers comrade. :) 損齋 (talk) 03:48, 16 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2017 election voter message


Hello, Vmenkov. Voting in the 2017 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 10 December. All users who registered an account before Saturday, 28 October 2017, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Wednesday, 1 November 2017 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2017 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 3 December 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Thursday July 12, 5-8pm: Wiki Loves Pride Edit-a-thon @ Jefferson Market Library

Wikimedia NYC invites you to attend a Wiki Loves Pride Edit-a-thon on Thursday, July 12th at Jefferson Market Library! Wiki Loves Pride is a global campaign to expand and improve LGBT-related content across all Wikimedia projects, in all languages. We are holding this year's event in July in order to support folx who want to contribute a photograph they took at one of NYC's many Pride events or edit an article about something they learned this June. Not sure what to contribute? No problem! We will have a list of articles that need your help.

5:00pm - 8:00 pm at Jefferson Market Library, 425 6th Ave

--Megs (talk) 14:57, 10 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. You are also invited to the "picnic anyone can edit", the Great American Wiknic NYC @ Prospect Park, Sunday, July 29!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Wednesday September 26, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon / Wikimedia NYC Annual Meeting

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Babycastles gallery by 14th Street / Union Square in Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

This month will also feature on our agenda, upcoming editathons, the organization's Annual Meeting, and Chapter board elections - you can add yourself as a candidate.

We will include a look at the organization and planning for our chapter, and expanding volunteer roles for both regular Wikipedia editors and new participants.

We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming edit-a-thons, museum and library projects, education initiatives, and other outreach activities.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Babycastles gallery, 145 West 14th Street
(note the new address, a couple of doors down from the former Babycastles location)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Pharos (talk) 20:44, 20 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

You are invited to join two events supported by the Wikimedia NYC community on Sunday October 14:

2:00pm - 6:00 pm at ITP, Tisch School of the Arts. New York University (721 Broadway, New York, NY)
The photo competition is at many sites all weekend, this is just the concluding event
2:00 - 5:00pm at Interference Archive (314 7th Street, Brooklyn, NY)
Note the new Park Slope location for Interference Archive

Have a WikiWonderful Weekend! --Pharos (talk) 04:56, 11 October 2018 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

ArbCom 2018 election voter message


Hello, Vmenkov. Voting in the 2018 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23.59 on Sunday, 3 December. All users who registered an account before Sunday, 28 October 2018, made at least 150 mainspace edits before Thursday, 1 November 2018 and are not currently blocked are eligible to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2018 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:42, 19 November 2018 (UTC)[reply]

December 19, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Fordham University's Lincoln Center campus in Manhattan, near Columbus Circle. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming edit-a-thons, museum and library projects, education initiatives, and other outreach activities.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Fordham University's Lincoln Center campus (South Lounge) at 113 W 60th Street, Manhattan
(note this month we will be meeting in Manhattan, near Columbus Circle, not at Babycastles)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 03:23, 13 December 2018 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Ways to improve Naozhou Island


Hello, Vmenkov,

Welcome to Wikipedia and thanks for creating Naozhou Island! I edit here too, under the username Boleyn and it's nice to meet you :-)

I wanted to let you know that I have tagged the page as having some issues to fix, as a part of our page curation process and note that:-

Please add your references.

The tags can be removed by you or another editor once the issues they mention are addressed. If you have questions, leave a comment here and prepend it with {{Re|Boleyn}}. And, don't forget to sign your reply with ~~~~ . For broader editing help, please visit the Teahouse.

Delivered via the Page Curation tool, on behalf of the reviewer.

Boleyn (talk) 15:35, 27 December 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Sunday January 13: Wikipedia Day 2019 in NYC

You are invited to join us at Ace Hotel for Wikipedia Day 2019, a Wikipedia celebration and mini-conference as part of the project's global 18th birthday festivities. In addition to the party, the event features keynote presentations, panels, lightning talks, and, of course, open space sessions.

And there will be cake.

We also hope for the participation of our friends from the Free Culture movement and from educational and cultural institutions interested in developing free knowledge projects.

9:30AM - 6:00PM at Ace Hotel, 20 West 29th Street in Manhattan

We especially encourage folks to add your 3-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 20:57, 3 January 2019 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Feb 27 WikiWednesday Salon + Mar 2 MoMA Art+Feminism and beyond

February 27, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming edit-a-thons, museum and library projects, education initiatives, and other outreach activities.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan
(note this month we will be meeting in Midtown Manhattan, not at Babycastles)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 09:01, 27 February 2019 (UTC)

Saturday March 2: MoMA Art+Feminism Edit-a-thon

Art+Feminism’s sixth-annual MoMA Wikipedia Edit-a-thon will take place at the Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Education and Research Building, The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 4 West 54 Street, on Saturday, March 2, 2019 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. People of all gender identities and expressions are encouraged to attend.

And on Sunday this weekend:

Stay tuned for other Art+Feminism and related edit-a-thons throughout the month!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

March 20, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming edit-a-thons, museum and library projects, education initiatives, and other outreach activities.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan
(note this month we will be meeting in Midtown Manhattan, not at Babycastles)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! This month, optional post-meetup drinks afterward at 9pm!--Wikimedia New York City Team 18:48, 19 March 2019 (UTC)

Saturday March 23: Asian Art Archive/New York Public Library Art+Feminism Editathon

Organized by Asia Art Archive in America]and Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs of the New York Public Library and in collaboration with Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong, the Art+Feminism: Wikipedia Edit-a-thon on Women in Art in Asia helps participants edit Wikipedia to create and improve articles about women artists and practitioners in and from Asia, including architects, designers, filmmakers, curators, and art historians. Books and research materials—as well as refreshments—will be provided.

Also check out other Art+Feminism and related edit-a-thons throughout the month!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

April 17, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming edit-a-thons, museum and library projects, education initiatives, and other outreach activities.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan
(note this month we will be meeting in Midtown Manhattan, not at Babycastles)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 21:07, 3 April 2019 (UTC)

Thursday April 4 and Friday April 5: Translat-a-thon NYC 2019 @ LaGuardia Community College

Translat-a-thon NYC 2019 @ LaGuardia Community College is hosting the second annual Wikipedia Translatathon! At this event on Thursday evening and during the day Friday this week, anyone from the public is invited to LaGuardia to join students, professors, and CUNY faculty in translating Wikipedia articles among any languages which attendees understand. Themes for this event include public health and the history of New York City.

New York City has a large immigrant population and great diversity of speakers of various languages. Among all schools in New York City, LaGuardia has the highest percentage of immigrant students, the highest percentage of students who speak a language other than English as their first language, and the greatest representation of language diversity. It is a strength of LaGuardia that it can present "Wikipedia translatathons", which are Wikipedia translation events.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Hello! How are you? Could you help me to find chinese original name for Governar № 5,6,7 in link above?--Kaiyr (talk) 10:56, 3 May 2019 (UTC)[reply]

May 22, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

Featuring this month a presentation by Interference Archive guests, and a group discussion on the role of activist archives and building wiki content based on ephemeral publications and oral histories.

To close off the night, we'll also have Wikidojo - a group collaborative writing activity / vaudeville!

We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming edit-a-thons, museum and library projects, education initiatives, and other outreach activities.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan
(note this month we will be meeting in Midtown Manhattan, not at Babycastles)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 17:11, 16 May 2019 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

June 19: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC (stay tuned for Pride on weekend!)

June 19, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming edit-a-thons, museum and library projects, education initiatives, and other outreach activities.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan
(note this month we will be meeting in Midtown Manhattan, not at Babycastles)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 05:38, 18 June 2019 (UTC)

Stay tuned for details om next event!
Sunday Jun 23: Wiki Loves Pride @ Metropolitan Museum of Art

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

June 23, 12:30pm: Wiki Loves Pride @ Metropolitan Museum of Art

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for Wiki Loves Pride @ Metropolitan Museum of Art on the Upper East Side. Togethe, we'll create new and expand existing Wikipedia articles on LGBT artists and artworks with LGBT themes in the Met collection!

With refreshments, and a special museum tour in the afternoon!

And there will be a wiki-cake!

Open to everyone at all levels of experience, wiki instructional workshop and one-on-one support will be provided.

See also the global Wiki Loves Pride photo contest, as well as the Met's online LGBT Art Writing Contest, and also the LGBT Health Writing Contest.

12:30pm - 4:30 pm at Uris Center for Education, Metropolitan Museum of Art (81st Street entrance) at 1000 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan
(note this is just south of the main entrance)

This is the fifth annual Wiki Loves Pride edit-a-thon supported by Wikimedia NYC! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 16:33, 22 June 2019 (UTC)

Stay tuned for details on next event!
Sunday July 14: Great American Wiknic @ Roosevelt Island

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

July 14, 2-7pm: Annual NYC Wiki-Picnic @ Roosevelt Island

You are invited to join us at the "picnic anyone can edit" in the lovely Southpoint Park on Roosevelt Island, as part of the Great American Wiknic celebrations being held across the USA. Remember it's a wiki-picnic, which means potluck.

