History of Norfolk/Volume 5

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British History online's transcription of the volume. Footnotes removed. Formatting automatic, there may be some errors.

478225History of Norfolk — Volume 5Francis Blomefield



Humiliart, Humilyerd, now Humble-yard hundred, takes its name from a valley in the parish of Swerdeston, where the hundred court was anciently kept, which in evidences still retains the name of Hvmble-yerd, the low yard or court: it makes up exactly the whole deanery called by the same name, and paid to the ancient task or tenths 51l. 1s. clear. It is bounded on the east with the hundred of Henstede, on the north with the county of the city of Norwich; on the west with the hundred of Forehoe, and on the south with the hundred of Depwade: there is no town in it which holds a weekly market at this time, it being so near the city of Norwich, that hath totally swallowed up all profits that could accrue to any village in so small a distance. The fee of this hundred was in the Crown, upon Earl Ralph's forfeiture in the Conqueror's time, before which it belonged to the manor of Hethersete. In Henry the Third's time it was worth 12l. per annum, when it was farmed by William de St. Omer. In Edward the First's time Nic. de Castello or Castle farmed it, and Edward III. conveyed it in exchange to John de Clavering and his heirs; but it afterwards reverted and continued in the Crown till James I. granted it to Sir Charles Cornwaleis, Knt. to be held at the rent of 7l. 6s. 7d. ob. q. during the lives of Charles Cornwaleis, Esq. eldest son of Sir William Cornwaleis, Knt. Tho. Cornwaleis, Esq. eldest son of the said Charles, and Thomas Cornwaleis, son of the said Sir William.

Humble-Yard Deanery

Is in the archdeaconry of Norfolk, and at the time of the Norwich taxation had 28 parishes in it, and the annual profit to its rural dean was taxed at 26s. 8d. The following deans were all collated by the several Bishops of the see.

1256, John Ordermer.
1312, John de Chetestan.
1320, Ric. Umfrey.
1333, Roger de Ayremine.
1337, John de North Killesey; he resigned the same year to
Rich. le Grage of Barew, who died in 1341, and was succeeded by
Ric. de Normandeby, who resigned the next year to
John Backworth. 1349, Robert de Hardeshull, succeeded by Tho. de Thornham the same year, and he in
  • 1350, by Walter de Newhawe of Baketon, inceptor in arts.
  • 1360, John de Methelwold, shaveling.
  • 1388, Robert de Hedersete, clerk.
  • 1389, John Brereleye.
  • 1390, Walter Cutet of Brockford.
  • 1395, Will. Estryk.
  • 1419, Nic. Frenge, he resigned in 1421, for Waynford deanery in Suffolk, to
  • Robert Lambe, who resigned this for Thingo deanery in Suffolk; and in 1447, this deanery was perpetually united to that of Depwade, and
  • Ralf Somerby was collated to both as one deanery, and ever after it attended that deanery.



Lies at the northern extremity of this hundred; it was taxed at 1l. 12s. but had a deduction of 12s. a year, on account of the revenues of the religions here. The rectory is valued in the King's Books at 6l. 13s. 4d. and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 41l. 11s. 8d. it is discharged of first fruits and tenths, and is capable of angmentation. The situation answers its name, it being a hill-island. The church is dedicated to St. Andrew the Apostle, to whose honour there was a gild held here, and another of the Holy Cross: the image of which Saint stood on the north side of the altar, and was new painted in 1502. In the Lincoln taxation, the rectory was valued at 5l. and the rector had a house and 52 acres of glebe; but in the present terrier, there is a house and only 36 acres. It paid 1s. 8d. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations, 9d. Peter-pence, and 3d. carvage.

The church consists of a nave only, which is 17 yards long, and 7 broad; the chancel is 10 yards long and 7 broad; it hath a round steeple tiled at top, in which are two bells. On the south wall of the nave is a small memorial for Richard Browne, Gent. who died Oct. 20, 1674, aged 58, with the arms of

Browne of Diss in Norfolk, per chevron O. and B. in chief three estons of the second, in base a wyvern arg.

On the north side is an altar tomb of wood, with Yaxley's arms, and this inscription,

Here lyeth buried the body of Henry Yaxlee Esq; who died in the Faith of God's true elect Catholick Church, not trusting in the Merits of any, but the alone Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, and his Death and Passion. He died March 6, 1650. They that know thy Name will put their Trust in thee, for thou never forsakest them that seek thee, Psalm 9, 10. This is Life eternal to know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent, Joh. 17, 3.

Tota Sapientis est Meditatio Mortis.

The same monument also shows, that John Tomson, Gent. died March 17, 1575. Will. Yaxlee of Boston, Gent. 1625, and Raphe Yaxlee, 6th son of Henry aforesaid, 1636.

There is a brass for Robert Pitcher May 1, 1641.


  • 1302, Henry de Norwich.
  • 1303, Hugh de Creyk.
  • 1304, Henry de Norwich aforesaid, he was son of John de Norwich, all these were presented by Sir John de Malherbe, Knt.
  • 1337, Will. de Eston. Ric. de Melton.
  • 1338, Francis de Wesenham. Ric. de Bradenham.
  • 1351, Will. Pope of Witton, buried in the church in 1400, being succeeded by
  • Will. de Fornham, at the presentation of Ric. de Melton.
  • 1418, Will. Norwich. John de Melton of Colney.
  • 1436, John Norwich.
  • John Broun of Colney; he was succeeded by
  • John Drery, who resigned in 1441, and
  • John Josse was presented by Tho. Blak, who had this turn in right of Brown's manor in Colney.
  • 1455, Sir Tho. Bettys was presented by John Melton of Colney; he lies buried in the chancel, with this on a brass plate over him,
    Qwan the Belle ys solemplye cownge. And the Messe wyth Debosyon songe, And the Mete meryly hete, Sone shall Sere Thomas Bettys be forgete. On whose Sowle God have Mercy, Amen. Qui obiit vo die Aprilis Ao. Dni. Mcccclrrri.
  • 1481, Henry Alycock. Robert Melton this turn. He was also buried in the chancel, with this on a brass plate,
    Orate pro anima Henrici Alikok, quondam Rectoris istius Cccle' sie, qui obiit vio die Sept. A. Dni. Mo vc. iio.
  • 1502, John Aleyn. John Yakesley, serjeant at law.
  • 1511, Aug. Thurkeld or Thyrkyll. Eliz. Yakesley, widow; he resigned in 1533, and she presented
  • Rich. Whetelay, who held it united to Erlham.
  • Christopher Joye succeeded him, at whose death in
  • 1567, James Warcupp was presented, by the assignee of William Yaxley, Esq. on whose death in
  • 1592, George Vowell was presented by the Queen, as guardian to Henry Yaxley.
  • 1600, William Johnson, he returned 60 communicants here. Chris. Knolls, Gent. in right of Henry Yaxley of Bowthorp, the true patron.
  • 1614, Will. Moore, presented by Roger Binks, assignee of Henry Yaxley and Edward Walgrave; he was deprived in 1616, and the King gave it to
  • Edw. Tiddeswell, at whose death in
  • 1647, Alex. Burnet was presented by Mary Ward, widow; he lived till 1670, and then
  • Sam. Harding had it of the gift of Ric. Browne of Colney.
  • 1694, Rob. Harsnett. Jeremiah Norris, Esq.; but in 1698, he was obliged to be re-presented by the King, as to a lapsed rectory.
  • 1701, Tho. Clayton, official to the Archdedcon of Norwich, and rector of St. Miles at Plea in that city, was presented by Teresa Norris, widow; at whose death in
  • 1743, The Rev. Mr. John Brooks, who holds it united to the rectory of St. Augustine in Norwich, (see vol iv. p. 67, 76, 128, 477, 570,) was presented by Francis Loggin, Gent.

The whole town belonged to Earl Ralf before his forfeiture, after which it was divided into two parts or manors, distinguished by the names of West-hall and East-hall.

The Manor of West-Hall


Was the capital one, and to that the advowson was many years appendant; it was given to Godric the sewer, of whom Walter held it at the time of the Conquest, who purchased and added to it, part of the other manor, which then belonged to Roger Bigat; at the Confessor's survey, this part was worth 30s. and at the Conqueror's 40s.; the whole town was then a mile long, and as much broad, and paid to the geld or tax 8d. farthing. It after came to the Tateshales, and in 1201,

Sir Rob. de Tateshale had it conveyed to him by Gilbert son of Hervy, together with Witton in Norfolk; and soon after it was sold to the Malherbes. In 1239,

William Malherbe was lord and patron; and this year he had a warm contest with Kalf de Cringleford, concerning liberty of commonage for his tenants of Colney, with the tenants of the said Ralf, on a common called Sunderwoodhowe; and it went so far, that a duel was adjudged, and at the time, they both appeared armed in court; but then the judges decreed, that they should be inter-commoners, and that each should have the several services of their villeins and tenants, with prohibition that the lord of Cringleford should not plough, grub up, or any way alter the common from what it heretofore was. In 1302,

Sir Ralf de Malherbe, Knt. owned it, who in 1291, had sold a fourth part of it to

Elizabeth de Colney. This manor was held of Rob. de Tateshall, who had and held it of Rob. Fitz. Roger, at one fee, for which reason it was ever after held of the honour of Horseford. In 1309,

Sir Ralf Malherbe and Eliz. his wife, settled it with the advowson, on

Henry son of John de Norwich, rector here, and Roger son of Gilbert Bourne, in trust for them for their lives, and then to

Gilbert Malherbe, remainder to Roger in tail; it had then, a manor-house, mill, 240 acres of land, 12 acres of meadow, and 14 of pasture in demean; the quitrents were 35s. and 9 quarters of oats, and it extended into Hetherset, Melton, and Cringleford. In 1326,

Tho. de Brockdish, and Robert de Welholme had it; and now it seems that the 4th part of it, which had been sold to Eliz. de Colneye, was purchased by

Sir Rob de la Rokele, lord here, whose son Robert in 1331, conveyed the 4th part and the advowson, to

Rich. de Melton, citizen of Norwich, and Maud his wife. In 1345,

Jeffry de Snoring had the remaining three parts; and in 1346,

John Braham, Esq. and Anne his wife, daughter and coheir of John Tindring of Brockdish, and Cecilia wife of Rob. Ashfield of StowLangetot, another daughter and co-heiress, settled it on

William de Norwich, junior, and his heirs; and in 1370, William Wiset and other feoffees, sold it to Catherine widow of Sir William Capele, Knt. and Sir Edmund their son; and in 1401,

Will. Rees owned it, soon after which it was joíned to

The Manor of East-Hall


Which was forfeited by Earl Ralph, and afterwards given to Roger Bigot, of whose gift Waregerius held it in the Conqueror's time, when it was worth 30s. per annum. In the Confessor's time it was of 20s. value only, and Stigand was the then lord. The successour of this Waregerius assumed the name of Colney from this village, and

Sir Ralf de Colney, Knt. was lord here in 1260. In 1291,

Sir William de Colney, his son, had it, and held it at a quarter of a fee of the Earl-marshal, who held it in chief of the King, as did

Jeffery de Colney after him; and in 1306,

Ric. de Colney; in 1310, Sir

William de Colney and Eliz. his wife settled it in trust on John de Whinbergh, who was to hold it for their use during their lives, remainder to Jeffery, Ralf, John, and Roger, their sons, in tail: it contained then three messuages, one mill, 200 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, and 32s. annual rent in Colney, Carleton, Parva-Melton, Erlham, and Merkeshall, and was held of the honour of Forncet.

In 1346 Laurence, eldest son of Jeffery, eldest son of Sir William de Colney, owned it, and sold it the same year to Will. Blomvyle, Richard Hakun, Hugh, parson of Melton All-Saints, and Edmund de Lesingham, feoffees in trust for the said William, Hugh Curson, and John de Welholm; in 1377, William Pope, rector here, Richard Carter, Nic. atte Launde and Anne his wife, settled it on Rob atte Launde for life; remainder to Nic. and Anne, and their heirs; which Nicholas enjoyed it in 1401; and in 1432, Anne Launde had it for life, reversion to John Browne and his heirs, it being purchased by him in 1401. In 1451, Nic. Browne died seized in fee tail of Browne's manor in Colney, with the moiety of the advowson, which by purchase had been added to it, and Nic. Dunston of Norwich was found his next heir; in 1480, Rob. Bumpstede of Willingham St. Mary in Suffolk was buried in the chancel of St. Mary's church of Soterley in Suffolk at the entrance of it, and made John his eldest son, and Rob. Bumpstede, chaplain, his son, executors; and gave his manor in Willingham, to Marion his wife, and his manor of Colneye to his son Peter, if it could be recovered out of the King's hands, there being then a contest about it, between him and the heirs of Browne; about 1490, John Melton had it, and in 1497, settled it by fine on

John Yaxley and his heirs; in which family it continued (as the presentations show) till the late troublesome times, when one of the Yaxleys being a papist, settled this and Bowthorp, (see Bowthorp, vol. ii. p. 387,) and a considerable estate in Yorkshire, on his kinsman, Rich. Browne of Colney, whose son, Henry Browne, sold it to Mr. Hunt of London, who sold it to Mr. Jeremiah Norris, from which time it hath continued in that family. The Spelmans, Dethicks, and Walgraves, were concerned as trustees for this manor, in many settlements of it, made by the Yaxleys.

Jeremiah Norris of Norwich, Gent. is the present lord.

The Manor of Melton's


Took its rise from the 4th part of Westhall, which was sold as aforesaid in 1331, to Rich. de Melton, who presented in 1337, and Richard de Bradenham, his trustee, in 1338; it afterwards belonged to Thomas de Bumpstede, whose trustees, William, rector of Colneye, Ric. de Bitering, John de Plumstede, and others, settled it on Rob. de Bumpstede, who presented in 1351; it having been settled in 1348, by Thomas the son, on Rob. de Bumpstede, the father, and Cicily his wife, Philip son of Edmund Browne, and Margaret his wife, and their heirs. In 1399, Nic. son of John Corpsty, and John son of Philip Browne, released it to Ric. de Melton; and his trustees, Sir Miles and Sir Brian Stapleton, Knts. Thomas Bose, parson of Wramplingham, Rob. Serjeant of the same, and John Lingwood of Norwich, settled it on John, son and heir of Richard de Melton, who presented in 1418, and 1455, and Rob. Melton his son in 1481; and in 1497, John Melton sold it with the manor of East-hall to John Yaxley; from which time it hath been joined to that manor.

There was a freeman and 30 acres of ground, &c. held by Rob. de Vals (Vallibus or Vaux,) of Will. de Schoies, and after by Roger de Ebrois, at the Conqueror's survey; part of which was afterwards settled in 1196, by Roger Picot, on Deodate, prior of St. Faith at Horsham, and the convent there, which in 1428, paid 2s. to the taske.


The church is dedicated to all the Saints, and hath a square tower and three bells joined to its west end; the chancel and nave are thatched, the south porch tiled, and a south isle and north chapel leaded, which is dedicated to our Lady, and had a gild held in it to her honour, and another in honour of the Baptist. In the chancel on a monument against the north wall,

Skottowe, per fess or and az. a mullet of six points counterchanged, impaling

Le Gros, quarterly ar. and az. on a bend sab. threee martlets or.

To the Memory of Richard Skottowe Gent. (who died the 22 May 1656.) Bridget his Wife (one of the Daughters of Sir Char. le Gros of Crostwicke in the County of Norf. Knt.) erected this Monument; by whome he had twoe Daughters, Franc. whoe died the 5 of April 1655, and Eliz. the 5 of June 1656.

Scottowe impales Wells, or, a chevron gul. between three mullets az. Crest, a hand and arm erect, holding a mullet of eight points.

Augustine Scottowe Gent. Mar. 13, 1683, Susannah his beloved Wife, Heiress of Rob. Wells Esq; of Rougham in Suff. 28 Jan. 1681, Augustine their Son Jan. 31, the same year.

Skottowe impales Coulson or Colston, or, two barbels hauriant sab. respecting each other.

Elizabeth Wife of Thomas Scottowe Gent. and Heiress of Chris. Coulson Esq; of Great Ayton in Yorkshire, Aug. 31, 1718. Jane their Daughter Oct. 20, 1699, aged two Months. Christopher their Son July 23, 1702, aged 5 Months. This on a black marble.

Repositorium Francescæ Skottowe, Richardi et Brigettæ Filiolæ, Aprilis 5to Ætatis 3tio. 1655.

Just thre Yeares old, & Aprill be her Date, The Month bespeaks our Tares, her Yeares, her Fate.

Dormitorium Elisabethæ Skottowe filiolæ Richardi Skottowe Gener. et Brigettæ Uxoris Unicæ, obijt Junij 5to Æt. 3°. A. D. 1656.

Stay; shee'll awake e're long, then cease to weepe, The Damosell is not dead, but shee's asleepe, She (like her Sister) did but take a taste Of Mortal Life, then breathed it out in haste; Soe twoe at three Yeares old interred be, In Expectation of the One in Three.

Sic (a death's head is placed here) Tu.

Repositum Thomæ, Filioli Johannis Brandon hujus Ecclesiæ Vicarij, ab Anna Uxore suâ, qui Menses natus duos, obijt 28 die Decem. Anno Salutis 1710.

A mural monument on the south side of the chancel, hath the arms of Johnson, and this,

Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Johnson Gent. Son and Heir of Mr. Rob. Johnson, who died June 7, 1714 And also of Mrs. Mary Johnson, the eldest Daughter of Mr. Rob. Johnson, who died Aug. 29 1716, both single persons, brought up in the sound Principles of the Church of England, and of true loyalty to their Sovereign. This Monument was erected at the Charge of Mrs. Mary Johnson their surviving Sister, A. D. 1718.

In the nave on a brass plate by the desk,

Here under lieth the Body of Dorothie the Wife of Edmund Anguish, and Daughter to Robert Marsham Gent. And also the Body of Rob. Anguish her Sonne, which said Robert Anguish deceased the 2 Day of June 1664, and the said Dorothy the 19 of the same Month following.

Mors ultima Linea Rerum.

Anguish, gul. a cinquefoil pierced or, with a label of five impaling Marsham.

Johnson, gul. on a saltier arg. 5 fer-du-molins of the field. Crest, an eagle's head erased, parted per pale embattled A. G.

Robert Johnson Gent. Sept. 17, 1680. A steady Churchman, a Loyal Subject, a loving Husband, an indulgent Father, and a hearty Friend. Mrs. Mary Johnson his Wife June 13, 1704, the most obliging of Wives, the tenderest of Mothers Our Flesh shall rest in hope, Ps. 16, 9.

Rob. Buck Aug. 18, 1727, æt. 65. Tho. Rackham aged 45.

In 1501, Thomas Batchcroft, lord of this town, was buried in our Lady's chapel, and in 1558, Rob. Allen, Gent. was buried in the church. In the north window of this chapel is a shield, on which, S. a chevron er. between three lions rampant arg. and in the south isle window, arg. a chief gul. over all a bendlet az. Cromwell.

This advowson was given in 1121, by Ralf de Monte Caniso or Montchensy, and was confirmed by Warine de Montchensy, his nephew, to Gilbert, prior of Ixworth in Suffolk, and the convent there, to which it was appropriated by Pope Honorius II. The rectory-house, and 24 acres of glebe, and the great tithes were assigned to the convent, who presented the vicars till its dissolution; it was first taxed at 10, and afterwards at 12 marks; the vicar had a house and 12 acres of land, and all the small tithes; the vicarage was valued at 4 marks and an half, but was not taxed; afterwards, the rectory and all that belonged to it, was granted to the vicar and his successours, paying the prior a perpetual pension of 46s. 8d. a year. The present terrier of the parsonage and vicarage, hath no house, but about 33 acres of land. In 1538, King Henry VIII granted it to Richard Codington of Codington in Surrey, (now Nonesuch,) in exchange for the manor of Codington, along with the manor of Ixworth, &c. and he with other trustees in 1554, sold it to Francis Chamberlain of Great-Melton, who in 1561, held it in capite with the glebes and tithes thereto belonging, till by deed dated May 8, 1577, he conveyed them to Emmanuel college in Cambridge, which hath presented to the vicarage ever since.

It is valued at 5l. 6s. 8d. in the King's Books, pays no first fruits; synodals 2s.; procurations 6s. 8d. The Prior of Wimondham's temporals here were valued at 11s. per annum.



Presented by The Convent.

  • 1275, William.
  • 1301, Will de Wlpet.
  • Will de Ixworth.
  • 1316, Walter de Ewston, who in 1322, exchanged it for Ixworth chantry with
  • Will le Bailiff of Norton.
  • 1323, Alan, son of Stephen de Lavenham. In 1349, during the great plague, three vicars were instituted.
  • Tho. Cosse, Walter Bate, and John Gilbert.
  • 1371, Simon de Hormingtoft.
  • 1375, Gilbert de Hethersete.
  • 1388, John Fowler, who in 1395, changed this for Netlested with Henry Stork, who resigned to John Arteys.
  • 1401, Ric. Manger.
  • 1410, Sir Robert Bernak.
  • 1419, John Josse, who resigned in
  • 1426 to Tho Drawswerd, and he in
  • 1430, to John de Aylesham, who was buried here in 1457, and Josse succeeded again, and was buried here in 1501, and in
  • 1502, Will. Godred succeeded, and after him Thurstan Browne, who was the last presented by the convent.

In 1554, he was deprived, and Richard Coddington, Esq. presented Tho. Hewe, who was also deprived in 1555, and Walter Sparry was instituted; he died the same year, and Ric Wheatly was collated by the Bishop.

  • 1562, Edw. Reed. Fran. Chamberlain, Esq.
  • 1587, Rob. House; he held it with Baburgh, and in 1603, returned answer, that in his two vicarages there were 158 communicants, that the valuation of the rectory and vicarage of Melton together, is in the last valuation 5l. 6s. 8d and that the first valuation of the vicarage alone, was 53s. 4d.

The following vicars were all presented by the masters and scholars of Emmanuel college in Cambridge.

  • 1608, Alex. Wixted.
  • 1611, John Fawether.
  • 1612, Will. Merrick.
  • 1613, Tho. Robinson.
  • 1618, Ric. Youngs.
  • 1640, Tho. Bulbek.
  • Gawen Nash, one of the minor canons, deprived for not taking the oaths to King William III.
  • 1691, John Brandon, united to Wramplingham.
  • 1743, The Rev. Mr. John Freeman, on Brandon's death, united to Rackhithe, the present vicar.

This town belonged to Edwin in the Conqueror's time, who settled it at his death on the abbey of St. Bennet at Holm in Ludham in Norfolk; it was then worth 40s. afterwards 60s. and at the Conqueror's survey 4l. and was then held by Godric the Sewer, after Earl Ralf's forfeiture. There was also another manor here, and in Great Melton, held by one of the Confessor's thanes, which Godric also had; LittleMelton was one mile and an half long, and 1 mile and 1 furlong broad, and paid 8d. q. to the geld. Ingreda, wife to Edwin, confirmed her husband's grant, but after their deaths, Ralf their son agreed with Richer the Abbot, Ralf the Prior, and the monks, that he should hold it for life, remainder to Letseline, his wife, for life, and the heirs of Ralf for ever, if he had any, if not, it was to revert to the convent, of which it was to be always held, by a clear rent of 10s. a year. It was called in this deed Medeltun the Less, or the Middle-Town. King Henry II. sent a precept to the sheriff of Norfolk, that the Abbot of St. Bennet should hold quietly this manor, which Hubert de Montchensy had disseized him of, during the war, and which he had acknowleged before the Archbishop of Canterbury, to be of that convent's fee; whereupon it was agreed, that Hubert and his heirs should hold the town of the convent, paying a fee-farm rent to the Abbot, of 10s. which is now paid to Bishop's manor of Heigham, which belonged to that convent. In 1284, William, son of Sir Warine de Montchensy, had view of frankpledge, assize of bread and ale, free-warren, &c.

In 1272, Reginald de Argentein and Lora his wife purchased several lands here; and in 1318, John son of Reginald, held one part of the manor at the 16th part of a fee, of Aymer de Valence Earl of Pembroke, valued at 3l. 1s. and another part of Holm abbey, valued at 17l. 9s. 8d. and then Emma de Bek and others held a part of Hertford fee, valued at 20s. of all which he died siezed; as also of Keteringham in Norfolk, Halesworth in Suffolk, Wimondly Parva in Hertfordshire, and several manors in Cambridgeshire, &c. John his son and heir being one year old. In 1381, Sir John de Argentein, Knt. settled it on Sir William, his son, and Isabel his wife, daughter of Will. de Kerdeston, Knt. after the death of himself and Margaret his wife, who had it in 1383, the quitrents being 10l. per annum, as also the manor of Keteringham; and Joan, wife of Bartholomew de Naunton, Knt. and Margaret their daughter, 40 years old, Alice wife of Baldwin St. George, Knt. and Baldwin their son, 21 years old, and Mand wife of Ivo Fitz Warine, Knt. were heirs. In 1445, Will. Wymer, and Margaret his wife, who was daughter and heir of John Toll of South-Elmham, settled it on John Alyngton, junior, Esq. and Mary his wife, remainder to Will. Alyngton, junior, father of the said John and Eliz. his late wife, remainder to Anne Alyngton, cousin of Elizabeth. In 1469, John Alyngton and Mary his wife owned it; and in 1534, Giles Alyngton and Mary his wife, sold it to Eliz. Marsham, widow, when it extended into all the Meltons, Hetherset, Bawburgh, and Colney: she was widow of John Marsham, mayor of Norwich, who was buried in the chancel of St. John Maddermarket in Norwich, Ao 1525, (see vol. iv. p. 290.) In 1557, Tho. Marsham, alderman of Norwich, was buried in St. John's Maddermarket, and left Elizabeth his wife, and Ralph his brother, each a moiety of the manor; James Marsham, his kinsman, was executor, with Eliz. his mother, Eliz. his wife, and Hamon Claxton, Gent.; his sister, Eliz. Layer, had John, Thomas, and Christopher, his nephews. In 1567, Ralph Marsham of Norwich, grocer, was sole lord; he married a daughter of Hamon Claxton of Livermere in Suffolk, and left it to Robert Marsham, his son and heir, who married Elizabeth. daughter of Robert Downes of Bodney and Great Melton, who had first Edward Marsham of Little Melton, lord in 1612; who married Elizabeth, daughter and coheir of Edmund Grey of Bunwell in Norfolk; second, John Marsham; third, Thomas Marsham, alderman of London, from whom descended Sir Robert Marsham of Winfarthing, created Lord Romney in 1716, (see Peerage vol. iv. p. 298.) The manor was sold about 1620, for then it appears by a particular made for its sale, that it was let at 125l. per annum, and contained above 16 score acres; and the freehold rents belonging to it were 8l. 12s 2d. per annum, most having been manumised by the Marshams. In 1623 Tho. Sayer and Will. Barker settled it on Laur. Sotherton, Gent. and his heirs. In 1636, Augustine Scottowe, Gent. died siezed of Melton Parva, and left two sons, Richard his son and heir, aged 10 years, and Augustine, aged two years. Richard Skottow died in 1656, Augustine Scottowe in 1683, and it continued in this family till Thomas Scottowe of Norwich, Gent. sold it to

Sir Benjamin Wrench, Knt. M. D. of the said city, who is the present lord.

Melton-Hall, Hertford's or Hereford's Manor

Belonged very early to Roger de Melton Parva, and Muriel his wife, about 1180, and after to Roger his son, and Roger his grandson, who sold to Master Vincent de Bek, all his lay fee and freehold, which he and his father held of Will. son of Jeffry of Great Melton, in order to enable him to go in pilgrimage to the Holy-Land, having settled on Emma his wife the land late Rob. de Melton's, his kinsman, near the land of William the parson of Little Melton. In 1228, Will. de Bek held it at half a quarter of a fee of the heirs of Montchensy, who held it of Sir Robert de Tateshall, who held it of the honour of Peverell; in 1280, William de Hereford (from whom it took its name) owned it; in 1318, Emma de Bek had it; and in 1323, Will. de Hertford held it at the 8th part of a fee, of the Earl of Pembrook, and John Dames had it soon after. In 1338, by the name of Burfield's manor, an 8th part of it was settled on John Skilman and Margaret his wife, and John their son; and in 1345, it was found that the heirs of Will. de Bek held it. In 1371, the feoffees of Margaret widow of Ralf de Bocking, released it to John Dunnyng and his heirs; in 1401, Thomas de Blickling, son of Thomas, son of William de Blickling, and Julian, daughter of William Spynk of Norwich, his wife, held it; but he being a minor, it was in the King's hands; in 1408, Rog. Blickling had it; in 1418, it was sold by John Swan and Ric. Monesle, to John Briston, Esq. Henry Lesingham, and Robert Harrington and Eliz. his wife; in 1459, Robert Allen, senior of Erlham, and Henry Spelman, mortgaged it to Simon Thornham, &c. for 110 marks; and in 1501, Tho. Batchecroft of Melton Parva gave it to Christian his wife, by will, for life, and then to be sold; in 1574, Rich. Calle of Melton, Gent. and Edith his wife, and Tho Calle, Gent and Catherine his wife, sold it to Nichoals Sotherton, junr. of Norwich, Gent. and his heirs, in whose family it afterwards became joined to Melton-Parva manor,



Or Middle-ton, had two churches standing very near one another in the same churchyard; that dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin is now standing, and in use; it belonged to the manor of Hacon's or Hakun's in this town, and when Norwich Domesday was made, Ric. Hakun was patron of it; the rector had a house and four acres of land; it was first valued at 9, and after at 12 marks; it paid 13d. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations to. the Archdeacon of Norfolk, 12d. Peter-pence, and 2d. ob. carvage. The tower was built in 1440, and hath three bells in it; the church hath only one isle, which is thatched, as is the south porch; the chancel is tiled. The rectory remains undischarged, being valued in the King's Books at 6l. 13s. 4d. and so pays 13s. 4d. yearly tenths, but no first fruits. It paid to the ancient tenths 3l. 16s. clear. It is 27 yards long, and 6 yards and an half broad. In the chancel, on a marble, is this,

Here lieth interred the Body of William Younger, Master in Arts, and Rector of both these Parishes, who deceased March the 6, 1661, Ætatis suæ 57,

Younger he was by Name, but not in Grace, Elder than he, in this, must give him Place.

His Faith, his Patience, Charity, and Love, Argue his Soul to be in Heaven above.

Frances his Relict died Oct. 17, 1665.

On another stone, Bacon impales Bedingfield,

Eliz. Infant Daughter of Francis Bacon of Norwich Esq; and Dorothy his Wife, who died at Nurse with Rob. Tilles of this Town, was buried July 21, 1661. Life is even a Vapour that appeareth for a little Time, then vanisheth away, Lam. 4, 14.

At the lower end of the nave, there is a stone for, Thomas Clarke, 21, May, 1689, 60, and Bridget his wife 28 Jan. 1672, 50.

In 1527, Rob. Boleyn, wax-chandler of Norwich, after the death of Alice his wife, gave a messuage and 8 acres and 3 roods of arable land, and a piece of meadow containing two acres and an half, and two acres of arable land late Robert Barker's, lying in the town and field of Great Melton, with the course of a faldage of 200 sheep, to the parish church of our Lady of the said town, to be in the hands of 10 or 12 persons (feoffees) dwelling in the said parish, to hold to them and their assignees for evermore. The church-wardens for their year to receive the profits, out of which 6s. 8d. to be yearly reserved towards discharging the parishioners of the King's taxes. His own and wife's obit to be kept in the church yearly on Whitsunday, with placebo, dirige, and mass of requiem, and the rest to repair the church. (Regr. Palgrave, fo. 17.)

The Prior of Wimondham's temporals were taxed at 9s. and the Prior of Walsingham's at 3s. 8d. this was given to that monastery by Master Vincent de Becco, or Bek, and issued out of the lands which he held of Will. Fitz Jeffery, and of Richard son of Ribald, and that convent sold it to Ric. de Hethersete, rector of this church, paying 3s. to the convent; and Pandulph Bishop of Norwich licensed Master Vincent de Bek to purchase 15 acres of the free land of St. Mary's church at Melton, (with consent of the rector and patron,) to him and his heirs, paying 3s. to the rector for ever, in 1221. In 1484, Henry Heydon received 5l. of Thomas Batchcroft, Gent. in full payment for the lands late the Prior of Walsingham's in Melton-Magna

Rectors of Melton St. Mary


William de Melton, rector and patron.

  • 1221, Ric. de Hethersete. Will. son of Jeffry de Magna Melton, patron; he gave to Herbert de Hethersete 6 acres, and to Simon son of Herbert, 1 acre, paying 12d. per annum to St. Mary's altar.
  • 1302, Walter de Winfarthing. Sir Hugh Vere, Knt.
  • 1307, Walter de Magna Henney. Ditto.
  • 1320, the advowson belonged to the Montchensies, capital lords here, and in 1323, Aymer de Valence Earl of Pembroke, then patron, held it of the fee of the barony of Montchensy.
  • 1347, Hugh, son of Hugh Godwold, buried here in 1376. Sir Ric. Talbot, Knt and Eliz. his wife.
  • 1377, Griffin ap Johan. Sir Gilbert Talbot, Knt. lord of Irchenfield, Blakmere, and Godric's castle in Hertfordshire: he changed the next year for Obely in Wells diocese, with
  • Nic. Hadham, who in 1382 changed for Caystro in Lincoln diocese, with
  • Will. Hasulbech. Sir Gilbert Talbot, &c. and in 1396, he exchanged for Ampthill in Lincoln diocese, with
  • Ric. Snow, who was presented by Sir Gilbert Talbot, Knt. Lord Talbot.
  • 1410, Ric. Manger, buried here in 1458. Ditto.
  • Robert Hope was rector here, and resigned in 1471, to John Chapman, who was presented by John Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury, Lord Talbot, &c. he died in 1506, and was buried in the chancel, and gave a legacy to our Lady's gild in this church, and another to that of the Baptist in All-Saints church.
  • 1507, Robert Jermyn, by lapse, united to All-Saints; he died in 1523, and George Earl of Shrewsbury presented
  • Ric. Blonston, who resigned in 1526, and the Earl presented
  • John Johnson, who died in 1546, and Frances Countess of Shrewsbury presented
  • John Harrys; and the year following,
  • John Waynhouse, who held it by union with Southwood rectory. In 1555, she gave it
  • Walter Sparry, who had it united to All-Saints, and was licensed to serve these churches alternately, and so held it as one living, with Nemy Tracy, alias Bower, in Devonshire, Thomas Downes being his curate here; he died in 1557, and she gave it
  • Robert Wincop, who held it with All-Saints, at whose death in
  • 1578, George Malby had it. In
  • 1589, George Earl of Shrewsbury gave it to
  • Will. Strickland, A. B. who returned 72 communicants here; he had it united to Caldecote, and at his death in 1615, the Earl gave it to
  • Robert Gobert, who held it united to Marlingford.
  • 1649, Will. Younger, united to All-Saints, buried here in 1661.
  • 1662, Tho. Ward, united to All-Saints. Sir John Talbot, Knt. At his death in 1680, Charles Earl of Shrewsbury gave it to
  • John Amyas, who held it united to All-Saints, and resigned this in 1703, when Edm. Keene, Esq. gave it to
  • Tho. Jephson, who was succeeded by
  • Joseph-Ben-Ellis, in whose time an act passed, (12 Annæ Session.1,) by which, this parish and that of All-Saints, were consolidated and made one rectory, advowson, and parish; the church of All-Saints to be pulled down, and the materials to be laid out in repairing St. Mary's church; the same officers to serve both parishes as one; and with the consent of Edm. Keene, Esq. lord of the manors, and patron of the churches, and of Amyas, rector of All-Saints, and Ellis, rector here: at the next avoidance they were to be one rectory, with one presentation, double institution fees, and all other fees due to the King, Bishop, Archdeacon, &c. to be paid as usual heretofore, and all the parishioners to be liable to repair St. Mary's church; and the act to be deemed a publick act. The advowson was afterwards sold to Gonvile and Caius college in Cambridge: and Dr. Ellis having resigned, in
  • 1723, William Selth, A. M. fellow of that house, was presented to it, as one rectory, and held it united to St. Michael in Coslany in Norwich; (see vol. iv. p. 493;) he died and was buried here in 1740, and in
  • 1741, The Rev. Mr. Charles Tucke, A. M. late fellow of the college, the present rector, had it of the gift of the college, and now holds it united to St. Michael in Coslany in Norwich.

The advowson of St. Mary always attended that manor or moiety of the town, which, from the owner's name, was called

The Manor of Hakun's or Hacon's


Which Edwin, a thane of the Confessor's, held in his time, when there were two carucates of land in demean, ix. villeins, v. bordars, and iiii. servants; wood sufficient to keep lx. swine, lx. sheep, iii. hives of bees, &c. the whole of the manor being then worth 6l. and at the Conquest 7l. The King and the Earl of Norfolk, had the soc or superiour jurisdiction, and Godric the sewer then held it. It soon came into the hands of the Meltons of Great Melton, and Thomas de Melton Magna had it; his son Jeffry succeeded, and his son William was rector here, patron, and lord, in 1199; and Thomas Fitz-Walter, released it to him as 2 carucates of land in 1200; and in 1205 Rob. Hacun had bought it, and settled it on Ric. Hacun, it being then held at half a fee; and in 1219, Hubert, son of Ric. Hacun had it, and was then under age, and in the custody of Hubert de Montchensy, of whose barony it was always held; in 1229, Hubert granted to Robert son of Thomas Hacun, lands here, and to Simon son of Herbert de Hetherset, the homage of Anastatia, daughter of Bartholomew of Melton Magna, and her free tenement; in 1240, Will. de Muntchensy, capital lord of the fee, and patron, resided here; in 1267, Hubert Hakun, then lord, hindered his tenants paying to the Earl's or sheriff's turn, or hundred court, for which he was impleaded by the Crown; but on paying the King 4s. 7d. per annum he had a lete and view of frankpledge allowed to this manor, and free-warren, and so became exempt from the hundred court. This was allowed in Eire in 1274, and 1284; at which time, Ric. Hacun, then lord, acknowledged that he held the whole fee, and all liberties thereto belonging, of William de Muntchensy, his capital lord: and now the lete of Melton was held in the name of the said William, and in 1285, Simon, son of Hubert Hacon, and Anne his wife, conveyed to William, son of Warine de Montchensie, capital lord of the fee, the advowson of St. Mary, the lete, and the moiety of the churchyard, containing 1 acre; and the same year a fine was levied between John son of John de Bohun, and Ric. son of Hubert Hacon, and Anne his wife, by which the 4th part of Ofton manor in Suffolk was settled on John; and in 1290, John Hacon of Shouldham and Anne his wife. Hubert son of John Hacon and Katherine his wife, conveyed many lands here to Simon of Hetherset; and in 1302, Hubert son of Sir Richard Hacun, Knt. had the manor only, out of which he granted 6s. 8d. per annum, to the said Simon; for Hugh de Vere and Dionise his wife had the lete and advowson, and held it as part of the fees of Rob. de Tateshall, which Thomas de Caily then had. In 1312, they settled them by fine on Gilbert Baliol, and Katherine his wife, who were found in 1315, to hold them, as Hubert Hacon did the manor. In 1318, Ric. Hacun of Great Melton married Anne, second daughter of Roger, and sister and coheir of Ric. Loveday of Great Brisete in Suffolk, and in 1320, Hubert his father settled this manor on him after his own death, which happened about 1323, for then Hubert's heirs had it. In 1345, Ric. Hacun held it with Brisete Magna in Suffolk, which he had of his wife's inheritance, and in 1360 he was lord here. In 1342, Gilbert Baliol conveyed the advowson and lete, &c. to Sir Richard Talbot, who presented in 1347, in which family it continued till lately, as the several presentations show, to which I refer you. The manor continued in the Hacons; for in 1432, Will. Hacon of Ipswich, and Margaret his wife conveyed it to John Hacon of Wyveton, whose son Thomas of Cley in Norfolk, in 1450, sold it to Robert Toppe, merchant and alderman of Norwich, who died in 1467; and his son Robert of Great Melton in 1487, gave the manor and his whole estate, to Sir Gregory Lovell, Knt. his nephew, and to Anne Lovell, his sister, and to John Toppe, his bastard son, divers legacies; and it continued in that family till 1534, (see vol. i. p. 323,) and then Thomas Lovell, Knt. and Eleanor his wife, settled it on Ambrose Wolley, and in 1557, Roger Woodhouse, Knt. settled it on Henry Drury, as trustees only to the Lovells, from which family it went to Edward Downes of Melton, Esq. who married Katherine, daughter of Sir Thomas Lovell of Herling, Knt. relict of Sir Thomas Knevet of Bukenham, and of Edward Spring, Esq. in which family it became joined to, and remained with,

The Manor of Peverell's


In this town, to which the advowson of the church of All-Saints, with the chapel of of Algar's Thorp, always belonged. This church, since the act for that purpose, is ruinated; the steeple is square, the nave is 20 yards long, and the chancel 9, it had a south porch, but no isles: on a stone in the altar are three coats impaled, 1st, 6 escalops 3, 2, 1. 2d, Anguish. 3d, a boar's head cooped:

Here lieth John Anguish of Great Melton Esq; who after a faithfull Discharge of his Duty to King Charles the first of blessed Memory, in his Wars during the wicked Rebellion, died on the 12 of Febr. aged 79 Years.

On another adjoining stone, Anguish impales a lion rampant in a bordure indented.

Here lyeth the Body of Major Edm. Anguish Apr. 10, 1694, 80, and Anna his Wife, Oct. 8, 1702, 81.

Hic jacet spe futuræ Resurrectionis Thomas Ward, hujus alteriusque Ecclesiæ Rector, obijt 22° die Sept. Anno Æt. 59, Dni. 1680.

In the north-east corner of the chancel is an old arched monument, by which lies a stone, but the inscription was so covered with dirt, I could make out only the words, Dum Ludis, transit Vita, but it was laid over Edmund Anguish, Esq. lord and patron, who died Nov. 5, 1657, æt. 84.

There is an inscription in the churchyard for the wife of Robert Davy.

The rector, when Norwich Domesday was made, had a house and 23 acres of land, valued without the portion, at 12 marks, and the portion of the Prioress of Redlyngfield, being a portion of the tithes of the demeans, was valued at 1 mark, afterwards at 30s. the synodals 2s. procurations 6s. 8d. Peter-pence 1s. 4d. carvage 2d. The present terrier hath a house and 25 acres of glebe. There was a gild of St. John Baptist held in the church. The south porch was new built in 1455, and this parish paid to the old taske or tenths, 1l. 17s. out of which there was a deduction of 8s. on account of the lands and revenues of the religious here. It stands in the King's Books by the name of Melton Flotman. All-Saints rectory is valued at 6l 13s. 4d and pays 13s. 4d. yearly tenths, but no first fruits. There is a good house, called Melton hall, north-west of the churchyard at a small distance, in which the Rev. Mr. Lombe now dwells, which is the site of this manor.

Rectors of Melton All-Saints


with Algarthorp chapel.

  • 1301, Remigius Skileman. John Peverel.
  • 1312, Stephen, son of Bartholomew Winterton, resigned.
  • 1314, Julian Peverel, patroness.
  • 1331, Thomas de Morley. Sir Hugh Peverel. Resigned.
  • 1338, Hugh Wykeman. Ditto.
  • 1366, John atte Cherche, lapse, resigned.
  • 1368, William de Kelby. Sir William de Burton, Knt. He changed in 1373, with
  • John atte Park, for Kellyng.
  • 1395, John Cobbald. John Peverell of Melton, and Ric. Freton, clerk; and in 1402, he exchanged for Heverlond with
  • John Snow, who was presented by John Peverel, and Will. Curson.
  • 1420, Henry Hall. Sir Edmund Bury, Knt.
  • 1444, John Toftys. Ric. Elsy. &c. He died in 1475, and was buried in St. Giles's church at Norwich.
  • 1476. Henry Bozun. Will Paston, &c. buried in 1487; he was son of John Bozun of Great Breccles, and had a brother William, whose son Henry and his brothers were his heirs. 1488, Rob. Jermyn, lord of Peverel's manor, Will. Paston, and other feoffees; united to St. Mary.
  • 1523, Gilbert Wheeler. George Talbot, for this turn; resigned.
  • 1351, Will. Sparry united to St. Mary. Tho. Downes, Gent.
  • 1557, Rob. Whincop, united to St. Mary, buried here March 18, 1578. Rob. Richers, Gent.
  • 1579, Hugh Castleton, resigned.
  • 1589, Tho Browne. Robert Browne, Esq. of Melton and Dorothy his wife; he returned 80 communicants in this parish, and died June 22, 1631, when
  • Will. Younger was presented by Edmund Anguish of Melton, Esq. and had it united to St. Mary.
  • 1662, Tho. Ward, who is buried here, was presented by Frances Younger, and had it united to St. Mary, as
  • John Amyas also had; he died 26 July, 1728, and was presented by John Anguish, Esq. and in his time it was annexed as before, by act of parliament, to St. Mary's church here.

Peverel's Manor


Was owned by Ketel, a Dane, in the Confessor's time, and contained two carucates; there was a wood to maintain 100 swine, two beehives, a faldage, and 60 sheep, and in the Conqueror's time 114, when it was held of Ralf Peverel, one of the Normans who came in with that prince, by Garinus or Warine, who had 7 freemen under him; the church was valued with the manor, and had 3 acres of land worth 2s. the manor and church was in King Edward's time valued at 6l. and in King William's at 7l.; the whole of the town and both manors, paid 16d. ob. to the geld or tax.

It was a league and 3 furlongs long and half a league broad, and was aways held of the Peverells; for in 1204, Gerebert de Sancto Claroheld it for life, of the fee of Will. Peverell; but it was the manor only, for the Peverells had the advowson, lete, and royalties as capital lords all the while. Mathew Peverel gave to the monks of Norwich, lands and rents belonging to his manor here; in 1186, Will. Peverel, his son and heir, held five knights fees of the honour of Peverel, of which this manor at 3 fees, and Brakene manor, which attended this, at 1 fee; and Oliva his widow held it in jointure; and William de la More gave Ric. I. 40 marks to marry her, and have the custody of Peverel's children and lands till they came of age; she after married Hugh de Risings, and in 1204, William his son had seizin of this and Brakene, and paid the King 20 marks, and a palfrey for livery thereof; and the same year, Cecily de Sancto Omero, or Sent Omer, lady of Brundale manor, promised King John 10 marks, if he would put her in seizen of the land of Will. Peverel, as freely as King Richard I. gave the custody thereof and of his heir, to William de la More, and William's widow to be wife to the said William de la More, which was granted; and the year following, Will. Peverel took it out of her hands; in 1218, Mat. Peverel held here, and in Brakene, Keteringham, Carleton, and Riveshall, 4 fees, of the honour of Peverel, and Jeffry Tregoz one in Billingford. In 1242, Hugh Peverel held Melton at three fees, and John his son and heir was 23 years old. In 1246, Alice widow of Hugh Peverel held it till her dower should be assigned; and the custody of the heir and estate of Hugh, was granted to Peter Braunch. In 1249, Alice his mother was married to Alexander de Vaux, or de Vallibus; and Oliva, grandmother to Hugh, was alive, and married to Mat. Peverel.

In 1350, King Henry III. granted him a weekly market and fair to his manor of Melton and free warren to it and his manor of Brakene, and assise of bread and ale, which was allowed in eire in 1284; with liberty of a cucking-stool, paying 16d. ob. per annum to the King's hundred court, for the exemption from its jurisdiction. In 1291, Sir Bartholomew de Redham, Knt. gave the moiety of Scotow manor with his daughter Joan, in marriage to John son and heir of Sir Hugh Peverel, and Sir Hugh gave lands to Sir John Peverel, the parson of Scottow; Sir Thomas, son of John Peverel, his grandson and heir, died in 1295, and was buried in Bodmyn priory in Cornwall. In 1298, Sir Hugh, and Maud his wife, held it as of the honour of Hatfeld Peverel, at 3 fees, and Braken manor at 1 fee; and the same year conveyed Melton to Hugh Wykeman, parson there; by which they settled this manor and advowson on themselves for their lives, remainder to Sir Robert de Bajocis, Knt. and Maud his wife, daughter of John Peverel, their grand daughter, in tail. This Sir Hugh was buried also in Bodmyn priory, to which he was a benefactor.

Sir Rob. de Bajocis, Baieux, or Bayhouse, was of the ancient family in Lincolnshire of that name, owners of the honour of Baieux in that county. John de Bajocis was justice itinerant, and conservator of the King's royalties and wreck in Devonshire and Cornwall in 1218. In 1302, John son of Hugh Peverel had it. In 1308, John Peverel and Joan de Redham his wife settled this and Brakene in trust, on Remigius, rector here, to hold to their uses for their lives. In 1327, it was settled on Hugh Peverel and Margaret his wife, in tail. In 1338, Thomas Seymour, lord of Pulton by Cirencester, and John de Lyle, lord of Harwood in Yorkshire, released to Eliz. Peverel, Ric. de Bayhuse, and Will. de Burton, Knts. this manor, and Pishobury in Hertfordshire, the church of Wimpol, the manors of Coveney, Rampton, Cotonham, and Westwyk, in Cambridgeshire, with many others; in all which, Alice his wife, daughter of Rob. de Lisle, and Eliz. Peverel, &c. were infeoffed. In 1342, Ric. de Bayhouse, Alice de Seintmor, Eliz. Peverel, Will. de Burton, Knt. Edm. de Benhale, and Henry Ewenny, granted them to John de Lisle, lord of Harwood; and in 1344, John de Bayhouse quitted all his interest to Sir Hugh Peverel, Knt. lord here in 1346. In 1349, the jury found, that John son of Edmund Peverel died Nov. 15, but long before his death had conveyed his manors, in trust, to John de Insula de Rubeo Monte, Hugh Bray, and others, and Tho. de Verdon and Alice his wife had them for life; but the said Alice being dead, Margaret, now the wife of William de la Pole, junior, sister and heir to the said John Peverel, was 20 years old, which said William de la Pole, released all his right to John de Insula and his heirs, and that the said John Peverel died under age, and the King's ward. In 1351, Sir Hugh Peverel, Knt. and Maud his wife, settled the manor and advowson on themselves for their lives, remainder to Sir Robert de Bajocis, and Maud, daughter of John Peverel, in tail; and in 1360, they conveyed all their right to Robert de Bumpstede and Thomas his son, except 20s. rent, and two knights fees belonging to the manor. In 1372, Maud, daughter of Robert de Bajocis, Knt. and sister of Sir Richard de Bajocis, Knt. released all her right in this manor and advowson, to William Burton, Knt. and Eleanor his wife; this Sir William was one of the justices of the King's Bench in Edward the Third's time, whose chief seat was at Talethorp in Rutlandshire; he died in 1374, leaving issue by his first wife, Sir Thomas Burton, Knt. 40 years old; and by Eleanor his 2d wife, Nicholas. (Wright's Rutlandshire, p. 128.)

In 1395, John Peverel of Melton was lord of a moiety, and patron. In 1401, the said John had settled a moiety on Will. Curson and Margaret his wife, and they three held it of the honour of Hatfield Peverel at half a fee. In 1435, John Peverel, Esq. died, and was buried in the church of the Austin-friars at Norwich, and left Eliz. his wife executrix, who was afterwards buried by him. In 1436, the said Elizabeth, then widow of John Peverel, settled the moiety on herself and William Paston, Ric. Elsy and Margaret his wife, who presented in 1444; and in 1467, Elsy and his wife conveyed their right to Rob. Skerne, and others, trustees for Will. Paston, who presented in 1476, and 1488. In 1523, Sir Gilbert Talbot the younger, Knt. was lord and patron; and in 1543, Tho. Ashley had it in right of Mary his wife, one of the daughters and coheiresses of the lady Anne, late wife of Sir Gilbert Talbot, Knt. In 1545, Robert Newport and Margaret his wife settled the third part of the moiety of this manor and advowson on Sir John Clere, Knt. In 1547, the King licensed Anthony Littleton to alien a third part of the manor to Robert Richers, and his heirs; in 1548, Tho. Asteley and Mary his wife sold their third part to the said Robert; in 1559, Rob. Richers held three parts of the moiety of this manor, and in 1575, had got the whole moiety, and sold it to Rob. Downes and his heirs, who had purchased the other moiety before 1531; for in that year he presented in its right, and died in 1547, Francis his son being 16 years old. It appears that Thomas Downes first purchased this moiety of Tho. Appleyard, Gent. and Avice his wife. In 1558, the said Francis Downes was lord also of Thorney manor; and in 1561, Robert Downes had livery of this, and was returned lord in 1570; in 1574, Edward his son was born, Apr. 8; he married Katherine daughter of Sir Tho. Lovell of Herling, Knt. relict of Sir Thomas Knevet of Bukenham, Knt. and of Edward Spring, Esq. In 1589, Rob. Downes of Melton, Esq. and Dorothy his wife, presented; and in 1609, they sold the whole to Thomas Anguish Esq. and his heirs; he bare gul. a cinquefoil or, a mullet for difference sab.; crest, an adder sleeping in a fern bush proper; and the same year it was settled on Edmund Anguish, Gent. and his heirs; he was second son to John Anguish, twice mayor of Norwich; this Edmund presented in 1631, died in 1657, and was succeeded by John Anguish of Melton, Esq. his son, who presented in 1680. He gave it by will to John son of Edmund Woodhouse of Lexham, who married Anne his daughter; he was lord and patron in 1692, and John Woodhouse his son sold it to Edmund Keene; and by the particular then delivered, it appears that the quit and free-rents of the two manors were 9l. 10s. per annum; that the fines were at the lord's will, and each manor had weyf, estray, letes, and all other royalties, and that the whole demeans and estate were above 400l. per annum. In 1701, Edmund Keene was lord of the town, and afterwards one of the South Sea directors, he died single at Bath, Jan. 21, 1723, but before his death, had sold Melton to Edward Lombe Esq. who settled in the hall here, and died Apr. 1738, being succeeded by his brother,

The Rev. Mr. John Lombe, late fellow of Caius college, after that, rector and vicar of Scarning, then rector of Hethill, and now of Sparham and Foxley, who is the present owner, and lives here.


Is a hamlet to Great-Melton; it had a chapel, formerly parochial dedicated to St. Mary Magdalen, but now long since demolished; it stood in a close called Maudlin close; Norwich Domesday says, that then the rectors of Melton St. Mary and All-Saints took all the profits belonging to the chapel, for which they were obliged at their charge to find a chaplain to serve in it; it had baptism, burial, and all signs of a mother church, and seven parishioners and their families; it is still called Thorp hamlet. In 1476, it was perpetually united to Melton All-Saints, though the chapel continued in use till the Dissolution, in the Conqueror's survey it is not named, being then part of Melton, which was given soon after to one Algar, from whom it took is name.

In 1198, Rob. de Riflai settled on Maud Prioress of Karhoe, and that convent, 7s. rent here, to be received yearly of Alice Peverel, Humfry de Erlham, and Gerebert de St. Clere, and their heirs; and the Peverels gave so much after, that the prioress in 1279 was returned to hold in Melton and Algarthorp, of John Peverel, a quarter of a fee; and in 1428, that convent was taxed at 39s. 6d. for their temporalities here.

Jeffry son of Godfry de Algeresthorp gave two acres of land to the monks of Norwich, with the consent of Sir Hubert Hacun of Great-Melton, his lord, Ric. Hacun his son, and Hubert Hacun his nephew; Will. Burch, parson of Horningtoft, being witness; and in 1491, the pitanciary of their monastery accounted for the profits of 2 acres in Algerysthorp by Bawburgh, which were given by Sir Gregory Lovel, Knt. for a pittance in the monastery on his obit day. The principal part or

Manor of Algar's-Thorp


Belonged to one Algar, of the gift of Mathew Peverel; in 1248, John le Breton, for siding with the French King, forfeited it; in 1249, Simon son of Will. de Melton, and Will. de Hereford had it, with Simon son of Herbert de Hetherset, and Maud de Melton; and in 1267, Simon de Melton was sole lord; in 1268, it was found before the justices itinerant then sitting at Diss in Norfolk, that Bartholomew de Redham had unjustly disseized Richard Skilman of Hethersete, and in 1284, Barth. de Redham and Ric. Skilman, had unjustly disseized John son of the said Bartholomew, of 4 messuages, 60 acres of land, and 6s. rent here. In 1305, Simon de Hethersete and Cecily his wife had a release from Ric. Doche, or Doge, mercer, of London, who married Sibil, daughter of Nicholas de Hethersete. 1323, John le Graunger of Great Melton granted lands in Graunger's Croft, to Sir Simon de Hethersete, Knt. and Cecily his wife; this was soon after divided into many parts; Henry and Will. Lominour had some lands and rents, Jeffery Davy the younger of Marlingford, others, and James le Palmer, Thomas de Blickling, David Mercator, or Chapman, were, and had been, concerned in the manor called Skilman's. In 1401, Henry Lomnor, junior, had the biggest part, which joined to Hacon's; and the other parts afterwards were in the Wootons, Flowerdews, Corbets, and Davies.

The revenues of the monastery of Wimondham here, were given by Mat. Peverel, and Alice his wife, Richard son of Ribald, Hugh Noble, Jeffery Clerk, and Roger de Hereford.



The capital village of this hundred, is called in Domesday Book Hederseta, the seat at the place or most publick road entering the hundred; it belonged in the Confessor's days to Olf, one of the thanes or barons, and after to Earl Ralf, on whose forfeiture it was given to Alan Earl of Richmond, who gave it in the Conqueror's time to Ribald, who held it of Alan.

This was then the capital manor, and had 3 carucates of land, wood for 40 swine, 87 sheep, 7 hives of bees, one church with 60 acres of glebe worth 5s. and one other church, with 8 acres of glebe worth 8d. and 77 socmen, who held 4 carucates, one mill, and 2 freemen that held 60 acres; and Earl Ralf had the soc or superiour jurisdiction, viz. the hundred which he forfeited. The manor was worth 8l. in the Confessor's time, and was risen to 10l. per annum at the Conquest. The town being a league long and half a league broad, and paid 26d. 3q. to the gelt or tax. And from this time it passed with the manors of Kenton in Suffolk, Pikenham and Barford-hall manors, as in vol. ii. p. 483, till the death of Ralf Fitz-Ralf in 1269, when Pikenham, &c. descended to Robert de Nevile, who married Mary, his eldest daughter and heiress; and this went to Sir Robert de Tateshall, lord of Bukenham castle, in right of Joan the second daughter and heiress of the said Ralf, who as widow to Sir Robert, and then Lady Tateshall, in 1305, settled the whole manor and advowsons of the medieties, and of Cantelose, on Sir William Bernak of Hetherset, Knt. and Alice his wife, and their heirs; which Alice was daughter and sole heiress of Sir Robert Driby, Knt. by Joan, one of the three daughters and heiresses of the aforesaid Lady Joan de Tateshall. This Sir Will. Bernak died Apr. 6, 1339, and Alice his wife died April 12, 1341, and are both buried in the middle of the chancel here, and left it to John de Bernak, their son, who died in 1345, April 2, and lies buried here, leaving Joan his widow, and John his son and heir, who died a minor, as did William his brother and heir, Dec. 7, 1359, when the whole descended to Maud, his sister and sole heiress, then the wife of Sir Ralf de Cromwell, lord of Tateshale, from whom it is called

Cromwell's Manor


To this day; and from thence one moiety of it passed with Bukenham, through the Cliftons to the Knevets, till Sir Edm. Knevet, Knt. about 1540, mortgaged it to John Flowredieu, or Flowerdew, who presented jointly with Sir Edmund in 1541, and so it continued till 1554; and in 1560, the said John purchased it to him and his heirs.

The other moiety went with Maud Cromwell to John FitzWilliams, her husband, and passed in that family, as you may see vol. i. p. 378; and it after came to Sir Rob. Drewry, or Drury, Knt. who in 1541 sold it to the aforesaid John Flowerdew, Esq. and so he became sole lord of the manor, and patron of the church; Rob. Drury, Esq. his son and heir, releasing all his right; and soon after, he manumised many of the copyhold lands, as sole lord, and died Apr. 16, 1564; by Cat. daughter of Will Sheres of Ashwelthorp, who is buried in this chancel, he had seven sons; William his eldest son married Frances, daughter of Rog. Appleyard of Stanfield-Hall in Wimondham, and died before his father, leaving Anthony his eldest son, who married Martha, daughter of John Scottow, and inherited a moiety of this manor, at his grandfather's death; Thomas, the third son, inheriting the other moiety; the whole being intailed on John, Edward, Edmund, Christopher, and Mark, younger sons of the said John; all which, at different times, sold and released their rights to Edward their brother, who also purchased the royalties: and so the whole was solely in the said Edward about 1584. In 1571, he was a lawyer of note, for then the dean and chapter of Norwich retained him their standing council, by grant of an annuity for life of 20s. out of their manor of Eaton. In 1572, he lived at Stanfield-Hall in Wimondham, and was retained by Roger Wodehouse, Esq. and had an annuity granted him of 40s. In 1575, he was retained by Will. Helmes, with an annuity of 40s. out of his manor of Rackhithe. In 1580, he was serjeant at law, and treasurer of the Inner-Temple, in which he was succeeded by Tho. Rysden, Esq. In 1584, 3d Baron of the Exchequer in the room of JohnClenche, with an annuity of 20 marks, besides all the fees, profits, &c.; and upon the removal of Robert Shute, 2d Baron of the Exchequer into the court of Common-Plcas, he was made 2d Baron, in 1585, and obtained a grant of 3l. 6s. 8d. to be yearly added to the fees of that office; he died March 31, 1586, seized of all the manors of this town, (except Woodhall,) and married Eliz. daughter of Will. Forster of Windham, but had no issue, and was interred in the chancel here, leaving his brothers Thomas and Christopher, his executors; and Anthony son of William, his eldest brother, was his heir; at his death he gave by will to the town of Lyn, a silver cup gilt, and another to the town of Yarmouth, and to Mrs. Shelton a gilt cup, which was given him by the city of Norwich. He was buried with much pomp, as appears by the fees paid the herauld for attendance, &c. It is plain this Serjeant was an oppressor, complaints being exhibited against him by numbers of people, for ploughing up boundaries, enclosing lands, &c. It seems that Anthony sold the whole to his brother John, who died seized 17 Nov. 1587, leaving Edward his son and heir, then 7 years old, whose trustee, Henry Hobart, Knt. presented in 1620, and then the manors were mortgaged to William Gostlin, who presented in 1639; and before 1670, the advowson was in John Gostlin, M. D. and his heirs for ever, and the manors settled on Tho. Flowerdew of London, merchant, and were after sold in 1678, to Captain John Aide of Horstead, who was sole lord of all the manors; and in 1739, Jane Pomfret; and they are now in

Edward Atkins of Keteringham, Esq. high-sheriff of Norfolk in 1743, by purchase.

The fine of the manor of Cromwell's is certain, at 4s. an acre and 6s. 8d. for every messuage on alienation or descent; and 2s. an acre, and 3s. 4d. each messuage for a fine upon every mortgage title. The ancient blanchefarm to Humbleyard hundred was 5s. per annum, and to Cosseye for the privilege of the lete 4s. It hath the correction of the assize of bread and ale, weyf, and free-warren. It paid 40s. per annum to the honour of Richmond; the manor of Huningham-hall, and Baniards in Wramplingham, are held of this manor.

Hacon's Manor


Was part of the great manor granted off by the Fitz-Ralfs; it takes its name from the ancient lords of it, viz. Hubert Hakun of Great Melton was lord in 1306, and afterwards Robert Hacun. In 1556, Henry Drury was lord, and being purchased of Rob. Drury by Serjeant Flowerdew; it was joined to Cromwell's manor as it remains at this day; the customs being the same as those of Cromwell's manor.

Woodhall and Cantelose


Anciently called Hetherset's manor, belonged to Godric the sewer at the Conquest; one part of its soc belonged to Earl ALAN'S capital manor, and the other to the King, and Earl of Norfolk, of whose descendants it was alway sheld at a quarter of a fee. John de Hetherset and Margery his wife were succeeded by Sir Simon and Cecily his wife, who with consent of Remigius his brother, parson of Hingham, settled it on Margaret their sister, and Sir Robert de Ufford, her husband, who was lord here; this Sir Simon was a man of note, being one of the King's justices itinerant, was alive in 1336; and was succeeded by his eldest son, Sir John, whose widow Elizabeth remarried in 1357, to John son of John de Reppes, and then conveyed the third part of this manor to Will. de Hethersete, her eldest son, and Eve his wife, who left two daughters, their heiresses; Elizabeth, second wife to John Winter of Town-Berningham, Esq. whose daughter Eliz. dying without issue, the whole of this manor came to Sibill, their other daughter, married to John Palgrave, Esq. of Northwood Berningham, who kept court here in 1481. In 1517, Henry son of Margaret Palgrave died, and left it to John his son, at his wife Margaret's death ; 1545, Clement Palgrave, Esq. owned it: and in 1578, John Palgrave, Esq. and from that time it went as Palgrave's manor in Windham, (for which see vol. ii. p. 505,) till it was purchased and joined to the other manor by Mr. John Aide.

The customs of this manor are as the former, except the fines, which are arbitrary; the quitrents of all the manors in money and corn are above 50l. per annum. The manors extend into Barford, Wramplingham, Dunston, Taverham, Belagh, and Hunningham, and have all royalties belonging to them. There remains only one small tenement in demean, with liberty of digging white and red brick earth on the commons, and right of commonage thereon.

The church is dedicated to St. Remigius, and had formerly two medieties, each having a rector instituted thereto; the one from Sir Robert de Tateshale, patron thereof, was called Tateshale's mediety; as the other from Sir Ralf Fitz-Ralf, was called Fitz-Ralf's mediety; and the rector of Tateshale's mediety had a house and an hundred acres of land, and was valued at 15 marks and an half.

Rectors of Tateshale's Mediety

  • 1260, Ralf de Somerton.
  • 1300, Rob. de Driby held it, united for life to the other mediety. Joan Lady Tateshale.
  • 1349, Robert Bishop; he resigned in
  • 1350, to Will. de Keteringham, who had it united to the other mediety. In
  • 1352, Will. Hille or Hulle of Keteringham was rector. He resigned this in
  • 1384, and Lambert, son of Tho. de Frampton, had it of the gift of Sir Ralf Cromwell, Knt. Lord Tateshale, who in 1385 gave it to

Sir John Christmass, his chap lain. In

  • 1393, Will. Basset had it; and in
  • 1398, Rob. Bosage. Ralf Lord Cromwell. He was succeeded by John Rygges, at whose death in
  • 1427, Thomas Ryby was presented by Sir John Tiptoft, Knt. Sir Will. Phelep, Knt. Will. Paston, and Oliver Groos, Esqrs. feoffees of the manor and advowson, to the use of Ralf Cromwell Lord Tateshale.

Rectors of Fitz-Rale's Mediety

  • 1300, Rob de Driby aforesaid. Joan Lady Tateshale.
  • 1325, Sir John le Curson, rector.
  • 1327, Gilbert de Scrobby. Sir Wil. de Bernak, Knt.
  • 1334, Hugh de Bernak. Ditto.
  • 1341, Roger, son of Edmund Smith of Hetherset, John de Bernak; he resigned in
  • 1346, to Rob. Bishop; the King as guardian to John, son and heir of John de Bernak; he had the other mediety.
  • 1349, Will. Basset. Ditto. He was buried in the church, and gave books and corn to it in 1383, but resigned before his death to
  • Will de Keteringham aforesaid, in exchange for Cranwich; he was buried in the chancel in 1386; and in 1387, Ralf de Cromwell Lord Tateshale, presented
  • John, son of Tho. Serjeant, who in 1393, changed for Wesenham with
  • Tho. Sawnders, who was presented by Ralf Lord Tateshale aforesaid.
  • 1408, Rog. Wright. Maud Cromwell Lady Tateshale; at his death in
  • 1429, John atte Dam was presented by Sir Jonn Tiptoft, &c. as before, feoffees of Ralf Cromwell Lord Tateshale; and at his resignation in 1433, at the desire of the said Ralf, these medieties were perpetually united; as the church of Cantlose had been to them in 1397, and ever since they have continued as one rectory.

Rectors of the consolidated medieties of Hethersete, and church of Cantelose

  • 1433, Tho. Ryby aforesaid.
  • 1452, Roger Brode. Ralf Lord Cromwell and Tateshale.
  • 1454, John Dyconson. Lapse.
  • 1484, Rob. Smetherst, on Dyconson's resignation. Rob. Ratclyff, Esq. late of Tateshale in Lincoln diocese, in right of Joan his wife, one of the coheirs of Ralf Lord Cromwell.
  • John Smetherst, yeoman of the Crown, brother to this Robert, was buried in the church before the rood.
  • 1507, John Phillip, rector in 1515, exchanged for St. Mary Magdalen's hospital in Colchester, with John Wayn, who was presented by Sir Rob, Drury, Knt. guardian to Will. and Edmund Knevet, Esqrs. In 1552, Wayn exchanged this for East-Mersey in London diocese, with
  • Tho. Smith, A. M. who was presented by Sir Rob. Drury and Edm. Knevet, Esq. at whose death in
  • 1541, John Barret, S. T. P. had it of the gift of Edmund Knevet, Knt. and John Floure-dieu, (or Flowerdew,) Esq. and the next year, he resigned to
  • Chris. Wilson, when Flowerdew presented, by grant from Sir Enmund Knevet; in 1549, May 20, this rector, by consent of the Bishop and patron, exchanged 18 pieces of glebe in Hetherset; he was deprived in 1554, and
  • Edward Jackson had it of Sir Edmund's gift, and died in 1573, when Edward and John Flowerdew, Esqrs. gave it to
  • Miles Hunne, who was deprived in 1596; the Queen by lapse, gave it to
  • Joshua Hutton; but in
  • 1603, Miles Hunne was restored; for then, he returned answer to the general enquiry made, that there were 200 communicants in this parish, that he held it with Forncet St. Mary and St. Peter, one benefice, though two distant churches, valued at 20l. that he was chaplain to Lettice Countess of Essex, and as such a licensed preacher, and had been so 30 years, and that Tho. Flowerdew, Gent. was patron here.
  • 1609, Tho. Hunne, A. M.; the King; Erasmus Hunne, A. B. was his curate. 1615, the aforesaid
  • Thomas was forced to be reinstituted, at the presentation of Theophilus Greenaway, clerk, the King, when he presented him, having no legal title.
  • 1617, Sept. 2, Will. Warren, A. M. the King; but his title being found invalid, in the same year, Jan. 6, being then S. T. B. he was presented by Thomas Plumstede, John Gooch, and Ric. Glover, with the consent of Sir Henry Hobart, Knt. and Bart. chief justice of the common pleas, and Edward Flowerdew, Esq.
  • 1620, Will. Warren, A. M. Sir Henry Hobart, Knt. &c. at whose death, in
  • 1639, Edw. Michell had it, of the gift of William Gostlin of Norwich and William Trundel, Gent. patrons of the turn.
  • 1647, Philip Tennison, S. T. P. Archdeacon of Norfolk, and rector of Foulsham had it, but was ejected in the rebellion, to make way for one Jeremiah Coleman, who was buried here in 1658, and was succeeded by Tho. Moore, junior, who published, "Breach upon Breach, "or an acknowledgement of Judicial Breaches made upon Us, occa sioned by sinfull Breaches made among Us, with Instruction, Admonition, and Encouragement, yet to turn to Him that smites Us; being the Sum of what was delivered at the Funeral of Mr. Jeremiah Coleman, late Preacher of the Gospel at Hetherset in Norff. Febr. 18, 1685," published in quarto at London in 1659, by Tho. Moore, junior, his successour there, who was outed at the Restoration; and in
  • 1660, Tho. Jermy was presented by John Beare of Westleton, at whose death in
  • 1670, Tho. Church, S. T. P. had it of the gift of John Gostlin, M. D. of Caius College in Cambridge; and in 1673, at Church's death, the doctor gave it to
  • Will. Lock, A. M.; and in 1702, at Lock's death, to
  • John Amyas, who held it united to Melton All-Saints. In 1704, Dr. Gostlin, president of Caius college, by will dated Febr. 10, gave the patronage to that society, and in
  • 1724, John Morrant, A. M. fellow there, was presented by the master and fellows, on Amyas's death, and held it united to St. Clement's in Norwich. He was buried here, and in
  • 1736, The Rev. John Berney, A. M. the present rector, was instituted at the presentation of the master and fellows. He is now D. D. Archdeacon of Norwich, chaplain to the Bishop, rector of the two consolidated rectories of the Saxlinghams in Norfolk, and of the rectory of St. Clement at the Bridge in Norwich.

The whole living was valued first at 20, after at 26, and after that, at 31 marks, and the portion of tithes belonging to Coverham abbey was valued at 20s. and let to the rector by perpetual composition, who always paid 2s. to each tenth for it. It lies at 8l. in the King's Books, pays first-fruits, and 16s. yearly tenths; synodals 5s. procurations 5s. Peter-pence 4s. and carvage 8d. ob. and the whole town paid to every tenth 5l. 9s. and had 13s. 4d. deducted on account of the lands in it belonging to the religious, for which they were taxed. The master of St. John of Jerusalem's Commandry at Karbrook in Norfolk had small rents here paid by the lord of the manor, of the gift of the ancient lords.

There were the gilds of St. Remigius; and of our Lady, held at her altar in our Lady's chapel; and another of St. Thomas, held at his altar in St. Thomas's chapel.

In the 7th of Eliz. a messuage, 20 acres, and 3 roods, belonged to the inhabitants, of which one rood and an half formerly belonged to St. John at Carbrook, and 4 acres and 3 roods to the gilds here, and one acre and two roods to find a lamp in the church, on which account they seized all the town lands, as concealed from the Queen upon the statute.

In Edward the First's time, John and Roger Bygod were owners, but I do not find them ever concerned in the manors; they and their family settled and continued a long time here; and were descended from the Bygods Earls of Norfolk.

The church of Hetherset hath its north porch tiled, nave, two isles, and chapels leaded, with a square tower and 5 bells. The chancel is totally ruinated, and part of the nave used as a chancel.

In our Lady's chapel, at the east end of the south isle, is an altar tomb, having the portraitures of a knight armed cap-a-pié, with a sword hanging from his head, which lies on a cushion, his spurs on, and a lion at his feet; he is in a surcoat of his arms, and hath his shield of them, viz. Bernak, erm. a fess g. By him is his lady with a dog at her feet, and on her mantle are the arms of Bernak, impaling Driby, arg. three cinquefoils and a canton gul. (see vol i. p. 374.) The inscription is lost, but was this,
Obitus Domini Willi de Bernake Mocccorrriro. vio Mensis Aprilis.

