User talk:Solarkoid

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Latest comment: 1 year ago by Solarkoid in topic Topic
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Solarkoid (talk) 08:03, 29 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

User scripts


არვიცი დისკორდში გითხრეს თუ არა უკვე მაგრამ არსებობს ეგეთი კაი რამე რასაც ჰქვია იუზერ სკრიპტები. ბევრი კაი სკრიპტია თუ ჩაირთავ კაი ფუნქციონალები შეიძლება დაგემატოს და დაგეხმაროს რედაქტირებაში etc. აი მაგალითად ამით ქართულ სიტყვებზე და ლინკები დაემატება ღილაკები. თუ გინდა ეს ხაზი დაიმატე აქ

importScript('User:Dixtosa/link to GED.js');

Dixtosa (talk) 09:53, 31 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

Verb form translations


Please do not add translations to verb forms. We won't be able to convey the meaning and intricacies of most verb forms in a single line anyways. Even for the simple case of გშიათ: is "you" formal singular or plural? Could it be imperative? IMHO. Dixtosa (talk) 10:26, 23 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

@Dixtosa They are reading though right? The page clearly says second-person plural present indicative. (Future) Positive Imperative has the same form as Aorist Indicative so their forms should be together under the same page and etymology. Indicative indicates the mood too, it can't be Imperative if it's "the Indicative Mood" already, they're moods. But sure, removing translations is good for verbs with multiple meanings... Also, about adding "non-lemma" forms under See also was done, because I couldn't create a conjugation table for Static passive verbs yet, I have to look into their declension special cases, so I wanted people to somehow know how the other forms are made. I'm getting constantly asked about this and that person, so wiktionary is the only way to answer all those questions at once for me. I don't know the standards well, but since you do, I'll take your word for it. If you know a way to do that without creating a conjugation table, I'm all for it. -Solarkoid (talk) 13:26, 23 August 2020 (UTC)Reply



Is there any reason you are removing this template from entries? This template not only generates definitions but also a link to Appendix:Georgian_verbs which should be a nice guide how to interpret the formulation in the definition. Dixtosa (talk) 15:40, 23 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

Didn't know that specialty of it. Though, I like how inflection of handles things, plus has most things we need in Georgian. Maybe try to copy its style fully? Like as in all the points it makes and utilize it fully for Georgian? To that, I don't know how to use some things since there are no documentations, thought making everything more equal would be better. Can you write documentation on how to use that and ka-verb? I'm kinda having trouble with that. For Georgian we need mainly these categories:
Tense/Aspect Combination: Present, Imperfect, Future, Aorist, Perfect, Pluperfect
Mood (Sometimes not counted): Indicative, Imperative, Subjunctive/Conjunctive (latter is more directly georgian), Optative (A kind of subjunctive)
I also wanted to clarify one thing with you, should we uh include perfective or imperfective on future and present forms? Generally it's assumed that Present: Imperfective; Future: Perfective but it seems languages like Russian with half-similar system does it. -Solarkoid (talk) 18:13, 23 August 2020 (UTC)Reply

Verb Questions


Hey, thanks for fixing up some of the pages I made, I'm currently learning Georgian so I'm not an expert but I'd like there to be more Georgian on Wiktionary so I'm trying to fill in the gaps where I can and where I know what I'm doing. When thing that I've noticed though is that the main pages for verbs are all over the place, different lemmas are used for different verbs and sometimes two different lemmas are used for the same verb (like გააკეთებს and აკეთებს). It seems that there needs to be some consensus as to what the lemma for Georgian verbs should be (my vote is the third person singular future indicative) and that should be stuck to. Any ideas? Thanks so much! 2WR1 (talk) 17:48, 19 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

