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a visit to the blessed sacrament
Thy open wounds transfigured I may not behold,
But confess with Thomas: Thou art Lord and God!
Grant my soul a burning faith; light it from above.
Be Thou all my treasure! Be Thou all my love!

O remembrance lasting of the Crucified!
Living Bread sustaining those for whom He died!
Make me a consuming fire drawing life from Thee,
Yield my soul Thy sweetness; let it taste and see!

Like a loving pelican, feed me, Jesus, Lord;
I am all unholy; wash me in Thy Blood,
In that life-blood flowing o’er the world in pain,
Though a drop had cleansed it of its mighty stain.

Jesus, Love, here present on the altar veiled,
O fulfil my longing when Thou art revealed —
To behold the vision of Thy holy face
And be rapt forever in its perfect peace. Amen.


VEILED in the white Host, O my Well-beloved, how meek and humble of heart dost Thou show Thyself to me! Thou couldst not stoop lower to teach me humility, and I, to respond to Thy love, desire to put myself in the lowest place and share Thy humiliations, that I may have part with Thee in the kingdom of Heaven.

I beseech Thee, my Jesus, to send me some humiliations each time that I shall attempt to put myself above others.