Obitus Domine Alicie de Bernake Mocccorlio riio die Aprilis.

This Sir William Bernak, Knt. and Alice his wife, daughter and heiress of Sir Robert de Driby, Knt. were buried in the midst of the dilapidated chancel, from whence this monument was removed, through a covetous desire of the lead wherein they were buried, by John Flowerdew, father to the Baron. It seems the chancel was rebuilt by them and Robert de Driby, the then rector, for their arms were to be seen in the east window.

In St. Thomas's chapel, at the upper end of the north isle, is a fair raised tomb, wherein lyeth Catherine, mother to Baron Flowerdew, and wife to John Flowerdew, without inscription. In the same place lie John her husband, and Tho. Flowerdew; and in the chancel, lies buried the Baron, and for want of a gravestone of his friends cost, is covered with one from another man's grave, as the MSS. from whence this account is taken, words it.

In the midst of the chancel.

Cock, with a martlet for difference, impaling Jay.

Deposita Johannis Cock Generosi Filij Roberti Cock de Rushford Generosi, hic quiescunt, Qui duxit in Uxorem Mariam Filiam Johannis Jay de Holveston, in Agro Norfolciensi Armigeri, Illa ob. 18 Aug. A. D. 1656. Hic. 31 Dec. 1668, Ætatisq; suæ 70.

On the south side of the altar rails, Bokenham and nineteen coats; and the same on an achievement hanging at the east end of the south isle:

1, Bokenham, arg. a lion rampant G. with a martlet for difference. 2, Or, two bars S. 3, Sab. a chevron between three swans necks erased arg. 4, Arg. three ogresses, on the first a cross-croslet of the field. 5, Sab. a lion rampant or. 6, Sab. a chevron erm. between three coronels of tilting spears arg. by the name of Wiseman. 7, Gul. a fess lozengé arg. between three martlets or. 8, Vert, a lion rampant arg. crowned or. 9, Paly of six, arg. and sab. a fess gul. 10, a cross humetté chequy arg. and az. between twenty bezants, five in each quarter, 2, 1, 2. 11, as 5. 12, Erm. on a chief indented S. a trefoil slipped between two annulets arg. 13, Per fess nebulé arg. and gul. gutté, counterchanged in a bordure of the first. 14, Gul. a chevron between three garbs ar. and as many croslets fitché or. 15, Sab. a bend wavy between two cotises arg. 16, Bots, arg. two bars and a canton gul. over all a bend sab. 17, Ramsey, sab. a chevron between three rams heads erased arg. 18, Sab. three hands erect cooped in a bordure arg. 19, Arg. on a cross gul. five lioncels rampant of the field. 20, as 1.

In the middle an escutcheon of pretence, party per chevron ingrailed A. S. three boars counterchanged. Crest, a buck couchant proper.

Here lyeth the Body of Elizabeth the Wife of Hugh Bukenham Gent. and Daughter of Christopher Flowerdew Gent. and Susan his Wife, who departed this Life 29 Dec. A. D. 1669.

Here lyeth the Body of Hugh Bokenham fourth son of Wiseman Bokenham of Weston in the County of Suffolk Esq; he was Sheriff, Alderman, and Mayor of Norwich, and being Burgess for the said City, dyed in that Service on the 26th. of April, in the 60 year of his Age, A. D. 1694.

Under this Stone is laid the Body of Walsingham Bokenham Esq; son of Hugh Bokenham late of the City of Norwich Esq; he died 9 Aug. 1714, in the 45 Year of his Age.

In the north isle. Crest, a man's arm holding a club. Betts, sab. on a bend between two cotizes arg. three roses gul. impales az. two bars ar. in chief three leopards faces or.

Here lye the Bodies of Jeofry Betts Gent. deceased May 15, 1680, and Eliz. his Wife deceased June 24, 1663, he aged 74, she 57.

This gentleman came out of Wiltshire, and was steward to the Earl of Pembrook.

Tho. Staynes died March 13, 1726, æt. 46.

In the middle alley, Thomas Richmond 1638, æt. 63. On a brass,
Hic iacet Dominus Henricus Dawntre quondam Rector de Intewood cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen. He died in 1493.

On a mural monument, Motham, S. a cross indented erm. impaling per fess nebulé S. and az. three martlets or, a canton of the 3d. Crest, a talbot.

Here lyeth the Body of Isaac Motham late of this Place Esq; ob. 10 Mar. 1703, æt. 62; And also Eliz. his Wife, by whom he had Issue 5 Sons, but all dead, and one Daughter yet living, ob. 28 Jan. 1699, æt. 61.

On a stone that lies in the chancel, which seems to have belonged to some tomb formerly, are three dogs heads cooped and collared, 2, and 1.

The hospital of St. Giles in Norwich has lands here, now held by the corporation.

In 1658, John Rope, Gent. of Norwich, gave for the use of the poor, a messuage called Jeck's in Hethersete, copyhold on Woodhull, and half an acre copyhold on Cromwell's manor, which is now the Queen's-head, and is rented at 10l. per annum, the clear income of which is annually applied by Jermy Harcourt, Gent. and Claude Roberts, the present feoffees, in clothing the poor.

Walsingham Bokenham, Esq. gave a house and lands for the use of the poor, now let at 4l. 7s. 6d. per annum.

The part of the old town-lands, which remained after those taken away in Edward the Sixth's time, are now let at 2l. per annum. Alice Kettle pays a rent charge of 2s. 6d. per annum.

Mrs. Alice Goddard, who is buried in the churchyard, on the east side of the north porch, gave a crimson velvet cushion for the pulpit, in the year 1729.

In 1735, Claude Roberts fitted up the vestry, gave 3 brass sconces for the pulpit and desk, a Bible, Common Prayer Book, and communion table-cloth.

Thickthorn, or Thickham


Is a hamlet to this town, which takes its name from Alan de Thikethorn, its owner, who had it of Steph. le Noreys; in 1240, the said Alan, and Clarice his wife, settled it on Roger son of Robert de Thikethorn, Tikethorp, or Tykeham, who obtained of Henry III. A°. 41 reg. liberty of trying pleas in his court at Thikethorn; and the same year he settled a messuage and 100 acres, on Will. de Hackford and Margaret his wife, and Tho. Rosceline. In 1275, Daniel de Thickthorn lived here, and held his court; and soon after, Ralf at the Thick-thorns. In Queen Elizabeth's time, Robert Balle of London, Esq. conveyed it to Roger Ramsey, Esq. of Norwich, who died 16 June, 17th Car. I. seized of the capital messuage called Thickthorne, and 300 acres of land in Thickthorne in Hethersete, held of the honour of Richmond, at three quarters of a fee, and John his son and heir was 45 years old. It belonged after to the Flowerdews, since that, to Isaac Motham, or Mortram, Esq. but it seems all the lands held of the manor were purchased in.

This hamlet is on the left hand of the London road from Norwich to Hethersete, and the common belonging to it still retains the ancient name; it is owned by Miles Branthwait of Hethill, Esq.

Cantelose, Cantelowe, or Cantley


Was part of the manor of Hethersete, but a separate parish, with a parochial church, and 8 acres of glebe in the time of the Conqueror; it took its name of Canteleese or Cantelose, about King Stephen's time, signifying the leas or lees that were cut off, or separated from the parish, as being a village by itself, totally exempt from the jurisdiction of the Archdeacon of Norfolk, for it paid neither procurations, synodals, nor Peter-pence, and but 3d. carvage. When Norwich Domesday was made, Sir Rob. de Tateshale was patron; and it was a rectory valued at 5 marks, and had a rectory-house and 15 acres of glebe, but was not taxed; the whole attended Hetherset manor.

The church was dedicated to all the Saints.

Rectors of Cantelose


Tho. de Brunne, rector.

Simon, rector. Tho. de Brekles, parson of Cantelos, granted to Simon, son to Herbert de Hetherset, the ancestor of Sir Simon de Hetherset, who lived in 1331, his wood in Tweitfield in Bekstede in Hethersete.

  • 1321, Jeffry de Depham. Sir Wil. de Bernak, Knt.
  • 1355, Rob. Scotard. The King; by lapse. He changed this for Wikes vicarage in Worcester diocese in
  • 1361, with Simon de Laxton, who was presented by Ralf Lord Cromwell, as was
  • Simon Muriel in 1365, and died in 1372, and was buried in Great Linsted church, being succeeded by
  • Will. Noppe, the last rector here; for in 1397, this church was consolidated to Hethersete, by Henry Bishop of Norwich, at the petition of Ralf Cromwell, Knt. and the parishioners; it being certified that the revenues were so small, that it had laid void because nobody would accept it; and it was agreed that the profits should be divided between John Christmass and Tho. Sawnders, and their successours, rectors of Hethersete, for ever; who served the church alternately as a free-chapel, till the reformation, when it was totally demolished. The place where it stood being called the Old Churchyard.

There was an ancient family sirnamed from this hamlet, for John, son of Peter de Cantelos, and Will. Bygod, were owners here in Henry the Third's time.

The capital messuage called Cantlowe-hall, is now owned by Arthur Jenney, Gent.



Takes its name from the shingle, or gravelly ford, over which there is built a noble bridge of stone, dividing the county of the city of Norwich from that of Norfolk. At the Confessor's survey the whole town belonged to Alured the priest, a freeman of Bishop Stigand; but at the Conqueror's, Roger Bigot held one part of it, being the chief manor, of the Bishop of Baieux, which had one carucate in demean, three parts of a watermill worth 20s. at the first survey, and 40s. at the second; the town was a mile and two furlongs long, and six furlongs broad, and paid 11d. gelt, and there then belonged to it two freemen and an half, which held 25 acres, and one acre of meadow worth 2s. lying in the parish of Flordon.

The said Roger held the second part, of Alan Earl of Richmond, and a third part in his own right, of the Conqueror's gift, so that the whole town, and all that belonged to it, was wholly in him when the survey was made, but it was soon after divided, and the manor called afterwards

Berford's Manor


Was in a family which took their names from this place; Ric. de Cringleford was lord here, and Roger his son; his brother Ralf was lord after him, and was succeeded about 1242, by his son William, who in the year 1271, sold 5 messuages, 120 acres of land and 12 of marsh, part of the demeans, to Henry de Heylesdon; and Joan his wife released her right, and this part was joined to Heylesdon's manor; but Roger de Cringleford having entailed the manor after his own, wife's, and son William's death, on Adam de Berford and Pleasance his wife, they held it in 1287. In 1315, Emma, relict of Will. Lek, Rob. de Poleye, &c. released their right to him, as feoffees to Adam his father. William son of Adam de Berford had it, and died seized, leaving it to Sir Adam de Berford, clerk, late rector of Foston in Yorkshire, his son; who in 1350, jointly with Agatha his mother, conveyed it in trust to Will. de la Pole, senior, Knt. Sir John de Chestrefield, rector of Foston, John de Berford, citizen of Norwich, and Hugh Bandon, rector of Bunwell; and in 1357, they released it again to the said Adam, who, in 1367, settled it on trustees, viz. Sir Robert de Wylasham, Knt. Sir Will. de Henleye, rector of Credlington, Sir Hugh Bandon, rector of Bernham, John de Erlham, Sir William, parson of Intwood, and Sir John Elys, chaplain; and in 1368, Sir John de Wylasham and John de Erlham released to the rest. In 1369, Henlye and Elys settled it on Catherine, widow of Sir Will. de la Pole, senior, Knt. and Sir Edmund de la Pole, Knt. their son, William de Thweng of Foston, and Tho. de Esterfield, their trustees; in 1370, William Wysete, rector of Intwood, Hugh de Bandon, rector of Bernham, John, and Rich. de Berford, and Emma and Cicily, sister and heirs of Sir Adam de Berford late rector of Foston, released all their right in this manor; by which means it was absolutely vested in the De la Poles, who settled it soon after on Edmund Gourney, Will. de Boyton, Tho. Spynk, and John le Latimer of Norwich, when it extended into Hethersete, Eaton, Erlham, Little-Melton, Colneye, and Cringleford watermill belonged to it; in 1381, John le Latimer was sole lord, and had view of frankpledge, weyf, and strey, belonging to his manor of Cringleford and Surlingham; and the same year, Gournay and the other feoffees of the Poles, released all right to him. In 1391, Margaret, widow and executrix of John Latimer, and Nic. Blakeney, citizen of Norwich, co-executor, released their annuity of 10l. out of Berford's manor, to John Otteley, Will. Berton, and John Bishop. In 1406, John Bishop, mercer, of Norwich, conveyed it to Simon Sampson, and Gilbert Debenham, Esqrs. Ric. Whethermersh, John Jernegan, and Richard, son of Ric. Talmache, Esq.; and in 1408, they released it to Simon Sampson, Esq.; in 1409, Sampson sold it to William Westacre, archdeacon of Norwich, Will. Rees, Esq. John de Thornham, rector of Sparham, Edm. Perke, clerk, William Sedman, merchant, and Walter Eton, citizen, who in 1411, by license from the King, settled it on St. Giles's hospital in mortmain, to find a chaplain (being no brother of the hospital) to live as a brother in it, who was daily to say mass, and pray for the soul of Master John de Derlington, late archdeacon of Norwich, and all his family, and for Roger Prat, clerk, late master, and Will. Paston of Paston, and all the deceased, allowing him a good stipend, chamber, and clothing; and it continued till the Dissolution in that hospital, and then passed with the hospital and its revenues, to the corporation of the city of Norwich, to whom the manor now belongs.

Heylesdon's, or the capital manor


With the advowson, was given by Roger Bigot, along with Shimpling, to Rob. de Vallibus or Vaux, in which family it continued a good while. Sir John de Vaux, Knt. Will. de Vaux, then Robert de Vaux, and about 1240, Sir Alexander de Vaux, Knts. were lords; Sir Alexander sold an acre of land and the advowson, to Bishop Suffield, who in 1249, settled it on St. Giles's hospital, which he then founded. In 1287, Sir John de Vaux, Knt. his son, was lord; and sold the manor, with the fishery called Cringford Ee, and his pool, and right of fishing in the stream from Erlham to Cringleford-bridge, to Henry de Heylesden, whose son Henry was lord in 1303; and then sealed with a lion rampant, as this family always did; and held it of William de Bukenham, he of the heirs of Multon, they of the Earl-Marshal, and he of the King, at 3 quarters of a fee; and in 1315, John de Heylesdon, after him Henry de Heylesdon, who in 1345, held it of Will. Leigh, Knt. as of his manor of Multon's in Surlingham. In 1381, Emma, widow of the said Henry, had it for life, and then Roger, their son and heir, who held it in 1401, and in 1413, conveyed it to Sir John de Norwich, lord of Yoxford, Edm. Barry, John Clifton, lord of Topcroft, Rob. Alleyn, senior, Rob. Suffield, citizen of Norwich, John Bowkes and John Soterle of Intwood, and Thomas Ringstede, trustees, to the use of Tho Wetherby of Norwich, Esq. and his heirs; who at his death left it for life to Margaret his widow, who in 1454, leased it for 8 marks a year. to be paid her in Carrow abbey, where she boarded with the nuns, among which Alice Wetherby, her daughter, was one; at her death it was to go in trust to John Heydon, Tho. Welles, and Tho. Croftes, who conveyed their right in reversion, to John Jenney, and John Browne, and in 1460, Will and John Jenney, and John Browne, sold it to the master and brethren of St. Giles's hospital aforesaid; and so it became joined to Berford's manor, with which it now remains.

Dunston's, or Hetherset's Manor


Was held by Alured of Roger Bigot, who left it to Eudo his son, and he to Walter his son, whose son Roger assumed the sirname of Norwich, and left it to Gilbert de Norwich his son, to whom it was confirmed by Robert de Vaux, lord of Heylesdon's manor. In 1284, Henry de Norwich, clerk, had it, and it was after in Hugh de Dunston: and about 1315, was conveyed to Sir Simon de Hetherset, Knt. one of the King's justices, and Cecily his wife, who in 1313 had purchased of Thomas Spriggy of Monesle, and Julian his wife, 6 marks rent in Cringleford. This judge was descended from Alexander de Hetherset and Maud his wife, who were both alive in 1249, and was son of John de Hetherset, and brother to Remigius, parson of Hingham; he had three sisters; Margaret, married to Sir Rob. Ufford, Earl of Suffolk, Emma, to Sir John Leke, who was his trustee for this manor, and Katherine, to Sir Walter father of Sir John Norwich, who built Mettingham castle in Suffolk. This Sir Simon had six sons and two daughters; 1, Sir John, his eldest son; 2, Sir Edmund Hethersete, Knt. buried in the Charter-house in 1380, and left no issue; his wife Isabell was buried in Buxhale churchyard in Suffolk, A°. 1412; 3, William, rector of Attleburgh; 4, Roger, rector of Billingford; 5, George, parson of Sculthorp; 6, Nic. rector of Berford; Joan married to Sir Rob. Wachesham, Knt. and Margaret to Sir Hugh Peverel of Melton, Knt. and most of these brothers were concerned in this manor, which seems to have been shared among them; but as all died without issue, William de Hethersete, eldest son of Sir John Hetherset, and only heir, (for all his brothers died young,) inherited the whole; he was made guardian of the wool-customs in this county in 1357, and by Eve his wife had only two daughters, Eliz. second wife to John Winter of Town-Berningham, and Sibil, to John Palgrave of Northwood-Berningham, Esq. who was lord here in his wife's right, and at last, heir of the whole inheritance. After this it was divided, and the chief part purchased by Tho. Wetherby, Esq. who was buried in the Austin friars at Norwich, and so became joined to his manor called Heylesdon's

Barun's Manor


Was granted to one Grimbald, from Berford's manor, by Ralf de Cringleford, lord there, and was conveyed by Grimbald to Walter Barun, or Baron; Hugh Barun had it after him, and in 1304, Will. Barun of Cringleford conveyed it to Petronel his sister, and her heirs; in 1317, Tho. Spriggi; and Julian his wife granted it to Sir Simon de Hethersete, Knt Cecily his wife, and William their son, and their heirs, and so it was joined to Hetherset's manor. In 1280, Sir Simon Peche, Knt. granted divers rents here, to Nic. de Castello or Castle, and Cecily his wife, which in 1298 belonged to Will. de Bukenham and Julian his wife, and were after joined to this manor.

The church is dedicated to St. Peter, and was a rectory till Sir Alex. de Vaux sold it, with an acre of land, to Walter de Suffield, Bishop of Norwich, who appropriated it wholly to St. Giles's hospital in Norwich, which he founded in 1249, when it was worth 10 marks per annum, and ever since it hath been a perpeturl curacy, as it now remains, being in the gift of the city of Norwich, in right of that hospital. The steeple is square, and hath three bells, on the second of which is this,
Sum Rosa Pulsata Mundi Katerina vocata.

On the biggest, which is the soul-bell, is this,

Jesv Christe, Fili Dei miserere nobis.

It hath a nave 22 yards long and 7 broad, and a small chancel, all tiled, and a north porch leaded.

In the altar rails there was a stone (now gone) for Lucy wife of Mr. Robert Cook, Dec. 1668. A vertuous woman, and a loving wife. There are also interred John Pykarel Gent. June 19, 1707, 75. Robert his younger brother Aug. 26, 1677, 41, with the arms and crest, viz. a swan proper. There is a plain monument against the north chancel wall, for William son of Charles Love of Kirstead-hall, Gent. Jan. 11, 1714, 65. Will. his son Oct. 22, 1722, 18, with the arms of Love, vert, a tiger passant or. Crest, a tiger's head erased. Honor wife of Will. Love, Feb. 20, 1731, 66.

In the church, on a stone.

Pykarel impales Cook, or, a chevron ingrailed gul. between three cinquefoils az. on a chief of the second, a lion passant guardant of the third. John Pykarell Gent. Apr. the 6th, 1627, 75. Anne his wife, daughter of Chris. Layer Gent. Apr. 21, 1628, 61, John his eldest son, Oct. 11, 1646, 50. Catherine his wife, daughter of Will. Cooke of Broome Esq. Aug. 19, 1663, 57. Will. son of John Pykarell Gent. June 15, 1683, 43. Sarah his wife, daughter of Charles Love of Kirstead Gent. 20 July 1702, 58. John son of Will Pykarell Gent. 28 Jan. 1725, 52.

There is a good estate here, which hath been a long time in this family.

Another stone hath the arms of

Taylour, erm. on a chief dancetté three escalops, for John Taylour A. M. sometime fellow of Corpus Christi college in Cambridge, afterwards pastor of this church and Heylesden, Dec. 13, 1662. Resurgam. John son of Peter Turner Gent. and Eliz. his wife, died Nov. 7, 1710, 43.

Pykarell impales Cook. Henry Pykarell Gent. 20 Feb. 1647. Anne his wife 21 Jan. 1662, and four of their daughters, Mary Nov. 30, 1626. Anne 10 Jan. 1628. Kath. 24 Nov. 1633. Anne Aug. 8, 1659.

Exuviæ Roberti Pykarell Generosi, Collegij Corp. Christi, apud Cantabrigienses per triennium alumni, cui sub ipso Ætatis flosculo, quippe vix annum vicesimum primum, emenso, fatale Vitæ Stamen incidit Atropos Kal. Nov. 17, A.D.MDCLXXXXVI, Infans Layer Pykarell ob. 20 May 1722.

Pykerell impales Vynn, or, on a fess az. three lioncels arg.

In the south windows are the four Evangelists, and in a north window St. Catherine holding the wheel, and the Virgin Mary with our Saviour in her arms, and a star over his head, a broken effigies of a priest at her feet, and this in a label,
Mater Dei, Memento mei.

There is a mural monument in the churchyard against the north part of the east chancel wall, with the arms of Vynn, for Ric. Vynn Gent. Feb. 19, 1728, 65. Layer Vynn Gent. Feb. 27, 1736, 46. Deborah daughter of Layr Vynn and Honour his wife, June 11, 1726, an infant Honour their daughter May 15, 1737, 14.

There is a small parsonage-house at the north-west part of the churchyard, called anciently the Priest's Chamber.

When this living was appropriated, it had a house and 2 carucates of land, valued at 5l.; it paid 4s. synodals, 14d. Peter-pence, 3d. ob. carvage; and the lands of the sacrist of Norwich were taxed at 5s. In 1603, Edward Brewster had the profits and served the cure, there being then 66 communicants; and Anthony Style, Gent had the hospital revenues by lease. The several benefactions of which may be seen under the history of that hospital, vol. iv. p. 384, &c. It is now leased for life, to the Rev. Mr. John Arnam, rector of Possewick, with the house, tithes, &c. at 3s. 4d. per annum payable to the hospital; and being under value, and not at all in the King's Books, it is capable of augmentation. In 1428, the Prior of St. Faith was taxed at 4s. for his temporals in this town; and the Prior of St. Olave at Herlingflete, had 45 acres of land, 3 messuages, 4 acres of meadow, 4 acres of marsh, and 2s. rent here, and in Thorp by Hadesco; purchased of Adam Bacon in 1312. The Prior of Norwich was taxed for his temporals at 6s. 8d. which were given by Ralf son of Will. de Cringleford, Roger and Alice, son and daughter of Richard de Cringleford, William son of Roger de Cringleford, Walter Baron, Gilbert le Uphalder, Roger Bigot, and others. In 1291, Petronel, widow of Peter at Cringleford Cross, settled one acre and an half on Petronel her niece, to pay for ever 4d. per annum to have 4 masses said yearly for her soul, in this church, every Christmas day. This village was totally consumed by fire in Queen Elizabeth's time, for which reason, an act passed in the 23d year of her reign, for the re-edifying it. It paid 30s. to the old tenths.

In the bounds of this parish there stood a free chapel, dedicated to St. Ethelberd, commonly called St. Albert's chapel; and in Queen Elizabeth's time, St. Ethelberd's chapel was reckoned among the lands concealed from the Crown; it is now demolished, and was always appendant to the parish church, with which it passed to the hospital; it had many rents paid to it, and the alder car, called St. Ilberd's Grove, in Cringleford, belonged to it. It appears by the hospital accounts, that it was a thatched building, and that in 1531 they almost rebuilt it; the profits of it in a good measure consisted in the offerings made by pilgrims that came in pilgrimage, for many came hither on that account; but what this image here was so famous for, as to be visited that way, I have not found. In Regr. Rix, fo. 309, in the Bishop's office, I find the will of Agnes Parker of Kesewick, who was buried in Cringleford churchyard in 1505, in which are these words, "Item, I owe a Pilgrimage to Canterbury, also I owe to St. Tebald of Hobeis, Item to St. Albert's at Cringleford iij Tymes.

Between this and Erlham, on the same side of the river with this town, stands the farm-house called Newfound, from a remarkable sort of earth newly found there, which was lately transported to Holland for the potters use, but now totally disused.



Belonged to Earl Ralf at the Conquest, and to Coleman, a freeman of Bishop Stigand's, in the Confessor's time, and after the Earl's forfeiture, the Conqueror gave it to Eudo the sewer, who held it at the survey; it was worth 3l. per annum at the first survey, and 4l. at the Conqueror's; being a league long and half a one broad, and paid 9d. q. to the geld. Thorp, called afterwards Gloresthorp and Gowthorp, which now is included in Swerdeston, belonged about half of it to this manor, which was so called, as being then situate in the Wood. The ancient family of the Tiviles were settled here very early. In the time of King John and Henry III. Ralf de Tyvile of Intwode held his manor here at two fees; one, of the ancient family sirnamed de Riparijs, and the other of Will. Marshal the younger. In 1285, John de Tyvile was lord and patron, and had view of frankpledge, assise of bread and ale, and all power of the lete, paying 10d. to the King, as to his hundred of Humbleyard; so that this town was by that rent, exempt from the jurisdiction of the hundred court, and now the manor was held of the honour of Albemarle; and the Prior of St. Faith held the 8th part of a fee of the said John, and Tho. de Tyvile of Weston, and others, held a fifth part of a fee of him. In 1305, the said John granted to Simon de Hethersete, liberty of commonage for 100 sheep, and all other cattle, in Intwood; this John sold the advowson and lands here, to Nic. de Castello.

In Edward the Second's time, Hugh de Tivile was lord, and in 1313, Tho. Spriggi of Monesle was lord and patron, and he and Julian his wife had it in 1325, and in 1349, Will. son of Ralf de Bokenham, was lord and patron, and had free-warren here. In 1356, Barth. Appleyard and John de Erpingham, citizens of Norwich, owned it; Appleyard having obtained a release from William de Bukenham and Joan his wife, settling it on him and his heirs; and in 1367, it was held of Rob. son and heir of John de Insula, or L'isle, Knt. Will. Appleyard his son held it till 1401, and then Bartholomew Ellys was found to hold it at two fees, of the dutchy of Lancaster, of which Sir John Lisle held it, but it was in trust only, for Nicholas son of William, and grandson to Bartholomew Appleyerd, sold it to Tho. Wetherby, the rich alderman of Norwich, who died in 1445, and left it to Margaret his wife for life, and then to John Jenney, Esq. and Eliz. his wife, daughter and heiress of the said Thomas: this John Jenney was third son of Sir John Jenney, Knt.; he died in 1497, when Will. Jenney, son of his son John Jenney, inherited; he died at Intwood in 1512, and was buried under a large stone in the chancel, now robbed of its brasses; Catherine his wife survived him. In 1537, Sir John Heydon, Knt. and others, conveyed the advowson and manor to Ric. Blyant, with Swerdeston manor and advowson; but Sir John and the others, were only trustees of John Blyant and Anne his wife, who presented in 1517, and Ric. Blyant, Esq. their son and heir, sold it to Sir Ric. Gresham, Knt. of London, who died in 1548, seized of the manors of Intwood, Keswick, Swainsthorp, Hardwick, Swerdeston, and Mulberton, leaving John his son and heir, then 30 years old. In 1549, Sir Thomas Gresham, Knt. entertained John Dudley the great Earl of Warwick, in his journey against the rebel Ket the tanner, at his seat here, which he soon after endowed and finished, in the manner we now see it; it stands about half a furlong west of the church, and is now called Intwood-hall. Sir Thomas Gresham, Knt. appears lord and patron in 1568, and in 1571, William Gresham of London, Esq. who sold it about 1596, to Henry Hobart, Esq. with the manor of Swerdeston, in which family it hath continued ever since, John Lord Hobart of Blickling, being now lord, and owner of the village, (which contains the hall, and two or three cottages only,) as also patron of

The church, which is dedicated to all the Sain's, and hath a nave 11 yards long and 6 yards wide, with a chancel and south porch, all tiled; a steeple, round at bottom and octangular at top, in which are two bells. On a brass plate in the chancel,

Here resteth the Body of Cecily Hirst, wife of William Hirst Gent. Dr. and Heir of Edward Shelton of Brome in the County of Norfolk Esq; who died 28 Jan. 1619.

There is a large stone robbed of an effigies and inscription, but I find that William Jenney Esq. was buried under it in 1512. By the font there are two stones for, Robert Hammond Gent. 15 Aug. 1678, 84. Hammond, or, on chief sub. three martlets of the field.

His pious Memory here shall lay,

'Till Letters cut in Stone decay.

Rob. his son Aug. 14, 1687, 44.

Nil nisi pulvis inest, perfectum Gloria Corpus,

Reddet, disce citò vivere, citò mori.

Tho. son of Tho and Mary Rackham 17 Aug. 1728. Eliz. their daughter June 7, 1731, 8. James Charles of Intwood, Aug. 19, 1718, 52. Hannah his wife Sept. 5, 1737, 52.

This rectory, when single, was first valued with the portions at 5, after at 9 marks. When Norwich Domesday was made, John de Tivile was patron, and there was a house and 30 acres of land; the portion of tithes then belonging to the monks of Colchester, was valued at 4s. that of the cellerer of Norwich at 6s. 8d. being for two parts of the great tithes of the demeans, which were given by Ralf de Tivile, lord here, and were confirmed by John de Grey, and Tho de Blumvyle, Bishops of Norwich. The portion of the Prior of St. Faith was then valued at 1s. but in 1428, increased to 2l. 4s. 2d. in land and commonage. The hospital of St. Giles in Norwich had lands here. The synodals were 13d. Peter-pence 12d. carvage 2d. and it paid 2l. to each tenth. Being consolidated to Keswick, it is above value, and pays first fruits and yearly tenths, viz. for Intwood 10s. and 10s. for Kesewic. The Virgin formerly had her image in this church, with a light constantly burning before it.

Anthony Drury, Esq. second son of Sir Anthony Drury of Besthorp, Knt. by Bridget, daughter of John Spelman of Narburgh, and brother to Sir William Drury, who died in 1639, lived here; he married a sister of Sir Owen Smith, Knt. of Winston, and (as the book intituled The Grandeur of the Law, tells us, p. 229,) was descended from Rob. Drury of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. a person of great learning, and Speaker of the House of Commons in Henry the Seventh's time.

Rectors of Intwood

  • 1275, Robert de Tivile, rector.
  • 1313, Nic. Spriggi. Tho. Spriggi of Monesle.
  • 1325, John de Bukenham. Tho. Spriggi and Julian his wife.
  • 1334, Rob. de Shadwell. Sir Simon de Hethersete, Knt. guardian to Will. son of Ralf de Bukenham.
  • 1336, John (or Rob.) de Bingham.
  • 1349, John Boule of Old-Bukenham; he died rector. Will, de Bukenham.
  • 1364, Will. Wisete, he died and was buried in the minor-friars church at Norwich. Bartholomew Appleyard and John Erpingham, citizens of Norwich.
  • 1339, John Wysete, buried in the chancel in 1392, and was succeeded by
  • Walter Bulleman, and he in 1399, by
  • Tho. Cantele, these three being presented by William Appleyard, citizen of Norwich, as was
  • Barth Belagh in 1401, when

The chapel of St. James the Apostle of Gawesthorp, or Gawthorp, was an nexed and consolidated to this church of Intwood.

  • 1424, Will. Bultell. Thomas Wetherby, Esq. citizen and alderman of Norwich.
  • 1425, Walter Martin, who in 1431, changed for Titshall with Rob. Clement, who in 1444, changed with
  • Tho. Brook for Pevensey in Chichester diocese; he was deprived in 1452, and
  • Tho. Morrice was presented by John Jenney, Esq. and Eliz. his wife, heiress of Wetherby, who presented the four following rectors,
    William Freeman.
  • 1471, Ric. Roper; at his death in
  • 1482, Ric. Dawntre, who is buried in Hethersete church and was succeeded in
  • 1493, by John Ponsty. In
  • 1501, James Styward had it by lapse, and in
  • 1502, Tho. Howson, at whose death in
  • 1517, Edmund Loge had it, of the gift of John Blyant and Anne his wife; he died in 1529, and
  • Chris. Lant had it, by gift from Ric. Bliant, Esq.; he was succeeded by
  • Tho. Coyton, on whose deprivation in
  • 1554, Henry Smith was presented by Tho. Gresham, Esq. at whose death in
  • 1574, John Shinquen had it, and held it united to Keswick, Sir Tho. Gresham, Knt. being patron.
  • 1597, July 21, Edw. Munday was presented by Tho. Tirrel, Esq. patron of this turn, and on Oct. 23d following by consent of Will. Gresham, Esq. patron, it was consolidated to the church of Keswick adjoining to Intwood.

Rectors of Intwood and Keswick, and Gowthorp chapel annexed

  • 1602, Will. Welles, B. D.; in 1603, he returned 46 communicants here. Sir John Hobart, Knt. patron.
  • 1617, Will. Warren. The King by lapse.
  • 1639, John Ridley. Lady Dorothy Hobart. Henry King; he resigned, and in
  • 1662, John Sheffield, A. M. was presented by Sir John Hobart of Blickling, Bart. In 1663, he resigned, and Sir John gave it to Miles Smith, and in
  • 1680, to Ric. Clerk, at whose death in
  • 1708, Sam. Harris was presented by Sir John Hobart, Bart. and at his cession in 1720, he gave it to
  • Will. Herring, LL. B. on whose cession in
  • 1743, The Rev. Will. Leech, the present rector, was instituted at the presentation of John Lord Hobart, now patron.



Or Case-Wic, i. e. the cottages upon the wic or winding of the river, to which the situation, which is on the river's side, exactly answers. In the Confessor's time this manor was a berewic to Hethill manor, and was owned by Olf, a thane of that King, and by Roger Bigot in the Conqueror's time; it was then 6 furlongs long, and 5 broad, and paid 6d. ob. geld or tax, and Aitard de Vals or de Vaux, held it of Bigod.

Godric the sewer had a man that held 10 acres here, and the King and the Earl had the whole soc, lete, and superiour jurisdiction.

It continued in the Vaux family for many ages; Hubert de Vallibus or Vals, was lord, and had an exemption from paying toll in Norwich, for the produce of his demeans here, and of his manor of Surling ham; and in 1220, Jollan de Vaux was lord of both manors, and proved his exemption: there were great contests between him and the Prior and Convent of Norwich, concerning rights of commonage in Eaton; but things being agreed he became a good benefactor to their monasiery, by conarming all right he had in Eaton to the monks, and a watermill in Kesewic called the Old Mill; and Emma, daughter of Bartholomew, son of Will de Hethill, released all her right in the mill, which was first given to the convem by Albert de Novilla or Nevile, subject to pay 10s a year to the monks at Thetford, which Vincent Prior of Thetford released in 1289, and Robert Prior of Alvesborne, and the canons there, released to the monks of Norwich, a rent of 20s. in Kesewic; and in 1286, Ralf de Amodesham and Alice his wife, conveyed to the Prior of Norwich 40s. rent here to be remembered daily in the bed-roll of the church of Norwich; and accordingly the monks of Norwich were taxed for 40s. of temporal rents in this town Sir John de Vaux, Knt. was succeded about 1234, by his son Sir Alex. de Waus, Knt. who granted to the Norwich monks, joint fishery with him in his stream from Hereford-bridge, and an acre of land there, Roger de Vaus being witness; he confirmed to the Prior and monks of St. Faith at Horsham, 18 acres of land in Casewic, which John Godchep gave them in free alms, and also a portion of tithes out of his demeans, for which that convent was taxed at 6s, 8d. spirituals, and 11s. temporals. In 1265, John de Vaux was lord of this and Boton, and Mary his widow had an interest in it; and in 1295, the manor was settled by a fine, then levied between William son of Herbert de Vaux, and Burga his wife, on the said Mary, for life, remainder to them and their heirs; and in 1296. Petronilla, daughter of Alexander de Vaux, claimed a part of it; and in 1315, the said Burga, her husband William being dead, was lady here, and in 1318 obtained a charter of free-warren to the manor. In 1320, she and John de Vals, her son and heir, as executors of Will. de Vaux, paid 102l. to the King, as the remainder of the account of the said Will. who was the King's receiver for the revenues of his castle and honour of Knaresburgh in Yorkshire. In 1347, John Sparrow of Norwich was lord. In 1349, Sir John Ufford, Knt. and Hugh de Curson, by whom in 1365, this and Vaux's manor in Burgh St. Mary were settled on Will. Clere of Ormesby. In 1390, Diomst Clere had it. In 1445, Rob. Clere, Esq. gave it after the death of Eliz. his wife, to Robert Clere his son, when it was held of Forncet honour. In 1469, Eliz. Clere had it, and in 1523, Sir Robert Clere, Knt. her son. In 1549, Sir Ric. Gresham, Knt. died seized, and Eliz. his relict had it, and after her, Sir John Gresham, their son and heir. In 1563, Isabel Gresham, widow, and in 1577, Sir Tho. Gresham, Knt.; and m 1580, Will. Gresham, Esq. and from that time it hath passed along with the manor of Intwood, and remains with it at this day.

The church was dedicated to All the Saints, and the rector had a house and 26 acres of glebe; it was valued at 5 marks, and is now valued at 5l. in the King's Books, and pays first-fruits, as consolidated to Intwood, and 10s. yearly tenths; synodals are 18d. procurations, 6s. 8d. Peter-pence 12d. carvage 1d. 0b. the portion of St. Faith at Horsham 5s. and that of the monks of Thetford 5s. There was an image of the Virgin in the church, and in 1505, Rob. Curson was buried before it, and gave a good legacy to repair the church; this village paid 1l. 7s. to every tenth.

Rectors of Kesewick


Guaidus the priest.

Kalf. Alex. de Vaux, Knt.

  • 1300, Jeffery de Colney. Sir Will. de Vaux, Knt. who presented the three following rectors:
  • 1301, Edmund de Merkeshall.
  • 1303, John de Basingham.
  • 1310, Ric. de Catfield.
  • 1347, Ric. at Church of Swaynesthorp. John Sparwe or Sparrow, citizen of Norwich.
  • 1349, Simon de Bintre. Sir John Ufford, Knt.; he exchanged for St. Margaret Westwick in Norwich. (See vol. iv. p. 257.)
  • 1355, Rob de Kyngton. Sir Rob. de Ufford and Hugh Curson: buried in the chancel in 1383, when Will. Clere of Ormesby gave it to
  • Tho. Ward of Ridlington, who was buried by him in 1390, and Rob. Vyn of Brunsted, was presented by Dionise Clere; and in 1408, Nic. Hey'et had it; and, in 1422, exchanged it with Roger atte Medewe for Ridlyngton. Oliver Groos, Esq.
  • 1425, Rob. Metton. Nic. Wichingham, resigned.
  • 1434, Simon Clerk. Eliz. Rothenhale; he resigned in 1439, and
  • Tho. Burgh was presented by Rob. Clere of Ormesby, Esq. in right of Casewick manor, which came to him by inheritance.
  • 1458, Ric Wymond, lapse.
  • 1465, John Wode, lapse.
  • 1469, Brother Aian Aylesham. Eliz. Clere, widow.
  • 1493, Brother John Hevyngham. Rob. Clere, Esq. He died in 1523, and Sir Rob. Clere, Knt. presented his chaplain,

Sir Will. Hunt, who held it united to St. Edmund in Norwich; at whose death in 1525, he presented

Sir Robert Fosdyke, alias Poynter, who was deprived in 1555, and Tho. Warner had it of the gift of Eliz, relict of Sir Ric. Gresham, Knt, at whose death in 1563, Lady Isabell Gresham, widow, gave it to

John Shynkwyn, who had it united to Intwood, and at his death, July 21,

  • 1597, Edw. Munday was presented to this church by Tho. Tirrel, Esq. patron of the turn, who had institution and union to Intwood with Gowthorp chapel; and the 23d of Oct. following, they were con solidated by consent of Will. Gresham, Esq. patron of them all; and this church was immediately pulled down. The steeple is round, and is still standing, being very small, as was the church, which had a nave, chancel, and south porch; the churchyard is ploughed up to the walls; it stands on a hill between Hertford-bridges and Intwood, on the south side of the river, and the ruins are seen at some distance. There are a very few houses besides the hall; the whole village belonging with Intwood, to John Lord Hobart of Blickling.

More east, on the same side of the river, on a promontory, bounded on the south-east by the river Taüs, are seen the ruins of another church, properly enough called



It being at that time, the mark out of the great lake at the division of the rivers, though by corruption it is now called Matteshall; the whole village, as well as the church, is dilapidated, there being only one farm-house in its precinct, which was lately built by the Pettus family, called Matteshall-Hall, where the farmer lives that occupies the whole.

This village belonged in the Confessor's days to Godwin, a freeman of Bishop Stigand, who held it at two carucates in demean; the whole was then 5l. per annum, besides the church, which had 6 acres of glebe, worth 12d. per annum. At the Conquest it belonged to Ralf Beaufoe, was worth 11l. a year, had a freeman that held 6 acres in Dunston, which belonged to this manor, of which the King and Earl had the soc or lete, and the town was then 6 furlongs long and 5 broad, and paid 6d. ob. geld or tax.

Afterwards it belonged to Hubert de Ria, or Rhye, being settled on him by the Beaufoe family, when Henry son of Hubert married Agnes de Beaufoe; this Hubert gave the tithes of his demeans in Merkeshall, to the monks of Norwich, and Henry de Ria and Agnes his wife, confirmed them. On the division of the barony of Rhye, this went to Isabel, who married for her 2d husband, Roger son of Hugh de Cressi, who had a daughter named Isabel, married to Alex. de Poringland, and before that, to Will, de Merkeshall, whose son, Peter de Merkeshall, was lord here; and after him Sir William de Merkeshall, Knt.his son, whose widow Margery, daughter of Sir John de Vaux, was a benefactrix to Norwich priory; Aliva, the other heiress, to Rhie barony, married John le Marshal, and had in this town and Castre adjoining, rents of 11l. per annum which she conveyed to Robert de Mauthy and Alice his wife, who in 1267, sold part of them to Roger son of Hugh le Bigot; and in 1274, this part was esteemed as a manor, for the Earl-Marshal held a manor in Merkeshall, and had free-warren to it; and Stephen de Brokedish was his bailiff there. In 1382, Sir Will. de Merkeshall granted this advowson and 7 acres of land, to Norwich monks; but a law-suit ensued, and it was proved that Peter de Merkeshall, his father, had granted it to Roger, son and heir of Roger de Thirkelby, and he, to Walter de Thirkelby, his brother, who sold it to Roger Bigot; and in 1284, the said Roger agreed for the whole of the manor with Sir William; and it was settled on him and his heirs, and he had view of frankpledge, assise of bread and ale, and all royalties allowed him to his village of Merkeshall, paying 12d. a year to the King, to his hundred of Humbleyard; from the jurisdiction of which, this village was exempt by the said payment. In 1306, the manor and advowson was settled on Giles de Munpynzoun, and Lady Christian his wife, who presented in 1310. In 1343, Nic. Deveros had it too, and in 1349, it was settled on Tho. Moyne, who died seized in 1362, leaving it to Edm. his son and heir. In 1384, it belonged to Simon and Roger Blickling of Norwich; and it was settled in 1386, on Henry Luminor and Margaret his wife, and William their son, of London; and in 1395, to Henry Luminor, senior of Norwich; in 1408, he, Margaret his wife, and Thomas Moigne or Monk, of Merkeshall, settled it on Edmund Warner of Norwich, in trust for William Morley, Esq. whose daughter Margery had it in 1441, and in 1451, John Yelverton, Esq. was lord of the manor of Merkeshall, called Monk's manor, or Lumnour-hall: about 1520, I find it in James Helmes, Esq. and in 1551, Amy his widow had it, and was succeeded by their son William Helmes of Rackhithe, Gent. who about 1568, sold it to Thomas Pettus, alderman of Norwich, with Rackhithe, &c. In which family it hath continued ever since, Sir Horace Pettus, Bart. being now lord.

The church was dedicated to St. Edmund the King and Martyr, and stands on a point or promontory, like the chapel of that Martyr, which stood at the very north-west extremity of the county, from thence called St. Edmund's Point; it never had a steeple, but only a nave, and chancel, the first about 10 yards long and 8 broad, the latter about the same length, and about 6 yards broad; the only house in the parish stands about 2 furlongs south of it; the ruins are still perceptible at some distance. The rector formerly had a house and 24 acres of glebe; it was first valued at 2 marks, 7s. 6d. after at 10 marks; it paid 18d. synodals, 3s. procurations, 6d. Peter-pence, and 3d. carvage; and the rents of the monks of Norwich were valued at 4s. 2d. to the tenths, and the whole village at 1l. 4s. 2d. but paid clear, only xi.s. to each tenth.

Rectors of Markeshale

  • 1277, Roger.
  • 1300, James Dobell of Bungeye. Sir Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk and Earl-Marshall.

At his death in 1310, the Lady Christian de Munpynzoun gave it to

John Cortone, and in 1317, Sir Giles de Munpynzoun presented

Will. de Brunsthorp. In

  • 1343, Will. Downyng resigned, and Nic. Deveros ave it to John Downyng of Tatersete, and in
  • 1349, to Will. de Isingham; and the same year, Thomas Moyne, or Monk, presented
  • John de Cadewold of Woodford. In
  • 1395, John Brunthorp was instituted at the presentation of Henry Luminor, citizen of Norwich; and in 1410, Edmund Warner of the same, gave it to
  • Walter Willmund of Beeston. In 1439, at his death,
  • John Morley, shaveling, was presented by Will. Morley, Esq. and in 1441, he resigned, and then, as executor of Will. Morley aforesaid, he presented
  • Gregory Smith, chaplain, jointly with Margery, daughter of William Morley, Esq, deceased.
  • 1451, Rob. Ryal. John Yelverton, Esq. at Henry Bagot's death in 1525, Will. Paston having obtained a grant of this turn, of James Helmes, Esq. he presented
  • William Woodward, priest, not as formerly to a rectory, but to a free-chapel; by means of which, at the Dissolution, it was demolished, the glebe and profits seized, which were then valued at 6l. 6s. per annum. Woodward was returned not rector, but custos or master of it, and had a pension for life assigned him as custos, of 2l. 15s. 6d. which I find paid him in 1553, and then it was totally left out of the King's Books, and the whole lost for a time; but in 1688, it being found that it was a presentative rectory, formerly valued in the King's Books at 3l. 6s. 8d. it was reinstated, and the King presented.
  • Tho. Twaits, A. M. to it by lapse of time, and he having some trouble in recovering the arrears, compounded it at last, with the patron; so that in 1609, Sir John Pettus, Knt. presented
  • William Leedes, a licensed preacher; after whom
  • Hen. Nerford had it, and on his resignation, in
  • 1637, John Howlet's, A. M. was presented by Tho. Pettus, Esq. who in 1639 at Howlet's cession, gave it to
  • Will. Scamler, A. M. In 1687, on John Scamler's death, Sir John Pettus, Bart. presented
  • Ric. Dix, A. M. at whose cession
  • John Goddard had it; and in
  • 1695, Mar. 16, Rob. Fawcet, junior, A. M. on the death of Goddard, had it consolidated to the adjacent rectory of Castor St. Edmund, with the consent of Sir John Pettus, Bart. and then held it united to Burlingham St. Peter, and now it remains, by virtue of the consolidation, part of Castor, though this is in this hundred, and Castor in that of Henstede, being divided only by the river Taüs, which runs between them, separating those hundreds.



This village, at the time of the Conqueror's survey, was in many parts, being then six furlongs long and 5 broad, and paid 13d. geld. And Thorp, or Gowthorp, then belonged to it, and Mangreen also, as they do at this day; the two last, and one part of Swerdeston, belonged to Roger Bigot, but the manor of Swerdeston, called afterwards.

Swerdeston, or Colby's Manor


Which was the principal one, belonged to Ordinc, a Dane, one of the Confessor's thanes or noblemen, and was then worth 66s. and the church, which had 15 acres of glebe, was appendant to it. It was given by the Conqueror to Ralf de Beaufoe, being then worth 106s. per annum. Richard held the whole of Ralf, when the Conqueror's survey was made; Pagan or Pain, the son of Richard, succeeded, and Ralf his son after him, who, by the name of Ralf Fitz-Pain, gave lands here to the monks of Norwich, for the almoner's use, on condition they received himself, his father, and mother, and Soloman his uncle, into their bedroll, and celebrated for their souls, as for the brothers of their house. In 1247, William Fitz-Ralph, lord here, sold the advowson to the nuns at Carhoe; and the year following, Walter Bishop of Norwich appropriated the church to them, reserving a vicarage to be presented to by that convent; Bartholomew son of Will. who assumed the name of Swerdeston, was lord in 1256, and in 1315, it belonged to Tho. de St. Omer of Brundale, who died seized about 1364, leaving it to his two daughters and heiresses, Alice, after married to Sir William de Hoe, Knt. and Eliz. to Tho. Waryne. In 1392, it belonged to John de Coleby, in which family it continued so long, that it still bears that name. In 1440, Tho. Wetherby, lord of Brundale, had an interest here. In 1510, Will. Jenney. Esq. held it, who died in 1512, and was buried at Intwood: and from that time it passed with that manor, and John Lord Hobart is now lord, and patron of the vicarage. (See p. 40, 41.) It was held of the King, as parcel of the dutchy of Lancaster.

Thorp, Gowthorp, or Galthorp-Hall Manor


Belonged to Roger Bigot at the Conquest, and continued in that family some time; it came afterwards to the family sirnamed le Moigne, or Monk, and in 1286, William le Moigne lived here, and claimed view of frankpledge, assise of bread and ale, &c. of all his tenants here. It seems, the chapel of St. James, which belonged to this manor, was founded by some of this family, and endowed with the great tithes of the manor. It was consolidated to Intwood church in 1401, (see p. 42,) but was in use till about 1590; it is now totally demolished, but stood in the Brick-kiln Close south-east of the hall. This was always reckoned as a hamlet to Swerdeston, and is now included in the parish, though the lands belonging to it are often, on account of the consolidation, said to be in Galthorp in Intwood, in the parish of Swerdeston. In 1306, Peter son of Will. le Moigne, or Monk, was lord. In 1320, Will. son of John le Monk of Gowthorp, and Isabel his wife, sold it to Ric. Cole of Norwich, who released it again to Peter le Monk in 1343; and in 1351, John de Gowthorp seems to have had an interest in it; but in 1355, Nic. Blakeney and Emma his wife sold it to Bartholomew Appleyard, when it contained 11 messuages, 4l. quitrents, &c. and Will. de Blickling and Mariona his wife, released all their right in 1367. In 1405, Rob. Stalon of Norwich, and Margaret his wife, conveyed it to Ric. Purdamore of Norwich, and other trustees. In 1486, Margaret widow of William Skipwith of Norwich, Esq. gave this manor to William her son, with remainder to Edmund his brother, and ordered John Ratcliffe Lord Fitz-Walter, and her other feoffees, to settle it accordingly, and in 1494, Will. Skipwith and his wife settled it on Ric. Haleys, John Jollys, Simon Damme, and Rob. Walsh, their trustees, with the advowson of Newton Flotman, and a fishery in the river of Hertford; all which, in 1525, were conveyed by Sir Edward Boleyn, Knt. and Anne his wife, to Leonard Spencer and William Knightly. In 1560, it belonged to Will. Steward, or Styward, who settled in the manor-house called Golthorp-hall; his second wife was Grisseld, daughter of Thomas Eden of Sudbury, and his first was Eliz. daughter of Sir Chris. Jenney, Knt. of Great Cresingham; and in 1608, he and Griseld his wife settled it after their deaths, on their son Thomas and Mary his wife, daughter of Henry Lord Grey of Groby, both which are buried in St. Stephen's church in Norwich, with many of their family. By them this manor was sold to Thomas Berney, 3d son of Sir Thomas Berney of Park-hall in Redham, by Julian his wife, daughter to Sir Thomas Gawdy, who died in 1673, and is buried here, by Dorothy his wife, who was daughter and coheir of John Smith of Ameringhall; they left two daughters; Julian, married to Will. Branthwait of Hethill, Esq. and Frances, to Sir Edward Barkham of Westacre, Bart. and two sons; William, the youngest, married Bridget, daughter to the Lord Chief Justice Coke. John, the eldest son, settled here, and died in 1678, and by Eliz. his wife, daughter of Sir Arthur Onslow of West Clandon in Surrey, Bart. he had Elizabeth, buried here in 1678; Anne, married to John Suckling of Wotton, Esq. and Thomas Barney, Esq. his son and heir, who by Anne, youngest daughter of Rob. Suckling of Wotton in Norfolk, Esq. who are both buried here, had John Berney of Swerdeston, Esq. the present lord, who now dwells in Galthorp-hall, which stands about a quarter of a mile eastward of the church.

Manegrene Manor


Was a hamlet to Swerdeston, and at the survey belonged to Roger Bigot, from whose ancestors it was conveyed to Osbert of Mannegrene and after that, Will. de Haverhill had it conveyed to Will. de Mannegrene, his kinsman. In 1315, Emma de la Penne and Peter Plumstede owned it, and it belonged about 1334, to John le Neve of Mannegrene, and in 1340, was settled on John his son, and Margaret his sister, who married Will. Dene; and in 1395, they released to John le Neve all their right; and from thence till 1559, I have met with no account of it, when Tho. Aldrich of Mangrene, Esq. was buried by the font in Swerdeston church, and left Mangrene-hall manor to Cecily his wife; about 1570, it was owned by Thomas Aldrich, Gent. by whom the most part of the lands held of the manor (if not all) were purchased in, and with an heiress of that family, it went to the Davies; Mr. Henry Davy, married a daughter of Israel Long, Gent. whose daughter and heiress Anne, married to William Churchman, Esq. who now owns it, and dwells at Mangrene-hall, which is about half a mile north-east of

The church, which was originally dedicated to St. Andrew; and about 1400, rededicated to St. Mary the Virgin. It is a vicarage valued in the King's Books at 6l. but being sworn of the clear yearly value of 21l. 14s. and 4d. it is discharged of first fruits and tenths, and is capable of augmentation. It was anciently valued at 10 marks, was appropriated to the nuns of Carhoe as aforesaid; there was no house, but the vicar had 24 acres of land; his vicarage was valued at 5 marks, but not taxed. It paid synodals 2s. 4d. procurations 6s. 8d. Peter-pence 14d. and carvage 3d. In the time of Henry VI. the whole impropriate rectory was let to the vicar at 3l. 10s. a year. The Prioress of Carhoe was taxed at 10 marks for it, and 11d. for her temporals, and the Prior of Alvesbourne had temporals here, taxed at 18d. the whole village was taxed at 3l. to every tenth, and paid 50s. clear, the rest being deducted on account of the revenues of the religious. In 1307, Lettice, wife of William Payn, settled 40 acres of land, and 5l. per annum rents here, on her chantry in St. Stephen's in Norwich.

Vicars of Swerdeston


Presented by the Prioresses of Carrow.

  • 1318, Nic. Jobbe.
  • 1369, Will. Bayhouse.
  • 1375, Simon Bond.
  • 1376, Hamond Ayleward.
  • 1380, Rodeland de Kerbrook.
  • 1383, Will. Chapman, lapse.
  • 1388, Will. Jurley.
  • 1394, Ric. Osteler.
  • 1398, Will. Lincock, resigned.
  • 1405, Walkeline Percomb, who resigned to
  • John Witton in 1410, in exchange for Norton by Baldok, in the jurisdiction of St. Alban's, and in 1417, he exchanged this, for Thirne, with
  • John Greenhill.
  • 1420, John Fox.
  • 1422, John Deye, who exchanged for Wacton-Magna in 1429, with
  • John Long.
  • 1437, Tho. Hacun.
  • 1470, John Fyer, at whose death in
  • 1479, John Rayner had it. At the Dissolution, the impropriate rectory and advowson of the vicarage, and an annual pension of 23s. 4d. paid to the impropriator, were granted with Carow, to Sir John Shelton, Knt. and were after sold by Sir Ralf Shelton, to Sir Humphry May, Knt. and in 1565, belonged to Anthony Style, Esq. who this year agreed with Robert Beverle, vicar here, that as he was also proprietary of Dunston, if he the said Robert, and his successours, served the curacy of Dunston, and paid all dues to the Bishop and Archdeacon, then he the said Anthony, for himself and heirs, settled all the great and small tithes whatever, and all dues belonging to the parish of Swerdeston, and in the bounds of the parish, on the vicar and his successours for ever, on condition he served both parishes, as appears in the 19th Institution Book, fo. 275; but on some consideration, when the two parishes were severed, this was dissolved, though in 1603, Brewster was returned both rector and vicar of Swerdeston, and curate of Dunston; that he had 82 communicants, and that Anthony son of Anthony Style, Esq. was proprietary and patron. In 1690, on the cession of Anthony Buxton, Daniel Scargyll was presented by Dudley Scargyll, Gent. and held it united to Mulbarton; and on the resignation of Samuel Ganning in
  • 1726, the Rev. Mr. John Swift, the present vicar, who holds it united to the rectory of Swainsthorp, was presented by Sir John Hobart, Bart. and Knight of the Bath, (now Lord Hobart,) the present patron.

In 1474, John Gerard of Swerdeston was buried in the church, the nave of which is 52 feet long, and 17 broad, the chancel being 25 feet long and 15 broad; it hath no isles, the whole is leaded but the south porch, which is tiled; the tower is about 22 yards high, and hath five bells in it, on the biggest of which,
Petrus ad Eterna ducat nos Pascua bite.

In the altar rails, crest a plume of feathers, on a coronet, Berney impales Green.

Sacred to the Memory of Thomas Berney, late of this Parish Esq. who departed this Life Oct. 25, 1720, æt. 46, and Anne his Wife, who died Apr. 12, 1743, 63.

On a stone in the chancel. Berney, with a crescent, impales Smith, a bend erm. between 12 billets.

Here resteth the Body of the vertuous and charitable Dorothy the Wife of Thomas Berney Esq; one of the Daughters and Coheirs of John Smith of Ameringhale Esq; who departed this Life the 29th Day of Sept. A. D. 1672. Waiting for the glorious appearing of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

On the next stone are the same arms, but Berney's crest there, is a garb; and Smith's on a cap of maintenance doubled erm. two wings expanded, on each of which, are Smith's arms.

Depositum Viri honorabilis Thomæ Berney Armigeri, Filij tertij Thomæ Berney de Reedham Militis, qui secundo Die Mensis Aprilis, A. D. MDCLXXIII. Spiritum Deo redidit, et in Pace hic requiescit, Gloriosam Domini nostri Jesu Christi præstolans Epiphaniam.

On stones in the nave, crest, a plume of feathers, and Berney quartering Smith.

M. S. Depositum Johannis Berney Armigeri, Thomæ Berney Armigeri et Uxoris ejus Dorotheæ Filij, Qui Virtute, Probitate, Comitate benè notus, omnibus juxta ac Amicis charus, diuturniore vita nisi quod meliore dignus, naturæ cessit Oct. 19, A. D. 1678. Quadraginta et quatuor, haud multo minus, annos natus, proprior Jubilæo.

Perge Viator, et ut discas vivere, disce mori.

On the next stone the same arms in lozenge. Here lyeth interred the Body of Mrs. Eliz. Berney, the eldest Daughter of John Berney of Swerdeston in the County of Norfolk Esq; and of Eliz. his Wife, she died on the 14 of Nov. 1678.

On a brass plate is this,
Pere inthe John Boodwyn, on whose Saule jesu habe Mercy, the rrir Jugusti M.D.i.

In the windows there were the effigies of the 12 Apostles, some of which still remain; and there are two broken portraitures of benefactors on their knees, in a north window, and in a south window, vert a chevron between three rams passant arg. armed or. In another shield, the arms of Berney with a crescent.

In a lozenge. 1, Rich, gul. a chevron between three croslets botony or. 2, Felton, g. two lions passant erm. crowned or. 3, Aldrich.

Here resteth in Hopes of a happy Resurrection, the Remains of Eliz. Aldrich Widow, One of the Daughters of Sir Anthony Felton, late of Playford in the County of Suffolk, of the honourable Order of the Bath Knight deceased, she having been first the Wife of Rob. Rich of Mulbarton in the County of Norfolk Esq; and after his Decease, married to Thomas Aldrich of Swardeston in the same Countie Gent. and having attained to the Age of 80 Years, changed this Life for Immortality, upon the last Day of Sept. in the Year of our Lord MDCLXXVIII.



Or the town by the dune or hill, was at the Conquest (though but a small village) in no less than five parts, the 1st belonged to Alan Earl of Richmond, and at the Confessor's survey was owned by Herold the Dane, and the King and the Earl had the lete, or superiour jurisdiction of the whole village, which was half a mile long and three furlongs broad, and paid 6d. ob. geld or tax. The 2d, was Roger Bigot's. The 3d, Godric the sewer's the 4th belonged to Merkeshall manor, as at p. 46, and the 5th was a freeman of the King's who had then 13 acres only, valued at 12d. But soon after, the whole became one manor, with the advowson of the rectory appendant thereto, and belonged to the Crown, till the beginning of Ric. I. when William Helgheton had it of that King's gift, whose son Herbert de Helgheton granted the advowson from the manor, to Alice de Fundenhale, wife of Robert Fitz-Ralf, who in 1196 had a trial with Herbert for the advowson, when the jury found, that it was not apparent, that the church had ever yet been presented to, but that the parsons held it, from parson to parson, as from father to son, till the death of the last incumbent, and that though the said Alice had no manor nor demean in Dunston, yet, it being founded in the fee of the said Herbert, her grant was good, and she had the advowson confirmed to her, and her parson was instituted, and so the advowson was separated from the manor.

In 1205, King John confirmed the manor to William son of Walkeline de Dunston, when Walkeline his father took upon him a religious habit, and entered a monastery. This William was falconer to King John, who settled this town on William de Dunston, son and heir of William his falconer, and Alice his sister, and their heirs; he was succeeded by Bartholomew his son and heir, who in 1256, pleaded an exemption for his manor, from suit of the sheriff's turn. In 1280, Rob. de Dunston, John de Dunston, and Jeffry de la Penne, were lords here; and the same year, William son of Rich. de Dunston was sued, for pretending to appropriate to himself the fishing in the river between Shotesham and Dunston, when it appeared, that the fishery on Dunston side, was common to all the tenants of Dunston manor. In 1285, Emma, widow of John de la Penne, had one part of the manor, and in 1286, William son of Richard, and William son Nicholas de Dunston, were lords; in 1345, Robert and John de Dunston had it; in 1385, Hugh de Dunston; and in 1395, John de Dunston and Maud his wife settled it by fine on Sir Edmund de Thorp and his trustees. I find about this time, Robert de Holveston had an interest in the manor, which soon after belonged to John Howes of Dunston, who sold it to John de Bonyngton and Christian his wife, who all joined about 1399, and conveyed the whole to Bartholomew de Appleyerd, citizen of Norwich, for life; and after his decease to Richard de Dunston, chaplain, and his heirs, who after became seized of the whole town; Agnes Custinoble, heiress of John de Bonyngton, releasing also all her right. In 1401, Henry Luminour held it at the 8th part of a fee, of Will. de Kerdeston, and he of the heirs of Montchensy, who held it of Maud de Cromwell Lady Tateshall, and she of the King in chief; and Roger de Blickling then held here the 5th part of a fee of John de L'isle, and he of the King, as of the honour of Lancaster. In 1419, it was settled in trust on Sir John de Heveningham, Knt. Will. Paston, and others, to the sole use of the Appleyerd family; and in 1481, Will. Appleyerd of East-Carleton, Gent. bequeathed his manor of Dunston to Thomas his eldest son, and his heirs male, paying annuities to his brother John, and Elizabeth his mother; and for want of male issue, it was to remain to Thomas his brother, then to John his brother, and to Henry son of John, then to Henry his brother, then to Bartholomew, and then to John Appleyerd; it went after to Bartholomew, who died in 1492, and Margaret his widow, and Sir Rob. Jermyn, administered. In 1534, Thomas Appleyerd settled it on John Taseburgh his trustee; and in 1548, he was found to hold it of Edmund Knevet, Knt. as of his manor of Hethersete, by knight's service, and Robert Appleyerd, was his son and heir; in 1572, John Appleyerd, Gent. had it. In 1632, John Hamond of Ellingham by Bungeye, Gent. owned it, and dying this year, left it to John Hammond his son and heir. It afterwards came to the Longs, and is now owned by Israel Long, Esq. who is sole lord, impropriator and donor of the donative or perpetual curacy of

The church, which is dedicated to St. Remigius; its advowson was separated from the manor, as is above related; and in 1233, it belonged to Bartholomew de Creke, as part of the ancient inheritance of his family, for then he granted it to Richeld, widow of Rob. de Creke, his father's second wife; and in 1264, it was given by Margery, relict of Bartholomew de Creke, foundress of the nuns at Flixton, to that house, to which it appropriated by Simon de Walton Bishop of Norwich, on condition the nuns should have the whole of the rectory, finding a priest to perform the duty, and paying him for so doing; and in 1238, a fine was levied, by which Roger Fitz Peter Fitz Osbert, and Sarah de Creke, his wife, the heiress of the Creke family, settled the advowson on the Prioress of Flixton, in pure alms : at the time of the appropriation, the rector had a house and 30 acres of land. The living was first valued at five, afterwards at 7 marks and an half, and paid 2s. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations, 12d. Peter-pence, and 2d. 0b. carvage. In 1349, when the general plague had depopulated great part of the realm, it was returned, that most of the parishioners here were dead, the land left untilled, so that the Prioress could not pay the King's taxes for it, nor the 10l. per annum to the Bishop, then usually paid. It was granted by Edward VI. in 1539, to William and Tho. Woodhouse, and the whole belonged to Anthony Stiles, whose son Anthony had livery of this rectory, with Swerdeston, &c. to which he got it annexed, as at p. 52. In 1559, Ric. Nicholls, Esq. had it; and in 1603, Simon Lusher, curate here, returned answer, that there were 40 communicants in the parish, that it was an impropriation, without a vicarage endowed, served by a perpetual curate, appointed and paid by the impropriator; that the town paid clear to every tenth 18s. The dean of the chapel in the Fields in Norwich had lands here, settled on that college in 1391, by Henry Lumnor and others. The Rev. Mr. William Berney, rector of Newton Flotman and Fretenham, is the present curate.

The church is about 19 yards long and 5 broad, hath no isles nor porch; the nave and chancel hath one continued roof, covered with tiles, as is the top of the tower, which is square, and hath in it only one bell.

On a stone in the chancel there are three effigies in brass, with a brass plate under them, but no inscription; and lower down on the same stone, are cut three shields; on the first, a lion with its tail turned over his head. 2d, Talbot, arg a chevron gul. between three talbots passant sab. 3d, Harborne, gul. a lion passant or, between three bezants, a crescent for difference.

Here lyeth interred the Body of the late virtuous and pious Wife of Clere Talbot, Doctor of the Law, the eldest Daughter of William Harborne of Mundham, Esq; who died 18th Day of Decem. 1649, leaving three Daughters and Coheiresses by William Sidnor of Blundeston, Esq; her former Husband.

On the other stone are the arms of

Long of Dunston. arg. three pales sab. on each three leopards heads or. Crest, on a hill vert, a greyhound passant sab. collared and chained arg.

Israel Long Esq; passed from death to life Nov. 13, MDCCIX.

There needs no Monument of Brass or Stone, For one, whose Name is Monument alone.

Non Deest ulli celebrans Poema Integro vitæ scelerisque puro: Sufficit nomen maculis inane Pro Monumento.

And also the Body of Sarah Long, the Dr. and Heir of Matthew Long Gent. deceased, and Relict of the said Israel Long, who departed this Life Apr. 8, MDCCXX.

Par Nobile.

Here lies a Noble Pair, who were in Name, In Heart, and Mind, and Sentiments the same, The Arithmætick Rule then can't be true, For One and One, did never here make Two.

Here lyeth interred the Body of Mary Long Widow, and Relict of Matthew Long, Gent. who departed this Life the 19 Day of May 1668. Robert son of Israel Long Gen. and Sarah his Wife died Dec. 8, 1668. Matthew Long Gent. died Nov. 12, 1658. Mary Dr. of Israel Long Esq. died Dec. 21, 1718, 55.

Long impales Potts, az. two bars surmounted by a bend or.

Mortale quod habuit, dum Christo jubente, immortale resurgat, hoc sub marmore inter Majorum Cineres, deposuit Matthæus Long Armiger, Vir moribus antiquis Vitæ integerrimus, Filius Israelis Long de Dunston in Agro Norfolciensi; si quid amplius Viator, scire cupias, Roges Egenos, qui toties hujus Largitate Saturati, discessere, Eos roges Hospites, quos plenâ Mensâ toties communicavit; Uxorem duxit Susannam, Domini Rogeri Potts de Mannington Baronetti Filiam pientissimam. Obijt Aug. 28, Anno æt. suæ 61, Salutis humanæ 1724. (He was high sheriff of Norfolk in 1699.)

On a brass plate,
Orate pro anima margarete Applyard que abiit Anno Domini M. bC. rriii. cuius anime propicietur Deus.

In the nave, the arms of Davy in a lozenge. Sarah Davy died 11 July, 1720, æt. 22.

Sleep on in Silence, never more to wake, 'Till Christ doth raise thee, and to Glory take.

In the windows, arg. a cross gul. Gul. a cross arg. Ar. six mullets three and three gul. Sab. two bars, and in chief three annulets arg. impaling arg. in a bordure six mullets, 3, 2, and 1, G.



At the Confessor's survey, was known by the name of Thorp only, and before the Conquest began to be called Swains-Thorp, from the swains or country men, that inhabited there. Ralf Stalra, Bishop Stigand, and the antecessor of Godric the sewer, had it at the first survey, and it belonged to Tovi at the second, all but Godric's part, which was then of 2s. 8d. annual value, and belonged to him. The whole was then a mile long, and as much broad, and paid 11d. geld. The rents of the manor were 29s. per annum, and one of the churches had 23 acres of glebe. It afterwards came to the Bigots, by whom it was given to a family sirnamed de Sweynesthorp, of which Gilbert de Sweynesthorp, is the first I meet with, that assumed that name; he left it to Walter his son, who by deed without date, granted lands here to be held of him and his heirs, to Ralf de Kynegham or Kiningham, son of William de Shotesham; in 1195, it was settled by Rob. son of Reginald and Ulf de Sweynesthorp and William his son, on William de Fulbourne for life, from whom it took the name of

Fulbourne-Hall Manor


And soon after, Robert son of Reginald de Sweynesthorp, and Bartholomew son of Jeffry de Sweynsthorp, were lords here; and in 1225, Ric. de Sweynesthorp, who that year obtained a market to the town of Laxfield in Suffolk. In 1249, it appears, that there had formerly been a serjeantry belonging to this manor, the owner of which was obliged to find a cross-bow and archer in time of war, to guard Norwich castle for 30 days, at his own cost; but the lords here, granted divers lands to the then value of 3l. per annum to the Erlham family, chargeable with the whole serjeantry, (see vol. iv. p. 510,) which after came to Robert de Worthsted, who parcelled it out to the Earl-Marshal and others; and in 1362, John Berney had a part with his manor of Fishlee, and after John de Hales had it; and in 1345, Rob. de Holveston. In 1286, Isaac, chaplain to the Jews at Norwich, and many others, both Jews and Christians, were tried for breaking the churches of Sweynsthorp and Newton. It after came to John de Sweynsthorp, and then to Walter de Bradenham; and in 1315, Ric. de Bradenham was lord, who in 1352, settled the manor and advowson of St. Peter's church here, which belonged to it; 6s. 8d. rent in Colney; the 4th part of Malherbe's hall manor, and the 4th part of the advowson of Newton Flotman thereto belonging, on himself for life, remainder to Roger le Haukere of Redenhall, and Mary his wife, in tail; and Tho. de Swathyng and Robert, parson of Sweynesthorp, son of Walter and brother to Ric. de Bradenham, confirmed it; and in 1372, Roger le Haukere of Redenhall, was lord, and held it of the Norfolk family at half a fee, and in 1386, Mary his relict had it, and soon after it was united to the other manor here, called

Curson's Manor


Which was that part that belonged to Godric the sewer, and afterwards came to the Cursons, who held it of Tateshall honour; Will. le Curson was lord here, and patron of the church of St. Mary, which was appendant to this manor when Norwich Domesday was made, and in 1315, Rob. le Curzon had it; in 1338, he settled it on himself and heirs in tail. In 1316, Ric. Neel, held here and in Holkham, a fourth part of a fee of the honour of Lancaster; and in 1323, he held it of the barony of Montchensy, late of Aymer de Valence, and the next year Peter le Bret's heir had it, and in 1348, John son of Rob. de Thorp. In 1381, Will. de Hockham and Christian his wife, settled it on John Stukele, vicar of Windham, in trust; and in 1399, John Curson had it, and the same year it belonged to Henry Luminour, who joined it to the other manor, and so was seized of both; in 1402, he was found to hold Fulbourne-hall manor, of the Duke of Norfolk, as of Forncet manor, at half a fee, and this manor of Will. de Kerdeston, and he of the heirs of Montchensie, and they of the heirs of Maud de Cromwell, and they of the King, at the 8th part of a fee; and in 1406, the two united manors and their advowsons, were settled by John Mays and Robert parson of Swainsthorp, their trustees, on the said Henry Luminor and Margaret his wife; and in 1409, John Peverell owned them all, who presented jointly with Eliz. his wife in 1429; in 1440, Eliz. then widow of Nicolas Blomvile (who held them for life) and William Blomvile, settled them by fine, on William Paston of Paston, and his trustees, Rob. Clere, Esq. John Dam, &c. In 1447, Tho. Lucas of Holkham, Esq. gave the moiety of his manor of Swainsthorp, to Etheldred his wife for life, remainder to Stephen Lucas his brother, with the reversion of the other moiety in tail. In 1450, John Paston, Esq. was sole lord, and died seized in 1465, and his feoffees presented in 1467, and in 1505, Will. Paston and Bridget his wife had it, and the next year, settled it on Sir John Fineux, Knt. Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, and he on Sir Robert Rede, Chief Justice of the King's Bench, Edward Poininges, Knt. John Moore, Serjeant at law, &c. to the use of Agnes Paston, widow, for life, remainder to Will. Paston, Esq. and his heirs, to perform the will of Sir William Paston, Knt.; and in 1516, the said William Paston infeoffed Sir John Heveningham, Knt. and others, and in 1536, Sir Will. Paston, Knt. and Bridget his wife, and Jeffry Paston, Esq. and Mary his wife, sold the manors and advowsons, to Sir Ric. Gresham, Knt. who left it in 1548, to Sir John Gresham, Knt. his son and heir, who had the whole, and held Fulbourne-Hall of Forncet at half a fee, Curson's of the dutchy of Lancaster, and the serjeantry of the King in chief. In 1570, Sir Tho. Gresham, Knt. owned them, and his Lady after him; and then Sir Will. Gresham his nephew had them, when the customs of the united manors (now called Swainsthorp-Hall) were found to be, that the fines are at the will of the lord, the copyhold descends to the eldest son, and the widow's dower is a third part. In 1580, Will. Gresham, Esq. owned them, and in 1609, Sir Will. Gresham, Knt. held it of Forncet at half a fee. In 1616, Sir Will. Gresham and Elizabeth his daughter, sold it to Christopher Colby, &c. in trust for Sir Henry Hobart, Knight and Baronet, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas; and in 1617, they all joined and sold it to Tho. Steward and John Pickerell, and their heirs; and in 1622, they conveyed it to John Myngay, alderman of Norwich, who had a grant of the lete, during the lives of Sir Charles Cornwaleis, &c. (see p. 1,) it belonging to the hundred. In 1640, Mary, relict of Thomas Steward, Esq. and Henry her son, released all right to John Mingay aforesaid; and in 1650, Rob. Rich, Esq. administrator to Sir Edwyn Rich, released all his right (which was a mortgage only) to John, son and heir of John, Myngay, who settled it in trust on Roger Myngay, Gent. his brother. In 1662, Mary, relict of Alderman Roger Mingay, had it; and John, Anthony, and Roger, her three sons, released it to her; and the next year, she, and John and Roger, conveyed the manors, advowson, and whole estate to Anthony Mingay, her second son, who in 1666, married Anne, daughter and coheiress of Charles Cornwaleis of Mileham, Esq.; he died 28 Dec. 1713, and is buried in St. Stephen's church in Norwich, and left Frances his only daughter and heiress, who first married Mr. Lane of Bristol, by whom she had no issue, after to

William Brooke, Esq. recorder of Norwich, who is the present lord and patron. She died Aug. 23, 1729, and is buried in St. Stephen's, having no issue now surviving.