This year the Wiknic will double as a "Strategy Salon" (more information at Wiknic page), using open space technology to address major questions facing our social movement.

2–7pm - come by any time!
Our picnicking area is at Southpoint Park, south of the tram and subway, and also just south of the Cornell Tech campus.
Look for us by the Wikipedia / Wikimedia NYC banner!

Celebrate our 13th year of wiki-picnics! We hope to see you there! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 21:37, 6 July 2019 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

August 28: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC (+editathons before and after)

August 28, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon and Skill-Share NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

Featuring this month a review of the recent Wikimania 2019 conference in Sweden!

We will also follow up on plans for recent and upcoming edit-a-thons, museum and library projects, education initiatives, and other outreach activities.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan
(note this month we will be meeting in Midtown Manhattan, not at Babycastles)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 17:58, 27 August 2019 (UTC)

Edit-a-thons at Interference Archive and The Met

Also check out these editing events, before and after our WikiWednesday Salon:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Sept 7, 12:30pm: Met Fashion Edit-a-thon @ Metropolitan Museum of Art

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for Met Fashion Edit-a-thon @ Metropolitan Museum of Art on the Upper East Side. Together, we'll expand Wikipedia:WikiProject Fashion topics for basic clothing types that can be illustrated by the Met collection, and also past Costume Institute exhibitions!

It's the last weekend for Camp: Notes on Fashion, and we will have an intro talk to the exhibit by a guest from the Costume Institute, and participants will then be able to visit it on their own. Galleries will be open this evening until 9 pm.

With refreshments, and there will be a wiki-cake!

Open to everyone at all levels of experience, wiki instructional workshop and one-on-one support will be provided.

12:30pm - 4:30 pm at Uris Center for Education, Metropolitan Museum of Art (81st Street entrance) at 1000 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan
(note this is just south of the main entrance)
Galleries will be open this evening until 9 pm, and some wiki-visitors may wish to take this opportunity to see Camp: Notes on Fashion together after the formal event.

Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends, colleagues and students! --Wikimedia New York City Team 19:38, 4 September 2019 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

September 25, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan
(note this month we will be meeting in Midtown Manhattan, not at Babycastles)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team ~~~~~

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

October 23rd, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan
(note this month we will be meeting in Midtown Manhattan, not at Babycastles)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 05:33, 22 October 2019 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)


Greetings: I ran across some highway articles, specifically China National Highway 106, that has images attributed to you. I love the informative explanatory note you attached to File:TongshanXian-G106-G316-junction-0018.jpg. A major problem is that these types images, especially lacking any actual and visible identification, is considered original research. An issues I have is the use on an article (or articles) that may be "presumed notable", but lacks sources, so already has issues.
We all have certain areas we tend to work in and I actually love photos that enhance an article. In the above mentioned photo I see an apparent toll booth but cannot zoom in close enough to identify the signage. I might suggest on future pictures that you could squat or kneel down to allow coverage of the beautiful mountainside, while being allowed to zoom in on such notable features as the sign, that adds notability to such images. While the mountainside is fantastic that is not the apparent intended subject of the image. Even at the expense of a less beautiful picture it would be better to show the sign more clear to remove notability concerns.
I am not going to take issue with the image because arguably the sign is visible, so there is proof to back up the description, it is just that I could not zoom in to make any concrete verification. Thanks, Otr500 (talk) 12:32, 4 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Saturday November 16, 12:30 pm - 4:30pm: Metropolitan Museum of Art Edit-a-thon

The Wikipedia Asian Month Edit-a-thon @ The Met will be hosted at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Saturday November 16, 2019 in the Bonnie Sacerdote Classroom, Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center for Education (81st Street entrance) at The Met Fifth Avenue in New York City.

The museum is excited to work with Wikipedia Asian Month for the potential to seed new articles about Asian artworks, artwork types, and art traditions, from any part of Asia. These can be illustrated with thousands of its recently-released images of public domain artworks available for Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons from the museum’s collection spanning 5,000 years of art. The event is an opportunity for Wikimedia communities to engage The Met's diverse Asian collections onsite and remotely. Asia Art Archive will host a sister event in Hong Kong next week.

12:30 pm - 4:30 pm in Bonnie Sacerdote Classroom, Uris Center for Education
81st Street entrance, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1000 Fifth Avenue

And there will be sandwiches and Wiki-Cake!

Thanks, and hope to see you there! --Wikimedia New York City Team 16:46, 14 November 2019 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

ArbCom 2019 election voter message

Hello! Voting in the 2019 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23:59 on Monday, 2 December 2019. All eligible users are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2019 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{NoACEMM}} to your user talk page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:04, 19 November 2019 (UTC)[reply]

November 20, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 16:17, 19 November 2019 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

December 18, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 02:49, 17 December 2019 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

January 22, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 20:08, 17 January 2020 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Jan 25, 12:30pm: Met 'Understanding America' Edit-a-thon @ Metropolitan Museum of Art

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for the Met 'Understanding America' Edit-a-thon @ Metropolitan Museum of Art on the Upper East Side.

Together, we'll expand Wikipedia articles on American history and art, and the understanding that all communities bring to American culture, as reflected in the Met collection up until ca. 1900.

With refreshments, and there will be a wiki-cake!

Open to everyone at all levels of experience, wiki instructional workshop and one-on-one support will be provided.

12:30pm - 4:30 pm at Uris Center for Education, Metropolitan Museum of Art (81st Street entrance) at 1000 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan
(note this is just south of the main entrance)
Galleries will be open this evening until 9 pm, and some wiki-visitors may wish to take this opportunity to see exhibits together after the formal event.

Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends, colleagues and students! --Wikimedia New York City Team 21:02, 21 January 2020 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

February 19, 7pm: WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop at Metropolitan New York Library Council in Midtown Manhattan. Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm at Metropolitan New York Library Council (8th floor) at 599 11th Avenue, Manhattan

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 21:01, 14 February 2020 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

March 18, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-9pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. This month, as part of Wikimedia NYC's commitment to the well-being of members, we will hold WikiWednesday online via Zoom videoconferencing! To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

7:00pm - 9:00 pm online via Zoom

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 04:37, 17 March 2020 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

April 22, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. This month, as part of Wikimedia NYC's commitment to the well-being of members, we will hold WikiWednesday online via Zoom videoconferencing! To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

This month, we've invited Esther Jackson of the New York Botanical Garden to join us for an Earth Day focused conversation.

Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues! --Wikimedia New York City Team 23:26, 21 April 2020 (UTC)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

Symposium on Wikipedia and COVID-19 (May 9)

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for a Symposium on Wikipedia and COVID-19, which aims to answer questions the public may have about Wikipedia's coverage of the pandemic. The event includes four speakers, all of whom are active contributors to the topic area on Wikipedia, but bring different perspectives, backgrounds, and interests. The event is free and open to the public, broadcast live on YouTube and Facebook, and questions taken from viewers on these platforms. Abstracts and speaker bios are available on the event page.

Symposium on Wikipedia and COVID-19

Saturday May 9, 6:00PM - 8:00PM EST (22:00 - 24:00 UTC)

online via YouTube and Facebook

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 14:48, 5 May 2020 (UTC)

May 20, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. This month, as part of Wikimedia NYC's commitment to the well-being of members, we will hold WikiWednesday online via Zoom videoconferencing! To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

This month, we'll focus on WikiProject New York City and our favorite local articles, as well as Wiki Loves Pride past and future.

Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

We especially encourage folks to add your 5-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 16:00, 18 May 2020 (UTC)

June 17, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. This month, as part of Wikimedia NYC's commitment to the well-being of members, we will hold WikiWednesday online via Zoom videoconferencing! To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

This month, we'll check in on the global WikiCup race and have as featured speaker our local champion and frontrunner, who is trying to win it by writing as many new New York City articles as possible, as well as other local and global topics.

Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

We especially encourage folks to add your 3-minute lightning talks to our roster, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 01:55, 16 June 2020 (UTC)

Sun Aug 16: Great American Wiknic NYC & Beyond

August 16, 3pm: Great American Wiknic

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our annual summer Great American Wiknic, this year being held virtually.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

Featuring artist-Wikimedian Sara Clugage's "Picnics: An Outside History" for a cultural exploration of picnicking, knowledge and society during the national panel in the first part. We encourage you to call in for the second part from a local park or natural site and share it on the video stream, as well as sharing your favorite picnic grub or other special foods with us.

Is there a project you'd like to share? A question you'd like answered? A Wiki* skill you'd like to learn? Let us know by adding it to the agenda. The Wiknic is taking the place of "WikiWednesday" this month, so we will also include salon and knowledge-sharing workshop aspects.

