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Wikipedia:Vital articles/Level/5/People/Scientists, inventors, and mathematicians

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Level 5 Sublists

Vital articles is a list of subjects for which Wikipedia should have corresponding high-quality articles. It serves as a centralized watchlist to track the status of Wikipedia's most essential articles. This is one of the sub-lists of the fifty thousand article Vital articles/Level 5 and is currently under construction.

Articles in the Vital list have their assessments labelled as:

  • Featured articles
  • Former featured articles
  • A-class articles
  • Good articles
  • Delisted good articles
  • Failed good article nominees
  • B-class articles
  • C-class articles
  • Start-class articles
  • Stub-class articles
  • List-class articles
  • Unassessed articles

The progress bar is auto-updated via category count, and the symbols and article counts are updated daily by User:cewbot. Please read the FAQ before modifying the article list.

Quota 1,275 articles.

Total 1,265 articles.

Class #Articles
FA 32
GA 58
FFA 17
DGA 14

Pre-modern figures


This section contains 83 articles.



This section contains 42 articles.



This section contains 41 articles.

Physics and astronomy


This section contains 348 articles.

Early modern


This section contains 14 articles.



This section contains 261 articles.

  1. Alexei Abrikosov (physicist)
  2. Zhores Alferov
  3. Hannes Alfvén
  4. Luis Walter Alvarez
  5. André-Marie Ampère
  6. Carl David Anderson
  7. Philip W. Anderson
  8. Anders Jonas Ångström
  9. Edward Victor Appleton
  10. Arthur Ashkin
  11. Amedeo Avogadro
  12. Barry Barish
  13. Charles Glover Barkla
  14. Nikolay Basov
  15. Laura Bassi
  16. Henri Becquerel
  17. Georg Bednorz
  18. Hans Bethe (Level 4)
  19. Gerd Binnig
  20. Jean-Baptiste Biot
  21. Patrick Blackett
  22. Felix Bloch
  23. Nicolaas Bloembergen
  24. Aage Bohr
  25. Niels Bohr (Level 4)
  26. Ludwig Boltzmann
  27. Max Born (Level 4)
  28. Jagadish Chandra Bose
  29. Satyendra Nath Bose
  30. Walther Bothe
  31. Willard Boyle
  32. Walter Houser Brattain
  33. Lawrence Bragg
  34. William Henry Bragg
  35. Karl Ferdinand Braun
  36. David Brewster
  37. Percy Williams Bridgman
  38. Bertram Brockhouse
  39. Louis de Broglie
  40. Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot
  41. Henry Cavendish
  42. Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
  43. James Chadwick (Level 4)
  44. Owen Chamberlain
  45. Georges Charpak
  46. Pavel Cherenkov
  47. Ernst Chladni
  48. Steven Chu
  49. Rudolf Clausius
  50. John Cockcroft
  51. Arthur Compton
  52. Leon Cooper
  53. Eric Allin Cornell
  54. James Cronin
  55. Gaspard-Gustave de Coriolis
  56. Marie Curie (Level 3)
  57. Pierre Curie
  58. Gustaf Dalén
  59. John Dalton
  60. Raymond Davis Jr.
  61. Clinton Davisson
  62. Hans Georg Dehmelt
  63. Paul Dirac
  64. Freeman Dyson
  65. Paul Ehrenfest
  66. Albert Einstein (Level 3)
  67. François Englert
  68. Loránd Eötvös
  69. Leo Esaki
  70. Hugh Everett III
  71. Michael Faraday
  72. Enrico Fermi (Level 4)
  73. Albert Fert
  74. Richard Feynman (Level 4)
  75. Val Logsdon Fitch
  76. Eunice Newton Foote
  77. Léon Foucault
  78. William Alfred Fowler
  79. Ilya Frank
  80. Joseph von Fraunhofer
  81. Jerome Isaac Friedman
  82. Augustin-Jean Fresnel (Level 4)
  83. Dennis Gabor
  84. Andre Geim
  85. Murray Gell-Mann
  86. Pierre-Gilles de Gennes
  87. Riccardo Giacconi
  88. Ivar Giaever
  89. Vitaly Ginzburg
  90. Sheldon Glashow
  91. Roy J. Glauber
  92. Louis Harold Gray
  93. Douglas Hartree
  94. John B. Goodenough
  95. David Gross
  96. Peter Grünberg
  97. Charles Édouard Guillaume
  98. Duncan Haldane
  99. John L. Hall
  100. Theodor W. Hänsch
  101. Serge Haroche
  102. Stephen Hawking (Level 4)
  103. Werner Heisenberg
  104. Hermann von Helmholtz
