besten Urtheile über Hamlet, Quedl.. 1808, 8vo; A. G. Barante, Sur Hamlet, 1824,
8vo; P. Macdonnell, Essay on Hamlet, 1843, 8vo; Sir E. Strachey, S.'s Hamlet, 1848,
8vo; H. K. S. Causton, Essay on Mr Singer's Wormwood, 1851, 8vo; L. Noiré,
Hamlet, zwei Vorträge, Mainz, 1856, 16mo; M. W. Rooney, Hamlet, First Edition
(1603), 1856, 8vo; S.'s Hamlet, 1603 and 1604, with Bibliographical Preface, by S.
Timmins, 1860, 8vo; A. Gerth, Der Hamlet v. S., Leip., 1861, 8vo; J. Conolly, A
Study of Hamlet, 1863, sm. 8vo; H. v. Friesen, Briefe üb. S.'s Hamlet, Leipzig, 1865,
8vo; A. Flir, Briefe üb. S.'s Hamlet, Innsbruck, 1865, 8vo; W. D. Wood, Hamlet from
a Psychological Point of View, 1870, 8vo; R. H. Horne (editor), Was Hamlet Mad? a
Series of Critiques, 1871, 8vo; G. F. Stedefeld, Hamlet ein Tendenzdrama, Berlin,
1871, 8vo; A. Meadows, Hamlet: an Essay, 1871, 8vo; R. G. Latham, The Hamlet of
Saxo Grammaticus and S., 1872, 8vo; F. A. Marshall, Study of Hamlet, 1875, 8vo;
H. v. Struve, Hamlet eine Charakterstudie, Weimar, 1876, 8vo; H. Baumgart, Die
Hamlet Tragödie u. ihre Kritik, Königsb., 1877, 8vo; A. Zinzow, Die Hamlet Sage,
Halle, 1877, 8vo; A. Büchner, Hamlet le Danois, 1878, 8vo; M. Moltke, S.'s Hamlet
Quellen, 1881, 8vo; E. P. Vining, The Mystery of Hamlet, Philad., 1881, sm. 8vo
[Hamlet a woman]; H. Besser, Zur Hamlet Frage, 1882, 8vo; E. Stenger, Der Hamlet
Charakter, 1883, 8vo; A. Brereton, Some Famous Hamlets, 1884, 8vo; N. R.
d' Alfonso, La Personalità di Amleto, 1894, 8vo; H. Conrad, S.'s Selbstbekenntnisse,
1897, 8vo; E. Heuse, Zur Lösung des Hamlet-Problems, 1897, 8vo; G. S. Preston,
The Secret of Hamlet, 1897, 8vo; A. Doering, Hamlet, ein neuer Versuch, 1898, 8vo;
H. Traut, Die Hamlet-Controverse, 1898, 8vo; F. Gregori, Das Schaffen des
Schauspielers, 1899, 8vo; C. W. Scott, Some Notable Hamlets of the Present Day, 1900, 8vo;
H. Ford, S.'s Hamlet, 1900, 8vo; M. E. Evans, The Ghost in Hamlet, 1902, 8vo; A.
H. Tolman, The Views about Hamlet, 1906, 8vo; C. M. Lewis, The Genesis of
Hamlet, 1907, 8vo; R. Limberger, Polonius, 1908, 8vo; A. Wurm, S.'s Hamlet, 1908,
8vo; W. Pfleiderer, Hamlet u. Ophelia, 1908, 8vo; A. V. Weilen, Hamlet auf der
deutschen Bühne, 1908, 8vo; S. M. Perlmann, Eine neue Hamlet-Auffassung, 1909,
8vo. Henry IV. (Pt. i.: Q.1, 1598; Q.2, 1599; Q.3, 1604; Q.4, 1608; Q.s, 1613; Q.6,
1622; Q.7, 1632; Q.8, 1639. Pt. ii.: Q.1 and Q.2, 1600): E. A. Struve, Studien zu S.'s
Henry IV., Kiel, 1851, 4to. Henry V. (Q.1, 1600; Q.2, 1602; Q.3, 1608[1619]): G. A.