3:00 pm - 4:00 pm online via YouTube (watch our national panel's livestream, and participate by text chat)
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm online via Zoom (participate by videoconference with NYC community)

We especially encourage folks to share your parks and foods on screen, and add your 3-minute lightning talks to our roster for the Zoom portion, and otherwise join in the "open space" experience! Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 22:30, 13 August 2020 (UTC)

September 26, 12:30pm: Met Fashion Virtual Edit Meet-up

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community and the Metropolitan Museum of Art for our The Met x Wikipedia Virtual Edit Meet-up: Met Fashion.

This is a follow-up to last year's successful MetFashion 2019, and will follow a similar theme optimized for a remote online experience.

We will be partially coordinating with the international Wiki Loves Fashion campaign.

Watch and join the livestream! The Metropolitan Museum of Art event on Saturday Sep 26 will host a tutorial and question-and-answer session live on YouTube and other social media platforms.

  • 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm - Presentation
  • 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm - Guidance and Q&A

Chat about improving articles! Support will be provided to help guide new editors in this area at Wikimedia Fashion Chat for the duration of the campaign.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 17:52, 24 September 2020 (UTC)

October 21, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

In honor of Wikidata's 8th birthday earlier this month, we especially encourage lightning talks related to Wikidata and Wikidata adjacent projects and tools. We'll also discuss the recent proposal to change the Wikimedia Foundation Bylaws, including the Statement of Opposition from Wikimedia NYC.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 04:10, 21 October 2020 (UTC)

October 18: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC (plus weekend editathons)

October 18, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

This month we've invited the creators of instagram accounts @depthsofwikipedia and @wikipediapictures to chat with us about their Wiki* appreciation accounts. If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or responding to this message.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

Editathons this coming Saturday

You are also invited to join thse two editathon on Saturday November 21:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 17:58, 18 November 2020 (UTC)

ArbCom 2020 Elections voter message

Hello! Voting in the 2020 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 7 December 2020. All eligible users are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2020 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{NoACEMM}} to your user talk page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 01:15, 24 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

December 16, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

This month will include a discussion of the sixth annual Community Wishlist Survey, an opportunity for editors and other community members to submit proposals for fixes and features you'd like the Wikimedia Foundation's tech team to address. As always, it's the agenda anyone can edit, so please feel free to add any projects you'd like to share.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 01:56, 15 December 2020 (UTC)

January 15, 6pm: Wikimedia NYC celebrates 20 years of Wikipedia

Wikipedia Day is always a big day for Wikimedia NYC. While we cannot meet in person, we still have something special planned. We will begin the event with the debut of a new video celebrating our community. This will be followed by a panel discussion with some of the people you'll see in the video talking about Wikipedia's 20th anniversary, Wikimedia New York City, and the amazing work they do on Wikimedia projects.

The event will be broadcast live via YouTube. Feel free to ask questions for the panel through the chat!

We will also have some NYC wiki trivia you can participate in, with confectionery prizes.

6:00pm - 7:00 pm online via Wikimedia NYC on YouTube

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 14:53, 14 January 2021 (UTC)

February 17, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

This month will include a discussion of Black WikiHistory Month in February, plans for WikiWomen's History Month in March, and of course the great work that is being done in these topical areas throughout the year. We will also have a relevant demonstration of the Wikipedia:Did you know process. If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or responding to this message.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 01:23, 16 February 2021 (UTC)

Feb 25, 1:30-5pm: Black Wiki History Month at the Schomburg Center

You are invited to join the AfroCROWD and Wikimedia NYC communities for the 7th year of this edit-a-thon, this time being held in a virtual format. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page, and register on the form to get the Zoom link.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

1:30pm - 5:30 pm online, register on the form to get the Zoom link

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 07:25, 23 February 2021 (UTC)

March 6, 12:30pm: Met Women's History Month Virtual Edit Meet-up

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community and the Metropolitan Museum of Art for our The Met x Wikipedia Virtual Edit Meet-up: Women's History Month.

We will be partially coordinating with Art+Feminism and all of the International Women's Day and Women's History Month campaigns.

Watch and join the livestream! The Metropolitan Museum of Art event on Saturday Mar 6 will host a tutorial and question-and-answer session live on YouTube and other social media platforms.

  • 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm - Presentation
  • 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm - Guidance and Q&A

Chat about improving articles! Support will be provided to help guide new editors in this area at Wikimedia Gender Gap Editing Chat for the duration of the campaign.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 01:55, 5 March 2021 (UTC)

March 13, 12-5pm: Asia Art Archive in America: Art and Feminism Edit-a-thon

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community and Asia Art Archive for our fourth annual (and first virtual) Asia Art Archive in America: Art and Feminism Edit-a-thon!

Organized by Asia Art Archive in America and NaPupila in collaboration with Asia Art Archive in Hong Kong and supported by Wikimedia NYC, this event brings together participants to discuss, create, share, and improve Wikipedia articles about women and non-binary artists.

We will be partially coordinating with Art+Feminism and all of the International Women's Day and Women's History Month campaigns.

Register and join the virtual event!

P.S. Next WikiWednesday You are also invited to join our March 17 WikiWednesday next week with a Saint Patrick's Day guest speaker from Wikimedia Community Ireland.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 00:20, 12 March 2021 (UTC)

March 17, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC with Wikimedia Community Ireland for St Patrick's Day
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

As this WikiWednesday coincides with Saint Patrick's Day, we will have a guest speaker from Wikimedia Community Ireland, about Irish-language Wikipedia, the efforts of the community in Ireland, and personal work on historical biographies with a special Irish-New York connection.

This month will also include a discussion of Black WikiHistory Month in February and WikiWomen's History Month and Art+Feminism in March, and of course the great work that is being done in these topical areas throughout the year. If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 14:48, 15 March 2021 (UTC)

April 21, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC with Environmental focus
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

As this WikiWednesday is just the day before Earth Day, we will have an environmental focus.

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 00:32, 18 April 2021 (UTC)

May 19, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 03:15, 18 May 2021 (UTC)

June 16, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 16:20, 14 June 2021 (UTC)

July 14, 7pm: Virtual Coney Island Meetup + NYC monthly collaboration
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly online gathering (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

Instead of our usual "WikiWednesday" Salon, we'll focus on the WikiProject NYC monthly collaboration and this month's subject of Coney Island.

And rather than Zoom, we'll meet on a proximity chat virtual Coney Island beach and share over topical articles and collaborations.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via WikiConey on Gather

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 14:41, 12 July 2021 (UTC)

August 14, 12-5pm: Wikimania Wiknic NYC
Wikimania 2021
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for a planned socially-distanced Wiknic ("the picnic anyone can edit") in Brooklyn's Prospect Park to coincide with the virtual Wikimania 2021.

For this occasion, and to allow more space as desired, we have individually packed lunches provided by the chapter, and attendees are encouraged to RSVP at Eventbrite and give sandwich/entree orders.

12:00pm - 5:00 pm in a shaded grove in front of the Picnic House
(Prospect Park, Brooklyn)
Long Meadow of Prospect Park

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 18:49, 11 August 2021 (UTC)

August 25, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 14:22, 24 August 2021 (UTC)

September 29, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon + Annual Members' Meeting NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

Upcoming events:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 04:44, 28 September 2021 (UTC)

Sunday: Wiki-Pavilion Picnic NYC (part of WikiConference NA, Oct 8-10)

Sunday October 10, 12-5pm: Wiki-Pavilion Picnic NYC
(part of WikiConference North America 2021, Oct 8-10)
WikiConference NA, October 8-10
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for a planned socially-distanced Wiknic ("the picnic anyone can edit") in Brooklyn's Prospect Park, being held at the historic Concert Grove Pavilion to coincide with WikiConference North America 2021, which will run virtually from Friday to Sunday.

For this occasion, and to allow more space as desired, we have individually packed lunches provided by the chapter, and attendees are encouraged to RSVP at Eventbrite and give sandwich/entree orders.

12:00pm - 5:00 pm at the Concert Grove Pavilion 40°39′34″N 73°57′51″W / 40.65934°N 73.96414°W / 40.65934; -73.96414
(Prospect Park, Brooklyn)
Concert Grove Pavilion

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 17:25, 5 October 2021 (UTC)

ArbCom 2021 Elections voter message

Hello! Voting in the 2021 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 6 December 2021. All eligible users are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2021 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{NoACEMM}} to your user talk page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:01, 23 November 2021 (UTC)[reply]

December 15, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 18:52, 13 December 2021 (UTC)

Saturday Feb 5: ONLINE Met Afrofuturist edit-a-thon (and monthlong campaign)

February 5, 12-2pm: ONLINE Met Afrofuturist edit-a-thon

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for a virtual Metropolitan Museum of Art edit-a-thon Saturday afternoon (12-2pm) with partners AfroCROWD and Black Lunch Table. To join the livestream from your computer or smartphone, just watch at this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

Our focus will be on the exhibition Before Yesterday We Could Fly inspired by Seneca Village, and featured art, artists, history and culture of the African diaspora.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

We are also running a Met Afrofuturist chat channel on our Wikimedia NYC Discord server for the whole monthlong campaign.