  105. Joseph Henry
  106. Gustav Ludwig Hertz
  107. Heinrich Hertz
  108. Victor Francis Hess
  109. James Franck
  110. Peter Higgs
  111. Robert Hofstadter
  112. Russell Alan Hulse
  113. J. Hans D. Jensen
  114. Brian Josephson
  115. Pascual Jordan
  116. James Prescott Joule
  117. Takaaki Kajita
  118. Michio Kaku
  119. Pyotr Kapitsa
  120. Charles K. Kao
  121. Alfred Kastler
  122. Heinrich Kayser
  123. Henry Way Kendall
  124. Wolfgang Ketterle
  125. Abdul Qadeer Khan
  126. Gustav Kirchhoff
  127. Klaus von Klitzing
  128. Makoto Kobayashi
  129. Masatoshi Koshiba
  130. J. Michael Kosterlitz
  131. Lawrence Krauss
  132. Herbert Kroemer
  133. Polykarp Kusch
  134. Willis Lamb
  135. Lev Landau
  136. Robert B. Laughlin
  137. Max von Laue
  138. Ernest Lawrence (Level 4)
  139. Leon M. Lederman
  140. David Lee (physicist)
  141. Tsung-Dao Lee
  142. Anthony James Leggett
  143. Philipp Lenard
  144. Gabriel Lippmann
  145. Oliver Lodge
  146. Hendrik Lorentz
  147. Ernst Mach
  148. Heinrich Mache
  149. Toshihide Maskawa
  150. John C. Mather
  151. James Clerk Maxwell (Level 3)
  152. Maria Goeppert Mayer
  153. Arthur B. McDonald
  154. Simon van der Meer
  155. Lise Meitner (Level 4)
  156. Albert A. Michelson
  157. Robert Andrews Millikan
  158. Edward W. Morley
  159. Rudolf Mössbauer
  160. Nevill Francis Mott
  161. Ben Roy Mottelson
  162. Gérard Mourou
  163. K. Alex Müller
  164. Yoichiro Nambu
  165. Claude-Louis Navier
  166. Louis Néel
  167. Simon Newcomb
  168. Konstantin Novoselov
  169. Georg Ohm
  170. Mark Oliphant
  171. Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
  172. J. Robert Oppenheimer (Level 4)
  173. Hans Christian Ørsted
  174. Douglas Osheroff
  175. Wolfgang Paul
  176. Wolfgang Pauli
  177. Arno Allan Penzias
  178. Martin Lewis Perl
  179. Jean Baptiste Perrin
  180. William Daniel Phillips
  181. Max Planck
  182. Jean Léonard Marie Poiseuille
  183. Hugh David Politzer
  184. Aleksandr Popov (physicist)
  185. C. F. Powell
  186. Alexander Prokhorov
  187. Isidor Isaac Rabi
  188. James Rainwater
  189. G. N. Ramachandran
  190. C. V. Raman (Level 4)
  191. Norman Ramsey Jr.
  192. Frederick Reines
  193. Osborne Reynolds
  194. Owen Willans Richardson
  195. Robert Coleman Richardson
  196. Burton Richter
  197. Heinrich Rohrer
  198. Wilhelm Röntgen
  199. Bruno Rossi
  200. Carlo Rubbia
  201. Ernst Ruska
  202. Ernest Rutherford
  203. Andrei Sakharov
  204. Abdus Salam
  205. Arthur Leonard Schawlow
  206. John Robert Schrieffer
  207. Erwin Schrödinger
  208. Melvin Schwartz
  209. Karl Schwarzschild
  210. Julian Schwinger
  211. Thomas Johann Seebeck
  212. Clifford Shull
  213. Rolf Maximilian Sievert
  214. Kai Siegbahn
  215. Manne Siegbahn
  216. George E. Smith
  217. George Smoot
  218. Arnold Sommerfeld
  219. Johannes Stark
  220. Jack Steinberger
  221. Otto Stern
  222. Sir George Stokes, 1st Baronet
  223. Horst Ludwig Störmer
  224. Donna Strickland
  225. John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh
  226. Gerard 't Hooft
  227. Igor Tamm
  228. G. I. Taylor
  229. Richard E. Taylor
  230. Edward Teller (Level 4)
  231. George Paget Thomson
  232. J. J. Thomson
  233. Lord Kelvin
  234. Kip Thorne
  235. David J. Thouless
  236. Samuel C. C. Ting
  237. Shin'ichirō Tomonaga
  238. Charles H. Townes
  239. Daniel C. Tsui
  240. John Tyndall
  241. John Hasbrouck Van Vleck
  242. Martinus J. G. Veltman
  243. Johannes Diderik van der Waals
  244. Ernest Walton
  245. Wilhelm Eduard Weber
  246. Steven Weinberg
  247. Rainer Weiss
  248. Carl Wieman
  249. Wilhelm Wien
  250. Eugene Wigner
  251. Frank Wilczek
  252. Charles Thomson Rees Wilson
  253. Kenneth G. Wilson
  254. David J. Wineland
  255. Edward Witten
  256. Chien-Shiung Wu
  257. Yang Chen-Ning
  258. Thomas Young (scientist)
  259. Hideki Yukawa
  260. Pieter Zeeman
  261. Frits Zernike



