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See also: جمل, ح م ل, and ج م ل



Etymology 1.1

ح م ل (ḥ m l)
19 terms





حَمَلَ (ḥamala) I (non-past يَحْمِلُ (yaḥmilu), verbal noun حَمْل (ḥaml) or حُمْلَان (ḥumlān))

  1. to carry (to transport by lifting), to transport, to convey [with accusative ‘someone/something’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘on one's back or shoulders, on an animal, etc.’]
  2. to carry
    أن تُصبح خاليًا من الرحمة الله هو أن تحمل علامة غضب الله.
    To be devoid of God's mercy is to carry the mark of God's wrath.
  3. to bring [with accusative ‘something’, along with لِ (li) or إِلَى ‘to someone’]
  4. to pick up, to lift (an item)
  5. (figurative) to transmit (knowledge, etc.)
  6. to assume [with accusative ‘a burden, a debt, etc.’ and عَن (ʕan) ‘for someone’]
  7. to show, to evince [with accusative ‘a feeling’ and لِ (li) ‘towards someone’]
  8. to harbor [with accusative ‘a feeling, e.g. a grudge’ and لِ (li) ‘towards someone’]
  9. to know (a book) by heart
  10. to make, to cause [with accusative ‘someone’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘to do something’]
  11. to convince [with accusative ‘someone’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘of something’]
  12. to tempt [with accusative ‘someone’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘to do something’]
  13. to link, to correlate [with accusative ‘something’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘with something else’]
  14. to consider [with accusative ‘something’ and عَلَى (ʕalā, + abstract noun) ‘as some condition, e.g. good’]
  15. to exert [with عَلَى نَفْسِ (ʕalā nafsi, + pronoun) ‘oneself’]
  16. to attack [with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘someone’]
  17. to offend [with عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘someone’]
  18. to learn [with عَن (ʕan) ‘from someone’]
  19. to take (a risk)
  20. to hold (a degree) [with فِي () ‘in some field’]
  21. to get pregnant [with مِن (min) ‘from someone’]
  22. to bear fruit (of a tree)
    • 1025, ابن سينا [Avicenna], القانون في الطب [Canon Medicinae]:
      فاغرة (var. فاكرة).
      الماهية: حب يشبه الحمص له حب كالمحلب وفي جوفه حب أسود كالشهدانج يحمل من السفالة.
      الطبع: حارة يابسة في الثالثة.
      الخواص: فيها تحليل وقبض.
      أعضاء الغذاء: يدخل في الأدوية المصلحة للمعدة والكبد الباردتين وينفع من سوء الاستمراء البارد.
      أعضاء النفض: ينفع من الإسهال البارد ويعقل البطن.
      Sichuan pepper:
      Its essence: The fruit resembles chickpeas, it has fruits like mahaleb cherry, and in its inner there is a black fruit like hempseed, born from below.
      Its nature: Hot and dry in the third degree.
      Its peculiarities: In it there is discharging and constipation.
      Alimentary organs: It is put into drugs by reason of availing the stomach and the liver when they are cold and it is useful against calamities of cold appetite.
      Excretory organs: It helps against cold diarrhoea and constricts the belly.
  23. to derive, to trace [with accusative ‘something’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘from somewhere’]
  24. to attribute, to ascribe [with accusative ‘something’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘to someone’]
  25. (grammar) to cause to agree grammatically [with accusative ‘one word’ and عَلَى (ʕalā) ‘with another’]

Etymology 1.2

ح م ل (ḥ m l)
19 terms





حَمَّلَ (ḥammala) II (non-past يُحَمِّلُ (yuḥammilu), verbal noun تَحْمِيل (taḥmīl))

  1. (ditransitive) to cause or ask to carry, deliver, etc. [with accusative ‘someone’ and accusative ‘something’]
  2. (ditransitive) to burden [with accusative ‘someone’ and accusative ‘with something’]
    • 609–632 CE, Qur'an, 2:286:
      رَبَّنَا وَلَا تُحَمِّلْنَا مَا لَا طَاقَةَ لَنَا بِهِ
      rabbanā walā tuḥammilnā mā lā ṭāqata lanā bihī
      Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear.
  3. (ditransitive) to impose [with accusative ‘on someone’ and accusative ‘something’]

Etymology 1.3






حَمْل (ḥamlm (plural حِمَال (ḥimāl) or أَحْمَال (ʔaḥmāl))

  1. verbal noun of حَمَلَ (ḥamala) (form I)
  2. carrying
  3. pregnancy
  4. embryo



حَمْل (ḥamlm (plural حِمَال (ḥimāl) or حُمُول (ḥumūl) or أَحْمَال (ʔaḥmāl))

  1. fruit of a tree

Etymology 1.4






حِمْل (ḥimlm (plural أَحْمَال (ʔaḥmāl))

  1. burden, load

Etymology 1.5






حَمَل (ḥamalm (plural حُمْلان (ḥumlān))

  1. lamb
Derived terms



Etymology 1


Borrowed from Arabic حَمْل (ḥaml).