12:00pm - 2:00 pm livestream via YouTube

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 05:30, 3 February 2022 (UTC)

Wikimedia NYC: Strategic Planning Survey for our community
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

Hi Wiki-Yorkers,

We are reaching out as part of our community-building efforts at Wikimedia NYC. Our regional group is engaged in a strategic planning process to sharpen our strategy for the next three years, and we would like your input. Given your connection to us and your experience with Wikimedia NYC, I would be grateful if you would be willing to share some of your perspectives and insights as we think about our next chapter.

Attached is an anonymous survey, which will remain active until February 28. Responses will go directly to Barretto Consulting and the Wikimedia NYC board will receive responses in aggregate and to identify cross-cutting themes. Please take some time to answer it and share your thoughts with us.

Fill out our Wikimedia NYC survey!

Thank you so much. We appreciate all your ideas and community spirit.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 18:39, 10 February 2022 (UTC)

February 23, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 19:41, 22 February 2022 (UTC)

Mar 27: Wiki-Tent Brunch in Brooklyn

March 27, 11am-2pm: Wiki-Tent Brunch in Brooklyn
Wiki-Tent Brunch location, Sahadi’s – Courtyard 3/4 in Industry City.

You are invited to join us for a planned outdoor gathering between the local Wikimedia NYC community and visitors from the global Wikimedia Foundation at Sahadi's tent in Brooklyn's Industry City.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

11:00am - 2:00 pm
(Industry City, Brooklyn)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 04:16, 18 March 2022 (UTC)

Online and in-person events

You are invited to join us for:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 13:26, 23 March 2022 (UTC)

Apr 24: Wiki-Picnic and WikiSeder in Brooklyn

April 24, 2-5pm: Wiki-Picnic and WikiSeder in Brooklyn
Fort Greene Park.
Wikimedia NYC

You are invited to join us for a planned outdoor gathering with the local Wikimedia NYC community at the barbecue area of Brooklyn's Fort Greene Park.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

2:00 - 5:00 pm
(Fort Greene Park, Brooklyn)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:50, 14 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]

April 27, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 02:37, 27 April 2022 (UTC)

Category:Books about Chechnya has been nominated for merging


Category:Books about Chechnya has been nominated for merging. A discussion is taking place to decide whether this proposal complies with the categorization guidelines. If you would like to participate in the discussion, you are invited to add your comments at the category's entry on the categories for discussion page. Thank you. Marcocapelle (talk) 02:05, 9 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

May 22: Wiki-Picnic and Hackathon in Brooklyn

May 22, 12-5pm: Wiki-Picnic and Hackathon in Brooklyn
Prospect Park, 1871 map

You are invited to join us for a planned outdoor "Hacknic" gathering with the local Wikimedia NYC community at the 10th Avenue Lawn of Brooklyn's Prospect Park.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

12:00 - 5:00 pm
(10th Avenue Lawn, Prospect Park, Brooklyn)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 02:21, 19 May 2022 (UTC)

May 25, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit this link. More information about how to connect is available on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 00:48, 25 May 2022 (UTC)

Wednesday June 8, 11am-5pm: New York Botanical Garden - Environment of the Bronx - Editing Wikipedia for Beginners

The LuEsther T. Mertz Library of the New York Botanical Garden and the Environment of New York City Task Force invite the general public of all experience levels to come to the Mertz Library in person and learn how to use Wikipedia! All skill levels welcome at the event! Experienced Wikipedia editors from the Wikimedia New York City chapter will be in attendance and available to help. A one hour training session will be offered at the start of this event covering introductory topics. Attendees familiar with editing Wikipedia can edit off of a worklist focused on the environment of New York City; as well as, a sub-list focused on the environment of the Bronx. The Mertz Library will pull topical media from their collection to assist the editing.

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:07, 1 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

"Green Book (Tibetan document))" listed at Redirects for discussion


An editor has identified a potential problem with the redirect Green Book (Tibetan document)) and has thus listed it for discussion. This discussion will occur at Wikipedia:Redirects for discussion/Log/2022 June 2#Green Book (Tibetan document)) until a consensus is reached, and anyone, including you, is welcome to contribute to the discussion. (talk) 16:58, 2 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

NYC Wiknic, June 26


Hold the date. Meetup/NYC Wiknic in Crotona Park, Sunday June 26.

Watch Wikipedia:Meetup/NYC/Wiknic June 2022 for further details as they become available.

MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:32, 3 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

You're invited! Wiki Loves Pride in Indianapolis

Upcoming Indianapolis event - June 21: Wiki Loves Pride Indy

You are invited to join us at IUPUI University Library for a Wiki Loves Pride editathon—hosted by IUPUI University Library, and supported by the Central Indiana Community Foundation—where both experienced and new Wikipedia editors will collaboratively improve articles on this theme:

11am–4pm at IUPUI University Library, Ashby Browsing Room.

We hope to see you there! Sincerely, Dominic & Jere

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for Indiana-area events by removing your name from this list. Sent on 19:20, 13 June 2022 (UTC).)

June 22, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit the Zoom link on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team 14:53, 21 June 2022 (UTC)

Sun June 26: Bronx Wiki-Picnic

June 26, 3-6pm: Bronx Wiki-Picnic
Charlotte Street BBQ area, Crotona Park.

You are invited to join us for a planned outdoor gathering with the local Wikimedia NYC community at the Charlotte Street barbecue area of the Bronx's Crotona Park.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

3:00 - 6:00 pm
(Crotona Park, The Bronx)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:48, 23 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Thu July 14, 7-9pm: Astoria Beer Garden Wiki-Picnic
Beer garden at Bohemian Citizens' Benevolent Society.

You are invited to join us for a planned outdoor gathering with the local Wikimedia NYC community at the beer garden of Queens's Bohemian Citizens' Benevolent Society, better known as "Bohemian Hall".

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

7:00 - 9:00 pm
(Bohemian Citizens' Benevolent Society / "Bohemian Hall", Astoria, Queens)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:39, 11 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

July 28: You're invited! Food Deserts & Food Policy in Indianapolis editathon

Upcoming Indianapolis event - July 28: Food Deserts & Food Policy

You are invited to join us at Ruth Lilly Law Library for an edit-a-thon on Food Deserts & Food Policy hosted by Ruth Lilly Law Library and United States National Agricultural Library. Together, both experienced and new Wikipedia editors will collaboratively improve articles on food deserts, nutrition, and related local and federal food policy.

  • Thursday, July 28th from 11am-4pm, in Room 235G, Inlow Hall, 530 West New York St. Indianapolis, IN 46202.

Visit the Wikipedia/Meetup page or Eventbrite to sign up and learn more.

We hope to see you there! Sincerely, Dominic, Jere, & Jamie

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for Indiana-area events by removing your name from this list. Sent on 08:55, 18 July 2022 (UTC).)

July 27: WikiWednesday Salon NYC (+Aug in-person for Wikimania)

July 27, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit the Zoom link on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

P.S. next in-person August 12-14 Wiki World's Fair for Wikimania

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:45, 26 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Fri/Sat/Sun Aug 12-14 with Saturday flagship Wiki World's Fair at Queens Museum

Aug 12-14: Wiki World's Fair for Wikimania in NYC
Queens Museum, venue of our Saturday flagship event, with the Unisphere just outside.

You are invited to join the local Wikimedia NYC community for its flagship event to be held all-day on Saturday August 13, 2022 at the Queens Museum, in the context of the 1939/1964 fairgrounds at Flushing Meadows–Corona Park. There will also be smaller sessions for much of August 12-14 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) as hybrid local gatherings for the global online conference Wikimania 2022.

You are also encouraged to sign up for a lightning talk!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

Flagship event:

10:00 am - 5:00 pm + evening
(Queens Museum and Flushing Meadows–Corona Park, in the evening Queens Night Market)

Other sessions (subject to change, see full Agenda):

  • Friday August 12 Evening welcome reception in Queens
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
  • Sunday August 14 Morning global breakfast banquet + Afternoon closing ceremony in Brooklyn
10:00 am - 3:00 pm

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:03, 6 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Aug 24: WikiWednesday Salon NYC (+Sep annual meeting)

August 24, 7pm: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly "WikiWednesday" evening salon (7-8pm) and knowledge-sharing workshop. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit the Zoom link on the meetup page.