The church of St. Mary was demolished at the Reformation, it being in a decaying way ever since its consolidation to the present church of St. Peter; for in 1503, it was called the old church, and the principal image of the Virgin, was almost decayed. William Curson was patron of it at Domesday making, when the rector had a house and 20 acres; it was valued at five marks, but not taxed in the last valuation; it paid 2d. synodals, 12d. procurations, 2d. carvage, and 1d. Peter-pence; and in 1435, an image of St. Anthony was given to the church.

The RectorsI have met with are,

  • 1315, Peter le Moyne. Rob. le Curzon.
  • 1333, John Duke, of Morle. John Hales, trustee.
  • 1349, Roger de Southgate of Sweynesthorp. John Gosselyn of Sweynsthorp.
  • 1361, Roger Ward.
  • 1366, James Motte. Roger de Hales, Ric. White, and Jeffry Galt; he exchanged the same year for the mediety of RingstedeParva, with Seman of Ipswich.
  • 1373, John Sykeling was buried in St. Mary's church at Stratton, before the great rood, and was formerly sacrist of Wingfield college.
  • 1406, Robert, rector of Sweynsthorp St. Mary.

St. Peter's church is 39 feet long, and 22 broad, the north isle is 34 feet long and 12 broad, and the chancel is about 22 feet long, and as much broad; the whole is tiled, except the nave, which is leaded; the steeple is about 50 feet high, is round at bottom and sexangular at top, including four bells.

In the chancel,

Mathew Stonham, clerk, deceased 17 Apr. 1659, 50. And this on a brass plate, having the arms of Havers, with a mullet for difference.

Here lieth the Body of Gilbert Havers, Esq; who served Queen Elizabeth, Captain in Barwick, then in Scotland, after in Ireland, and last in the Netherlands 22 Years, he married Frances Dr. and Heir of Tho. Nashe, he lived 87 Years. and died the 5 of May, 1628.

In the north isle,

James Long, Gent. died Aug. 17, 1679. Alice his first wife, Aug. 19, 1658.

Mors nuptos separat, separatos nubit utrosque Hos se divulsit, junxit utrosque simul.

Whom Death did Part, the kinder Grave of late Hath joined, once again, in spite of Fate.

This James, by the name of James Long of Swainthorp, Gent. had a grant of arms from Sir Edward Bishe, Garter, dated Feb. 14, 1651, to him and Matthew Long, Gent. his brother, and their heirs, viz. arg. three pales sab. each charged with as many leopards heads or. Crest, on a hill vert, a greyhound passant sab. collared and chained arg. which now belongs to the family seated at Dunston.

The following arms are on the chancel roof, and in the windows:

1, arg. a plain cross gul. Bygod of Seterington. 2, Inglethorp, gul. a cross ingrailed arg. 3, Shelton. 4, ar. three crescents G. Butteveleyn. 5, Wingfield. 6, Wolterton, quarterly or and az. a bendlet gul. 7, az. a bull's head caboshed or. 8, Hoe, quarterly A. B. over all a bend gul. 9, Mingay, or, on a bend az. three leopards heads arg. impaling three cross croslets fitché arg. 10, Mingay impales Pratt, sab. on a fess between three elephants heads erased arg. three mullets of the field. 11, Mingay impales Cornwaleis. 12, Gournay, arg. a cross ingrailed gul. 13, Fitz-Ralph. 14, Kerdeston. 15, sab. a cross or. 16, quarterly G. and Ar. 17, Thorp. 18, arg. a cross sab.

The rectors here had anciently an house and 30 acres of land, and the rectory was valued at 15 marks, paid 2s. 5d. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations, 5d. Peter-pence. And 3d. carvage, and 20s. to each subsidy. It now stands in the King's books by the name of Swaynsthorp, is valued at 12l. 13s. 4d. pays first fruits, and 1l. 5s. 14d. yearly tenths, and not being sworn under 50l. per annum it is not discharged, and so not capable of augmentation. This village paid 2l. 9s. to every tenth; and the religious concerned here, were the Priors of Bromholm, whose temporals were taxed at 3d. of Mendham 3d. of Alvesborne 16d. and of St. Faith 16d.

Rectors of Swainsthorp

  • 1202, Walter.
  • 1311, Brice.
  • 1327, Rob. son of Walter de Bradenham. Ric. de Bradenham.
  • 1372, Robert Cariol of Redenhale. Roger le Haukere of Redenhale.
  • 1373, John de Bulmere. Mary, relict of Roger Haukere.
  • 1386, Robert Edwards. Mary, relict of Roger Haukere.
  • 1429, Thomas Glyse. John Peverel and Elizabeth his wife.
  • 1444, Will. Cotyng. Will. Paston of Paston, and John Dam. In 1450, he exchanged for Tichwell, with
  • Richard White. John Paston.
  • 1467, Robert Boys. Feoffees of John Paston.
  • 1503, Sir Peter Petite, chaplain, on Boys's death. Sir John Paston, Knt.

Sir Henry Halman on Petite's death, res. William Paston, Esq. 1526, Halman resigned for a pension assigned him for life, by the Bishop's consent, and

Sir Chris. Lante, chaplain, was presented by Will. Paston, on whose death in

  • 1537, Sir Ric. Gresham, Knt. gave it to
  • Rowland Rabye; and in 1554, Lady Isabel Gresham, relict of Sir Richard, presented
  • Will. Fawcet, A. M.: and at his death in 1556, she gave it to

Sir Richard Hudsone, who resigned in 1571, and Sir Thomas Gresham presented

John Fenton, and in

  • 1598, Anthony Locke, A. M. was presented by Will. Gresham of Intwood, Esq.; in 1603, he returned 67 communicants, that Sir William Gresham, Knt. was patron, and that he held it united to Tybenham vicarage.
  • 1619, John Foorth, A. M.; he was ejected in the rebellion, and
  • Mat. Stoneham got into his place, but died in 1659, and Foorth was restored, who died about 1671, and was succeeded by
  • Samuel Snowden, presented by Israel Long, who purchased the next turn of Mr. Anthony Mingay. He held it united to Newton Flotman, and was succeeded by

The Rev. Mr. John Swift, the present rector, who holds it united to the vicarage of Swerdeston. Rob. Swift, by grant from Anthony Mingay, Gent. of Norwich.



Or the New-town, so called to distinguish it from other places of the same name, Newton-Stoneham, or Stony-Newton, but most commonly Newton-Flotman, from the flote or ferry-boat, which used to convey possengers over the river Taüs, which, though a considerable stream in ancient days, is now but a small river, dividing this town from that of Taseburgh, generally fordable, except in high waters, when it is passed over by a very good brick arched bridge, repaired at the expense of the county. At the time of the Conqueror, this was a very inconsiderable village, the old village of Ranthorp, now swallowed up in this, being by much the largest part of it; Tovi then had it,[1] and it had 15 acres belonged to the manor of Hethil,[2] which, with another small part, belonged to Roger Bigot,[3] all which constituted

The Manor of Blundeville's, or Newton-Hall

Which had its name from its owners, and to which the mediety of the advowson of the church belonged; the first that I find of this name owner here, was Will. de Blundeville, Blomevyle, or Blunnel,[4] who had it of the gift of Henry de Rhye, with Blomevyle's manor in Depham, (vol. ii. p. 491,) he left it to Richard his son, who was lord in 1226, being nephew to Tho. de Blumville Bishop of Norwich, (vol. iii. p. 483,) he was succeeded by William Blumvyle, and he by Katherine his widow;[5] and William their son held it of the manor of Hingham, as of the barony of Rhye; and it was after held of the barony of Montchensy at a quarter of a fee; in 1388, Rich. Blumvyle held it, and in 1420, Will. Blumvyle, Esq. who was succeeded by Ric. Blomevyle, Esq. and he by Catherine his wife,[6] and she by Richard their son, who died in 1503; Ralph his brother succeeded, and died in 1514, whose son Edward was lord, and died in 1568; and in 1569, Thomas his son held a court baron and lete, and had purchased and joined to it three parts of

The manor of Myles, alias Ranthorp, in this town; he held the manor at half a fee of the Lord D'acre's manor of Horsford.

The advowson of Blomevyle's mediety in Newton church, was a rectory valued at nine marks, and had 12 acres of glebe.


1294, John Blumvyle, rector; he was escheator for the King in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgshire, Huntingdonshire, Essex, and Hertfordshire, in 1289. Will. de Blumville, patron.

1317, Master Nic. Blumvyle. Katherine, widow of William de Blumville of Newton.

1334, Ric. Boghay. Eve, daughter of Sir John Clavering, guardian to Will. son and heir of Will. Blumvyle.

1338, Jeffry at Herne of Swainsthorp. John Flynt, guardian to the said William.

1345, Richard Hudde. Will. Blumvyle, res.

  • 1346, Roger Blumvile. Ditto.
  • 1388, Alan Smith of Taseburgh. Ric. Blumvyle, Esq. who presented the four following rectors:
  • 1391, John Mersce.
  • 1406, Stephen Drewe of Burston.
  • 1414, Richard Osteler.
  • 1418, Seaman Ketleburgh.
  • 1420, John Copuldyke. Will. Blomvyle, Esq. who presented the four following rectors:
  • 1421, Robert Grubbe, who changed for Rougham vicarage in Norfolk in
  • 1427, with Benedict Bishop.
  • 1437, Robert Edwards.
  • 1447, John Thompson, united for life to the other mediety; he resigned both, and in
  • 1448, Simon Blake was presented to this mediety by Will. Blomvyle, Esq. Nic. Pokking, John Intewood, and John Storour, his feoffees; and to the other mediety by Nic. Appleyard of Brakene-ash. Esq. and Margaret his wife, Edm. Wichingham; and soon after they were consolidated in the said Simon, and have remained so ever since.



Malherbe's, otherwise called Myles, or Mills manor,

Belonged to Ailwin in the Confessor's time, and was held by William, of Roger de Ramis, in the Conqueror's, and another part belonged to Waregius who held it of Roger Bigot: It after came to the Crown, and continued there till King Hen. II. leased it out to Roger son of Rosceline, and King Ric. I. Ao. 1189, gave it to Oliver Malherbe, who then paid two marks to the King, for the implements of husbandry and stock upon it: in 1256, William Malherbe had it, and after him Sir Ralf Malherbe, who was lord in 1280, and in 1290, King Edward I. granted him free-warren to all his demeans here, by the name of William de Carliol. It now was divided into four parts; in 1321, a fourth part belonged to John de Ovedale, who held it of John de Clavering by the 4th part of a fee, and had the 4th part of the advowson of the mediety of the church, belonging to it; this continued as a separate manor a long time, and was called D'ovedale's manor, of which Peter de Ovedale of Tacolneston was lord in 1322. In 1316, Sir Ralf Malherbe had another 4th part, and presented here; and in 1319. Godfrey de la Rokele presented in right of another 4th part, which in 1331, was conveyed by Sir Robert son of Robert de la Rokele, Knt. and Reginald de Nerford and Margaret his wife, to Jeffry de la Salle of Norwich; and in 1346, Barth. de Salle conveyed it to Rich. de Bitering of Norwich, Nic. Kemp of Westwyk, and William Ode junior of Saxthorp; and in 1361, this part of the manor and advowson, was conveyed by Tho. Cole, Will. Asger, Nic. Whitefoot, and John Tilney, citizens of Norwich, to Barth. Appleyard, citizen of Norwich, and Emma his wife, and their heirs, they being feoffees to Barth. de Salle. Sir Ralf Malherbe's part was joined to the other 4th part, which in 1306 was held by John de Reynsthorp, who dwelt here, and took his name from this place, and held it at half a fee of Forncet manor; but he parted with his right in the two 4th turns of the advowson of the mediety of the church; Ric. de Boyland had it after him, and Will. de Rees after him. in 1383, Adam Humfry of Salle had it, and died in 1385, leaving Margaret his daughter and heiress, who was a ward of Barth. Appleyard's, who paid 10 marks to the manor of Forncet for her marriage; and the said Bartholomew, the same year, purchased the right of Thomas de Bumpstede in the advowson, and had it settled in trust on Thomas Spynk, Will. Eaton, and others, and obtained the marriage also of the daughter and heiress of Thomas de Bumpstede; and in 1389, the Countess of Norfolk, granted to Jeffry Massingham, the marriage of Maud, daughter and heiress of Thomas son and heir of Adam Humfry, and Maud his wife, of Refham. In 1432, John Sweynsthorp had it, and Loveney after him. In 1444, Tho. Bumpstede, senior, of Taseburgh, Esq. Master Will. Ludham, chaplain, and Henry Rant, chaplain, his trustees, conveyed his part of it then called Milys's manor, to Nicholas Appleyard, Esq. and Margaret his wife, Sir John Clifton, Knt. Edm. Wichingham, Esq. and Thomas Trute, clerk, their feoffees, which was conveyed to Bumpstede, &c. by John Hare, parson of Saxlingham; and in 1466, Margaret, relict of Nic. Appleyard, Esq. conveyed Miles's manor to John Appleyard, Esq. in tail, remainder to Will. his brother, remainder to Henry, another brother, remainder to Barth. another brother, with an over remainder to Eliz. and Anne, their sisters, and their heirs; John Appleyard, Esq. inherited, and in 1498, settled it on Sir Rob. Clere, Sir Phil. Calthorp, Sir Hen. Heydon, Sir John Windham, Knts. and John Grice, Gent. his trustees, to the use of Nicolas his son, who succeeded, and left it to John his son and heir; and in 1515, Thomas Blomevyle, Esq had purchased three parts of it, and joined them to Blomevyle's manor, so that he had all but the 4th part, with the 4th part of the advowson of Malherbe's mediety, which was sold by Nicholas Appleyerd before 1557, to Edward Blomvyle, Esq. who then became sole patron. The 4th part of the manor passed as a single manor in the Appleyerds, and in 1528, Roger Appleyerd, Esq. died seized of it, and John his son and heir inherited after the death of Eliz. his mother. In 1538, Robert Clere had it in trust, and afterwards Sir John Clere, Knt. for John Appleyard. In 1555, John Appleyerd of Brakene-ash, Esq. and Thomas Chapman, Gent. son and heir of Alexander Chapman, Esq. deceased, sold to Will. Bigot of Stratton in Norfolk, Gent. and John Strote of Reepham, clerk, and their heirs, in fee simple, the manor of Myles or Mills. In 1609, Thomas Baxter, Gent. in right of his wife, who was late the wife of Alexander Chapman, and before that, of James Bigot, Gent. held his manor of Reynesthorp in Newton Flotman, Taseboro and Swainsthorp, at half a fee of the manor of Forncet. In 1676, John Lackford conveyed it to William Lackford, and both joined and settled it on Edmund Rolf; it after belonged to the Bedingfields, and was sold from that family, to Mr. Richard Carter of Norwich, and his widow sold it to Mr. Bateman, of whom it was purchased under a commission of bankruptcy, by Richard Wright of Norwich, whose son Mr. Rich. Wright is the present owner.

The mediety called Malherbe's, in Newton church, was valued at nine marks, and had 12 acres of glebe.


  • 1294, Gilbert Malherbe.
  • 1316, Richard de Bourne of Long-Stratton. Sir Ralf de Malherbe, Knt.
  • 1319, Will. de Estone. Godfrey de Rokele this 4th turn.
  • 1337, Roger Bonde. Rica. de Bradenham for this 4th turn.
  • 1362, Will. atte Hawe of Hardingham. Will. de Colney and John de Snoryng, for this 4th turn. He resigned in
  • 1379, to John Clark of Gressenhall, in exchange for South Walsham St. Mary. Tho. Bumpstede, citizen.
  • 1390, Thomas Paynot. Mary Haukere of Redenhall.
  • 1401, Rich. Burgoyne. Will. Rees, esquire to the King's body, as guardian to Bumpstede's heirs.
  • 1416, Rich. Osteler, who held it united to the other mediety, and at his death in 1431, Will. Blomevyle gave it to
  • John Keer of Atleburgh; and in 1447, when Keer resigned,
  • John Thompson was presented by Nic. Appleyard of Braken-ash, and Will. Blomevyle of Newton, Esqrs. and held it united to the other mediety; and on his resignation,
  • Simon Blake succeeded, and the two medieties were consolidated, as before.

The consolidated rectory stands by the name of Newton Flotman, in the King's Books; it is valued at 10l. and pays first fruits, and 1l. per annum tenths, and is not capable of augmentation. It paid 14d. Peter-pence, 3d. ob. carvage, 18d. synodals, and 6s. 8d. procurations. The portion of the tithes out of the demeans, belonging to Thetford prior, was 5s.; the portion of tithes belonging to the Prior of St. Faith, was 13s. 4d. and his temporals 2s. as were the temporals of the Prioress of Carhoe. Here was a gild of St. Peter, which in 1492 had an alderman and many brethren. The terrier hath 22 acres and an half of glebe, and the whole village paid 3l. clear, to each tenth.

Rectors of Newton, After the Consolidation.

  • 1467, John Tolbye. Rich. Blomevyle, Esq.
  • 1490, John Manfield, a friar-minor, commonly called Brother John Carr. Kat. relict of Richard Blomevyle, Esq.; he was deprived in 1504, and
  • Edward Pennant, a great acquaintance of Sir Edw. Howard, Knt. otherwise called Edward ap Res, clerk, was instituted by lapse.
  • 1509, Thomas Warde. Nic. Appleyard, Esq.
  • 1517, Henry Woodhouse, on Warde's deprivation. John Brooke and Constance his wife. At his death in
  • 1540, Richard Hudson. John Robsart, Esq. in right of the jointure of Elizabeth his wife; at his death in
  • 1557, Will. Knightbridge had it of the gift of Edw. Blomevyle, Esq. who at his death in 1559, gave it to
  • John Beare, and at his death in
  • 1566, to John Skeet. In 1567, Thomas Blundevile, Esq. settled Blumvyle's manor, &c. on John Blumvyle in trust for the said Thomas, who presented the three following rectors:
  • 1570, John Fenton.
  • 1576, George Reynolds; and at his death in
  • 1596, William Reynolds, who returned answer, that he had 113 communicants in this parish. In 1616, James Goodinge and Richard Deane, Gents conveyed the manor to Lionel Seman, Gent. In 1626, at Reynolds's death,
  • Thomas Stokes, A. M. was presented by Rowland Meyrick of Taseburgh, Esq. in right of Elizabeth his wife, and held it united to Carleton Rode.
  • Samuel Stalham, on whose death in
  • 1672, Samuel Snowden, A. M. succeeded, and held it united to Swainsthorp. John Burman of Brakendale for this turn.
  • 1721, The Rev. William Berney, clerk, the present rector, holds it united to the rectory of Frettenham, and curacy of Dunston. He was presented by Mathew Long, Esq. who was succeeded in the advowson and lordship by

Israel Long, Esq. of Dunston, who is the present lord of Newton-hall manor, with the three parts of Malherbe's, and sole patron of

The church, which is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, and was rebuilt in 1385, by the lords of the manors, and the parishioners. Thomas de Bumpstede, citizen of Norwich, gave 50l. towards it. This church is 28 yards long, and 7 broad, but hath no isles; it is leaded, as is the chancel also, the south porch is tiled; it hath a square tower and two bells; there is an inscription on the battlements, which are so high I could not read it, nor make out all the arms carved there; but among them are, 1st, Blundeville impaling five de-lises. Ditto impaling Gurnay. Over the vault (in which many of the Blundeviles are interred) against the north wall is erected an inarched monument, having Noah's ark figured therein, with this, Irtta Ecclesiam non est Salus, and on either side a square pillar vert, the whole supported with four marble pillars, dividing it into three partitions; in the first of which are three men in armour, in a praying posture, with each a reading-desk before them, and over them,
Richardus Blondevyle obiit Ano Dni. 1490, Etatis sue 85 Radulphus Blondevile obiit Ano Dni. 1514, Etatis sue 45 Edwardus Blondevile obiit Dni. 1568, Etatis sue 75 Tho. Blondevyle Posuit 1571.

Here lyes in Grave, nowe thre tymes done, The Grandsire, Father, and the Sone, Theyr Names, theyr Age, and when they dyed, Above their headds is speryfyed, Theyr Sheyld of Arms doth eke declare, The Stocke wyth whom they mached were, They lyved well, and dyed as well, And nowe with God in Heaven they dwell, And thear do prayse hus holn Name, God graunt that we may do the same.

1. Blundeville, quarterly per fess indented or and az. a bend G. impales Inglosse.

2. Ditto impales Gurnay. 3. Ditto impales Godsalve. And on the stone work just under the brass plates, are painted two shields, in the first,

Blundevile quarters Ardesley, arg. a fess fusillé gul. in chief three bulls heads cooped sab. in base Hemenhale. On the 2d, Blundevile quarters Sir Rauf Hemenhal or Hemnal's arms.

In the second partition is the effigies of a man in armour, kneeling at a faldstool, with a book, and his helmet lying thereon, he being bareheaded; over him,
Thomas Blundevile, Filius Edwardi.

And under him are two shields.

1. Blundevile impales Johnson, or, a water-budget, on a chief sab. three bezants.

2. Blundevile impales Puttingham or Puttenham, sab. crusuly, a stork arg. quartering,

Warbleton, or Warburton, lozengé or and B.

In the third partition are four effigies in stone, viz. two wives and two daughters, and over them,
Rosa et Margareta Urores Thome Blundevile cum Fil' suis Elizabetha et Patientia.

Under them, sab. a lion rampant between three croslets crossed arg. impaled with Blundevile, and Blundevile single.

On a small black marble monument,

Here lyeth Patience the wife of Robert King, and daughter of Tho. Blundevyle, who lived vertuously, and died religiously, Jan. 7, 1638.

Disce Mori. Mr. Robert Edwards late of this Parish, died Febr. 3, 1732, 68.

There are stones in the church for Edward Youngs, Nov. 8, 1655, John Youngs 1625; and there was formerly a stone in the chancel for, Thomas Warden, Gent. son of Edward Warden, late alderman of Norwich, ob. 22 March, 1582. Arms, a cross frette.

In 1511, John Bremer, Gent. of Newton, was buried there, and gave Surlingham to Nic. his eldest son, and his house in Newton, &c. and Nether-hall in Saxlingham, to John his 2d son; and his estate in Saxlingham-Thorp, to Edward his youngest son; Olive his wife, Lettice, Anne, and Elizabeth, his daughters, survived him.

In 1552, Cecily Fastolf of Newton gave a legacy to Ric. Blumvyle, Gent. and Edw. Fastolphe, Gent. and Florence his sister, who were her nephews and neice.

The family of the Newtons take their name from this town, where they had a good estate, which was a capital messuage with divers rents belonging to it, that was owned in 1309, by John de Newton, in 1324, by Thomas Newton, in 1475, by Will. de Newton, who sold part of it, and released divers rents to Nic. Appleyard, Esq. and John Appleyard, senior, and their heirs. In 1477, Margaret, widow of John Newton, released Newton's Place here, to Will. of Newton her son, whose son William, in 1503, by the name of Will. Newton of Wreningham, and his feoffees, John Manfield, late of Newton, clerk, and John Wardeyn, rector of Wreningham, conveyed the greatest part of it to Nic. Appleyard of Brakene, Esq. and John his son and heir, and Will. Neve of Betelee, his trustee, and so it was joined to Ranthorp manor.



Or the Floure Downs, was in many parts at the Conquest, Roger Bigot held two freemen, &c. of Odo Bishop of Baieux, which Stigand held in the Confessor's time. Guert a freeman, held 7 acres of Alan Earl of Richmond, which belonged to Cossey manor. The third part belonged to Hethill manor, being 15 acres of the demeans, and was then owned by Roger Bigot, who had the chief of this town, which was held by Olf the Dane, of him; Earl Ralf had a part of it, which he forfeited, and Godric the sewer had it. The antecessor of Roger de Ramis had a freeman also; but all centered at last in Roger Bigot, and Olf was the lord under him. It was a mile long, and five furlongs broad, and paid 9d. 3q. to the geld or King's tax. And from that, to the present time, the manor was always held of the Norfolk family, and lately of their honour of Forncet, at one fee.

This manor came to the Buttevelyns very early, and passed with Gissing, as you may see in vol. i. p. 177. In 1139, Rob. de Buttevillane was pardoned by King Stephen, for 13s. due for Danegeld. William son of Robert, succeeded, who founded Pipewell abbey in Northamptonshire in 1143, and married Joan, daughter of Sir Ralf Camois, Knt.; and when Henry II. went into Normandy, he had a writ directed to the Bishops of Lincoln and Norwich, and to all his liege people, English and Normans, of Northamptonshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk, granting to William Buttevilan, the lands of his father Robert, in Cotesbroke and Pipewell in Northamptonshire, in Florenduna in Norfolk, and Flichestona or Flixton in Suffolk; with soc and sac, thol and theam, and infangenethef, and all other liberties which his father honourably enjoyed, both in woods and plains, waters, &c. In 1154, Robert his son was lord, and in 1216, had a pardon from Henry III. for being one of those Barons that had levied war against King John, and notwithstanding such a favour, he was afterwards one of them that opposed Henry III. and was proved in 1255, to have been one of the rebellious Barons, and to have been against the King in the battles of Lewes and Evesham, for which he was fined, and his estate restored. In 1292, Sir William Butteveleyn, Knt. had it; his wife Margaret was daughter and only heir, of Sir Thomas Mose, first husband of Christian, daughter of Sir William Latimer, Knt.; (see vol. i. p. 77;) he released to Sir Robert son of John de Thorp, divers of his villeins, which lived in Thorp, but belonged to this manor, and consented that Sir Peter Rosceline, Knt. should convey to the said Sir John Thorp, Knt. a meadow held of him in Flordon: in 1305, he held this and Flixton at two fees. In 1310, Robert Buttevyline, Knt. and Nicolea his wife, had Cotesbroke manor settled on John de Foxton, their trustee, except the third part, which Agnes widow of Will. de Buteveline held in dower, In 1314, Lady Nicolea was a widow, and had her dower assigned, and Sir William her son and heir inherited; and in 1316, had a charter for free-warren here, and in his manor of Cotesbroke in Northamptonshire, and Hynwycke in Bedfordshire; in 1363, Lady Nicolea was married to Sir Giles de Ardern, Knt. In 1337, Sir William was married to the Lady Julian, and in 1345, they held this and Flixton, of the Earl-Marshall, at two fees. In 1344, Thomas son of William Botevelyn, Knt. sold the manor and advowson of Newton, and Brandon and its advowson, in Essex and Suffolk, to William de Bohun Earl of Northampton, and Elizabeth his wife. In 1348, Sir William settled on Nicholas de Poininges, Knt. his manor of Cotesbroke in reversion, after Lady Nicolea's death; and in 1354, he settled this on Edmund de Caston in trust. In 1383, it belonged to Robert Butevelyn of Flordon, Esq. In 1369, Thomas Gardener of Gissing, Esq. (see vol. i. p. 170,) granted to Robert son of William Botevelyn, Knt. an annuity of 20 marks, on his marrying Katherine his daughter. Their son Robert Butevelyn inherited, whose son William Butevelyn, was an ideot, and was seized in 1447; and at his death, his estate went to John Kemp of Weston, Esq. &c. as at vol. i. p. 177–9, and hath continued in that family with the manor of Gissing, to this day.

The church is dedicated to St. Michael; the rector had a house and 60 acres of glebe, now reduced to 24; it was valued without the portion at 17 marks, and the portion of the monks at Thetford at 13s. 4d.; it paid 2s. 4d. synodals, 12d. Peter-pence, and 5d. carvage, and stands in the King's Books at 6l. 13s. 4d. and is discharged of first fruits and tenths, and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 42l. 19s. 6d. ob. it is capable of augmentation.

The Abbot of Creke had temporals here taxed at 6d. and the Prior of Norwich had rents taxed at 18s. 1d. issuing out of lands in this town, which belonged to Hapton manor, and were given them by Will. Puleis and Margaret his wife, and Roger de Puleis his son, and Agnes his wife, Roger son of Gosceline de Flordon, Walter son of Alveric de Flordon and Wido de Verdon, principal lord of Puleis's fee in Hapton, confirmed them. This village paid clear to each tenth 2l.

The steeple is round and hath three bells, the church is 24 yards long and 6 broad, and hath no isles; the nave and chancel are tiled. There is no memorial of any kind, in the church; but there lies an old stone in the porch, broad at one end and narrow at the other, which shows it to have been laid over some priest by its shape, and accordingly,I find that Roger Northwold, rector here, who died in 1371, is buried under it. There is a very large stone in the churchyard, for Mary daughter of William and Mary Dade, Jan. 3, 1718, 16. Martha, another daughter, 23 March 1718, 4. And Mary their mother, died at Great-Melton June 5, 1721, 45. There are stones for John Hakecon 1722, 2. And Anne wife of Thomas Baxter, 1694.

Rectors of Flordon

  • 1305, John de Foxton. Sir Will. Buteveleyn, Knt.
  • 1323, John de Northwold. Sir Rob. De Aspale, Knt. Rob. De Canterbury, John De Framelingham, Jeffry De Castre, and Tho. De Oxford, clerks, executors to Lady Alice De Hanonia Countess of Norfolk, who was guardian to the son and heir of Sir William Butevileyn, Knt. deceased. He was dispensed with for non-residence, as being chaplain to Lady Benstede.
  • 1329, Roger de Northwold.
  • 1371, Ric. de Fouldon. Thomas, rector of Heylesdon, and Tho. Blofield, rector of Tivetshall.
  • 1385, Ralf Wymark. Rob. de Buttevelyn of Flordon, Esq.
  • 1403, Peter Feld. Ditto
  • 1415, Richard Cristemesse, changed for Sapeston vicarage. Ditto.
  • 1428, John Thrower, O. Feoffees of Robert Butteveline, viz. Edw. Winter of Town-Berningham, Esq. and Robert Edwards, rector of Sweynsthorp.
  • 1448, Will. Byckeley. Will. Buteveleyn of Gissing, Esq.
  • 1457, Robert Spyre. Tho. Herteshorn, Esq.
  • 1461, John Comb, A. M. lapse.
  • 1477, Brother Will. Caster, a monk, obijt, lapse.
  • 1507, Jeffry Paris. Rob. Kemp.
  • 1517, Tho. Warde, res. lapse.
  • 1521, John Gotts. Margaret Kemp of Fundenhall, widow.
  • 1546, James Booth, O. Rob. Kemp, Gent.
  • 1552, Ric. Hobson, deprived. Ditto.
  • 1555, Richard Merricocke, res. Ditto.
  • 1557, James Forster, O. Ditto.
  • 1559, Rowland Rabbye. Ditto.
  • 1561, John Seman, united to Tibenham. Ditto. He returned 53 communicants here in 1603.
  • 1607, Edward Rous, res. Rob. Kemp, Esq.
  • 1646, Thomas Rowse, A. M. res. Sir Rob. Kemp, Knt.
  • 1661, Richard Francis, A. M. ob. Rob. Kemp, Bart.
  • 1676, George Raymond, A. M. Ditto.
  • 1679, Thomas Jeffery, A. M. on Raymond's cession. Ditto.
  • 1695, Will. Barber, O. Rob. Kemp, Esq.
  • 1719, Thomas Holmes, A. M. Sir Rob. Kemp, Bart. ob.
  • 1729, James Soley, junior. Rob. Kemp, Bart. united to Gissing; he resigned in
  • 1731, to the Rev. Mr. Thomas Kemp, the present rector, who holds it united to Gissing, and was presented by Sir Rob. Kemp of Ubbeston, Bart. his father, and now Sir Rob. Kemp of Ubbeston, Bart. his eldest brother, is lord and patron.


Was in the hands of Ancholf, and others, in the Confessor's days, and of Tovi and Godric the Sewer, in the Conqueror; when it was half a mile long, and five furlongs broad, and paid xi.d. geld. It came immediately to the Norfolk family, and attended it constantly till Queen Elizabeth's time, and then the manor was sold by Thomas Duke of Norfolk, to Sir Thomas Gresham, and became joined to Mulbarton, though the demeans were sold again by Sir Thomas in 1570, to Mr. Turner, in which family they still continue.

The Rectors of Keningham


Had a house and 50 acres of land; the rectory was valued first at six, and after at nine marks; it paid 20d. synodals, 6s. 8d procurations, 12d. Peter-pence, and 3d. carvage. The church was demolished totally long before the Reformation, and the churchyard became glebe to Mulbarton, and hath been since exchanged, and is now owned by Mr. Turner of Kenningham; it stood south-east of Mulbarton-green about half a mile.

  • 1309, Roger Baste of Hasketone; the King; he changed for Bromeswell in
  • 1320, with John de Thorpmarket. Tho. de Brotherton Earl of Norfolk, and Earl-Marshal.
  • 1349, Will. de Strixton. Sir John de Segrave, Knt.
  • 1352, Rob. Drille, lapse.
  • 1361, Adam Golle. Walter Lord Manny; he was succeeded by Thomas de Ickworth, who resigned in
  • 1398, to Rich. Osteler of Taseburgh. Mary Dutchess and Countess of Norfolk.
  • 1422, J. Glysse, lapse. He resigned in exchange for Gimmingham to Robert Stratton, the same year. John Earl Marshal.
  • 1423, Richard Wilby, lapse.
  • 1426, Richard Howes of Tibenham, lapse.
  • 1433, Thomas Bradfield. Ditto.
  • 1446, Will. Steynware, or Steynour, lapse. He resigned, being old and lame, and in 1452, it was perpetually united to Mulbarton, with which it hath remained ever since, the parish being totally in Mulbarton, there being not above two or three houses in the bounds of the the old parish of Kenningham.

In 1315, the Prior of Thetford had divers small rents taxed at 5s. 1d. And there was a free-tenement owned by a family sirnamed from that place, purchased first from the manor by Will. de Shotesham, who gave it to Ralf his son, who assumed the name of Kyningham, on his settling here in Henry the Third's time. In 1299, William de Kiningham and Alice his wife lived here, and he was returned as having a manor or free-tenement, in 1315; and in 1393, brother John Kiningham was the 21st provincial of the Carmelites or Whitefriars in England. He is mentioned in Fox's Martyrology, fo. 437, 39, as one of those that sat at the trials or examinations of Nic. Herford, Phil. Repyndon, and John Ayshton, bachelors in divinity; Bale, (p. 158,) indeed mistakes, and calls him a Suffolk man, which came from his first being educated among the Carmelites at Ipswich; he was after that D. D. of Oxford, a modest, temperate, prudent, and learned divine, so much beloved by John Duke of Lancaster, that he made him his chaplain, and confessor to himself and lady; he was author of many books, an account of which may be seen in Pitts's English Writers, at page 565: he died at York and was buried there in 1399, in the 6th year of his provincialship.



Molke, Mykil, Muche, or Great-Barton, was owned by Ordinc, a thane of the Confessor's, and by Roger Bigot and Ralf de Beaufoe in the Conqueror's time, when it was six furlongs long, and five broad, and paid 6d. geld, and had a church and 15 acres of glebe, then worth two shillings. Hubert de Rhye was lord here in the latter end of the Conqueror's time, and about 1184, gave it to the monks of Christ church in Canterbury; and in King Stephen's time they exchanged it with Henry his son, for the advowson and manor of Depham; and accordingly it was held of the barony of Rhye, as of the manor of Hingham; it after came to Robert Fitz-Roger, and then to the St. Omers, who held it of him; Will. de Sancto Audomaro, Omero, or St. Omer, was the first lord of that name, and lived in the time of Henry III. and was succeeded by Thomas his son, who married Petronilla, daughter and coheir of Tho. Malmains, widow of Ralf de Tony; and in 1267, he held the hundred of Grimeshoe and Saham manor, during her life; in 1275 he was justice itinerant in Cambridgeshire, and had a charter of free-warren and a fair here, confirmed, which was first granted to William his father, with freewarren and a fair at Brundale, by King Henry III. in the 38th year of his reign, 1253. In 1285, upon the quo-warranto brought for every manor in the county, to set forth and prove their several liberties, this Thomas claimed view of frankpledge, assize of bread and ale, and all things belonging to a lete, and had it allowed; he also claimed liberty of infangenthef, and accordingly erected a gallows here: and this year, one Walter Godwyne of Carleton, taken in this manor, and convicted of felony by Nic. de Monuer of Carleton, in this court sufficiently proved, was condemned and hanged; but it appearing that this Thomas de St. Omer was the first that erected a gallows here, and that without the King's grant, or the manor having the liberty; it was ordered that he should be disseized of such liberty, and the gallows pulled down. This Thomas, at his death, settled sufficient revenues out of his lands here, on the pittancer of Norwich cathedral, to keep his anniversary for ever, and to treat the convent on that day. He left two daughters his heiresses; Elizabeth, married Thomas Waryn, and they levied a fine, and thereby released all right in the manors of Mulbarton, Keteringham, and Brundale, in Norfolk, to Sir Will. de Hoo, Knt. and Alice his wife, half sister to the said Elizabeth; but the advowson of the town continued in Sir William de St. Omer, Knt. till his death, and after in Elizabeth his relict, till her death, and then the whole centered in the Hoo family, and Sir William de Hoo first presented here in 1367. He it was that built the present church and tower, in the chancel of which he and his lady were interred; he adorned the windows with the portraits of himself and lady, and her family and their arms; and till lately, one of the north windows had in it, the pictures of Sir Thomas de St. Omer on his knees in armour, with his sword by his side, and his arms on his surcoat, and his lady in the same posture behind him, with the arms of St. Omer and Malmains; and his daughter Alice behind them; and opposite was Sir Will. Hoo and the said Alice his wife, in the same posture; over the former were the arms of Malmains, gul. three sinister hands cooped arg.; over the latter were St. Omer's arms, az. a fess between six croslets or; and at the top of the window, were the arms of Hoe, quarterly arg. and sab.; and at the bottom this,
Preiz pour lez almez Monsieur Thomas Sentomeris t Dame Perinelle sa Femme.

This Sir William was a great warriour and a man of figure in his time, serving in the French wars many years, being one of the favourites of John Earl of Somerset, governour of the garrison at Calice, under whom he served; he died in the year 1410, aged 76, and was succeeded by Thomas, his son and heir, who in 1417 levied a fine to settle the manor and advowson on himself and heirs; in 1434, he presented by the name of Thomas Hoo, Esq. but he was soon after knighted; in 1436, he was sent to suppress the rebellion about Caux in Normandy, where he conquered the rebels and wasted their country; in 1445, he was elected knight of the garter; employed again in the French wars, where he merited so well, that he was created a baron of the realm by the title of Lord Hoo and Hastings, and was summoned to parliament accordingly; he was also keeper of the seals in France, and afterwards chancellor there; he had three wives, Elizabeth, daughter and heir to Thomas Felton, Knt. by whom he had one son, Thomas, who died before him; the second was Elizabeth, daughter and heir to Nic. Wichingham, by whom he had only one daughter, Anne, the third was Eleanor, daughter to Leo Lord Wells, sister and coheir to Richard Lord Wells, her brother; by whom he had three daughters; but upon this last match, this manor was settled on Tho. de Hoo, Esq. his brother and heir. This Lord's will is dated Feb. 12, 1454, by which he settled 20 marks per annum on Battle abbey, for two monks to sing perpetually for him and his ancestors, at St. Bennet's altar in their church: Thomas de Hoo, Esq. settled this manor and advowson on Anne, only daughter of the Lord Hoo, by Eliz. Wichingham, on her marriage to Sir Jeffery Boleyn, Knt. sometime lord mayor of London, who died seized, as did Anne his widow. Sir William Boleyn, Knt. of Blickling succeeded, and by his will dated in 1505, he entailed it on Thomas his son, who enjoyed it after him; he was Earl of Wilts, Ormond, and Rochford: and in the year 1535 sold it to John Gresham, and it was inherited by Sir Richard, and then by Sir Thomas Gresham, Knt. who was lord in 1575; and in 1579, William Gresham of London, Esq. had it, who mortgaged it to Francis Cuddon, Gent. who came and dwelt here; and in 1599, the said William and Francis joined, and sold it to Sir Edwin Rich, Knt. who was descended from Richard Rich of the Middle Temple, Esq. chirographer of the court of Common Pleas, reader of that society, and lord high chancellor of England, in the time of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. At the north-west part of the church, on the north wall, is a monument for this Sir Edwin, with the arms of Rich at the top, viz. gul. a chevron between three croslets botany or. Crest, on a wreath a mount vert, on which, a wyvern with his wings elevated arg.

Sir Edwin Rich was knighted at Cadiz voyage; he purchased this manor of Will. Gresham, Esq. in the 42d year of Queen Elizabeth; was patron of the church, he died and was buried at Hartlepoole. Robert Rich, his eldest son, died in the year 1651, and was buried in the church of Swerdeston, but his bones were since removed hither by Edwin Rich, his brother, who erected this monument for him, and caused a vault to be made, as a dormitory for the family; and here resteth the bones of Sir Edwin Rich, Knt. son of Sir Edwin Rich, who died 16th of Nov. 1675,

For whom there is another mural monument near the former, against the west wall, with a very large hour-glass on the top, and this,

† Our Lyef is like an Hower Glasse, and our Riches are like Sand in it, which runs with us but the Time of our continuance her, and then must be turned up by another.

To speak to God, as if Men heard you talke, To live with Men, as if God saw you walke, When thou art young to live well, thou must strive, When thou art old, to dye well, then contryve.

Thetfoord gave me Breath, & Norwich breeding, Trinity College in Cambridge, Learning, Lincolne's Inne, did teach me Law and Equity, Reports I have made in the Courts of Chancery.

And though I cannot Skill in Rhymes, yet know it, In my Life I was, my own Death's Poet, For he who leaves his Work to other's Trust, May be deceiv'd when he lies in the Dust.

And now I have travell'd thro' all these Ways, Here I conclude the Story of my Days; And here my Rymes I end, then ask no more, Here lies Sir Edwyn Rich, who lov'd the Poor.

Qui moritur, antequam moritur, Non moritur, postquam moritur.

Memoriæ Sacrum, Anno sui Domini 1675, Etatisque suæ 81 Non est mortale quod opto

This Sir Edwin, gave 200l. to repair the roads between Wimondham and Atleburgh, and 100l. towards building a bridge, and to the poor of Thetford, where he was born.

He married Jane, daughter of Esquire Reeve, relict of Sir John Suckling, Knt. comptroller of the household to James I. and Car. I. and left no issue, upon which, this manor, with that of Rosehall in Beccles in Suffolk, went to

Charles Rich, Esq. his brother, who was advanced to the dignity of a baronet 27 Car. II. with remainder, for want of issue male, to Rob. Rich of Stondon in Essex, Esq. 2d son of Colonel Nathaniel Rich of Stondon, by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of Sir Edmund Hampden, Knt.; Sir Charles married Eliz. Cholmondley, who survived him, and after remarried to Mr. Berners of St. Mary's; he died in 1677, and is buried at Enfield in Middlesex, leaving only two daughters, Eliz. married to Peter Cevill, a French gentleman, who had this manor; and Mary to Sir Robert Rich, who had Rosehall in Beccles. Peter Cevill, Esq. had issue by the said Eliz. Cevill Rich, alias Rich Cevill, Charles Rich Cevil, &c. by whom the manor and advowson was sold to

Mr. James Balls of Norwich, who is the present lord and patron.

The church is a rectory, and stands thus in the King's Books, Milbarton, alias Mulbarton cum Kenningham, 14l. It pays first fruits, and 1l. 8s. yearly tenths. The synodals for Mulbarton were 3s. 4d. for Kenningham 2s. 4d. and the procurations 3s. 6d. at each primary visitation, and 6s. 3d. archdeacon's procurations; originally, the rector had a house and 40 acres, but now, there is a good house, and 86 acres and two roods of land, thereto belonging, in right of this and Keningham; the first valuation of Mulbarton was 10 marks, and the 2d 14; it paid 1s. Peter-pence, and 3d. ob. carvage, and 2l. to every tenth. The temporals of the Prior of Alvesborne, were taxed at 6s. 3d. ob. and the Prior of St. Faith had two pieces of land here, containing eight acres, called Little Freeland Wood, which he settled on the rector for ever, for an annual pension of 2s. and the convent confirmed it in 1441, and in 1581, this pension of 2s. was granted by Queen Elizabeth to Edm. Frost and John Walker.

Rectors of the church of St. Mary Magdalen at Mulbarton

  • 1329, Ralf de St. Omer. Sir Will. de St. Omer, Knt. who presented the three following rectors:
  • 1330, Hugh de Wauncy.
  • 1339, Will. Hovell, resigned, and the same year Wauncy took it again, and in 1352, with consent of Lady Eliz de St. Omer, then patroness, changed it for Edgefield, with
  • Adam de Bilokby. In 1353, she gave it
  • Philip Martin, and he resigned to
  • Thomas de Blofield, who in 1367, with approbation of Sir Will. de Hoo, Knt. then patron, exchanged it for Titshall, with Tho. de Calkehille, (vol. i. p. 209.) In
  • 1393, Rich. de Dunston, was presented by Sir Robert Carbonel, Knt. and Robert Denney of Mulbarton.
  • 1419, Will. Serjeaunt, resigned. John Everdon of Sussex, clerk,
  • 1434, John Elyot. Tho. Hoo, Esq. he was succeeded by Stephen Kirkeby, at whose death in
  • 1451, Robert Saunders had it of the gift of Sir Tho. de Hoo, Knt. Lord Hoo and Hastings, and had it united to Keningham for life, and the year following, it was consolidated to it and hath remained so to this day.

Rectors of Mulbarton cum Keningham


At Saunders's death in 1471, the Lady Anne Boleyn, widow, of Blickling, gave it to

Tho. Randolf, S. T. B. and in 1482, she presented

John Jullys, who resigned in 1494, and Sir Will. Boleyn, Knt. gave it to

Henry Falk, LL. D. and at his death in 1497, to

Mr. Edmund Davy, and in

  • 1500, to Chris. Prentice. In 1511, Sir Thomas Boleyn presented

Sir Ric. Torkington, who in 1517, began his pilgrimage to Jerusalem, March 20, which he performed, and took an exact account of his journey; his manuscript was lately in the possession of James Wright.

  • 1526, Alan Percy, A. M. brother to the old Duke of Northumberland, (see vol. iii. p. 208.) Thomas Earl of Rochford.
  • 1575, William Richardson, Sir Tho. Gresham, Knt. He returned 88 communicants.
  • 1616, Anthony Frere, A. M. Ric. Frere, senior, and Ric. Frere, junior. He is interred in the chancel, under a stone having the arms of Frere and Hartstonge, per chevron ingrailed or and sab. in chief three pellets, in base a stag at gaze of the first.

Here resteth the Body of Mr. Anthony Frere, late Rector of this Parish; he was inducted into this benefice May 4, 1616, and buried Dec. 27, A. D. 1660, on his left side lieth the Body of Elizabeth his Wife, the Daughter of Henry Hartstonge, Gent. she died Jan. 30, 1653.

And by it is another stone, on which Carr, gul on a chevron arg. three estoils sab. impaling Frere.

Mary Dr. of Ant. Frere, Pastor of this Church, and the Relict of Nic. Carr Rector of Burcham-Tofts in this County, interred Aug. 31, A. D. 1680

  • 1660, Henry King. A.M.; he died March 24, 1671, Edwin Rich of Lincoln's Inn, Esq.
  • 1672, Daniel Scargill, A. B. Sir Edwin Rich of Lincoln's Inn, Knt.

On the east pillar next the pulpit, is fastened a brass, representing an open book, on which,

Scargll, erm. a saltier gul. impales Le Neve.

Here lies the Body of the most religious Mrs. Sarah Scargill, the Wife of Mr. Daniel Scargill, Rector of this Parish, with whom she lived in all conjugal Vertues near 7 years, and then Death divorced them upon the 22d Day of Aug. 1680, in the 30th Year of her Age. She was the Pious Daughter of a Loyal Gent. Mr. Tho. le Neve of Aslacton, Cozen to Sir Will. le Neve, who was Herauld to King Charles the first, of Blessed Memory: She was a Person of unimitable Devotion, of a most nice and tender Conscience, of sweet Behaviour, and in all Things so faithfull a Servant of God, that I dare contest the Divine Goodness to have rewarded her. Happy Soul, whose Body rests Here! and may it rest! by no profane Hand disturbed, 'till her Soul shall take it up again, at the Great Day of Restitution.

(This on one leaf of the book.)

On the other at top, is engraven a hand, as out of a cloud, beckoning, and the person obscured by the cloud, is supposed to speak thus,

Come Pilgrim to thy Home,

Dear Love! one feather'd Minute, and I come, To lye down in thy dark retiring Room, And mingle Dust with thine, that we may have, As when alive, one Bed, so dead, one Grave, And may my Soule teare through the vaulted Sky, To be with Thine, to all Eternity.

Oh! how our Bloodless Forms will that Day greet, With Love Divine, when we again shall meet, Devest of all contagion of the Flesh, Full fill'd with ever lasting Joys, and fresh, In Heaven above, (and't may be) cast an Eye, How far Elyzium doth beneath us lye.

Dear! I dis-body and away, More swift than Wind, Or flying Hind, I come, I come, away. Daniel Scargill.

  • 1721, George Gay, A. M. Edmund Salter for this turn.

There is a mural monument of white marble, against the north chancel wall, and two stones in the altar for him and his wife, the monument is thus inscribed,

Spe Beatæ Resurrectionis gratissimâ, infràdormit GEORGIUS GAY A. M. Pastor hujus Ecclesiæ Fidus, assiduus, plus, Quique ut jucunda captet Evangelij præmia, Gregi suo in Obedientiam naviter proposita, placidus Leti corripuit Gradum, at non prius morti succubuit, quam privatis suis Sumptibus, et magnis, Rectoris Domicilium de Fundamentis ædificasset, Quicunque hæc legas, ruentis Domicilij infelix Dominus, Fac, sis, in animo teneas laudabilem hanc Pietatem, et imiteris, obijt 17 Sept. A æt. 44°. Æræ Xiane 1728°, Dextrum huic claudit Latus, Elizabetha Uxor charissima, Filia Bovilli Wimberly apud Lincolnienses Generosi quæ obiji Octavo Aug. Anno. Æræ Xianæ 1729°, æt 46.

  • 1728, John Phillips A. M. James Balls, Gent.

There is a stone in the altar, on the south side, with this inscribed thereon,

In memoriam Johannis Phillips hujus parochiæ per decem annos Rectoris pacifici, placidi, et Socialis, Ingenij Vir, omnibus Urbanus erat; nihil superbiæ habuit, nihil Arogantiæ; Pastor fidelis, cui serio curæ fuit Benevolentiam Gregis sibi conciliari, et conciliavit; Vitæ meridiem vix attingens, Febricitatus obijt Ao Sal. 1737, æt. 39, Amicis et notis multum diùque Lugendus. In Honorem ejus, Horreum insigne in usum Rectoris proprijs sumptibus ædificavit. Hoc monumentum memoriæ dilecti Fratris Franciscus Phillips, D. D. D.

  • 1737, James Verdon, clerk. James Balls, Gent.; he held it with East Dearham sinecure rectory, and so wanted no union. He died in 1741, was buried in his chancel at East-Dearham, and was succeeded by

The Rev. Mr. Benj. Lany, the present rector, who holds it united to Wramplingham; he was presented by John Rivet, Gent. patron of this turn. The perpetuity being in Mr. James Balls aforesaid.

Besides the inscriptions already mentioned in this church, I find these following ones:

On a stone in the chancel are the arms of Crane, arg. a fess between three croslets fitché gul. impaling Carr.

Oct. 19, 1678.

Annos sex denos Elisa Ego Carria Virgo, THOMÆ nupta CRANO, tredecem Menses numeravi, Bisque dies denos gavisa, Puerpera obivi Virginitatem Anni, Menses Consortia, Matrem Mensurare Dies (Heu! Declinatio Vitæ In breviora fugax) immensurabili Restat.

Hodie! mihi, Cras tibi. Noah Headly Oct. 12, 1670. Jane his wife Nov. 24, 1665, buried in the altar. In the church there is a stone for, Martha wife of Christopher Athow, Apr. 3, 1655, and an acheivement of gul. a chevron between three cross croslets or, impaling arg. on a fess sab. between three escallops az. as many eagles displayed or.

The church hath no isles, the nave is 26 yards and an half long, and 7 broad, and is leaded, as is the chancel also; the south porch is tiled, the tower is square and hath five bells.



Braccas, Braccles, Brakene, commonly called Braconash, signifies the Broad-leas, and was part of the possessions of Roger Bigot at the Conquest; one part he gave to Olf the Dane, who joined it to Flordon manor, and that contained 98 acres; all the rest either belonged to, or else was infeoffed by him, in the Peverells, in which family it continued, and passed with Peverel's manor in Great Melton, as may be seen at large at p. 18, and was held of the honour of Peverel, as that was, at one fee; and in 1250, Hugh Peverel had a charter for free-warren here; and in 1285, the assize of bread and ale of all his tenants in Brakene, allowed him in Eire, and lete also, paying 6d. per annum to the hundred court; and Robert de Tateshall and the Prior of Wimondham, owned lands here, and had the same liberty allowed their tenants, and the manor was then valued at 6l. 2s. 11d. rents. He claimed intercommonage on the green and commons of Mulbarton (which contained 63 acres) for all his tenants of Brakene; but in 1291, was cast in his action, and the common allotted to Mulbarton tenants only. In 1362, it was severed from Melton, for then Sir Robert de Bayhouse, Knt. and Maud his wife, sold it to Bartholomew Appleyerd, and settled it on William Asger and John Page, senior, for the use of the said Bartholomew and his heirs; he was descended from Ric. son of Will. de Applegart of Dunham in Norfolk, who lived in King Stephen's time; this Bartholomew was a citizen of Norwich, who raised a good estate, and one of the bailiffs of the city in 1372, and one of their burgesses in parliament in 1374, and 1412. He was a benefactor to St. Andrew's church in Norwich, where he was buried, and was succeeded by William his eldest son, who was a man of principal figure and fortune in the city, long before his father's death, being nine times burgess in parliament; bailiff of the city in 1386 and 1395; first mayor thereof in 1403, which office he served five times more, in the years 1404, 5, 11, 12, and 18. In 1402, he was escheator of Norfolk, and died in 1419, leaving issue by Margaret his wife, Nicholas Appleyerd, Esq. bisson and heir, then 25 years old, who married Margaret Thornbury of London, who survived him; he was succeeded by John Appleyerd of Brakene, his son and heir, who settled here, and built Brakene-hall, (which is now demolished, and was a very large building,) and at his death in 1473, left it to Nic. Appleyard of Brakene, Esq. his son and heir, who married Agnes, daughter and heiress of William Rookwood of Warham, and Alice his wife, with whom he had the manors of Hales-Hall in Warham, Hales manor in Holt and Testerton, and Netlestede in Suffolk, with a good estate in lands and money: the year after his father's death, he was summoned to take upon him the order of knighthood, and upon his refusal, was convened before the privy council, and upon his petition to be dismissed, he sets forth, "that he was not possessed of lands and tenements to the yearly value of 40l. by the space of three years, before the King's warrant with proclamation, was awarded against him," upon which he was excused till the three years expired, and then he was knighted; he died July 11, 1511: his son John died without issue, and Roger Appleyard of Brakene, Esq. inherited, as son and heir; he married Elizabeth, daughter of John Scott of Camberwell in Surrey, relict of Sir John Robesart of Sidisterne in Norfolk, Knt. and died July 8, 1528, leaving John Appleyard his son and heir, not then two years old; and by his will, ordered to be buried in the Gray-friars church in Norwich; he gave to this church, his vestment of blue sarcenet, and his gilt image that belonged to his chapel, and a legacy to build a church porch; and to Eliz. his wife for life, his manors of Stanfield in Windham, Newton-Flotman, Hethill and Keteringham; and 200l. to each of his daughters, Frances and Brigit, to be raised out of his manors of Hales in Warham, Holt-Hales, and Testerton-Hales; Bygrave manor and advowson in Hertfordshire, to raise money for marriage of his sister Mary; and East-Carleton manor was settled for other uses. John Appleyerd of Brakene, Esq. his son, succeeded; he was high-sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk in 1558, and married Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Hogan of East-Bradenham in Norfolk, Gent. who, jointly with Thomas Hogan, her brother and trustee, levied a fine in 1569, in order to sell part of the estate; and soon after, sold this manor and advowson, to Tho. Townesend, senior, Esq. son of Henry Townesend, the youngest son of Sir Robert Townesend of Reynham, Knt. and in 1599, it was purchased by Sir Edwyn Rich, Knt. by whom it was sold in 1622, to Robert Woode of Brakene, Esq. and his heirs; he was son of Robert Wood, mayor of Norwich, who was knighted by Queen Eliz in 1578; by Anne his wife, 3d daughter of Augustine Steward, Esq. and married Eliz. daughter and coheir of John Woolmer of Tharston, Esq. on whom this manor was settled; Robert Wood, their son and heir, inherited, who lies buried by his wife in the chancel here, under a stone having the arms of Wood and Richardson impaled, and this inscription,

Here lyeth the Body of Robert Woode of Braconash in the County of Norfolk Esq; eldest son of Robert Woode Esq; and Anne his Wife, one of the Daughters of John Woolmer of Tharston in the County of Norfolk Esq; he married a Daughter of Sir Thomas Richardson, Lord Chief Justice of both Benches, by whom he had five Sons and four Daughters, of whom three Sons and one Daughter survived him; he was born Aug. 4, 1601, died Dec. 31, 1680.

There is another stone for her, with the same arms impaled, and this,

Here lieth interred the Body of Eliz. the 3d. Daughter of Sir Thomas Richardson Knt. Lord Cheif Justice of both Benches, Wife of Rob. Woode of Braconash Esq; she departed this Life the 13th of July 1655, being aged 48 Years, and leaving him three Sons and two Daughters.

Their Son Thomas inherited, and is buried by his father and mother; the arms of Woode impaling Peyton, sab. a cross ingrailed or, are on his stone, and this inscription,

THOMAS WOODE, the eldest Son of ROBERT WOODE, by Elizabeth the Daughter of Sir Thomas Richardson; he had two Wives, Eliz. his first Wife was Daughter of Anthony Penning Esq; of Little-Badow in the County of Essex, by whom he had one Son and one Daughter. His second Wife was Anne Daughter of Tho. Peyton Esq; of Rougham in the County of Norfolk, by whom he had one Son and six Daughters, of whom one Son and two Daughters were living when he died; he was born Aug. 24, 1626, and departed this Life Dec. the 2d, 1699. Requiescant in Pace.

His first wife's stone hath the arms of Woode impaling Penning, az. three buck's heads cooped arg. a chief indented erm.

Eliz. late wife to Tho. Woode of Braconash, Gent. and daughter of Anthony Penning in the county of Essex, Esq. died Nov. 25, 1662.

Thomas Woode, Esq. of Braconash, son of the aforesaid Thomas, is now lord and patron; he married first, Ellen, daughter of Tho. Eyre, Esq. and lies buried in this chancel, with the arms of Woode impaling Eyre, arg. on a chevron sab. three caterfoils or. Crest, a martlet volant, with an olive branch in his mouth; and this,

Here lyeth the Body of Ellen the Wife of Thomas Woode of Bracon Esq. and Daughter of Thomas Eyre of Harsop in Derbyshire Esquire, by a third Daughter of Sir Henry Bedingfield, who died 20 Aug. 1712, aged 27 Years.

Worthy of a longer Life, more worthy of eternal; so adorned with bright Endowments of Nature, so graced with Vertues, that it may be a Question, whither those more embellished the Woman, or these the Christian, prudent beyond her Age, of so early and constant Piety, that it grew up with Reason, and survived it; so obliging, that she knew not how to disoblige; so far from Pride, that Humility seem'd not an acquir'd Vertue, but an innate Perfection; of so discreet, and yet of so engaging Behaviour, that she equally gain'd the Esteem and Love of All: So dutifull a Wife, that while she wanted no Pattern to coppy after, she might justly be an illustrious Pattern of conjugal Love and Behaviour. Thus ripe for Heaven, she dyed on Earth, that she may never cease to live above, where her ardent and swift Desires had already fixed her Heart.

Which may the King of Heaven's large Estate, Into immortal Happiness compleat, That what on Earth her Vertues have begun, May through Eternitie's Dimensions run.

Mr. Thomas Woode, their son, died July 8, 1746, and was buried here; he married Mary daughter of Hen. Bedingfield of Coulsey Wood in Stoke Ash in Suffolk, Esq. by Mary daughter of William Havers of Thelton, Esq. but left no issue. (See vol. i. p. 151.)

His second wife was Eliz. daughter of Edward Heath, Esq. who is buried here also, with the arms of Woode impaling Heath, arg. a cross ingrailed between twelve billets gul. and this,

M. S. Elizabethæ Wood Prudentis et morigeræ Uxoris Thomæ Wood de Braconash in Com. Norfolciæ Armigeri, Filiaque Edwardi Heath de Hemlington in Com. Prædicto Generosi objit die Mar. V. Ao. Domini MDCCXXIII, æt. suæ xxxi.

Requiescat in Pace.

He hath the following children by his 3d wife, buried here,

Phillip, ob. 1733, aged one Year 9 Months. Eliz. 1735, aged 3 Years. John 1735 æt. 2.

The arms of Woode are, per pale A. S. on a chevron between three martlets, as many trefoils, all counterchanged. Crest, a martlet sab. its wings expanded, the right or, the left arg.

There are other stones in the chancel for, Edmund, son of Robert Woode, Esq. Oct. 4, 1616. Eliz. eldest daughter of Robert Woode, Esq. and Eliz. his wife, Dr. of Sir Thomas Richardson Knt. 1649, æt. 9 Years and 7 Months. There is an altar tomb under the south chancel wall in the yard, for Philip 3d son of Robert Woode of Therston, Esq. July 8, 1668.

Peyton impales Yelverton. Here lieth the Body of Thomas Peyton, younger Son of Sir Edward Peyton Bart of Isleham in Cambridgeshire, by his second wife Jane, the Daughter of Sir James Calthorp of Basham in the County of Norfolk, widow of Edmund Thimblethorp; he had two wives, his first wife was the Daughter of Sir Will. Yelverton of Rougham in the county of Norfolk, who by the Death of Sir Will. Yelverton her Brother, without Issue, had Rougham for her Inheritance; she left 4 Sons and one Daughter. His second wife was the widow Hacon, by whom he had no Children. He was born 1616, and died Oct. 12, 1683. Requiescat in Pace.

On a small stone, I was Thomas Fletcher, 1631.

Weld impales Hall. M. S. Hic sita est Lectissima Fæmina Anna Præsulis illius incomparabilis et per orbem celebris Domini Joseph Hall Norvicensis olim Episcopi Filia Domini vero Georgij Hall, modo Cestriensis Episcopi soror, animi Corporisque Dotibus cumulatissima, quæ Gascoigno Weld juncta connubio, annos plus sex decim integerrimis suavissimisque moribus insigne præbuit viva solatium, defuncta Reliquit triste desiderium. Nata est Jan. 2, 1622. Denata Febr. 19, 1660.

Gascoign Weld, Esq. died 25 Apr. 1701, 84. Judith and Anna Weld Infantes. A. M. P.

M. S. Depositum Matthæi Weld Generosi, qui plenus Annorum obijt 6t. Jan. Ano Xti 1650, cum vixisset annos 83, Mens. 6, Septiman. un: Gascoignus Weld, Filius unicus bene merenti gemens posuit.

Weld, arg. a fess nebulé between three crescents er. impaling Gascoign, arg. on a pale sab. a luce's head erected and cooped or, being the arms of Eliz. his wife, daughter of Gascoign of Illington. (See vol. i. p. 449.)

Joseph Weld, son and heir of Gascoign Weld, æt. 13, Ao. 1664, was alive and lived here. Eliz. his sister lies buried here with the arms of Rutter, gul. three garbs in chief a lion passant arg. impaling Weld.

Here lieth the body of Eliz. Rutter widow, late the Wife of Richard Rutter Esq; of Kingsley in Cheshire, who was daughter of Gascoigne Weld late of Braconash Esq. who departed this Life the 4th of Dec 1714, æt. 69. The Remains of Phillip the wife of Gascoign Weld Esq; Daughter of Phillip Calthorp Esq; Aug. 4, 1704, 72. Barbara Weld ob. æt. 18, 1690.

There was a good estate here purchased by John Weld in 1618, and much added to it in 1620, by Mat. Weld. All this family are interred in the south isle. Alderman Edward Weld, who died in 1746, and is buried at Cawston in Norfolk, was of this family. (See vol. iii. p. 451.)

The church is 36 feet long, and 18 broad, and the chancel is 33 feet long and 16 broad; the south isle is 36 feet long and six wide; there is no steeple, but one bell hanging in a shed at the south-east corner of the churchyard; the nave, isle, chancel, and north porch, are all tiled. In the chancel windows are the arms of the East-Angles, and England; and in the yard at the east end of the south isle, is a memorial fixed for Thomas Corbould, who died in 1709, aged 78, and Eliz. his loving wife, 1713, 74.

Sir Hugh Peverel was patron here when Norwich Domsday was made, and then the rector had a house and 55 acres of land, and now there is a house and 64 acres and two roods of glebe; it was first valued at 15, after at 21 marks; it paid 2s. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations, 18d. Peter-pence, and carvage 3d. and there was a Gild held in the church, called our Lady's gild. It now stands in the King's Books by the name of Barknash R. (alias Brakenash,) is valued at 10l. pays first fruits, and 1l. yearly tenths, and being undischarged, is not capable of augmentation.

Rectors of Brakenash

  • 1322, Master Tho. de Morle. Sir Hugh Peverel, Knt.
  • 1335, Nic. de Lymburgh. Ditto.
  • 1349, Roger Mondegome. Ditto. Buried in the chancel in 1372, succeeded by
  • Will. Cowper. Barth. Appleyard and John Page, citlzens of Norwich.
  • 1374, Sir John Pygot of Brakene, died.
  • 1400, Robert Erpingham. William Appleyard. On whose death in
  • 1445, Sir Rob. Blount succeeded, being presented by Nic. Appleyard, Esq. William Yelverton, one of the King's justices, Sir John Curson, Knt. Oliver Groos, Esq. and Edm Wichingham; and at his death in 1466 Sir Will. Yelverton, Knt. John Selot, clerk, Edm. Clere, Will. Yelverton, junior, Will. Tendale, Esq. and Henry Spelman, presented

Sir John Everard, who resigned in 1490, and John, son of Nic. Appleyard, Esq. gave it to the venerable

John Eluysch, priest, Abbot of St. Mary de Prè in Creyk in Norfolk.

  • 1515, John Marshal, on whose resignation in
  • 1518, Hugh Swift was presented by Roger Appleyard, Esq.: he resigned in 1558, and John Appleyard, Esq. gave it to
  • John Norton, who resigned in
  • 1565, to John Daynes, who was presented by Tho. Townesend, Esq. who, on his resignation in 1581, gave it to
  • Rowland Browne; and on his resignation in
  • 1582, to Robert Maister, who in 1603, returned 92 communicants in this parish. On Maister's resignation in 1606, Sir Ewin Rich, Knt. gave it to
  • John Morland, A.M. who was buried under a black marble in the chancel, Nov. 22, 1649, æt. 72, being succeeded by
  • Richard Johnson, who was buried 13 Dec. 1659, and in 1660, Ric. Woode of Brakene, Esq. &c. presented
  • Richard Waddelowe, who held it united to Wilby; (see vol. i. p. 367;) he was succeeded by
  • Thomas Tennison, who in 1662, resigned it to
  • John Tennison, S. T. B. on whose death in
  • 1671, Roger Stanhawe had it; both which, had it of the gift of Rob. Woode, Esq. (see vol. iv. p. 459.) In 1683, on Stanhaw's death, Tho. Woode, Esq. presented
  • Will. Bedingfield, A. M. who quitted Ashwelthorp, and had this united to Wrenningham, with Nelonde; he is buried in the chancel, on the north wall of which, a mural monument adorned with Bedingfield's arms, and Woode impaled, hath this inscribed thereon:

M.S. Hic jacet Gulielmus Beddingfield, Humfridi, de Whighton in Agro Norfolciensi Generosi, Filius quarto genitus, hujus Ecclesiæ Rector perquàm Gratus, apud Musas diù Vitam egit Collegij Amor, Academiæ Deliciæ, ea enim Ingenij vis, ea morum suavitas, ut quos habuit Familiares, sui avidos quos notos, sui cupidos, ignotos sui desiderio reliquit. Hic etiam exuvias posuit Elizabetha Uxor ejus dilectissima, Thomæ Woode Armigeri Filia, Fœmina egregiæ Indolis, eximiæ pietatis, vix trimestris superstes marito qui obijt xi Apr. Ao. Dni. 1694.

  • 1694, Peter Coppin, held it united to Carleton St. Mary, and was presented by Tho. Coppin of Norwich, worsted weaver, patron of this turn only.
  • 1728, Samuel Ganning, A.B. was presented by Timothy Ganning, Gent patron of this turn only. The said Samuel died in 1746, and is buried in the chancel here.



Church is dedicated to St. Peter the Apostle; it hath a low square steeple and five bells, is 17 yards long and eight broad, and is tiled, as is the chancel also: it was re-dedicated and newly hallowed in 1535, and there was then an ancient Gild of St. Peter held here. It was appropriated to the Prior of Pentneye, who as rector, had a house and 52 acres of glebe, and the vicarage had a house and 28 acres of glebe. It was given by Rob. de Vallibus, or Vaux, the founder of Pentneye, (who came with the Conqueror into England,) and was confirmed by William his son and heir. The rectory was valued first at 10, after at 15 marks, and the vicarage at five marks, but was not taxed; it now stands at 6l. in the King's Books, pays no first-fruits, and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 27l. 12s. 4d. it is discharged of tenths, and is capable of augmentation. It paid 3s. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations, 7d. Peter-pence, and 3d. ob. carvage; and the portion of tithes belonging to the monks of Thetford was 4s. per annum, given them by Robert de Vaux; and it paid 3l. 6s. clear to every tenth.



Presented By The Priors Of Pentneye.

Hubert de Chedestane.

  • 1326, John de Diss.
  • 1349, Nic. Wesgate.
  • 1424, John Caldwell.
  • 1426, Jeffry Skinner, res.
  • 1435, John Elyot.
  • 1438, Simon Fuller, ob.
  • 1465, Brother John Lincoln.
  • William Ive, buried in the chancel, his effigies in brass, and this, remains:
    Orate pro anima Domini Willi: Jbe, Canonici, cuius anime pro picietur Deus. Amen.
  • 1490, Richard Bocher.
  • 1490, John Cooke, he was outed, and Bocher had it again.
  • 1501, Henry Smithson.
  • 1515, Richard Wright; he lies buried in the chancel, with this on a brass plate,
    In the Honoure of God that ys moost of Myght, Pray for the Sowle of Sir Richard Wryght. On whose Soule Jesu have Mercy.
  • 1520, Henry Hagger.
  • 1530, Richard Hagger, who was the last presented by the convent.

After the Dissolution, King Henry VIII. in the year 1545, granted the impropriate rectory and the advowson of the vicarage to Robert Rumbold, alias Reynbald, and his heirs, to be held in capite by knight's service; and in 1558, Anne, wife of Ben Reynbald, daughter of the said Robert, and Elizabeth her sister, had livery of it, and in 1562, presented

John Dixy.