Schmeding, Essays on S.'s Henry V., 1874, 8vo; P. Kabel, Die Sage von Heinrich V.,
1908, 8vo. Henry VI. (Pt. i. 1st ed. in F.1. Pt. ii. 1st ed. in F.1. Contention, &c.:
Q.1, 1594; Q.2, 1600; Q.3 [1619]. Pt. iii. 1st ed. in F. 1. Richard of Yorke: Q.1, 1595;
Q.2, 1600; Q.3, [1619]): E. Malone, Dissertation on Henry VI., 1792, 8vo; G. L. Rives,
Authorship of Henry VI., 1874, 8vo; C. Schmidt, M. v. Anjou vor und bei S., 1906,
8vo. Henry VIII. (1st ed. in F.1): T. E. Pemberton, Henry VIII. on the Stage, 1902,
8vo. Julius Caesar (1st ed. in F.1): G. L. Craik, The English of S. Illustrated, 3rd
ed. 1864, sm. 8vo; H. Gomont, Le César de S., 1874, 8vo; M. G. Moberly, Hints for
S. Study exemplified in Julius Caesar, 1881, 8vo; P. Trabaud, Étude sur le Jules César
de S. et de Voltaire, 1889, 8vo; P. Kreutzberg, Brutus in S.'s Julius Caesar, 1894, 4to;
F. von Westenholz, Idee u. Charaktere in S.'s Julius Caesar, 1897, 8vo. King John
(1st authentic ed. in F.1. Troublesome Raigne, spurious: Q.1, 1591; Q.2, 1611;
Q.3, 1622). King Lear (Q.1, 1608; Q.2. 1608 [1619]; Q.3, 1655): [C. Jennens], King Lear
vindicated, 1772, 8vo; H. Neumann, Über Lear u. Ophelia, Breslau, 1866, 8vo; J. R.
Seeley; W. Young and E. A. Hart, Three Essays on Lear, 1851, 8vo, Beaufoy Prize
Essays; Dr Hirschfeld, K. Lear im Lichte ärztlicher Wiss., 1882, 8vo; F. G. F. Verdi,
Re Lear, lettere, 1902, 8vo; E. Bode, Die Lear-Sage, 1904, 8vo. Love's Labour's Lost
(Q.1, 1598; Q.2, 1631). Macbeth (1st ed. in F.1): [Dr S. Johnson] Miscellaneous
Observations on Macbeth, 1745, 12mo; J. P. Kemble, Macbeth and Richard III., 1817,
8vo; C. W. Opzoomer, Aanteekeningen op Macbeth, Amst., 1854, 8vo; G. Sexton,
Psychology of Macbeth, 1869, 8vo; J. G. Ritter, Beilräge zur Erkl. des Macbeth, Leer,
1871, 2 pts. 4to; V. Kaiser, Macbeth und Lady Macbeth, Basel, 1875, 8vo; E. R.
Russell, The True Macbeth, 1875, 8vo; T. Hall Caine, Richard III. and Macbeth,
1877, 8vo; A. Horst, König Macbeth, eine schottische Sage, Bremen, 1876, 16mo;
M. Zerbst, Die dramat. Technik des Macbeth, 1888, 8vo; F. Kaim, S.'s Macbeth, eine
Studie, 1888, 8vo; J. C. Carr, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, 1889, 8vo; G. Fletcher,
Character Studies in Macbeth, 1889, 8vo; E. Kroeger, Die Sage von Macbeth, 1904,
8vo. Measure for Measure (1st ed. in F.1): J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, Memoranda on
Measure for Measure, 1880, 12mo; A. E. Thiselton, Some Textual Notes, 1901, 8vo.
Merchant of Venice (Q.1, 1600; Q.2, 1600 [1619]; Q.3, 1637; Q.4, 1652): G. Farren,
Essay on Shylock, 1833, 8vo; F. V. Hugo, Commentary on the Merchant of Venice,
translated 1863, 8vo; H. Graetz, Shylock in d. Sage, 1880, 8vo; A. Pietscher, Versuch
einer Studie üb. S.'s Kaufmann v. V., 1881, 8vo; C. H. C. Plath, S.'s Kaufmann v.
V ., 1882, 8vo; H. Heinemann, Shylock und Nathan, 1886, 8vo; A. Manzi, L'Ehreo e la
libbra di carne, 1896, 8vo; O. Burmeister, Nachdichtungen, 1902, 8vo. Merry Wives of
Windsor (Q.1, 1602; Q.2, 1619; Q.3, 1630): J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, Account of the only
known MS. of S.'s Plays, 1843, 8vo. Midsummer Night's Dream (Q.1, 1600; Q.2, 1600
[1619]): N. J. Halpin, Oberon's Vision and Lylie' s Endymion (Shakespeare Society), 1843,
8vo; J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, Introduction to S.'s Midsummer Night's Dream, 1841,
8vo, and Illustrations of the Fairy Mythology of Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakesp.