We look forward to seeing local Wikimedians, but would also like to invite folks from the greater New York metropolitan area (and beyond!) who might not typically be able to join us in person!

If there's a project you'd like to share or a question you'd like answered, just let us know by adding it to the agenda or the talk page.

7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

P.S. September 28 will be our chapter's online Annual Election/Members Meeting

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:47, 23 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Sep 28: Wikimedia NYC Annual Election/Members Meeting (+October 2 picnic)

September 28, 7pm: ONLINE Wikimedia NYC Annual Election/Members Meeting
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our Annual Election/Members Meeting. To join the meeting from your computer or smartphone, just visit the Zoom link on the meetup page.

Important election info:

  • register your chapter membership at wmnyc:Membership
  • read the Election FAQ
  • review and possibly add yourself to the board Nominations
  • voting will be online, via emailed ballots, and the poll will be open for the 24-hour period of September 28
7:00pm - 8:00 pm online via Zoom (optional breakout rooms from 8:00-8:30)

P.S. Sunday October 2 will be post-election picnic gathering at the Grecian Shelter in Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 01:42, 20 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Sun Oct 2: WikiNYC Post-Election Wiki-Picnic

Sun Oct 2, 2-5pm: WikiNYC Post-Election Wiki-Picnic
Grecian Shelter at Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

You are invited to join us for a planned outdoor gathering with the local Wikimedia NYC community at the Grecian Shelter of Brooklyn's Prospect Park.

We will celebrate after Wednesday's Chapter Election, share some food, and informally discuss wiki-plans for the coming year.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

2:00 - 5:00 pm
(Grecian Shelter, Prospect Park, Brooklyn)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:38, 28 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

You're invited! Environmental Justice editathons in Indianapolis & Bloomington

Upcoming events around Indiana - Nov. 1: Environmental Justice editathons
2 locations: Indianapolis & Bloomington (and virtual option)

You are invited to join us for a multi-site editathon organized by Indiana Wikimedians at IUPUI University Library in downtown Indianapolis and the Herman B Wells Library at IU Bloomington (with virtual option). Together, both experienced and new Wikipedia editors, with faculty subject matter experts, will collaboratively improve articles on environmental justice in Indiana and globally. Join us at either location or virtually!

Tuesday, November 1st from 11am-4pm, at...

Visit the meetup page or Eventbrite to sign up and learn more.

We hope to see you there! Sincerely, Dominic & Jere

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for Indiana-area events by removing your name from this list. Sent on 01:52, 10 October 2022 (UTC).)

Sat Oct 29: Wikidata Day in NYC

Sat Oct 29: Wikidata Day in NYC
Brooklyn Public Library at Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn.
Wikidata 10th Birthday

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for Wikidata Day in NYC, an event marking the Wikidata 10th Birthday with a celebration and mini-conference. The all-day event will feature beginner workshops, keynote presentations, breakout group discussions, lightning talks and yes, CAKE.

It is inspired by such past events as the Wikipedia Day tradition in New York City.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate. Brooklyn Public Library encourages the wearing of masks when indoors, and especially be mindful of those in your proximity.

9:30 am - 5:30 pm
(Brooklyn Public Library, Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn)

P.S. Three days before, October 26 will be October Online WikiWednesday

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:02, 17 October 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Sat Nov 12: WikiConference North America in NYC

Sat Nov 12: WikiConference North America in NYC
Like Wikidata Day last month, this event will be at Brooklyn Public Library by Grand Army Plaza.
WikiConference North America 2022.

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for WikiConference North America in NYC, as a local satellite event and celebration of the primarily online WikiConference 2022 (Nov 11-13). The Saturday in-person event will feature beginner workshops, keynote presentations, breakout group discussions, and lightning talks.

It is inspired by such past events as the Wikipedia Day tradition in New York City.

In keeping with the online conference's partnership this year with Mapping USA and theme of "open knowledge allies", we are highlighting OpenStreetMap NYC efforts and other local organizing around various communities of practice.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate. Brooklyn Public Library encourages the wearing of masks when indoors, and especially be mindful of those in your proximity.

9:30 am - 5:30 pm
(Brooklyn Public Library, Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:17, 3 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

You're invited! In-person WikiConference North America Meetup in Indianapolis!

Nov. 11-13: WikiConference North American Meetup!
IUPUI University Library (and around Indianapolis)

Registration is now open for WikiConference North America 2022 (Nov. 11–13) held jointly with Mapping USA! If you would like to experience this virtual event in-person, you are welcome to join our meetup in Indianapolis! We will be meeting at IUPUI University Library for the weekend, with AV set up for conference streaming and presenting (for those who've submitted proposals).

Anyone is welcome to join, we will have some light refreshments and are planning evening activities. Feel free to join us for an activity, a day, or the whole weekend. Please let us know you are coming via the meetup page and please register for the conference. We will share more about in-person activities on the meetup page as they are finalized.

Visit the WikiConference North America site for the schedule and visit our meetup page to sign up and learn more. And don't forget to register for the conference!

—From the Wikimedia Indiana team!

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for Indiana-area events by removing your name from this list. Sent on 17:17, 4 November 2022 (UTC).)

Nov 30: WikiWednesday Salon in Brooklyn + online

Nov 30: WikiWednesday @ BPL + on Zoom
WikiWednesday is back in-person, pizza included!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our WikiWednesday Salon, with in-person at Brooklyn Public Library by Grand Army Plaza, in the Central Library's Info Commons Lab, as well as an online-based participation option. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

We are proud to announce that monthly PIZZA has returned!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate. Brooklyn Public Library encourages the wearing of masks when indoors, and especially be mindful of those in your proximity.

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm (note modified time)
(Brooklyn Public Library, Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn)
Also online via Zoom

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:42, 25 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2022 Elections voter message


Hello! Voting in the 2022 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 12 December 2022. All eligible users are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2022 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{NoACEMM}} to your user talk page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:20, 29 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Dec 28: WikiWed Salon (+ Wikipedia Day on Jan 15)

Dec 28: WikiWednesday @ BPL + on Zoom
WikiWednesday is back in-person, pizza included!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our WikiWednesday Salon, with in-person at Brooklyn Public Library by Grand Army Plaza, in the Central Library's Info Commons Lab, as well as an online-based participation option. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

We are proud to announce that monthly PIZZA has returned!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate. Brooklyn Public Library encourages the wearing of masks when indoors, and especially be mindful of those in your proximity.

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
(Brooklyn Public Library, Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn)
Also online via Zoom

P.S. Next big event January 15 will be Wikipedia Day NYC 2023, and you can sign up now for your lightning talk!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:32, 23 December 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Sun Jan 15: Wikipedia Day returns to NYC!

Sunday January 15: Wikipedia Day 2023 NYC
Wikipedia Day NYC is back in-person at Jefferson Market Library, cake included!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our Wikipedia Day 2023 at Jefferson Market Library in Greenwich Village, a Wikipedia and Public Domain Day celebration and mini-conference as part of birthday festivities marking the project's founding in 2001. In addition to the party, the event features presentations by Jason Scott of the Internet Archive and Anne Hunnell Chen of the International (Digital) Dura-Europos Archive, panels, and, of course, lightning talks. Newcomers are very welcome! Bring your friends and colleagues!

And there will be WIKICAKE.

1 - 5PM at Jefferson Market Library, 425 Sixth Avenue in Manhattan
After 5PM, migration to afterparty at Ace Hotel, 20 West 29th St
Livestreaming is likely, watch the wiki meetup page

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate. New York Public Library encourages the wearing of masks when indoors, and especially be mindful of those in your proximity.

P.S. Next regular event February 15 will be Feb WikiWednesday.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:54, 7 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Feb 15: WikiWednesday Salon in Brooklyn

Feb 15: WikiWednesday @ BPL + on Zoom
WikiWednesday is back in-person, pizza included!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our WikiWednesday Salon, with in-person at Brooklyn Public Library by Grand Army Plaza, in the Central Library's Info Commons Lab, as well as an online-based participation option. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

We are proud to announce that monthly PIZZA has returned!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate. Brooklyn Public Library encourages the wearing of masks when indoors, and especially be mindful of those in your proximity.

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
(Brooklyn Public Library, Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn)
Also online via Zoom

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 23:49, 7 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Mar 8: WikiWednesday Salon by Grand Central

Mar 8: WikiWednesday Salon by Grand Central
The gathering is in the vicinity of Grand Central Terminal.

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community and visitors from the global Wikimedia Foundation for our WikiWednesday Salon by Grand Central, in-person at Convene 101 Park Avenue in the vicinity of Manhattan's Grand Central Terminal. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

This is somewhat of a sequel to last year's Wikipedia:Meetup/NYC/Brunch in terms of the participants, though this time it is an evening event in a different borough.