  • 1568, Adam Each, lapse. 1576, Andrew Thetford, Gent. presented Henry Webb, on whose resignation in
  • 1584, Rob Grey had it of the gift of And. and Tho. Thetford, Esqrs.
  • 1586, Will. Parry. The Queen by lapse.
  • 1591, Robert Jackler, by Andrew and Thomas aforesaid; he resigned in
  • 1602, to Richard Parker, who returned 67 communicants, and was presented by Thomas Thetford, Esq. who in 1607, sold it to Sir Henry Hobart, Knt. Will. Paston, and other trustees, for the use of Sir John Heveningham, Knt. who in 1611, presented
  • Richard Johnson, A. M. In 1623, Sir Arthur Heveningham was returned impropriator and patron. In
  • 1652, Robert Pecket had it, of the gift of Will. Heveningham, Esq. ob.
  • 1697, Richard Clark. Henry Heron, Esq. ob.
  • 1707, Nath. Saltier. Ditto. He held it united to Olton, and resigned in
  • 1716, to Tho. Tunstall. Henry Heron, Esq. at whose death in
  • 1728, the Rev. Mr. Samuel Clark, A. M. the present vicar, was presented by Edw. Atkyns, Esq. the present patron, and now holds it united to the vicarage of East-Dearham, with the chapel of Hoe, and sinecure rectory of East-Dearham aforesaid.

The chief manor of this town, belonged to Olf the Dane in the Confessor's time, and to Ralf Fitz-Walter at the Conquest, who then held it of Roger Bigot, and it had a church and-40 acres of glebe, was worth 3l. per annum, being a league long, and half a league broad, and paid 6d. ob. geld. The other manor belonged to Ketel the Dane, at the Confessor's survey, and was held of Ralf Peverell by Warine, at the Conqueror's; had a faldcourse, and though it was included in the value or estimation of the chief manor, was of but 7s. per annum less value in yearly rents, to its lord.

The chief manor, called afterwards

Argentein's, or Keteringham-Hall Manor


Came to Robert de Vallibus, or Vaux, from Ralf Fitz-Walter, and he held it of Roger Bigot. This Robert came in with the Conqueror; he left it to William his son and heir; and in 1197, Aubrey de Vere Earl of Oxford died seized of a manor here, which was the head manor, though one third part of the town remained still in the Vauxes, and was after called Castelyn's manor; in 1239, Hugh de Vere Earl of Oxford had it, and gave it Hugh de Cressi, in frank marriage with Margaret his daughter, and died seized in 1262, when, for want of issue of their bodies, it reverted to the Veres, and Robert de Vere Earl of Oxford gave it in frank marriage with Lora his sister, to Sir Reginald de Argentein Knt. and they held it in 1265; in 1315, Sir John de Argenteyn, Knt. his son, was lord, and held in 1345, of the Earl of Oxford at one fee; he was succeeded by Sir John his son, who in 1381 settled it on Sir Will. his son, and Isabel daughter of Sir Will. de Kerdeston, Knt. his wife, after the death of himself and Margaret his wife, who held it in 1383; and in 1390, it appears that their three daughters and their issue, were heirs; namely Maud, wife of Ivo Fitz-Warine, Alice, wife of Baldwin St. George, and Baldwin their son, then 21 years of age; and Joan, wife of Baith. de Naunton, and Margaret their daughter, 40 years old, which Margaret had this manor, and married to a Bukenham, of whose trustees the manor was purchased by Sir Will. Appleyard of Keteringham, Knt. and with Emma his widow, passed to her husband Sir Henry Grey, Knt who lived at Keteringham, and lies buried in the chancel there, with this inscription,
Dere lyth Syre Denry Brey, the Sonne of Syre Thomas Brey myght, of Peton, t of Jone his wife, that was Syngate to the Duke of Dortfolk, that oped at Uenys, and Cnima the Wyfe of the foresaibe Syr berry brey, the Widom of Sir William Appleyard of the said Country Norfolk Esquer, on whose Sowtes Bob have Wercy.

Their effigies in brass, with their hands conjoined as praying, remain on the stone; he is in complete armour, standing on a lion, and there are the arms, of Brotherton impaling Grey, gul. a lion rampant in a bordure ingrailed arg. and Grey impaling Appleyard, az. a chevron or between three owls arg.

The present chancel was rebuilt by these two, and their arms remain in the east window the same as on their tombstone, and also the arms of England, and Grey impaling or, a lion rampant double quevee gul. Grey impaling gul. a saltier arg. and these: arg. on a fess between three leopards faces gul. three bells of the field, quarterly, 1st, gul. a lozenge arg. 2d, 2 coats quartered, 1st, per bend A. G. 2d, arg. a bend gul. 3d as 2d. 4th arg. on a chevron ingrailed between three crescents er. two lions passant, their heads towards each other. There are also the arms of Fitz-Walter, and a rebus of a tun, with an oaken branch with acorns fixed in the bunghole. In the middle pane is Sir Henry Grey on his knees in complete armour, with Grey's arms single, and crest, on a wreath vert and gul. a lamb's head arg. and arg. on a cross gul. five escalops or. Crest a demi-lion, on which a mullet of five sab. By his will dated in 1492, he gave his manor of Keteringham-hall after their deaths, to

Thomas Hevenyngham, Esq. son and heir of Sir John Heveningham, Knt. and to Anne his wife, daughter to Dame Jane Grey, wife to the said Sir Henry Grey, and their heirs, with remainder to William Grey of Merton, and his heirs; and thus it became the residence of the ancient family of the

Heveninghams, who had their sirname from the town of that name in Suffolk, and hath been very honourably matched; and if we may credit many accounts, Jeffery de Heveningham was lord there in Canute's time, Ao 1020; but as the former part of their pedigree does not relate to this town, I shall not begin with the account of the family earlier than

Thomas Heveningham aforesaid, Esq. the great favourite of the Duke of Gloucester, who settled an annuity of 10l. on him for life, out of his manor of Rothing-Berners in Essex. He died in 1499, and is buried in the chancel here, with this inscription,
Orate pro anima Thome Heveningham Armigeri, Fillii et Heredis Johannis Heveningham Militis et Banneretti qui obiit ultimo die Januarii, Anno Domini M. cccclrrrrir. cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

The tomb is on the south side of the altar, built in part into the wall, the brass plates are fixed over it, and the foregoing inscription over his head, and the following over her's:

Orate pro anima Anne nuper Uroris Thome Heveningham, Filie et Heredis Thome Yerde Armigeri, que obiit die Anno Do- mini Mccccc (viii) cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

They are both in praying postures; behind him are four sons, and behind her are four daughters. There are also the arms of

Heveningham, quarterly or and gul. in a bordure ingrailed sab. nine escalops arg quartering Redisham.

Courtney, or, three torteauxes, with a label of three az. for difference, impaling or, in a bordure ingrailed gul. three catherinewheels sab.

John Heveningham, son of the said Thomas, succeeded, and married Alice, daughter of Sir Ralf Shelton the younger of Shelton in Norfolk, Knt. he died in 1530, and is buried in the chancel, with this on a brass plate,
Hic iacet Johannes Debeningham, filius Thome Debeningham Armigeri, cuius anime propicietur Deus Amen.

Sir Anthony Heveningham, his son and heir, was made a banneret by King Henry VIII. and married first Katherine, daughter and heir of Sir Philip Calthorp, by whom he had Henry, his son and heir, who died without male issue, by Anne his wife, daughter of Eden of Suffolk; as did Amy their daughter, who married to Sir Edmund Windham of Felbrigge, Knt. In 1546, he settled by fine on himself and Mary daughter of Sir John Shelton the elder, of Shelton, Knt. his then wife, the manors of Heveningham, Ubbeston, Cookeley, Walpole, and Sibeton in Suffolk, and on their heirs; and in 1557, he held the manor of Westbarrow-hall, of the honour of Ralegh, and Totham Parva, and Goldhanger in Essex, and died the year following, and according to his will, is buried by his last wife, under a tomb on the north side of the chancel, which hath lost its inscription, but the arms of Heveningham, with helmet, crest, and supporters, and those of Shelton, with a helmet and crest, and two talbots arg. collared and chained gul. for supporters; and the same two coats impaled, lately remained. She remarried to Philip Appleyard, Esq. but died soon after, leaving

Sir Arthur Heveningham, Knt. her son and heir, who about 1570, appears to have been lord of this, with the manors of Fretenham, Gissing, Shropham and South-Walsham in Norfolk, Heveningham, Ubestone, Walpole, Cookeley and Sibton in Suffolk, and Goldhanger in Essex; he married Mary daughter of Hanchet of Hertfordshire, who lies buried in the chancel with this,

Here lyeth buried the Body of the Lady Mary Heveningham, Wife to Sir Arthur Heveningham Knt. Nov. 9, 1633.

On an adjoining stone is this: Here lyeth buried the body of Sir Arthur Heveningham Knt. who died Oct. 8, 1630. Sir John Heveningham Knt. his son, inherited at his death; he married first, Katherine, daughter of Lewes Lord Mordaunt, she died 1602, and he married again to Bridget, daughter of Christopher son of Sir William Paston of Paston in Norfolk, Knt.; she lies buried in the chancel, with the arms of Heveningham impaling Paston, and this

Here lies buried the Body of the Lady Bridget late wife to Sir John Heveningham Knt. deceased, and Grandchild to Sir William Paston of Paston in the County of Norfolk Knt. ob. June 9, 1624. On another stone, Here lieth buried the Body of Sir John Heveningham Knt. Son and Heir of Sir Arthur, ob. 17 June 1633.

William Heveningham, Esq. his son and heir by his second wife, inherited; he was of this town and Hockwold in Norfolk; and married first, Katherine daughter of Sir Henry Walop, of Farley in Hantshire, by whom he had no issue: this man was one of the judges of King Charles I. for which, at the Restoration, he was deservedly tried and convicted, and all his estate forfeited for that unparalleled villainy; but being one of those nineteen regicides that surrendered themselves upon the proclamation of the 6th of June 1660, he had his life saved; and the year following, Mary, daughter of John Earl of Dover, his second wife, obtained a patent from King Charles II. for most, if not all, her husband's estate, particularly that of Heveningham and this manor, which she enjoyed during her life. On the north side of the altar is a handsome monument of black and white marble, with the effigies of a man and woman, each having a child by them, in a praying posture before a reading-desk, and to the table on which the inscription is wrote, is fixed an angel with his wings expanded, holding an infant in swadling clothes; at the top are the arms of Heveningham impaling Cary, arg. on a bend sab. three roses of the field, with a crescent gul. for difference.

This Monument was erected by the Right Honourable the Lady Mary Heveningham, for her deceased Husband, her Self, and Children, the Daughter and Grandaughter of the Right Honourable Henry and John Carey, Viscounts Rochford, Barons of Hunsdon, and Earls of Dover, and of Abigail Countess of Dover.

Under this Pyramid of Marble lies, Both Root and Branch of noble Progenies, His matchless Lady him secur'd, brought home, In Peace deceas'd, lies umbrag'd in this Tomb. Where undisturbed, may their slumbering Dust, Rest 'till the Resurrection of the Just.

Inclyta magnifici cernis Monumenta Sepulchri Fortè Brevi Spatio, Fata futura Tua.

Reader consider what thou here dost see In a few Moments thine own Fate may be. Anno Domini 1678.

They are both buried in a vault under the altar; the coffin of this traitour and his bones are now wholly broken to pieces, which seems to have been done designedly, for his head or scull is laid upon his wife's coffin, which is very entire; she died at her house in Jermyn-street, London, in Jan. 1696; in the same vault is a child's coffin.

Sir William Heveningham, their son and heir, was knighted at Whitehall in 1674; he married Barbara, daughter of George Villiers Viscount Grandison of Ireland, by whom he had Abigail, his only heiress, who married to Henry Heron, Esq. and they sold it to

Edward Atkyns, Esq. son and heir of Sir Edward Atkyns, Knt. Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer, who is the present lord and patron, and resides at Keteringham-hall, which is a good seat in a pleasant country, about four miles distant from the city of Norwich.

There are monuments in the church for, Barbara the youngest daughter of Sir Arthur Heveningham, Knt. the wife of Tho. Bradley, 17 Sept. 1634. And a brass shows, that William son of Clere Talbot, LL. D. died in this parish Aug. 29, 1635. On the font were the arms of Redisham and Grey, with a label of five points. In the chancel is a brass plate with a small effigies, and this,
Hic iacet Johannes Colbile Fillius Richard Colbile Armigeri cuius anime tc.

There are altar tombs in the churchyard for, Henry, fourth son of Sir Arthur Heveningham, Knt. Aug. 17, 1657, aged 71. Tho. 2d son of Sir Arthur, 11 Sept. 1651, aged 67. Lady Gilbert eldest daughter to Sir Arthur, April 1646.

Tho. Aid 26 July, 1665, 72. Anne his wife, 10 April, 1664, 63.

Here Two in One at rest reposed be, In Expectation of the One in Three.

This man was a wholesale tailor in Norwich, and raised great fortunes there, and was father of John Ayde or Aid of Horsted, Esq. lord of that manor.

On the north side is an altar tomb with the arms of a lion rampant only, and these two verses out of the Psalms:

What Man is he that liveth and shall not see Death? shall he deliver his Sovl from the Grave? Selah.

But God will redeem my Sovl from the Power of the Grave, for he shall receive me? Selah.

Castelyn's Manor


Belonged to Ketel the Dane, after to Warine, of whom it was held at the Conqueror's survey, by Ralf Peverel, (see p. 91,) and passed with Peverel's manor in Great Melton, as at p. 18; and in 1237, Oliver de Vaux, lord of Keteringham, granted a third part of this town to Richard de Rupella, or Rokele, which was added to this manor. In 1385, Nicholas de Castello, or Castelyn, (from whom it took its name,) was lord of it, and had view of frankpledge, assise of bread and ale, and lete in his manor, allowed by the justices in Eire, on condition he paid yearly to the King's hundred of Humbleyard 14d. ob. q. In 1306 it was held by Will. de Ros, Maud his wife, and Petronel de Vaux, of Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk. In 1345, Will de Bokenham held it at a fourth part and half a quarter of a fee, of Nic. de Castello, who held it of Will. de Rokele, he of the heirs of Roos, they of the Earl-Marshal, and he of the King. In 1364, Sir Thomas de St Omer of Brundale had it, and Alice, daughter of Petronel his wife, after married to Sir Will. de Hoo, Knt. and Eliz. their daughter then 12 years old, and after married to Tho. de Warine, were coheirs, and in the King's custody; and in 1372, Warine and his wife released all his right to Sir Thomas and his wife; see p. 76. In 1402, he released all his right in this manor calle Castelyn's, and all his lands thereto belonging, in Keteringham, Stanfield in Windham, Carleton, Curson, Intwood, Cantelose, and Hethersete, to William Parker and Stephen Spelman, citizens and mercers of London; and in 1404, Sir Thomas Hoe his son confirmed it. In 1495, Sir Henry Grey joined it to Keteringham-Hall manor, with which it now continues.

Kangham's Manor


Very anciently belonged to William de Keteringham, after to Sibil de Keteringham, and then to Peter their son, who granted part of it, by deed without date, to Will. de Curzon of Stanfield, and Robert his son, in the presence of Sir Richard de Curzon of Stanfield in Windham, and Sir John de Curzon of Keteringham; and this William gave in marriage with Alice his daughter, to Will. de Kangham, who released one part of it again to Oliver de Keteringham, on condition the said Oliver paid for the said William, to the church of Keteringham St. Peter, 2s. yearly for wax to be burnt before the cross and altar of St. Mary there. This part was sold in 1342, by Tho. de Keteringham and Sciencia his wife, to John de Houton and Ivetta his wife; but Kangham's part, which was much the largest, was held by Alice de Kangham in 1274, at three parts of a fee, of the Vauzes, which she divided into many parts, selling some to John son of Simon de Hedersete, Nic. de Castello, Will. Carpenter, &c. with consent of William her son, and Clemence her daughter; another part she granted to Andrew her son, who conveyed it to Richard son of Ric. le Curzon, who had all the part that remained unconveyed, by deed from the said Alice de Kangham; and in 1256, this Richard held it with Stanfield-Hall manor in Windham, as at p. 502, vol. ii.; it was then valued at 4l. 13s 2d. rents, and had 27 acres in demean, and it continued with Stanfield, till Henry Heveningham of Keteringham purchased a part of it, which was after joined to Keteringham manor, and the other part still remains with Stanfield.

The Prior of Pentneye had a manor here composed of divers parcels, given by the lords of the other manors, viz. Robert de Vaux, Richard de la Rokele, and Alice de Kangham, who in 1249, granted to Simon Prior of Pentney, 28 acres of land, 8 acres of wood, and 5s. rent, and the whole was held at half a quarter of a fee of the honour of Forncet, and was taxed at 38s. 10d. and at the Dissolution it was granted from the Crown with the impropriate rectory, and with that became united to the other manors.

William Curson (see vol. ii. p. 517) and others, gave lands here to Windham monastery, which at the Dissolution were granted to Sir Edward Clere: the Prior of St. Faith's had 6s. rent here; and in 1314, the Prior of Hauley was found to hold the fourth part of a fee in Keteringham, of John Peverell, which was after released from that priory, and joined to Casteleyn's manor.


Commonly called Carleton Curson, from its lords of that name, takes its denomination from the [Cheorles, Carles] or countrymen, that anciently inhabited in it; Carleton signifying no more than the Churles Town, which is the reason we meet with so many places of that name; for distinction it is sometimes called Norwich Carleton, or Carleton by Norwich, and very often East-Carleton: as there are two manors, so there were also two parochial churches, standing within about 50 yards of one another, with a highway only between their churchyards; that now standing, is dedicated to St. Mary, and was appropriated to the nuns of Marham from their foundation; and before 1324, the Priory of Alvesbourne held it appropriated to them, and served it by a stipendiary chaplain, and the prior had a house and two carucales of land; it was first valued at five, and after at six marks, paid 4s. procurations, 7d. synodals, 6d. Peter-pence, and 4d. carvage; and there was a gild of St. John Baptist held here. Alvesbourne prior and his convent conveyed it to the master and brethren of St. Giles's hospital in Norwich, who were obliged by the Bishop, in the year 1498, to present a rector, it appearing that the appropriation, though it had continued so long, was never legally made; and accordingly it hath been a rectory ever since, in the gift of the hospital, till the Dissolution, and now is in the mayor and commonalty of Norwich, as guardians to the hospital.

Rectors presented by the Master and Brethren of St. Giles's Hospital

  • 1498, John Dalle, alias Hekker, who was then a brother, and afterwards master of the hospital; he resigned in
  • 1511, to John Bradnam, who died rector in 1531, and was succeeded by
  • Will. Porter, on whose death in
  • 1541, Rob. Thakster was the last presented by the hospital, and held it to his death, united pepetually to Carleton St. Peter; for in
  • 1565, John Bayldon, his successour, was presented by the Mayor and Commonalty of Norwich, to Carleton Utraque; he resigned in
  • 1566, to Mat. Robertson, who was deprived in
  • 1577, and Will. Browne had it; and in
  • 1579, Henry Golding had it of the gift of the Queen, and Mayor and Commonalty. He died in
  • 1628, and Tim Plomer had it, at whose death in
  • 1639, Greg. Mower was presented, and in
  • 1651, Miles Smith. In 1681, the Mayor and Commonalty gave it to Peter Coppin, and at his death in
  • 1729, The Rev. Mr. John Smith, the present rector, was collated by lapse.

The church of St. Peter the Apostle, was wholly appropriated to the priory of Shouldham, and no vicarage endowed, and had a carucate of land belonging to it; it was first valued at 5l. after at nine marks, and paid 9d. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations, 2d. ob. carvage, and 12s. for every tenth. It was disappropriated for want of a legal appropriation, and became a rectory in the gift of Shouldham priory.

Rectors presented by Shouldham Convent

  • 1439, Ric. Cross, to the rectory of Carleton Curson St. Peter.
  • 1456, Will. Belle; he died in 1458, and Will. Grimston succeeded, at whose death in
  • 1464, Tho. Thompson had it; in
  • 1498, John Clerk, who in 1506, had it united for life to Northbergh. In
  • 1521, Rob. Longland held it, and is buried before the high-altar on the south side; and in
  • 1530, Rob. Thaxter was the last presented by the convent, who in 1441, had it united to St. Mary as aforesaid, and it continued with it till 1679, and then
  • Tho. Lewgar was presented, but did not enjoy it long, for Golding had it, and after him Plummer; but in 1640, the King presented Edw. Rogers to it single, and in 1677, it was returned a sinecure, as it is; for the church, which is a small one, without any tower, was turned into a parsonage-house, now uninhabited and in ruins; the close in which it stands is glebe, and is south-east of St. Mary's, with which it is held by

The Rev. Mr. Smith, the present rector. The church was suffered to be dilapidated about 1550.

St. Mary's church hath a square tower half fallen down, one bell, the nave and chancel are tiled, and the north isle leaded; at the east end of which, is an old altar and chapel, dedicated also to St. Mary, before which lies a stone disrobed of its brasses, under which William Appleyard of this town, Gent. lies buried, as appears by his will dated in August 1481.

In the chancel on a brass plate by the altar,

Here resteth the Body of Mr. Henry Golding, who was Minister of God's Word in this Place, near fifty Years, and lived a peaceable and godly Life, & died the 2d Day of June, 1628.

On a mural monument against the north wall, with a book at top,

M. S. Petri Coppin A.M. hujusce Ecclesiæ per annos 48 Rectoris vigilantissimi obijt Nov. die 14° Anno Sal' Humanæ 1728, Æt. suæ 73. Rebeccæ uti etiam Uxoris ejus dilectissimæ obijt Nov. die 9no Anno Sal. humanæ 1727, Æt. suæ 73.

Anice Wife of Dr. Suckling Dean of Norwich, died Aug. 4, 1732.

Peter Coppin Apr. 11, 1715, 86. Eliz. his Wife, Dr. of Math. Markham sometime Mayor of Norwich, Nov. 21, 1702, aged 70. Michael Son of Peter Coppin Rector, at whose charge this Stone is laid, in Honour to his Father and Mother. Also Jane wife of Rob. Rudd Yeoman, youngest Dr. of Peter Coppin Clerk, Aug. 4, 1722, 30, and 2 Infants, both Johns, Sons of John & Eliz. Coppin.

Anne wife of Robert Snell, & Daughter of Martin Fountain Clerk, 6 Jan. 1676.

Hodie mihi, Cras tibi.

In the church there are stones for, John Bensley Gent, 5 Jan. 1660 77. Hen. Bensley May 4, 1593.

In the isle, Ric. Watson Sept. 20, 1718, 74. Easter Richman Mar. 7, 1659.

This rectory stands as a consolidated rectory in the King's Books, thus,

So that it is discharged of first fruits and tenths, and is capable of augmentation.

Carleton Curson's Manor


Belonged to Olf the Dane, and was held by Walter, of Roger Bigot, at the Conqueror's survey; there were then two churches, which had 38 acres of glebe, belonging to this manor, and 27 freemen and an half, part of which belonged Rog. Bigot, and part to Ralf Peverel, who had also a manor here, which belonged to Ketel the Dane, and after to Godric the sewer, then to Ralf Peverel, of whom it was held at the last survey, by Warine; and there were then ten freemen here, over which, the King and the Earl, had lete or jurisdiction; at the first survey, this town was worth to the lords 3l.; at the last 5l. 10s. a year. The family that took their sirname of Carleton from their lordship here, were descendants of this Walter, in whom it continued till Alice, daughter and heiress of Philip de Carleton and Margaret his wife, carried it to John de Curson of Carleton, her husband; and in 1203, William de Curson their son was lord, and held the manor, part of the Earl-Marshal at one knight's fee, and part of the honour of Peverel at one quarter of a fee. In 1301, Will. de Cursoun of Carleton, who was escheator, accounted with the King in the Exchequer, for the receipts of his office, and in 1308, Ric. son and heir of William, agreed before Sir Will. de Carleton and others, to settle divers lands here and in Stanfield, on Katherine, widow of the said William. In 1315, Will. Curson was lord, and died in 1320, and John his son and heir succeeded, who in 1325, held it jointly with Margaret his wife, of Tho. de Brotherton Earl of Norfolk, and Will. his son and heir was then three years old. In 1371, Hugh Curson had it, who in 1387, had it settled on himself and Beatrix his wife; Rob. de Berney and others being trustees; and in 1392, they sold it to Sir Robert Berney, Knt. Nicholas de Blakney, Thomas de Blickling, Hugh atte Fenn, and Tho. Hert, and their heirs; and the same year, they sold it to Will. Appleyard and Margaret his 2d wife, and their heirs; and in 1406, it extended into Hethill, and the rents and profits were about 15l. per annum. It had a lete, and paid to the bailiff of Humbleyard hundred for lete fee 3d. and for hundred scot 15d. and for a rent of honey due to the hundred, 15d. and was obliged to find a wax taper yearly to burn before the image of St. Catherine in one of the churches. And from this time it continued in the Appleyards of Brakene, along with that manor, as you may see at p. 83, 4. In 1551, John Appleyerd, Esq. had mortgaged it to Simon Morse of Great Yarmouth, merchant, and he entered upon it, and Appleyard held it by lease from him at 40l. per annum, and after sold the whole to Tho. Townesend, Esq. along with Brakene, and by him it was sold to Ric. Rabye, Gent. who in 1612 conveyed the manor of East Carleton Cursuns to Sir Will. Heyricke, Knt. when it extended into Keteringham, Mulbarton, Swardeston, and Hethill. It was soon after conveyed to the Hobarts, and in 1622, Sir Henry Hobart, Knt. and Bart. sold it to Sir Thomas Richardson, Knt. and his heirs, in whom it continued till it was mortaged by the Lord Richardson, and after sold; and now belongs to James Arcourt of London, Esq. the present lord.

Carleton Manor, Peverel's, and the Grand Serjeanty


Belonged to Ketel the Dane, afterwards to Godric the sewer, then to Ralf Peverel, of whom Warine held it at the Conqueror's survey, and the King had then a freeman here, and 32 acres of land, half a carucate and one acre of meadow, valued at 3s. a year, all which, he gave to be added to this manor for ever, on condition that the lords for the time being should yearly carry to the King's house, wherever he is, so he be in England, 24 herring pies or pasties, being the ancient fee-farm rent of the city of Norwich, and place them on his Majesty's table, for which serjeanty and service, the person so carrying them shall always receive there, wherever they are delivered, six white loaves, six dishes of meat out of the King's kitchen; one flaggon of wine, one flaggon of beer, one truss of hay, one bushel of oats, one pricket of wax, and six tallow candles; which service is now annually performed by the sheriff's of the city of Norwich, or their deputies, the city being now lords of this manor by purchase.

William, son of Ralf de Carletun, son of Warine aforesaid, and William son of John de Carleton, brother of Ralf, held it by the sergeanty aforesaid, and the manor was then valued at two marks. In 1235, William son of Ralf de Carleton, and Will. Curson, had it; and in 1247, Eustace son of William de Curson; and in 1274, he, and Will. de Brokedish, Robert de Welhom, Agnes daughter of William de Carleton, and John de Hethersete, had the serjeanty; the manor being then found to be held of Hugh Peverel, as of the honour of Peverel, at a quarter of a fee; and in 1277, the citizens of Norwich paid 4d. to the bailiff of the manor, as a customary payment for carrying the King's pasties. In 1286, Tho. de Brokedish and the others owned it, after that Jeffry de Brokedish, and after him, William son of Jeffery, and the others, had it; and after him, Nigel de Brokedish and his parceners; and Will. de Curson, who died seized in 1319, when John de Curson, his son and heir, was 25 years old, and Robert de Welholm had then the fourth part. In 1315, John Curson died seized of the other three parts, and Margaret his widow had one of the three parts assigned by John de Blomevile, escheator, as her dower, and William his son and heir was then three years old. In 1327, on Rob. de Welholme's death, his fourth part went to Robert his son and heir, who in 1335, is said to have been married to one of the heiresses of Sir Ralf le Botiler. In 1343, Thomas Curson of East-Carleton, and Joice his wife, conveyed divers of the demeans by fine, to John Rolf of Norwich, and Alice his wife, and John Ashewell, free from any part of the sergeanty. In 1345, the heir of William de Colvile, Hugh Curson, and John de Welholm, owned it; and in 1330, he, and Edw. de Welholme, his brother, had a King's pardon for purchasing lands held in capite, and adding them to this manor, without license. In 1360, Ric. de Colneye had the 4th part of it. In 1369, Nicholas de Welholme settled it (if he had no issue) on Richard de Welholme, his nephew, and Agnes his wife; and for want of their heirs, on Alice daughter of Thomas de Welholme; and in default of heirs from her, on Robert, son of Ric. de Nethergate. In 1399, Will. Curson held it. In 1401, the whole became vested in Will. Appleyerd of Brakene, the 3d part in right of Margaret his wife, who was widow of Will. Curson, and the 4th part by purchase from Nicholas at Launde, who held it at a quarter of a fee, of Forncet manor; the other parts being held of John Peverel, by a quarter of a fee, as of the honour of Hatfield Peverel; and from this time it attended the Appleyerds along with Brakene, as may be seen at p. 83, 4. In 1530, it appeared that both Sir Nic. Appleyerd and Rog. his son held the lands called Trenches, now joined to this manor, by the service of summoning and distraining all the suitors to the court of Forncet. It was sold by John Appleyerd with Brakene, to Thomas Townesend, Esq. who in 1576, acknowledged the receipt of the herring pies of the sheriffs of Norwich, by indenture dated on Saturday Sept. 4, at the gild-hall, where the lord of this manor was obliged to come, or send a deputy for them, once in a year only; about 1600, it was purchased by Sir Edwyn Rich, Knt.; it after belonged to the Hobarts, then to the Richardsons, and in 1643, Sir Thomas son of Sir Thomas Richardson, Knt. Lord Chief Justice, held the manor by knight's service of the Earl of Arundel's manor of Forncet, and a messuage and 24 acres of land in grand sergeanty. In 1673, Thomas Lord Richardson Baron of Cramond, had it; and in 1680, Peter Clayton, Gent. held the manor and sergeanty; after which the whole was purchased by the city of Norwich, who are the present lords, and alternate patrons of the rectory.

The old revenues of the city in this town and Hetheld, or Hethill, are tied for an annuity of 10l. to the master and fellows of Bennet college in Cambridge, for exhibitions and sermons, as appears at large vol. iii. p. 311.

The ancient revenues here that belonged to St. Giles's hospital, were given by the founder thereof, as may be seen at p. 383, vol. iv.

Brother Robert de Carleton, warden of the Gray friars in Norwich, was a native of this town; see vol. iv. p. 113.


Is the next village southward of Carleton, and belonged to Olf, one of the Confessor's thanes, who had two carucates in demean. The church had then 30 acres of glebe, and belonged to the manor; there was wood sufficient to keep 60 swine, and three breeding mares ran in it; there were 8 socmen, and the manor extended into Keteringham, Newton, and Kesewic was a berewic to it; it was then worth 5l. 6s. 6d. a year, after that, was raised to 6l. and at the Conquest to 8l.; it was a league long, and 6 furlongs broad, and paid 6d. 3q. to the geld or tax. but though the manor was now in one, it was after divided into the several manors called Hethill, Jerningham's, Penne's, Goldingham's, Ward's, Twait's, and Nevile's; the five first of which now belong to Miles Branthwait, Esq. and the two last to the city of Norwich; and all of them have been always held of the Norfolk family, and now are, as of the manor of Forncet.

The whole continued in the Bigods till Hugh Bigod, the third Earl of Norfolk of that family, divided it into many parts, and gave the capital manor, called

Hethill, and afterwards Curson's Manor


To William de Curson of Carleton, and it continually attended the manor of Carleton Cursons, as may be seen at p 101, being held of the manor of Forncet at one fee; and in 1306, it extended into Carleton, Mulbarton, and Swerdeston, and had a lete belonging to it; from the Cursons it passed to the Appleyards of Brakene, and continued with that manor, as you may see at p. 83,4, and was sold with it and Carleton Cursons, to Tho. Townesend, Esq. who in 1569 had license to alien it to Rowland Heyward, John Langley, and Francis Bowyer, and their heirs, as trustees; and about 1601, Tho. Townesend of Brakene, Esq. sold it to Miles Branthwait, Esq. who came and settled here.

Jernegan's, or Jerningham's Manor

Was sold in 1297, by Ralf de Wedon and Alice his wife, to Will. de Halton; Ralf de Creping held it of Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk, at the fourth part of a fee. It after belonged to Sir Hugh Jernegan, who settled it on John Leiston, who married Joan his daughter and heiress. In 1345, Henry Jernegan had it, and in 1355, John Jernegan; and it had a lete belonging to it. It was purchased by the Appleyards, and so became united to Hethil manor aforesaid, with which it now remains. In 1609, Miles Branthwait, Esq. held it of Forncet manor at the 8th part of a fee.

Penne's Manor


Was granted by Hugh Bigod aforesaid, to Eustace Curson of Carleton, commonly called Eustace de Carleton, whose son William was knighted, and was commonly known by the name of Sir William de Hethil, whose son, Sir Bartholomew de Hethil, left two daughters, Alice, the eldest, married to William de la Penne, and Emma the youngest to John de la Penne, the sons of Jeffery de la Penne, who had his life in this manor by their gift; in 1274, they were found lords here, and had a lete belonging to it, and the assize of bread and ale of all their tenants. In 1285, Emma widow of John de la Penne, and Alice her sister, then wife of Ralf le Clerk of Aymondesham, held it at 3 quarters of a fee of the Earl of Norfolk, and it was then found to have liberty of free warren belonging to it; it contained a capital messuage, (now called Hethill-hall,) and 237 acres of land adjoining, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of wood, 31s. 1d. ob. quitrents, and 4 capons; and extended into Swerdeston, Dunston, Mulbarton Carleton, Brakene, Wrenningham, Nelonde, and Swainsthorp. In 1306, Jeffery de la Penne, had it, and John de Penne released to him that moiety which Emma wife of Bartholomew, son of William, held in dower: Peter de la Penne had it after him; and in 1338, Adam de la Penne conveyed a quarter of a fee of it to Richard de Bitering and Rich. de Bumpstede. of Norwich. In 1379, Thomas de la Penne sold his 3d part to Barth. Appleyard, citizen of Norwich, and William his brother; and then Adam de la Penne, and Peter de la Penne, and Christian his wife, sold all their parts in this town only, to Appleyard, in whose family it continued till Philip Appleyard, Esq. sold it to James Altham, who kept his first court in 1563, and the next year sold it to Thomas Townesend of Brakene, Esq. who sold it to Miles Branthwait, Esq. who in 1609, held it of Forncet manor at one fee.

===Goldingham's Manor===

Was granted by Hugh Bigod to Alan de Goldingham, with view of frankpledge, and assize of bread and ale of all the tenants; and in 1285, Alan de Goldingham (his son, I suppose,) brought an action against Edmund de Wimundhale and Maud his wife, (Alan's mother, 1 imagine,) for waste committed in that part of this manor, which the said Maud held in dower, of his inheritance; and in 1315, John de Goldingham owned it, and held part of it of the honour of Eye, and the other part of the Earl of Norfolk. In 1400, Richard de Goldingham had it, who sold it to the Appleyards, and so it became joined to their other manors; in 1609, Miles Branthwait, Esq. held it at one fee of Forncet manor.

Ward's Manor


Or free tenement, anciently belonged to the Raymonds; and in 1306, the heirs of Thomas Raymond had it; and in 1390, John le Ward, who in 1401, conveyed it to Walter Orlage, who was lord in 1432, and in 1461, John Meke had it, whose son John owned it in 1509, and in 1514, his son John paid his relief for it, being 12d.; he sold it to William Browne, whose son Robert sold it to Miles Branthwait, Esq. who in 1609, held it of Forncet manor by the 100th part of a fee.

Twait's Manor


Was granted by Hugh Bygod to Will. de Thweyt, and after belonged to John de Tweyt and Eglantine his wife, who owned it in 1315; in 1318, John de Tweyt settled it on Andrew le Curson and John de Brakene, who reconveyed it to the said John for life, and John his son, lawfully begotten on Katherine de Bukenham; and for want of his issue, to William his brother, remaindar to Ernald brother of William, and to Jerom brother of Ernald; it then contained 4 messuages, 111 acres of land, and 16s. yearly rents; and extended into Wrenningham Brakene, Malbarton, Swerdeston, Keteringham, and East-Carteton; and in 1321, he purchased of Bertram le Moneye of Gouthorp, many lands and tenements in Hethill and added them to his manor. In 1345, John son of John de Tweyt was lord. In 1461, it belonged to Thomas Tweyt, from whom it came to the Pains, and in 1511, John Chauntrell farmed it of the Duke of Norfolk, during the minority of John Pain; in 1526, Sir Will. Pennington, Knt. had it, and afterwards Robert Andrews; and in 1556, it belonged to Thomas March and Eliz. his wife, and John March and Frances his wife, daughters and coheirs of Robert Andrewes; and after this, it came among their children, and Tho. Norton of Brakene, Rob. Bishop, and Ric. Sewal, sold one moiety, and Ric Catlyn and John Worsley of Norwich, butcher, the other, to John Appleyard, of whom it was purchased by the mayor and commonalty of Norwich, who in 1609 held it of Forncet manor at the 4th part of a fee.

Nevile's Manor


Hugh Bygot infeoffed Albert de Novilla, or Nevile in it, who seems to have been concerned in the foundation of Alvesbourn priory in Wodebridge in Suffolk, to which he gave this manor, with the advowson of Carleton St. Mary, as at p. 98; and in 1315, that prior was returned lord of it, and let it at six marks a year. In 1391, Robert Brethenham, prior of Alvesbourne, held it of Forncet manor at half a fee, and paid 5l. for a relief, as his predecessors had done, and was taxed at 3l. 5s. 5d. for his temporalities; and this remained with Carleton in Alvesbourne priory till 1424, and then John Duke of Norfolk, Walter Bishop of Norwich, Ralf Shelton, Esq. and John Heydon, counsellor at law, purchased them of John Turnour, prior of St. Mary at Alvesbourne, and the convent there, for the use of John Selot, master of the hospital of St. Giles in Norwich, and his successours, there being then one messuage, 133 acres and one rood of land, one acre and an half of meadow, 10 acres of pasture, 30 acres of wood, and 7s. 6d. quitrents in Hethill, and two messuages, 119 acres of land, 4 acres of meadow, and 4l. quitrents in Carleton, belonging to this manor of Nevile's, which was by this means joined to the

Manor Of Briton's


Which John le Bretun, or Briton, held of Roger Bigod Earl of Norfolk, at whose death the said Roger, in the presence of his brothers Sir Hugh and Sir Ralf Bigod, Knts. about the year 1250, conveyed to Walter de Suthfield Bishop of Norwich, the whole tenure late John le Bretun's in the towns of Hail, (or Hethil,) Carleton, and Nelonde; all which, the Bishop, in 1253, settled on St. Giles's hospital, which he founded: and at this time also, Ric. de Hethill, and Ralf son of Roger de Hethill, and Ralf son of Reginald de Hethil, gave and confirmed to the hospital, a messuage and 47 acres, and three roods, which formerly belonged to John le Briton; and in 1330, other lands here were added by purchase. This manor was held of the manor of Forncet, by the 4th part of one fee, and the 20th part of another.

These manors, with all the revenues of the city in Carleton, were tied by the mayor, sheriffs, &c. (who received 200l. as a consideration for so doing, of Archbishop Parker) to pay annually for ever, a clear rent of 10l. 8s. whereof, for three exhibitions to three scholars of Bennet college, to be named by the mayor and majority of aldermen, out of the schools in Norwich or Aylesham, and the other 40s. to be retained yearly by the mayor, to pay to a preacher, yearly to be sent by the college, 6s. 8d. for a sermon at Thetford, 6s. 8d. for another at Wimondham, 6s. 8d. for another at the cathedral, and 10s. for a sermon in St. Clement's church in Norwich, and the other 10s. to be distributed there, as may be seen at p. 313, vol. iii. where there is an exact account of this donation.

In 1577, I find an agreement between the city and Mr. Thomas Townsend, lord of the other manors, "for the apporcionyng owt Hetheld Grene, betwene the cittie and Mr. Townesend, to be done by Sir Thomas Cornwaleis, Knt. and Mr. Thomas Sotherton, alderman."

These manors belong now to the mayor, sheriffs, &c. as guardians of St. Giles's hospital; and in that hospital accounts in 1728, among the revenues, I find it entered thus, Manor of East-Carleton cum Hethill 9l. 10s. 2d. ob. per ann. From East-Carleton cum Hethill and Wren's Close there, 80l. per ann. out of which paid Archbishop Parker's yearly annuity to Bennet College in Cambridge 8l. his sermon at St. Clement's in Ascension week, &c. 2l.

The church of Hayele or Hethill, is dedicated to all the Saints, and had an image of all the saints, and a gild kept before it, of the same dedication. The rector had a house and 50 acres of glebe, when Norwich Domesday was made. The whole without the portion stood at 18 marks, in the most ancient Valor, but was then raised to 20 marks, and it stands in the King's Books thus: 10l. Hethell, alias Hethwold rectory, 1l. yearly tenths; so that it pays first fruits, and is not capable of augmention. It paid 16d. Peter-pence, 4d. ob. carvage, 18d. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations; the monks of Thetford had a portion of tithes here, valued at 13s. 4d. given them by Roger Bigod, their founder, out of his demeans; Windham abbey had lands here of the gift of William de Albani, valued at 40s. per annum; in 1528, Richard Amore of Norwich, priest, gave three acres of grove by the parsonage in Hethill, to be sold to find a light before the image of All-Saints in Hethill and our Lady at Brakene, and one acre in Forthbrigge, to the maintenance of the perke light for ever. It paid clear to every tenth, 2l. 4s.

The advowson was never aliened from the Norfolk family, but attended the inheritance of it, belonging to their manor of Forncet, till the Earl of Arundel sold it to Thomas Townsend, Esq. who joined it to his manors, with which it still continues.

Hugh Bigod Earl of Norfolk, granted to Hervy the land which Roger de Constantine held of the lay-fee, and the land which Helias his mace-bearer held in Hethill, by the service of being his wheelwright; witnesses were Henry Bigot his brother, Roger his bastard son, and Hugh his son, William de Nevile his constable, Sulim his sewer, &c.

In 1277 it appears that the manor of Cursons was obliged to find a certain quantity of oil for the lamps in the church, and chapel of the manor-house, and a certain number of loaves to distribute to the poor on the day of the obit of Will. de Curson, which was always held on St. Catherine's day; and also the dole-bred given yearly on the anniversary of Sir William de Carleton, viz. as much as a bushel and half of barley would make.


  • 1312, Arnald Lupi de Tillyo, an Italian, was presented by the King.
  • 1320, Will. de Skothow. Tho. be Brotherton, the King's son, Earl of Norfolk and Earl-Marshal. He changed in 1345, for Estry in Cantberury diocese, with
  • John Radulphi, or Fitz-Ralf, who was presented by Sir John Segrave, Knt. and in 1347, changed for Rostronthrour in St. David's diocese, with
  • Thomas de Merston, who in 1357, changed for Great Reyns in London diocese, with
  • John Jay, who was presented by Sir Walt. de Manny, Knt.
  • 1383, Sir John de Trodesham. Margaret le Marshal Countess of Norfolk. In 1427, he resigned to
  • Robert Gournay. John Duke of Norfolk. 1439, the Duke, on Gourney's death, gave it to
  • Richard Hadilsy, and on his resignation in
  • 1444, to John Gosse; and in
  • 1446, to Will. Halyday, in exchange for Charlewode in Canterbury diocese; and he in 1457, changed for South Hanningfield in London diocese, with
  • Edmund Woodrove, who resigned in 1463, and John Duke of Norfolk gave it to
  • Robert Coppin, A.M. and on his death in
  • 1469, to Jeffery Hert, a monk, who was licensed by the Pope to hold it, notwithstanding he was a monk; in 1474, having thrown by his habit, on his being outed from this living by reason of it, he obtained another Pope's dispensation from his habit and all monastick rules, and so becoming a secular, he was re-instituted, and resigned in
  • 1482, to Rob. Hawys, alias Wakerly, priest, a canon regular, who was presented by the King; and at his death in 1490, Eliz. Dutchess of Norfolk gave it to
  • John Rede, who died in 1544, and Thomas Duke of Norfolk, Treasurer of England, presented

Sir Nicholas Reyner, his chaplain, who in 1554, was succeeded by

Henry Cumbreford, S. T. B. who resigned in

  • 1558, to Oliver Hayber, who resigned in 1659, and the Duke gave it to

Sir Robert Sterling, his chaplain, who in 1603, returned answer, that Miles Branthwait, Esq. was patron of his living, and that he had 46 communicants in his parish.

  • 1618, Henry Townley, on whose death in 1619, the Earl of Arundel gave it to
  • Rob. Witherel, A. M. who was succeeded by
  • Edmund Allen in 1658, Witherel dying Jan. 30, in that year. Allen is buried in the nave with this inscription:

M.S. Depositi Edmundi Allen, Viri, insigni probitate pariq; modestia, castis, Sanctisq; moribus, ornati, Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ Sacerdotis, non mediocriter Docti, non immerito laudati, Qui Naturæ cessit quinto die Maij A. D. 1683, Æt. suæ 67.

Abi Lector, et ut tu discas vivere, vive tanquam citò moriturus.

  • 1683, Sam. Hancock, A.M. William Branthwait, Esq. On his death in
  • 1697, Richard Branthwait was presented by Will. Branthwait, Esq. his father, in
  • 1737, John Reddington, rector of Rackhythe, and master of Norwich grammar school, was instituted here, and held it by union with Rackhythe; he is buried under a black marble near the font, on which is this,

In hope of a joyfull Resurrection, here lieth the Body of John Reddington A.M. late Rector of this Parish, & Mary his Wife; he died 24 Sept. 1739, aged 57, and she 18 Feb. 1742, aged 63.

and was succeeded by

John Lombe, clerk, late rector and vicar of Scarning, on whose resignation in

  • 1743, the Rev. Mr. Metyer Reynolds, the present rector, was presented by Miles Branthwait, Esq. the present patron,

Who hath a handsome seat called Hethill-hall, about two furlongs south of the church; and the parsonage, which is very convenient, and was much beautified by Mr. Reddington, stands about one furlong north-east of the church, which is very neat, as the chancel was also made, by Mr. Reddington. It is leaded, and hath a handsome Venetian window at its east end, the windows in both chancel and church being sashes; the church is 33 feet long, and 22 broad; and the chancel 26 feet long and 13 broad; the nave and north isle are leaded, and the north porch tiled; the steeple is square, about 56 feet high, and hath only one bell.

The arms of Thorp of Ashwellthorp quartering Banyard, and also those of Appleyard, and gul. a chevron arg. between three boars heads in a bordure ingrailed of the 2d, were in the windows, but are now lost. There is a stone by the font for Rob. Hammond Gent. Aug. 15, 1678, Rob. his Son, Oct. 14, 1687, 44.

The Branthwaytes are descended from John Branthwayte of Sebber, or Sedber, in Yorkshire, who married a Clere of Stokesby in Norfolk; and their son,

John Branthwayt, settled at Norwich; he married Elizabeth Turner of Essex, by whom he had four sons,

I, Richard Branthwayte of Lincoln's Inn, serjeant at law, who married Margaret, daughter of John Bull of London; he had a coat of arms granted him by Rob. Cooke, Clarencieux, by patent dated July 21, 1582, viz. or, two bendlets ingrailed S. Crest, a falcon rising from a rock proper; he was called to be a serjeant by writ dated at Westminster 25 Nov, 1594, 36 Eliz. and was buried in St. Martin's Ludgate, Oct. 7, 1595; he had one son, Richard, who owned land in Wigenhale 18 James I. and four daughters, the eldest married to Sir William Spencer; 2d, Mary, to Henry Gilling, Gent. of Yorkshire. 3d, Margaret, to Robert Marsham of Norfolk. 4th, Elizabeth to Sir Will. Webbe.

2, Henry Branthwayt, who was feodary for Norfolk in 1603, and died without issue about 1617; he married Mrs. Davy of Elingham, grandmother to the old Lady Potts.

3, Miles Branthwaite, who purchased Hethill, where he lies buried under an elegant marble monument on the north side of the altar, with the crest and arms of Branthwait at top, with a martlet for difference; and Branthwait impaling Southwell, and this inscription:

The inclosed is the Body of Miles Branthwait Esq. whose Place of Birth, was Peter's parish in Norwich; his wife Mary, one of the Daughters of John Southwell of Barham in the County Suffolk Esq; his Place of death, London; his Day of death the 5th of August 1612, his Age 55 Years; his surviving Issue, one Son & two Daughters.

If Death would take an Answer, he was free, From all those sorts of Ills, that he did see; And gave no Measure, that he would not have Given to him, as hardly, as he gave; [Deathe, Then thou Miles Branthwayte, migh'st have answer'd And to be so moral, migh'st bayle Breathe; Thou wast not yet to dye, but be thou blest, From weary Life, thou art gone to quiet rest.

Joy in thy Freedom, from a Prison thou Wast by God's Hand pluckt out, and liest now, Free from the Dust and Cobwebs of this Vaile, And richer art thou, by thy Heavenly Baile, Than he that shut the up; This Heap of Stones, To thy Remembrance, and to Chest thy Bones, Thy Wife doth consecrate, so sleep 'till when All Graves must open, and yield up their Men.

On the altar tomb lie two effigies at their full lengths; he hath his robes on, and one hand under his head; she hath her hands closed in a praying posture, being buried by him; on the front of the tomb are the effigies of their son Arthur, and their two daughters; Margaret, who married to Sir Robert Leigh of Chigwell in Essex, and Elizabeth, who lies buried by them, with this on a brass plate:

Here resteth 'till her Redeemer cometh, the Body of Elizabeth Branthwayte, on of The Daughters of Miles Branthwayte Esq; who departed this Life the first Day of May, 1621, Ætatissuæ 20.

Memoriæ Sacrum.
A modest, humble, chaste, and vertuous Maide, Is by Death's ruder Hand untimely laide. In this cold Bed; a Mother's Piety, Plac'd here this Marble, to her Memory.

Many a sad Tear hath that Mother shed, Since her dear Fruit was here deposited, Only this Comfort doth those Griefs Controul, That Gracious Heaven received her spotless Soul.

4, Will. Branthwait, master of Caius college in Cambridge, died single, in his vice-chancellorship, Feb. 15, 1618; an account of him may be seen vol. iii. p. 302, and in Fuller's Church History, Cent. 17, fo. 46.

Arthur Branthwayte of Hethill, Esq. son of Miles Branthwayte, by Mary daughter of John Southwell, was married at Besthorp Febr. 20, 1625, to Mrs. Bridget, daughter of Sir Anthony Drury, Knt. (vol. i. p. 500.) It seems as if he died in 1645, for on the 10th of Feb. in that year, there was an inquisition taken at his death, by W. Davy, Gent. feodary for Norfolk; by which it was found, that he died seized of the aforesaid several manors of Hethill, with the royalties thereto belonging. He had three sons, Arthur Branthwait of London, who married Mrs. Pitt, Miles Branthwait, who died single, and

William Branthwait of Hethill, Esq. who is buried under a marble in the chancel, with the arms of Branthwait impaling Berney, and this,

Here lies the Body of William Branthwait Esq; who upon the first Day of Dec. in the Year of our Lord 1657, married Julian the Dr. of Thomas Berney of Swardeston Esq; by her he had 18 Children, viz. 8 Sons and 10 Daughters, 12 of which lived to be Men & Women, two of his Sons & three of his Daughters married in his Lifetime, & he left at his Death, five Sons and five Daughters, twenty three Grand-children, & two Great Grand-children; he departed this Life, the 28 Day of Febr. in the Year of our Lord 1710, aged 76 Years. Julian Branthwayte aforesaid, died 29 Nov. 1727, Æt. 88, left living at her Death, 7 Children, 19 Grandchildren, & 20 Great Grand-children.

There are memorials here, for the following children of the said William and Julian:

Here lyeth the Body of Thomas Branthwayte Gent. eldest Son of William Branthwayte Esq; & Julian his wife, who was Dr. of Thomas Berney of Swardeston Esq; he departed this Life, in the Life-time of his Father & Mother, the 6 Day of March, in the Year of our Lord 1676, aged 20 Years. This Stone was laid down in Memory of him, by the Will of his Father, under the Character of his Dear & deservedly beloved Son.

John Branthwayte, doctor of physick, son of William Branthwayte, Esq. and Julian his wife, died at London Jan. 27, 1714.

Sacred to the Memory of William Branthwait Esq; Serjeant at Law, eighth Child and fifth son, of William Branthwayte Esq; of this Parish, and of Julian his wife; he took to wife, Jemima, only Daughter and Heiress of Augustine Brograve Esq; by whom he had one Daughter, who died an Infant; this Gentleman will be remembered for his Eminence in the Law, sweetness in Temper, and readiness in forgiving Injuries. He dep. Nov. 1, 1729, and was here under buried the 8 of the same month. Æt. 62. (He was of Greys Inn.)

This on a mural monument in the chancel, having Branthwayte's crest and arms, and on a coat of pretence, Brograve, arg. three lions passant guardant in pale gul.

Under an altar tomb enclosed with iron palisades, in the churchyard at the east end of the chancel, lies buried Elizabeth Branthwayte, the 10th daughter and 17th child of William Branthwayte Esq. by Julian his wife, daughter of Thomas Berney of Swerdeston Esq. ob. 21 Febr. 1728, Æt. 48.

Arthur Branthwayte, Esq. of Hethill, second son and heir of William and Julian was of Grey's Inn, barrister at law, an eminent councellor, chosen steward of the city of Norwich in 1691, which he resigned in 1703, died at his house at Norwich, on Sunday 29th Sept. 1717, and was buried at Hethill in the chancel; there is a stone, with his own and wife's arms impaled, and in a very handsome north chancel isle, lately built over a vault, designed for the burian-place of this family, which is entered by a door on the north side out of the churchyard, as the isle is by two sash doors at the east, are the following achievements, hanging against the wall, viz.

Branthwayte, and Bacon, ar. on a fess ingrailed between three inescutcheons gul. three mullets or.

Branthwayte, and Berney. Ditto and Bacon, with an inescutcheon of pretence of Newton, and this motto, Incipe. Ditto and Brograve. Motto, Mors janva vitæ.

This isle hath a seat in it for the family to sit in during service:

Sacred to the Memory of Arthur Branthwayte Esq; second Son of William Branthwayte Esq; and Julian his wife sometime Chief Justice of the Isle of Ely, he took to wife Anne, the only Daughter and Heir of Thomas Bacon, Esq; second son of Sir Francis Bacon, sometime one of the Judges of the King's Bench, by whom he had Six Sons and six Daughters, whereof Elizabeth, Arthur, Julian, Dorothy, Miles, John, Henry, were living at his Death. Elizabeth his eldest Daughter, married to Tho. Sotherton of Taverham Esq; by whom she had Issue Elizabeth and Thomas, both likewise alive at the Time of his Decease; he departed this Life on the 29th Day of Sept. in the Year of our Lord 1717, aged 58 Years; and will be remembered as a faithfull and able Councellour, a just and mercifull Judge. The above mentioned Anne Branthwayte died Nov. 18, 1729, aged 68. Thomas son of Arthur Branthwayte and Elizabeth his wife, died at Norwich Apr. 1, 1714.

Arthur Branthwayte, Esq. of Hethill, the eldest son and heir, succeeded, and lies buried in the altar rails, with the arms of Branthwayte quartering Bacon, and this,

Sacred to the Memory of Arthur Branthwayte, Esq; whose Body is deposited under this Stone, next to that of his most honoured and worthy Father Arthur Branthwayte Esq; some Time Chief Justice of the Isle of Ely, whose Estate as well as eminent Vertues, he inherited, and was particularly distinguished for his Integrity, brotherly Love, extensive Charity, and constancy in Friendship; which Qualities, with great Zeal and readiness, he always exerted, whenever his Brothers, Friends, Relations, or the Poor, stood in need of them; he died at Bristol the 17 of Oct. in the Year of our Lord 1724, much lamented by all that knew him, and was here buried the 31st Day of the same Month, in the 38th Year of his Age.

Miles Branthwayte, Esq. of Hethill, the present lord and patron, his next brother, succeeded him. He is a barrister at law, high or capital steward to the Bishop of Norwich, steward of all the courts, general receiver of all the farm rents, &c. and supervisor of all the manors belonging to the see. He married Rebecca, one of the two daughters and coheiressess of Thomas Newton, Esq. late mayor of Norwich, who is now deceased and buried here, by whom he hath

Mr. Arthur Branthwayte, fellow commoner of Caius college in Cambridge, and one daughter, Elizabeth, both single.



As it is now, contains three whole parishes, and three manors, all joined in one, viz. Great Wreningham, or All Saints, Little Wreningham, or St. Mary, and Nelonde.

===Little Wreningham===

As it was afterwards called, lies in Domesday Book by the name of Wasincham and Walsincham, and was formerly in two parts; Ketel the Dane had the biggest part in the Confessor's time; and at the Conqueror's survey, Warine held it of Ralf Peverell, and the church had 60 acres of glebe; and Roger Bigod's manor had six freemen who held 130 acres. Both these united early in the Bigods, who infeoffed the whole in the Thorps of Ashwellthorp, with which it hath passed to this day, and therefore I shall refer you to my account of the manor of Ashwellthorp.

The church was dedicated to St. Mary, and in Norwich Domesday, Sir Robert de Thorp, son of Sir John, was the patron; it then belonged to the rectory of Ashwell-Thorp, and the rector had no house in this town, but one at Thorp only; but it having all the signs and properties of a mother church, it was separated from Thorp, and became a parochial chapel, and independent rectory, valued at 20 shillings, and paid 12d. procurations, 8d. synodals, 7d. Peter-pence, and 2d. ob. carvage.

Rectors of Wreningham Parva

  • 1312, Nicholas de Shropham. Sir John de Thorp, Knt. and Lady Alice his wife.
  • 1334, Alexander atte Mere of Little-Massingham chaplain. Beatrix, relict of Sir Robert de Thorp, Knt. and John his son and heir.
  • 1349, Henry Fithell of Schotesham. Sir Roger Straunge, Knt.
  • 1477, Tho. Trych. Robert de Thirning, rector of Combes, Thomas de Bumpstede, citizen of Norwich, and Adam de Redgrave, rector of Bathele or Bale.
  • 1402, Richard de Flory of Islington. Sir Thomas Erpingham, Knt. &c.
  • 1406, 7 April, it was perpetually united to the church of St. Peter at Nelonde, and
  • Nic. atte Wode, priest, was instituted to the parish church of St. Peter at Nelonde, with the chapel of St. Mary of Wrenningham-Parva, annexed, at the presentation of Sir Thomas Erpingham, Knt. Will. Rees, Esq. John and Walter Daniel, citizens of Norwich, and John Aslack of Crostweyt, trustees to the Thorp family. And not long after, the chapel becoming ruinous, was pulled down.



Called Newland, Nayland, and Nailyng, and in Domesday Eiland, or the land at the eye or island. Roger Bigod was lord of it at the Conquest, Earl Eustace had another part of it, and Earl Hugh a third, as a berewic to his manor of Fundenhall. They all united in the Bygods, who infeoffed the Britons, and John le Briton infeoffed the manor and advowson in John son of Henry de Thorp, who recovered the advowson against John le Briton, on an action brought in 1256; and from that time to this, it passed with the Ashwellthorp estate, and is now a member of Great Wreningham manor, to which town this village was annexed in 1414.

Rectors of Nelonde St. Peter

  • 1285, William de Witton.
  • 1317, John de Hakeford. Sir John de Thorp, Knt. and Lady Alice his wife.
  • 1322, John Fish of Therston. Ditto.
  • 1325, Will. de Hakeford. Lady Alice, relict of Sir John.
  • 1328, Robert, son of Sir John de Thorp, Knt. patron.
  • 1330, John Perys of Faringby, on Hakeford's resignation. Sir John de Clavering, Knt. this turn. He changed for Westhall in 1347, with
  • Robert Martin of Erpingham. Sir Roger le Straunge, Knt.
  • 1349, Henry Fithel of Schotesham, united to Wreningham St. Mary. Ditto.
  • 1358, William son of Andrew de Stivekele Magna. Sir Edmund de Thorp, Knt.
  • 1378, John son of Robert Clerk of Holm. Robert de Thirning, rector of Combes, &c. trustees.
  • 1391, Thomas Saunfyth. Sir Edmund de Thorp, Knt.
  • 1399, Rob. Brown of Forncet. Ditto.
  • 1402, Richard Flory of Ilsington, united to Wreningham-Parva. Ditto.
  • 1406, 7 April, Nic. Attewode of Sislond, to this and WreninghamParva, now perpetually united.
  • 1411, Rob. Edwards of Redenhall. Edmund Thorp.
  • 1414, the perpetual united rectory of Nelonde and Wreningham-Parva, was annexed and perpetually united to the perpetual united rectory of the medieties of Great Wreningham, and so continue as one consolidated rectory at this time.

When Norwich Domesday was made, Sir Robert son of Sir John de Thorp, was patron; the rector had a house and 19 acres of glebe, it was first valued at 4, after at 5 marks, but was not taxed; it paid 4s. procurations, 2s. synodals, 12d. Peter-pence, and 2d. carvage Belhouse-hall stood in this parish, and there were 74 acres and an half of land in demean adjoining to it; two parts of the tithes of which, belonged to Eye priory, for which that house was taxed at 10s. The temporals of the Prior of St. Faith were taxed at 2s. 1d. The church was demolished at the Reformation; it lies between Wreningham and Ashwellthorp, and is called the Old Churchyard.

Reginald son of Hugh de Nelonde, and in 1259, Bartholomew son of Will. de Nelonde, had a free-tenement here, with divers services and rents belonging to it; but it long since was purchased by the Thorps, and added to Belhouse manor.

In 1283, it was found that the lete of Nelonde belonged to the Prior of Windham and Robert de Tateshale; and in 1284, upon a suit commenced about it, the Prior proved that it belonged to his monastery, of the gift of William le Buteler, in the time of King Henry I. and that that King confirmed it to his monastery, with the assise of bread and ale, &c. of all their tenants here, and in Brakene.



Had two manors in it, which included that, and the greatest part of Nelonde; the manors of Nerford's and Belhouse-hall; the site of the former was in Nelonde parish, where the ancient family of Belhouse resided, and the site of the latter was in this parish.

The Manor of Belhouse-Hall


Belonged to Levolt, a thane of the Confessor's and at the Conquest was given to Hermer, of whom Vagan held it; it had a church and 10 acres of glebe; the lete or superiour jurisdiction belonged to the King and the Earl of Norfolk; it was worth at the first survey 60s. and at the last 80s. per annum. Great Wreningham (including Nelonde) was one league long, and half a league broad, and paid 10d. to the geld or tax. And Little Wreningham was six furlongs long, and five broad, and paid 6d. ob. q. to the geld. This manor was in the Norfolk family, and was by one of them, given to the Creykes, and Sir Jeffery de Creyke gave it with the moiety of the advowson, to Sir Tho. de Belhouse, Knt. who came and settled in the manor-house of his own building, and was succeeded by Sir Richard his son and heir, who was lord in 1280, and held it at half a fee of the heirs of Creke, who held it of the Earl-Marshall. This Sir Richard sold the mediety of the advowson, to Robert son of Sir John de Thorp, who gave it to Carrow abbey. In 1383, Sir Robert, son of John de Tharp, by the name of Sir Robert Fitz-John of Ashwellthorp, obtained a charter of freewarren, in all his lands here. In 1384, the manor was infeoffed in Peter de Brompton or Brampton, and by him in Robert de Salleford, who released it to Sir Robert aforesaid, in trust for Sir Richard de Belhus, who died in 1300, and Sarah his wife had it for life; and Thomas his son and heir had the manors of West Bilney, Bodney, Tuddenham, Faldegate, &c. Sir Richard de Belhus, his son, was lord after him, but dying without issue male, the manor came to the share of John Bosun or Bozun of Wissingsete in Norfolk, Esq. whose father William, married Maud second daughter and coheir of this Sir Richard Belhuse, Knt. and in 1415, Edmund Oldhall and John Drew, parson of Harpley, feoffees of Bozun, conveyed this manor to Sir Edmund de Thorp, Knt. and his heirs, and so it became part of the estate of that family, and hath continued with it ever since. The fines are arbitrable, and the manor hath free-warren by the charter of Edward I.

===Nerford's Manor===

Belonged to the Bigots, and was by them infeoffed with the moiety of the advowson in the Crekes, who separated the manor into two parts, that which the mediety attended, was held at half a fee of the Earl Warren, by Sir Richard de Nerford, who sealed with three fusils in fess erm. he left it to Christian his widow, and she to Sir Robert de Nerford their son, and Alice his wife, founders of the religious house called St. Mary de Prè or de Pratis, from its situation in the meadows between Burnham-Thorp, and North-Creyk, to which house they gave the mediety of the advowson; and the Bishop appropriated it without any vicarage reserved; so that during the appropriation, the rector of the other mediety served it as their chaplain; this was about 1206. She was succeeded by her son William, who sealed with a lion rampant er. and Alice his wife, daughter of John le Moigne, or Moneye, with a de-lis or, and they sold it to Sir John de Thorp, with their part of

The Manor of Moigne's, or Money's


In this town, which was conveyed by Sir Jeffry de Creyke, and confirmed by Sir Robert de Creke, to Sir Alexander son of Sir Peter le Moigne, who held it at half a fee of the honour of Wormegey, or Wrongeye; the Lady Ela, widow of Sir Peter, and mother of Sir Alexander, had her dower in it; in 1261, Richard le Moigne, and after that William, son of Sir Alexander, owned it; this William had three daughters and heiresses by Alice his wife, who after remarried to Sir Robert le Forester, who held her dower here in 1284. Emma married to Gregory de Oldhagh. Sarah to Alexander de Lenn, sometimes called Alexander Lambert of Lynn; and Alice to William de Nerford of Wreningham; who all joined and conveyed it to Sir John de Thorp of Ashwellthorp, Knt. and his heirs; and ever since it hath passed as the Ashwellthorp estate did. It paid to the honour of Wormgeye 10s. 10d. per annum for waytefee, castleward, and respite of suit of courts, held for the honour.

The church is dedicated to all the Saints; the Abbot of Creyk had one mediety appropriated to his house, to which belonged a house and 16 acres of glebe, and a small manor; it had no vicarage endowed, the rector serving the whole cure, had a pension of 40s. per annum out of it, which was not taxed; the Prioress of Carrow was patroness of the other mediety, and that rector had a house and 16 acres. The whole rectory was valued together at six marks, paid 18d. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations, 10d. Peter-pence, and 2d. carvage. The portion of the Abbot of St. John at Colchester, was 20s. the portion of Carrow prioress 10s. and the portion of the Abbot of Creke, two marks and an half; and in 1612, a pension of 11s. 8d. was paid to the dissolved abbey of Creke, and a pension of 5s. to Carrow abbey; and the Prior of Wimondham had a messuage and 10 acres of land. This parish paid 3l. 10s. to every tenth. It stands by the name of Wreningham rectory in the King's Books, is valued at 10l. and pays first fruits, and 1l. yearly tenths; and being undischarged, it is not capable of augmention.

Rectors of Carrow Mediety


Presented by the prioresses of Carrow.

  • 1306, Robert de Cokethorp.
  • 1330, Richard Sekkesteyn of Herdwyk.
  • 1331, Richard de Quytewash.
  • 1335, Robert King of Cnapeton, who in 1340, changed for Paston vicarage with Sir Clement, son of Sir Robert le Clerk of Cnapeton, or Cnapton; and in 1347, he exchanged for East Walton with Peter de Horsted.
  • 1349, John Akewra, who changed for Framlingham-Pigot in 1382, with
  • John de Stevenache, who resigned in
  • 1359, to John Baxter of West Lexham.
  • 1371, Thomas Cowles.
  • 1385, John Bale, lapse. He resigned in
  • 1385, to William Giffard.
  • 1393, Walter Aldous of Wingfield, res.
  • 1401, Nic. Walter.
  • 1402, Thomas Catesby.
  • 1405, John Felys; he was the last presented by the Prioress.

Rectors of the consolidated rectory


Of the medieties of Wreningham All-Saints, Little Wreningham St. Mary, and of Nelonde St. Peter.

In 1414, the mediety given by Sir Robert de Nerford to the Abbot of the monastery or regular church of St. Mary de Pratis or de Prè, sometimes called the Hospital of St. Mary of Lyngescroft, in the meadows between Burnham-Thorp and Creke, was this year, sold by Robert, abbot of that house, to Sir Edmund Thorp, Knt. and his heirs, and disappropriated, who at the same time bought the advowson of Carrow mediety, of that house; and then he got them joined to Wreningham-Parva and Nelonde, which were of his own patronage, and so they became one rectory, as they now remain.

  • 1418, Thomas Arteys of Refham, priest. Will. Westacre Archdeacon of Norwich, Sir Edmund Barry, Knt. John Lancaster, Esq. John Drewe, parson of Harpley, James Walsingham, and Charles Alleyn, trustees to Sir Edmund de Thorp, Knt. He resigned in 1429, and Sir John Clifton, Knt. presented
  • Thomas Truyt, who was succeeded by
  • John Wardy, at whose death in 1504, Thomas Earl of Surrey, guardian to the heir of Berners, gave it to
  • Richard Catton, who resigned in favour of
  • Richard Gibson, who voided it in 1524, and John Bourchier, Knt. Lord Berners, gave it to
  • James at Calvarde, or Calver, who in 1584, joined with Jane Knevet, widow, his patroness, who was daughter and coheir of John Bourchier, Knt. Lord Berners, and with the Bishop's consent as ordinary, leased to John Stayner of Ashwellthorp for 99 years, at the rent of 6s. 8d. a year, 26 acres and three roods, parcel of Wreningham glebes, lying in 20 several pieces in Wreningham and Ashwellthorp. In 1594, Sir Thomas Knevet, Knt. presented

Mr. John Harrison, who was chaplain to the Earl of Northumberland; in 1603, he returned that there were 88 communicants, and that he held it united to Ashwellthorp, as did

Roger Gallard, who succeeded in 1627. In

  • 1672, Richard Jacquis, A. M. held it with Ashwellthorp, of the gift of Sir John Knevet, Knt. at whose cession in 1676, Sir Thomas Knevet, Knt. gave them both to
  • William Bedingfield, A.M. at whose death in 1693, Thomas Glemham, Esq. Kat. Harris (afterwards Lady Berners) Mary and Jenny Knevet, who held the advowson in fee simple, presented
  • William Green, at whose cession in 1695, they gave it to
  • John Eachard; and at his death in
  • 1735, Dec. 6, John Goddard, clerk, A. B. the present rector, was instituted on the presentation of the honourable Katherine Lady Berners, patroness in fee simple.

The church is 24 yards long, and six broad, is leaded, and hath no isles; the steeple is square and hath four bells, the chancel is tiled. In the windows are the arms of Appleyard, Thorp impaling Clifion, and arg. four bendlets gul. Clere, and arg. a chevron between three horse barnacles sab. Gul. fretty arg. on a chief of the 2d, three roses of the 1st, barbed and seeded proper. Arg. a plain cross gul. Thorp impaling erm. a cross ingrailed gul.

By the altar is a gravestone with Buxton's arms, for Rich. Buxton, who died 20 Feb. 1684. And another with this,

Rogerus Gallard A.M. hujus Ecclesiæ Pastor fidelis Corpus humile hic deposuit, ad similitudinem Gloriosi Corporis Christi die novissimo transformandum et obijt octavo die Mensis Augusti A. D. 1672. Æt. suæ 74.

Oportet operari donec Dies est, venit Nox quando nemo potest operari.

  • The hundred of Humbleyard pays annually to the land tax, at 4s. in the pound, as follows, viz.
  • The hundred of Humbleyard pays to the general rate for the county of Norfolk, for quarterage, bridge-money, vagrant-money, &c. as follows:

To the 600l. levy.

The soil of the northern part of this hundred, is light and sandy, that of the southern more rich and heavy, the whole is enclosed, though the southern part hath more wood than the other, but there is no great quantity in any part of it.

N. B. The county raises yearly, either a 300l. quarterly levy, which is 1200l. each year; or a 450l. quarterly levy, which is 1800l. a year; or a 600l. quarterly levy, which raises 2400l. a year. All which is in the disposition of the justices of the peace, to be employed as the act directs. I have inserted only the 600l. quarterly levy on each parish, because the 300l. levy is always half as much, and the 450l. levy is three quarters of the 600l. levy.


The hundred of Depwade takes its name from the Depe-ford over the river by Taseburgh, which though now of no great remark, in early days was otherwise; the river Taüs being then very broad, and fordable in no place in this hundred, but here only. The hundred is bounded on the north, by the hundreds of Humbleyard and Forekoe; on the east, by Hensted and Loddon; on the west, by Shropham; and on the south, by Diss and Earsham hundreds. The fee of it was in the Crown, till King Richard I. gave it to Gundred the Countess; Roger son of Will. had it after; and in 1225, King Henry III. gave it for life to Roger de Hadisco; and in 1249, it was valued at nine marks a year; in 1274 it was in Edward the First's hands, and was worth 6l. per annum clear; and this King settled it on John de Clavering for a term of years; and in 1315, Edward II. assigned it to Sir Walter de Norwich; but in 1327, Edward III. granted it to Sir John de Clavering, with Cossey, &c. and his heirs; since which time, the inheritance of it attended Cossey, and was afterwards sold by divers of the lords there; the several lords of the manors purchased the royalties and letes belonging to their manors; by which means the hundred court failed. This hundred paid 65l. 13s. 11s. clear to every tenth, and now raises annually to the land tax at 4s. in the pound, 3057l. 14s. 9d. viz.

The annual payment of each town in this hundred to the land tax, at 4s. in the pound.

The quarterly payment for each town to the justices of the sessions, &c. for quarterage, vagrant-money, bridge-money, &c.

These villages make up the deanery of Depwade, which contained 23 parishes, and was taxed at 16s.

Deans Of Depwade


collated by the bishops of norwich.

  • 1216, Laurence the dean.
  • 1314, Ralf de Upgate of Tharston, priest.
  • 1323, Master Robert de Stratton, subdeacon.
  • 1334, Sir John de Hovedene, priest.
  • 1350, John de Heygate of Trunch, fellow of Trinity Hall in Cambridge.
  • Thomas de Ravenser, resigned.
  • 1359, William de Daventre, he changed for Anderby in Lincolnshire, with Ravenser.
  • 1359, Roger de Haldenby, clerk.
  • 1375, Robert de Topcliff, Shavelyng:
  • 1380, John de Roseworth.
  • 1392, John atte Brigge of Salle, clerk.
  • 1393, John Ram.
  • 1405, Alan Ram.
  • 1422, Thomas Ash.
  • 1431, Thomas Holdeyn.
  • 1447, Sir Ralf Somerby, chaplain, who got this consolidated to Humbleyard deanery, see p. 2.
  • 1496, Mr. Will. Portland, A. M.
  • 1498, Mr. Tho. Wolsey, A.M. the last rural dean of these deaneries.