حمل (haml)

  1. transport, carriage, bearing
    حمل و نقلhaml-o-naqltransportation

Etymology 2


Borrowed from Arabic حَمَل (ḥamal).

Proper noun


حمل (hamal)

  1. (Dari and dated elsewhere) Hamal, the first month of the solar Persian calendar.
    Synonym: فروردین (farvardin)
  2. (astrology) Aries
  3. (astronomy) Hamal (An orange giant and the brightest star in the constellation Aries)
See also

South Levantine Arabic

ح م ل
2 terms

Etymology 1


From Arabic حَمَلَ (ḥamala).


  • IPA(key): /ħa.mal/, [ˈħa.mal]
  • Audio (al-Lidd):(file)



حمل (ḥamal) I (present بحمل (biḥmil))

  1. to carry
    Conjugation of حمل (ḥamal)
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m حملت (ḥamalt) حملت (ḥamalt) حمل (ḥamal) حملنا (ḥamalna) حملتو (ḥamaltu) حملو (ḥamalu)
f حملتي (ḥamalti) حملت (ḥamlat)
present m بحمل (baḥmil) بتحمل (btiḥmil) بحمل (biḥmil) منحمل (mniḥmil) بتحملو (btiḥmilu) بحملو (biḥmilu)
f بتحملي (btiḥmili) بتحمل (btiḥmil)
subjunctive m أحمل (ʔaḥmil) تحمل (tiḥmil) يحمل (yiḥmil) نحمل (niḥmil) تحملو (tiḥmilu) يحملو (yiḥmilu)
f تحملي (tiḥmili) تحمل (tiḥmil)
imperative m احمل (iḥmil) احملو (iḥmilu)
f احملي (iḥmili)

Etymology 2


From Arabic حَمَّلَ (ḥammala).





حمّل (ḥammal) II (present بحمّل (biḥammel))

  1. (transitive) to load
  2. (computing) to upload
    Antonym: نزّل (nazzal)
    Conjugation of حمّل (ḥammal)
singular plural
1st person 2nd person 3rd person 1st person 2nd person 3rd person
past m حمّلت (ḥammalt) حمّلت (ḥammalt) حمّل (ḥammal) حمّلنا (ḥammalna) حمّلتو (ḥammaltu) حمّلو (ḥammalu)
f حمّلتي (ḥammalti) حمّلت (ḥammalat)
present m بحمّل (baḥammel) بتحمّل (bitḥammel) بحمّل (biḥammel) منحمّل (minḥammel) بتحمّلو (bitḥammlu) بحمّلو (biḥammlu)
f بتحمّلي (bitḥammli) بتحمّل (bitḥammel)
subjunctive m احمّل (aḥammel) تحمّل (tḥammel) يحمّل (yḥammel) نحمّل (nḥammel) تحمّلو (tḥammlu) يحمّلو (yḥammlu)
f تحمّلي (tḥammli) تحمّل (tḥammel)
imperative m حمّل (ḥammel) حمّلو (ḥammlu)
f حمّلي (ḥammli)

Etymology 3


From Arabic حَمَل (ḥamal).


  • IPA(key): /ħa.mal/, [ˈħa.mal]



حمل (ḥamalm (plural حملان (ḥumlān))

  1. lamb
  2. (astrology) Aries
See also
Signs of the Zodiac · الأبراج (il-ʔabrāj)
الحمل (il-ḥamal, Aries) التور (it-tōr, Taurus) الجوزاء (il-jōzāʔ, Gemini) السرطان (is-saraṭān, Cancer)
الأسد (il-ʔasad, Leo) العذراء (il-ʕazrāʔ, Virgo) الميزان (il-mīzān, Libra) العقرب (il-ʕaqrab, Scorpio)
القوس (il-ʔōs, Sagittarius) الجدي (il-jidi, Capricorn) الدلو (id-dalu, Aquarius) الحوت (il-ḥūt, Pisces)



Etymology 1


Borrowed from Classical Persian حمل (haml), from Arabic حَمْل (ḥaml).



حمل (hamlm

  1. transport, carriage, bearing
  2. pregnancy

Etymology 2


Borrowed from Classical Persian حمل (hamal), from Arabic حَمَل (ḥamal).

Proper noun


حمل (hamalm

  1. Aries