We may leaven the event with a few impromptu lightning talks, a Wiki-fashion show (yes, really!), and likely an afterparty tour.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
(Convene 101 Park Avenue, near Manhattan's Grand Central Terminal)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:37, 28 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]

March 17: You're invited! Indiana Women in the Arts editathon

Upcoming Indianapolis event
March 17: Indiana Women in the Arts

You are invited to join us at Newfields for an edit-a-thon on Indiana women in the arts, co-hosted by Wikimedians of Indiana and IUPUI University Library.

Together, both experienced and new Wikipedia editors will collaboratively improve articles on women artists and artworks of Indiana.

Visit the Wikipedia Meetup page or Eventbrite to sign up and learn more.

We hope to see you there! Sincerely, Dominic & Jere

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for Indiana-area events by removing your name from this list. Sent on 21:02, 8 March 2023 (UTC).)

Apr 12 WikiWednesday + Earth Week (Apr 15-23)

April 12: WikiWednesday @ BPL + on Zoom
WikiWednesday is back in-person, pizza included!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our WikiWednesday Salon, with in-person at Brooklyn Public Library by Grand Army Plaza, in the Central Library's Info Commons Lab, as well as an online-based participation option. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

We are proud to announce that monthly PIZZA has returned!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate. Brooklyn Public Library encourages the wearing of masks when indoors, and especially be mindful of those in your proximity.

5:30 pm -6:30 pm (Open Hour)
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm (Wiki Salon)
(Brooklyn Public Library, Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn)
Also online via Zoom starting at ~6:30 pm
April 15-23: Earth Week!

Please RSVP on-wiki to any of the Earth Day/Week activities you will be joining, all are open:

When: Saturday, April 15, 11pm - 3pm
Where: Howland Public Library, 313 Main Street, Beacon NY
When: Wednesday, April 19, 2pm-5pm
Where: LaGuardia CC - Room MB10B, 31-10 Thomson Avenue, Queens, NY 11101
When: Saturday April 22, 11am-2pm
Where: Spectrum Learning Lab - DeKalb branch Brooklyn Public Library and Sure We Can & Hybrid
When: Sunday, April 23, 12-5pm
Where: Concert Grove Pavilion, Prospect Park

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:12, 4 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Sat: Earth Day Edit-a-thon + Sun: Wiki-Picnic

April 22: Earth Day Edit-a-thon + April 23: Wiki-Picnic
Join us for two final Earth Week events!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for a pair of special events this weekend as we wrap up Earth Week! No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome.

What: Improve Wikipedia articles on the Environment of Brooklyn!
When: Saturday April 22, 11am-1pm (BPL), 1pm-5:30pm (SWC)
Where: Spectrum Learning Lab - DeKalb branch Brooklyn Public Library and Sure We Can & Hybrid
What: Enjoy a picnic celebration and Wiki-Seder!
When: Sunday, April 23, 12-5pm
Where: Concert Grove Pavilion, Prospect Park

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:34, 21 April 2023 (UTC)[reply]

You're invited! Indiana Politics & Government Editathon on Saturday, May 13

Upcoming Indianapolis event - May 13: Indiana Politics & Government 2023

It's been an eventful state legislative session in Indiana, and local elections took place this week, so we have lots to cover! You are invited to The AMP at 16 Tech in Indianapolis for a Politics & Government editathon to improve write articles about local political and government topics of interest and improve information about local officials, candidates, elections, and legislation. Come join us at this fun venue, with free parking and refreshments provided!

11am–4pm The AMP at 16 Tech in Indianapolis, IN.

We hope to see you there! Sincerely, Wikimedians in Indiana User Group

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for Indiana-area events by removing your name from this list. Sent on 01:28, 5 May 2023 (UTC).)

May 17: WikiWednesday Salon + Queering Wikipedia

May 17: WikiWednesday + Queering Wikipedia @ BPL + on Zoom
WikiWednesday is back in-person, pizza included!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our WikiWednesday Salon, with in-person at Brooklyn Public Library by Grand Army Plaza, in the Central Library's Info Commons Lab, as well as an online-based participation option. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

We will also sync with the Queering Wikipedia 2023 Conference and Wiki Loves Pride 2023 and have a Wikidata session on LGBT themes for figures in religion/mythology.

We are proud to announce that monthly PIZZA has returned!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate. Brooklyn Public Library encourages the wearing of masks when indoors, and especially be mindful of those in your proximity.

5:30 pm -6:30 pm (Open Hour + Wikidata-thon)
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm (Wiki Salon)
(Brooklyn Public Library, Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn)
Also online via Zoom

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 17:47, 15 May 2023 (UTC)[reply]

June 21: WikiWednesday Salon back in Manhattan!

June 21: WikiWednesday @ Prime Produce
WikiWednesday is back in Manhattan!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our WikiWednesday Salon, with in-person at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, as well as an online-based participation option. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

We are proud to announce that monthly food has returned!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate. Prime Produce encourages the wearing of masks when indoors, and especially be mindful of those in your proximity.

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
(Prime Produce, Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan)
Also online via Zoom

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 01:04, 14 June 2023 (UTC)[reply]

You're invited! Wiki Loves Pride in Indianapolis

Upcoming Indianapolis event - June 24, 2023: Wiki Loves Pride Indy

You are invited to join us at Spades Park Branch Library for a Wiki Loves Pride editathon—hosted by the Wikimedians of Indiana User Group with support from the Central Indiana Community Foundation. Together, new and experienced Wikipedia editors will collaboratively improve articles on LGBTQ+ topics, individuals, organizations, and legislation in Indiana.

2 pm to 5 pm at the Spades Park Branch of The Indianapolis Public Library.

We hope to see you there! Sincerely, Wikimedians of Indiana User Group

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for Indiana-area events by removing your name from this list. Sent on 16:30, 19 June 2023 (UTC).)

July 19 WikiWednesday + New York Botanical Garden Edit-a-thon (July 29)

July 19: WikiWednesday @ Prime Produce
WikiWednesday is back in Manhattan!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our WikiWednesday Salon, with in-person at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, as well as an online-based participation option. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

We are proud to announce that monthly free food has returned!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate. Prime Produce encourages the wearing of masks when indoors, and especially be mindful of those in your proximity.

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
(Prime Produce, Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan)
Also online via Zoom
July 29: NYBG Environment of the Bronx Edit-a-thon!
Flyer for the NYBG event

You are also invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our 9th Editathon with the New York Botanical Gardens! Attendees familiar with editing Wikipedia can edit off of a worklist focused on the environment of New York City; as well as, a sub-list focused on the environment of the Bronx. Additionally, LuEsther T. Mertz Library will pull topical media from their collection to assist the editing. You can also learn more and RSVP on the NYBG website here.

Bring your own laptop if you can, the Library can only provide laptops on a first-come, first-served basis. Entrance to the Library is free; when you arrive, alert Security that you are here for the event. Please enter through the Mosholu Entrance at 2950 Southern Boulevard.

12:00pm - 3:00pm
(Mertz Library at the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx)

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:26, 12 July 2023 (UTC)[reply]

You're invited! Indiana State Fair Wiknic on Sunday, July 30

Upcoming Indianapolis event - July 30, 2023: Indiana State Fair Wiknic

We are partnering with the Indiana State Fair to offer FREE tickets to the fair for Wikipedians! We will be meeting on July 30th at 10am to pass out tickets and have a quick info session before we attend the fair (feel free to branch off and share your accomplishments on the Meetup page later!) Detailed instructions on how the day will go is available on the Meetup page! We hope you'll join us to edit about things related to fair (historic buildings, foods, animals, activities, and the fair itself).

All levels of experience are welcome! Please RSVP so we know who is coming. We hope you'll join us!

10 am to ? at the Indiana State Fairgrounds; meet at the Deaf School Gateway

We hope to see you there! Sincerely, Wikimedians of Indiana User Group

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for Indiana-area events by removing your name from this list. Sent on 13:54, 22 July 2023 (UTC).)

WikiWednesday (Aug 23) and Governors Island Wiki-Picnic (Sun Aug 27)

August 23: WikiWednesday @ Prime Produce
WikiWednesday in Manhattan

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our WikiWednesday Salon, with in-person at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, as well as an online-based participation option. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person, you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

August 27: Annual NYC Wiknic @ Governors Island
Group photo from 2012 Governors Island Wiknic

Additionally, you are invited to the picnic anyone can edit on Governors Island, at Colonel's Row by ArtCrawl Harlem house, as part of the Great North American Wiknic celebrations (and Wikimania satellite events) being held across the continent.