This section contains 73 articles.



This section contains 94 articles.

  1. Paul Anastas
  2. Frances Arnold
  3. Svante Arrhenius
  4. Adolf von Baeyer
  5. Maria Bakunin
  6. Claude Louis Berthollet
  7. Carolyn Bertozzi
  8. Jöns Jacob Berzelius
  9. Joseph Black
  10. Carl Bosch
  11. Roger Joseph Boscovich
  12. Robert Boyle
  13. Caleb Bradham
  14. Robert Bunsen
  15. Cyril Callister
  16. Ernst Chain
  17. Per Teodor Cleve
  18. Gerty Cori
  19. William Crookes
  20. Humphry Davy
  21. Peter Debye
  22. Jennifer Doudna
  23. Eva Ekeblad
  24. Emil Fischer
  25. Ernst Otto Fischer
  26. Paul Flory
  27. Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac
  28. Alexander Gettler
  29. Josiah Willard Gibbs (Level 4)
  30. Edward A. Guggenheim
  31. Fritz Haber
  32. Otto Hahn (Level 4)
  33. Jan Baptist van Helmont
  34. Germain Henri Hess
  35. Jaroslav Heyrovský
  36. Dorothy Hodgkin
  37. Albert Hofmann
  38. Irène Joliot-Curie
  39. Percy Lavon Julian
  40. August Kekulé
  41. Martin Heinrich Klaproth
  42. Aaron Klug
  43. Irving Langmuir
  44. Antoine Lavoisier (Level 3)
  45. Jean-Marie Lehn
  46. Luis Federico Leloir
  47. Gilbert N. Lewis
  48. Justus von Liebig
  49. Eli Lilly
  50. Kathleen Lonsdale
  51. Angelo Mariani (chemist)
  52. Edwin McMillan
  53. Dmitri Mendeleev
  54. Maud Menten
  55. Thomas Midgley Jr.
  56. Henri Moissan
  57. Carl Gustaf Mosander
  58. Robert S. Mulliken
  59. Walther Nernst
  60. Mathieu Orfila
  61. Wilhelm Ostwald
  62. Linus Pauling (Level 4)
  63. John Stith Pemberton
  64. John Polanyi
  65. Joseph Priestley (Level 4)
  66. Ilya Prigogine
  67. William Ramsay
  68. François-Marie Raoult
  69. Merle Randall
  70. Ellen Swallow Richards
  71. Elizabeth Rona
  72. George Rosenkranz
  73. Frederick Sanger
  74. Carl Wilhelm Scheele
  75. Glenn T. Seaborg
  76. Michael Sendivogius
  77. Alexander Shulgin
  78. Benjamin Silliman
  79. Frederick Soddy
  80. Hermann Staudinger
  81. Henry Taube
  82. Arne Tiselius
  83. Tu Youyou
  84. Harold Urey (Level 4)
  85. Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff
  86. Carl Wagner
  87. M. Stanley Whittingham
  88. Geoffrey Wilkinson
  89. Friedrich Wöhler
  90. William Hyde Wollaston
  91. Robert Burns Woodward
  92. Ada Yonath
  93. Akira Yoshino
  94. Ahmed Zewail