This hundred being so near Norwich, it hath not any place where there is a market now kept. The soil is rich and well enclosed, and hath much wood and timber in it, but the roads (as a necessary consequence of good land) are dirty and bad.


This village, to distinguish it from many other of the same name in this county, hath the addition of rode fixed to it, from a remarkable rode or cross standing in Rode-lane, where the road from Wimondham to Diss laid.

The church is dedicated to all the Saints, and hath a square tower and five bells; there are two isles with chapels at their east ends, the chancel and nave are thatched. When Norwich Domesday was wrote, Robert Fitz Osbert was patron; the rector had a house and 26 acres of glebe, which joins to the north side of the churchyard; the living, with the portion of the prior of SEES, was valued at 26 marks, paid 3s. 9d. procurations, 4s. synodals, 13d. ob. Peter-pence, carvage 2d. and now stands thus in the King's Books,

16l. Carleton Rode Rect - - 48l. clear yearly value,

As sworn; so that it is discharged of first fruits and tenths, and is capable of augmentation.

Here were gilds of our Lady, St. Peter, and St. John the Baptist; and in 1502, the tower was finished, and the bells fixed.

There was a free-chapel in this town, dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the way which leads to it is still called Chapel-gate-lane, but it hath been long since demolished.

On the steeple wall is this,

Reparata et ornata fuerunt hæc Turris, Ecclesia ejusque Cella, Anno Domini 1717.

JOHANNE OLIVER Clerico Parochiæ ejusdem RECTORE, Johanne Howse, Samuele Denny et alijs Generosis Benefactoribus, Gulielmo Pullyn et Jacobo Blazicr Ecclesiæ Gardianis, Et Henrico Kerrison de Carleton Orientali, Architecto.

This Church was built, in it God to adore, And ought to have been repair'd long before; By which neglect, we did great sums expend, Then lett Successors look in Time to mend, For if Decays they early don't prevent, They will like us, when 'tis too late, repent.

There is a stone for Tho. Howse of this parish, 16 Mar. 1671, and his six youngest children; and another for Tho. Talbot, Gent. Jan. 2, 1657, with the arms of Talbot of Windham, impaling a chevron ingrailed between three goats heads erased. There was taken up some years since, a fine stone coffiin in the midst of the chancel, which stood level with the earth, the gravestone that covered it being jointed into the trough or coffin part. There is an altar tomb on the south side in the churchyard for Thomas le Hunt, Esq. son of Sir George le Hunt of little Bradley in Suff. Jan. 2, 1703, 76. Margaret his Relict, Nov. 6, 1716, 80.


  • 1307, Henry de Clavering. Catherine, relict of Roger, son of Peter, son of Osbert.
  • 1317, John Walram. The said Cath. Fitz-Oubern.
  • 1338, John, son of Roger Lither. Lady Catherine, relict of Sir Walt. de Norwich, Knt.
  • 1352, William Ernald, buried in the middle of the chancel in 1375; his stone lies now at the entrance, his effigies in a priest's habit in his desk, with a book lying before him, and a cross standing before, remains in brass, but the inscription is lost. He was presented by Sir Roger, son of Sir Walter de Norwich, Knt. on whom this advowson was entailed by fine levied about 1320, when John Noyon and Peter Jernegan, and Catherine, relict of Roger Fitz-Osbert, settled it on Sir Walter de Norwich and Catherine his wife, and Roger their son.
  • 1375, Elias de Byntre, son of Will. Fychet; he was buried in this church till he could be carried to the new chantry at Metyngham. Margaret, relict of Sir Walter Norwich.
  • 1385, William Browne. Ditto.
  • 1392, King Richard II. granted license to appropriate this rectory to the college of Norton Soupecors, but for want of the Bishop's consent, it never took effect.
  • 1411, Master William Bernham, afterwards vicar general, &c. see vol. iii. p. 632. The master and brethren of Metingham chantry or college, which was founded by Sir John de Norwich, Knt. ViceAdmiral, and Lord of Metynham.
  • 1425, Master Will. Shelton, LL. B. Ditto. At his death in
  • 1436, William Brigham succeeded, and held it united to Kilverston. (Vol. i. p. 546,) on whose resignation in
  • 1442, Hen. Gardiner had it, who was buried in the chancel in 1464.
  • 1464, Thomas Myndryn; he resigned it, but lived till 1473.
  • 1467, Thomas Pecke; he resigned in
  • 1493, Thomas Rede, S. T. P.; he new roofed the chancel; the initial letters of his name, are often on the roof. Ric. Braunche, and the eight follows of Metingham college.
  • 1543, John Proctor, by grant from the college.
  • 1560, William Bennet; no graduate, and a man under excommunication. John Denny, Esq. He had a long suit with Stokes, as coming in by simony.
  • 1596, Richard Stokes. Ditto; united to Bunwell. In 1603, he was chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, and returned answer, that there were 340 communicants in this parish, and that Fyrmyn Denny was patron.
  • 1619, Tho. Stokes, LL. B. united to Newton Flotman; he was presented by Sir Will. Doyly, assignee of Thomas Denny; and was afterwards rector of Heigham by Norwich, (see vol. iv. p. 506,) from which, as also from this, and a temporal estate of about 30l. per annum, he was ejected by the Earl of Manchester, April 28, 1644, for absence, keeping an insufficient curate, observing the rules of the church, refusing to contribute to the rebellion, and being an ale-house haunter; he had a wife and three children. (Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, Part II. fo. 367.)
  • 1660, Edward Atkinson, united to Bunwell. Robert Barton, Esq. He lies buried under an altar tomb on the south side of the churchyard, with the arms of Atkinson, and this,

M. S. Reverendi EDWARDI ATKINSON, hujusce Ecclesiæ per triginta et septem Annos, Rectoris, Honestis et Generosis Parentibus apud Lincolnienses nata, apudque Cantabrigiensis Eruditi, Viri Pietate, Prudentiâ, Humilitate, et Divinarum humanarumque Literarum Studijs Præclari. Decessit Ille Bonus, quarto die Maij Anno Æræ Xianæ 1698°, Ætatisque suæ 770°.

Bonis, Doctisque omnibus (quibuscum Versatus erat) non indignè lugentibus.

  • 1698, John Oliver. Thomas Hoogan, Gent. At his death he was was succeeded in
  • 1719, by William Rant, who held it united to Bunwell, and died in 1730; and in
  • 1731, The Rev. Mr. James Baldwin, sen. A.M. then rector of Icklingham St. James, and Quidenham, (see vol. i. p. 334,) was presented by John Buxton, Esq. of Chanons in Tibenham, then lord and patron, (see vol. i. p. 295,) father of Rob. Buxton, Esq. of Chanons and Shadwell Lodge, the present lord and patron, to this and Bunwell, which he now holds by union.

In 1472, Edmund Cok was buried in this church, and gave a legacy to the chapel of the blessed Virgin Mary in this town.

This village paid 6l. to every tenth.

At the Conquest, this town was in five parts, the first and principal part belonged to Roger Bigot's manor of Forncet, and was held of it by 21 freemen, two of which, with the two churches, and 30 acres of glebe belonging to them, he gave to Oslac; the rest attended Forncet manor to this day; in right of which, his Grace the Duke of Norfolk is lord paramount over all his own tenants, and still holds court lete here.

The second part belonged to Fibenham manor, which Alric a thane of the Confessor's held, and was given to Eudo son of Spiruwin who held it at the Conqueror's survey, and Hainfrid under him. Carleton was then two miles and an half long, and one mile and a quarter and four perches broad, and paid 22d. to the geld or tax. This part was after aliened from Tibenham manor, and joined to Carleton; and accordingly in 1550, Thomas, son and heir of Edmund Knevet, held a parcel of the manor of Tibenham lying in Carleton-Rode. And hence it is, that as all the manors are united, and joined to Bunwell and Carleton, with their members, that Tibenham is always mentioned. This part was very early joined to Bokenham castle, which it always attended till sold from it by the Knevets; and accordingly in Henry the Third's time, 1257, that King granted to Robert de Tateshale, Lord of Bukenham Castle, liberty of free-warren in his demean lands in this town, and King Rich. II. in 1394, confirmed it to Constantine de Clifton his heir; and in 1275, King Edw. I. granted view of frankpledge or a lete, and assize of bread and ale of all his tenants in Tibenham and Carleton, for which he paid 3s. per annum to Depewade hundred.

The third part belonged to William de Warren, who had it of the king's gift, and Almar a freeman held it in the Confessor's time under Bishop Stigand; this aftewards became the manor called Bukenham's.

The fourth part belonged to Alan Earl of Richmond, as appendant to his manor of Cossey, and made part of the manor of Carleton.

The fifth part belonged to the manor of Howe, which Godric the sewer took care of for the King. And this was the state of the village at the Conqueror's survey. The capital manor called

===Carleton Manor===

Contained that part and advowsons, which Oslac had of the Bigots, and that part which belonged to Cossey, the former of which was always held of the Norfolk family, and the latter, of the honour of Richmond, to which the King's part was afterwards added, when Maud, mother of King Henry II. gave it to Gundred the Countess, the whole being then worth 10l. per annum. That Countess infeoffed the whole in one Osbert, and Petronel or Parnel, his wife, the father and mother of Roger Fitz Osbert, founder of St. Olave's in Herlingfleet, about 1216; and he, by Maud his wife, left Osbert his son, who gave 40 acres in Tibenham, to the church of St. Olave, with his body to be buried there, leaving Peter Fitz-Osbert his son and heir, who gave the advowson of Witlingham to the church of Saint Olave, and dying in 1275, was buried there, as was Beatrix his wife in 1278, leaving this manor and others, to their son Roger, who passed sometimes by the name of Fitz-Osbert, sometimes Le Fitz-Osbert, or Oubern, and is often called Roger son of Peter, son of Osbert, he died in 1305; Catherine his widow survived him, and held it for life; she presented twice to this rectory. At her death it was to descend to the heirs of the two sisters and heiresses of Roger aforesaid, viz. Sir Peter Jernegan, son of Sir Will. Jernegan, by Isabel, sister of the said Roger, and to John Nuin, or Noion, (now Nun,) of Salle in Norfolk, son and heir of Alice the other sister of the said Roger, and they about 1320, by fine, settled the manor and advowson on

Sir Walter de Norwich, and Catherine his wife, and Roger their son and his heirs, together with the manor and advowson of Bunwell Perse-hall, all which, have passed together to this day.

Rode-Hall Manor


In Carleton-Rode, took its name from the owners, who were sirnamed from the rode or cross they dwelt by. In 1237 Walter de Rode held it a quarter of a fee of Roger Fitz-Osbert, he of the EarlMarshal, and he of the King. In 1271, Ralf, father of Walter, released all right to Walter: It after belonged to William de Rode, called also de Carleton; and in 1338, to Benedict de Uvedale and John de Carleton-Rode, and then to Robert de Rode; and in 1402, Will. Woodherd had it, and after him Robert Morton, Esq.; and in 1470, I find it in Henry son and heir of John Heydon, Esq. who joined it to his other manor here, called

===Bokenham's In Carleton-Rode===

Which took its name also from its owners; in 1279, Robert de Bukenham died seized, leaving it to Isolda his wife, who claimed the guardianship of their son, against John de Hastyngs, Roger Bigot, William Ross, and Maud his wife, William de Nerford and Petronel his wife, and Robert de Caston, all claiming the same, on account of lands held of them by the heir. It appears that this manor had then two acres of meadow in demean, 100 acres of wood, four hens paid for rent, 64 days work in harvest, done by the tenants, pannage for 84 hogs, and liberty for 80 men, and two servants appointed by the lord to look after them, to gather nuts for six days together in the woods belonging to the manor of Lopham. In 1404, Agnes wife of Tho. de Lye, had a third part of it, and conveyed it to John de Colby; and afterwards all the parts were bought in by John Heydon, Esq. and in 1479, Henry Heydon his son, held these manors joined as aforesaid at the death of John, together with Bosevile's manor in Bunwell, to which I refer you.

In 1544, I find a fine levied of the third part of the manor of Beauchamp's or Beacham's, which was settled by Rob. Newport, Esq. and Margaret his wife (in whose right he had it) on Sir John Clere, Knt. This belongs to Beacham's manor in Wimondham, which extended hither. (See vol. ii. p. 506.)

The lords of the honour of Clare, had lands here held of them. In 1438, John Duke of Bedford died seized of two courts called Turns, and one court called Lete, to be held yearly in the village of Carleton-Rode. (Esch. No. 36, 14 H. VI.) and the whole lands held of that honour were extended or valued at half a fee.

In 1570, return was made that Thomas Knyvet, junior, James Hubbard, Gent. Anthony Denny, Gent. Robert Grey, Rob. Jexe, and John Randolf were lords here, and that the honour of Richmond and the Earl of Arundel were chief lords of the commons.

In 1699, the manor of Richemond's, formerly the Talbot's, is mentioned, and said to belong to Mr. William Jubbs, and then to Mr. Martin; but finding this never named elsewhere, am apt to think, that they only hired the property of Richmond honour.

The religious concerned here were, the prior of Norwich, whose temporals were taxed at 4s. those of the Prior of Bukenham at 2s. 9d. and those of the Prior of Wangford, at 6d. ob. q.



This town is not so much as once called by this name in Domesday Book, but that of Haber-tan, or the Holy Stone, from some remarkable stone cross erected there; but it soon after became to be called by the name of Bunwell, which was a hamlet belonging to it; Bunwell signifies Fons Rivuli, or the Rivulet's Head, and accordingly the situation of the place answers it, for that part of the town which is distinguished, by this name, from the other manors, hath the fountain or head of a small rivulet arising in it, which passing southwards, is called Bunwell-Beck, running at the entrance into Tacolneston common, and thence by Stanhowe bridge, to Aslacton and Forncet. This town comprehends several villas, berewicks, or lesser hamlets, mentioned in the style of the court baron, and which now are the several manors, viz. Bunwell Haddeston. Bosevil's, Perishall, and Banyard's; all which are in the bounds of this parish, and besides these, the style of the court runs, Carleton, Tibenham, cum Membris; all which lie in the parishes of Tibenham and Carleton, which see

The church is dedicated to St. Michael the archangel, and had 30 acres of glebe belonging to it at the Conquest, when there were three manors, to each of which, a part of the advowson belonged, but Roger Fitz-Peter Fitz-Osbert bought a part of Walkeline de Bosevile; so that he had one moiety, and Sir Robert Banyard the other.

When Norwich Domesday was made, Rob. Fitz-Osborn was patron, and the rector had a house and 40 acres of glebe; it was first valued at 20 marks, after at 30 without the portion; and the portion of the prior of Lewes was first laid at six, after at ten marks, and consisted of two third parts of the great tithes, of all the demeans of Bosevile's manor, which were given to the monks of Castleacre, (a cell to Lewes in Sussex, by Walkeline de Bosevile, and Lady Agatha de Bosevile, and Pandulf Bishop of Norwich confirmed the agreement, made by the judges assigned by the Pope for this purpose, on a suit between the monks of Acre, and Alan de Beccles, rector here, that the rector and his successours, should for ever receive all the tithes of all the demeans and tenants of Bosevile's manor, paying to Castleacre convent 30d. every Easter, and 30d. every Michaelmas; which is paid at this day by the rector, to the Duke of Norfolk, in right of the dissolved monastery of Castleacre, which was granted to his family at the Dissolution. The portion of Sees monastery was first taxed at 10s. after, at 18s. 4d. then by composition between the monastery and rector, reduced to 6s. 8d. pension, which is also paid by the rector at this time, to the aforesaid Duke. The procurations were 6s. 8d. synodals 2s. 2d. Peter-pence 10d. carvage 6d. and the town paid clear to each tenth 5l. 6s. 8d. It stands thus in the King's Books,

17l. Bunwell, alias Bullwell Rect. 1l. 14s. yearly tenths.

And not being discharged, is capable of augmentation. The spirituals of the Prior of St. Olave were one mark, his temporals 3s. and the temporals of the Prior of Bukenham were 4s. 11d.

Rectors of Bunwell

  • 1201, Alan de Beccles. Fulk Banyard, by grant of this turn from Roger Fitz-Peter Fitz-Osbert. In 1218, he was vicar-general to the Bishop of Norwich, and in 1224, Archdeacon of Sudbury; see vol. iii. p. 647.
  • 1327, Will. Banyard. Sir Rob. Banyard, Knt.
  • 1349, Hugh Bandon of Yoxford. Sir Roger de Norwich. He changed for Bernham-Broom with
  • 1355, Master Will. de Baketon. Tho. de Grey this turn.
  • 1357, Master Will. de Herwardestok. Sir Rog. de Norwich, Knt.
  • 1373, Master John Branthwait, rector.
  • 1396, Master Elias de Bintre. The master and brethren of Metyngham chantry.
  • 1410, Sir John Toleye, priest. Thomas Patesle, clerk, Simon Brunne, and William Fulbourne, Esq. this turn.
  • 1418, Jeffry at Medwe, on Tolye's resignation. The master and brethren of St. Mary's chantry or college at Metyngham.
  • 1427, Thomas Ringstede, changed with Medwe for Farnham rectory, in London diocese. Will. Grey.
  • John Manning. The college of Metyngham. On his death in
  • 1442, Tho. Larke had it. William Grey of Merton, Esq. each other turn. He was succeeded by
  • 1486, John Jullys, presented by the college. At his death in
  • 1504, Walter Catesby, A. M. had it of the gift of Sir Humfry Catesbye, Knt. for this turn. At his death in
  • 1506, Ric. Grisley was presented by Ric. Braunche, master of the college.
  • 1541, Sir Robert Codde, chaplain to the Bishop of Norwich, and Master of St. Giles's hospital there, (see vol. iv. p. 399,) was presented by Thomas Codde, the famous mayor of Norwich in 1549, (see vol. iii. p 225, 30,) who had this turn of Edmund Grey, Esq. At Codde's death in
  • 1547, Will. Rede had it, of Peter Rede, Gent. (see vol. iv. p. 200,) who had the turn of Anthony Denny, Esq. one of the privy council, in right of his manor of Persehall, late belonging to the dissolved college of Metingham. He was succeeded by
  • 1555, John Porye, D. D. fellow of Stoke-Clare and Bennet colleges, rector of Landbeach, and this year vicar of St. Stephen's, Norwich; prebend of the 2d stall in Ely cathedral; in Jan. 1559, being made rector of Lambeth and prebendary of Westminster; he quitted Ely, and in
  • 1564, Ric. Hunt, a deacon, succeeded on his resignation, who had the turn by grant from John Denney, Esq.
  • 1572, Ric. Stokes, A. B. on Hunt's resignation, afterwards united to Carleton. Sir Chris. Heydon, Knt. in right of Temperance his wife, relict of Tho. Grey of Merton. In
  • 1603, he returned answer, that there were 240 communicants in this parish, that he was chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, that Mr. Grey and Mr. Denney were patrons by turns.
  • 1610, Nath. Wadesworth, A. M. Firmian Denney, Gent.
  • 1638, William Locke, A. M. on Wadesworth's death. Rob. de Grey, Esq.
  • Edward Atkinson, united to Carleton, and died in 1698. (See p. 127.)
  • 1698. William Rant, on Atkinson's death. Tho. de Grey of Merton, Esq. afterwards united to Carleton.
  • 1731, The Rev. Mr. James Baldwin, the present rector, holds it united to Carleton. John Buxton, Esq. (see p. 127.)

The church is a neat lightsome building, having a nave only, which with the south porch is covered with lead; the chancel is tiled, and hath a decayed vestry on the north side; the tower is square, and a neat structure, and was finished about 1520. In 1505, William Taylor of Haddeston, a hamlet of Bunwell, was buried in the churchyard, and bequeathed "toward the makyng of the stepill of Bonewell every yere whan the masons work upon it, 6s. 8d. till the sum of 33s. 4d. be paid." There was a brass plate fixed in a stone on the west side, but it is now lost; as is the following inscription preserved by Mr. Weever, fo. 814.

Of your Charity pray for the Soul of John Barosse and Margaret his wife, on whose Souls have Mercy Amen.

  • 1724, November 15, the widow Richards was buried here, aged one hundred and eleven years.

In the chancel on the north side, is a stone for Mr. John Blake, Aug. 21, 1686, Æt. 64, and the arms of Blake with a de-lis for difference on it, as in vol. i. p. 48.

Sir Sim. Socelye had a pension granted him out of the revenues of Metyngham college in this town, by Henry VIII. I suppose he was one of the last fellows there; he was buried here in August 1555, and Mr. Andrews, the Prince's servant, had another pension; but he was buried here soon after the grant.

On a stone towards the east corner.

Carolvs Jacobi Baldwin Hujus Ecclesiæ Rectoris, Ex Elizabethâ Filiâ Natu-Maximâ Thomæ Cooper, Mercatoris Jernemutensis, Filivs Inter Jacobum et Gulielmum natû secundus, Saræ, Elizabethæ, Mariæ, Frater. Obijt VI° Kal. Jun. Ao. Æt. VII°. Ær. Xpian' CICICCCXXXIII°.

Terrenas Oculis vix dum lustraverat Oras, Ocyus hinc inquit: Sedes super astra petamus.

In 1479, John Burke purchased eight acres and one rood freehold in Springfield in Bunwell, and by will dated in 1497, gave it for ever to the parish of Bunwell, to help the poor in discharging the King's taske, and other charges when they fall; he is buried at Bunwell, gave 35s. to adorn our Lady's tabernacle and the herse of the Sepulchre of our Lord in the church. These are town lands at this day.

In 1498, Idonea, wife of John Bukke, confirmed to John Heydon and other feoffees, her husband's gift, of 7 acres in one peice at Blome's Close by Does in Bunwell, and 1 acre 1 rood, in one peice in Bunwell at Northaugh.

  • 1546, Will Bret, according to the will of Simon Rede of Bunwell infeoffed Henry Lincoln and others, in 3 acres of land lying in Windham, by the land of the gild of St. John Baptist in Besthorp, &c. to the sole use of the inhabitants of Bunwell, towards paying the tenths and fifteenths of the said parish, to the King, and relief of the poor.

In 1581, William and John Ingram, brothers, settled one acre in Bunwell, to the use of the poor.

In 1629, Nat. Wadesworth, rector, and Will. Bret, settled two acres of pasture lying in Carleton, either towards paying the taske, repairing the church, relieving honest poor people, or any other charges needful to be defrayed by the parishioners of Bunwell,

There are two cottages with a rood of ground to each, which belong to the parish.

In 1546, among the town accounts is this entered "Paid to John Warde for beating down the altars one day and half 11d. and received of Will. Rysyng for the high altar 16d. (for the stone, I suppose, that covered it); 1554, paid for the pix image 6d."

Hadeston, Bainard's, or Baniard's-Hall

Was the principal manor in this town, and belonged to Torn a Dane in the Confessor's time, and at the Conqueror's survey, Gaoserid or Godefride held it under Ralf Bainard; there belonged to it two villeins, two bordars or copyholders, 4 servants to manage the demeans, which then contained two carucates, besides 15 acres of meadow, and wood that would maintain 20 swine, 190 sheep, and one hive of bees; at the first survey it was worth 5l. a year, and at the second 10l. 12s. There were at the first survey, 18 freemen, reduced to 12 at the second, and they were worth 28s. in yearly rents paid to the manor; the whole town was four miles and one furlong long, and two miles and 15 perches broad, and paid 9d. to the geld.

As this manor, for the most part, passed with the manor of Merton, till Tho. de Grey, Esq. the present lord of Merton, sold it with the moiety of the advowson, to the Buxtons, who joined it to their other manors here, I need only refer you to the account of Merton at vol. ii. p. 298.

Robert Baynard gave two parts of the tithes of this manor, to the monks of Lewes; Fulk Bainard held it at one fee of Robert FitzWalter, as of his manor of Hemenhale, and confirmed his father's grant to the monks of Lewes. John Prior of Lewes, released 60 acres in Merton, and one messuage to Fulk, and he released to the prior, and confirmed the advowsons of Merton and East-Riston, and the two parts of the tithes of Hadeston demeans; he paid 28s. every 20 weeks, for castle-guard to Baynard castle, for Merton, and this manor, and had assise of bread and ale and weyf belonging to it.

In 1371, Sir Roger Grey of Merton, Knt. ordered his feoffees (see vol. ii. p. 302) to sell this manor to raise portions for his two daughters; and accordingly, they, jointly with the consent of Sir Thomas Grey, parson of Wethersfield, in 1389, sold it for 200 marks, to Tho. Duke of Gloucester and his heirs, Thomas Archbishop of York, Robert Bishop of London, Ric. Earl of Arundel, Thomas Earl of Warwick, and others, his feoffees; and in 1303, the said Duke of Gloucester obtained a royal license, to settle an annuity of 10 marks a year, on the abbey of Walden, but the settlement was never completed. In 1398, Ric. II. granted it to Edmund de Langley Duke of York, as part of the possessions of the Duke of Gloucester, attainted; it afterwards belonged to John Stukley in right of his wife Phillippa, daughter and heiress of John Mohun Lord of Dunster, widow of Edmund Plantagenet son and heir of Edmund of Langley Duke of York, but was after repurchased by Tho. Grey, clerk.

In 1536, the manor of Whitwell-Hall in Skeyton, was held by Thomas Sterne, of Grace Catesbye, as of her manor of Bainard's Hall in Bunwell, which she held in jointure. In 1543, Vawce's manor in Easton, was held by Gilbert Talbot, of Edmund Grey, as of his manor of Bainard's Hall.

In 1566, Robert Grey held this manor of the Earl of Sussex, as of his manor of Atleburgh, by one fee. In 1611, Robert Kemp, Esq. of Gissing, held his manor of Burnet's of this manor; and in 1742, the quitrents of the manor of Bainard's-Hall in Hadeston, were 22l. 14s. 4d. q. a year.

The ancient Baynards upon losing their barony of Baynard's castle, for rebellion against Henry I. had it given from them to the ancestors of the Fitz-Walters, as at vol. ii. p. 299. But this manor being granted to a younger branch before the forfeiture, it was never forfeited, though these Baynards bare their arms differing only in colour from the Fitz-Walters, their chief lords; as the Fitz-Walters did from the Clare family, whence they descended, from whose arms they only varied by a fess between two chevrons, instead of three chevrons born by the Earls of Clare, and in like manner the Cornherds or Cornerths, in imitation of the Baynards, their capital and chief lords, bare the same arms, only varied in colour, and often quartered them with the Baynards; but when Sir Thomas de Grey, Knt. married the heiress of Sir Richard de Cornherd, Knt. he laid aside the paternal coat of Grey, and he and all his descendants always used Cornherd's as their own, except Tho. de Grey, clerk, who always bare the ancient family arms of Grey, with a mullet; and when their son Tho. de Grey, Knt. married Isabel, daughter and coheiress of Fulk Baynard of Merton, the Greys ever since bare Bainard quartered with Cornerth, as follows:

Hadeston, Fitz-Osbert's, Peter's-Hall


Perer's, commonly called Perse-Hall manor in Bunwell, took its name from Peter Fitz-Osbert, its lord; Ailwin of Thetford was lord of it in Edward the Confessor's time, and Rob. de Curcun held it of Roger Bigot at the Conqueror's survey, when it had a mill, 21 bordars, wood for 46 swine; the tenants could sell their lands, conditionally that they reserved the lords services; the church had 30 acres of glebe, two acres and an half of meadow, and half a carucate, the soc or superiour jurisdiction over the manor, belonged jointly to the King and Earl, and the manor in the first survey was valued at 40s. and afterwards at 70s.; but as it passed with Carleton manor to Walter de Norwich, as at p. 129, I need not repeat it, but refer you thither; it was held of the Earl-Marshal at 1 fee, and had freewarren allowed in eire, to Roger Fitz-Osbert, its lord; in 1287,

Sir Walter de Norwich being seized, left it to Sir John his son, who confirmed it for life to Catherine his mother, and after her decease, to the master and chaplains of the college of St. Mary at Raveningham, of his own foundation, to whom he gave his castle at Metyngham in Suffolk, to which he ordered them to translate their college or chantry, and his own and ancestors bones; he gave them part of his estate to increase the number of their fellows from 8 to 13; he first founded them at Raveningham in 1342, translated them in 1350 to Norton Supecors, and in 1394, they removed and fixed their college at Metyngham; Sir John Plays, Sir Robert Howard, Sir John Boys, Knts. John Wolterton and Elias Bintre, clerks, having obtained license for that purpose in 1382, though they could not settle it before: they were executors to Sir John son of Sir Walter de Norwich, and grandson to Sir John the founder of Raveningham. But notwithstanding this, it being settled at the purchase on Sir Walter de Norwich and Catherine his wife, and Roger their son, for life; the said John had it and presented in 1349 and 1357, and held it in 1371 at one fee, by the name of Hadiston manor, alias Peryshall in Bunwell, Carleton, and Tibenham; with the advowson of Carleton, and the mediety of the advowson of Bunwell; and John de Norwich, son of Walter, was his heir; and in 1374, Katherine de Breouse, or Brewse, cousin and heir of Sir John de Norwich, junior, Knt. viz. daughter and heiress of Thomas, brother to Sir John, father of Sir Walter, son of Sir John Norwich, junior, settled it with Ling, Metingham castle, and others, on Sir John Plays, &c. and Miles Stapleton, executors of Sir John Norwich, junior, and feoffees to her; and in 1394, they settled on the chantry of Norton-Subcross, 3 messuages, 86 acres of land, 5 acres of marsh, 6 acres of aldercarr, 12 acres of reed-harth, and 4s. rent, in Raveningham, Norton-Subcross, and Metingham, and the moiety of the advowson, and the manor of Pereshall in Bunwell: and thus

John le Neve, the last master of Raveningham chantry at NortonSubcross, became lord of this manor, and patron of the mediety of this church; and in

  • 1403, John Wilby of Norwich, priest, was chosen by the fellows, and was inducted by John Bainard, priest, conduct of the college, and one of the 13 fellows there; he was succeeded by,
  • 1425, Master Thomas Whitehead, and he in 1442, by Master Thomas Bowbrigg, alias Shaer, on whose death in 1448, William Fransham was elected, and died in 1480, and Robert Wright, priest, had it; and in 1493, Ric. Braunche, and in 1520, Ric. Shelton, who died in 1530, and Tho. Manning, suffragan bishop of Ipswich, succeeded; he was the last master.

This college was granted, with the revenues thereto belonging, to the Denneys, and in 1547, Anthony Denney, Esq. one of the privy council, had it; and in 1560, John Denney, Esq. in 1619, Thomas Denney; and in 1620, Firmian Denney, Gent. It was after purchased by the Buxtons, with the moiety of the advowson, and joined to their manor of Carleton, &c. The quitrents in 1742, were 19l. 14s. per annum.

In the windows of Persehall are these arms:

Sab. a saltier arg. Crest, on a wreath O. G. a bunch of wheat ears.

Ditto, impaling arg. a fess lozengé gul. in chief three eagles heads erased sab.

Hadeston, Bosevile's Manor


Belonged to Osbern at the Confessor's survey, and to Roger FitzRenard at the Conqueror's; in Osbern's time it was worth 20s. and in Roger's 40s. Fitz-Renard's issue assumed the name of Hadeston, and William de Hadeston, lord here, held it of the Earl Warren, as did William his son, who died young and without issue, leaving his sisters his heirs, viz. Alice, married to William Muleton, and Catherine to Roger Talbot, who all released their rights in 1198, to Agatha de Hadeston, their sister, who the year following, married to Walkeline de Bosevile; and Ric. Turburn and Margaret his wife, released also their part to their sister Agatha, by which means Walkeline became possessed of the whole manor. He was succeeded by his son William, and he in 1218, by Robert his brother, who held it at one fee of the Earl Warren; he confirmed to the monks of Castleacre, two parts of the tithes of his demean lands here, and of his lands in Tibenham and Westhache, which his ancestors gave to that monastery. In 1297, Will. de Bosevile had it, and held it of William de Mortimer, who held it of the Earl Warren. In 1314, Margery, widow of William, settled it on Robert de Bosevile and Joan his wife, who seems to have been a Boys; John de Boys, junior, and Ralf de St. Omer, parson of Brundale, being concerned in the settlement. In 1345, Robert Bosevile held it of Constantine Mortimer; it was after that Adam Bosvile's in 1363. In 1403, Sir Robert Noon had it, and in 1417, Sir Henry Noon, Knt. and after him Sir John Heydon, who died seized in 1479, when he held it of Mortimer's manor of Atleburgh; he was succeeded by Henry Heydon, Esq. his son, who held it with the manors of Bukenham's and Rodehall in Carleton-Rode. In 1570, they belonged to Sir Christopher Heydon, and were left by him to James Hubbert, Sir Christopher being bound thereto, by the grandfather of the said James. In 1588, it appears by a survey then made, that James Hubbert, junior, Esq. was lord of the several manors of Hadeston, Bosewell's, Rodehall, Bukenham's, Whitwell's, and Laund's; all which were joined, their court being kept at Bunwell, and the style of the court was, Bunwell, Carleton, and Tibenham cum membris; the two first being in Bunwell, the two second in Carleton, and the two last in Tibenham; the whole rents were about 44l. per annum. In 1597, Henry Hobart, Esq. conveyed them to John Hobart, Gent.; they belonged to John Buxton, Esq. of Chanons in Tibenham in 1623, and after him to Robert Buxton, whose widow Hannah owned them in 1678, and her son Robert Buxton, Esq. had them, who was succeeded by John Buxton, Esq. father of Robert Buxton, Esq. the present lord of all the manors in this town, and sole patron of this church.

Thorp's Manor in Bunwell


Was originally part of Fitz-Osbert's manor, which was separated by Roger Fitz-Peter Fitz-Osbert, who settled half a fee here, on Sarah his first wife, and her heirs; she was heiress of Sir Bartholomew de Creke, Knt. son of Sir Robert de Creke, lord of North-Creke in Norfolk, and died in 1285, and Sir John de Thorp of Ashwellthorp, Knt. was one of her cousins and heirs, and had this allotted to his share, and obtained liberty of free-warren to it of Edw. I. and in 1314 he settled it on himself and Alice his wife, in tail; and in 1324, they held it of Bainard's manor by the service of 5s. a year, and the rents were then 3l. 10s. per annum, and Robert de Thorp, his son and heir, was 30 years old, and lady Beatrix, widow of the said Robert, held the third part in dower, and from this time it constantly attended Ashwellthorp.

It was settled by Sir Edmund de Thorp, senior, on Thomas de Thorp, his second son, with remainder to Sir Edmund Thorp, Knt. his eldest son. In 1406, Sir Thomas Jernegan had it, and had a charter of confirmation of free-warren; in 1414, Sir Thomas de Thorp ordered it to be sold or to go with Eliz. his daughter. In 1550, James Downes and Elizabeth his wife had it, when Roger Woodhouse, Robert Richers, Thomas Asteley, and Mary his wife, conveyed divers parts of it to him; in 1272, Robert Downes was lord, who joined it to his manor of Beacham's or Beauchamp's in Wimondham, with which it still remains.

There was an ancient family sirnamed De Bonewell, for in 1268, William, son of Jeffery, son of Richer de Bonewell, gave to Miles, prior of Lewes, a rent of 2s. 6d. out of his lands in Bonewell, by deed dated at Bukenham castle, in the presence of Richard de Purl, constable of that castle, and others. They continued a long time in the neighbourhood, for in 1482, William, son and heir of Richard Bonewell of Carleton-Rode, conveyed to Thomas Chamberlain, Gent. and others, divers lands in Carleton-Rode.



Was anciently called Thorp. only, and Ashewell was a hamlet in Thorp, but there being so many Thorps in the county about King Stephen's time, it began, for distinction sake, to be called AshwellThorp; the name of Ashwell does not once occur in Domesday Book, though it seems to have been a well inhabited place; for in 1131, Sir John de Thorp Knt. founded

The free-chapel of St. Mary the Virgin at Ashwell, and built a house for the residence of a chaplain or chantry priest, to perform daily service in it to the inhabitants of the hamlet, and to pray for his own and wife's souls, and those of his ancestors and successours for ever. Having obtained a royal license of mortmain, he settled the house and five marks a year, for the chaplain's maintenance; but in 1315, thinking he had not fully endowed it, he confirmed to God, St. Mary, and all the Saints, the messuage and five marks annual rent, and another close of land, which he now added to the chantry aforesaid, with the consent of Sir Gregory de Thorp, Knt. his brother, the King, and Sir John de Clavering, Knt. his chief lord, confirming it; the revenues of this chapel were valued at 3l. and paid 6s. annual tenths; but at the dissolution of chantries in the time of Edw. VI. the whole was seized, and granted away by that King; and in 1598, Sir Thomas Knevet purchased the chapel-house, and all that belonged to the dissolved chapel of Ashwell: and ever since they have continued with the manor.

  • 1315, Thomas de Cantiâ, or Kent, was presented to the chapel by the founder, all rights of the mother-church at Thorp being reserved.
  • 1327, John Fish of Therston. Sir Robert de Thorp, Knt.; he held this united to the mediety of Fressing field in Suffolk, which he changed in 1334, with John de Pagrave, for Thorp rectory, and in 1335 rechanged again, but held this till
  • 1344, when Jeffery Kemp of Little Massingham was presented by Beatrix, relict of Sir Rob. de Thorp, who gave him Thorp rectory in 1349; he resigned in 1352, and she gave it to
  • Adam de Redgrave; and afterwards it was generally held by the rectors of Thorp, upon their giving security to perform daily service in the chapel, by themselves or deputy.

Ashwell was also a distinct manor from Thorp, in a family sirnamed from the hamlet. Ric. de Ashwell was lord of it in Henry the Third's time, and after him, Sir John Eswell or Ashwell, his son, whose brother was parson of Little-Massingham in 1286, and joined with him and sold it to the Thorps, who joined it to their manor of Thorp, with which it still continues; but the title was not completed till 1347, and then John de Ashwell-Thorp, son, I suppose, of Sir John, confirmed the whole, to Sir Edmund de Thorp, Knt. and his heirs.



Contained one manor only; at the Confessor's survey it belonged to a thane of Bishop Stigand, and was worth 5l. per annum. At the Conquest it belonged to Earl Eustace, and was worth 6l.; it was a mile and an half long, and five furlongs broad, and paid 6d. ob. q. geld. It soon after this belonged to one William, sometimes distinguished by the addition of Norwich, where he lived; and that Roger mentioned in the record called Testa de Nevil, seems to have been his son; he was succeeded by Robert, called Fitz-Roger, and after by the name of Sir Robert de Massingham-Parva, who held 7 fees in Thorp, Massingham, Anemere, and many other towns, of the honour of Bononia or Bulloigne. His wife Eda survived him, and held Thorp in 1209, when she was called Eda de Thorp: Hugh son of Robert lived at the same time; he is also called sometimes Hugh de Massingham, and was succeeded by Sir John the Knight, son of Sir Hugh, often called John Fitz-Robert: he sealed with chequy or and G. a fess in a bordure arg. and was lord of Ashwellthorp, Fundenhall, Wreningham, Bonwell, &c.; he married Margery daughter of Sir Rob. de Creke, lord of North-Creke and Hillington in Norfolk, and Combes in Suffolk, and at length coheir to Sarah de Creke, daughter of Bartholomew de Creke, and wife to Roger Fitz-Osbert, (see p. 126,) their son.

Robert Fitz-John de Thorp succeeded them, who in King Henry the Third's time, Ao 1236, was one of the resident Barons of the Exchequer, his countryman, Master Hervy de Belet, being then Chief Baron, Ric. de Eye, rector of Fundenhale, released to him and Maud his wife, his niece, all his right after his death, to Sir Philip de Eye, his brother, in his manors and lands in Horham, Hoxne, Stradbrook, &c. in Suffolk; and Sarah de Halmo, Richard son of James Suddimere, and Philip de Braseworth, released all their rights in Horham, Titshall, Fresingfield, Fundenhale, and the mediety of the advowson of Fresing field; and Robert de Hemenhale conveyed to them all his tenements in Norwich, which he purchased of the prioress and nuns of Haliwell, for a gold ring given to the said Robert; he was lord of Hapton, and bare chequy or and gul. a fess erm. In 1266, King Henry III. confirmed to Robert son of John de Thorp, free-warren in all his demeans here, and in Massingham and Fundenhale in Norfolk, in Cotton in Suffolk, and Sharpenhowe in Bedfordshire, by his charter dated at Cambridge Apr. 7, in the 51st year of his reign. This Robert, in 1264, had several manors, lands, &c. confirmed to him, by Robert son of Sir Richard Nerford, Knt. of Wreningham, in Wreningham, Thorp, Fundenhall, Hapton, Flordon, Ashwell, and Tacolneston. (See p. 119.) In 1271, he was impleaded for erecting a gallows at AshwellThorp, when the manor never had that liberty, which he took down again; but had then free-warren, view of frankpledge, assize of bread and ale allowed to the manor in Eire. It seems Margery Creke his mother, was alive in 1274, and had an annuity out of the manor: in this year Rob. Fitz-John was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. In 1282, he had another charter for freewarren in his manors of Horham, Hoxne, Wytton, and Stradbrook in Suffolk, and in Wreningham, Bunwell, and Fundenhall in Norfolk. In 1284, he was allowed the liberties of a gallows, pillory, and weyf, in this manor.

John de Thorp, son of Rob. aforesaid and Maud his wife, succeeded, being lord here, and of Fundenhall, Bunwell, Hapton, and Wreningham; it appears that he had two wives, Agnes and Alice, the former of which died about 1299. In 1293, he was summoned among the great men to attend King Edward I. at Portsmouth, on the first of Sept. in order to recover Gascoign, then possessed by the French King; and this year he procured his father's executors to advance by way of loan to the King, 167l. 2s. 10d. ob. on his going that journey. In his time, an extent was made of the several fees and manors held of him, as of this manor of Ashwellthorp, among which his sister Alice held 20l. in Mawtby. Will. de Colneys held 100s. in Tiben ham, &c. In 1303, Maud his mother held Sharpenhow manor in Bedfordshire for life, the reversion of which, was settled by Sir John de Thorp, on his son George de Thorp and Eliz. his wife. In 1307, he was summoned as one of the King's council; and in 1309, had another summons to attend King Edward III. at Newcastle upon Tine, to march against the Scots, who had broken the truce, made with them, at the instance of Philip the French King. In 1314, he had been some time married to his second wife, Alice relict of Sir William de Mortimer; on whom this manor, with those of Fundenhall, Tivetshall, Bunwell, Wreningham, and Horham, and the advowsons of Ashwellthorp, and the mediety of the church of Fresingfield, were settled by Alexander de Repham, rector of Sculton, their trustee; it being then held of Sir John de Clavering at one fee: in 1315, being appointed high sheriff of the county, he got a letter sent to Sir William de Norwich, to get him excused by reason of his corporal infirmities, and another to Hervy de Stanton, Chancellor of the Exchequer, from the Prior of Norwich, by whose interest he got off serving the office at present. In 1321, a commission issued to Sir John de Thorp and others, to seize all persons in Norfolk and Suffolk, who should rise in arms against the King. In 1322, he and Thomas Bardolf, were appointed wardens to guard the coasts of Norfolk against any invasions from the Flemings or Scots; and the same year, he and Alice his wife conveyed the manor of Aileswesthorp in Freebridge hundred, and the advowson of the moiety of that church, after their deaths, with lands in Geyton, Walton, Wykes, and Bexwell, to the Prior of Pentney and his successours. In 1323, he was joined with Walt. de Norwich, Simon de Hethersete, and John de Redenhall, Knts. who were all appointed the King's justices to examine into the frauds committed by the collectors of the taxes, several of them, having collected more than they returned into the Exchequer, but dying on the 16th of May this year, John le Claver was made justice in his stead. It appears from the inquisition, that he and Alice his wife, held jointly at his death, Hillington, Helmingham, Massingham-Parva, Titshall, Thorp, Wreningham, Fundenhall, Hapton, Combes, &c. manors, and that

Robert de Thorp, his eldest son, was above 30 years old; he married Beatrix, daughter of Sir Edmund de Hengrave, and died possessed of these manors in 1329, leaving a wife, and

John de Thorp, his eldest son and heir, 15 years of age, and John de Clavering, his chief lord, was his guardian. Alice his grandmother was alive in 1325. In 1336, Lady Beatrix his mother, was patroness here and of Massingham-Parva, where she resided, and held NorthCreke manor in jointure. He married this year, and settled on Robert Brown, parson of Shipden, John son of Robert de Ingham, and other trustees, his manors of Ashwell-thorp, Fundenhall, and Wreningham, and all his advowsons except North-Creke, to the use of himself, and Joan his wife, and their heirs. In 1338, he paid rent to the Earl of Suffolk for the moiety of his manor of Combes. In 1339, he made Sir George de Thorp, Knt. and John Yemme of Norwich, his attorneys, to present to his livings, during his being out of England, in the King's service in France; and this year, he settled on the chaplain of Ashwell chapel for ever, to pray for his soul, 100 shillings, and 100 pence annual rents, issuing out of lands here; and the next year granted to the minoresses of St. Clare's order by Aldgate, 20 marks annuity out of his lands in Congham, Combes, and Helmingham, during the life of Catherine, the widow of Sir John, son of Sir Oliver de Ingham. In 1340, his feoffees released to him all right in the church of North-Creke, and all the lands in Helmingham in Suffolk, which Sir Ralf de Bocking held for life; he died this year, and Joan his widow, who was heir to Lucy and Maud her sisters, daughters of Roger atte Eshe, was alive and married in 1345, to Sir Roger le Strange, who was lord here in her right, during her life; but they having no issue,

Edmund de Thorp, his brother, inherited; and in 1348, there was a suit commenced to prove Joan, his then wife, a bastard; but on trial, Bishop Bateman certified, that she was legitimate, and was sister of Thomas, son of Robert, son of Robert Baynard, who died seized of Colkirk and Gately manors in 1329, and cousin and heir of Robert Baynard, who lived in 1257, and therefore Edmund had those manors of her inheritance. He was lord also of Combes and Finingham in Suffolk, a moiety of the former of which, he held in fee-farm of the King, at 11l. 4s. 4d. a year, and 15s. scutage; and Robert de Ufford Earl of Suffolk had the other. In 1349, he settled 100 marks annuity on William de Bergh, rector of Cantley, Robert de Thirning, rector of Combes, Thomas de Bumpstede, citizen of Norwich, and Adam de Redgrave, rector of Bathele, out of Ashwellthorp, Fundenhall, Hapton, Bunwell, Nelonde, Wreningham, Horham, and Wotton in Stradbrook; he sealed with chequy on a fess three crescents. In 1351, Sir Miles Stapleton, Knt. and Joan his wife, daughter and heir of Sir Oliver de Ingham, released Fresing field advowson, and a messuage in Nether Conisford in Norwich, to Sir Edmund and his heirs. In 1358, he infeoffed his manors, &c. to raise 100 marks per annum, for 21 years, to pay his debts, and 100l. to each of his daughters, Beatrix and Joan, by the advice of Joan his wife: John his second son, who married Mary daughter of John Argentein of Halesworth in Suffolk, was to have Horham and Wotton in Stradbrook, and all his lands in Suffolk, to him and his heirs; Robert his third son to have Bunwell; and Eliz. his daughter married Robert Corbet of Asington in Suffolk. In his time, the several fees and manors held of the manor of Ashwell-thorp were extended, and by the extent renewed, it appeared, that

Half a fee in Sweynesthorp, Gouthorp, and Dunston, was held by the annual payment of a pair of boots to the lord of Ashwell-thorp, and a pair of buskins lined with felt, to the lady there, which was then held by John de Hethersete; and Nic. de Aldburgh held in Denton and Aldburgh, one fee by the payment of a pair of gilt spurs every Easter.

And this family had many fees held in Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, and Essex, of their several manors, viz.

of their manor of Massingham-Parva,

John Barford and Walter Calthorp, held a fee in Anemere, and John le Wassand held Frenge manor and advowson at one fee, which William de Colneye lately held; and Wichingham manor was held by John de Hall and his parceners, at two fees; Warine de Bassingbourn held Chishil and Shipneye manors in Cambridgeshire at one fee, and all of them, though held of Massingham, were held by the lord of Massingham, of Robert Fitz-Roger, lord of Horsford, as of the manor of Horsford.

The same Sir Edmund de Thorp, senior, being lord of North Creke, Helmingham, and Fundenhall, had the following fees held of him, viz.

as of his manor of North-Creke,

Three quarters of a fee in Burnham, held by the Prior of Walsingham, half a fee in North-Creke and Burnham-Thorp, held by Bartholomew de Calthorp; a quarter of a fee in Depedale held by Roger de Tofts, another quarter there, by Thomas de Brancaster; one fee there by Thomas Bacon; a quarter of a fee in Burnham held by Will. Angre, half a fee in Stanhowe by Bartholomew de Calthorp, half a fee formerly held by Robert de Quarles, in Quarles, but now by Edmund de Baconesthorp, the Prior of Peterston, the Abbot of Creke, and the heirs of Richard de Redham; half a fee in Dallyng held by Simon de Pratis, or Meadows, &c. the 8th part of a fee in Shipden by Cromere, held by Will. de Bradenham, Roger de Reymes, Rob. Theland, and Will. Hervy; half a fee in Burnham by Sir Gregory de Thorp, half a quarter of a fee there by Sir Tho. Sniterton; the manor of Berningham in North-Erpingham hundred, held by the heirs of Eustace de Berningham at one fee; three quarters of a fee in Northwood Berningham held by Ric. de Berningham; half a fee in Basingham by Sir Rob. de Mawtby; the manor of Runton held by Will. de Valens at the 8th part of a fee; a quarter of a fee in Wickmere held by Robert de Baconesthorp; half a fee there by John de Irmingland, and two messuages and 42 acres of land in Riburgh, held by John Burnham at a quarter of a fee; all which, were held of North-Creke manor, as of Fitz-Osbert's fees, and by the lord of North-Creke, of the Earl-Marshal, as of Forncet honour.

the fees held of Sir Edmund as of his manor of Fundenhall, were these,

John de Norwich held Melles manor in Suffolk at one fee, as of Sir John Thorp's manor of Fundenhall, he of the Earl-Marshal, and he of the King; and the Thorps held Fundenhall and all the fees held of it, as of the Earl-Marshal's manor of Forncet; but the manor of Melles belongs to Metingham chantry or college, by license from Sir Edmund de Thorp; half a fee in Carleton, Brakene, and Mulkebarton, was held by Edmund de Baconesthorp, and John Pycot; one fee in Carleton and Quarles, was held by Edmund de Baconesthorp, which fee Sir John de Thorp purchased of Sir Robert Hovel, and is now divided among Sir Thomas St. Omer, the Prior of Shuldham, the Prior of Alvesbourne, and many others. Besthorp manor was held at half a fee by Edmund de Baconesthorp; one fee in Creke and Nelonde, held by Ric. de Belhouse; one fee in Besthorp by John de Curson, one fee in Hockham by Mary Countess of Pembrook, one fee in Wynston and Cratfield in Suffolk, held by Ric. de Bocking; half a fee in Cratfield by Rob. de Wayland, a quarter of a fee in Bunwell by Will. de Bosevile; one quarter of a fee in Carleton Rode, by Will. de Rode.

the fees of Sir Edmund's manor of Helmingham were,

One fee in Stikingland in Suffolk, by Rob. de Creke. One fee in Honyngton, as of the Earl-Marshal's manor of Chesterford, by James de Creyk; one fee in Kenton, by Nigel de Kenton; two fees in Westhorp and Finingham by Adam Conyers; half a fee in Flixton, held by Flixton prioress; a fee and an half in Middleton and Yoxford, held by Rob. de Creyk; all which fees in 1305, were divided, and were the fees of Rog. Fitz-Peter Fitz-Osbert, who had them of the inheritance of Sarah his wife, and were delivered to Sir John de Thorp, as cousin and heir to Margaret, one of the aunts and heirs of the said Sarah; besides which, the family of the Thorps inherited from her, the following estates and fees.

The south part of the moiety of the capital mansion-house of the Creke family at North Creke, and the moiety of that advowson, and the moiety of two fees and an half in Creke, and the moiety of the advowson of Hilingtone.

This Sir Edmund sometimes sealed with a chevron between three crescents: a cotemporary and relation to him, but how near I cannot find, was

Sir William de Thorp, who was made a King's Serjeant in the 16th of Edward III. and afterwards justice both of the King's Bench and Common Pleas, and 26 Nov. 1347, Chief Justice of the King's Bench; in 1350, the record of judgment had against Sir Will. Thorp, late Chief Justice, was affirmed, considering that against his oath he had received bribes, but he was soon after restored to the King's favour, and made a Baron of the Exchequer; in 1353,

Sir Robert de Thorp (as is supposed) brother to Sir William, was made the King's serjeant, and summoned to parliament among the judges and King's council in 1346, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas in 1357, and Lord Chancellor of England 26 March, 1372.

Sir Edmund de Thorp, junior, eldest son of Sir Edmund aforesaid, was married by Sir Jeffery de Massingham, rector of Ashwellthorp, Oct. 6, 1368, to Margaret, daughter of Richard de la Rivere, in the presence of Sir Edmund his father, and dame Joane his mother, Sir Ralf de Shelton, Knt. and others; after whose decease, he married again to Joan daughter and heiress of Sir Robert de Northwood or Norwood of Northwood-Berningham, in Norfolk, and of Northwood in Kent, who was widow to Roger Lord Scales of Newcels; for which match, not having obtained the King's license, he was pardoned in 1387, upon paying the King 20l. for a fine for that transgression; the said lady holding divers lands in capile.

In 1370, Sir Edmund de Thorp, senior, was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, as appears by a discharge given him by Robert Bacon, who succeeded him in that office. In 1380, Robert de Thirning, rector of Combes, and Tho. de Bumpstede, citizen of Norwich, were infeoffed by him in his manors, advowsons, and lands, in Ashwellthorp, North-Creke, Massingham-Parva, Fundenhall, Hapton, Wreningham, Nelonde, Hethill, Tacolneston, Bonwell, Horham, and Wotton in Stradbrook; by which they were settled on his son and others, paying him an annuity of 100l. per annum.

In 1381, Sir Edmund de Thorp, junior, Knt. and Joan his wife, purchased divers messuages, &c. and several villeins here, of Hugh son of Robert de Dunston, and Christiana de Bonington, which Peter de la Penne of Hethil, and the said Christiana purchased of Adam de la Penne of Hethil, and the said Peter sold them to Robert de Dunston, father of Hugh and William. In 1383, he, and Sir Richard de Waldegrave, Knt. Will. Winter and Tho. Wayte, had a grant of the temporalities of the Bishop of Norwich, during the forfeiture of Henry Spencer Bishop of the see, except the knights fees, and advowsons of churches, paying 50 marks yearly to the Exchequer; and in 1385, they had a writ directed to them to restore them to the Bishop.

In 1393, Sir Edmund de Thorp, senior died, and was buried by Beatrix his wife, in the chancel at Ashwellthorp, and gave five marks to any one that would take a pilgrimage for him to St. James the Apostle; and legacies to his tenants at Thorp, Fundenhale, Hapton, Wreningham, Colkirk, and Little-Massingham, where he was lord; many rings, jewels, &c. to Joane his wife, for life, and then to Sir Edmund, his eldest son and heir; and particularly the murrey cup tipped with silver, which is the charter cup of Thorp, was to go from heir to heir, to all that shall be lords of Thorp of his blood, and three gold rings set with Oriental saphires; he gave Edmund his heir all his goods in his manor-houses at Colkirk, with Apleton-Hall, and Little-Massingham; he had Thomas, Robert, and George, his sons, and ordered to be buried under a plain tomb, without funeral pomp; Joane his widow died at Colkirk, Febr. 1399, and was buried by her husband, and then

Sir Edm. de Thorp, her son, held his first court here, and immediately after, put his estates into feoffees hands, viz. Sir Thomas Percy, Sir Robert Knowlles, Knt. John de Cleye, clerk, and others; at which time it appears, he had manors, lands, rents, fees, or services, here and in Hapton, Fundenhall, Wreningham, Nelonde, Brakene, Flordon, Tacolneston, Wimondham, Hethil, and the reversions of North-Creke, Horham cum Stradbrooke, and Wotton in Suffolk, which were held for life by his brother Robert; his seal hath three crescents 2 and 1, and a plume for a crest: and now also, he assigned to his mother for life, Hapton and Fundenhall manors; she sealed with Thorp as before, impaling Bainard. Upon his going beyond sea, he made his will, and gave Ashwellthorp for life to his wife, and North-Creke, and if his infant children died, then North-Creyk to go to his brother Thomas, Horham to his brother Robert, and if Little Massingham manor should fall into his hands, his wife to have it for life. His seal had always a label of three, during the life of his father. This Sir Edmund new roofed and glazed the church and chancel at Thorp, and founded Thorp's chapel for his own burial place and that of his successours, on the north side of the chancel; and by the covenant made with John Faudy of Salle, carpenter, it was to be 27 feet long and 12 broad, within the walls. He was mayor of Burdeaux in Gascoigne in 1399. In 1408, John Spencer and Katherine his wife, released to Sir Edmund and Joan his wife, the manor and advowson of Stonham-Aspall, alias Antegain in Suffolk, and a moiety of Coulyng, which she had in right of her mother Catherine, who was daughter and coheir of Sir John de Aspale of Stonham-Antegain, who had Sir Ralf Hemenhale for her other husband. In 1415, Joan Lady Scales, wife of Sir Edmund de Thorp, died and was buried by her order, in Ashwell-thorp churchyard, and gave 20l. to make her a tomb; she gave her manor of Coulyng to be sold, and her manors of Stonham and Witlysford, to Robert de Scales and his heirs male, remainder to the Lady Catherine Savage, her daughter, remainder to her daughters Joane and Isabell.

Thomas de Thorp, Esq. second son of Sir Edmund de Thorp, senior, had Bunwell manor for life: in his will dated 1414 it appears, that by Elizabeth his wife, he had one daughter and heiress, named Eleanor. He ordered Cleydon manor in Suffolk to be sold, by Tho. Brewse, John Sprot, and John Snetyl, rector here, his feoffees; and gave 10l. as a stock to be always lent out to some person in Ashwellthorp, the interest to be laid out in buying new altar clothes, and ornaments for the chancel, in which it seems he was buried; his feoffees were to pay 5l. to the chief lord of the manor of Bale, for the relief of Eleanor his daughter, if that manor should come to her hands, Bunwell manor to go to Elizabeth his wife for life, then to his daughter and her heirs, remainder to his nephew John, son of Robert de Thorp, and his heirs, but Sir Edmund his brother was to have the preference, if he pleased to buy the manors.

In 1417, Sir Edmund de Thorp, John Nevile, and John Kemp, LL. D. were appointed by King Henry V. to treat of and compose all differences which arose from any violations of the truce between the Duke of Burgoin and that King. This Sir Edmund, as I take it, is the same person whom Holinshed calls the Lord Thorp, who was killed at the seige of Lovers castle in Normandy, with the Lords Scales and Darcy; but his body was brought over and buried in the new isle of his own foundation, under a fair tomb, on which he lies in complete armour, with his helmet under his head, and a crown and plume for his crest; his wife lies by him, with a pillow under her head; both the statues are of white alabaster, and lie under a wooden canopy. The arms of Thorp quartering Bainard are cut on his armour; he hath a chaplet about his head, and a sword lying by his side, signifying, that though he lost his life in war, yet he obtained the victory; at his head an angel holds an inescutcheon of St. George; at her head the arms of France and England, at his feet a greyhound, and at her's a lap-dog; on the south side are four angels holding four shields, 1, Thorp and Bainard quartered. 2, Northwood, erm. a cross ingrailed gul. on the first quarter, arg. a fess between two bars gul. 3, Clifton. 4, Barry, arg. a chevron between three bears heads cooped sab. muzzled or. And on the north side are shields with these arms; 1, or, a lion rampant gul. armed and langued az. 2, arg. two bars and a canton gul. 3, Kerdeston, gul. a saltier ingrailed arg. 4, Calthorp.

Sir Edmund left two daughters his coheiresses; Joan, who married Sir Robert Echingham, Knt. and after to Sir John Clifton of Bukenham castle, Knt. but on failure of issue according to the entail, the estate of the Thorps vested in her sister Isabel, who married Phillip Tilney of Boston in Lincolnshire, Esq. and they kept their first court in 1436, in which year she died, and lies interred under a marble with a brass circumscription in Thorp's chapel, with the arms of Tilney, arg. a chevron between three griffins heads erased gul. impaling Thorp, quartering Bainard, and her effigies.

Hic iacet Isabella que fuit Uror Phillippi Tilney, Armigeri una Filiarum et Heredum Edmundi Thorp Militis et Domine Johanne quondam Domine de Scales, Consortis sue, que obiit decimo die Mensis Novembris, Anno Domini Mccccorrrvio. cuius anime pro. picietur Deus Amen.

After her death, her husband retired from the world, took on him a religious habit, and turned secular canon, and was admitted to St. Butolph's prebend in Lincoln cathedral, where he was buried in 1453; the arms of Tilney impaling Thorp, quartering Bainard, are on his grave-stone there, and this,
Hic iacet Philipus Tilney, Canonicus et Residentiarius Ecclesie Cathedralis Beate Marie Lincoln: nuper Armiger; Filius Fre- derici Tilney Armigeri, Filii Philippi Tilney Militis, ac maritatus Isabelle uni Filiarum Edmundi Thorp de Ashwell-Thorp in Comi tatu Norfolcie Militis, et Domine Johanne Domine de Scales, nuper Consortis eiusdem Edmundi qui obiit penultimo die Mensis Octobris Anno Domini Mccccliiio. cuius anime propicietur deus amen: For Charity.

At his feet is this,
Passed the Pilgrimage of this present Lyf, Resteth Sir Philip Tilney, clased in your Sight, In his yourth Esquier, and so Wedded to his Wyf, The Daughter and Heier of Edmund Thorp Knight. And Awnt to Thomas Lord Scales discended of Lyne right. Disposed him after to God's Ordinaunce, Couth none find in him matter of Displeasaunce, Here he lyeth buried Canon and Residentiarie, Sumtyme of Patrimony sufficient in deed, But Death, that from her Nature cannot varie, Hath ceased him by Force, and we must all succeed; Consider heer a Karrion, Wormes to feed, Aud pray for his Soul, of Peyn to have a Iysse, And doo for hym, as thou wouldest he did, at thy need, Now Jesu for thy Passion, bring hym to thy Blysse.

They had three daughters, Marion, Grace, and Maud, and three sons, Hugh, Robert, and

Frederick Tilney of Boston, Esq. the eldest son and heir, who inherited all the Thorps; he married Elizabeth, daughter and heir of Laurence Cheney of Cambridgeshire, Esq. and had only one daughter,

Elizabeth, who married Humphry Bourchier, Knt. eldest son of John Lord Berners; he was slain at Barnet Field, on the part of King Edward IV. upon Easter day 1471, in the lifetime of his father, and was buried in St. Edmund's chapel in Westminster abbey, under a tomb of gray marble raised, and on it is curiously engraven on brass plates, the effigies of Sir Humphry armed cap-a-pie, his head on his helm, with a crest, and his feet supported, the one by a leopard, the other by an eagle, with the arms of

Bourchier, arg. a cross ingriled gul. between four water-budgets sab. quartering billetè, a fess and a file of three, impaling 1st, Tilney. 2, Roos, arg. three bars gul. over all a canton sab. 3, Thorp, az. three crescents arg. 4, Baynard. 5, three chevronels. 6, in a bordure three de-lises. And this inscription,
Hic pugil ecce iacens Bernet, sera Bella cupiscens, Certat ut Eacides, fit saucius undique miles, Ui cecidit Vulnus Mars porrigit arma Cruore Sparsim tincta rubent, dolor en lachrymabilis hora, Lumine nempe cadit quo Christus morte resurgit, Bourchier Humfridus, clara propagine dictus, Edwardi Regis, qui tertius est vocitatus, John Domini Berners Proles, et Parvulus heres, Quartus et Edwardus Belli tenet ecce triumphum, Quo perit Humfridus, ut Regis Uernula verus Cyronomon Mensæ sponse Regis fuit iste, Elizabeth, sibi sic sua virtus crescit Honore; Annis conspicuus quondam clarusque Britannis Hic fuit, ut Celis vivat, vibat, deposcite votis.

Elizabeth his wife was a widow in 1470, and then made her first will, relating to all her manors except Stonham, Aspall, Eestbergholt, and Cowling in Suffolk; but before 1472, she was married again to Thomas son and heir of John Lord Howard, Knt. afterwards Earl of Surrey, and Duke of Norfolk, and made another will; and in 1506, Nov. 6, by the name of Elizabeth Dutchess of Norfolk, she made her last will, which was proved at Lambeth in 1507, by which she ordered her body to be buried in the nuns quire, of the Minoresses without Aldgate, London, near the place where Anne Mongomery lieth. The Duke survived her, and held the manors by the courtesy of England, to his death in 1524, when he was buried in the priory church of Thetford, commonly called Thetford abbey.

Sir John Bourchier, Knt. son and heir of Sir Humphry, and grandson and heir of John Lord Berners, was summoned to parliament as Lord Berners in 11 and 12 of Henry VII. and in the 1st, 3d, 6th, and 21st of Henry VIII. and died deputy general of the town and marches of Calais, 19 March 1532, 23d Henry VIII. He ordered his body to be buried in the chancel of St. Mary's church at Calais, and after the decease of his lady, gave his manors of Houghton, Offley, and Doxley in Hertfordshire, to the King, to satisfy the 500l. sterling that was due to his Majesty, and the overplus of their value was to go to perform his will, &c. He married Catherine, daughter of John Howard Duke of Norfolk, who survived him, and died 12th March, 27th of Henry VIII. 1535. This Lord Berners was only seven years old at his grandfather's death; in 18 Edward IV. he was made Knight of the Bath, at the marriage of the Duke of York, second son of King Edw. IV. with the daughter and heir of the Duke of Norfolk. In 7 Henry VII. he was retained to serve that King, with two spearmen, himself of the number, each having his custrel and page, and nine demi-lances on horseback, in order to an expedition into France; and accordingly Oct. 1, the King took shipping at Sandwich, and the same day landed at Calais with a great army, and laid siege to Bologne, till Nov. 8, when a peace was made, to which all the peers consented, and among them this John Lord Berners. In 1495, he assented to a peace made with France, on the sea, near Bologne. In 1513, he had the King's letters of protection, being made captain of the pioneers at the siege of Therovene. In 6th Henry VIII. he was made Chancellor of the Exchequer for life; and that year attended the Lady Mary, the King's sister, into France, to her marriage with Lewis XII. In 19 Henry VIII. he obtained a grant from the King, of the inheritance of the manors and advowsons of Oakham, Effingham, Waldingham, Titsey in Surrey, Stratton, Audeley in Oxfordshire, Knoke in Wiltshire, and Up-Clatford in Southamptonshire, with all the knights fees belonging to them. It is also observable, that this John Lord Berners was a person so eminent for his learning, that by the command of King Henry VIII. he translated the Chronicle of Sir John Froisart, out of French into English: he likewise translated several other works, out of French, Spanish, and Italian, as, the Life of Sir Arthur, an Armorican Knt. The famous Exploits of Hugh of Bourdeaux. Marcus Aurelius, and the Castle of Love. Besides which, he composed a book, Of the Duties of the Inhabitants at Calais, and a comedy intituled, Ite in Vineam. He had issue, only two daughters,

Mary, married to Alexander Unton, Esq. son and heir of Sir Thomas Unton of Wadley in Berkshire, Knt. to whom she was first wife, but died without issue, and

Jane, her sister, by her death, became sole heir to her father; she married Edm. Knevet, Esq. serjeant-porter to King Henry VIII. who became lord and patron of Ashwellthorp, and owner of the Thorp's estate; he was second son of Edmund Knevet of Bukenham castle in Norfolk, Esq. and settled at Ashwell-Thorp-hall, and had in his wife's right, the manors of Barneholt, Horham, Thorp-hall, and Cowling in Suffolk, Thetford in the isle of Ely, Loveden in Tyd St. Mary in Lincolnshire, Ashwell-Thorp, Colkirk, North-Creke, Gateley, &c. in Norfolk; Killingholm, Alyseby, Boston, Toft, Skyrbeck, Pynchbeck, Thorp-hall, and Bacons, in Quaplode in Lincolnshire; Ryngburgh in Yorkshire, Fisherwick, Bacre, Bromwych, and Shefeld in Staffordshire, and Stonham Aspal in Suffolk, &c. of all which, except the six last manors, the said Edmund Knevet, Esq. and Jane his wife, had livery, 5th July, 25 Henry VIII. together with Walpole manor in Lincolnshire. He was constituted receiver of the revenues of the King's domains in Denbigh in North-Wales; and dying in 1546, was buried in the chapel adjoining to Ashwellthorp chancel; and then Jane his widow surrendered the manor of Thetford in Ely isle, to her eldest son John, and Agnes his wife: and her manor of Gately in 1551, to William and Edmund Knevet, her younger sons, for life; and in 1557, her manors of Quaplode, Holbech, Pynchbek, Multon, Skyrbek, Boston, Killingholm, and Aylsby in Lincolnshire, to the use of her other executors, for 80 years, &c. and then to her right heirs. In 1560, she made her last will, and ordered her body to be buried by her husband: she gave Colkirk to her 2d son William, and Gately and North Creke to her son Edmund, remainder to her right heirs, her daughters, Rose widow of Oliver Reymes, Alice wife of Oliver Shiers of Wreningham, and Christian wife to Thomas Foster, Gent. had legacies. In the said chapel, is a gray marble with a brass plate, on which is this,
Jane Knyvet resteth here, the only heir by Right, Of the Lord Berners that Sir John Bourchier hight, Twenty Years and three, a Widdows Lyft she ledd, Always keeping Howse, where Rych and Poor were fedd, Gentyll, just, quyet, void of Debate and Stryft, Ever doyng Good; Lo ! thus she led her Lyft, Even unto the Grave, where Erth on Erth doth lye, Gn whose Soul God grant of his aboundant Mercy The rvii of February Ao Dni. MDLII.

John Knevet of Plumpstede, Esq. their eldest son and heir, was 22 years old at his father's death; and died in his mother's lifetime; in 1537, he married Agnes, daughter of Sir John Harcourt of Stanton Harcourt in Oxfordshire, and Elnhale in Staffordshire, Knt. who remarried with William Bowyer, Gent. of Wimbleton in Surrey. On this match, the manors of Horham, Thorp-hall, and Barneholt in Suffolk, and Thetford in Ely isle, were settled on them; and in 1342, they sold to Robert Reynolds, Esq. all their part of the manor of Illarys, alias New-hall, in Estbergholt, Stratford, WenhamMagna, Capel, Butley, Holton and Brantham in Suffolk; she died in 1579, and

Sir Thomas Knevet of Ashwell-Thorp, her eldest son and heir, succeeded, and in the year 1616, having petitioned the King for the barony of Berners, descended to him from Jane his grandmother, he obtained a certificate (upon a reference of his petition by King James I. to the lords commissioners for the office of Earl-Marshal) of his right and title to the said barony, but died the 9th of Feb. following, before he could obtain the King's confirmation thereof. He was knighted by Queen Elizabeth in her progress into Norfolk; in 1579 he was high-sheriff of the county; his will was proved in 1617; by which it appears, that Thomas Knevet, Esq. his grandchild, was his heir; Abigail Mundeford, Katherine Paston, and Muriel Bell, were his three daughters; Eliz. Ashfield was his sister, and had a daughter named Abigail; he settled an annuity for life, on Edmund his son, out of Hapton manor, and was buried at Ashwellthorp Feb. 9, 1617. He married Muriel, daughter of Sir Thomas Parry, Knt. master of the court of wards and liveries, and treasurer of the household to Queen Elizabeth, sister and coheir of Sir Thomas Parry of Welford in Berkshire, Knt. chancellor of the dutchy of Lancaster, and ambassour-leidger in France, in the time of Queen Elizabeth; she was buried here.

An elegy to the never dying fame, of that ever-living lover of vertue, the right worshipful the Lady Muriel Knyvet, late wife of the right worshipful Sir Thomas Knevet, Knt. who ceased to live among mortals 26 Apr. Anno Incarn. Dni. 1616.

Here Norfolk's Wonder lies, a Phenix right, Who might be term'd for her good Deeds so many; In doing Good who took her chief delight, Not caring for vain Pleasure momentary, &c.

Per Oliver Johnsonum Tyronem Nordowicensem.

This Sir Thomas, was a man of great repute, and much beloved for his hospitality and good nature, for which he was eminent, as the following ballad containing an incredible story (the tradition of which still remains) fully declares:

The Baliad of Ashwell-Thorp, made in Sir Thomas Knevet's time.

Once there liv'd a Man, Deny it they that can, Who liberal was to the Poore; I dare boldly say, They ne're were sent away, Empty Handed from his Doore.

When Misers in Holes crept, Then open House he kept, Where many then, did resort, Some for Love of good Beere, And others for good Cheere, And others for to make Sport.

There was a Gentleman, From London Citty came, The Countrey for to see, And all in the Pryme, Of jovial Chistmass Time, There merry for to be.

This Londoner did say, If the Gentry would give way, A Trick to them he w'd show, That an Acorn he would sett, If they would please to ha'te, Which to a great Tree should grow.

The Acorn he pull'd out, And shewed it all about, In his Hand then he took it agayne, In the presence of them all, In the middle of the Hall, He sat down the Acorne playne.

While one could drink a Cup, There did an Oak spring up, Which was so huge and tall, With Arms it so put out, And Branches all about, That it almost fill'd the Hall.

This Oak then did beare, Which was a Thing most rare, Acorns both black and brown, For which the Swine did busk, And they did loose their Husk, As they came tumbling down.

This great Oake there did stand, To the View of every Man, Who saw, it was so playne, But Roome then to afford, To bring Supper unto Bord, They wish't it gone agayne.

Then lowdly he did call, And two came into the Hall, Who were both stout and strong, And with the Tools they had, To work they went like mad, And laid this Oake along.