This is the first big summer Wiknic since the 2019 edition and will feature an edit-a-thon focused on Governors Island and ArtCrawl Harlem, Depths of Wikipedia (recently of perpetual stew fame), as well as plenty more food topics drawing on the potluck ethos. All are welcome, new and experienced!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct, and don't forget your sunscreen!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:56, 15 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Sunday: NYC Wiki-Picnic @ Gov Island

August 27: Annual NYC Wiknic @ Governors Island
Group photo from 2012 Governors Island Wiknic

You are invited to the Annual NYC Wiknic, "the picnic anyone can edit" on Governors Island, at Colonel's Row by ArtCrawl Harlem house, as part of the Great North American Wiknic celebrations (and Wikimania satellite events) being held across the continent.

This is the first summer Wiknic since the 2019 edition and will feature an edit-a-thon focused Governors Island and ArtCrawl Harlem, Depths of Wikipedia and perpetual stew, as well as plenty more food. All are welcome, new and experienced!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct, and don't forget your sunscreen!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:30, 26 August 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Sep 20: Wikimedia NYC Annual Election Meeting

September 20: Annual Election & Members Meeting

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our Annual Election & Members Meeting, with in-person at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, as well as an online-based participation option.

The Members' Meeting is similar to other WikiWednesday meetups, except that its primary function is to elect a new Board of Directors. We will elect five board seats. After being elected, those elected can potentially appoint more seats. We will also have a fun WikiWednesday!

Election info:

  • To run for election or to vote, you must be a dues-paying member of Wikimedia New York City, having renewed in the past 12 months.
  • Voting will be both online, via emailed ballots from the ElectionBuddy service, and in-person.
  • The poll will be open for the 48 hours between 8pm EDT on September 18 and 8pm EDT on September 20.
  • For additional information, please consult the Election FAQ.

Meeting info:

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person, you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 02:03, 10 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Sun Oct 1: NYC Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month 2023

October 1: Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month 2023: Edit-a-thon!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month 2023: Edit-a-thon!, with in-person at Prime Produce Guild Hall in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan.

It is being held in the middle of National Hispanic Heritage Month (Sep 15–Oct 15).

Some past local edit-a-thons touching on this area have included the two editions of Wikipedia:Meetup/WikiArte at MoMA in 2015-16, and the CUNY LaGuardia translat-a-thons held annually since 2018.

Meeting info:

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person, you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:01, 23 September 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Upcoming Indianapolis event - October 11, 2023: Indiana Under-represented Artists Edit-a-thon
Herron School of Art and Design
Herron School of Art and Design

You are invited to Herron Art Library in Herron School of Art & Design for an Under-represented Artists of Indiana Edit-a-thon—hosted by the Wikimedians of Indiana User Group with support from the Central Indiana Community Foundation. Together, new and experienced Wikipedia editors will collaboratively improve articles on under-represented Indiana based artists and art/artist organizations and groups in Indiana today, and historically.

  • When: Wednesday October 11, 2023 11:30 am - 2:00 pm Eastern
  • Where: Herron Art Library in Herron School of Art & Design 735 W. New York St. Indianapolis, IN 46202
  • Parking: Please park in lot 88 - the visitor parking area in the garage across the surface lot from Herron. We will have parking vouchers available.
  • What to bring: Your preferred editing device and necessary charging cables, and any material you may want to reference. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

All levels of experience are welcome! Please RSVP so we know who is coming. We hope you'll join us!

We hope to see you there! Sincerely, Wikimedians of Indiana User Group

(You can unsubscribe from future notifications for Indiana-area events by removing your name from this list. Sent on 00:50, 5 October 2023 (UTC).)"

Wiki.NYC Pavilion for Open House New York (Oct 21–22) and Wikidata Day (Oct 29)

October 21–22: Wiki.NYC Pavilion for Open House New York @ Prime Produce
Prime Produce

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our Wiki.NYC Pavilion for Open House New York at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. The event will feature several interactive exhibits highlighting the "wiki way" for New York City

October 29: Wikidata Day in New York City
2023 Wikidata Day NYC flyer

Additionally, you are invited to Wikidata Day in New York City at Butler Library, Columbia University, in celebration of Wikidata's 11th birthday. This coincides with the online/global WikidataCon 2023 and is a sequel to Wikidata Day 2022. The event will feature a Harlem Arts & Culture edit-a-thon, spotlight sessions, lightning talks, and cake!

At both events, all attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person, you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:56, 14 October 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Nov 15: WikiWednesday Salon + Wikimedia NYC Executive Director job

November 15: WikiWednesday @ Prime Produce

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly WikiWednesday Salon at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, with an online-based participation option also available. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person, you should be vaccinated and be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

Meeting info:

Wikimedia New York City Executive Director job listing

Wikimedia NYC, the 501(c)(3) non-profit supporting Wikipedia and related projects in the metro area, is hiring our founding Executive Director, apply here.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 05:25, 10 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Wed Dec 6: Hacking Night + job listing

December 6: Hacking Night @ Prime Produce

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our first NYC Hacking Night at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. This event is intended primarily for technical contributors, though newcomers are welcome as well!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct and Wikimedia's Technical Code of Conduct.

Meeting info:

Wikimedia New York City Executive Director job listing

Wikimedia NYC, the 501(c)(3) non-profit supporting Wikipedia and related projects in the metro area, is hiring our founding Executive Director; apply here.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:42, 24 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

ArbCom 2023 Elections voter message


Hello! Voting in the 2023 Arbitration Committee elections is now open until 23:59 (UTC) on Monday, 11 December 2023. All eligible users are allowed to vote. Users with alternate accounts may only vote once.

The Arbitration Committee is the panel of editors responsible for conducting the Wikipedia arbitration process. It has the authority to impose binding solutions to disputes between editors, primarily for serious conduct disputes the community has been unable to resolve. This includes the authority to impose site bans, topic bans, editing restrictions, and other measures needed to maintain our editing environment. The arbitration policy describes the Committee's roles and responsibilities in greater detail.

If you wish to participate in the 2023 election, please review the candidates and submit your choices on the voting page. If you no longer wish to receive these messages, you may add {{NoACEMM}} to your user talk page. MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 00:22, 28 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Thu Jan 4: Hacking Night + Wikipedia Day soon

January 4: Hacking Night @ Prime Produce

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for NYC Hacking Night at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. This event is a successor to our inaugural December 2023 Hacking Night. It is intended primarily for technical contributors, though newcomers are welcome as well!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct and Wikimedia's Technical Code of Conduct.

Meeting info:

January 14: Wikipedia Day 2024 @ Columbia University

In addition, you are invited to Wikipedia Day 2024, hosted at Columbia University by the Brown Institute for Media Innovation with Wikimedia NYC. Eventbrite RSVP is required, while RSVP on-wiki is also highly encouraged.

The special focus this year will be Artificial intelligence in Wikimedia projects.

More details about the event will be shared later, but save the date for now!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:06, 19 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Thu Feb 8 NYC Hacking Night + Feb 21 WikiWednesday

February 8: Hacking Night @ Prime Produce

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for NYC Hacking Night at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. It is intended primarily for technical contributors, though newcomers are welcome as well!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct and Wikimedia's Technical Code of Conduct.

Meeting info:

February 21: WikiWednesday Salon @ Prime Produce

WikiWednesday is back this month! You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our WikiWednesday Salon at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, with an online-based participation option also available. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person, you should be vaccinated and be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

Meeting info:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:17, 5 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Tue March 5: Wiki Gala NYC

March 5: Wiki Gala @ Prime Produce
Wiki-fashion show at last year's event

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community and visitors from the global Wikimedia Foundation for our Wiki Gala at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. All are welcome!

This is a sequel to the March 2023 Grand Central Salon and the March 2022 Wiki-Tent Brunch.

The event will feature lightning talks and a Wiki-fashion show, for which you are encouraged to dress in your finest Wikimedia clothing and accessories (bags, buttons, even books), or clothing connected to the topics you edit on wiki projects.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person you should be vaccinated and also be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

Meeting info:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 06:32, 1 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

WikiNYC: 3/14 Hacking Night + 3/16 Queens Name Explorer

March 14: Hacking Night @ Prime Produce

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for Pi Day Hacking Night at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. It is intended primarily for technical contributors, though newcomers are welcome as well, and pies will be served in celebration of Pi Day!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct and Wikimedia's Technical Code of Conduct.

Meeting info:

March 16: Queens Name Explorer @ QPL Tech Lab

You are also invited to the Wikipedia:Meetup/NYC/Queens Name Explorer edit-a-thon at the Queens Public Library Tech Lab in Long Island City, which will be hosted in collaboration OpenStreetMap US, Urban Archive and the Queens Memory Project. This is an opportunity for the tech savvy to learn about Queens history and for the history savvy to hone their open data skills – plus, there will be refreshments and prizes for everyone!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. In addition, to participate in person, you should be vaccinated and be sure to respect others' personal space, and we may limit overall attendance size if appropriate.