Life sciences


This section contains 255 articles.



This section contains 124 articles.

  1. Erik Acharius
  2. Louis Agassiz
  3. Carl Akeley
  4. Johnny Appleseed
  5. Peter Artedi
  6. John James Audubon
  7. Karl Ernst von Baer
  8. Joseph Banks
  9. William Bateson
  10. Martinus Beijerinck
  11. Elizabeth Blackburn
  12. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach
  13. James Bond (ornithologist)
  14. Aimé Bonpland
  15. Norman Borlaug (Level 4)
  16. George Albert Boulenger
  17. Robert Brown (botanist, born 1773)
  18. Linda B. Buck
  19. Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon
  20. Luther Burbank
  21. Augustin Pyramus de Candolle
  22. Rachel Carson (Level 4)
  23. George Washington Carver
  24. Emmanuelle Charpentier
  25. Carl Chun
  26. Carolus Clusius
  27. Ferdinand Cohn
  28. Edward Drinker Cope (Level 4)
  29. Francis Crick
  30. Georges Cuvier
  31. Theodosius Dobzhansky
  32. Charles Darwin (Level 3)
  33. Richard Dawkins
  34. Sylvia Earle
  35. Paul R. Ehrlich
  36. Johan Christian Fabricius
  37. William Farrer
  38. Dian Fossey
  39. Rosalind Franklin
  40. Karl von Frisch
  41. Birutė Galdikas
  42. Conrad Gessner
  43. David Goodall (botanist)
  44. Jane Goodall
  45. Philip Henry Gosse
  46. Stephen Jay Gould (Level 4)
  47. Temple Grandin
  48. Carol W. Greider
  49. Aubrey de Grey
  50. Albert Günther
  51. Ernst Haeckel
  52. J. B. S. Haldane
  53. Stephen Hales
  54. Albrecht von Haller
  55. W. D. Hamilton
  56. John Hancock (ornithologist)
  57. Leland H. Hartwell
  58. Johann Jakob Heckel
  59. Joseph Dalton Hooker
  60. Tim Hunt
  61. G. Evelyn Hutchinson
  62. Thomas Henry Huxley
  63. Dmitri Ivanovsky
  64. Katalin Karikó
  65. Leah Keshet
  66. Motoo Kimura
  67. William Kirby (entomologist)
  68. Hans Krebs (biochemist)
  69. Gerard Krefft
  70. Robin Wall Kimmerer
  71. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
  72. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
  73. Rudolf Leuckart
  74. Rita Levi-Montalcini
  75. Carl Linnaeus (Level 3)
  76. James Lovelock
  77. Konrad Lorenz
  78. Lynn Margulis
  79. Othniel Charles Marsh
  80. Ernst Mayr
  81. Barbara McClintock (Level 4)
  82. Gregor Mendel
  83. Maria Sibylla Merian
  84. Bill Mollison
  85. Thomas Hunt Morgan
  86. Newton Morton
  87. May-Britt Moser
  88. Hermann Joseph Muller
  89. Carl Nägeli
  90. Hideyo Noguchi
  91. Paul Nurse
  92. Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard
  93. Lorenz Oken
  94. Richard Owen
  95. Peter Simon Pallas
  96. Joan Beauchamp Procter
  97. Jan Evangelista Purkyně
  98. John Ray
  99. Santiago Ramón y Cajal
  100. René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur
  101. Francesco Redi
  102. Étienne Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
  103. Aziz Sancar
  104. Lazzaro Spallanzani
  105. Theodor Schwann
  106. Georg Wilhelm Steller
  107. Nettie Stevens
  108. Jan Swammerdam
  109. Armen Takhtajan
  110. Nikolaas Tinbergen
  111. Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus
  112. Ludolph Christian Treviranus
  113. Robert Trivers
  114. Nikolai Vavilov
  115. Craig Venter
  116. Hugo de Vries
  117. Alfred Russel Wallace (Level 4)
  118. Eugenius Warming
  119. James Watson
  120. August Weismann
  121. Robert Whittaker (ecologist)
  122. Ian Wilmut
  123. E. O. Wilson
  124. Arthur Smith Woodward