I'le tell you here no Lye, The Chips there then did flye, Buzzing about like Flyes, That Men were forced to ward, Their Faces well to guard, For Fear they sh'd loose their Eyes.

He bid them then be bold, And e'ry one take hold, This Oake for to carry away, And they all hold did get, But c'd not stirr't a whit, But still along it lay.

He said they had no Strength, Which he would prove at length.

For it sh'd not lye long on the floor, Two Goslings young and green, They then came whewting in, And carried it out of the Door.

Then gone was the Oake, That had so many a stroke, Before that it fell downe, Thus as it grew in haste, So quickly did it waste, Not a Chip then could be found.

This Story is very true, Which I have told to you, 'Tis a Wonder you did'nt heare it, I'le lay a Pint of Wine, If Parker and old Hinde, Were alyve, that they w'd swear it.

Sir Thomas Knevet of Ashwellthorp and Thornage, Knt. eldest son and heir of Sir Thomas Knevet the elder, and Muriel Parry his wife, died in Sept. 1605, in the lifetime of his father, and was buried in St. Mary's church at Feltwell, Sept. 20; he was knighted at the Charter-house, May 11, 1603, by King James I. In 1592, he married Elizabeth second daughter and coheir of Sir Nathaniel Bacon of Stiveky or Stucay in Norfolk, Knight of the Bath, who survived him.

Thomas Knevet of Ashwellthorp, Esq. their son, was baptized June 10, 1596, and inherited at the death of his grandfather; in 1625, he was summoned to receive the honour of Knight of the Bath, at the coronation of King Charles I.; he died at Henham-hall in Suffolk, the seat of his son-in-law, Sir John Rous, Knight and Baronet, and was buried at Ashwellthop, July 2, 1658, with this on a black marble gravestone in Thorp's chapel:

Hic jacet insignis Heros THOMAS KNYVET, Armiger, Baro hereditarius de BERNERS, Titulo, à JANA Filiâ JOHANNIS BOURCHIER Baronis de BERNERS, traducto. Virtutibus Publicis, Privatis, sincero Numinis Cultu, Moribus antiquis, priscâ. animi Indole, Ac veteri Prosapiâ illustris, leniori Seculo, et fœlici Caroli secundi Post liminio dignus. Sed exhalanti Monarchiæ vix superstes, Distichon Hocce, generosi animi specimen, proprio Calamo Exaratum, Posteris legavit.

Here lies loyal Knyvet who hated Anarchy, Liv'd a true Protestant, and died with Monarchy. Obijt Junij 30, 1658.

On this stone are the arms of Knevet quartering Bourchier, and Bourchier quartering Berners and Knevet's crest, a demidragon, his wings erect, az. langued gul. He married Catherine, fourth and youngest daughter of Thomas Lord Burgh of Gainesborough, sister and coheir of Thomas Lord Burgh, her brother, who died under age; she was buried at Ashwell-thorp, May 1, 1646, leaving two sons, John and Thomas.

Sir John Knevet of Ashwell-thorp, their eldest son, was made Knight of the Bath at the coronation of King Charles 11. he married Mary, daughter of Sir Thomas Bedingfield of Darsham in Suffolk, Knt. in 1655; and settled on her, the manors and advowsons of Ashwell-thorp, Wreningham, and the manors of Nelonde, Fundenhall, and Hapton, and 96 acres of Thorp wood next the park (Fundenhall wood containing 180 acres, the upper end of Thorp wood containing 64 acres were excepted out of the settlement.) In 1662, he was appointed by Horace Lord Towneshend, one of the deputy lieutenants for the county: by his will proved in the prerogative court Feb. 13, 1673, he ordered his body to be interred without any solemnity in the east end of that chapel, in the church of Ashwell thorp, belonging to his family, where there is a stone with his crest and arms, thus inscribed,


Baro Hæreditarius de BERNERS, A CAROLI postliminio Eques Balnei, Antiquum Genus virtute insignivit, Ad exteras peregrinando, Selectissimos condivit mores, Doctrinam coluit et occuluit, Ritu solemni adoravit Numen, Regi Fidelitatem latè testatus, Altare ditavit DEI Elemosinarius, Optimis auspicijs Uxorem duxit MARIAM Filiam THOMÆ BEDINGFIELD Equitis.

Conjugalis Amoris nobile exemplar, Sic Phœnix in Cineres redactus Æternam manens renovationem.

Hic jacet Obijt Julij 28 1673.

Mary his wife survived him, and by will ordered to be interred in the vault of Ashwellthorp chancel, as near her husband's body as possible; and in that chapel there is a stone thus inscribed,

Here lyeth the Body of Dame Mary Knyvet, Wife of Sir John Knyvet Knt. of the Bath, departed this Life the 18th Day of April 1713, being in the 80th Year of her Age; they left two Sons and five Daughters.

1. Thomas Knevet, Esq. of Ashwell-thorp, eldest son and heir, was colonel of a regiment of the militia of the county of Norfolk, died unmarried, and was buried by his father under a marble thus inscribed,

Hic situs est, THOMAS KNYVET Armiger, Johannis de Balneo Equitis Filius natû maximus, Qui nobilem à quâ oriundus est stirpem Non minus generosâ indole Fide antiquâ, Spectatâ omnibus humanitate, Quam ingenij acumine, acri Judicio, Et exquisita politiorum Literarum Scientiâ, Expressit, illustravit, Spem vero quem Boni omnes, De illo conceperant amplissimam Præcox Fatum eripuit.

Diuturni enim morbi dolore fractus, Vigente adhuc Ætate, Cælebs animam DEO reddidit.

4to Kalend Octobris 1693, Ætatis suæ 37.

2. John Knevet, Esq. was captain of a foot company in the service of King William III. and died at Lisburn in Ireland, unmarried, Feb. 15, 1659, and was buried in the church there.

1. Elizabeth, the eldest daughter, married to Thomas Glemham of Glemham-Parva in Suffolk, Esq. where they were buried. They had only one child, Thomas, who survived his parents, and was captain of a company of dragoons under Brigadier Pepper, in Spain, in the service of the late Queen Anne, and died unmarried about 1711, at Valladolid, and was buried there.

2. Catherine, who by the death of all her brothers and sisters without issue, became sole heiress: she married first, to John Harris of London, Gent. by whom she had no issue, secondly, to Rich. Bokenham of Weston-Mercate, Esq. high-sheriff of Suffolk, by whom she had no issue; he is buried in Weston-Mercate chancel. In 1720, she being wife to the said Richard, claimed the barony of Berners, and after a hearing in the House of Lords, their lordships were of opinion,

That she had fully proved her claim to the said barony of Berners in fee, and had a right to the said barony in fee; and accordingly by his Majesty's command, she was allowed to be Catherine Baroness Berners by descent from John Bourchier Lord Berners, who was first summoned to parliament by writ dated 26 May 33 Henry VI. Her arms were, quarterly 1 and 4, Knevet. 2 and 3 quarterly or and vert. She died in December 1743, and was buried at Weston by her husband, aged 89.

3. Mary died unmarried, 29 Oct. 1710, and is buried at Ashwellthorp under a marble grave-stone, with Knevet's arms in a lozenge, and this,

Here lyeth the Body of Mrs. Mary Knevet, the third daughter of Sir John Knevet Knight of the Bath, departed this Life the 29th of Oct. 1710, being of the age of 47 Years.

4. Jane, married to Oliver le Neve of Great Wichingham in Norfolk, Esq. but died before her husband, without issue 19 June, 1704, and is buried under a black marble in the chancel of Great Wichingham, with this,

M. S.

Mortalibus exuvijs hic depositis, Dormit, beatam præstolans Anastasin, (cum Surgite, novicissimùm resonabitur) Fæmina è pluribus Lectissima, JANA Johannis Knyvet Equitis de Balneo,


Natu, præter unam, minima; Virtutibus tamen Magna, Oliveri le Neve Armigeri, Uxor altera, Sed nulli secunda.

Utpote, quæ viro, suisque omnibus Non unquam erat, nisi moriendo, Gravis.

Obijt 19 Junij Anno Salutis nostræ 1704.

5. Muriel died unmarried, and is buried with this on her gravestone, in the chapel here,

Here lyeth what was mortal of Muriell the youngest Daughter of Sir John Knyvet, Knt. of the Bath, and Dame Mary his Wife, she died Sept. 8, 1688.

This branch being thus extinguished, the barony and estate descended to the heirs of

Thomas Knyvet of Mutford in the county of Suffolk, Esq. second surviving son, but third son born, of Thomas Knyvet, Esq. eldest son and heir of Sir Thomas Knyvet, of Ashwellthorp, who died in the lifetime of his father, Sir Thomas Knyvet, son and heir of John Knyvet, Esq. son and heir of Edmund Knyvet, Esq. by Jane his wife, daughter and sole heir of John Bourchier Lord Berners.

This Thomas was baptised at Ashwell-thorp, 22d Feb. 1624, and married Emme daughter of Thomas Hayward of Cranwyse in Norfolk, Gent. who survived him, and died in 1658, leaving

John Knyvet of Norwich, Esq. their only son and heir, who married Lucy, daughter and coheir of Charles Suckling of Brakendale in Norfolk, Esq. who are both dead, and lie buried at Trowse in Norfolk; they had five sons and three daughters.

1, Paston Knyvet, Esq. died without issue. 2, Thomas, who died unmarried. 3, John died young. 4, John Knyvet, Esq. captain of a company of invalids, died single, in May 1742, and was buried at Trowse, but hath been since removed to Ashwell-thorp. 5, Charles died unmarried.

1, Eliz. Knyvet, married Hen. Wilson, Gent. of Didlington in Norfolk, who was buried first at Trowse, but is since removed to Ashwell-thorp; she is still living his widow, and in possession of the manors of Ashwell-thorp, Wreningham, Fundenhall, and Hapton, by the will of the late Lady Berners, with the advowsons of Ashwellthorp and Wreningham, and hath two sons and one daughter living. 1, Henry. 2, Knyvet. 3, Harriot, married to Mr. John Layton of London.

2, Lucy Knevet, now dead, married 1st to Mr. Thomas Holt, by whom a daughter named Elizabeth-Ann. 2dly, to John Field, carpenter, of Reading in Berkshire, by whom she hath two daughters, Lucy and Catherine.

3, Catherine Knevet died young.

So that now the barony of Berners is in abeyance, both the sisters having surviving issue.

The church hath a square tower and four bells, a nave, chancel, and north chapel. There is a handsome stone font, erected by Thomas Knevet, Esq. and Katherine Burgh his wife: it is an octogon, and hath eight shields: 1, Thorp. 2, Tilney impaling Thorp. 3, Bourchier impaling Tilney. 4, Knyvet impales Bourchier. 5, Knyvet impaling Harcourt, or, two bars G. 6, Knyvet impales Parry, alias Vaughan, sab. a chevron ar. between three boys head proper, intwined with snakes noued proper 7, Knyvet and Bacon, gul. on a chief arg. two mullets sab. 8, Knyvet and Burgh, az. five de-lises erm. In the east window of the chapel, quarterly France and England Seales impaling Northwood. Burgh in the garter. Thorp and Bainard quartered gul. a falcon rising arg. In the east chancel window, Thorp siding Baniard, and A. a cross gul. In the belfry window, Baniard impaled with lozengè erm. and gul. In the other windows, Lord Morley. Northwood with the crest, and two bars gul. in the first quarter. Aslack, sab. a chevron between three catherine-wheels or

On a black marble, Knyvet with a crescent. Deposita Nathanielis Knyvet Armigeri qui obijt 15° Die Nov. A. D. 1659. He was son of Sir Thomas Knyvet, Knt.

In the east window are the remains of a knight in armour, kneeling at an altar tomb, and Knyvet and Clifton quartered by him, with a crescent; against him is a woman kneeling, in the dress of that age, with the said quarters in a lozenge, impaling or, a fess sab. surmounted by a saltier gul. and there was a picture of it at Ashwell-thorp, which I take to have been erected either to the memory of that Sir John Knevet who married Joane, daughter and heir of Sir John Boutetort of Mendlesham in Suffolk, Knt. or rather of Sir John his son, and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Constantine Clifton of Bukenhamcastle, Knt. who was buried in Wimondham abbey church, with this inscription,
Hic iacet Domini Elixabeth quondam Yro Johannis knebet militis Domini de Mendlesham, filia Constantini Elitcon, Domini be Bukhenham Castle, soror Johannis Elitton Militis, et Matre Johannis Anybet Irmigrei, per quam Castrum be Bukenham et multa alia Maneccia dicta Johanni hybet Armigero, iure Derrebitario bescendebent, que quidem Elizabetha ablit apud Mendicsham, in Mense Septembris Ao Dni. Meccchio.

The rectory is valued in the King's Books at 6l. 13s. 4d. and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 30l. it is discharged of firstfruits and tenths, and is capable of augmentation.

The church is dedicated to all the Saints, and when Norwich Domesday was made, Sir Rob. Fitz-John was patron; the rector had a house and 10 acres of glebe, it was valued at nine marks, paid 6s. 8d. procurations, 3s. synodals, 2s. 6d. Peter-pence, and 3d. carvage. The terrier hath a house and about eight acres of glebe. The church of Ashwell is down, and immemorially annexed to Thorp. There is weekly service here. The village hath about 20 families, and it paid to each tenth 26s. clear. The etymology of its name is, the Thorp by the Well or Fountain at the Asshes. Here was a gild of the Holy Trinity, and in 1504, the tenor bell was made by the contribution of Sarah Sawer and others.



William le Devees, rector.

  • 1298, Philip de Thorp, brother to Sir John de Thorp, patron: he is buried under a stone with a cross only on it, on the north side of the altar.
  • 1317, John de Pagrave. Sir John de Thorp and Alice his wife.
  • 1334, John Fish, changed Fressing field mediety for this, with Pagrave. Beatrix, widow of Sir Robert de Thorp, Knt. He had Ashwell chapel. 1335, he rechanged with Pagrave. Ditto.
  • 1337, Alex. Attemere of Massingham-Parva. Beatrix, &c.
  • 1349, Jeffry Kemp of Massingham-Parva. Ditto. He had the chapel.
  • 1387, John Snetel of Wimondham. Sir Edmund de Thorp, senior, Knt. He was buried in the church porch in 1420, and was succeeded by
  • Thomas Truyt, who was presented by Sir Edm. Berry, Knt. Charles Alleyn, clerk, and John Lancastre, Esq. patrons of this turn.
  • 1432, on Truyt's resignation, Sir John Clifton, Knt. gave it to Richard Talpe, and in
  • 1434, to Master Tho. Dalingho, and on his resignation in
  • 1444, to Tho. Robyns, who resigned in
  • 1456, to George Barker, who had it of the gift of John Bourchier, Knt. Lord Berners, guardian to Elizabeth daughter and heir of Frederick Tilney, at whose death in
  • 1480, Master Tho. Ashfield was presented by Sir Tho. Howard, Knt. and Lady Elizabeth his wife, and resigned in
  • 1488, to Tho. Greene, and Thomas Earl of Surrey, guardian of the West and Middle Marches of England towards Scotland, and Justice of all the King's forests beyond the Trent, and Lady Elizabeth his wife, presented him; and on his resignation in 1498, they gave it to Richard Eaton. In
  • 1511, Will. Smith was instituted, and at his death in
  • 1533, Sir Stephen Thompson succeeded, by the gift of Sir Edmund Knevet, and Joan, daughter and heir of Bourchier Lord Berners. He died in 1544, and Joan Knyvet, widow, relict of Edmund Knyvet, Esq. presented
  • Robert Barrey, who died in 1553, and she gave it to Hugh Shelmerdon, on whose death in 1555, she presented
  • Thomas Longbottom, and in 1557, he was either reinstituted, or another of the same name had it of her gift, who died in 1560, and she presented
  • John Browne, who held it united to Wreningham, and dying 27 Dec. 1593, was buried here, and Sir Tho. Knyvet, Knt. gave it to
  • John Harrison, A.M. who held it united to Wreningham, and in 1603, he returned answer that he had 91 communicants in this parish. In.
  • 1627, Roger Gallard had it united to Wreningham, at Harrison's death, of the gift of Thomas Knyvet, Esq. and in
  • 1672, Richard Jacquis, A. M. had it with Wreningham, at the presentation of John Knyvet, Knight of the Bath, at whose cession in 1676, Sir Thomas Knevet gave them both to
  • Will. Bedingfield, A.M. at whose cession in 1684, Thomas Knevet, Esq. presented
  • William Barlow, A.M. who held it united to Taseburgh; and at his death in 1693, Thomas Knevet, Esq. of Darsham in Suffolk presented
  • Benjamin Gooch, at who death in
  • 1728, the Rev. Mr. John Browne, the present rector, had it of the gift of Catherine Baroness Berners, and now holds it united to the rectory of Berningham-Parva in Norfolk.
  • From the Register.
  • 1600, Edmund Mundeford, Esq. and Mrs. Abigail Knevet, married 17 Dec.
  • 1601. Mr. Tho. Holland (afterwards Sir Thomas) and Mary Knevet married 19 Oct. Thomas their first son, born and died in 1652.
  • 1603, John, 2d son of Thomas Holland born. This was old Sir John of Quidenham. (See Holland's Pedigree, Vol. I. p. 344.) Mary wife of Mr. Tho. Holland, buried at Kenninghall, Jan. 2, 1605.
  • 1603, Edmund Paston (afterwards Sir Edmund, father of Sir Will. Paston, Bart.) and Cath. Knyvet, married 28 April; she was daughter of Tho. Knyvet, Esq.
  • 1605, Sir Edmund Bell, Knt. married to his second wife, Muriel Knyvet, daughter of Sir Tho. Knyvet, Oct. 30.
  • 1627, Tho. Pettus, Esq. and Eliz. Knyvet, married.
  • 1655, Rob. le Gard, Gent. and Muriel daughter of Tho. Knyvet, Esq. married June 1.
  • 1693, Thomas Knyvet, Armiger, Johannis de Balneo, Equitis filius et hæres, florente ætate cælebs obijt 4to kalendarum Octobris ætat. 37.
  • 1485, Tho. Longe went to the King's hoste at Notingham. (Regr. Caston, fo. 252.) By which it seems he was a person of distinction here.


Commonly called Tackelston, belonged to Stigand the Bishop, in the Confessor's time, who held it as a berewic to Wimondham; it was then worth 10l. per annum, when the Conqueror's survey was made 20l. and it belonged to that Prince, and was under the custody or care of Godric his sewer; it was about three miles in length, and one in breadth, and paid 10d. ob. to the geld or tax. There was then a part of it which belonged to Roger Bigot's manor of Forncet, and went as Forncet manor did, and continues with it to this day.

The whole town, except Bigot's part, was in the Crown, till Hen. I. gave it to Richard de Lucy, who held it at three fees, and paid castleward for them to Dover castle, and he gave two of them to Sir Rob. de Munteney or Mounteney, who held them in 1161; and the other fee to Hugh son of Hamel, or Hameline, who then held it of Dover castle, and they were always held after of the honour of Dover, of the Fitz-Walters, as of their manor of Hemenhale.

Hugh son of Hamel was succeeded by Reginald Ovedale de Uvedale, or D'ovedale, and John de Uvedale his brother: the first held his part at half a fee of Walter Fitz-Robert, and the last held his of him, at the fourth part of a fee; and this constituted the manor called afterwards from its owners Dovedale's, or Tacolneston manor. Simon Fitz-Richard held a fourth part of a fee, which made up the manor called afterwards the Earl's manor, Hugh son of Eustace of Tacolneston held one fee of Walter Fitz-Robert, which was after called William's manor; and Bartholomew son of Philip Malherbe held one fee of Walter Fitz-Robert, which was after joined to Takeleston manor; and the aforesaid manors had their several shares in the advowson, all which were purchased by Hugh de D'Ovedale, and so the advowson attended Dovedale's manor.

Tacolenston, or Dovedale's Manor

Descended from Reginald de Uvedale to Benedict his son after whom Hugh de Uvedale had it; this Hugh, in 1214, purchased a part of the advowson of Rob. Mortimer, and became lord and sole patron; he was son of John de Uvedale, brother to Reginald, by Amicia daughter and heir of Roger Malherbe of Tacolneston, by which match, Malherbe's part was united to this. In 1274, he had liberty of free-warren allowed to the manor, and view of frankpledge, and assize of bread and ale over all his tenants; and in 1285, the King's charter for liberty of warren was allowed an eire, but the other liberties belonged to the King's hundred, whose bailiff was to be present at every lete, and receive three shillings a year of the lord for liberty of holding a lete. He was succeeded by Sir John Dovedale, his son and heir, about 1306, when he held here one fee of Roger Bigod of Norfolk. In 1318, this John gave his manor of Bedingham to the canons of Walsingham, upon which an inquisition being brought, the jury presented, "That besides the manor of Bedingham which John de Uvedale gave the canons of Walsingham, at that time John had his manor of Tacolneston, and several lands and tenements in Newton Flotman, to the value of 40l which would fully satisfy all customs and services, as well of the manor so given, as of the lands remaining; in scutages, view of frankpledge, aids, tallages, wards, fines, redemptions, amerciaments, contributions, and all emergencies; and that the said John might still be put on all assizes, juries, and recognisances, as before the said gift, so that the country would not be more charged than before the said John gave that manor." This I have transcribed at length, as showing in a good measure, the reason for making the statute of mortmain. In 1332, Isabell widow of John de Dovedale, daughter of Gilbert de Eton and Alice his wife, (which Alice was one of the three sisters and heirs of Thomas de Tichesey,) paid a relief to the King for Tichesey manor, which the said Thomas held at two fees of the King. In 1321, Sir Peter, son and heir of Sir John de Uvedale, had the manor at the death of his father; and the inquisition says, that it was held of the Earl of Norfolk, who held it of the FitzWalters manor of Hemenhale; that the manor-house had 90 acres of land adjoining, woods, groves, a windmill, and 3l. 10s. yearly quitrents; that he held also manors in Cambridgeshire and Surrey, and that Peter his son was 26 years old. This Sir Peter married Margaret, daughter and coheiress of William de Rusteing of Congham, with whom he had Rusteyn's manor in Wimondham, in 1333, and the two manors were then settled on Sir Peter and Margaret his wife, remainder to Sir Thomas de Uvedale, Knt. remainder to Hugh son of John de Uvedale in tail. Sir Peter died about 1345, for the then Lady Margaret his widow held it of the Earl, and presented in 1349. After her, Sir Thomas de Uvedale had it, and paid 3d. ob. a year out of the manor, to St. John's commandry at Carbrook; he presented in 1361, but was dead before 1374, for in that year John de Uvedale presented; he was, as I take it, son of Hugh, on whom the manor was intailed; in 1388, he obtained a charter from King Ric. II. confirming the charter of King Edward I. dated 16 May, in the 32d year of his reign, (1303,) by which that King granted to Sir John de Uvedale and his heirs, a weekly market on Wednesday, to be held at his manor of Tacolneston; and two fairs yearly, to be held at the said manor, the one on the vigil, day, and morrow, of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist; and the other on the vigil, day, and morrow, of All-Saints: and also liberty of free-warren in the said manor. In 1401, the said John held one fee of it of Thomas Mowbray, as of the manor of Forncet; one fee of Robert Mounteney, who held it of Mowbray; he presented in 1410, and it appears that he married Margaret Rees, and died about 1434, for in that year, Robert Clere, Esq. of Ormesby, held his first court for the manor of Tacolneston, D'Ovedale's, jointly with Eliz. his wife, only daughter and heiress of Tho. Uvedale, Esq.; she outlived him, and died in 1492, and was buried by her husband in Norwich cathedral, (see vol. iv. p. 35,) and settled a rent charge out of her manors of Cleydon and Threston or Tharston, for one of the monks to pray for their souls, and founded two priests to sing before Rees's altar in the collegiate church of St. Mary in the Fields in Norwich, for her own and husband's soul, and those of Will. Rees, Esq. and Margery his wife, her father and mother, who were buried there, (see vol. iv. p. 176,) she gave 4 bushels of malt to every teuant and householder in Ormesby; and legacies to Robert Clere her son; and to Audry and Dorothy his daughters, 200l. each, their sister Anne being a nun at Denney; she gave legacies also to John and Ralph sons of Sir Ralf Shelton; and to her daughter dame Margaret Shelton, a pair of gold beads for life, and then to Alice Heveningham, daughter of Sir Ralf Shelton; to Eliz. Beding field, daughter to her son Robert, her goddaughter, 500 marks, of such money as she and her son Robert ought to have of Sir Edmund Bedingfield, Knt. for the marriage of John his son and heir, to her god-daughter. In 1493, Philip Calthorp, Esq. and others, held their first court to the use of Robert Clere, Esq. and in 1506, a court was held in his own name, and that of Alice his wife, daughter of Sir Will. Boleyn of Blickling, Knt. and he was succeeded by Sir John Clere, Knt. his heir, who married Anne, daughter of Sir Tho. Tirrel, Knt. and in 1550, Edward Clere, Esq. his son, held his first court; he married Frances, daughter and heiress of Sir Ric. Fulmerston of Thetford, Knt. and settled this and Tharston manors on Anne his mother for life, Sir John Tirrel, Knt. his uncle, being trustee; at his death, Sir Edward Clere of Ormesby, his son, had it; he married Margaret, daughter of Will. Yaxley of Yaxley in Suffolk, Esq. whose son Sir Henry Clere of Ormesby, Baronet, mortgaged it to Mr. John Browne of Sparkes in Tacolneston, who afterwards joined with Sir Henry, and sold it to Richard Brockden or Brogden, alderman of Norwich, son of James Brockden, sheriff of Norwich in 1679, and Rebecca Gascoign his wife; he married Mary Douglas of Norwich; their son James Brocden was killed before Namur about 1695; he had three wives; 1, Mary, daughter of Hugh Bokenham, alderman of Norwich; 2, a daughter of Martin Skypp of North-Tudenham; 3, a daughter of Tho. Woode of Brakene, Esq. but had no issue; his mother Mary held this manor for life; and afterwards remarried to John Ladd, surgeon of Norwich; and it after belonged to Benjamin Andrewes, who sold it to Edmund Knipe of Tacolneston, Esq. the present lord, who hath a good house here, about two furlongs west of the church, anciently the seat of the Brownes, called Sparkes; William Knipe, Esq. is his son and heir.

William's Manor


Was granted to William sirnamed of Tacolneston, the place of his birth and habitation, from whose christian name the manor took its name; he was succeeded by Eustace, and he by Hugh his son, who owned it in 1196; and in 1249, it was found, that he held it at a whole knight's fee, but was not yet knighted. In 1256, Adam de Tacolneston had it; and in 1284, William de Tacolneston was returned of full age, and fit to be knighted; and in 1285, by the name of Sir William de Tacolneston (though he is often called Sir William Fitz-Eustace) he had view of frankpledge of all his tenants, and assise of bread and ale; the King's bailiff of the hundred attending at the lete, and receiving 18d. per annum; he was lord in 1297. In 1305, Richard de Tacolneston had it; in 1308, R. de Tacolneston settled on Anastaia, daughter of Robert de la More of Brakene, divers lands, &c. here and in Forncet, for life, remainder to himself; and in 1316, the said Richard was lord. In 1381, John de Tacolneston was lord; the famous John Tacesphalus (I believe) who was born here, and was elected prior of the Carmelites or White-friars in Norwich in 1404, of whom Pitsspeaks, p. 607. He was D. D. a man of great learning, remarkable piety, and a good orator; a great preacher against the disciples of Wickliff, Hus, and the Lollards; he published two books by way of comment on the Revelations; a collection of sermons for the Saints days, and many others; and to make them of the greater authority and esteem, he went to Pope Martin V. to Rome, to obtain his approbation and publick recommendation, which he had just obtained when he died, and was buried there; and it is probable, the manor fell by escheat, to the lord of Forncet manor, of which it was held, and continued with it till about 1570, when the Earl of Arundel was returned lord of William's manor in Tacolneston, and chief lord of the commons there, in right of the Earl's manor, which belonged to Forncet manor; but it was sold by the Earl to the Cleres, and by them to the Brownes; and in 1623, Edm. and Rob. Browne, son and heir apparent of Edm. articled with Tho. Knevet, Esq. and for 1900l. sold him Tacolneston manor, and the manor of William's, with the advowson and the rents of assise there above 11l. per annum, 6 capons, 2 hens, and 5 eggs; but it did not take place, for William's manor descended to John Browne, who joined and sold Tacolneston manor as aforesaid, to James Brockden, but kept this to himself; in 1657, the said John Browne the elder, Gent. was lord, and in 1664, John Browne, his eldest son and heir, kept his first court, in which it was found, that the custom of the manor is to the eldest son: and it hath continued ever since in the Brownes, and at the death of Richard Browne, it descended to his son, the Rev. Mr. John Browne, rector of Ashwelthorp, who is the present lord.

Earl's Manor


Was held as aforesaid by Simon Fitz-Richard, and in 1199, by Richard Fitz-Walter; in 1277, Robert Fitz-John and Maud his wife settled it on Richard de Eye, and it had three messuages, seven score and three acres of ground, 50 acres of wood, a mill, &c. In 1306, Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk and Marshal of England held it jointly with Alice his wife, of Robert Fitz-Walter, by the service of two parts of a fee; and from that time to this, it hath passed as Forncet manor.

The church is dedicated to all the Saints; when Norwich Domesday was wrote, Hugh de Dovedale was patron; the rector then had no house, but two barns, and 23 acres of glebe, though now there is a house, barn, and outhouses, adjoining to the north side of the churchyard, and about 30 acres of glebe. It was first valued at 10, after at 12 marks, and paid 6s. 8d. procurations, 3s. synodals, 2s. 6d. Peter-pence, and 8d. carvage; and the town paid 2l. 10s. clear to every tenth. The Prior of Bokenham's temporals were taxed at 6d. and those of the monks of Thetford at 2s. ob. The rectory stands undischarged in the King's Books at 12l. pays first fruits, and 1l. 4s. yearly tenths. There were two gilds here, the one of All-Saints, and the other of St. Nicholas. The church was rebuilt about 1503, for there were about that time, many legacies given to the foundation of the church of Tacolneston. The tower is square and hath five bells in it; the nave and chancel are thatched, the south isle is leaded, and the south porch tiled. In 1520, John Bannister was buried in the churchyard by Cicily and Beatrix his wives, and gave his manor of Aldham-hall in Lancashire, to his eldest child. In 1543, Will. Bexwell of Tacolneston, was buried in the church.

Browne of Tacolneston, or, a bend vert. Crest, a buck passant proper Guillim abridged, vol i. p. 55.

Ricardus Browne de Sparkes in hâc Parochiâ Gen. hic jacet Sepultus, qui mortem obijt 21 Die Augusti A. D. 1678, æt. suæ 45.

Browne impaling Knevet. Pietate et Charitate.

Hic jacet Corpus Murielis nuper Uxoris Johannis Browne, apud Sparkes Generosi, quæ fuit una Filiaram Johannis Knevet Generosi, et Vitam hanc cum morte commutavit 16° Die Marcij 1671.

Hic jacet Corpus Johannis Browne, apud Sparkes Generosi, qui Vitam hanc migravit 29° Die Sept. A. D. 1666.

Hodie mihi, Cras tibi.

Margaret Wife of Thomas Browne, one of the Daughters of Mr. John Framingham of Stucay, 19 Jan. 1682.

Death was thy Gain, tho' Loss to me, Who lost my better Half in Thee.

John son of Thomas Browne of Tacolneston, died in 1587. Thomas son of Ric. Browne late of Brundish, Sept. 18, 1679. Tho. son of Tho. Browne, April 30, 1696. Mary late wife of Tho. Browne 1696.

Mary Knipe, March 30, 1705. Henry son of Edm. Knipe Gent. 30 Dec. 1713. All these in the nave.

In the south isle is a stone for, Mary Catherine Browne Dr. to Mr. Robert Browne, and Mary his Wife, Jan. 14, 1675.

There is a stone in the churchyard, for Thomas Browne of Saxlingham-Thorp, 24 Oct. 1720, 51. The Brownes are an ancient family, having been in this parish ever since Henry the Sixth's time.

In the chancel, Anne the dear Wife of John Baldocke, Rector of Redgrave cum Botesdale in Suffolk, was buried here Oct. 11, 1692. Phillippa their daughter lies on the north side, 1676.

Mary daughter of Robert Kedington of Hockham, Esq. in Norfolk, and of Philippa his wife, Nov. 19, 1691.

William Lynne of Bintre in Norfolk, Gent. 27 Dec. 1678.

In the east window, quarterly, 1, Barry, or Berry, arg. a chevron between three bears heads sab. muzzled or. 2, lost. 3, Paston. 4, Mawtby. In a north window Bohun.


  • 1310, Hugh de Dovedale, accolite. Sir John son of Sir Hugh de Dovedale, Knt.
  • 1311, George de Uvedale, accolite. Ditto.
  • 1311, Hugh de Dovedale again, being now sub-deacon; he was instituted by George de Uvedale, his proctor, who resigned to him. Ditto.
  • 1349, Nic. de Islde. Lady Margaret de Dovedale. 1361, Sir Thomas de Uvedale, Knt. gave it to
  • John Broun, or Browne, vicar-general to the Bishop, and dean of Chapel-Field college, where he was buried, who changed this for that deanery in
  • 1374, with John de Henneye, late dean. 1400, John Fremingham and other trustees, presented
  • Stephen Praty; and in
  • 1410, Roger Haghe had it, of the gift of Tho. Uvedale, Esq. In
  • 1443, Sir Robert Stevenson succeeded, on the presentation of Eliz. Clere of Tacolneston, widow, late wife of Robert Clere of Ormesby; on whose death, Robert Clere, Esq. her son, gave it to
  • John Pynder, who in 1494, resigned, and Richard and Robert Southwell, Esqrs. as guardians to the heirs of Richard Holdich, late of Didlington, Esq. presented Thomas Castleford, who resigned in
  • 1498, to William Isbellys, who upon his institution, gave security to the Bishop, that he would pay a pension of 5 marks per annum to Thomas Castleford, that now resigned to him, as not being able to serve the cure. In 1540, at Isbell's death,
  • Robert Frosdit or Frosdike was presented by Robert Eusing, Gent. and John Simond, chaplain, by grant from Sir Tho. Clere, Knt. About
  • 1556, Sir Robert Poynter had it; at his death in 1562, Edw. Clere, Esq. gave it to
  • Thomas Bunting; at his death in 1574, Tho. Paris, Gent. presented
  • Will. Mellinge, on whose resignation in 1577, Sir Edward Clere gave it to
  • George Gurnay, who in 1603 returned answer, that here were 120 communicants. In
  • 1618, John Taylor; he held it united to Thugurton, and was presented by Thomas Palgrave of Pulham, who had it of the gift of Sir Thomas Knevet of Ashwell-thorp, Knt. and he in 1589, had the turn of Eliz. Trevor, who had it of Sir Edw. Clere. In 1643, John Taylor, senior, clerk, gave it to
  • Daniel Colby, who resigned the same year, and Taylor, senior, gave it to
  • John Taylor, junior. In 1660, Bobert Baldock, Esq. presented
  • Will. Smithies, who resigned in 1671, and then the said Robert, by the name of Sir Robert Baldock, Knt. gave it to
  • John Baldock, who resigned and took Redgrave in 1681, and Richard Kerrington had it of the gift of Robert Baldock, Knt. serjeant at law, who was deprived for not taking the oath to Will. III. and in 1690, Sir Robert gave it to
  • Charles Ward, afterwards rector of Mileham, who held it united to Hockering; he resigned in 1705, and
  • Horace Towneshend had it, of the gift of George and Mary Towneshend; at whose death in
  • 1706, the Rev. Mr. Thomas Townshend, the present rector, who holds it with Shipdham, was collated by lapse.

The advowson was sold from the manor by Sir Henry Clere, and was after purchased by Sir Robert Baldock, who descended from an ancient family of that name in this county, for Richard Baldock of Neketon owned a good estate there in 1263; in 1683, the said Robert was appointed King's serjeant by patent, and being an active man in King James the Second's time, he was one of the King's council at the trial of the seven Bishops in 1688, in which cause, showing much zeal, he was the same year made one of the justices of the King's Bench, in the room of Sir John Powell, Knt. who was turned out for maintaining, that the Bishops petition to the King could not be a libel; because it was founded upon the King's incapacity to dispense laws; which was very true: he had two wives, first Mary Bacon; 2d, the relict of Sir William Hewet of Breccles; by the first he had two children, Henry his only son, who died without issue, soon after his father, and left his only sister Mary, then wife of George Towneshend of Little-Wrotham, Esq. his sole heiress, whose only surviving son is the present rector. Sir Rob. Baldock aforesaid built a house opposite to the south part of the churchyard, which is commonly called Tacolneston-Hall, in which he dwelt, but now being decayed, great part of it is pulled down. This estate with the advowson, was sold some years since to Mr. Ferrer, who left it to his son William Ferrer, Gent. and his sister, carried it to her husband, Bernard Hyde, Gent, of Seven-Oak in Kent, the present patron.



At the Confessor's survey, belonged to one of his thanes named Burkart, who owned the chief part, and was patron of the church, which had then 24 acres of glebe; Aluric, a freeman of Bishop Stigand, had another part; and there was a berewic in Nelonde( ), which belonged to it: Walter de Dol, lord of Habetuna or Hapton, became lord here, and made these two villages one manor; he had them both of Roger Bigot, who held them of Earl Hugh, except two parcels, which the said Roger kept as belonging to his manor of Forncet( ), with which they always passed to this time. This town was a league in length, and half a league in breadth, and paid 13d. ob. to the tax.

The manor was very early in a family, which took their name from the town of North-Creke, where they were lords, and always resided. Sir Robert de Creke much augmented his estate, by marrying one of the heiresses of the Glanvilles family; after whose death, he married again; for in 1233, Richemeia his widow, was lady of the manor, which she then resigned to Sir Bartholomew de Creke, her son, who married Margery daughter of Jeffery Harnes, widow of Le Clerk, who survived him, and was lady in 1251, and in that year, resigned all her right in this manor and those of NorthCreke, Combes, and Flixton in Suffolk, to Robert de Creke, her eldest son and heir; but on his death without issue, she had it again; and in 1274, had view of frankplege and assise of bread and ale allowed her here; about 1258, she founded Flixton nunnery in Suffolk, and at her death, John de Creke, her son, inherited, who in 1285, obtained a charter of free-warren from King Edward I. for this manor, and that of Creke, when it was found that it extended into Hapton and Wimondham, and that one fee of it was held of Chester honour, and another of the Earl-Marshal, as of Forncet manor; but he dying without issue, his inheritance went to Sir John de Thorp, Knt. (called John Fitz-Robert) in right of Margaret (or Margery) his wife, daughter of Sir Robert de Creke, and at length coheir of Sarah de Creke, sister to Sir John de Creke, and wife to Roger Fitz-Osbert, and from him it descended to Robert Fitz-John de Thorp, his son, who obtained general releases from Roger son of Peter Fitz-Osbert, and from Agnes daughter and heiress of Jeffery Giltspur of Beccles, who married Agnes de Creke, his mother's sister; Joan de Creke, his other aunt, being dead issueless. And from this time it always passed as the manor of Ashwell-thorp, with which it still remains at this day, as you may see from p. 142, to p. 162.

The church is dedicated to St. Nicholas, and was a rectory appendant to the manor, till Margery, widow of Sir Barth. de Creke, foundress of Flixton nunnery in Suffolk, gave it with a messuage and 12 acres of land, and many rents and services here, to Beatrix, prioress of Flixton, and her successours for ever; and that convent presented till it was impropriated to their house, by William Bateman Bishop of Norwich in 1347, an annual pension of two marks being reserved to the Bishop, in lieu of first-fruits; and 2s. a year to the sacrist, as to the high-altar at the cathedral, and the Prioress was to nominate and find, a stipendiary chaplain, to be approved by the Bishop, and pay him for serving the cure; and from that time it hath been a donative, in the gift of the impropriator, who names a chaplain or clerk, and pays him for serving the cure, to which when licensed by the Bishop of the diocese, he is a perpetual curate. John de Creke was rector sometime before Norwich Domesday was made, and had a house and 40 acres of glebe, and it was valued at 15 marks with all the tithes; it paid 2s. 8d. synodals and procurations, 16d. Peter-pence, and 3d. carvage. In 1273, the day after St. Luke's day, there was an inquisition taken in the consistory court at Norwich, on the oaths of John, vicar of Thorp, Roger, vicar of Tharston, Gilbert, chaplain of Hapeton, and others, who presented that the rector for the time being, ought to repair the church of Fundenhale, and if it should happen, to rebuild it; and that a certain lady called Bertha de Fundenhale, gave to the said church and rectors thereof for ever, 15 acres of land in Fundenhale field, and a mark yearly rent in the town of Harpol; on condition, the rector and his successours for ever, should repair and rebuild it, as often as it should happen to want; which lands and rent, the rector then enjoyed; and that in a former controversy between the parishioners and Robert du Boys then rector, it was adjudged by the Bishop's official, that the rector should repair it, and not the parishioners: at the Dissolution in 1536, the King granted to Rich. Stephens and George Buck, "all the rectory and church of Funhall in the county of Norfolk, and the advowson of the vicarage of the parish church of Funhall, to be held by the rent of 6s. 8d. per annum, and the yearly stipend of one chaplain performing divine offices, and taking the cure of the souls of the said parish;" and in 1547, Stephens had license to sell it to Sir John Clere, Knt. and his heirs. Afterwards, Thomas Knevet of Ashwell-thorp, Esq. lord here, and the inhabitants, petitioned the House of Commons, that the Lady Clere of Cotton, late wife of Sir Francis Clere, and John Smith, Esq. who purchased the reversion of the impropriation of Sir Edward Clere, brother to the said Sir Francis, who died without issue, might be called to show, why they should not pay a competent stipend out of the profits, sufficient to find a serving minister, that might serve it regularly, and continue with them, instead of such poor stipends as 12 or 16 pounds a year at most, by reason of which, no minister would stay any time on the cure, there having been 40 returns of curates in the memory of one man; but it appearing that one Mr. Symonds, who obtained a presentation from the King in 1608, could not enjoy it, as not being presentative; but that the impropriator was to nominate a chaplain or curate, and pay him out of the profits, a competent stipend, they were dismissed. However, Mr. Edward Voice, the then curate, being returned to the house as a "godly, conscionable, and painful preacher of God's word," was appointed minister, and had a competent stipend assigned him out of the profits, by virtue of the order of the House, made Dec. 19, 1640. The impropriation now belongs to John Berney, Esq. of Swerdeston.



Ric. de Eye.

Will. de Giffard, rector in Bishop Turb's time.

  • 1270, Rob. du Boys, rector.
  • John de Creke, rector. Walter Blench.
  • 1315, Will. de Clare, presented by the prioress and nuns of Flixton; he resigned in
  • 1321, to Ric. de Geyst, in exchange for Helmingham.
  • 1341, Henry Becke of Beccles, the last rector. In
  • 1603, Mr. John Peay, curate, returned answer, that he was perpetual curate, it being a donative, and there were 93 communicants in the parish, which paid 46s. to each tenth, and in 1627, Richard Punder, A. B. perpetnal curate here, returned much the same account.

The Prior of Wimondham's temporals were taxed at 12d. and the spirituals of the Prioress of Flixton at 15 marks, and were to pay 20s. to each tenth; but in 1347, the nuns being returned to be very poor, they were excused the tax. Here was a gild of St. Nicholas, and lights before his image, and that of the Virgin in the church, which is built in the collegiate form, with a square tower, under which William Petifer, parish chaplain, was buried in 1374; and in 1460, William Norman, parish chaplain here, was interred in the chancel, and Master Vergeant, D. D. a friar-minor, was to pray for him in his convent at Norwich; he was a benefactor, as was John Daniel, who was buried in 1418 in Magdalen-chapel in St. Stephen's church in Norwich, and gave 20 marks to repair this steeple, and ordered a priest to celebrate a whole year in the church, for the souls of Roger and Christian his father and mother, &c. There are three bells, on the first,

1. Sonitu sum sanus, me fecit Baxter Ricardus

2. Munere Baptiste, Benedictus sit Chorus iste.

The rood-loft is whole and painted; in the middle of it is a shield with the East-Angles arms, and round it,

Ave Rex Gentis Anglorum, Tu Rex Regis Anglorum, O Eadmunde ! Flos Martyrum, velud Rosa vel Lilium, &c.

Next is a [P] with the cross keys, for St. Peter, and the arms of Flixton nunnery, gul. a Catherine wheel, with a cross arg. that house being founded in honour of St. Catherine; next is a crown and mitre, and [S.N.] for St. Nicholas, the patron of the church; there are two or three stones disrobed of their brass plates, under one of which, lies buried John Kemp of Fundenhale, by his mother; Margaret his wife, and John his son survived him, and inherited his estate here.

There was anciently a manor or free tenement called Sundays, which was joined to the other manor early, and now continues with it.

William Knyvet, Gent. second son to Edmund Knyvet, Esq. serjeant porter to King Henry VIII. married Dorothy, daughter of Mr. Themilthorp, and by will dated Nov. 26, 1594, ordered his body to be buried in the church of Fundenhale, where he lived, leaving two sons and two daughters; 1, Muriel, married to Jeffry Abbs, and had issue. 2d, Amphillis, married to Mr. Johnson, and left issue, Anne.

Thomas, the second son died without issue. And John Knyvet of Fundenhale, his eldest son, married Joan daughter of Robert Browne of Tacolneston, and had John Knyvet of Fundenhale, who married Joanna Sutton, from whom descended William Knyvet, Esq. of Fundenhale, the present coroner for the county of Norfolk.



Hapeton, Habeton, or Harpton advowson, was given by Sir Robert de Nerford, founder of Lingerescroft hospital by North-Creke, afterwards called the monastery of St. Mary de Pratis, or Creke abbey, to that house, to which it was appropriated, and was to be served by a chaplain or parish curate, to be nominated by the convent, and paid a competent annual stipend for the service, out of the profits; and Alice daughter of John Pounchard, formerly wife of Sir Robert de Nerford, confirmed it, with the moiety of the church of Wrenningham (as at p. 119,) as did King Edward I. in 1273.

The church is dedicated to St. Margaret, was first valued at 7, and after at 8 marks, and had 23 acres of glebe; it paid 5s. procurations, 22d. synodals, 8d. Peter-pence; and 4d. carvage; and the Abbot paid for his spirituals, 10s. 8d. to each tenth, and for his temporals 25s. 1d. In 1314, John Ashwell, by royal license, aliened to the Abbot of Creke, three roods of land in Hapton, to enlarge the site of the rectory-house there. In 1426, Brother Robert Felbrigge, abbot of Creke, sold to John Flete and his heirs, a messuage called Dalyots in Hapton, and 4 acres of land, paying 2s. and an hen yearly to that house. In 1461, John Shelton, Esq. lessee to John, abbot of Creke, sealed to John Wode, then parish chaplain of Hapton, all the lands, houses, great and small tithes, for 10 years. About 1506, this monastery was looked upon as dissolved, because the abbot died without a convent, to elect another; whereupon, all the lands and revenues, by the procurement of the Lady Margaret Countess of Richmond, mother to King Henry VII. were settled on her college in Cambridge called Christ's college; and ever since, the impropriation hath remained in the master and fellows there, who nominate a perpetual curate to serve the parish, and pay him out of the profits, it having been esteemed a donative in their gift, ever since the foundation, and as such it now remains.

In 1603, Mr. Thomas Hutchinson, perpetual curate, returned answer, that there were 43 communicants, that the whole parish paid 50s. to each tenth, and that Christ's college had 23 acres of glebe. The Prior of Thetford was taxed at 22d. ob. for temporals here; the Prior of Walsingham 6d. the Abbot of Sibeton 10s. and the Prior of Bukenham 2s. 9d. ob.

The church hath no steeple, the nave is leaded, and the chancel thatched; in the east window are the arms of Thorp, Clifton, and Caily, and az. three croslets arg. but there are no other memorials. There is a bell hanging in a wooden frame in the churchyard.

On the stocks:

Those that fear God, and keep an honest Name, Shall not come here, to undergoe the Shame, Then you that suffer, don't true Justice blame.

There was an ancient family sirnamed from the town; in a deed without date, Stephen son of Eustace de Habeton, was an owner here, and in 1348, Will. de Habetun, and in 1412, John Hapton of Wimondham.

By a deed without date, William Apuliensis gave to God and the church of St. Michael at Florendona or Flordon 3 acres in Habbetona or Hapton, between the land of Roger son of William the priest, and the glebe of St. Margaret's church at Hapeton, for the benefit of his own soul, and those of his father and mother, of Margaret his wife, and of Roger Glanvile, and all his ancestors; Safrid, the priest of Habbeton, and Michael the parish chaplain of Flordon, and many others, being witnesses.

The manor was joined to that of Fundenhale at the Conquest, by Walter de Dol; the church had then 15 acres of glebe. The town was a mile long, and a mile and a quarter broad, and paid 6d. 3q. to the geld. It was always held of the Norfolk family, as of Forncet manor, at one quarter of a fee, and always attended the manor of Ashwell-thorp, as at p. 142, to p. 162, to which I refer you. The manor-house is called Hapton-hall, and was always the jointure-house of the Knevet family. The style of the manors now runs, Ashwellthorp with Wreningham, and Fundenhale with Hapton.

The manor of Forncet extended into this town, and hath done so ever since the Conquest, for then Herbert, chamberlain to Roger Bigot, had a freeman and 15 acres; and another freeman late of Bishop Stigand, held 30 acres, &c. and there were 4 freemen that always belonged to Forncet, that held 36 acres, &c.

There was another part in this village of about 90 acres, and some small rents held by knight's service of William de Vallibus, or Vaus, and in 1221, was settled by William de Langham, on Robert de Nerford, and was held in 1341, by Robert son of William Dun, of Roger le Strange, lord of Knokyn, and Dame Joan his wife. In 1421, Sir Robert Carbonel, Knt. owned them, and after him, Sir John Carbonel and Margery his wife; which Sir John by his will proved in 1425, gave 10 marks to each of his executors, out of his manors of Breydeston, Caston, Shipdham, and of his lands and tenements in Brisingham, Hapton, &c.; and in 1426, they were held as parcel of Wormegey honour.

In 1345, Wido de Verdon, held a knight's fee in Brisingham and Hapton, of the Abbot of Bury, and the Abbot of the King, in chief, or in capite.



Or Oslac's town, and Estington, commonly called Aslington, was a berewic to the manor of Forncet, and was a league long, and half as much broad, and paid 9d. to the geld. Here was a socman who held 6 acres, belonging to Alan Earl of Richmond, and passed afterwards with the manor, which was granted from Forncet, when Roger Bygot infeoffed William de Verdon in William Rufus's time, as may be seen in my account of Brisingham, vol. i. p. 49; and it remained in the Verdons, till Wido de Verdun gave it in marriage with his eldest daughter Alice, to Nic. de Bruneste, who was to hold it of Verdon at one fee, and Nicholas gave it with Oriel or Muriel, his daughter, in marriage to Walter Malet and their heirs, together with Saxlingham. In 1263, John son of Alexander de Vaux, had a grant for a weekly market and yearly fair here, and for free-warren in Cruchestoke, Boston, and Aslacton, by patent from Henry III. In 1288, Walter de Kerdeston held two fees, one here, and the other in Bulcamp in Suffolk, which were assigned to Will. de Roos of Hamlak, and Maud his wife, on the partition then made of the estate of her father John de Vaux of Holt and Cley. In 1296, it belonged to William de la Chambre, and was settled on Thomas de la Chambre. In 1306, it was settled by Reginald le Gros, on Oliver de Redham and Joan his wife, and was then held of Tho. de Verdon, who held it of Forncet. In 1309, Will. del Park of Ilketishale in Suffolk, (from whom the manor took the name of Parks,) and his partners, held the manor late Thomas del Chambre's, and the tenements late Ric. de Sething's, of Sir John Verdon, and he of the Earl-Marshal, in right of Elizabeth his wife, one of the daughters and coheirs of John son of James de Ilketshale; Edm. de Specteshale and Margaret his wife, and Roger son of John de Specteshale having released their right, and all joined and settled the whole for life, on Amabilia wife of Richard de Shimpling, in whose right the said Richard was lord in 1315; but at her death it came to the Parks again, and Will. del Park was lord in 1345, and in this family it continued, till Joan Park, the sole heiress of the family, inherited it; she first married John Duke of Brampton in Suffolk, by whom she had issue Thomas; secondly to John Strange, Esq. of Norwich, who made his will in 1479, and ordered all right in this manor, and in Wackton and Hedenham Park's manor, to be released by his executors, to Tho. Duke and his heirs, he being the son of his first wife Joan, if he would grant Eliz. his second wife and widow, an annuity for life, of ten marks a year, which being done, it was vested absolutely in the said Tho. Duke and his heirs; he married Margaret, daughter and heir of Henry Banyard of Spectishall, and they had this manor with Park's manor in Wacton and Hedenham, and Brampton manor in Suffolk, which they left to William Duke of Brampton, who married Thomasine, daughter of Sir Edw. Jenny, Knt. and were succeeded by their son George Duke of Brampton, Esq. who married Anne, daughter of Sir Tho. Bleverhasset of Frenze in Norfolk, their son, Edward Duke of Shadingfield in Suffolk, succeeded, who married Dorothy, daughter of Sir Ambrose Jermyn of Rushbrook in the said county, and left it to their son Ambrose Duke of Brampton in 1597, who died in 1609, seized of the aforesaid manors, leaving them to his son Edward, then six years old, who after he had attained to manhood, married Catherine daughter of Sir Thomas Holland of Wortwellhall, Knt. who in 1631, by the name of Edward Duke of Benhale, Esq. sold the manor to Sir William Platers of Prileston or Billingford, Francis le Neve of Wichingham, and Tho. Jacob, alias Bradlehaugh of Laxfield, in trust, for Sir William le Neve, Knt. This branch of the le Neves descended from Jeffry le Neve of Tivetshall, and Alice his wife, whose son Laurence settled at Aslacton, where he was buried May 17, 1587, and by Aveline Martin his wife, left two sons, William and Jeffry: William, the eldest, married Frances daughter of John Aldham, Gent. of Shimpling in Norfolk, who died in 1599, and he in 1609, leaving William le Neve their only son and heir, who was baptised the 1st of July 1592; he was educated at Caius college in Cambridge, created herald by the title of Mowbray, June 29, 1624, soon after made York herald, afterwards Norroy, and at last Clarencieux, and knighted; in 1543, he was sent by King Charles I. the day before the battle of Edgehill, to the parliament army under the Earl of Essex, with a proclamation of pardon, to such as would lay down their arms; but when he offered to read it aloud in the Earl's presence, and to deliver the effect of it, that he might be heard of those that were present, the Earl rebuked him with some roughness, and charged him as he loved his life, not to presume to speak a word to the soldiers; for obeying which command, he was very uneasy ever after. He died unmarried at Hoxton near London, Aug. 15, 1661, and John le Neve, his brother, being dead before him, without issue in 1630, the manor and his estate, went to the heirs of his uncle Jeffry le Neve of Aslacton, who was born in 1578, and married Margaret daughter of Robert Burcham of Aslacton, by whom he had four sons; 1, Jeffry, the eldest, who released to his 2d brother, Will. le Neve, clerk, of Aslacton; he had two wives, first, Jane daughter of Andrew Spring of Sidlesham-hall in Suffolk, by whom he had an only son John, who died without issue in 1666, and by Jane daughter of Richard Ailmer of Birdham in Sussex, his second wife, he had Mary, Jane, and William, who all died issueless, and Laurence le Neve, his eldest son and heir, who was lord here in 1697; he was then married, but had no issue, and his brother Richard le Neve, who was born in 1655, was unmarried in 1699; and after this, the manor was purchased by the Buxtons, by the name of Aslacton, Park's, or le Neve's manor in Aslacton, the free-rents being 1l. 7s. 5d. per annum, and the copyhold rents 8l. 6s. 10d. q. and Robert Buxton, Esq. of Chanons in Tibenham, is the present lord, as also of William's manor in Aslacton and Forncet, the quitrents of which are only 4s. 7d. a year.

The priory manor


Was given to the Prior of Thetford by Roger Bigot, their founder, together with the advowson of the church, and remained in that monastery till its dissolution in 1540, when it was given with that house to the Duke of Norfolk, and continued in that family till 1561, and then was sold to Charles le Grice of Brockdish, and John Tiler, who in 1564 settled it on John Rivet and Christopher Thetford, and in 1572, Andrew Thetford had it; in 1574, after Charles le Grice's death, it was granted to Andrew Mansfield of Norwich, Gent, and Jane his wife, whose daughter Susan was married to the said Charles, who died seized, and devised it to pay his debts; and it was sold to Thetford, and by him in 1598, to the Buxtons, in which family it now remains, Robert Buxton, Esq. being lord. The quitrents are 4l. 13s. per annum, and the fines of this and Park's manor are at the will of the lord.

The church is dedicated to St. Michael the archangel, and was given by Roger Bigot to the priory of Thetford, of his foundation, to which it was appropriated, and no vicarage endowed, but was served, as it is now, by a parish chaplain or curate, it being a donative in the gift and nomination of the impropriator: there was a rectory-house and two carucates of glebe; it was valued first at 10, after at 12 marks, and paid 2s. synodals, 6s. 8d. procurations, 10d. Peter-pence, and 2d. ob. carvage. The Prior was taxed for his spirituals at 12 marks, and paid 16s. to every tenth, and for his temporals 7l. 7s. 3d. In 1603, Mr. Thomas Chandler, perpetual curate here, returned answer, that there then were, 129 communicants, and that this town paid 16s. to every tenth. There are now about 30 families, and weekly service, the salary being 20l. per annum.

The impropriation always attended the Priory manor, and was left by Laurence le Neve, Gent. to Reuben Gilman of Loddon, and his heirs, and he at his death gave it to his younger brother, Mr. John Gilman, the present owner.

The nave, south isle, and south porch, are leaded, the chancel tiled, the steeple is round, and hath five bells. In the south isle,

Le Neve impaling Aldham.

Hic jacet humatus Willus: le Neve Generosus, Filius et Heres Galfridi le Neve et Avelinæ Martin Uxoris suæ qui Willus: in primis nuptijs, Francescam Filiam Johannis Aldham de Shimpling Armigeri Uxorem habuit ex quâ Will. primogenitum, secundis Nuptijs Annam. - - - - - - Generosi, desponsavit, ex - - - - filias, obijt 14° - - - - - Ao Dni. 1609.

Mathew Cocke, 4 June 1672, Anne his Wife, 25 Aug. 1642.

John Wright buried in 1505, Will. Wright parish chaplain. By the altar:

Sub hoc tumulo Johannis Neveus primogenit' Galfridi Nevei Generosi, et Aliciæ Bret Uxoris ejus, dum vixerunt - - - - Johannis Generosi Uxore sua prolem habuit, Gulielmum, Thomam, Johannam, et Emmam, ob. 24° Die Nov. Ano Dom. 1559.

Laurence le Neve departed this life June 29, 1724, Æt. 74, he tied 10 acres of land in Aslacton, to pay to the parish officers 20s. per annum to be given to the poor; here are only two small cottages belonging to the parish.

On a seat in the chancel, Ao 1613, J. W. W. K. i - bis dat, qui citò dat.

In the chancel window is the picture of an infant in swadling clothes, lying in a cradle, which, according to tradition, represents an orphan so left at the church style; this orphan was brought up by the parish, and from the town was called Aslac, and became a man of renown, being standard-bearer to King Edw. III.; he is said to have married the daughter of Sir Oliver Calthorp, Knt. of Burnham in Norfolk; and this window is adorned with these arms.

1, Calthorp and Strange. 2, Warren and Ditto. 3, Bovile and Ditto. 4, Mawtby and Ditto. 5, Mawtby and Clifton. 6, Lord Grey of Ruthyn, and Calthorp. 7, Calthorp and Withe. 8, Brewse and Calthorp. 9, Breton and Ditto. 10, Pierpound and Ditto. 11, Pierpound and Ufford. 12, Stapleton and Ufford. 13, Aslac and Calthorp. 14, Argentein and Calthorp. 15, Calthorp and Bacon. 16, Burgulion and Calthorp. 17, Burgulion and Kerdeston. 18, Burgulion and Mawtby.



The rectory here, was given by Walter Fitz-Robert, patron of Dunmowe priory in Essex, to that house, to which it was impropriated and a vicarage endowed, which was presented to, by the priors there, till the Dissolution, and then King Henry VIII. granted the impropriation and advowson of the vicarage, to Robert Earl of Sussex, and his heirs, to be held of him in capite, by knight's service; and ever since they have attended the manor here, with which they now remain.

Before the appropriation, the rectory had a house and 20 acres of glebe; it was taxed at 26 marks, and consequently the prior paid 34s. 8d. to each tenth. The vicarage was taxed at 10 marks, or 6l. 13s. 4d. as it now stands in the King's Books, and being not discharged, it pays 13s. 4d. yearly tenths, and is not capable of augmentation. It paid 4s. synodals, 3s. Peter-pence, and 8d. carvage.



Presented by the priors of dunmowe.

  • 1303, Robert de Nuttele.
  • 1328, Thomas Seward of Melford.
  • 1331, Thomas de Saxham.
  • 1342, Thomas at Thorne of Couling. He was succeeded by John, who in 1350, resigned to Edmund Cristmesse.
  • 1360, William de Hethil.
  • 1368, Robert Larke.
  • 1397, John Spencer of Bury, who in 1402, resigned in exchange for Moring-thorp, with
  • Richard Parlben.
  • 1408, Will. Malet, resigned, and in
  • 1444, Jeffry Fuller had it, being presented by John, prior of Dunmowe; at his death in
  • 1440, Nic. Denton had it; he died in 1503, and
  • John Sage, succeeded, who was the last presented by the convent.
  • 1560, John Collison, united to Fritton, lapse. On his resignation in 1564, Tho. Fitz-Walter Earl of Sussex gave it to Thomas Fairman, deacon, at whose death in 1591, Henry Earl of Sussex, presented Richard Cox, A. M.: he died in 1605, and Robert Earl of Sussex gave it to
  • George Skinner, who returned answer, that he had 400 communicants in the parish.
  • 1605, Thomas Porter. Ditto. He died in 1636, and the aforesaid Earl presented
  • Will. Barwick, A. M. who was sequestered, April 28, 1644, by the Earl of Manchester, for observing the orders of the church, declaring against the parliament and rebellion, opposing the lectures of godly ministers in the town, and swearing by his faith and troth. And from this time several of the intruders kept possession till 1649, and then
  • John Potter had it, who was buried here Aug. 4, 1692, and
  • John Smith was presented by Sir Capel Luckyn; he held it united to Freton, and died in 1697, and
  • Will. Aggas was instituted. Ditto; at whose death in
  • 1723, the Rev. Mr. John Parsons, A.M. the present vicar, was presented by Lady Mary Luckyn, widow, the present patroness, and holds it united to the rectory of Bedingham.

The church is 20 yards long, the breadth of the nave and two isles is 12 yards, being all covered with lead; it hath a square tower about 16 yards high, and only one bell and a clock; part of the chancel is ruinated, and the remaining part is tiled; I find no inscription, save one, on a stone in the north isle, which lies over Robert French Gent. Aug. 31, 1711, Æt. 57.

The town lands were given by Mr. Sewell, and are now let at 22l. 10s. a year.

This town paid 6l. 10s. clear to every tenth.

In 1615, 13 Oct. Eliz. Gray, aged above 100 years, was buried here; she was a descendent from Robert son and heir of John Grey, Esq. lord of the manor of Little-hall in Topcroft, in 1408, which manor extended into Hemenhal, Wooton, and Bedingham.

The prior of Dunmowe had anciently divers lands here, but in 1234, Thomas, prior there, sold four acres to Roger son of Will. de Hemenhale, and in 1204, Ralf, prior there, had sold others to Hugh son of Odo, and 20 acres in 1208, to Roger son of Henry, so that the Prior was taxed 6d. only for his temporals, and the Prioress of Bungey at 12d. for hers. The Abbot of Bury had a watermill and divers suits and rents belonging to it here, for which he was taxed at 34s. 4d.; it was named Twa-grind, and was confirmed to that monastery by Walter Fitz-Robert, being situate on Long Bridge, and anciently was called Piper-mill on Rucham river in Hemenhale, and was given by Roger de Bukenham, and Will. de Rucham confirmed it.

The Manor of Hemenhale


Belonged to Torn, a Dane at the Confessor's survey, had then three freemen, 41 bordars, (or copyholders,) and 54 villeins; it had one priest (or rector) and two churches, endowed with a carucate of land, and four villeins and four bordars that held two carucates more of them, valued at 15s.; there was a wood called Schieteshagh, which maintained 200 swine, and the Abbot of St. Bennet at Holm claimed part of it; the manor was then worth 15l.

At the Conqueror's survey it belonged wholly with its soc, sac, and jurisdiction, to Ralf Bainard, when it had four carucates of land in demean, 58 bordars, 34 villeins, two mills, five working-horses 100 swine, and 186 sheep, it being worth 24l. 5s. a year, besides six cows, 20 swine, and two rams; it was four miles long and three broad, and paid 18d. to the geld or tax. It had 10 acres held by a freeman, which laid in Freton and Hardwick, and Forncet manor extended hither. A freeman of Alwius, or Alwine, of Thetford, had 30 acres, &c. worth ten shillings at the first survey, all which was held by Turold at the last.

This Ralph Lord Bainard was a powerful baron, one of those that came in with the Conqueror, Lord of Castle-Bainard in London, and of the barony of that castle; all which William Bainard, his descendant, forfeited by his rebellion to Henry I.; and he gave the whole to Robert Fitz-Richard-Fitz-Gilbert, the first Earl of Clare, and his heirs; and he gave it to Robert de Tonebridge, his 5th son, and he to Sir Walter Fitz-Robert, his son, who was to hold it of the barony of Bainard's castle; this Robert was lord of the manor of Diss, with which this passed to the Fitz-Walters and Ratcliffs Earls of Sussex, as may be seen in volume i. from p. 5 to p. 11, being always held of the Fitz-Walter's barony.

In 1545, Henry Earl of Sussex, on his son's match with Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Wriothesley, settled it on them and their heirs, and it remained in the family till Robert Ratcliffe sold it to Sir William Luckyn, alias Capel, son of William Luckyn by Margaret daughter of Thomas Jenney of Bury; he was the first baronet of the family, so created 13 Car. I. and married Mildred 3d daughter of Sir Gamaliel Capell of Rookwood-hall in Essex, Knt. by whom he had Sir Capell Luckyn, Bart, who married Mary, eldest daughter of Sir Harbottle Grimston of Bridfield in Essex, Bart. Master of the Rolls; she died March 1718, aged 86.

Sir William Luckyn of Messinghall, alias Bainard's castle, in Essex, Bart. second, but eldest surviving son, succeeded; and Lady Mary Luckyn, his widow, daughter of William Sherington, alderman of London, is now lady and patroness; this manor having been usually the jointure of the ladies of all its owners.

Sir Harbottle Luckyn, the eldest son, is dead, and the title absorbed in William Luckyn, the second son, who being adopted heir to Sir Samuel Grimston, Bart. changed his name to Grimston, and was created Viscount Grimston of the kingdom of Ireland, May 4, 1719.

Luckyn, sab. a fess dancetté between two leopards faces or. Crest, on a wreath, out of a castle triple-towered, port displayed or, garnished sab. a demi-griffin seiant of the 2d, langued and armed gul.

This manor had liberty of free-warren, view of lete and frankpledge in the presence of the bailiff of the King's hundred of Depwade: a weekly market on Monday, granted by Henry III. in 1225, and a fair on the vigil, day, and morrow, of St. Margaret, granted by King Edw. I. a pillory, ducking-stool, gallows, and assize of bread and ale, allowed in 1286. In 1327, the manor-house had a park of 260 acres, and 579 acres in demean, 96 acres of underwood, and 10l. 2s. 3d. q. rents of assize, here and in Pulham, Hardwick, and Shelton; and there was 6l. 19s. paid yearly to the manor for castle-ward, from Whetacre, Chatgrave, Langley, Hales, Kirkby, Brom, Boketon, or Bowton, Berton, Stradset, Titleshall, Haleholm, and Wiclewood; viz. for every fee, every 24 weeks 3s. 4d. the whole value of the manor being estimated at 48l. per annum. In 1315, the Lord Fitz-Walter was returned entire lord of the town. In 1379, John Fitz-Walter procured a charter of King Richard III. to hold their market every Friday, and so the Monday market was laid aside; and now the Friday market is disused; and to hold another fair on St. Andrew's day, which is sill annually kept on that day; and the ancient chapel of St. Andrew, which at the Conquest was parochial though dependent on the mother-church, is now used (as I am informed) for a repository for the stalls.

Sir Ralf's, or Curple's Manor in Hemenhale

Took its name from Roger Curpeil, who had one fee in Hemenliale of the gift of Walter Fitz-Robert, and it was always held of the FitzWalters barony of Bainard's castle, as of their manor of Hemenhale; this Roger Curpeil or Capell (as he is also called) divided the fee, one 4th part of it he kept himself, another 4th he gave to Robert Curpeil his son, and Maud his wife; another to Richard his son, and the other to Walter de Valoines, which descended to his heirs; and Robert de Capell aforesaid had the 20th part of a fee of the gift of the said Walter Fitz-Robert; and in 1235, Robert and Richard Capell or Curpeil, were lords of their parts. In 1256, Alice Curpeil, Katerine, Agnes, and Isabel her sisters, granted their 4th part, viz one messuage, five acres of land and 16s. rent in Hemenhale and Tascburgh, to William de Bumpstede. In 1305, another part was settled by John de Brisingham and Joan his wife, on Roger de Wingfield, this contained two messuages, 100 acres of land, three of meadow, five of pasture, and 8s. 2d. quitrents, here and in Flixton. The part in the Valoines family came to the family sirnamed De Hemenhale, and

Sir Ralf de Hemenhale, who was knighted by King Edw. I. (probably son of David de Hemenhale, and brother to Hervy de Hemenhale, clerk) was the first lord of that family, from whom it was styled Sir Ralf's manor; he was succeeded by

Ralf his son, who was lord of this part in 1227, and added to it, by purchasing many lands of Roger, son of William de Hemenhale in 1234; he had Walter and Ralf.

Walter was lord in 1256, and was succeeded by his brother

Ralf; in 1307, Ralf de London and Margaret his wife settled a 4th part, which belonged to them, on Sir Ralf de Hemenhale and Alice his wife, who had now the whole, except one 4th part. In 1308, at an inquisition, John de Hemenhale was found to be son and heir of Ralf, and in 1327, this Sir Ralf de Hemenhale held a messuage, 30 acres of land, and 30s quitrents in Pulham, Hardwick, Starston, and Redenhale, of the Bishop of Ely at 6d. per annum.

In 1331, John de Hemenhale purchased many lands, tenements, &c. of Ralf de Burtoft and Margaret his wife, here, and in Freton, Shelton, Long - Stratton, Waketon, Moringthorp, and Hardwick. He bare, as the Hemenhales always did, the very arms of Fitz-Walter, their chief lord, viz. or, a fess between two chevrons gul. with the addition of three escalops arg. upon the fess.

In 1365, Sir Ralf de Hemenhale was lord; and this year Will. Phelip and Catherine his wife, John Loveyn and Ellen his wife, settled (in case they had no issue) the manors of Radwinter and Roughe in Essex, Codrede in Hertfordshire, Wilburgham-Parva, and the advowson, and Wachedon in Cambridgeshire, on Sir Ralf and his heirs; all which his son inherited; Sir Ralf died about 1366, leaving.

Robert his son, then three years old; in 1388, this Robert inherited Wilburgham, and the rest of the entailed manors. In 1389, Sir Robert Hemenhale, Knt. of Hemenhale, (where this family always resided,) released to Sir George Felbrigge, Knt. and other trustees, his manors in Hemenhale and Pulham in Norfolk, Cotton and WickhamSkeyth, Boleshall and Yaxley in Suffolk, and all the possessions of his father Sir Ralf; he was first husband to Joan, daughter and heiress of John de la Pole, Knt. son of Sir William de la Pole, Knt. and Joan his wife, by whom he had only one son,

William; it appears that Sir Robert died before 1406, for in that, year, William being a natural, this manor and 40s. rents in Freton, Moringthorp and Long-Stratton, were committed to the custody of John Beaver; but this William was dead some time before 1419, for in that year, his father's arms were fixed up in the window of the Austin-friars church at Norwich, among the rest of the knights that had no surviving issue, and

John son of Robert de Hemenhale, his uncle, inherited, and died without issue.

In 1407, David Hemenhale, Esq. lived here, and had so done for 25 years past, being then 45 years of age; he was a witness in the cause between Sir Reginald Grey and Sir Edward Hastings of Elsing, for their arms, in which he deposed, that Walter Ubbeston of Ubbeston, in Suffolk was his father-in-law, and tutor to the Earl-Marshal, who died at Venice: it seems he had no issue, for the manor went to

Sir Thomas Brooke of Somersetshire, in right of Joan his wife, daughter and heiress of John de la Pole, by Reginald Braybrook son of Sir Gerard, her second husband, according to a settlement made on her and her heirs, by Sir Robert de Hemenhale, her first husband, in case of failure of the issue of his own family; and in 1468,

Sir Edw. Brooke of Cobham, son of Sir Thomas, died seized.

In 1490, Richard Blomvyle, or Blundevile, Esq. had his manor and Heverlond, and died seized of them in 1603, and it continued in that family, as in Newton, at p. 64, till after 1580, and then it was sold by

Thomas Blundevyle, Esq. and in

  • 1612, Sir William Bowyer, Knt. and Thomas Awdeley, Esq. conveyed it to Thomas Richardson and George Alyngton, Esqrs. and their heirs: and since it is manumised and divided, so that I do not find it subsisting as a manor at present.



Properly called Straton, Stratum, the paved high-way, or street, it being the direct road that led to the neighbouring Roman burgh or fortification ad Taüm, now called Taseburgh, and thence to their station, castrum, or camp, called Castre. In those early times, the whole of the three villages or parishes, that pass now by this name, was one only, and afterwards was often called Estratuna, the street at the or water, which now parts this from Taseburgh; it is commonly called Long-Stratton, the bounds being so large, and the stratum aforesaid running in a straight line such a long way through it.

It originally belonged to the East-Anglian kings, and the superiour jurisdiction over the whole remained in the Crown, till the Conqueror gave it to Alan Earl of Richmond, who held it at the survey, and it hath ever since attended the honour of Richmond, and belongs to it at this day.