Meeting info:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 22:59, 8 March 2024 (UTC)[reply]

WikiWednesday (April 10) and City Tech Library LGBTQIA edit-a-thon (April 11)

April 10: WikiWednesday @ Prime Produce
Prime Produce

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our WikiWednesday Salon, with in-person at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, as well as an online-based participation option.

Among the topics, we'll be covering the newly-released drafts of the Movement Charter for Wikimedia global governance.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct.

April 11: City Tech Library LGBTQIA edit-a-thon
New York City College of Technology

Additionally, you are invited to City Tech Library LGBTQIA edit-a-thon at the New York City College of Technology Library in Downtown Brooklyn! Join us in person on April 11th to learn about these great new materials at City Tech Library; to learn about editing Wikipedia; and to help increase representation of LGBTQIA individuals and issues online. All are welcome, new and experienced!

Interested in attending, but not a CUNY student or faculty? Please get in touch; we'll help you navigate City Tech building security. Email Jen: jennifer.hoyer18 (at) citytech.cuny.edu.

  • Thursday, April 11 City Tech Library LGBTQIA edit-a-thon (RSVP on-wiki).
    12:30 pm – 3:30 pm (come by any time!)
    4:00 pm – 5:00 pm (reception to celebrate the library's LGBTQIA collection)
    City Tech Library Multimedia Screening and Meeting Space, 300 Jay Street, Brooklyn NY

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 06:12, 5 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Thu April 25: WikiNYC Hacking Night

April 25: Hacking Night @ Prime Produce
Past event at Prime Produce.

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for NYC Hacking Night at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. It is intended primarily for technical contributors, though newcomers are welcome as well!

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct and Wikimedia's Technical Code of Conduct.

Meeting info:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:49, 19 April 2024 (UTC)[reply]

May 8: WikiWednesday Salon with new Executive Director

May 8: WikiWednesday @ Prime Produce

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our monthly WikiWednesday Salon at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, with an online-based participation option also available. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

This special WikiWednesday will feature a welcome session and beginning of a listening tour by the newly appointed executive director of Wikimedia NYC, the first staff member leading our local non-profit.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. Meeting info:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:08, 6 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

June 2: Hacking Sunday (+preview of June 8 Wiknic)

June 2: Hacking Sunday @ Prime Produce

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our Hacking Sunday at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan. It is intended primarily for technical contributors, though newcomers are welcome as well! The event runs for the whole day, though you are welcome to come by for as little or as long as you'd like.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct and Wikimedia's Technical Code of Conduct.

A documentary filmmaker will be in attendance, working on Rabbit Hole, which aims to document Wikipedia's community to showcase how our network tackles important questions about how history is recorded. They will be in attendance to film snippets of this gathering for the documentary. It is completely optional to be a part of the film and there will be protocols in place if you wish to not be filmed. If there are any questions about the filming please reach out to the filmmaker, Meg Vatterott (meg.vatterott@gmail.com).

Meeting info:

P.S. Next up will be Sat June 8 Wiknic on Governors Island!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 01:00, 29 May 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Sat June 8: Governors Island Wiknic

June 8: Wiknic @ Governors Island
2023 Wiknic group photo

You are invited to the picnic anyone can edit on Governors Island, at 403 Colonels Row by the ArtCrawl Harlem house.

This is a sequel event to the 2023 Governors Island Wiknic and will feature a workshop led by AfroCrowd at the ArtCrawl Harlem house. We'll also encourage collaboration for wiki-coverage of ArtCrawl Harlem's current exhibition at Governors Island. All are welcome, new and experienced!

Bring a picnic blanket and some potluck, as well as some sunscreen! We'll also provide sandwiches for everyone, and maybe some NYC pizza too, but we encourage you to bring your own favorite dishes to share, especially for those food cultural topics you would like to improve on Wikipedia.

We'll also do a portal thing for a bit with West Coast friends at Wikipedia:Meetup/LA/Wiknic2024.

Saturday, June 8, 2024 NYC Wiknic @ Governors Island (RSVP on-wiki)

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 03:36, 5 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

June 26: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC

June 26: ONLINE WikiWednesday Salon NYC
Welcome to Wikimedia New York City!

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our Online-Only WikiWednesday Salon on Zoom. No experience of anything at all is required. All are welcome!

This special online-only WikiWednesday will be dedicated to the Wikimedia Movement Charter referendum, and also to exploring future options of other online-centric events for our Wikimedia NYC chapter.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct. Meeting info:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 15:25, 24 June 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Fri July 19: Wikicurious in NYC, Editing Wikipedia for Beginners

July 19: Wikicurious: Editing Wikipedia for Beginners @ Civic Hall

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for the inaugural event of the beginner-focused Wikicurious series at Civic Hall! All are welcome, and newcomers and aspiring editors are especially encouraged to attend.

Registration via Eventbrite is required for building entry, and is also encouraged on the event page on Meta.

The Wikicurious series at Civic Hall is supported by Craig Newmark Philanthropies. Wikimedia NYC is an official affiliate and supported by the Wikimedia Foundation.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct.

Meeting info:

  • RSVP is necessary for building entry

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:51, 13 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]



Hi, I see you've contributed a lot to Doukhobors, would you eb interested in a taskforce on oral tradition? Kowal2701 (talk) 09:55, 27 July 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Sat August 24: Roosevelt Island Wiknic

August 24: Wiknic @ Roosevelt Island
2019 Wiknic group photo, last time we held it on Roosevelt Island

You are invited to the picnic anyone can edit on Roosevelt Island, at Southpoint Park.

Following up on this month's Wikimania in Poland, this Wiknic will have as guest of honor User:DerHexer, the 2024 Wikimedia Laureate of the Year, marking his triumphant North American tour!

Bring a picnic blanket and some potluck, as well as some sunscreen! We'll also provide a little something for everyone, but we encourage you to bring your own favorite dishes to share, especially for those food cultural topics you would like to improve on Wikipedia.

We'll also do a portal thing for a bit with West Coast friends at the WikiLA ocean life edit-a-thon.

All are welcome, new and experienced!

Saturday, August 24, 2024 NYC Wiknic @ Roosevelt Island (RSVP on-wiki)

  • Time: 2:00 - 7:00 pm (come by any time!)
  • Salon-style Discussions: 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm (session A) 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm (session B)
  • Location: Roosevelt Island (Southpoint Park, look for our Wikipedia/Wikimedia NYC banner).

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct.

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 23:46, 19 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Sep 25: Wikimedia NYC Annual Election Meeting (plus Latin music event on Sep 21!)

September 25: Annual Election & Members Meeting

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for our Annual Election & Members Meeting, with in-person at Prime Produce in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan, as well as an online-based participation option.

The Members' Meeting is similar to other WikiWednesday meetups, except that its primary function is to elect a new Board of Directors. We will elect three board seats, half of the elected seats on the board. After being elected, those elected can potentially appoint more seats.

We will also focus on the Wikimedia NYC Strategic Plan, our Financial Report, and Annual and Monthly event teams for the coming year.

Election info:

  • To run for election or to vote, you must be a dues-paying member of Wikimedia New York City, having renewed in the past 12 months.
  • Voting will be both online, via emailed ballots from the ElectionBuddy service, and in-person.
  • The poll will be open for the 48 hours between 8pm EDT on September 23 and 8pm EDT on September 25.
  • For additional information, please consult the Election FAQ.

Meeting info:

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct.

P.S. Also upcoming just before our annual meeting is the Latin music edit-a-thon, Wikicurious: Editing to the Beat (RSVP at Eventbrite), on Saturday September 21!

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 18:58, 9 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Sep 21: Wikicurious for Latin Music: Editing to the Beat ♫

Sat Sep 21: Wikicurious - Editing to the Beat ♫ @ Lehman College

You are invited to join the Wikimedia NYC community for the "Editing to the Beat" event of the beginner-focused Wikicurious series at Lehman College. This is the second event of the series, following the inaugural event at Civic Hall in July. Led by a 9-person live band demonstrating Caribbean and Latin musical genres, we'll engage with efforts such as WikiProject Latin Music, and will encourage editing on both English and Spanish Wikipedia. All are welcome, and newcomers and aspiring editors are especially encouraged to attend. Registration via Eventbrite is required for building entry, and is also encouraged on the event page on Meta.

The Wikicurious series is supported by Craig Newmark Philanthropies. Wikimedia NYC is an official affiliate and supported by the Wikimedia Foundation. Also supporting this event are Equis, The Celia Cruz Foundation, and the International Museum of Salsa. In association with WikiCari and AfroCrowd.

All attendees are subject to Wikimedia NYC's Code of Conduct.

Meeting info:

  • RSVP is necessary for building entry.

P.S. Upcoming WikiNYC meetups:

(You can subscribe/unsubscribe from future notifications for NYC-area events by adding or removing your name from this list.)

--Wikimedia New York City Team via MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:21, 14 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]