This section contains 131 articles.

  1. Edward Angle
  2. Hans Asperger
  3. Christiaan Barnard
  4. Françoise Barré-Sinoussi
  5. Ralph Bathurst
  6. Emil von Behring
  7. Charles Bell
  8. Claude Bernard
  9. Greene Vardiman Black
  10. Emil du Bois-Reymond
  11. Louise Boursier
  12. James Braid (surgeon)
  13. Christian Wilhelm Braune
  14. T. Berry Brazelton
  15. Macfarlane Burnet
  16. Alexis Carrel
  17. Ben Carson
  18. Victor Chang
  19. Jean-Martin Charcot
  20. Guy de Chauliac
  21. Francis Collins
  22. Harvey Cushing
  23. Marguerite Davis
  24. Michael DeBakey
  25. Dorothea Dix
  26. Richard Doll
  27. Gerhard Domagk
  28. Charles R. Drew
  29. Paul Ehrlich
  30. Gertrude B. Elion
  31. Caldwell Esselstyn
  32. Hieronymus Fabricius
  33. Gabriele Falloppio
  34. Pierre Fauchard
  35. Anthony Fauci
  36. Alexander Fleming
  37. Howard Florey
  38. Robert Gallo
  39. Luigi Galvani
  40. Harold Gillies
  41. Niall Ó Glacáin
  42. Frank Gotch (physician)
  43. Albrecht von Graefe (ophthalmologist)
  44. John Scott Haldane
  45. William Stewart Halsted
  46. Alice Hamilton
  47. Hanaoka Seishū
  48. Harald zur Hausen
  49. William Harvey
  50. He Jiankui
  51. Félix d'Hérelle
  52. Austin Bradford Hill
  53. Maurice Hilleman
  54. Takeshi Hirayama
  55. Fred Hollows
  56. John Hunter (surgeon)
  57. Shirō Ishii
  58. Charles Thomas Jackson
  59. Edward Jenner (Level 4)
  60. Robert A. Kehoe
  61. Howard Atwood Kelly
  62. Elizabeth Kenny
  63. Ancel Keys
  64. Mary Seacole
  65. Kitasato Shibasaburō
  66. Robert Knox (surgeon)
  67. Robert Koch
  68. C. Everett Koop
  69. René Laennec
  70. Michael M. C. Lai
  71. Philip J. Landrigan
  72. Karl Landsteiner
  73. Jérôme Lejeune
  74. Li Shizhen
  75. Li Wenliang
  76. James Lind
  77. Joseph Lister
  78. Crawford Long
  79. Robert Lustig
  80. Marcello Malpighi
  81. Barry Marshall
  82. Elmer McCollum
  83. Ephraim McDowell
  84. Victor A. McKusick
  85. Josef Mengele
  86. Élie Metchnikoff
  87. António Egas Moniz
  88. Luc Montagnier
  89. William T. G. Morton
  90. Denis Mukwege
  91. Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum
  92. Herbert Needleman
  93. Florence Nightingale
  94. Thomas Noguchi
  95. Bennet Omalu
  96. William Osler
  97. Frank Pantridge
  98. Paracelsus
  99. Ambroise Paré
  100. Louis Pasteur
  101. Bernard Peyrilhe
  102. Peter Piot
  103. Bernardino Ramazzini
  104. Ian Clunies Ross
  105. Florence R. Sabin
  106. Ernest Sachs
  107. Oliver Sacks
  108. Peter Safar
  109. Jonas Salk
  110. Ignaz Semmelweis
  111. Michael Servetus
  112. J. Marion Sims
  113. John Snow
  114. Benjamin Spock
  115. Thomas Starzl
  116. Alice Stewart
  117. Edith Anne Stoney
  118. Hubertus Strughold
  119. Thomas Sydenham
  120. Max Theiler
  121. Hugh Owen Thomas
  122. George Tiller
  123. Andreas Vesalius
  124. Otto Heinrich Warburg
  125. William H. Welch
  126. Alexander S. Wiener
  127. Ole Worm
  128. Wu Lien-teh
  129. Rosalyn Sussman Yalow
  130. Alexandre Yersin
  131. John Yudkin