The whole was then 4 miles and three furlongs in length, and 2 miles and 4 furlongs in breadth, and paid 25d. to the geld or tax. The Earl had 8 freemen that held 100 acres of land or pasture, one carucate or plough tilth, and one acre of meadow, which were valued with, and esteemed part of his manor of Cossey; and 17 freemen, 3 villeins, 5 bordars, 7 socmen, and the fifth part of a mill, that belonged and were subject to his jurisdiction here; the honour held two turns or superiour letes in every year, to which all the tenants of the other manors, were obliged to do suit and service, as well as to the three several letes belonging to the three capital manors, of the three different parishes. And very anciently there was a weekly market held here, belonging to Richmond honour, but upon some disputes between the lord of Stratton-Hall, and the lessee of the honour, just before the Reformation, the market, as having no peculiar justification for holding it, was totally disused, and hath been so to this day. In 1435, John Duke of Bedford, lord of Swaffham and of the honour of Richmond, died seized of the superiour court here, called the Honour's turn, and the style of it was thus, the Turn and general Court of the King's Honour of Richmond, held at Stratton 30 of April 1644, when a church-warden and four men out of each parish, appeared to do the suit and service for the several parishes of Stratton, Moringthorp, Carleton, Tibenham, Moulton, Waketon, Taseburgh, Freton, Keckleton in Forncet, and Bunwell; in all which places it appears, that the honour had letes and royalties over the commons, and superiour jurisdiction over the several lords.

Sigebert King of the East-Angles, on his erection of the bishoprick, gave the southern part of the town to Felix, the first Bishop of the East-Angles, and so it became part of the bishoprick; and in the Confessor's time, Bishop Ailmer held it as such, when there were 2 carucates in demean, 7 villeins, 6 bordars and an half, (that is, half the services of one bordar,) 26 socmen, and 12 freemen, whose rents and services were valued at 20s. per annum; and at the Conquest, Walter the Deacon, and one Ralf, held it of the bishoprick, in right of which they had a lete, the half of which belonged to them, and the other half, to the King and the Earl; and the whole of the profits of this manor, was then worth 6l. per annum. The motherchurch of St. Mary the Virgin, always belonged to it, which was probably founded by one of the Bishops that owned it, and that before Ailmar's time; and the successours of this Ralf owned the part which afterwards was called Stratton-Hall manor, and was held of the barony of the bishoprick of Norwich, till that was taken from the see by Henry VIII. and annexed to the Crown, and since it is held of the Crown in right of that ancient barony.

That part called Stratton St. Miles, or St. Michael's, was held by the Confessor till he gave it one of his thanes or noblemen, who had 2 carucates in demean; this manor had 17 bordars and 7 freemen, and was worth 30s. per annum. It was risen to 40s. value at the Conquest, and a lete belonged to it; when Robert son of Corbutio, or FitzCorbun, held it, and infeoffed it in one Hunfrid or Humfry, the ancestor of the family afterwards sirnamed De Straton, lords of the manors here afterwards called Ree's and Welholme's, which last was a part of the former, granted off by the Strattons; and though they extended into the other parts, laid chiefly in Stratton St. Michael's; the church of which, in all probability, was first founded by Hunfrid aforesaid, and the advowson attended the manor.

The third part belonged to the Crown, till the Conqueror gave it to Roger Bigot, who added one small part of it to his manor of Forncet, to which the advowson of Stratton St. Peter always belonged; so that it is likely, this Earl was founder of that church: but the chief part he granted off, and that had the lete of all its tenants, and was afterwards called Saye's, or the manor of Stratton St. Peter.

There was a small part that belonged to the Abbot of Bury's manor of Moringthorp, and another to St. Etheldred's manor of Pulham, which belonged to Ely monastery and see.

The manors called Sturmyn's and Snapehall, were first severed from Stratton-Hall, into which they fell again, and there continue.

And thus having fixed the origin of the several manors and parishes, I shall treat of them in their order; and first of

Stratton-Hall, or Stratton St. Mary's Manor


Belonged to Philip Malherbe, who was succeeded by Bartholomew his son, one of the lords of Tacolneston; and in Richard the First's time, was held by Richard Malherbe at one knight's fee, of the Bishop of Norwich, as of the barony of the see. Rog. Malherbe, who lived at Tacolneston, and was a benefactor to Windham abbey, died seized of it, and it went with one of his daughters and heiresses, to

Gilbert de Bourne, who occurs lord and patron about 1273, and came and settled here; and in 1285, was returned as a gentleman of estate, that was much above age, and ought to have been knighted, but had not yet taken up that honour, for which he was fined; in 1286, this Gilbert had free-warren allowed him, weyf, and view of frankpledge, over all his tenants, with the assise of bread and ale, on condition, that the King's bailiff was always present at the lete, to see that none but the tenants of the manor did suit there; he had also a fair allowed him to be kept once a year on the day of the Assumption of the blessed Virgin Mary, viz. Aug. 15. This fair was first granted by King John, in the year 1207, to Roger de Stratton, who gave that King one good palfrey to have his charter for liberty to hold a fair yearly for two days, viz. on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin, and the day after, at his manor of Stratton; but it is to be observed, that he was lord of Saye's manor here, and that Bourne purchased the liberty from it, and added it to this manor; it was kept in a close opposite to the west part of the churchyard, which is still called the fair-lond, or land, but it hath been disused many years. In 1291, there was a suit between Robert Sturmy and John Say, and Gilbert de Bourne and Elizabeth his wife, and others, about the liberties of their manors, and of a way leading to the market and mill. In 1315, Roger de Bourne was lord; and in 1325, Ralf Malherbe and Elizabeth his wife claimed the manor against Roger son of Gilbert de Bourne, and made out their title under their claim, so well, that Roger settled an annuity of 40l. on them during their lives, for their release. In 1331, he was a knight, and was succeeded by Sir Nic. de Bourne, Knt. who in 1348, having no sons, settled all his estate on his trustees, Sir Tho. Jenney, Sir Tho. Savage, Robert de Welholm, Robert and Thomas de Bumpstede, John Snoring, and Roger de Dersingham; it seems that Murgery, one of the daughters and heiresses of Sir Nic. Bourne, was first wife to

John de Herling, and that when the said John married Margaret, daughter of Sir Thomas Jenney, this settlement was made; for in 1366, Elizabeth daughter of Sir Nicholas Bourne released to John de Herling all her right in this manor and advowson, and in the advowson of Waketon St. Mary, and in all the Bournes estates in Waketon, Taseburgh, Moringthorp, Moulton, &c. reserving an annuity of 20 marks to Robert Mortimer and Margaret his wife, who seems to have been widow of Sir Nicholas de Bourne, remarried to Mortimer. He died seized of this and Sturmin's and Snape-hall manors here; and from this time, it passed with the manor of East-Herling, as you may see in vol. i. p. 820, 21, till it came to the Bedingfields of Oxburgh, by the marriage of

Sir Edmund Bedingfield, with Margaret daughter of Sir Robert de Tudenham, and it continued in that family, till Sir Henry Bedingfield, sold it to

Sir Edmund Reeve, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, who was preferred to that high station March 14, 1638, and died March 27, 1647, and having no issue, left his estate to Augustine Reeve, his brother, and he to his son, Mr. Henry Reeve of Brakendale, who sold the manors, &c. to

John son of John Mallom of Booton in Norfolk, clerk, at whose death they descended to John Mallom of Wackton-Magna, who left them to John Mallom of Wackton, Esq. the present lord.

But the patronage of Stratton St. Mary, which was appendant to this manor, was sold by the present lord and his father, to Caius college in Cambridge, who are now patrons.

The lete is held annually, at which the constables for Stratton St. Mary are always chosen, and the lete-fee paid to the lord is 8d. The customs of this manor, as well as those of the manors of Sturmer's, or Sturmin's, Snape-hall, Welham's or Welholme's, and Reese's, all which are now held with this manor, are the same, viz. all lands and tenements descend to the eldest son, the fines are arbitrary, and they give now dower.

The manor-house called Stratton-hall, and the demeans, were not sold with the manors but are now the estate of John Houghton of Bramerton, Esq.

The church of St. Mary, commonly in old evidences called Stratton cum Turri, viz. Stratton with the Steeple, (by which it should seem, that anciently the other two churches had none,) was in the patronage of Gilbert de Bourne, when Norwich Domesday was wrote, the rector had a house and 40 acres of glebe, now increased to 50, and paid then as it doth now, 2s. 3d. synodals, and 7s. 7d. ob. procurations; besides 11d. Peter-pence, and 6d. carvage. In 1612, return was made, that a yearly pension of 50s. was paid on Michaelmas day by the rector here, to the rector of Stratton St. Michael, which is now duly paid. The rectory was valued first at 14, and after at 20 marks, and stands now thus in the King's Books:

10l. Stratton Longa Mariæ R. 1l. tenths.

and being undischarged, it pays first-fruits and yearly tenths, and is not capable of augmentation.


  • 1293, Master Thomas de Bourne. Gilbert de Bourne.
  • 1319, Ric. de Bourne. Roger de Bourne.
  • 1332, Rob. Balle. Sir Roger de Bourne, Knt.
  • 1349, Tho. Caroun. Sir Tho. Jenney, Knt. Rob. de Welham, Rob. de Bumpstede, and Rog. de Dersingham.
  • 1361, Will. Armory; he was buried in the choir of the collegiate church of St. Mary in the Fields in Norwich, as in vol. iv. p. 613. Tho. Savage, Knt. Tho. Bumpstede, and John Snoring.
  • 1381, Robert de Swaffham-Bulbek; he was buried under an altar tomb on the north side of the chancel in 1401, which hath now lost all its brasses. John Herling.
  • 1401, John Bakere. Cecily, relict of Sir John de Herling, Knt.
  • 1420, Ric. Woodward, resigned. Sir Rob. de Herling, Knt.
  • 1427, Tho. Cove, res. John Kirtling, clerk, Robert Palegrave, and John Intwood, feoffees of Sir Robert.
  • 1434, John Bulman. John Fitz-Rauf, and other the feoffees of Sir Robert. He was succeeded by
  • John Clerk, on whose resignation in
  • 1449, Will. Furnizal was presented by Sir Robert Chambernain, Knt. and when he resigned in 1456, that knight gave it to
  • Edmund Cross, who died in 1471, and was buried in the church before. St. Mary's image, and gave a good missal, 3l. 10s. to buy a cross, and his tenement late Skot's in this town to the profit of the town. In
  • 1469, Edmund Savage, priest, who was parish chaplain under rector Crosse, and served at the altar of St. John the Baptist in his chapel, at the east end of the north isle, and at St. Thomas's altar at the east end of the south isle, where he was buried, gave two altar cloths to lie over those altars, and a legacy to find a light to be set on his grave at high-mass, and three cruets to the three altars in the church.
  • 1472, Will. Petyclerk. Sir Robert Wingfield, Knt. and Anne his wife. At his death
  • John Pike had it, and in
  • 1498, Sir John Person. Margaret, relict of Sir Edmund Bedingfield, Knt. at his death in 1529, Sir Thomas Bedingfield, Knt. gave it to
  • Ric. Milgate, on whose death in 1547, Sir Edmund Bedingfield, Knt. presented
  • John Rutter, who was deprived by Queen Mary for being married in 1554, and Sir Henry Bedingfield, Knt. presented
  • Tho. Helperby, and in
  • 1555, George Leedes; at whose resignation
  • John Rutter had it again, and died in June 1659, and was buried here, and
  • Ric. Gawton succeeded; he was presented by Ralf Shelton, Esq. assignee of Sir Henry Bedingfield. At his resignation in 1576, Sir Henry gave it to
  • John Taylor, A. B. who in 1603, returned answer, that he had in the parish 180 communicants. He died in 1636, and
  • Tho. Carver had it, of Tho. Carver, who had a grant of the turn from Sir Henry Bedingfield, Knt. at his death in 1638, Edmund Reeve, serjeant at law, presented
  • John Reeve; he took the covenant, and died June 24, 1657, and in
  • 1660, Christopher Reeve, his son, was presented by Austin Reve of Bracondale, and held it afterwards united to St. Miles, and Olton in Suffolk, of which the Judge was patron, as well as of Stratton, and died rector there as well as of Stratton, Aug. the 14th, 1701, in which year

The Rev. Mr. John Soley, the present rector, who holds it united to Wackton-Magna, was presented by Mary Brame, widow, patroness of the turn only.

The Prior of Thetford monks, was taxed at 12s. to each tenth, for his temporals here. The Abbot of Langley for his at 6d. The Prior of Norwich at 16d. 0b. and the whole parish paid clear to each tenth, without the taxation of the religious aforesaid, 6l. 10s.

There were two gilds here, the most ancient one was held in honour of St. John the Baptist, and their priest officiated in his chapel at the east end of the north isle, by the grave of Sir Roger de Bourne, the founder; he was daily to pray for the souls of Sir Roger de Bourne, Knt. and all his family, and for the souls of all the deceased brethren and sisters of St. John's gild, and for the welfare of all the living members of that gild; this was endowed with a house called the Gild-hall, and half an acre of ground thereto belonging in Stratton, (upon which a little house is built; it was gild-land, and lately purchased for a dwelling-house for a dissenting teacher,) which being copyhold of Forncet manor, was seized by the lord at the Dissolution, and granted to be held by copy of court-roll; it was given in Henry the Seventh's time by Robert Barnard.

The other was dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin and St. Thomas; the office for the members of this gild was performed at St. Thomas's altar, at the east end of the south isle,

And both held their merry-meetings and feasts, in the same gildhouse or hall.

In this parish also, was an anchorage of ancient foundation, with a small chapel or oratory adjoining; in 1256, William de Suffield, alias Calthorp, Bishop of Norwich, gave a legacy to the anchorite here, as in vol. iii. p. 489; and at the Dissolution the chapel was granted from the Crown into private hands.

Here is an estate of 20l. per annum settled on the rector of St. Edmund in Norwich, as at vol. iv. p. 405.

Sturmyn's, or Sturmer's Manor


Was so called from Robert le Sturmy of Stratton, who had a grant of it from the Malherbes; and William le Sturmy, Knt. his son, was lord of it in 1262, and held it at one fee of the Bishop of Norwich; and in 1285, he had a lete, and assize of bread and ale of all tenants, allowed in eire. In 1291, Will. le Sturmy had it; and after him Sir John de Sturmyn, who in 1327, obtained of King Edw. II. a charter for free-warren, for all his lands here, and in Moringthorp, Freton, and Tharston. Lady Mary Stourmyn, his mother, held it some time. In 1342, John Sturmy held it by 6d. a year paid to the Bishop; and in 1345, Robert his son had it, by whom it was sold to the lord of Stratton-hall manor, and hath passed with it ever since; the manorhouse is down, the site is enclosed with a moat, and is now called Sturmin's Yards.

Snape-Hall Manor


Was another part of the capital manor, granted to the family of the Snapes, and was in 1307, in the hands of Stephen de Biockdish; it had then a house and 60 acres of demean land, quitrents to the value of 3l. 8s. 8d. and was held of the honour of Richmond, at 19d. per annum rent: he left it to Reginald de Brokedish, his son and heir, and in 1339, it was conveyed by John Hardele and Alice his wife, and Rob. Bokenham, parson of Hardwich, to Sir John le Sturmyn and Maud his wife, and their heirs; and so it was joined to Sturmer's manor, and with that fell into Stratton-hall manor, and there continues.

The town is a small, but compact village, and hath a good publickhouse or two, for the reception of travellers; its standing on the road from Ipswich to Norwich makes it pretty much frequented; the justices of the peace for this division generally meet here, and have done so very anciently, for in 1380, the justices and country gentlemen, in the time of the insurrection, met here to consult what was best to be done for the King's service and country's safety, as at p. 108, vol. iii.

St. Mary's church, hath a round steeple 54 feet high, with a small spire on its top, against which the clock-bell hangs, on the outside; there are now five bells, on one of which I read this,

Nos Societ Sanctis semper Nicolaus in altis.

The steeple is a much older building than the church, the present fabrick of which, was built chief by Sir Rog. de Bourne, Knt. lord and patron, about 1330, and the chancel by Rich. de Bourne his brother, then rector here; and it seems as if one John or James de Bourne, glazed the clerestories or lights in the nave, for J. B. in old capitals, remains still in several windows there, as do the arms of Bourne in the east chancel window, viz.

Arg. a chevron gul. between three lions rampant sab.

And in the north window of the Baptist's chapel, at the upper end of the north isle, which Sir Roger built for his own burial-place, is this now broken inscription,

ORATE. PRO. AIA'. RO[G]--. ORNE. --TIS. (Orate pro anima Rogeri de Borne, militis, &c.)

His stone is robbed of its inscription, circumscription, arms, and effigies, and nothing remains thereon, save two brass effigies of corses looking out of their winding sheets; at the altar here, the gild-chaplain of St. John celebrated mass for his soul, and the souls of his family; many of whom are interred in this chapel and chancel.

The south porch, two isles, nave, and north vestry, which is now used as a school-house, are all leaded, as is the east part of the chancel, the western part of which is thatched.

In the south Isle I find nothing, save these words on the poors' box, which siands at the south door, The Gift of John Machet.

In the north isle is a stone for Hannah Wife of Thomas Park Gent. April 29, 1709.

Anne Dr. of John & Ann Browne, March 22, 1716.

On a brass plate at the east end of the nave,

Orate pro animabus Johnnis Smith. et Margeir wroris eius qui Johnnes Obiit rbiiio die Mensis Febru' Ao Oni: Moccco lrrir. quorum animabus propicietnr Deus Amen.

Weever, fo. 814, gives us these two, which are now lost:

Orate pro animabus Johannis Bocher et Margarete Uroris eius quorum animabus tc.

Orate pro anima Thome Drake qui obiit Ao Dni. Moccccolrrrr.

At the east end of the chancel against the north wall, is erected a very sumptuous monument, on the altar part of which are the cumbent effigies of Judge Reve and his lady, in their proper proportions and habits; he in his judge's robes, with a roll in one hand, and the other under his head; she, with a book in her left hand, and her head supported by two cushions.

Crest, on a wreath O. B. two wings conjoined of the 1st.

Reve, az. a chevron between three pair of wings conjoined and elevated or, impaling sab. on a chevron between three griffins heads erased or, three stars of six points gul.


Non Ordinis Equestris, Trabeæque Judicis, auctus est Honoribus, quos, eminente Dignitate, ac eruditione Syncera, fecerit ad altiores Gradus ascendere Virtutis, ad istos ipse non ascenderat.

Quippe fuit,

In Templo Pietati devotissimus, in Aulâ conspicuus, et Officiosè Prudens; In Foro, Gravitate perspicax, Palam in obvios humanus et humilis, in Familiâ placidè liberalis, apud Mensam hopitio munificus, in Conclavi, studio deditus & Theologiæ, in Republicâ turbulentâ tranquillè pacificus, in Concubitû Castitate Reverendus, Sanctitate venerandus in Occubitû.

Quit fuit,

Unicè Regi dilectus, ob Fidem exploratissimæ probitatis Palamento compertus, heroicâ magnanimitate colendus, a Proceribus, a Plebe, celebrandus Æquitate judicandi, Sanctimoniâ, Clero suspieiendus ad Exemplar, Integritate summâ. Populo commendandus, â Locupletibus habitus in Pretio, quod Res eorum partas assererat, ab Egenis, in precibus, quod suas erogaret.


Perterrefacere non potuit Insolentiâ Vulgi, nec allicere valuerunt Aulæ Lenocinia, quo communia placita desereret, (uti alij) neque furiarum tot millia civilium Gladijs strictis Efficere, Justitiæ Gladium exuere, sed ejus operâ (pennis Hastæ dum frustrà minantur) inter arma, non siluere leges.

Unus Ille,

Pauperibus æquè ac Divitibus, eâdem manû nunquam fatigatâ, Bilancem ostendit in Equilibrio, Pondera deinceps imposuit, reposuitque ad Sacoma dextrâ candidissimâ, in Examen oculum intendit irretortum, utsi vel tantillum alterutrinque declinaret, aspiceret, Expertoq; Digito, si Funiculorum Nodis, quid implicaretur, explicaret, Jocantis Oris ac innocui, spiritu penetrante pulvisculum, è Lancibus excussit in Æqualem; ut nemo de summo Jure conqueri potuerit unquam aut remissius iniquo;

Vnus itidem,

Ex Itinerantibus optatissimis Ille, Qui Jus è postliminio receptum, inter Ruricolas instauravit, et Diutino Justitio pridem exulantes redintegravit Assisas; Curiam Astræa Westinonasterij solum habuit, per estiva Solennia peregrè non est profecta, Cæterùm priusquam Surriæ Circuitum absolvisset, Ægrotus ad Londmum reversus, ad ultimum indè Judicium avocatus est, eodemque Die, Qui vicesimi tertij Caroli reclusit initium (Martij 27° Ao 1647) Diem clausit extremum, somno consopitus immortali; Cui superstes Uxor Dna' MARIA REVE, Cubile meditabunda secum (uti voluerit) adornavit, ubi conquiesceret ipsa, cùm advenerit Hora (Capite nutante) simul obdormiendi.

She died March 12, 1657, and was interred in the same vault with her. husband under this monument.

On the opposite south wall, is a monument with Reve's arms, erected to the memory of

Thomas Reve Esq; Oct. 1, 1663, æt. 69. Thomas his eldest son, 26 Nov. 1656, æt. 20. John Reve his youngest son Apr. 13, 1660, æt. 18.

On a black marble in the altar,

Hic jacet Johannes Reve Norf. A.M. Canonicè Ordinatus Presbyter, vir omnigenâ Eruditione apprime instructus, Exemplari pietate perquam ornatus, summisque Virtutibus eminenter præclarus, hujus Ecclesiæ Pastor Fidelissimus, ubi cum novemdecim Annis munere ministrali indefesse functus esset, terrenam hanc vitam Anno Ætatis suæ quadragesimo nono Febr. Die decimo, et Anno Domini Mill: sexcent: quinquag: Octavo, pro Cœlesti Gloriâ commutavit.

The following persons are buried under divers marbles in the chancel:

Mrs. Eliz. Keene Widow, Dr. of Augustine Reve of Bracondale near Norwich Esq; Jan: 21, 1710, æt. 79.

Anne Houghton, sole Dr. and Heir of Henry Reve of Bracondale, who married the eldest son of John Houghton of Bramerton Esq; and left issue only one Son John, ob, 6 May 1705. Rob. Houghton Esq; ob: 1 Dec. 1715, æt. 36.

Houghton, arg. on a bend sab. three eagles displayed or, impaling Reve.

Ric. Reve 1727. John Reve Father of Rector Reve, 1658.

  • 1611, 28 Feb. William, second son of Robert Dawes of LongStratton, had a grant of arms from Cambden, of arg. on a bend wavy az. three swans of the field. Crest, a serpent vert, stuck on a halberd's point embrued arg.

Alexander Blithe of this parish, descended from a family in Devonshire of that name, bare,

Or, a chief indented sab.

He married Isabel, daughter and coheir of John Jermyn, by whom he had John, William, and Ralf, who all died without issue; and Alice, their sister and heiress, married to John Gresham of Holt, father of Sir Richard Gresham, &c.

Thé Rev. Mr. John Soley, rector here, bears

Gul. a bend ingrailed or, and three salmons naiant in bend sinister counterchanged.

Eliz. Baspool gave 1l. 6s. to be given weekly in bread at the church, to the poor, for ever, and tied all her lands in Stratton for payment thereof, now the estate of Mr. Joseph Cotman of Great Yarmouth.

John Roope gave 1l. 6s. to be paid yearly out of the ale-house called the Swan in Stratton St. Mary, which he tied for payment thereof, on condition the said premises be not rated to any tax above 13l. per annum, otherwise the gift to cease; it is given in bread at church, as the other.

Thomas Pudding gave 12s. yearly to the poor, till 10l. be paid to the church-wardens, and tied his estate, now in possession of William Booty for it, lying in Stratton St. Michael.

William Pudding gave 12s. yearly, issuing out of Will. Booty's estate, till 10l be paid to the church-wardens for the use of the poor.

Half an acre of ground with four cottages thereon built, now inhabited by the poor, were given by Nic. Porter and Tho. Stanton, in James the First's time.

Eliz. Keene, widow, daughter of Augustine Reve, and neice to the Judge, by will gave 2l. 10s. yearly to be laid out in blue gowns for the poor of Stratton St. Mary, during the life of her nephew, John Houghton of Bramerton, Esq.

The church of Stratton St. Peter, always belonged to Forncet manor, and was founded by Roger Bigot, about the Conquest, in all appearance. In 1195, by fine then levied, Will. de Stratton, as trustee settled it on Gundred the Countess for life, remainder to Rog. le Bygod and his heirs for ever. It was valued at five, afterwards at six marks, and paid, as it doth now, 5s. procurations, 18d. synodals, 3d. ob. Peterpence, and 5d. carvage.


  • 1302, John de Spanneby. Roger le Bygod Earl of Norfolk and Marshal.
  • 1317, Rob. de Davintre. Thomas Earl of Norfolk and Marshal.
  • 1322, Philip Blanchfront, who resigned in
  • 1325, to Philip Mylis. Ditto.
  • 1326, Master Robert de Cantuaria; he held it with Lopham, and resigned in
  • 1327, to Thomas Ferthing. Tho. Brotherton, the King's son, Earl of Norfolk, and Marshal, as before.
  • 1322, Master Tho. de Abingdon Ditto.
  • 1337, Roger de Leycester. Ditto.
  • 1347, John de Radeclyve. Sir John Segrave, Knt.
  • 1349, Will. de London. Ditto.
  • 1351, Henry White; he was buried here in 1378, and
  • William at Hille succeeded. Margaret Countess-Marshal, and Lady Segrave.
  • Godfry, son of Walter Mayster, resigned in
  • 1416, to John Wetherpen, in exchange with Langham-Parva. Sir Gerard Usflet, Knt. this turn in right of Forncet manor, which he hath as the dower of Eliz. Dutchess of Norfolk, his wife. He changed for Threkeby in
  • 1419, with Will. Hernald of Corpusty. John Lancaster and Robert Southwell, Esqrs. attorneys - general to John EarlMarshal, Notingham, &c. he being in foreign parts.
  • John Gourle resigned in 1439, and John Duke of Norfolk gave it to
  • Ric. Feket, and in
  • 1444, to Thomas Martin, who was the last rector here, for at his death, it was consolidated Sept. 10, 1449, to the church of Stratton St. Michael, which stands not above a bow-shot distant from it; and it was agreed, that as a recompense for this patronage, St. Mary's alias Winchester college in Oxford, should present two turns, and the Duke of Norfolk every third turn, and that St. Peter's should exist as a separate parish still, and the rector should serve in each church every Sunday; and it continued so till the Dissolution, when being returned as a chapel only, it was totally demolished, and was laid to St. Michael's parish, and hath continued as part of it ever since; and nothing is to be seen of the church, but the foundations level with the ground, which show that it was a small huilding. The site is still called St. Peter's Churchyard.

Saye's Manor


Belonged to, and laid chiefly in, this parish, and was granted from the other part of the parish, and the advowson, by the By gods, lords of Forncet, to William de Say, whose second son Jeffery had it, and held it at a quarter of a fee; he died in 1214, and left it to Jeffery de Say, called the younger, who married Alice daughter and coheiress of John de Cheyney, one of the founders of Coxford monastery; and by her had William de Say the elder, who died seized in 1271, and it went to Sibill his widow, who married Robert de Ufford, who in 1274, was in her right lord here; William de Say, junior, was the son and heir, but the younger son John de Say, had this manor, and in 1285, had a lete, view of frankpledge, and the assise of bread and ale over all his tenants in Stratton, and was returned to hold it at a quarter of a fee of the lord of Forncet, who held it of the Earl of Gloucester as of Clare honour; I find him lord in 1291, but in 1296, Jeffery son and heir of Will. de Say, junior, owned it, and was a minor in the custody of Henry de Leybourne, who married him to Idonea, daughter of William de Leybourne, his brother. The rents of this manor were 46s. 6d. per annum, and Mary de Say, relict of his uncle John, who died without issue, had her dower in it. Jeffery died in 1321, but before his death in 1317, he confirmed an agreement made by John de Say, his uncle, as to this manor, and conveyed it by fine to

John de Holveston and Joan his wife, who afterwards held it of the Lord Say, &c. In 1342, Joan widow of John de Holveston settled it on James de Holveston and Alice his wife, remainder to Gilbert de Fraunsham and Agnes daughter of James de Holveston; and in 1401, Geffry de Fraunsham held it of the Lord Say, he of the Earl of March, &c. In 1414, William son of Balderic of Taverham, conveyed to

Richard Pygot and his feoffees, all his purparty of Saye's manor in Long-Stratton, and it continued in the Pygots till it passed with Anne daughter and coheir of Thomas Pygot of Stirston, to

Robert Barnard of Norwich, Esq. her husband; she settled it by will, on Sir Robert Southwell, and other feoffees, to find a priest to sing for their souls in the Black-friars church in Norwich, where they are buried, at their tomb, which is now standing, and was lately used for St. George's company to meet at; see vol. iv. p. 339. They left two daughters coheirs; Eleanor, married to Christopher Calthorp of Cockthorp, Esq. and Elizabeth, to John Legge, and this was assigned to Legge in 1511, and Calthorp had Stirston manor, and a rent charge of 1l. 6s. out of this, which Sir James Calthorp and his son Christopher sold to Will. Machet of Moulton, clerk, who had purchased this manor of John Legge and Eliz. his wife; and in 1539, Sir John Shelton, Knt. was lord, and settled it on Anne his wife for life, and then to John Shelton, Esq. his son, for 60 years, and after that on Ralf Shelton his cousin, who was lord in 1570; he it was that manumised the whole, sold the rents to the several tenants, and the demeans to Nicholas Porter; and so the manor and lete also, extinguished for want of tenants. The site came after to the Cullyers, and Abigail Norris, widow of Berton Tuft, sold it to the Rev. Mr. Tho. Howes, rector of Moringthorp, who now owns it, and the demeans called Saye's.

Stratton St. Michael.

This rectory was given by Walter Giffard to the priory of Longevile in Normandy, with Weston and Wichingham in Eynsford hundred; the rector had then a house and 10 acres of glebe, and now there are 28 acres and an half in 31 pieces, lying about the town. The parsonage-house joins to the south-east part of the churchyard, and the east part of it (as I am informed) is copyhold of Ree's manor, and belongs to a farm adjoining to the east part of the parsonagehouse, now owned by Thomas Howes, clerk. It was valued without the portion, at 8 marks, and paid 10s. 8d. tenths, and the rector paid a portion of 13s. 4d. per annum to the prior of Longaville, which is now paid to New College in Oxford, who had the patronage from William of Wickham, their founder, by grant from the King, it being vested in the Crown, as belonging to a dissolved alien priory. It stands in the present Valor by a false name, thus,

6l. 12s. 8d. ob. Stratton Omnium Sanctorum R. 13s. 3d. q. tenths,

and I suppose came to be fixed so, because anciently the church is called St. Michael and All-Saints; but strange it is, that the names both of St. Peter and St. Michael (by which only, this rectory is known) should be omitted: as it is not discharged, it is incapable of augmentation. It paid 4d. carvage and 7d. Peter-pence; and as it now doth, 1s. 10d. synodals, and 6s. 8d. procurations; and for St. Peter, 5s. procurations, and 1s. 6d. synodals; in all 15s.

The church is 25 yards long and 7 broad, it hath a square tower and two bells,[7] the south porch is tiled, the nave and chancel thatched, the last of which was built by John Cowall, rector here in 1487; he lies buried in the middle of the chancel, with this on a brass plate now loose,

Orate pro anima Johannis Cowall quondam Rectoris istius Ecclesie qui istam Cancellam de Nove fieri fecit Aᵒ Domini Mᵒ ccccᵒlrrrviiᵒ et pro quibus tenetur. (sc. orare.)[8]

But though he built the chancel in 1487, he continued rector till 1509; his will is in Register Spyltimer, fo. 225, in which is this; "Also my house in the street called Pepyrs, I wol the state ther of, with all the Lands ther of, shall remayne in the handys of feoffeys, and in the Attorneys of them, to my Parishiners beholfe, in excusing of tenths and tallage, when it fallyth, and the overplus to the reparation of the churchys of St. Michael and St. Peter in the sayd town, evermore; seen, that the cunstabyll and the church-wardynnys, shall let it, and repare it, with the ferme of it; and the residewe of the ferme, I wol yt remayne in the handys of the said constabyll and wardeyns, and yerly they make acounte before all the parishe, and they to excuse the rent of it to the lordys of the fee." This house, with about 12 acres of land, part copy and part free, is now in feoffees hands; and is worth about 10l. per annum, and the churchwardens receive the rent, and apply it as it ought to be, to repair the church, since the taxes of tenths and tallages are ceased. He was also a benefactor to the gild of St. Anne, which was kept in this church.

The nave was finished in 1440, for then Ric. Havell's legacy towards finishing the new church roof, was paid.

There was another brass plate in the chancel, now lost for Ric. Vynne, Jan. 26, 1626, aged 76. I find that Mr. Layer Vynne was curate here some time.

There is an altar tomb in the churchyard on the south side, for Will. Weddall, Gent. 1730, and Mary his wife, who was daughter of Tho. Dixon.

The rector of Moringthorp, pays a yearly pension of 18s. to the rector here, on Lammas day, for exchange of tithes, as mentioned in the terrier.

Rectors Of St. Michael.

1278, Rob. le Blake.

1314, Gilbert de Chelmeresford. Prior and Convent of Longavill, Giffard of the order of Cluny in Roan diocese in Normandy in France, by brother Will. de Talaya, their proctor-general, legally deputed to present to all their benences in England.

1333, Will. Power, sub-deacon. Brother William de Tonolio, their proctor.

1334, Humfry de Wakefield, who in 1339, exchanged it for Kingston in Winchester diocese with

Robert de Monte of Litchfield, who in 1347, changed it for Chickney in London diocese, with

Ric. Merkaunt, who was presented by the King, the Prior of Newenton Longaville's lands being seized into his hands, on account of the war with France. In 1449, Merkaunt changed it for Hertlegh in Rochester diocese, with

John Wrotham, shaveling, on whose resignation in

1352, Ric. Reyner had it, and both were presented by the King. In 1361, the Proctor of the priory, presented

John de Donyngton, who changed for Culford in Suffolk in 1368, with

Will. de Lovetoft, and had it of the gift of Sir Nic. de Tamworth, Knt. lord of Culford, who had the turn of the King; but the next year they rechanged, and the King gave it to Donyngton.

The eight following rectors were all presented by the Crown:

1376, John Dynne.

1377, John Browne.

1384, Thomas Verdon, in exchange for Wickhampton.

1385, Will. Bekford.

1386, Mat. Salle

1391, John Snape, buried here in 1420, and

Rob. Mere succeeded, and died in 1438, in which year

Will. Stele was instituted, and died also. In

1439, John Rote had it of the gift of Sir Ralf Rochford, Knt. and being granted from the Crown, it was settled on the custos and scholars of St. Mary alias Winchester College in Oxford, at the request of the founder, and in 1449, was consolidated to St. Peter's as before; and ever since New College hath two turns, and the Duke of Norfolk the third; but the perpetual advowson of that third turn is now sold to John Soley, clerk, rector of Stratton St. Mary.

Rectors of Stratton St. Michael and St. Peter.

At Rote's death in 1479, the college presented

John Byrkys, and at his death the same year,

John Cowall; and at his death in 1509, Thomas Earl of Surrey, gave it to

Sir Rob. Browning, his chaplain, who was succeeded by Will. Rownam, by lapse, who died in 1537, and John London, LL. D. master of the college, gave it to Henry Kele, and at his death in

  • 1541, to Robert Stevens. In
  • 1562, Sir John Stevens was presented by Thomas Duke of Norfolk.
  • 1596, William Thorn, S. T. B. Martin Culpepper, M. D. custos, &c. he resigned, and in
  • 1600, George Ryves, custos, &c. gave it to
  • Anthony Combe, fellow of the college, who returned answer, that here were 91 communicants. On whose resignation in
  • 1610, John Cole, assignee of the Earl of Northampton, gave it to
  • Peter Raye, who had it united to Starston; he was succeeded in
  • 1629, by John Merewether, who held it united to Taseburgh, from both which he was ejected by the Earl of Manchester's scandalous committee, and one
  • Cooke was put in, "being a godly man," to preach, and had 5s. a Sunday allowed him by the sequestrators, out of the tithes, and Mrs. Merewether had a fifth part of the profits to maintain herself and six children; he being also deprived of his temporal estate of 50l. per annum, the rest was ordered to go towards maintaining the parliament forces, &c. but it seems Cooke was not "godly" enough for those rebels, for in 1654, they put in one
  • Ric. Laurence, who held it by intrusion till Merewether's death, which happened before the Restoration, when Nic. Woodward, S. T. P. custos, &c. in 1660, presented
  • James Oldfield, at whose death in
  • 1681, Charles Reve was presented by Henry Reve, Esq. who had the turn by grant from the Duke of Norfolk, at whose death
  • John Cox was instituted at the presentation of the College, and resigned it in about a year's time, and the college presented

The Rev. Mr. Rice Price, who is fellow of the college, and the present rector.

Welholme's, or Welham's Manor


Was granted by the Strattons, from their manor to the Welholmes, and it belonged in 1274 to Robert de Welholme, and in 1285, to Alex. de Welholme, who had a lete or view of frankpledge, and assize of bread and ale, allowed him in eire; on condition he paid 8d. a year to the King's bailiff of Depwade hundred, for that liberty. In 1315, John and Richard de Welholm had it; in 1345, Rob. de Welholm and Stephen his son, held it at half a fee, and half a quarter of a fee of Sir John Inglose, he of Isabel Queen of England, and she of the King, as heir to Montealt, lord of Rising-Castle. In 1401, John Brusyard had it, and it was purchased by Sir John Herling, Knt. and ever since hath passed as Stratton-Hall manor, the customs being the same, and the court is always held at the same time.

The demeans and site severed from the manor, were late Booty's, and are now owned by John Howse, Esq. who also hath the demeans of

Rees's Manor


Here, severed anciently from that manor, which is now (and for a long time hath been) joined to Welholme's, the style being, Welholme's or Welham's and Reese's in Stratton.

This manor was infeoffed by Fitz-Corbun, as is already observed, in one Hunfrid or Humfry, whose descendants assumed the name of Stratton; and it was in Robert de Stratton; and in 1195 William de Stratton had it. In 1207, Roger de Stratton, in 1239, Henry de Stratton.

In 1249, Ralf de Stratton, called also de Bosco or Bois, held it at one fee, and was fined for not being a knight. In 1285, John de Stratton was killed by William son of Nic. de Dunston; but it being found, that he did it in his own defence, and not feloniously or maliciously, he had the King's pardon, which he pleaded before the itinerant justices at Norwich.

In 1270, Robert son of Nicolas de Stratton, sold part of the demeans to Richard de Boyland, who joined them to his manor of Boyland-Hall in Moringthorp. In 1274, Roger de Stratton was lord. In 1315, Thomas de Staunton owned it; about 1318, Thomas Picot; and in 1323, Nicolas and Jeffry de Stratton released it to Nicholas Pycot; in 1341, Sir John Walweyn, Knt. infeoffed it in fee in John Dengayne; and in 1358, Tho. son of Rob. de Bumpstede of Norwich, and Alice his wife, conveyed it to Roger de Herdegrey of Norwich, and his heirs, and he infeoffed William de Wreningham, John de Berney, John de Bonyngham, and others. In 1362, Margaret daughter of Tho. Pygot of Long-Stratton, released all her right to Edmund son of Isabel Berry.

In 1404, it belonged to John Rees and Margaret his wife, William Rees, Esq. and Margery his wife, who sold the manor in 1407, to John Kirtling, clerk, and Rob. Park, and the heirs of John, but reserved the site and demeans; the manor was soon after conveyed to Sir Robert Herling, and ever since hath attended the manor of Stratton-Hall.

The site and demeans called Ree's messuage in 1449, were conveyed by Rich. Baxter of Stratton, Will. Norwich, Gent. and Thomas Swayn, to William Alnwyk Bishop of Norwich, Sir John Fastolf, and Sir Henry Inglose, Knts. as trustees to Thomas Ludham, clerk, and Tho. Howes, chaplain to Sir John Fastolf, and their heirs; and in 1464, Howes and Ludham having conveyed it to Sir John, John Paston, heir to Sir John Fastolf, died seized, and since, it hath passed through many conveyances, to John Howes, Esq. the present owner.

In 1285, it was returned before the justices in eire, that the King was defrauded of the service of a serjeanty, due for lands here; and on the inquisition it was found, that in the time of King John, William Roscelyne held one serjeanty in Carleton, Tibenham, Forncet, Waketon, Stratton, Melton, and Toseburgh, worth 5l. per annum, by the serjeanty of finding one horseman in the King's war, whenever there happens to be war in England, and that Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk, then held it substracted from the King; to which the Earl by his attorney, answered, that he held it of Richmond honour in capite, and that it was in King Henry the Third's hands, who gave that honour, with all belonging to it, except Cossey manor, to Peter de Subaudia, or of Savoy; and after that Roger Bygot, ancestor of the present Earl, purchased it of Ric. de Hadesco, as held of the said honour, and that it was now held of John de Britain, lord of the honour, by the service aforesaid, but not by any serjeanty; upon which he was dismissed; and it hath ever since passed with Forncet manor.


Manor was held of Roger Bigod, as of his manor of Forncet, by Alger,[9] at the time of Conquest, and another part of it belonged to Alan Earl of Richmond,[10] and was valued with his manor of Cossey. Little Moulton belonged also to the said Roger, and Alger held that also, of him;[11] it had then a church and 15 acres of glebe, and the King had two freemen here, named Gouta and Osketel, who had the inheritance that Ascius their father held of the abbey of Holm, to which the advowson belonged.

Both the parishes were three miles long and a mile broad, and paid 13d. ob. geld.

In William Rufus's time, the Earl of Norfolk infeoffed William de Verdon in it, along with Brisingham, as appears in vol. i. p. 49; and it attended that manor for many ages, being held by the Verdons; one half fee of it of the Norfolk family, and one 5th part of a fee of the honour of Bainard's castle, which was purchased of Ralf de Camois, and added to the manor. It after went with Brisingham, till Isabell, daughter and heiress of Sir John Verdon, by Isabell his second wife, married

Sir Imbert Noon of Shelfhanger, and carried it into that family, as in vol. i. p 119, and it passed with it till 1512, and then Henry Noon of Shelfhanger, Esq. sold it to

Thomas Spring of Lanham, clothman, and Thomas Jermyn his feoffee, together with the advowson; at which time it extended into Waketon and Forncet; by him it was soon after conveyed to

Leonard Spencer of Blofield. It after belonged to

Sir Thomas Jermyn, Knt. then to

Sir William Drury, Knt. after to

Robert Wetherby and Eliz. his wife; and in 1562, to

Andrew, John, and Anthony Rivet, and in 1570, to

John Rivet of Brandeston, Esq. in which year it was found, that the superiour lordship over the commons, &c. belonged to the manor of Forncet. It continued in this family (as appears by the institutions) till after 1689; and in 1717,

Mrs. Eliz. widow of Tho. Chute, Esq. had it, and now it belongs to

Mrs. Anne Elwin of Norwich, widow, and Tho. Lobb Chute, Esq. in joint tenancy, and a third turn of the sinecure rectory of Wacton-Parva is appendant to it, as also this patronage.

Rectors of Moulton-Magna

  • 1303, Jeffry de Halcote. Sir Thomas le Verdon, Knt.
  • 1317, William de Brisingham. Sir John Verdon, Knt.
  • 1349, John Malyer, resigned. Ditto.
  • 1350, John le Smith. Ditto.
  • 1391, Nic. de Rockyngham. Ditto.
  • 1392, Ralf. Swathyng, ob. Sir Edm. Noon, Knt.
  • 1438, John Goorle. Hen. Noon, Esq.
  • 1445, Roger Hese, deprived. Ditto.
  • 1453, John Domlyn. Ditto.
  • 1460, Will. Smith, resigned. Ditto.
  • 1488, John Stanton, resigned. Eleanor Noon.
  • 1495, John Rudham.
  • 1497, Henry Wytham, resigned. Rob. Wingfield and Eleanor Noon.
  • 1507, John Oxclyff, resigned. John Noon, Esq.
  • 1509, Tho. Taylor, ob. Hen. Noon, Esq.
  • 1516, Ric. Drake, LL. B. ob. united to Gryston. Leonard Spencer of Blofield.
  • 1526, Sir Thomas Clark, prior of Montjoy, ob. Ditto.
  • 1540, Peter Brinkeley, S. T. P. resigned. Sir Tho. Jermyn, Knt.
  • 1543, Tho. Wells, alias Martin, ob. united to Moulton-Parva, deprived of both by Queen Mary. Sir William Drury, Knt.
  • 1555, Henry Bradshaw, resigned.
  • 1556, Richard Clegge, united to All-Saints. Rob. Wetherby, and Eliz. his wife.
  • 1560, John Dodd, ob. Elizabeth Wetherby, widow.
  • 1565, John Hill, ob. united to All-Saints. Andrew, John, and Anthony Rivet.
  • 1581, Will. Matchet, A. M. united to All-Saints. John Rivet of Ipswich, Esq. buried here.
  • 1620, William Roy, A. M. Nicholas Rivet of Brandeston, Esq. united to All-Saints.
  • 1640, Richard Lancaster, ob. Ditto.
  • 1661, Philip Goodwin, resigned. John Rivet, Esq.
  • 1673, Samuel Williams, A. M. united to All-Saints. Thomas Rivet of Rendlesham, Gent.
  • 1689, Ric. Wilson. Tho. Rivet, Esq.
  • 1717, Thomas Browne on Wilson's death. Eliz. Chute, widow.
  • 1726, Will. Nedham; he was succeeded by the present rector.

The Rev. Mr. Jonathan Wrench, vicar of Aylesham.

The church is dedicated to St. Michael, was first valued at 10, after at 12 marks; the rector had a house and 20 acres of glebe; it paid 6s. 8d. procurations, 1s. 10d. synodals, 10d. Peter-pence, and 3d. ob. carvage. The portion of the monks of Thetford was valued at 6s. 8d. and in 1612, was paid to Aslacton manor in right of Thetford priory.

There was a chapel of our Lady in this church, and an altar dedicated to her also in it, by which stood her image, with a light burning before it. In 1504, Walter Taylor gave a legacy for a new bell, and in 1674, a license passed to lessen the great bell. It stands in the King's Books at 6l. 13s. 4d. and being sworn of the clear yearly value of 30l. it is discharged of first fruits and tenths, and is capable of augmentation; and the whole parish paid 5l. clear to every tenth. In 1239, lands here and in Herdwick were settled on William prior of the Holy Trinity at Ipswich, by Richard de Mundham and Eve his wife, William Weybred and Beatrix his wife, Walter de Thorp and Eda his wife, and R. Fuger and Christian his wife; and the Prior of the monks of Thetford was taxed for divers temporal rents here, belonging to their estate in Aslacton, at 13s. 5d.

The steeple is round at bottom and octangular at top, and hath five bells; the south porch, south and north isles, and nave, are leaded, and the chancel, is tiled; the arms of Verdon, Vice de Lou, and Noon, were very often in the windows, and az. a bend arg. and arg. a fess gul.

In the nave,

His jacet Corpus Johannis Roope Gen. qui obijt 30 die Julij 1667.

In the south isle,

Hic jacet Corpus Roberti Roope Gen. qui obijt 27 die Oct. 1666.

Dorothy Roope 23 Oct. 1673.

In the chancel,

Ric. Wilson, Rector 27 Years, 28 Nov. 1716, æt. 60.

Will. Nedham Rector, is buried north and south under the altar.

On a brass,

Hic jacet Willelmus Machett, quondam Rector istius Ecclesie qui obijt xio die Sept. A. D. 1620.

Vivo tibi, moriorque tibi, mi Christe Redemptor, Tu mihi sola salus, tu mihi Vita manes, Expectata diù, tandem venit hora salutis, Quæ michi summa dedit Gaudia fixa poli.

On an altar tomb by the south chancel door.

Wickham, arg. a chevron sab. between three roses gul.

Thomas son of Tho. Wickham Gent. Apr. 5, 1661. Tho. Wickham Gent. the Elder, Dec. 16, 1688, 66. Mary wife of Tho. Wickham 23 May, 1706, 80. Will. their son, Aug. 5, 1706, 45.

At the south-west corner of the churchyard is a very antique altar tomb, but no arms or inscription.

John Moulton born here, a White-friar or Carmelite in Norwich monastery, flourished about the year 1400; Pits, page 568, tells us, that he was a pious, learned, and eloquent man, and an excellent preacher: he published a book of 90 sermons.


At the survey, was in two parts, that held of Forncet by Alger, belonged first to Ralf, and then to Rob. de Agnellis, and the whole was held of Forncet at a fee, but part of it the lord of Forncet held of the honour of Gloucester; and in 1212, Lambert Teutonicus, called also le Almain, who afterwards took the sirname of Moulton, agreed with Roger Bigot Earl of Norfolk, the capital lord of the town, and purchased divers rents and lands from the manor of Great Moulton, of Bertram de Verdon, of whom it was settled, this manor should henceforward be held; so that by this purchase the quitrents of this manor became 5l. per annum.

In 1235, Richard de Brewse and Oliver de Redham, were concerned in it, and in 1246, the said Richard, jointly with Eleanor his wife, held a court-baron; in 1306, Reginald le Gros, settled it on Oliver de Redham and Joan his wife; it had then three messuages, 113 acres of land, five acres of meadow, and 20s. 11d. quitrents. In 1309, William son of William de Walcote, settled it on Thomas de Multon and Margaret his wife, who held it in 1315, of Richard de Brewse, and in 1345, it was purchased by William del Park, and joined to his manor called Parks in Wacton, and from that time, there hath been no court kept in this parish.

The advowson, from the Conqueror's time, belonged to the Abbot of St. Bennet at the Holm, who was taxed at 28s. 6d. for temporals here, but had no manor, only free-rents or pensions paid out of such lands as belonged to him, which were granted to be held free.

Rectors presented by the Abbots of Holm

  • 1322, Walter Duce. Henry, Abbot there.
  • 1330, William Lessi.
  • 1350, William Bercher of Mendham, res.
  • 1360, Richard Uptoft, change with Calthorp.
  • 1372, Richard Ugman, change with Rockland Minor.
  • 1373, John de Iselford, change Belings Parva.
  • 1404, Roger Turner of Wilby.
  • 1408, Rob. Devenysh, change with Leighs in London diocese.
  • 1409, Thomas York, change with E. Dene, Chichester diocese.
  • 1412, William Bale, change with East Basham.
  • 1425, Richard Wilby. Lapse.
  • 1434, Clement Chevyr, deacon.
  • 1436, William Stele, A.M. Lapse.
  • 1438, Jown Howard.
  • 1452, John Leghton.
  • 1484, William Mene. Lapse.
  • 1494, Reginald Cooper. Ditto.
  • 1504, William Mene. Lapse.
  • 1512, John Thirewall.
  • 1520, John Dawson, ob.
  • 1525, Thomas Percivale.
  • 1533, Francis Woode, ob.
  • 1535, Sir Robert Mathew, chaplain, was the last presented by the convent.

Rectors presented by the bishops of Norwich, as Abbots of Holm

  • 1550, Tho. Welles, alias Martin, united to St. Michael Robert Rugge, alderman of Norwich, by grant of Will. Rugge Bishop of Norwich.
  • 1555, Rich. Clegge. Ditto, as to union, presented by the Bishop.
  • 1566, John Seman.
  • 1570, John Hill, ob.
  • 1581, William Matchet, A.M. united to St. Michael.
  • 1620, Will. Roy. Ditto, ob.
  • 1640, Thomas Stevenson. Ditto.
  • 1663, John Worthington, S. T. P.
  • 1671, John Beale, united to Drayton.
  • 1674, Sam. Williams, held it with St. Michael.
  • 1689, John Richardson, A.M.
  • 1720, John Paul, A.M.
  • 1725, John Gardiner, now LL. D. and rector of MassinghamMagna. He resigned, and was succeeded by

The Rev. Mr. George Kenrick, vicar of Horning, who is the present rector.

The church was dedicated to all the Saints, and when Norwich Domesday was wrote, the rector had no house but 13 acres of glebe; it was valued at three, and after at four marks; the Abbot of Holm's portion was 4s.; it paid 12d. procurations, 1s. 10d. synodals, 18d. Peter pence, and 2d. ob. carvage. The church was in use till 1570, and then was totally demolished; the site of it is still called All-Saints churchyard. It is capable of augmentation, being returned of 30l. value, is discharged of first-fruits and tenths, and now stands thus in the King's Books:

4l. 3s. 1d. ob. Moulton Omnium Sanctorum, alias Parva Rect. 30l. clear yearly value.



The name of this town shows its original to have been the burgh or fortification on the river Taus or Tees; and according to Dr. Gale in his Commentary on Antoninus his Itinerary, tells us, this river was called Taü, and that the station ad Taüm, mentioned in the Pentingerian Tables, was here; and indeed the parish church stands in the fortification, the dimensions of which are still very visible; and an advantageous situation it was, to guard the pass of the river, leading to Castre: being on the very summit of a high hill, which surveys the adjacent country, and hangs over the river, which turned eastward by it, and made a commodious sinus or bay for such vessels as came up hither; and though for many years this stream hath declined through neglect, it would be an easy matter to make it navigable for lighters and such sort of vessels, up to this village, which would be an advantageous thing to all the neighbouring country; this good project hath been twice attempted, and as often miscarried, rather through want of conduct and a proper application, than ability of the undertakers.

The entrenchment or burgh here is square, and contains about 24 acres; it seems to be that encampment of the Romans, which by the Chorographical Table published by Mark Velser, is called Ad Taum. This place hath given name to the ancient family of the Taseburghs, who being lords of the town, had anciently their seat there; but after their removal hence, had their chief seat (and that a very pleasant one) just out of the county, on the bank of the river Waveney, which parts this county from Suffolk, not far from the abbey of Falixtown, commonly called Flixton, in Suffolk: The house is a grand ancient building, and fronts the road from Bungeye or Harleston. (Atlas Norf. p. 333.)

The church is dedicated to St. Mary the Virgin, who had her gild here; the steeple is round and hath four bells in it; there is a north porch; the nave is leaded, and the chancel tiled.

On an altar tomb on the south side of the church,

Bludworth, chequy arg. and sab. on a bend of the 1st, three eagles displayed of the 2d, impaling

Baxter, arg. on a pale within a bordure sab. three bezants.

And this on a brass plate on the top,

Elizabetha Filia et Heres Georgij Bludworth Gen. et Uxor Thome Baxter Gen. per quem habuit duos Filios et tres Filias, obijt 8° Die Octobris Ao Dni. 1587, et. Ætatis sue xxxviijo.

On the side of the stone, Elizabetha Uxor Thomæ Baxter.

On a brass in the middle of the church,

Burman, barry of six, a chief wavy, quartering two talbots between two flaunches, impaling Drury. Crest a greyhound.

Here under lieth the Body of Dorothy late wife of John Burman Doctor of Law, and Daughter of Anthony Drury of Besthorp Esq; by Anne his Wife, she died 14 July 1642, leaving issue, John, Anne, and Dorothy, whose pious Example, God give them Grace to follow.

Under the screen between the church and chancel on a flat stone,

Tirrel impales Burman.

Here lieth Elizabeth late wife of James Tirrel of the Inner Temple, Esq; one of the Daughters of John Burman Doctor of the Civil Law, by Dorothy his wife, the Daughter of Anthony Drury of Besthorp Esq; she died in Child-Bed April 4, 1638, leaving no issue behind her, æt. 21.

Henry Dod 27 April 1693. Susanna wife of Francis Bransby Gent. Aug. 3 1729.

On a brass plate in the chancel,

Under this Stone lieth the Body of Robert Meeke, who in his Life-time and after his Death for ever, gave liberally to the Poor of this Parish; he was buried the 26 of Aug. 1598.

On a brass nailed to a seat in the chancel, are Baxter's and Bludworth's arms, and this,

Hic jacet Elizabetha prima Filia Thomæ Baxter Generosi qui obijt innupta 3° Die Junij Ao D. 1586, æt. 16.

On a tomb against the south chancel wall,

Thomas Baxter Patronus hujus Ecclesie obijt 3 Dec. Ao Dni. 1611, æt. suæ 75.

( He built Ranthorp-hall.) It hath three shields,

1st, Baxter as before. Crest, a pelican vulning herself proper.

2d, Baxter and Talmach, gul, a fret or.

3d, Drake, az. a wiverne or.

On the north side is a monument for Newce of Ranthorp-hall.

Newce, sab. three pallets wavy arg. on a canton erm. a mascle gul. impaling

Seabright, arg. two cinquefoils gul. a crescent for difference sab.

Newce impales Leventhorp.

Vir quo nec probitas Probior, nec Justior Ipsa Justitia, Antiquæ et Archetypus Fidei, Thomas Newce jacet hìc, Titulus Generosus avitis, Delicium Populi, dulce Decus Patriæ; Conditur hoc etiam Tumulo lectissima conjux, Margareta, Viro, par Genere, et Genio, Fœlices ambo pariter vixêre, et utrumque Et Charum, et clarum Vita beata dedit, Mortis iniqua Manus sejunxit Corpore Costam, (4to, Feb. Anno. Dom. 1629, Ætatis 68.) Adjunctum Costæ Latus est, Urnâque in eadem; (24 Novembris Ao Dni. 1632, Ætatis 69.)

Hic subito expectant, Tubæ se Voce sonantis Conjunctos Cœli scandere ad astra poli, Unicus est natus, soboles Generosa Parentum Icon; Qui Patris Nomen et Omen habet.


  • 1274, Rog. de Taseburgh, Lord of Uphall manor, sold the advowson from the manor, to Sir Rob. de Tateshale, Lord of Bukenhamcastle, who in 1299, presented
  • Eustace le Brett.
  • 1326, Sir William Bacoun. Sir John de Cove, in right of Eve de Tateshale, his wife.
  • 1333, Will. Ynge. Lady Eve le Tateshale, in 1339, Adam de Clifton, John de Orreby, and Robert son of William de Bernak, were her heirs.
  • 1361, John Grene of Atleburgh. Sir Adam de Clifton, Knt.
  • 1416, Nic. Noth, res. Maud Cromwel, Lady Tateshale.
  • 1451, John Davy. Sir Andrew Ogard, Knt.
  • 1452, Jonn Davy, ob. Ralf Lord Cromwell.
  • 1491, Rich. Hanworth. Sir Will. Knevet, Knt.
  • Henry Hanworth, res. Ditto.
  • 1503, John Mannyng, A.M. res.
  • 1503, Nic. Craven.
  • 1543, Sir Will. Burgess, chaplain. Sir Edm. Knevet, Knt.
  • 1561, John Skeet, res. Lapse.
  • 1563, John Beare, ob. Thomas Chapman, this turn.
  • 1566, John Blomevill. James Bigot, Gent. lord of Rainthorphall.
  • 1586, Will. Temple. John and William Matchet this turn, by grant from James Bigot. In 1603, he returned answer, that he had 120 communicants, and that Tho. Baxter, Esq. was patron.
  • 1629, Henry King. Tho. Newce, Esq. He was sequestered.
  • 1654, Richard Laurence. By the Usurpers.
  • 1661, Edw. Bainard, A.M. ob. on King's cession. Tho. Nuce, Esq.
  • 1679, Edw. Bosworth, res. Edmund Bedingfield, Esq.
  • 1682, William Barlow. Ditto: buried under a marble in the chancel, July 1, 1693.
  • 1693, Will. Smith, res. Tho. Seaman, junior, this turn.
  • 1709, William Stevenson, united to Moringthorp. Israel Fielding, Esq. this turn; at his cession in
  • 1723, John Bourne was presented by Walter Bateman, lord of Rainthorp-hall, who sold the advowson to Miles Branthwayt, Esq.
  • 1735, William Bentham. Thomas Warkehouse, Esq. this turn. At his death,

Mr. Evan Bowen, the present rector, was presented by Miles Branthwayt, Esq. the present patron, and now holds it united to the third part of Atleburgh, as at p. 525, vol. i.

When Norwich Domesday was wrote, the prior of Bromholm was patron, and the rector had a house and 10 acres of glebe; it was valued at 12, after at 14 marks, and paid 2s. synodals, 10d. Peterpence, and 4d. carvage. The Prior of Thetford monks had revenues here of the gift of William Bigod, (as at vol. ii. p. 109,) viz. temporals taxed at 40s. 2d. a year, and spirituals, viz. the tithes of his demeans and divers other lands held of him, valued to the tenths at 40s. a year, and afterwards compounded for at 16s. 8d. a year, reduced after to 13s. a year, which in 1612, was paid to the lord of Aslacton priory manor, in right of Thetford priory.

It now stands in the King's Books undischarged, and therefore is not capable of augmentation.

8l. Taseburgh rect. 16s. yearly tenths.

This town paid 3l. to every tenth, when the taxes were raised by tenths and fifteenths.

The Manor of Uphall, or Boyland's


In Taseburgh, was the capital manor, and belonged to Bishop Osbern in the time of the Confessor, and was held by Tarolf, a freeman of Bishop Stigand, at the Conqueror's survey, and then it extended into Forncet; at the first survey it was worth 20s. per annum, and 30s. at the last. All Taseburgh was a mile and quarter long, and 7 furlongs broad, and paid 9d. geld. The successours of this Tarolf, were Richard and Mathew his son, and Ralf, who lived in 1199, and afterwards assumed the name of Taseburgh about 1239.

In 1247, Ralf son of Ralf de Taseburgh, was lord, and had infangenthef, or liberty to try all theft committed by his tenants, in his own court baron and lete here, and to execute them and take their forfeited goods. In 1256, he was dead, for then Robert de Gissing granted to William Esturmi, the custody and marriage of Roger son and heir of Ralf de Taseburgh, and William assigned them to Oliva widow of the said Ralf, and if Roger died before he came of age, then she was to have the custody of Christian and Richolda his sisters; and in 1280, this Roger had sold it to

Ric. de Boyland and Maud his wife, who in 1284 had the lete, paying 6d. yearly to the King, by the bailiff of the hundred; assise of bread and ale, a ducking-stool, pillory, and common gallows; and in 1289, William de Nerford and Petronel his wife, and their heirs, had their free way and passage, under Sir Richard de Boyland's court-yard in Taseburgh, between his said court-yard and his chapel of St. Michael, to the aldercar of the said William and Petronel; in 1295, it belonged to Sir Ric. de Boyland, and Elen his second wife, and was then sold to

Ric. de Uphall of Taseburgh, from whom it was called Uphall manor; in 1298, he sold it to

Henry son of Henry de la Sale and Sibil his wife, when it contained 10 messuages, 140 acres of land, 24 of meadow, 10 of pasture, 8 of wood, 2 of marsh, and 6l. 2s. 3d. ob. rent, in Taseburgh, Newton-Flotman, Saxlingham, Wackton, and Hemenhale. It after came to

Ralf de Bumpsted, citizen of Norwich, and then to Thomas his son, who in 1385 conveyed it to Bartholomew de Appleyerd, Tho. Spynk, and Will. de Eton, citizens of Norwich; and in 1400, Nichola son of William Brooke, late citizen of Norwich, released it to William Rees, Esq. and Tho. Spynk of Norwich. In 1444, it was settled on Thomas Bumpstede, senior, and Ivetta his wife, with remainder to William Bumpstede; in 1445, by the name of Thomas Bumpstede, senior, Esq. he made his will, and was buried in the collegiate church of St. Mary in the Fields in Norwich, by the tomb of Margaret his mother; Ivetta his wife, and Thomas Crofts, Esq. were executors; he gave Taseburgh manor, with the watermill thereto belonging, to his wife for life; which manor and mill lately belonged to Richard Bodendale, citizen and merchant of Coventry, and Nic. son of William Brooke, late citizen of Norwich, and after her death Thomas his son was to have it. In 1507, a fine was levied between John Jenour and Robert Bray, querents, and John Wiseman and Isabel his wife, deforciants, of the moiety of this manor, which in 1539 was sold by Thomas Wiseman, to

Charles Duke of Suffolk, who in 1542, sold it to

Sir Ric. Gresham, who the year before had purchased the other moiety of John Branch and others, who bought it of Edward Taseburgh and Rose his wife. In 1547, Paul Gresham, Gent. settled it by fine on Thomas Gresham, Gent. and before 1570, it was sold to William Fernley or Farlowe of Cretyng in Suffolk, and by him to Sir Thomay Gawdy of Claxton, who died seized, and left it to Henry Gawdy, Esq. his son, who sold it according to an agreement made before his father's death, with the manor of Hunts in Taseburgh, to Gascoign Weld, who left it to Joseph Weld his son, serjeant at law, whose two daughters, Elizabeth and Mary, inherited; Elizabeth married to Richard Rutter of Kingsley in Cheshire; and Mary to William Starkey, clerk, whose daughter Mary inherited the whole, and carried it to her husband,

John Jermy of Bayfield in Norfolk, Esq. whose only son and heir,

William Jermy, Esq. is the present lord.

Hunt's Manor


Belonged at the Confessor's survey to Almar, who held it of Bishop Stigand, and at the Conqueror's, Roger de Ebrois held it William de Schoies, and Richard de Hadesco held it about King John's time, of the honour of Clare, at the 8th part of a fee; and in 1235, John Wythe and Roger de Brom had it; in 1266, King Henry III. granted liberty of free-warren to Thomas Rosceline, then lord, by purchase from Ric. le Chamberlain of Hadesco; and in 1270, the said Thomas sold it to Roger son of Walter de Hales; in 1289, Will. de Nerford and Lady Petronel his wife, had it; and in 1315, I find it belonged to Dunmowe priory in Essex, at the dissolution of which, it came to the Crown, and being granted from it, in the 12th of Queen Elizabeth it belonged to Sir Thomas Gresham, Knt. lord mayor of London, and by him was joined to the manor of Uphall, with which it now remains.

The honour of Richmond extends hither, two parcels belonged to Alan, lord of that honour, the one was valued with his manor of Costesey, and the other belonged to the manor of Swaffham, and in 1632, Mathew Weld, Gent. was obliged by process, to pay 2l. 10s. to the King as his forfeiture, for not paying his Majesty an annual rent of 2d. ob. called war-pound rent, due to his honour of Richmond.

There was a serjeanty held under Roger Bigot at the survey, by Berard and Asceline, and afterwards by the Earl-Marshal, who was found to hold it of Richmond honour; an account of which you have before at p. 204.

Ranthorp-Hall Manor


Was held of Roger de Ramis by William, at the survey, and and after him by Jeff. de Rainesthorp, at one fee in 1156; and it is now divided, and in that part in Taseburgh, he was succeeded by John de Rainesthorp, and he by William de Raines, or Reymes; in 1200, Robert de Reymesthorp and Sibil his wife, had it; she was his widow in 1229; in 1244, Richard de Reymes was lord, and it continued in this family a long time; in 1307, John de Reynesthorp had it, and in 1342, he and Agnes his wife, were living; it after belonged to Will. de Rees, and from that time passed as at p. 66.

In 1550, Anne Chapman held it of Forncet at half a fee; and Thomas was her son and heir, and in 1570, Dudley Chapman his brother had it, and in 1579, sold it to Sir Tho. Cornwaleis, Knt. and William his son and heir; Tho. Baxter had it about 1600; he built the house called Ranthorp-hall, in the windows of which are the following arms:

Howard Duke of Norfolk, quartering Brotherton, Warren, and Mowbray.

Robert, vert, a lion rampant or, vulned in the shoulder, impaling Kerdeston.

Ditto impaled with arg. on a fess az. three boars heads cooped or.

Az. on a fess arg. three martlets gul.

Appleyard and Thornbury, arg. on a bend or, a lion rampant between two cotizes az.

Baxter impaling Drake, quarterly, 1, az. a wyvern or. 2, Stocker, girony of six A. B on the first three martlets vert, 3, party per pale A. G. a chevron between three trefoils counterchanged.

Baxter and Bludworth.

Bludworth and Crosse, quarterly gul. and or, in the first quarter a cross paté ar.

Baxter and Bludworth quartered, impaled with Bowyer, 1. arg. a lion rampant between three cross croslets fitché gul. 2, az. three shovels arg. shod or. 3, az. two bars and two plates in chief arg. 4th as 1st.

Baxter and Sherman, az. a pelican or.

Ditto and Flynt, sab. on a chevron arg. between three crescents erm. two lions combatant gul. quartering, party per pale sab. and az. a chevron party per pale sab. and gul.

Tho. Baxter, Esq. sold it to Tho. Newce, Esq. of Hodsdon in Hertfordshire, Stephen Bowyer and Thomas Heyward, Esqrs. being trustees; at his death it went to his only daughter, married to Morgan Jenkyn, whose only son, Newce Jenkyn, sold it to Mr. Ric, Carter, senior, attorney at law in Norwich, and his son Richard had it, whose widow sold it as at p. 67.


Or Herdewic, signifies the place at the wie, or winding of the river, where the herde was usually fed; it was in many parts at the Conquest, the whole being two miles long and one broad, and paid 9d. to the geld. The honour of Eye extended hither, and there was one part which belonged to the abbey of Eye, as to the manor of Pulham; and another to Bainard Castle, as belonging to the manor of Hemenhale, which was held of that honour.

The Capital Manor, called afterwards Barret's


Belonged to Roger Bigot at the Conquest, and was always held of the Norfolk family at one fee, as of their manor of Forncet. This manor, in Henry the Third's time, belonged to the Barrets, and was sold by Ivo Baret to Robert Bacun; and in 1308, Bartholomew de Evereux had it; William le Waleys of Shelton was lord and patron here; and in 1308, Margaret relict of Walter le Waleys; and it then passed along with the advowson in the Barrets and their feoffees, till Katherine, daughter and heir of Symon Barret, carried it to Will. Shelton of Shelton, Esq. her husband, in Henry the Fourth's time, and it continued in the Sheltons, till sold to

Thomas father of Peter Gleane of Norwich, who was knighted by King James I.; he married Maud daughter of Robert Suckling of Norwich, Esq. and was succeeded by his eldest son, Thomas Gleane of Hardwick-hall, Esq. who married Elizabeth daughter and heir of Thomas Brewse, Esq. (descended from Sir Ric. Brewse of Topcroft, Knt.) for whom is this inscription on a tomb against the north chancel wall:

In Memory of Thomas Gleane, Esq. eldest Son of Peter Gleane Knt. and Dame Maud his wife; and likewise Elizabeth the wife of the said Thomas, Daughter and Heir of Thomas Brewse Esq. and Elizabeth his wife, interred together in the sacred Cœmeterye of this Church, who together had seven Sons, two only surviving both their Parents, Peter and John; Peter Gleane Esq. eldest son of the deceased, caused this Altar Table heere to be erected. He died 27 Jan. A. D. 1660, aged about 74, she died the 22d of July, A. D. 1634, aged about 45.

No Person upon Earth, can happye bee, Beatitude comes after Exequie.

Gleane impales Suckling. Ditto impaling Brewse, az. crusuly, a lion rampant, G. crowned or. Brewse impaling Brewster, sab. a chevron erm. between three estoils arg.

The two crests of Gleane, a Saracen's head proper, and an otter, as before.

Peter Gleane, their eldest son, succeeded, who was created a baronet 17 Car. II. He served member for Norfolk, in the parliament called 31 Car. II. at Westminster, Ao 1678, and was rechosen to serve in the succeeding parliament Ao 1681; he married Penelope, daughter and coheir of Sir Edward Rodney, of Rodney-Stoke in Somersetshire, Knt. Sir Peter died about 1694, and his lady Feb. 17, 1689, and are buried within the altar rails of the chancel, under an altar tomb, by which hang two achievements; the first hath Gleane's crest of the Saracen's head, and Gleane quartering Brewse, with the Ulster arms or baronet's badge in the fess point, and this,

Motto, J'ay servy mon Roy.

Rodney's crest, an eagle displayed purpure, on a crown or, and the arms are

Or, three eagles displayed purpure.

Motto, Non Generant Aquilæ Columbas.

Under this Stone is the burying Place of Sir Peter Gleane Baronet, and his Lady Dame Penelope, Daughter to Sir Edward Rodeney, Knt. he served Charles the 1st, in all the Civill Wars, raised and armed two Foot Companys at his own Charge: he served the Crown faithfully above 40 Years, in military Offices, from a Lieutenant to a Colonel of Foot, and in this County of Norfolk, Lieutenant Colonel of the Militia, and was Deputy Lieutenant, and likewise Colonell and Deputy Lieutenant for the City of Norwich. In his Civil Station, he bore the Character of Justice of the Peace, within this County above 20 Years, and had the Honour twice to be chosen one of the Representatives of the same, to serve in Parliament; in which several Services for his King and Country, he spent his Strength and Fortunes, and the Wounds which that received were not healed in this Year 1683.

This Sir Peter was lord also of

Bouton's, or Bolton's Manor


Here, which was held by Wistret, a freeman, of the Conqueror, at the survey; and it seems to have been in the Crown sometime afterwards. In 1315, Sir John Sturmyn, Knt. had it, and in 1332, Roger de Herdwick; when it was held of Forncet as of the manor of Hemenhale at one fee; it after came to the Boises; Catherine daughter and heir of Roger Boys, carried it to her husband Jenney, and so it passed along with Intwood, as you may see at p. 40, till it was sold to the Gleanes, by William Gresham of London, Esq. and ever since, these two manors and the advowson have continued together; the style of the court being, The Manor of Boughton's and Barret's in Hardwick.

The lord bath weyf and strey, only upon his own demeans; the eldest son is heir, and the fines are at the lord's will.

Hardwick was sold by Sir Peter Gleane to Sir John Holland of Quidenham, and given by him to his 2d son Brian for life; and in 1713, I find Waller Bacon, Esq. of Erlham, lord and patron; whose relict Mrs. Frances Bacon, now enjoys it; Edward Bacon, Esq. of Ertham, now member of parliament for King's-Lynn, being her eldest son and heir.

Shelton manor always did, and now doth, extend into this town, and therefore that manor is styled Shelton cum Hardwick.