Soc.), 1845, 8vo; the same with J. Ritson, Fairy Tales, Legends, and Romances, ed.
Hazlitt, 1875, 8vo; E. Hermann, Drei S. Studien, Erlangen, 1877–9, 4 Pts. sm. 8vo;
L. E. A. Proescholdt, On the Sources of S.'s Midsummer Night's Dream, 1878, 8vo;
A. E. Thiselton, Some Textual Notes, 1903, 8vo; F. Sidgwick, Sources and Analogues,
1908, 8vo. Much Ado About Nothing (Q.1, 1600): W. W. Lloyd. Much Ado, &c.,
with essay, 1884, 8vo, to prove reputed prose to be metrical; F. Holleck-Weithmann,
Zur Quellenfrage von Much ado, &c., 1902, 8vo. Othello (Q.1, 1622; Q.2, 1630;
Q.3, 1655): W. Parr, The Story of the Moor of Venice, 1795, 8vo; R. G. Macgregor,
Othello's Character, 1852, 8vo; J. E. Taylor, The Moor of Venice, Cinthio's Tale and
S.'s Tragedy, 1855, 8vo; G. Piccini, L'Otello di G. S., 1888, 8vo; W. Given,
Further Study of Othello, N.Y. 1899, 8vo; W. R. Turnbull, Othello, 1892, 8vo;
S. Bobsin, S.'s Othello in englischer Bühnenbearbeitung, 1904, 8vo. Pericles (Q.1, 2,
1609; Q.3, 1611; Q.4, 1619; Q.5, Q.6, 1630; Q.7, 1635): R. Boyle, On Wilkins's Share in
Pericles, 1882, 8vo; A. H. Smyth, Pericles and Apollonius of Tyre, 1898, 8vo. Richard
II. (Q.1, Q.2, 1597; Q.3, 1508; Q.4, Q.5, 1608; Q.6, 1615; Q.7, 1634): Riechelmann,
Zu Richard II. S. u. Holinshed, Plauen, 1860, 8vo; B. Tschischwitz, S.'s Staat
und Königthum, 1866, 8vo; T. D. Barnett, Notes on Richard II., 1890, 8vo; E. W.
Sievers, S.'s zweiter mittelalterlicher Dramen-Cyklus, 1896, 8vo. Richard III. (Q.1,
1597; Q.2, 1598; Q.3, 1602; Q.4, 1605; Q.5, 1612; Q.6, 1622; Q.7, 1629; Q.8, 1634):
M. Beale, Lecture on the Times and Play of Richard III., 1844, 8vo; I. F. Schoene,
Über den Charakter Richard III., bei S., 1856, 8vo; L. Möser, Observations on S.'s
Richard III., Hertford, 1869, 8vo; H. Mueller, Grundlegung und Entwickelung des
Charakters Richards III. bei S., 1889, 8vo; G. B. Churchill, Richard III. up to S.,
Berlin, 1900, 8vo; J. Petersen, Richard III., ein Vortrag, 1901, 8vo; A. Leschtsch,
Richard III., eine Charakterstudie, 1908, 8vo. Romeo and Juliet (Q.1, 1597; Q.2,
1599; Q.3, 1609; Q.4, n.d.; Q.5, 1637): J. C. Walker, Historical Memoir on Italian
Tragedy, 1799, 4to; G. Pace Sanfelice, The Original Story of Romeo and Juliet, by
L. da Porto, 1868, 8vo; T. Straeter, Die Komposition S.'s Romeo u. Julia, Bonn, 1861,
8vo; C. R. E. Hartmann, Romeo u. Julia, Leipzig, 1874, 8vo, a critical essay; M. F.
Guenther, Defence of S.'s Romeo and Juliet, 1876, 8vo; R. Gericke, Romeo u. Julia
nach S.'s MS., 1880, 8vo; J. L. Fraenkel, Stoff- u. Quellenkunde van Romeo u. Juliet,
1889, 8vo. Taming of the Shrew (1st ed. in F.1): A. H. Tolman, S.'s part in the
Taming of the Shrew (Modern Lang. Ass. of Am.), 1890, 8vo; H. Jacobson, W. S.
und Käthchen Minola, 1903, 8vo; E. H. Schomberg, Eine Studie (Stud. zur engl.