Physical geography


This section contains 47 articles.

Inventors and engineers


This section contains 186 articles.

  1. Clément Ader
  2. Isamu Akasaki
  3. Hiroshi Amano
  4. Anousheh Ansari
  5. Ottomar Anschütz
  6. George Antheil
  7. Frederick Scott Archer
  8. Richard Arkwright
  9. Nicolas Appert
  10. Leo Baekeland
  11. John Logie Baird
  12. John Bardeen
  13. Joseph Bazalgette
  14. Alexander Graham Bell
  15. Carl Benz
  16. Emile Berliner
  17. Henry Bessemer
  18. Roger Béteille
  19. Bi Sheng
  20. László Bíró
  21. Jean-Pierre Blanchard
  22. Louis Désiré Blanquart-Evrard
  23. Hendrik Wade Bode
  24. Hubert Cecil Booth
  25. Wernher von Braun (Level 4)
  26. Ross Brawn
  27. John Browning
  28. Isambard Kingdom Brunel (Level 4)
  29. Vannevar Bush
  30. George Cayley
  31. Octave Chanute
  32. André Citroën
  33. Josephine Cochrane
  34. Paul Cornu
  35. Caresse Crosby
  36. Cai Lun (Level 4)
  37. Wallace Carothers
  38. Willis Carrier
  39. Glenn Curtiss
  40. Louis Daguerre
  41. Gottlieb Daimler
  42. Jacob W. Davis
  43. John Deere (inventor)
  44. John DeLorean
  45. William Kennedy Dickson
  46. Rudolf Diesel
  47. Karl Drais
  48. Cornelis Drebbel
  49. George Eastman
  50. Doc Edgerton
  51. Thomas Edison (Level 3)
  52. Gustave Eiffel
  53. Robert Esnault-Pelterie
  54. Philo Farnsworth
  55. George Washington Gale Ferris Jr.
  56. Reginald Fessenden
  57. Maurice Fernez
  58. Lee de Forest
  59. Robert Fulton
  60. Vladimir Grigoryevich Fyodorov
  61. George Gallup
  62. Robert H. Goddard
  63. George Washington Goethals
  64. Leslie Groves
  65. Johannes Gutenberg
  66. Hans Hass
  67. Lawrence Hargrave
  68. James Hargreaves
  69. John Harrison
  70. Oliver Heaviside
  71. John Herschel
  72. Bill Hewlett
  73. Rowland Hill
  74. John Philip Holland
  75. Benjamin Holt
  76. August Horch
  77. Godfrey Hounsfield
  78. Elias Howe
  79. Mikhail Kalashnikov
  80. Theodore von Kármán
  81. Joseph Kekuku
  82. Charles F. Kettering
  83. Jack Kilby
  84. Fazlur Rahman Khan
  85. Margaret E. Knight
  86. Vladimir Komarov
  87. Sergei Korolev
  88. Stephanie Kwolek
  89. Hedy Lamarr
  90. Louis Le Prince
  91. Otto Lilienthal
  92. Allan Lockheed
  93. John J. Loud
  94. Malcolm Lockheed
  95. Ignacy Łukasiewicz
  96. Thomas Harris MacDonald
  97. Nikolay Makarov (firearms designer)