The church hath a steeple round at bottom and octangular at top, with one bell in it, the nave is leaded, the south porch tiled, the chancel, part leaded, and part tiled; in the windows of which, are the arms of Shelton single, and again impaling Morley; and Fitz-Walter's arms single, and this on a flat stone:

Bacon of Baconesthorp, az. three bars arg. an annulet for difference sab. impaling er. on a bend cotized, an annulet sab. for difference.

Orate pro anima Georgii Bakon Filii Thome Bakon Armigeri, cuius anime propicietur Deus.

In a north window, Shelton impales arg. a fess sab. between three mullets gul.

Thomas Crabbe, hujus Ecclesiæ Rector, ob. 3 Febr. A. D. 1680.

Veni Domine Jesu.

Rand, per chevron, or and ar. a lion rampant gul. impaling

Brock, on a bend, a rope, tassal and ring,

Hic jacet Samuel Rand Clericus A.M. natus apud Harleston in Com. Norff. 15° Die Decembris A. D. 1649, qui per 33 Annos Rectoris hujus Parochiæ, & per 31 Annos Parochiæ de Shelton, proximè adjacentis, munus fideliter adimplevit, obijt apud Hardwick 7° die Junij A. D. 1714, annoq; ætatis suæ sexagesimo quinto. Hic etiam sita est, in eodem tumulo, Maria Uxor prædicti Samuelis, Filia et hæres unica Thomæ Brock de Darsham, nata 1° die Augusti A. D. 1661, denata 5° Aug. 1724, annum etiam agens ætatis sexagesimum quintum; ex Liberis juxtà siti sunt infra Cancellos hujus Ecclesiæ.

Ex septenâ prole tres tantum, Samuel, Brock, et Maria, supersunt, fœlices, si memores humanæ sortis, ita Vitam egerant, uti brevi murituros deceat.

The church is dedicated to St. Margaret. William le Waleys was patron when Norwich Domesday was wrote; the rector had a house and three acres of glebe, though since the terriers have six; it was valued at eight marks and a half, paid 4s. procurations, 7d. synodals, 12d. Peter-pence, 4d. ob. carvage, and 1l. 8s. clear to each tenth. The monks of Thetford had temporals here valued at 10s. and in the register of the sacrist of Bury abbey it is said, that Robert le Gros released his right in the advowson to the Abbot of Bury, but I do not find the abbot ever presented, or had any thing to do here. It stands discharged of first-fruits and tenths in the King's Books, and is capable of augmentation.

5l. Hardwick rect. 40l. clear yearly value.


  • 1308, John le Waleys Margery, relict of Walter le Waleys of Shelton.
  • 1324, Rich. de Berg, res. Simon de Hethersete, Knt. Cecily his wife, and Edmund their son.
  • 1344, Rich. de Norwich, res. Roger de Herdegray, citizen of Norwich.
  • 1345, Ralf de Southwell. Ditto.
  • 1348, William de Barneby. Ditto.
  • 1349, Simon de Walpole. Ditto. (See in Pulham St. Mary.)
  • 1387, Robert Scherwynd. Tho. de Hoxne, rector of Huntingfield, Jeffry Herdegray of Moringthorp, Will. Rous of Dinyngton, and Jeffry Randolf of Causton.
  • 1409, Henry Turnour changed Moringthorp with Scherwind for this. Ralf Shelton, Knt. and John de Honyng, rector of Great Snoryng. He resigned in
  • 1410, to John Clavesberd, (Ditto:) and he the same year exchanged this with
  • John Spendlove (Ditto) for Kirton vicarage in Holand in Lincolnshire; and in 1411, they re-changed again, and Clavesberd, in 1412, resigned to
  • Richard Papy. James Child and other feoffees of Sir Ralf Shelton, Knt. in right of his manor called Barret's.
  • 1420, John Hakenshaw, res. in exchange for Carleby in Lincoln diocese, with
  • Robert Rede of Holwell. Will. Shelton, Esq. by right of inheritance.
  • 1426, Robert Barker of Baketon. Katherine, lady of Shelton, relict of William Shelton, Esq. she presented the eight following rectors:
  • 1426, John Lammot, res.
  • 1430, William Hammond, res.
  • 1440, John White.
  • 1444, John Wright, res.
  • 1445, John Baron.
  • 1447, John Wyllys, res.
  • 1450, Richard Reyner, res.
  • 1452, John Mapes.
  • 1456, John White, again. Lapse.
  • 1460, Master Tho. Mark. Ralf Shelton, Esq. he exchanged in
  • 1460, with Master John Selot, doctor in the decrees, for Cornwall archdeaconry. Ditto. (See p. 399, vol. iv.)
  • 1504, Sir Robert Bunnynge, res. John Shelton, Esq.
  • 1518, William Belconger, ob. Ditto.
  • 1536, James Bothe, res. John Shelton, Knt.
  • 1546, Will. Akers, ob. John Shelton, Esq.
  • 1559, Will. Ward. Lady Margaret Shelton, widow. United to Shelton.
  • 1568, Robert Gawton, res. Lapse.
  • 1573, Will. Mann, ob. Ralf Shelton, Esq.
  • 1576, Reginald Nuthall. Sir Ralf Shelton of Shelton, Knt.
  • 1603, Will. Woodcock, A. B. Ditto.
  • 1614, Thomas Banks, res. Ditto.
  • 1620, Thomas Cronshay. Will. Boswell, this turn. He was turned out Apr. 28, 1644 by the Earl of Manchester, for observing the orders of the church dissuading his parishioners from assisting in the Rebellion, and saying, the parliament are laymen, and have no power to order religion or church government. He had at that time a wife and 10 children, the youngest of which was not above three years old; he was also very poor, and by consequence, when sequestered, was with his numerous family, turned a begging. Walker, Part II. fo. 223.
  • 1658, Rich. Leuthwaite, res. Tho. Gleane, Esq.
  • 1665, James de Franc, S. T. P. res. Peter Gleane, Esq.
  • 1669, Thomas Crabbe on Franc's cession; buried here. Sir Peter Gleane of Hardwick, Baronet.
  • 1681, Samuel Rand, buried here. Ditto.
  • 1714, John Smith. Waller Bacon, Esq. united to Fritton.
  • 1714, Will. Harmer, A.B. on Smith's death. Ditto. 1718, at Harmer's death,
  • Samuel Shuckforth. Waller Bacon, Esq. united to Shelton. He was also minister of Sething and the two Mundhams, all which he resigned in 1746, being then D. D. and prebend of Canterbury. He hath published, The sacred and prophane History of the World, connected from the Creation of the World, to the Dissolution of the Assyrian Empire, at the Death of Sardanapalus, and to the Declension of the Kingdom of Judah and Israel, under the Reigns of Ahaz and Pekah.

The first volume, octavo, was published at London 1728. He was succeeded in

  • 1746, by the Rev. Mr. Thomas Bott, the present rector, who holds it with the rectories of Spixworth and Crostwick by Norwich, being presented by Mrs. Frances Bacon of Erlham, widow, the present patroness.



Includes at this time several ancient berwics or hamlets, according to which, it is in some measure divided at this day; one part is called Kettleton End, anciently Kekeling's town or Kekelington;* this with Tuanatuna, or Tanaton End, made up the parish of Forncet St. Peter, which though not known by that name, in the Confessor's time was only a berwic to Forncet, and had then only one church, now called Forncet St. Mary, to which St. Peter is, and always was, a chapel of ease; though it hath all the privileges of baptism, burial, and administration of the sacrament, as well as the mother-church. It was founded just before the Conqueror's time in Tuanatun berwic, probably by Oslac ‡ and his tenants, who then held this part; for Domesday says, it had 60 acres of the alms § of many.

Forncet, called sometimes to distinguish it from the several berewicks or ends, Mideltown, || or the middle part of the town, in the time of the Confessor belonged to Bishop Stigand, of whom Coleman held it; it had then only St. Mary's church and 15 acres of glebe belonging to it, but the appendant berewicks or manors held of it, made it a grand manor, for besides Kekelington, Tuanaton, Galgryme, Sugat, which now are all included in the bounds of the two parishes, it had lands or manors in the undernamed towns mentioned in Domesday, no less than 16 in number, held of it, which constituted the honour of Forncet, of which

Roger Bigod was lord at the Conquest, when the Forncet part was two miles long, and one broad, and paid 6d. ob. to the geld; and Tanaton was then 11 furlongs long and six furlongs and 10 perches broad, and paid 11d. ob. to the geld. Kekelington being included in the measure of Tanaton.

The whole without the freemen, was worth 4l. per annum at the first survey, and 5l. 10d. at the last, and the King and the Earl had the soc, or chief jurisdiction. The freemen at the first survey, (9) were worth 10l. per annum to the manor, and at the last, 22l. 2s. 9d.; a part of it was held of Coleman by Olf a Dane, in the Confessor's time, and Tanaton was then in two parts; Oslac held one, as also at the Conquest; and Hardeking the other, and reclaimed it as given him by the King; but yet Walter held it of Roger Bigot.

There was a part of it which belonged to Taseburgh manor; one freeman named Scula that belonged to the King; and three parts, one of which laid in three several ends or divisions of the town, belonging to Alan Earl of Richmond's manor of Costeseye, viz. in Kekelington three freemen, &c. in Tuanaton two socmen, &c. and in Mideltun, one freeman and half the services of another; and this was the state of the town at the Conqueror's survey, when

Roger Bigot was lord of it, by that Prince's gift, being one of those great men that attended him when he first came into England, and for his signal services, was well rewarded. This was that Roger who founded Thetford priory, to which he gave this advowson. He left it to

William Bygod, his son and heir, steward of the household to King Hen. I who was drowned with the King's children as they came from Normandy; and was succeeded by

Hugh Bigod his brother, steward also of the household to the same King; but at his death, which happened to be in Normandy, this Hugh became the principal instrument, for advancing Stephen Earl of Boloign to the crown of England; for being steward as aforesaid, (an office in those times of the highest reputation,) he hasted to England, and in the presence of the Archbishop of Canterbury, averred upon oath, that King Henry upon his death-bed disinherited his daughter Maud the Empress, and appointed Stephen his heir; for which services (as some say) he was advanced by him to the earldom of the East-Angles, for in the 6th of King Stephen, he was so styled; and in the 12th year of King Henry II. he advanced him anew to the dignity and title of Earl of Norfolk, and to the office of steward, to hold it as amply as Roger his father did in the time of Henry I. notwithstanding all which honours and great favours, conferred on him, he took part with Robert Earl of Leicester, adhering to young King Henry in his rebellious insurrection; for which disloyal practices, he was forced to make his peace with a fine of 1000 marks, a prodigious sum in those days! and going soon after with the Earl of Flanders to the Holy Land, he died in 1177, and the King seized on his treasure; but it was afterwards restored, or at least great part of it, to

Roger Bigod his son and heir, who upon payment of 1000 marks more to King Richard I. in the first year of his reign, viz. 1189, was restored by special grant, both to the earldom and stewardship, and the whole inheritance of his father, to hold them as freely and honourably as his father and grandfather did; and was not only a favourite of the King's, but was entrusted by him, and much employed in publick affairs; for in 1190, he was ambassadour to Philip King of France, to solicit an aid towards the recovery of the Holy-Land; he attended William de Longcamp Bishop of Ely, when he went to King Richard, then made captive in Almaigne; he was one of the four knights which carried the canopy of state over that King's head at his second coronation. He was sent to require William King of Scotland to come to Lincoln and do his homage to King John, whom he attended into Poictou in 1213; but in 1215, he deserted that Prince, being one of those rebellious barons that met in a hostile manner at Stamford, and afterwards at Brackley, and by their power exacted from the King those strict covenants, whereby he insolently wrested the government out of his hands, and put it into the management of himself and his accomplices; for which violent proceedings, he and his twenty-four comrades, who had thus obtained the real government, were excommunicated by Pope Innocent III. He died in 1220, leaving

Hugh Bigot his son and heir, who married Maud, eldest daughter of Will. Marshal Earl of Pembrook and Marshal of England, who outlived him; in 1222, he was with the King's army in Wales, but dying in 1224, this manor and all his inheritance descended to

Roger Bigod their son and heir, who was knighted in 1232; and at a tournament between the southern and northern lords in 1236, was taken much notice of for his singular skill in those warlike exercises. Upon levying the aid to marry the King's eldest daughter, he paid 162l. 11s. for 125 knights fees of the old feofment, and 37 and an half of the new. In 1241, he was with the King in France, and behaved gallantly at the famous skirmish betwixt the French and English near Xantoigne. In 1245, he was one of those that were sent to the council of Lyons, to complain of the burthen the kingdom laid under from the see of Rome, and finding no redress, was one of those lords who subscribed a letter to the Pope, requiring a remedy from such future exactions, and unjust oppressions; and the same year obtained the office and honour of Marshal, in right of his mother, which that King thus conferred on him; the King gave the Marshal's rod or staff into Maud's hands, and she having delivered it to her son and heir Roger, the King accepted his homage for it, and ordered the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, to let him enjoy all the privileges of that office, and admit his sufficient deputy (if occasion required) to sit in that court. In 1247, he seized the Earl of Ghisnes, on his arrival in England, and excused that fact to the King, by acquainting him, it was only a retaliation of former indignities; the said Earl having served him so, when he went ambassadour into France, having detained him prisoner till he had satisfied him for his passage through his lands. In 1252, he was present when the King confirmed the two charters called, The Great Charter or Magna Carta, and Carta de Foresta; and the next year he attended his Majesty into Gascoigne. In 1254, Robert de Ross, one of the Barons, being charged with some crime committed against the King, this Earl apologized for him, till the King gave him harsh language, and called him traitour; upon which, with a stern aspect, he told him, he lied, and that he never was, nor would be so; adding, If you do nothing but what the law warranteth, you can do no harm : Yes, quoth the King, I can thrash your corn and sell it, and so humble you: to which he replied, if you do it, I will send you the heads of the thrashers. But this breach was soon made up, for in 1259, he was sent ambassadour to the King of France. In 1263, he was one of those who undertook, that the King should submit to the determination of Lewis the French King, concerning the provisions of Oxford; and the King being made prisoner at the battle of Lewes, he was constituted by the Barons, governour of Orford castle in Suffolk. In 1269, he was found to hold this manor and advowson, (the Prior of Thetford having released all right in the latter) as head and chief parcel of the barony of Bygod, and dying soon after, he was buried at Thetford, leaving his honours and estate to his nephew,

Roger Bigod, son of his brother Hugh, who was under age when he inherited; for in 1272, John de Thorp, as guardian, had the custody of the manors of Forncet and Hanworth. In 1281, he was in the Welsh expedition. In 1288, he had a charter of free-warren to this manor. In 1293, he was licensed to embattle his castle or mansionhouse at Bungeye in Suffolk; and it is plain he did not degenerate from his ancestors, for he stood up for the people's liberty, being the chief of those lords, who openly opposed Edward I. in his arbitrary impositions upon lands and wool; and not only opposed the levy demanded by the King for his expedition into Flanders, but actually refused his personal attendance thither; and he and the Earl of Hereford, with others, inhibited the payment of the assessment, and incited the Londoners so, that he obtained a confirmation of the two great charters, and the Articuli super Chartas, which explain them, together with a pardon for all offences; thus all discontents being settled, in 1299 he went in the expedition into Scotland, and having no issue, he constituted King Edward his heir, delivering to him his Marshal's rod, on condition it should be returned to his children if he had any, he to have 1000l. down, and 1000l. per annum during life. Historians aver all this to be done out of fear, because the Earl of Hereford, his old friend and ally, being dead, he thought the King would now make him suffer for conspiring against him. But soon after, he had a re-grant of the earldom, marshalship, and constableship of Norwich castle, and all his estate in tail special, to himself for life, and to his heirs, if he had any, by Alice his second wife, with remainder to the King, who inherited the whole at his death in 1305; John Bigot, his brother and heir, inheriting only the manors of Stockton in Norfolk, and Seterington in Yorkshire, and a few more estates not contained in the settlement. The King being thus possessed, enjoyed it till

Thomas de Brotherton, his fifth son, had the earldom of Norfolk, and marshalship of England, and great part of the estate of the Bygods, and among others, this manor and advowson, granted to him and his heirs by Edward II. his half brother, in 1312, he was constable of Norwich castle. In 1315, was returned lord of the honour of Forncet, and of the manors of Forncet, Ditchingham, Ersham, Framlingham-Earl. Halvergate, Southfield, SouthWalsham, Hanworth, &c. with the half hundred of Earsham. In 1326, having behaved well in the Scotch wars, he had a grant of confirmation of the honours, lands. and estates of the Bygods. In 1332, he was a third time in the Scotch wars, and dying in 1338, was buried in the abbey at St. Edmund's Bury; he had two wives, but left no male issue; by his first wife Alice, daughter of Sir Roger Hales of Harwich, Knt.; he had a son named Edward, who died before him, and two daughters, named Alice, and

Margaret, who was first married to John Lord Segrave of Folkestone in Kent, who in her right was lord here; by him she had issue Eliz. and Anne, who was lady abbess at Berking; her 2d husband was Sir Walt. Manney, Knt. by whom she had issue Thomas, who was in his youth, unfortunately drowned in a well at Deptford in Kent, and Margaret married to John Hastyngs Earl of Pembrook. This Sir Walter was lord and patron here in 1361 and 1368, but dying before his lady, she had the whole of the estate in her own right, and in 1397, was created Dutchess of Norfolk for life, by King Richard II. she died in 1399, and was buried at the Friars-Minors in London, and by inquisition taken at her death, it was found that her daughter and heiress,

Elizabeth, married to John Lord Mowbray, had issue John, created Earl of Notingham, who dying under age issueless, was succeeded by

Thomas Mowbray, his brother, who was Duke of Norfolk, Earl of Nottingham, Baron Mowbray, Segrave, Braose, and Gower; Knight of the Garter, and as Coke upon Littleton saith, the first Earl-Marshal that styled himself Earl-Marshal of England; his christian name was Thomas, in respect to Thomas Archbishop of Canterbury. He was so much in the King's favour, as to be created with his title of Earl of Notingham, to which honour he was advanced the very day his grandmother Margaret (the heiress of Brotherton) was created Dutchess; but as his greatness was founded in blood, so he soon after irrecoverably fell; for being accused by Henry of Bolinbroke, for words spoken indecently of the King, whom he said, notwithstanding his fair pretences and oaths, meant to oppress the Duke of Lancaster and others: that Prince, though he had so great a favour for him, for being active in the destruction of Richard Earl of Arundel, his father-in-law, and Thomas of Wodstock Duke of Glocester, as to create him Duke of Norfolk, and give him his father-in-law's forfeited estate, yet he committed him prisoner to Windsor castle, and a challenge or camp-ordeal ensued between them, when the Duke came to the place appointed for the combat, wiith his horse caparisoned with crimson velvet, embroidered with silver lions and mulberry-trees: but the King then prohibited the combat, banished Henry called Earl of Hereford for 10 years, and the Duke for life; and this happened on the very day twelvemonth, that he had been accessory to the murder of the Duke of Gloucester; Germany, Bohemia, and Hungary were allotted for his exile; pursuant to which sentence he departed, but never returned, for as he came from Jerusalem, he died of the plague at Venice, in the year 1400, 1st Henry IV. seized of this manor, with the court called the Knyghten court, thereto belonging, and Elizabeth his widow inherited them, and afterwards remarried to Sir Gerard de Ufflete, Knt. who held them till her death in 1424.

The Knyghten Court


Belonging to this manor was the ancient court, to which all those great men, that held their several manors, lands, and tenements, of the Bygods honour, were obliged to do suit and service, and pay castle-ward for the guard of the Earl's castle at Norwich, every three weeks; and to do their homages, pay their reliefs and aids for the several knights fees they held of the honour, at every death, alienation, or aid granted to the Earl. It appears that there were many fees held both of the old and new feofment in the Bygods times; but it was greatly augmented in 1337, when the division of all the fees belonging to Tho. de Brotherton late Earl of Norfolk, was made by the King's writ, between his two daughters and heiresses, Alice married as aforesaid, to Sir Edw. de Montague, and Margaret to Sir John de Segrave, who had Forncet for his share, and above 50 knights fees, many of which he transferred from Rising castle, and other places, and added them to the Knighten Court here.

This court was held constantly every three weeks, and had the following officers belonging to it:

1. An auditor, whose business was once in a year to audit and pass the year's accounts, receive the money, and return it to the lord; he was generally a man of some principal family in the county, and had a handsome salary for life, it being held by patent. Sir Ric. Fulmerston, Knt. and several of the Kempes, &c. were auditors.

2. The feodary, an office of honour and great profit; his business was to take inquisitions at the death of each tenant, that held any fees or parts of fees, by knight's service, inroll all deeds of alienations of any fees or parts thereof.

3. The collector, whose office was to attend at the doing of all homages, and to receive all reliefs, aids, castle-guard money, wards, marriage money, &c.

4. The serjeant, who was the feodary's officer, to serve all processes, make enquiries, serve all summonses, return the jurors, and certify the deaths.

5, The bailiff, who was to summon the under tenants, give notice of the courts, make seizures, return copies of the rolls, &c. to the evidence room.

The feodary book of this honour, was last of all renewed in 1609, when the noble Henry Earl of Northampton, Baron of Marnehill, lord guardian of the Cinque-Ports, Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal, Knight of the Garter, was lord. It had then above fifty fees held of it in the county of Norfolk only, as may be seen under the several towns and manors, to which I refer you.

At the death of Elizabeth Dutchess of Norfolk in 1424,

John Mowbray, her second son, and heir, by the death of his eldest brother, succeeded to the honour and manor: he was one of those valiant noblemen that served King Hen. V. and King Hen. VI. in their wars with France; in which, having behaved with the greatest courage and fidelity, he was by parliament restored to the title and dignity of Duke of Norfolk, (being before styled Earl-Marshal and Earl of Notingham only,) in 1424. In 1414, he was at the siege of Harfleu with King Henry V. where he gat the flux by eating too much fruit, and so was forced to return before the famous battle of Agincourt; in 1416, he was at the siege of Caen in Normandy, and continued in those parts till that King's death, and was soon after retained to serve Henry VI. in his wars, by whom he was made Knight of the Garter; he died Oct. 19, 1433, at his manor of Epleworth in the isle of Axeholme, and was buried in the charter-house of the Carthusians there; by Katherine daughter of Ralph Nevile, first Earl of Westmorland, and of Joan his wife, daughter of John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster; he had

John Lord Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, Earl-Marshal and Notingham, Lord Segrave, Gower, &c. Knight of the Garter, and lord of this honour and manor, who in 1438 went ambassadour into Picardy, to make a peace between the Kings of England and France, and had then a grant of place and seat in parliament, next to the Duke of Exeter. In 1446 he went in pilgrimage to Rome, and in 1456, he had license to visit other holy places, in Ireland, Scotland, Brittanny, Piccardy, and Cologn; and to the blood of our Saviour at Windismark; as also to go a second time to Rome and Jerusalem, having vowed to do it for recovery of the King's health. In 1460, he was constituted by Edw. IV. justice itinerant of all the forests south of Trent, but died in 1461, and was buried in the abbey of Thetford, as was Eleanor his wife, daughter of William Lord Bourchier, and sister of Henry Bourchier Earl of Essex; and was succeeded by his son,

John Lord Mowbray, who during his father's lifetime, was created Earl Warren and Surrey, by King Hen. VI. and by Edw. IV. was made Knight of the Garter; in 1473, that King retained him to serve in the French wars; he married Elizabeth, daughter of John Talbot, first Earl of Shrewsbury, and had issue only one daughter; he died in 1475, and was buried by his ancestors in Thetford priory church, and this manor was assigned to Eliz. Dutchess of Norfolk his widow, who presented here in 1496; but the honour of Forncet went to

Anne, their only daughter, who married Richard Plantaginet of Shrewsbury, Duke of York, second son to King Edward IV. who, because the title of Duke of Norfolk was by the creation limited to the heirs male of the Mowbrays, he obtained a patent from his father, creating him Duke of Norfolk, and Earl Warren; with annuities of 40l. a year, out of the revenues of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, and 20l per annum out of the profits of the counties of Surrey and Sussex, to be paid by the sheriff's of those counties. In right of his wife, he was Earl-Marshal, and had the baronies of Mowbray, Segrave, and Gower, together with the vast inheritance of her family. This Richard, with his brother King Edw. V. was by the unnatural and cruel command of that monster Richard Duke of Gloucester, their uncle, afterwards King Rich. III. barbarously murdered in the tower of London, in 1483, and leaving no issue, the inheritance of this great house fell to two female heiresses, Isabel and Margaret, daughters of Thomas de Mowbray first Duke of Norfolk, the first of which married Sir James Berkley, and the other Sir Robert Howard, Knt. to whose family this honour, manor, and advowson, passed, and hath continued in it to this day.

I shall therefore conclude my account of the Bygods and Mowbrays, with the following extract taken from an old manuscript called the Book of Pleas, now remaining in the gild-hall of the city of Norwich, at fo. 1, viz.

"SERE Roger Bygott Erle of Norfolke, hadd a Sonne hyte Roger, and after him was Erle of Northfolke, and that second Roger, hadd a Sonne hite Roger, and was after hym Erle of Norfolke, and that last

"Roger [Bygot] Erle of Norfolke in the Tyme of Kyng Edward the first, had non Heirs of his Body, and the seid Edward had iij Sonnes, whereof oon was Edward, which was sethen King Edw. the second with the long Shanks; the second Sonne was Thomas of Brothirton; the 3d. Sonne was Edmond, the which Edward the Fader, thought that his Son Edward schuld be his Heir, and Kyng after hyn, and so he was, and Thomas of Brodirton, and Edmond his other Sones, schuld no Lyfelod have, but he get to hem; and in that Tyme, the Erle. Sire Roger Bigott Erle of Norfolke, and his Wif, come to London to the Parliament, in gay and gret Aray, and with gret Peple that passid his Estate, and the Kyng and the Lordis of this Lond, in that Tyme hadden gret Envye thereof, and the Kyng cast a Wrath to the seid Sere Roger, and arested hym, and put hym in strong Hold, sayng he was a Traitor, to that Entent, for to do hym yelden up his Londes into the Kyngs Hond, that he schuld thereof don his Will; and the seid Ser Roger was in gret Distres, many Day and long, and at the last, to be in Ese and in Rest, he gaf up all his Londes into the Kynges Hond that he schald thereof don his Will; and thenne the Kyng havyng thereof seson, of his speciall Grace grauntid agen, all the seid Londes to the seid Sire Roger Bigott, and to his Wif, to holden Terme of their Lifes, and after their Disses to remeyndre to Thomas of Brodirton, the second Son of the seid Kyng Edward the first, and to the Heirs of his Body; the which Thomas Brodirton, after the Deth of the seid Sir Roger Bigott, and of his Wife, possessed thes Londs, and was Erle of Norfolke. And the Kyng gaf to Edmond his thirde son, the Erldom of Kent, with the Londes; and the seid Thomas Brodirton Erle of Norfolke, cam doun into Norfolke, and ther he wedded a Knygthis Doughter, fast be Bungey, and thei hadden togedir ij Dowters, of the which, oon hight Margeret, and the toder hight [Alice, who had a Daughter] which was married to oon Ser Wil. Ufford Erle of Suffolk; the forseid Margaret and [Alice] Dowters of Thomas Brothirton Erle of Norf. after the Decesse of the seid Thomas, possessed and hadden all his Londes, and it wern partid between them to; and after the seid [Alice] Wif of (Edward) Montagew deid; and hire (Part) fell to here Dowter (Joan) Wif of Ufford Erle of Suthfolk; and after that, the seid Lady Ufford Countes of Suff. deied without Heirs, and all here Part thanne fell unto the forseid Margaret Dowter of the seid Thomas Brothirton, and sche was thenne Cuntese mad of Norff. and dwellid at the Castell of Framelingham, and sche was married to the Lorde Segrave, and the seid Lorde Segrave gaf to hire, whenn he schuld wedden here, all his Londis, to hir and to hire Heirs; and thei hadden togeder ij Dowters, wherof oon (Anne) was Abbesse of Berkyng, and (Elizabeth) the todir, was married to the Lord Mowbrey and Gower; and after that, the Lord Segrave deied, and thenn Dame Margaret his Wif, the Countes of Norff. was both Countes of Norff. and Lady Segrave, and after that, sche was married to Sere Water Maughney Knyght, and thei had togedir (Thomas) a Son, and (Anne) a Dowter, the which Son whenne he was of the age of x Yeres, he drauthe att Chestirforthe, and he schuld a ben Erle of Northfolke and Lord Segrave, if he had levid; and the forseid Dowter of the Countese of Norff. and of Sir Water Maughney, was maried to (John Hastings) the Erle of Penbroke, and ther Son dwellid with the seid Lady of Norff. and was Warde after his Fader's discesse, and the seid Countes of Norff. had his Londes til his full Age, and he wedded (Phillipa) the Dowter of (Edm. Mortimer, the 3d Earl of March) the which yong Erle of Penbroke, was slayne with Justyng with Sir John Sent-Jon att Plaishe, (in 1389) and thenn his Wif, was married to Sir John Holond, and thenne he deied, and sche was maried agen to Grene Cornewall; and whenne the yong Erle of Penbroke was ded, all the Part of the forseid Londes, that schuld alonged to hym, after the Decesse of the seid Countes of Norff. remeyndered agen with the todir Parte, to the Wif of the seid Lord Mowbrey and Gower, Dowter and Eire of the seid Countes, and of the Lord Segrave; the which Lord Mowbrey and Gower, and his Wif, hadden togedir ij Sonnys, that werne Thomas and John, the which Thomas the eldere Son, schuld be Eire to his Fader, of the Mowbray Londes and Gower, and Eire to his Moder, of the Erledom of Norff. and of the Lordschip of Segrave; and the forseid John was with the Deuke of Lancastre, and schuld non Heritage have, lyfyng his Brother and his Brother's Eire; and the seid Deuke of Lancastre, get hym of the King the Erldom of Notyngham, and xl Marcs be Yer therwith, and the Office of Marshall of Yngland, with certen Fee therwith, to hym and to his Heirs; and after that, he deied withouten eny Heirs of his Body, and thenne the Kyng gafe the seid Erledom of Notyngham, and the seid Office of Marshall of Yngland, to the forseid Thomas, son of Lord Mowbray and Gower, to him and to his Heirs of his Body; and thenne deied the seid Lord Mowbray and his Wif and thenne the seid Thomas was Erle of Notyngham, and Marschall of Ingland, and Lord Mowbray, and Lord Gower; and he weddid Elisabeth the Erles Dowter of Arundell, and the Kyng lovyd hym well, and be cause that the Inheritaunce of the Erledome of Norff. and the Lordshipp of Segrave, shuld afall to hym after the Decesse of Dame Margaret Countes of Norff. and Lady Segrave, his Grauntdame, thenne levyng, the Kyng made hym Duke of Norff. and where he schuld a ben mad Erle of Northf. he was made Erle Marschall, thenne he was Duke of Norff. Erle Marschall, Erle of Notyngham, Marschall of Yngland, Lord Mowbray, Lord Segrave, and Lord Gower; and thenne he deied, levying the forseid Dame Margaret, Countes of Norff. and Lady Segrave, and so the Londes of the Duchie of Norff. and the Lordshipp of Segrave, were never in his Hond."

The honourable family of the HOWARDS

[Notes indicated in () follow the section below. Ed.]

Being not only the first of this county, but of all England, next to the royal family (1), I shall treat of them at large in this place; this town being the chief of head of the honour; beginning as far back as I can trace them, from the many ancient pedigrees, rolls, evidences, printed accounts, and other memorials, that I have met with concerning them; chiefly following that pedigree which is in Caius college library in Cambridge; (2) the greatest part of it being proved by extracts out of authentick evidences and deeds, which are entered upon it.

1. FVLCHO, or Fulk; he is exhibited on his knees in armour, with a plume of feathers for his crest, on the top of his helmet; the sash, on which the scabbard of his sword hangs, goes in the form of a bend, and is tied with a knot on his shoulder; he hath his drawn sword erected in his right hand; from the oval that he is drawn in, hangs his shield, made in the shape of a heart, and on it, gul. a bend between six cross-croslets filche arg, which arms have been constantly born by the Howards to this day.

2. GALFRID or Jeffery, son of Fulk, (3) succeeded who had two sons, Humfry the younger, and

3. ALAN Fitz Jeffery, the elder, whose son

4. WILLIAM took the sirname of Wiggenhall, from the town of that name in Freebridge hundred in Norfolk, where he was born, and had lands, confirmed to him by the Abbot and convent of St. Edmund's Bury in Suffolk. (4) He had three sons, Askill his second, and Wlfric his third son, (5) both continued the sirname of Wiggenhall, but

5. JOHN his eldest son, (6) took the sirname of Heyward, Hauuard, or Howard and was the first of this family, of that sirname; (7) which as I take it, he took from the office of heyward there; he married Lucy Germund, (8) by whom he had

6. WILLIAM HOWARD of Wigenhall, (9) with whom Sir Will. Dugdale begins the pedigree of this noble family. (10) This William being bred to the law, made so great proficiency therein, and raised such fortunes,(11) that he was knighted about the 6th year of Edw. I. and had his seat at Wigenhale, (12) where by various purchases, he acquired a considerable estate. It seems he had a brother named Thomas, who was called sometimes Thomas de Wigenhale, and sometimes Thomas Howard of Wigenhale; whose son Andrew also, did the same; for in a deed of exchange, made between him and this William, he is called Andrew (13) son of Thomas Howard; in the deed, which hath on its seal an eagle volant with a bird in its claws, the circumscription being Sigillum Andree de Wigenhale; and by this deed it is clear, that his mother Lucy survived her husband. (14) It seems as if he had also another brother, called Hugh Howard, who was instituted to the vicarage of Wigenhale St. German's, 7 Cal. May, 1304, being in deacon's orders only, when the Prior of Norwich presented him; which was void again in 1307; (15) but whether by Hugh's death, or promotion to other preferment, I do not find. This William was first appointed one of the judges in the Court of Common Pleas by King Edward I. about 1280; and on the 11th of Oct. 1296, (16) 25 E. 1. he was sworn chief justice of the King's Bench; was constantly summoned to parliament till 1 Edw. II. in which year he was sent into Scotland with Rob. de Wateville, on the King's affairs; (17) and on the 12th of Dec. 1307, had letters of protection from his Majesty, to answer no suits, and not to plead to any thing till his return; which patent was produced in the first, second, and third years of Edw. II. so that he did not return to settle till after that time By various deeds I find, that he purchassed estates in Walpole, Tilney, North-Wotton, and many towns in that neighbourhood. He had two wives; Alice, daughter of Sir Rob. Ufford, Knt. by whom he had no issue; (18) and Alice daughter of Sir Edmund Fitton of Wigenhale, Knt. by whom he had issue John and William; he is said to have died about 1308, (19) but where buried I dont find; the Peerage, Vol. I. p. 7, saith, he is pourtrayed in glass, in judge's robes, in a window in Long-Melford church in Suffolk, with two other judges, and this inscription under them:

Pray for the good State of William Haward, Chief Justis of Yngland, and for Pycot and John Haugh Justis of the Law. (20)

7. JOHN HOWARD, Knt. his eldest son, succeeded him, who in 1305, was gentleman of the bed-chamber to King Edward I. afterwards sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, (21) custos or governour of Norwich castle; went into the Scottish wars, and to Gascoigne, to serve the King there: his brother, William Howard, (22) purchased EastWalton manor, and many other estates in Norfolk; but dying without issue, he became his sole heir. He married Joan sister of Richard de Cornwall, (23) who survived him, (24) as appears from the inquisi tion taken at his death in 5 Edw. III. Ao. 1330, when he was lord of several manors in Wigenhale, East-Walton, Turrington, South-Wotton, &c.; and though it hath been said, that one Edmund Howard was brother to this Sir John, I cannot find any thing like it; but take it to be a mistake for that Edmund Howard, who was presented in 1309, by King Edw. II. to the rectory of Wetyng St. Mary, as at vol. ii. p. 172: now this Edmund, I take to have been son to William, (25) son of Andrew Howard before mentioned.

8. JOHN HOWARD, junior, Knt. son and heir of Sir John Howard, senior, Knt. and Joan Cornwall his wife, married Alice du Bois, daughter of Sir Robert de Bosco or Bois of Fersfield, Knt. by Christian daughter of Sir William Latimer, Knt. who in 1333, became sole heiress to Sir Robert du Bois her only brother, and inherited the large estate of that family, (see vol. i. p. 77, 8, 92, 104, 5,) where there is an account of this Sir John, who in 1335, was constituted by Edward III. admiral of the King's whole fleet, from the mouth of the Thames northward; and in 1344, he was sheriff of Norfolk, (see vol. ii. p. 89,) and in 1346, obtained a grant for a market every Friday, and a fair yearly, at his manor of Wigenhale, and had a new patent to constitute him admiral again; (26) he was esquire of the body to King Edw. III. behaved well in the siege of Calice in the first year of that King; he had issue,

9. Sir ROBERT HOWARD, Knt. who married Margaret, daughter, and at length one of the heirs, of Robert Lord Scales, Knt. Lord Newcels, being near of age when his mother died in 1371; (27) in 1378, he was committed to the Tower, for detaining Margery de Nerford, from Alice Lady Nevile, her grand-mother; (28) Sir Robert died July 3, 1388, (29) at Est-Winch, where he lies buried; his tomb may be seen in Weever, fo. 841, 2. His will is dated at Est-Winch; (30) by which he ordered his body to be buried in St. Mary's chapel, in the church of All-Saints there, and gave several sums to the high altar, and to the high altars in the churches of Wigenhale St. German, Terrington St. Clement, Fersfield St. Andrew, and Gerboldisham St. John Baptist; with legacies to the Carmelites and Austin-friars at Lyn. Margaret his wife, and Sir John Taddenham, Knt. were his executors. According to the settlement made by him in 1386, (31) Margaret his widow enjoyed the greatest part of the Boises estate, during her life; (32) and at her death she was buried by her husband, who died before his father, leaving issue,

10. Sir JOHN HOWARD, Knt. his eldest son and heir, who at his grand-father's death became heir to the whole estate, except the manors of Brokes in Suffolk, and Est-Walton in Norfolk; the former of which was settled by Sir Robert Howard, (33) on Edmund Howard, his second son; and the latter, on Robert Howard his third son; but both dying without issue, they reverted to Sir John, their elder brother, (34) who was retained to serve King Ric. II. for life, and had two wives; by Margaret, (35) his first wife, daughter and heiress of Sir John Plais of Weeting, Knt. (36) he had issue,

John Howard, junior, Knt. (37) who married Joan, (38) daughter and heiress of Sir Ric. Walton, Knt. and by her had Elizabeth Howard, their sole daughter and heiress, (39) who married John de Veer, 12th Earl of Oxford of the Vere family, for whom see vol. i. p. 81.

Margaret Plais, his first wife, died on 1391, (see vol. i. p. 79,) and he married again to Alice, daughter and heiress of Sir William Tendring, Knt. and Catherine Clopton his wife, who died in 1426, and was buried at Stoke Neyland in Suffolk, (40) by her father, Sir William Tendryng; and in 1437, when Sir John her husband died, (41) he was buried by her. (More of these persons may be seen in the first volume, p. 78,.)

He had issue by his last wife, two sons, (42) Henry his youngest, (43) whose only daughter Eliz. married to Henry Wentworth of Cobham, (44) and

Robert Howard, his eldest, lord of Forncet manor and honour, in his wife's right, who died in his father's lifetime, leaving issue by

Margaret, daughter and coheir to Thomas de Mowbray Duke of Norfolk, by Eliz. his wife, (45) daughter and coheir of Richard Earl of Arundel.

11, Sir JOHN HOWARD, Knt. who began very early to distinguish himself in the wars. In the latter part of the reign of Henry VI. he accompanied John Viscount Lisle to Blay with 22000 men, and soon after marched to the relief of Chatillon, with John Earl of Shrewsbury, where that valiant Earl was slain. In 1442, he was sent by King Henry VI. to appease the great riot at Norwich. (46) In 1460, the first of King Edward IV. he was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, and consequently had the custody of Norwich castle, (47) then the King's prison; and was appointed one of the King's carvers, and in consideration of his great services, obtained a grant of several manors, which were then in the Crown, by the attainder of John Earl of Wiltshire. In the second of Edward IV. he had the joint command (with the Lords Falconberg and Clinton) of the King's fleet, and did considerable service against France; being also at that time Treasurer of the King's household. In 1467, he was sheriff of Oxfordshire and Berkshire. (48) In 1469, bearing the title of Lord Howard, (49) (by which title in 1471, he was summoned to parliament as a baron of the realm) he was made captain general of the King's forces at sea, for baffling the attempts of the Lancastrians, then making a powerful head under the stout Earl of Warwick. In 1470, was made deputy governour of Calais and the Marches, with the Lord Hastyngs; and having behaved with singular prudence and fidelity, he obtained a grant in tail special, of divers lands and manors. In 1473, he obtained of the King, (50) the wardship and marriage of John Bourgchier, Knt. Lord Berners, then a minor, whom he afterwards married to Catherine Howard, his only issue by his second wife. In 1477, he had a grant of the office of constable of the Tower of London; and the next year was again made captain general of the King's fleet against the Scots, and was also installed Knight of the Garter in Edward the Fourth's reign, to whom he adhered faithfully during the whole course of it; (51) as he did to King Richard III. after he had got the Crown, (though without having any evil hand in the barbarous actions which were exercised thereto,) so that to oblige him the more, he was upon June 28, in the first year of that King's reign, made Earl-Marshal of England, (52) and advanced to the dignity of Duke of Norfolk, (Thomas his son being then also created Earl of Surrey) and the day preceding the King's coronation, was constituted High Admiral of England for that day, also Lord Admiral of England, Ireland, and Acquitain for life; and at the same time obtained a special grant of divers manors and lordships,(53) and confirmation of his mother's inhe ritance, and among others, this manor, advowson, and honour; and of all the liberties, since, and now called the Duke of Norfolk's liberties, which were first granted to John Lord Mowbray and Eliz. Talbot his wife, an account of which may be seen at large in vol. i. p. 238, 9. But these great honours and vast possessions were not long enjoyed, for in 1485, being placed in the front of the army at Bosworth field, (54) he was there slain, with the King, Aug. 22, and being afterwards attainted, great part of his estate was seized by Henry VII. His body was brought back and interred in the abbey church at Thetford. Catherine, daughter to William Lord Molins, was his first wife, (55) by whom he had one son and four daughters, Anne, married to Sir Edmund Gorge, Knt. (56) Isabel, to Sir Robert Mortimer of Essex, Knt. (57) Jane to Sir John Timperley, (58) and Margaret to Sir JohnWindham, Knt. (59) By his second wife Margaret, daughter of Sir John Chetworth, Knt. (60) he had only Catherine, married to Sir John Bourgchier Lord Berners. (61)

12. THOMAS HOWARD, his son and heir, being esquire of the body to King Edward IV. was retained to serve him in his wars. In 15 Edward IV. 1474, he was sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, and in the first of King Richard III. 1483, was created Earl of Surrey; and though he took part with the slain King, being taken prisoner at Bosworth-field fighting in his own defence, yet did the conquering Prince, King Henry VII. receive him into his favour, and made choice of him for one of his Privy Council; and in 1488, restored him to his title of Earl of Surrey; and employed him to restrain the Scots incur sions, and the northern insurrections: about this time, he shared with Maurice, brother of William Marquis of Berkley, the lands which came to them by inheritance, by reason of his descent from the coheirs to Mowbray Duke of Norfolk. In 1499, he attended the King and Queen to Calais; and the next year, was advanced to the high office of Lord Treasurer of England, and so much was he in his master's favour that he constituted him one of his executors; and immediately after Henry the Eighth's accession, that Prince nominated him one of his privy council, renewed his patent of Lord Treasurer, and the year following made him Earl-Marshal of England for life. In 1512, being sent general of the English forces against the Scots, he slew James IV. King of Scotland, and routed their army at Flodden-Field; for which great service a special grant passed by the King's order, that he and the heirs male of his body, should for ever bear, as an honourable augmentation to his arms, on the bend of the Howard's arms, the upper half of a red lion (depicted as the arms of Scotland are) pierced through the mouth with an arrow. And in 1513, Feb. 1, the King advanced him to the dignity of Duke of Norfolk, which title, John his father (deriving his descent through the heirs female of Mowbray and Segrave, from Thomas of Brotherton, son to King Edward I.) did enjoy. At the same time, he had a new patent for the office of Lord Treasurer; and a grant of divers lordships and manors from the Crown, and confirmation of many others; among which, the honour and manor of Forncet, then valued at 44l. per annum, and its appendages of Swanton, Sugate, and Galgrime, were included; and in 1516, he issued his letters to Sir Nicholas Appleyard, Knt. chief steward of his honour, and to other the learned council of the law, who were constantly retained by him, and to John Crane, his high bailiff, to renew the extents, rentals, and evidences of the honour and manors belonging thereto, which was done very exactly. In 1521, he performed the office of Lord High Steward, at the trial of Edward Duke of Buckingham, and gave sentence of death upon him, but not without tears; and in 1522, obtained a grant to his son Thomas Earl of Surrey of part of the said Duke's lands; and resigning to him his office of Lord Treasurer of England, he retired with the King's leave, to his castle at Framlingham in Suffolk, where he kept an honourable house to his death, and being above 80 years of age, died there on the 1st of May, 1524; (62) and when he was carried out of that castle, towards his burial in the abbey church at Thetford, "he cude nat be asked one grote for his debte," as appears from an exact account of his life, which was fixed on a table by his monument, and is printed at large vol. ii. p. 120, &c. to which I refer you.

He married two wives; first, Elizabeth, daughter and sole heir to Sir Frederick Tilney, Knt. and widow of Humphry Bourchier, Knt. Lord Berners, by whom he had eight sons, of which Henry, John, Charles, Henry, and Richard, all died young; the other three survived him.

1, Thomas, his eldest son, was created Earl of Surrey in his father's lifetime.

2, Sir Edw. Howard, Knight of the Garter, and Lord Admiral, was a man of as great account as any of his cotemporaries. In 1491, he was in an expedition then made into Flanders, in favour of the Emperor Maximilian. In 1509, he was made standard-bearer to Hen. VIII. who in 1512 constituted him Lord High Admiral of England, when he convoyed the Marquis of Dorset into Spain, to aid Ferdinand the Emperor against the French; and having scoured the seas, he landed in Britanny, did great execution in that country, and returned home laden with honour and spoils. This put the French to reinforce their navy, and that encouraged the King to do the same; upon which, to the honour of this Lord Admiral, he searched for the French, and met them coming out of Brest, and after a sharp encounter, obtained a signal victory. He was also sent after Sir Andrew Barton, the famous Scotch pirate, whom he fought and took. Afterwards the French could never dare to look out of Brest, so that resolving to attempt them in their harbour, he entered a galley, and boarding the admiral of the French gallies, the grapplings giving way, the gallies parted; and he was left in his enemies hands, where fighting courageously, in the heat of the action, he was born over board, and lost his life. He married Alice, sister and heiress to Hen. Lovel Lord Morley, and widow of Sir William Parker, Knt.; she died Apr. 1513. His brother,

3, The Lord Edmund Howard, was at Flodden-Field, and with his elder brother, the Lord Thomas, led the vanguard of the army, and behaved very gallantly: he was then a knight, and marshal of the host. He married first, Joice daughter to Sir Richard Culpepper of Holingborne in Kent, by whom he had three sons, Henry, who died an infant; Sir George Howard, knighted in Scotland by Edward Duke of Somerset in 1546; and Sir Charles slain in France, all dying without issue; and five daughters; 1, Margaret, married to Sir Thomas Arundel, Knt. grandfather to Thomas, the first Lord Arundel of Wardour. 2, Catherine Queen of England, fifth wife to King Henry VIII. 3, Mary, married to Edmund Trafford, Esq. 4, Joice, to John Stanney, Esq. 5, Isabel, to — Bainton, Esq. His second wife was Dorothy, daughter of Tho. Troys, Esq. by whom he had no issue.

The said Duke by his first wife had also three daughters;

1, Eliz. married to Sir Thomas Bullen, afterwards Viscount Rochford, Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, by whom she was mother of Queen Anne Bullen, who had by Hen. VIII. her husband, Elizabeth Queen of England.

2, Muriel, who first married John Grey, Viscount Lisle, by whom she had Eliz. wife of Henry Courtney, and secondly, to Sir Thomas Knevet, Knt. and had issue Sir Hen. Knevet.

The aforesaid Duke's second wife was Agnes, daughter of Hugh Tilney Esq. sister and heiress to Sir Philip Tilney of Boston in Lincolnshire, Knt. and had issue by her,

1. William, afterwards created Baron Howard of Effingham, of whose descendants more will occur hereafter.

2. Sir Thomas, who marrying the Lady Margaret Douglass, daughter to Margaret Queen of Scots, niece to King Henry, was attainted of treason, on some suspicion of his aspiring to the crown, and died in the Tower of London.

3. Ric. who died Mar. 27, 1517, and was buried at Lambeth, with two other of his brothers who died infants, and four daughters.

1, Anne, the eldest, married to John Vere Earl of Oxford, but left no issue by him.

2, Dorothy, to Edw. Stanley Earl of Derby.

3, Eliz. to Hen Ratcliff of Sussex.

4, Katherine, married first to Sir Rhese ap Thomas, and after, to Hen. Daubeny Earl of Bridgewater.

13. THOMAS Earl of Surrey, eldest son to the last mentioned Duke, succeeded him in his honours; in his father's lifetime, he commanded a ship under his brother Edward, who was then lord admiral, when the famous pirate Sir Andrew Barton was taken in 1512. He accompanied the Marquis of Dorset into Spain, in aid of King Ferdinand, against the French; and the said Marquis falling sick, he had the command of the English army. In 1513, upon the death of the Lord Edward his brother, being then Knight of the Garter, he was constituted lord admiral in his stead, and so scoured the seas, that not a French fisher-boat durst be seen; and landing in Whitsand bay, he ravaged the country thereabouts. Upon the invasion of James IV. in Scotland, he landed 5000 veterans, and joined his father the Earl of Surrey, then general of the English army, sending a message to that King to justify Sir Andrew Barton's death; at the battle of Floddonfield he behaved gallantly, when he commanded the vanguard with his younger brother Edmund, who being in great distress, was succoured by him and Sir Edw. Stanley; and in recompense of these signal services, he was soon after created Earl of Surrey, the same day that his father was made Duke of Norfolk, 5 Hen. VIII. and on a dispute in parliament concerning his place there, it was declared, that he should sit according to his creation, and not as a duke's eldest son. In 1520, being appointed lord deputy of Ireland, he suppressed the O-Neals and O-Carols, and governed so acceptably, that he gained the love of that country. Afterwards, having performed many signal services in France, he was constituted lord treasurer, and made general of the King's whole army, designed to march against the Scots, and all this in his father's lifetime; after whose death, he was again made general of the army, at that time raised to advance into Scotland, to set the young King free, whom the Duke of Albany kept then in custody at Sterling castle. He afterwards attended the King into France, and was sent chief ambassadour to the French King, to attend him to Nice, and commune with the Pope, as to his delaying King Henry's divorce. In 1536, he marched to the assistance of the Earl of Shrewsbury, when he suppressed the insurrection in Yorkshire, called the Pilgrimage of Grace, raised on account of the dissolution of the lesser monasteries, and was soon after made lieutenant-general of all the King's forces beyond the Trent. But after all these signal services, (so little gratitude reigns among the great,) by the insinuating persuasions of some of the nobility, (because on some occasion he had called them the new raised men, which they counted a dishonour to them,) the King was so far misled and incensed against him, that he not only sent him prisoner to the Tower, but gave order for seizing his goods, and gave notice to his ambassadours abroad, that he and his son had conspired to take upon them the government during his life; and after his death, to get the prince into his hands. All which jealousies (the King being in a decaying and weak condition) so far prevailed, that the Duke, and his son Henry Earl of Surrey, were both attainted in parliament; the Earl lost his head, and the Duke had fared no better, had not the death of that inexorable prince hastened him to give an account of his own actions at that bar to which he had so lately sent the son, and designed to have hurried the father also: however, though his life was spared, yet his enemies so far prevailed over him in Edward the Sixth's reign, that though a pardon was given by proclamation to all persons for what crimes soever, yet was he with five others, excepted by name; as to the particulars laid to his charge, though the act of attainder itself be not on record, the act of repeal in the 1st of Queen Mary reciteth, that there was no special matter in the act of attainder, but only general words of treason and conspiracy, and that out of their care for the preservation of the King and the prince, they passed it. And this act of repeal further sets forth, That the only thing with which he stood charged, was for bearing of arms, which he and his ancestors had born both within and without the kingdom, in the King's presence, and in sight of his progenitors, which they might lawfully bear and give, as by good and substantial matter of record it did appear. It also addeth, That the King died after the date of the commission: likewise, that he only empowered them to give his consent, but did not give it himself; and that it did not appear by any record, that they gave it: moreover, that the King did not sign the commission with his own hand; his stamp being only set to it, and that not at the upper part, but to the nether part of it, contrary to the King's custom. At the attainder, all the manors and estates of the duke were seized, and among others, the manor and honour of Forncet, of which a curious survey was then made. He afterwards retreated to his palace at Kenninghall in Norfolk, where he died in 1554, and was buried at Framlingham in Suffolk.

He had two wives; the first was Anne, 3d daughter to King Edward IV. by whom he had a son named Thomas, who died young on the 3d of Aug. 23d Hen. VII. and was buried at Lambhithe, though she lies buried at Framlingham in Suffolk. His second wife was Eliz. Stafford, eldest daughter to Edward Duke of Buckingham, by whom he had two sons, Henry Earl of Surrey, beheaded in his lifetime, and

Thomas, who married Elizabeth, one of the daughters and coheirs to John Lord Marney and Christian his wife, daughter and heir of Sir Roger Newburgh, Knt. He had livery of the lands of her inheritance, was restored in blood the 1st of Queen Mary, and in the 1st of Eliz. was advanced to the title of Viscount Howard of Bindon in Dorsetshire, and soon after summoned to parliament, and died in 1582, Febr. 14, leaving four sons, Henry, who succeeded him in his honour, but dying without issue male, Thomas, his next brother, enjoyed the title of Viscount Howard of Bindon, and was installed Knight of the Garter 4 Jac. I. but died without issue.

14. THOMAS, the eldest son of Henry Earl of Surrey, on the death of his grandfather, became the fourth Duke of Norfolk of this family, being then upwards of 18 years of age; he was fully restored in blood, and the act of his grandfather's attainder made void 1st Mary. In the second year of that Queen, he commanded the forces against the Kentish men, and continued in esteem all her reign, and was installed Knight of the Garter 1 Eliz. and in the 3d year of that Queen, was constituted lieutenant-general for the northern parts of the realm. In 1565, he, with Robert Earl of Leicester, was solemnly invested with the habit and ensigns of the order of St. Michael, in the chapel of the Queen's palace at Westminster, by an embassy sent from the French King: but in the 11th of Queen Eliz. being suspected to be not only a favourer, but great admirer of Mary Queen of Scots, he was cast into prison, accused of designing to marry her, tried, condemned, and beheaded June 2, 1572, 15 Eliz. on Tower Hill, to the grief of many, for he was a good man, and much beloved by his country. He married three wives; first, Mary, daughter and coheir to Henry Fitz-Alan Earl of Arundel; by whom he had Philip Earl of Arundel, his son and heir; she died at Arundel House in the Strand, Aug. 25, 1557, and was buried in St. Clement's church near Temple Bar.

His second wife was Margaret, daughter and sole heiress to Thomas Lord Awdley of Walden, Chancellor of England, widow of Henry Dudley, a younger son to John Duke of Northumberland, who was slain at St. Quintin's in Picardy Ao 1557, by whom he had Thomas, afterwards Lord Howard of Walden, and Duke of Suffolk, (of whose descent more hereafter;) 2dly, William Lord Howard of Naworth castle, born Dec. 19, 1563, and two daughters, Elizabeth, who died an infant, and is buried at Framlingham in Suffolk, and Margaret, born Aug. 1, 1562, afterwards married to Robert Sackvile Earl of Dorset. This dutchess died at Norwich in 1563, and is buried in the church of St. John Maddermarket, as at vol. iv. p. 289. His third wife was Elizabeth daughter of Sir Francis Leibourn, Knt. widow of Thomas Lord Dacres of Gillesland, by whom he had no issue; she died in 1567, and was buried at Kenninghall, as in vol. i. p. 226.

15. PHILIP HOWARD, son and heir to the last mentioned Duke, was Earl of Surrey, Lord Howard, Mowbray, Segrave, and Bruse of Gower, and Earl-Marshal of England; also, in right of his mother, he assumed the title and honour of Earl of the earldom of Arundel, with the appurtenances thereof, it having anciently been adjudged in parliament, to be a local dignity, so that the possessors thereof should enjoy that title of honour; whereupon, he sat in parliament by the title of Philip Earl of Arundel, 23d Elizabeth, in which parliament he was restored in blood from the attainder of his father, Thomas Duke of Norfolk, beheaded Ao 1572. This noble peer being a most zealous papist, was much maligned, and being accused to Queen Elizabeth, by some of his potent adversaries, for holding correspondence with Cardinal Allen, Parsons the Jesuit, and others, she took a great dislike towards him; for which reason, after the strict laws made against the papists, he endeavoured to go beyond the seas without leave, but being discovered, was apprehended and committed to the Tower, Ao 1584, and his estates seized; and among others, this honour and manor of Forncet, of which the Queen took immediate possession, and demised part of it to William Pennant for 21 years, namely, all that part, which, after the attainder of Thomas late Duke of Norfolk had been granted to the Lady Mary, the then King's sister, and by her, had been leased to the said William. In 1586, he was fined 10,000 pounds in the Star Chamber for his misdemeanors, and attempt to go beyond the seas; and three years after, was arraigned and condemned by his peers in Westminster-hall, for divers practices in relation to his religion, and favouring of the Spaniards: nevertheless, by the Queen's grace, he obtained her pardon for his life, but continued prisoner in the Tower; and at length died in custody there, Nov. 19, 1595, being not full 40 years of age; having, during his imprisonment, lived in the severity of his religion, a most strict and austere life. He married Anne, daughter of Thomas, and sister and coheir to George Lord Dacres of Gillesland, by whom he had his only son,

16. THOMAS Earl of Arundel, who was born during his father's imprisonment, and was restored in blood by James I. Ao 1602, in the parliament met at Westminster in the 1st year of his reign, and had livery of all estates from that Prince, and among others, of his honour and manor of Forncet. He was Earl of Arundel and Surrey, EarlMarshal, and premier Earl of all England, Knight of the most noble order of the Garter, and one of his Majesty's most honourable privy council, and lord steward of the household; and by King Charles I. was constituted chief justice of the forests north of Trent, and general of the army, in the first expedition to Scotland, Ao 1638. He sat as lord high steward of England in Westminster-hall, at the remarkable trial of Thomas Wentworth Earl of Strafford; shortly after which, foreseeing the civil wars then beginning in England, he willingly resigned his staff of lord steward of the household, resolving to travel: his lady also took the same resolution, and a fair and honourable opportunity presently offered; for the Queen-mother of France having been in England about two years, was at this time necessitated to return; and the care of conducting her to the sea-side, and waiting on her over, was committed to this Earl; who afterwards spent some time at Utrecht, but in the winter returned to England; and by reason of his special services and great merits, as also in respect of his lineal descent from Thomas de Brotherton Earl of Norfolk, (a younger son to King Edw. I.) was by letters patent dated June 6, 20 Car. I. advanced to the title of Earl of Norfolk: shortly after which, discerning the flames of war to encrease daily, his age and infirmities also rendering him unfit for any further employment, he obtained leave of the King to travel; whereupon, retiring to Padua in Italy, he died there, Sept. 14, 1646, in the 61st year of his age, and his corpse being brought over, was buried at Arundel in Sussex. He married the lady Alathea, one of the daughters and coheirs of Gilbert Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury, by whom he had issue, 1, James Lord Mowbray and Lord Maltravers, who was one of the Knights of the Bath at the coronation of Car. I. and after making the tour of France and Italy, died in his return, at Gaunt in Flanders, unmarried. 2, Henry Lord Mowbray, who succeeded him. 3, Thomas. 4, Gilbert. 6, Charles, who all died infants in their father's lifetime. William, the fifth son, married Mary, sister and sole heir to Henry Lord Stafford, and 16 Car. I. was created Baron of Stafford, and she at the same time Baroness of Stafford, from whom the present Earl of Stafford is descended. During this time, the manor and honour passed in the trustees of the family, along with Fersfield manor, as in vol. i. p. 89, 90.

This most noble Earl was the greatest favourer of arts, and promoter of sciences, that we have met with. He had an excellent knowledge in painting, sculpture, carving, building, and designing; his collections of designs exceeding that of any person then living; and his statues were equal in number, value, and antiquity, to those in the houses of most princes; to gain which, he had persons many years employed, both in Italy, Greece, and many parts of Europe, where rarities were to be had; all which, were by him placed in the garden, and certain rooms belonging to Arundel House in the Strand, and are accurately described in that tract of his, intituled Marmora Arundeliana; and will remain a lasting monument of his highly deserved fame to future ages; Henry Duke of Norfolk, his grandson, bestowing them on the University of Oxford, they were orderly placed in the walls, enclosing the stately Theatre, but are since removed to a room over the Bodleian Library.

His paintings likewise were numerous, and of the most excellent masters, having more of that exquisite painter Hans Holben than were in the world besides. He had the honour to be the first person of quality that set a value on them in our nation; being also the person that brought in uniformity in building, and was chief commissioner to see it performed in London; he was likewise sumptuous in his household stuff; full of state and magnificence in his entertainments, especially of strangers; at his table very free and pleasant. He was more learned in men and manners, than in books, yet understood the Latin tongue very well, and was master of the Italian: he was a great favourer and admirer of learned men, as appeared by his intimacy with Mr. Cambden, Mr. Seldon, Sir Robert Cotton, and Sir Henry Spelman, the lights of their age. He was a promoter of order and ceremony, and kept greater distance toward his Sovereign, than any person at court; often complaining, that the too great affability of the King, and the French garb of the court, would bring Majesty into contempt. In council he was grave and succinct, rather discharging his conscience and honour, than complying with particular interests; and so was never at the head of business or principal in favour. He was free from covetousness, and so much above a bribe of gratuity (for favours done) as no person ever durst tempt him with one. He was in his religion no bigot or Puritan, and professed more to affect moral virtues, than nice questions and foolish controversies: if he was defective in any thing, it was that he could not bring his mind to his fortune, which though very great, was far too little for the vastness of his noble designs, which were only for the glory and ornament of his country, and may well be excused. When he was constituted Earl-Marshal of England, he revived that honourable court, which had anciently been held by the Constable and Marshal jointly; wherein remedy was given for such abusive provocations as might occasion no little bloodshed by duels, or other mischievous ways of revenge; and some scruple being made as to the jurisdiction of Earl-Marshal alone, he the year after obtained other letters patent, bearing date Aug. 1, 20 Jac. I. 1621, whereby the King, after mature advice had with the lords of his council, did declare, that in the vacancy of the Constable of England, the EarlMarshal had the like jurisdiction in the court, as both Constable and Marshal jointly, ever exercised; commanding him to proceed accordingly; which he thereupon did, with much honour to himself and his authority, and to the great satisfaction of the nobility and gentry of the realm, in cases where they received such affronts and injuries; for which (by the rule of the common law) no redress could be had; until, by the votes of a predominant party, in that parliament (which destroyed monarchy and episcopacy, and brought all things into confusion) his jurisdiction in the court was questioned.

17. HENRY HOWARD Lord Mowbray and Maltravers, (as he was called in his father's lifetime, and as such, sat in parliament,) succeeded him in his honours. In 1626, he married the Lady Elizabeth Stewart, eldest daughter of Esme Stewart Lord of Aubigny, Earl of March, and afterwards Duke of Lenox; but it being without the King's consent, he and his lady were confined some time to Lambeth, with Archbishop Abbot; but after that, he was called up by writ to the house of peers, as Lord Mowbray and Maltravers. When the rebellion brake out in 1641, he faithfully adhered to the King, and served in his army till about the end of the year 1645, when he visited his father in Italy, and was with him when he died, and returned with his corpse into England. During the tyrannick government of his native country under Cromwell, he lived retired till his death, which happened Apr. 17, 1652, when he was buried at Arundel.

He had by his lady, nine sons, and three daughters, whereof Anne died young, Catherine was married to John Digby of Gothurst in Buckinghamshire, Esq. and Elizabeth to Alexander Macdonnel, grandson to the Earl of Antrim in Ireland; his sons were, Thomas, Henry, Philip, Charles, Talbot, Edward, Francis, Bernard, and Esme.

18. THOMAS HOWARD succeeded him in his titles of Earl of Arundel, Surrey, and Norfolk; and after the restoration of Charles II. in the year 1661, at the humble petition of James Howard Earl of Suffolk, Thomas Howard Earl of Berkshire, William Howard Viscount Stafford, Charles Lord Howard of Charlton, Edward Lord Howard of Esrick, Charles Lord Howard of Naworth, all lineally descended from Thomas the last Duke of Norfolk, and above eighty others of the nobility, he was restored by act of parliament, to the title of Duke of Norfolk, to remain to him, and the heirs male of his body, with all the privileges, precedences, and pre-eminences, thereunto belonging; by which he became the fifth Duke of Norfolk; but dying at Padua in Italy in 1678, unmarried, the title and estate descended to his next brother,

19. HENRY HOWARD, the sixth Duke of Norfolk, who on March 26, 1669, 21 Car. II. was created Lord Howard of CastleRising in the county of Norfolk, and on the 29th of Dec. 1672, in consideration of the eminent services done by his noble father and grand-father, to King Charles I. and the crown of England, at home and abroad, as also for many personal services performed to King Charles II. in his exile, was created Earl of Norwich, which honour was limited to him and to the heirs male of his body; and also by the same patent, had the office and dignity, of Earl-Marshal of England granted, with all rights, powers, jurisdictions, precedencies, and authorities, thereto belonging, &c. to him, and the heirs male of his body; and for default of such issue, to the heirs male of the body of the Lord William Howard of Naworth in the county of Cumberland, youngest son of Thomas Duke of Norfolk, (who was beheaded 15 Eliz) and for default of such issue, to Charles Howard Earl of Notyngham, and the heirs male of his body. He was born July 12, 1628, and died at his house in Arundel-street, Jan. 11, 1683. He married to his first wife, the Lady Anne Somerset, eldest daughter to Edward Marquis of Worcester, by Eliz. Dormer his first wife, and by her he had two sons and three daughters; and by his second wife, Jane, daughter of Robert Bickerton, Esq. gentleman of the wine cellar to King Car. II. (a lady famed for her beauty and accomplishment) he had first, Lord George Howard, who married Arrabella, daughter and sole heiress to Sir Edmund Allen of Hatfield Peverel in the county of Essex, Bart. widow of Francis Thompson of Humbleton in the county of York, Esq. and died March 6, 1720, without issue. The second son was Lord James Howard, who died a bachelor, being drowned Aug. 1702, attempting to ride over Sutton-Wash in Lincolnshire The 3d son was Lord Frederick-Henry Howard, who married Catherine daughter to Sir Francis Blake of Oxfordshire, relict of Sir Richard Kennedy of Mount-Kennedy in Ireland, Bart and died March 16, 1726, his lady surviving, who died Jan. 23, 1731. Lady Catherine, and Lady Anne, both nuns in Flanders; and Lady Phillippa married to William Standish of Standish-hall in the county of Lancaster, Esq. and died in Jan. 1683.

The Duke's daughters by his first wife were, the Ladies AnneAlathea, Elizabeth, and Frances; whereof the latter was married to the Marquis Valparesa, a Spanish nobleman in Flanders; the second, to Alexander Gordon Marquis of Huntley in Scotland, who was created Duke of Gordon in that kingdom; and the eldest died in her infancy. His sons were, Henry and Thomas.

20. HENRY HOWARD, 7th Duke of Norfolk, was born Jan. 11, 1654, and on Jan. 27, 1677, was summoned to parliament by writ, by the title of Lord Mowbray; and upon the death of Prince Rupert, was made constable of Windsor castle, warden of Windsor forest, and lord lieutenant and custos rotulorum, for the counties of Norfolk, Surrey, and Berks; and on May 6, 1685, 1 James II. being elected Knight of the most noble Order of the Garter, he was installed the 22d of July following. This Duke obtained a commission under the great seal, dated Aug. 13, 1687, 3 James II. whereby his Grace, as Earl Marshal of England, should revive and hold a court of chivalry &c. and setting out for France the 24th of March following, constituted his brother, the Lord Thomas Howard, his lieutenant in the court of chivalry, and Sir Thomas Exton and Sir Richard Raines, surrogates. His Grace returned from Flanders July 30, 1688; and on the landing of the Prince of Orange in England, being then in Norfolk, he immediately declared for him, and brought over this, and some of the adjacent counties to his interest, for which service, he was soon after sworn of his privy council, and so continued to his death; afterwards, he was made constable and governour of his Majesty's royal castle at Windsor, lord warden of Windsor forest, lord lieutenant of the counties of Norfolk, Surrey, and Berks, and of the city of Norwich, and county of the same; as also custos rotulorum for the counties of Norfolk and Berks, and Fellow of the Royal Society. He died at his house in St. James's-square, April 2, 1701; having married the Lady Mary Mordaunt, daughter and sole heiress to Henry Earl of Peterburgh, from whom he procured a divorce in parliament for incontinency, which in the year 1700, passed both Houses; and having no children by her, he was enabled to marry again, but leaving no issue, his honour and estate descended to the eldest son of his brother Lord Thomas, viz.

21. THOMAS HOWARD, the 8th Duke of Norfolk, who was born Dec. 11, 1683, and in 1709, his Grace was married to Mary, sole daughter and heiress to Sir Nic. Sherbourn of Stony-Hurst in the county of Lancaster, Bart. but dying without issue, Dec. 23, 1732, (Henry his next brother being dead without issue,) his honour and estate went to his third brother, the present lord of this honour and manors, viz.

22. The high, puissant, and most noble Prince, Edward Howard, the present Duke of Norfolk, Earl-Marshal, and Hereditary Earl-Marshal of England, Earl of Arundel, Surrey, Norfolk, and Norwich, Baron of Mowbray, Howard, Segrave, Brewse of Gower in Carmarthenshire, Fitz-Alan, Warren, Clun, Oswaldestre, Maltravers, Greystock, Furnival, Verdon, Lovetot, Strange (of Blackmere) and Howard of Castle-Rising; Premier Duke, Earl, and Baron of England, next the Blood Royal, and chief of the truly illustrious family of the Howards.[12]

He married, A° 1727, Mary daughter to Edward Blount of Blagden near Torbay in the county of Devon, Esq a younger son of Sir George Blount of Sodington in Worcestershire, Bart. but at present hath no issue, and Richard Howard, his next brother, being dead without issue,

The honourable Philip Howard, Esq. of Bukenham-house in Norfolk, his youngest brother, is his heir; who on the 7th of Jan. 1723, married Winifrede, daughter of Tho. Stoner of Watlington Park in the county of Oxford, Esq. by whom he hath a son named Thomas, born Febr. 3, 1727, and a daughter Winifrede. Since the death of this lady, he remarried to a sister to the present Dutchess of Norfolk,[13] by whom also he hath issue.

  1. Terra Toui. H. Humiliart. Doms. fo. 279.
    In Niwetuna ii. liberi homines, xxx. acr. de uno et dim. habuit antecessor Rogeri Bigot comd. T. R. E. et de dimidio antecessor Radulfi de Bellofago, semper v. bor. et i. car. et iiii. acr. prati, et iiii. liberi homines de xii. acr. et dim tunc valuit x. sol. modo xiii. sol et iiii. d.
  2. Terra Rogeri Bigoti. H. Humiliart. Doms. fo. 122. In Niwetuna xv. acr. de dominio de Hethella semper i. car. et i. mol. et val. v.s. (fo. 139)
  3. In Niwetuna i. lib. homo, xv. acr. et. ii. bor. et val. xvi.d.
  4. He seems to be son of Robert de Blomevyle, who lived here about 1190.
  5. 1360, Bertram de Blunnel released all his right to William, and Katherine his wife.
  6. 1495, Katherine Blomevyle died a widow, and Lady Eleanor Jenny administered.
  7. There were three, for in 1699, a license passed to sell a bell, under pretence to repair the church, which had lands sufficient for its reparation.
  8. Weever, fo. 814
  9. Terra Rogeri Bigoti. Depwade Hund. (fo. 123.) Fornesseta tenuit, &c. in Muletuna i. soc. c. acr.
    (fo. 139.) In Muletuna ix. liberi hom. et dim. cxl. acr. mᵒ tenet Algerus et xv. bor. tunc. et post iiii. car. modo iii. et ii. lib. hom. et dim. sub illis xv. acr. et viii. acr. prati, silva v. porc.
  10. 1
  11. 3
  12. [Creations.] Baron Howard by writ of summons to parliament by Henry VI. 15 Oct. 1470, 10 Edward IV, and also 19 Aug. 1472, 12 Edward IV.—Earl-Marshal and Duke of Norfolk and Earl of Surrey, 28 June 1483, 1 Ric. III. confirmed Early of Surrey 3 Nov. 1492, 8 Henry VII. and again 13 May 1509, 1 Henry VIII. again Earl of Surrey and Duke of Norfolk.—1 Feb. 1518, 5 Henry VIII. Earl of Arundel in the county of Sussex, (a feudal honour or local dignity, as adjudged in parliament 8 July 1433, 11 Henry VI.) by inheritance and possession of that castle only, without any other creation; also by summons to parliament 16 Jan. 1580, 23 Eliz.; by descent originally, as well before as after the Conquest, by King William I. and by Maud the Empress in the time of King Stephen; confirmed by King Henry II, and also 27 June 1189, 1 Ric. I.—Earl of Norfolk, 6 June, 1644, 20 Car. II.—Baron Howard of Rising-Castle in Norfolk, 27 March 1669, 21 Car. II.—Earl of Norwich, and hereditary Earl-Marshal, 19 Oct. 1672, 24 Car. II.—Baron Mowbray, by writ of summons to parliament, 6 Mar. 1678, 31 Car. II. and likewise 21 Mar. 1639, 15 Car. I.; by descent, originally 8 June 1294, 22 Edward I.
  13. Nov. 1739, the honourable Philip
    Howard, brother to his Grace the Duke
    of Norfolk, was married at Arundel castle

    in Sussex, to Mrs. Proley, a widow lady,
    and sister to her Grace the Duchess of