Phil.), 1904, 8vo. Tempest (1st ed. in F.1): J. Holt, Remarks on The Tempest, 1750,
8vo; E. Malone, Incidents from which S.'s Tempest was derived, 1808–9, 2 pts. 8vo;
G. Chalmers, Another Account, &c., 1815, 8vo; Rev. J. Hunter, Disquisition on The
Tempest, 1839, 8vo; P. Macdonnell, Essay on the Tempest, 1840, 8vo; Notes of
Studies on The Taming of the Shrew, S. Society of Philadelphia, 1866, 4to, with
bibliography of The Tempest; J. Meissner, Untersuchungen üb. S.'s Sturm, Dessau,
1872, 8vo; D. Wilson, Caliban, the Missing Link, 1873, 8vo; C. C. Hense, Das
Antike in S.'s Dramen: D. Sturm, 1879, 8vo; F. Boas, Der Sturm und das
Wintermärchen, 1882, 8vo; R. Boyle, S.'s Wintermärchen u. Sturm, 1885, 8vo; P. Rodin,
S.'s Sturm, 1893, 8vo. Timon of Athens (1st ed. in F.1): A. Mueller, Über die
Quellen aus denen S. den Timon v. Athen entnommen hat, Jena, 1873, 8vo; A. E.
Thiselton, Two Passages, 1904, 8vo. Titus Andronicus (Q.1, 1594; Q.2, 1600; Q.3,
1611): M. M. A. Schroeder, Über Titus Andronicus, 1891, 8vo; J. M. Robertson, Did
S. write T. A.? 1905, 8vo. Troilus and Cressida (Q.1, Q.2, 1609): Annotations by S.
Johnson, G. Steevens, &c., upon Troilus and Cressida, 1787, 12mo; L. Boening, De
S. fabula quae Troilus et Cressida inscribitur, 1870, 8vo; J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps,
Memoranda, 1880, 12mo. Twelfth Night, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, and
The Winter's Tale (all three first printed in F.1): C. H. Coote, On S.'s new map in
Twelfth Night, 1878, 8vo.
Sonnets (Q.1, 1609): J. Boaden, On the Sonnets of S., 1837, 8vo; C. A. Brown, S.'s Autobiographical Poems, 1838, 8vo; I. Donnelly, The Sonnets of S., 1859, 8vo; Dr Barnstorff, Key to S.'s Sonnets, translated, 1862, 8vo; B. Corney, The Sonnets of S., 1862, 8vo; [E. A. Hitchcock], Remarks on the Sonnets of S., N.Y., 1865, 12mo; R. Simpson, Introduction to the Philosophy of S.'s Sonnets, 1868, 8vo; H. Brown, The Sonnets of S. solved, 1870, 8vo; C. M. Ingleby, The Soule arrayed, Sonnet cxlvi., 1872, 8vo; G. Massey, The Secret Drama of S.'s Sonnets unfolded, 2nd ed. 1872, priv. pr. 1888, 8vo; Baron E. von Dunckelmann, S. in seinen Sonetten, 1897, 8vo; F. J. Furnivall, S. and Mary Fitton, 1897, 8vo; S. Butler, S.'s Sonnets, 1899, 8vo; O. Wilde, The Portrait of Mr. W. H., 1901, 8vo: J. L. O'Flanagan, S.'s Self-Revelation, 1902, 8vo; E. A. Jackson, Consideration of S.'s Sonnets, 1904, 8vo; A. B. MacMahan, S.'s Love Story, 1909, 8vo. Venus and Adonis (Q.1, 1593; Q.2, 1594; sm. 8vo, 1596, 1599, 1600(?), 1602, 1617, 1620, 1627, 1630, 1636; 8vo, 1675): A. Morgan, Venus and Adonis, Study in Warwickshire Dialect, N.Y., 1885, 4th ed. 1900, 8vo. Lucrece (Q.1, 1594; sm. 8vo, 1598, 1600, 1607, 1616, 1624, 1632, 1655): A. Wuerzner, Die Orthographie der ersten Quarto-Ausgabe von Venus u. Adonis und Lucrece, 1887, 8vo. Passionate Pilgrim (16mo, 1599; 2nd ed. not known; 3rd ed. 16mo, 1612): A. Hoehnen, S.'s Passionate Pilgrim, 1867, 8vo, dissertation.