  98. Guglielmo Marconi
  99. Étienne-Jules Marey
  100. Glenn L. Martin
  101. Édouard-Léon Scott de Martinville
  102. Hiram Maxim
  103. Wilhelm Maybach
  104. Cyrus McCormick
  105. Willy Messerschmitt
  106. Pierre Michaux
  107. Montgolfier brothers
  108. John Joseph Montgomery
  109. Paul Moody (inventor)
  110. Samuel Morse
  111. William Mulholland
  112. Shuji Nakamura
  113. Thomas Newcomen
  114. Nicéphore Niépce
  115. Alfred Nobel
  116. Umberto Nobile
  117. Bill Nye
  118. Hermann Oberth
  119. Étienne Oehmichen
  120. Elisha Otis
  121. Nicolaus Otto
  122. Denis Papin
  123. George Safford Parker
  124. Charles Algernon Parsons
  125. Jack Parsons
  126. Percy Pilcher
  127. Ferdinand Porsche
  128. Ludwig Prandtl
  129. Yves Le Prieur
  130. George Pullman
  131. William Rankine
  132. Franz Reichelt
  133. Hanna Reitsch
  134. Sylvester H. Roper
  135. Henry Royce
  136. Alberto Santos-Dumont
  137. Pavel Schilling
  138. Hugo Schmeisser
  139. William Shockley
  140. Vladimir Shukhov
  141. Carl Wilhelm Siemens
  142. Werner von Siemens
  143. Igor Sikorsky
  144. Kia Silverbrook
  145. John Smeaton
  146. Horace Smith (inventor)
  147. Henry Sutton (inventor)
  148. George Stephenson
  149. Eugene Stoner
  150. Kenjiro Takayanagi
  151. Henry Fox Talbot
  152. Tanaka Hisashige
  153. Frederick Winslow Taylor
  154. Thomas Telford
  155. Frederick Terman
  156. Nikola Tesla (Level 3)
  157. John T. Thompson
  158. LaMarcus Adna Thompson
  159. Constance Tipper
  160. Fritz Todt
  161. Fedor Tokarev
  162. Sakichi Toyoda
  163. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
  164. Jethro Tull (agriculturist)
  165. Andrei Tupolev
  166. David Unaipon
  167. Heinrich Vollmer
  168. Alessandro Volta
  169. Felix Wankel
  170. Wang Zhen (inventor)
  171. George Washington (inventor)
  172. James Watt
  173. Daniel B. Wesson
  174. Charles Wheatstone
  175. Eli Whitney
  176. John Wilkinson (industrialist)
  177. Oliver Winchester
  178. Steve Wozniak
  179. Wright brothers (Level 4)
  180. Qian Xuesen
  181. Shunpei Yamazaki
  182. Chuck Yeager
  183. Frank Zamboni
  184. Franky Zapata
  185. Ferdinand von Zeppelin
  186. Nikolay Zhukovsky (scientist)



This section contains 181 articles.

Early modern


This section contains 31 articles.



This section contains 150 articles.