Falstaff: C. Morris, True Standard of Wit, with Character of Sir J. Falstaff, 1744, 8vo; W. Richardson, Essays on Character of Sir J. Falstaff, 1788, 8vo; M. Morgan, Essay on Sir J. Falstaff, 1777, new edition 1825, 8vo, vindicates his courage; J. H. Hackett, Falstaff, 1840, 8vo; J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, On the Character of Falstaff in Henry IV., 1841, 8vo; E. Schueller, Don Quixote und Falstaff, Berlin, 1858, 8vo; G. W. Rusden, Character of Falstaff, Melbourne, 1870, 8vo; G. Barone, D'un antenato italiano di Falstaff, 1895, 8vo; C. E. Phelps, Falstaff and Equity, 1901, 8vo; W. Baeske, Oldcastle-Falstaff in der engl. Literatur bis zu S., 1905, 8vo. Female Characters: W. Richardson, On S.'s Female Characters, &c., 1788, 8vo; A. M. Jameson, Characteristics of Women, 1832, 2 vols., 12mo, illustrated; S.'s Heroines, 1879, sm. 8vo, same book; C. Heath, The Heroines of S., 1848, large 4to, illustrated, and The S. Gallery, containing the Principal Female Characters, 1836, large 8vo, plates reproduced in H. L. Palmer's Stratford Gallery, N.Y., 1859, large 8vo; M. C. Clarke, Girlhood of S.'s Heroines, 1850–2, 3 vols. 8vo; H. Heine, Englische Fragmente und S.'s Mädchen und Frauen, Hamburg, 1861, sm. 8vo, S.'s Maidens and Women, transl. by C. G. Leland, 1891, 8vo; F. A. Leo, S.'s Frauenideale, Halle, 1868, 8vo; F. M. von Bodenstedt, S.'s Frauencharaktere, 2nd ed., Berlin, 1876, 8vo; M. Summer, Les Héroines de Kalidasa et les Héroines de S., 1879, sm. 8vo; R. Genée, Klassische Frauenbilder, 1884, 8vo; Lady Martin, On Some of S.'s Female Characters, 1885, 8vo; Mrs M. L. Elliott. S.'s Garden of Girls, 1885, 8vo; L. Lewes, The Women of S., &c., 1894, 8vo; G. Cosentino, Le donne di S., 1906, 8vo; Baron A. von Gleichen-Russwurm, S.'s Frauengestalten, 1909, 8vo. Humour: J. Weiss, Wit, Humour and S., Boston, 1876, 16mo; J. R. Ehrlich, Der Humor S.'s, Vienna, 1878, 8vo; L. Wurth, Das Wortspiel bei S., 1894, 8vo; E. Dowden, S. as a Comic Dramatist, 1903, 8vo.
V. Language, including Grammars and Glossaries
T. Edwards, Supplement to Mr Warburton's Edition, being the Canons of Criticism and Glossary, 1748, 8vo, 7th ed. 1765; R. Warner, Letter on a Glossary to S., 1768, 8vo; R. Nares, Glossary, 1822, 4to, by Halliwell and Wright, 1888, 8vo; J. M. Jost, Erkl. Wörterbuch, Berlin, 1830, sm. 8vo: C. L. W. Francke, Bemerkungen über d. Sprachgebrauch des S., Berlin, 1837, 8vo; J. O. Halliwell-Phillipps, Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, 1846–47, 2 vols. 8vo, and Hand-Book Index to the Works, 1866, 8vo, phrases, manners, &c.; J. L. Hilgers, Sind nicht in S. noch manche Verse wiederherzustellen in Prosa? Aix-la-Chapelle, 1852, 4to; N. Delius, S. Lexikon, Bonn. 1852, 8yo; W. S. Walker, S.'s Versification, 1854, 8vo, and Examination of the Text of S., with Remarks on his Language, 1860, 3 vols. 8vo; C. Bathurst, S.'s Versification at different Periods, 1857, sm. 8vo; S. Jervis, Dictionary of the Language of S., 1868, 4to; G. Helmes, The English Adjective in S., Bremen, 1868, 8vo; A. J. Ellis, On Early