  1. Niels Henrik Abel
  2. Grace Alele-Williams
  3. Pavel Alexandrov
  4. Emil Artin
  5. Michael Atiyah
  6. Robert Aumann
  7. Stefan Banach
  8. Thomas Bayes
  9. Richard E. Bellman
  10. Elwyn Berlekamp
  11. Dorothy Lewis Bernstein
  12. Joan Birman
  13. János Bolyai
  14. George Boole
  15. Émile Borel
  16. George E. P. Box
  17. Bodil Branner
  18. L. E. J. Brouwer
  19. Georg Cantor (Level 4)
  20. Constantin Carathéodory
  21. Élie Cartan
  22. Henri Cartan
  23. Mary Cartwright
  24. Augustin-Louis Cauchy
  25. Arthur Cayley
  26. Pafnuty Chebyshev
  27. John Horton Conway
  28. Brian Cox (physicist)
  29. Gertrude Mary Cox
  30. Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter
  31. George Dantzig
  32. Ingrid Daubechies
  33. Richard Dedekind
  34. Girard Desargues
  35. Jean Dieudonné
  36. Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet
  37. Ioana Dumitriu
  38. Winifred Edgerton Merrill
  39. Samuel Eilenberg
  40. Gotthold Eisenstein
  41. Arpad Elo
  42. Paul Erdős
  43. Philippa Fawcett
  44. Ronald Fisher
  45. Joseph Fourier
  46. Gottlob Frege
  47. Évariste Galois
  48. Francis Galton
  49. Martin Gardner
  50. Carl Friedrich Gauss (Level 3)
  51. Sophie Germain
  52. Olga Gil Medrano
  53. Gloria Ford Gilmer
  54. Kurt Gödel
  55. Alexander Grothendieck
  56. Mikhael Gromov (mathematician)
  57. Joséphine Guidy Wandja
  58. Richard K. Guy
  59. William Rowan Hamilton
  60. G. H. Hardy
  61. Felix Hausdorff
  62. Euphemia Haynes
  63. Katherine Heinrich
  64. Charles Hermite
  65. David Hilbert (Level 4)
  66. Susan Howson (mathematician)
  67. Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi
  68. Camille Jordan
  69. Anna Johnson Pell Wheeler
  70. Gudrun Kalmbach
  71. Leonid Kantorovich
  72. Ina Kersten
  73. Felix Klein
  74. Andrey Kolmogorov
  75. Sofya Kovalevskaya
  76. Cecilia Krieger
  77. Leopold Kronecker
  78. Ernst Kummer
  79. Joseph-Louis Lagrange
  80. Serge Lang
  81. Robert Langlands
  82. Pierre-Simon Laplace
  83. Tullio Levi-Civita
  84. Joseph Liouville
  85. John Edensor Littlewood
  86. Nikolai Lobachevsky
  87. Maria Laura Moura Mouzinho Leite Lopes
  88. Edward Norton Lorenz
  89. Aleksandr Lyapunov
  90. Saunders Mac Lane
  91. Benoit Mandelbrot
  92. Alison Miller
  93. Hermann Minkowski
  94. Maryam Mirzakhani
  95. Gösta Mittag-Leffler
  96. Gaspard Monge
  97. Cathleen Synge Morawetz
  98. Augustus De Morgan
  99. John Forbes Nash Jr.
  100. John von Neumann (Level 4)
  101. Emmy Noether (Level 3)
  102. Giuseppe Peano
  103. Karl Pearson
  104. Roger Penrose
  105. Grigori Perelman
  106. Stefanie Petermichl
  107. Louise Petrén-Overton
  108. Henri Poincaré
  109. Siméon Denis Poisson
  110. George Pólya
  111. Cheryl Praeger
  112. Srinivasa Ramanujan (Level 4)
  113. Mina Rees
  114. Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro
  115. Marjorie Rice
  116. Bernhard Riemann
  117. Julia Robinson
  118. Marie-Françoise Roy
  119. Mary Ellen Rudin
  120. Mildred Sanderson
  121. Doris Schattschneider
  122. Arthur Moritz Schoenflies
  123. Charlotte Scott
  124. Corrado Segre
  125. Caroline Series
  126. Claude Shannon
  127. Lloyd Shapley
  128. Radhanath Sikdar
  129. James Joseph Sylvester
  130. Dona Strauss
  131. Daina Taimiņa
  132. Terence Tao
  133. Alfred Tarski
  134. Jean Taylor
  135. Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann
  136. Edward Tufte
  137. Karen Uhlenbeck
  138. Stanisław Ulam
  139. Oswald Veblen
  140. Maryna Viazovska
  141. Claire Voisin
  142. Helen M. Walker
  143. Pierre Wantzel
  144. Karl Weierstrass
  145. André Weil
  146. Gladys West
  147. Hermann Weyl
  148. Norbert Wiener
  149. Andrew Wiles
  150. Melanie Wood

Computer scientists and programmers


This section contains 71 articles.