English Pronunciation, 1869–75, 4 vols. 8vo; W. L. Rushton, S.'s Euphuism, 1871, 8vo; D. Rohde, Das Hülfsteilwort “To do” bei S., Göttingen, 1872, 8vo; E. A. Abbott, Shakespearian Grammar, 1873, 1901, sm. 8vo; A. Schmidt, S. Lexikon, 1874, third ed. by G. Sarrazin, Berlin, 1902, 2 vols., large 8vo, in English, includes all words, phrases and constructions; K. Seitz, Die Alliteration im Engl. vor u. bei S., 1875, 4to; F. Pfeffer, Die Anredepronomina bei S., 1877, 8vo; P. A. Bronisch, Das neutrale Possessivpronom bei S., 1878, 8vo; O. W. F. Lohmann, Die Auslassung des Relativpronomens, &c., 1879, 8vo; A. Dyce, Glossary, revised by H. Littledale, 1902, 8vo; C. Deutschbein, S. Grammatik f. Deutsche, 1882, 8vo; A. Lummert, Die Orthographie der ersten Folioausgabe, 1883, 8vo; C. Mackay, Obscure Words and Phrases in S., 1884, 8vo; G. H. Browne, S.'s Versification, Boston, 1884, 12mo, includes bibliography; L. Kellner, Zur Syntax des engl. Verbums, Vienna, 1885, 8vo; J. H. Siddons, Shakespearian Referee, Washington, 1886, 8vo, encyclopaedic glossary; H. M. Selby, The S. Classical Dict., 1888, 8vo; S. F. Surtees, S.'s Provincialisms, Words used in Sussex, 1889, sm. 8vo; H. Conrad, Metrische Untersuch. zur Feststellung der Abfassungszeit von S.'s Dramen, Berlin, 1895, 8vo; E. Hermann, Urheberschaft u. Urquell v. S.'s Dichtungen, 1886, 8vo; G. Koenig, Der Vers in S.'s Dramen, 1888, 8vo; J. Marx, Der dichterische Entwickelungsgang S., 1895, 8vo; W. Franz, S. Grammatik, Halle, 1900, 2nd ed. 1909, 8vo; B. A. P. van Dam, S. : Prosody and Text, 1900, 8vo; J. Phin, S. Encyclopaedia, 1902, sm. 8vo; S. Lanier, S. and his Forerunners, 1902, 2 vols. 8vo (Elizabethan poetry); W. Viëtor, S.'s Pronunciation, Marburg, 1906, 2 vols. sm. 8vo; J. Foster, A S. Word-book, 1908, 8vo; R. J. Cunliffe, New S.ean Dict. 1910, 8vo.
VI. Quotations
C. Gildon, Shakespeariana, in his Complete Art of Poetry, 1718, 12mo, the first of the class; Dr W. Dodd, The Beauties of S., 1752, 2 vols. 12mo, reprinted (in various forms) more frequently than any similar work; The Beauties of S. (G. Kearsley), 1784, 12mo, not the same as Dodd's Beauties; C. Lofft, Aphorisms from S., 1812, 12mo; T. Dolby, The Shakespearian Dictionary, 1832, 8vo, and A Thousand Shakespearian Mottoes, 1856, 32mo; T. Price, The Wisdom and Genius of S., 1838, 12mo; Mrs M. C. Clarke, S. Proverbs, 1847, sm. 8vo, reprinted; J. B. Marsh, Familiar, Proverbial, and Select Sayings from S., 1864, 8vo; E. Routledge, Quotations from S., 1867, 8vo; C. W. Stearns, The S. Treasury, N.Y., 1869, 12mo; Capt. A. F. P. Harcourt, The S. Argosy, 1874, sm. 8vo; G. S. Bellamy, New Shakespearian Dictionary, 1877, 8vo; A. A. Morgan, The Mind of S., 1880, 8vo, quotations in alphabetical order; C. Arnold, Index to Shakespearian Thought, 1880, 8vo.
VII. Concordances and Indexes
A. Becket, Concordance, 1787, 8vo, the earliest; S. Ayscough, Index, 1790, large 8vo. 2nd ed. enlarged, 1827, useful; F. Twiss, Complete Verbal Index, 1805, 2 vols. 8vo; M.
Cowden Clarke, Complete Concordance, 1844, new ed. 1889, 8vo, deals only with the