@2WR1 First off, thank you very much for contributing to Georgian terms too. Actually this has been my concern for a month now, but since my computer is off the table now (monitor died) I didn't start any conversation. I completely agree with your thought there, however I am split in two with this problem since Georgian has 2 types of future-making ways.
1. Class 1 and 2 verbs make future by adding a preverb most of the time, unless the verb is irregular (იცის, ხედავს, etc).
2. Class 3 and 4 using a thematic suffix and a prefix combination.
there are also verbs with preverbs indicating direction in present and not the aspect (მიდის...)
I havent actually asked anyone if we could do a double lemmatization: If class 1 & 2 can be lemmatized as future and class 3 & 4 w/ irregulars can be present lemmas, that would be amazing. Though first, what do you two think: @Dixtosa, @Reordcraeft. -Solarkoid (talk) 19:07, 19 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
You're welcome! I can't necessarily help build templates and stuff, but I can add vocabulary and conjugation tables and stuff. Let me know if there's any way I can help!
That's a good point with the verb classes, maybe different lemmas for different classes is the best. In that case maybe the class should be made clear for each verb in the information section. The 3p singular future etc. verb for is used for I and II verbs as it displays the most information, so whatever form does that best for III and IV. I don't think the masdar is great for a lemma but I think they should always be included in the verb information at the head.
Another thing I was thinking about, Latin verbs on Wiktionary are listed under the 1st person singular present indicative as the lemma for AND in the definitions they always listed as "I eat", "I go" etc. Right now, for Georgian verbs listed under the 3sg fut. as the lemma, the definitions are "to eat", etc. (actually, sidenote, "to eat" for Georgian right now is listed under just ჭამს and not its future შეჭამს, should I change that?) So I was thinking, would it make more sense to do like Latin and list the definitions as they actually would be for the form of the lemma as "he/she/it will eat it" or something like that? 2WR1 (talk) 20:36, 19 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
Also, sorry about mixing up aorist and masdar, I got confused for a second there, thanks for fixing those for me! 2WR1 (talk) 20:40, 19 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
I don't actually know, but unlike Latin which had possibility for infinitives (I think it has several), Georgian does not. Dixtosa mentioned he doesn't want for verbs to have definitions in person listed in verb forms, plus the thing that it's not an infinitive in Georgian is listed in parentheses. And ye, definitely, masdar is not used as a normal lemma infinitive-substitute, some verbs have irregular or nonexistent/hard to decode masdars and it's just not consistent enough (cf. ც-ოდ-ნ-ა where the main is ც: verb ი-ც-ი-ს). Right now ჭამს is fine. If our thought gets to finalizing and Class 1 & 2 do get lemma as future, then we'll move the main page to შეჭამს, გადაჭამს. Also no problem on the aorist and masdar, some verbs have it really similarly so it's okay :D. -Solarkoid (talk) 05:16, 20 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
Okay, great, thanks for the help! Let me know some consensus is reached on lemmas. 2WR1 (talk) 05:32, 20 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

Present = Future verbs


I saw you just added the conjugation table for the verb აღწერს, I was just wondering, the way I learned this verb is that, because if you dropped the preverb you would have a different verb წერს, you use the future forms for the present to have the correct sense. Is that not true? Thanks! 2WR1 (talk) 18:36, 23 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

@2WR1 you're half correct. The verb has no real present though, however Georgians made the present circle of 1st series themselves (look at the usage note on there) by making ა- the preverb and -ღწერ- the root. I know it sounds funny, but I've heard some people say ვ-ღწერ, ა-ვ-ღწერ... I however, will add that in notes. Thank you. To say "I'm describing" one would say აღწერას ვაკეთებ, ვახასიათებ, ვასურათებ or something along the lines of that. BTW, Search "ვღწერ" on google with the ""s and you'll see it actually being using. -Solarkoid (talk) 18:49, 23 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
Wow, that's very interesting. So it would be incorrect then to say like "წიგნს აღვწერ" to mean "I'm describing the book"? Maybe the book I'm using to learn is a little outdated or something, but English-language Georgian learning resources are few, so I have to make do with what I have haha. So for most verbs that have different preverbs that change the meaning significantly you make a "do X-ing" construction? Should the conjugation tables then either reflect this by having the present subseries blank, maybe with a note, or filled in with the appropriate VN + გააკეთებს form? 2WR1 (talk) 19:08, 23 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
I can't really think of those kinds of situations until you point it out to me like you did it on the abovementioned verb. "აღწერას ვაკეთებ"... I don't know how correct it is syntaxically, so I can't say anything. I'd go with synonyms though, "წიგნს აღვწერ" is "I'll describe a book", "I'm describing a book" would be "წიგნს ვახასიათებ/ვასურათებ", but former is more common... You'll find a thousand ways to say something just to avoid saying a different thing, so going from English to Georgian directly isn't always the best bet. Right now I added a note for the aforementioned verb, but we'll need to think of something. -Solarkoid (talk) 19:15, 23 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
Oh, okay, interesting, maybe in that case such verbs should be marked as defective? 2WR1 (talk) 22:19, 23 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

Stative verbs


წერია რას ერჩოდი აქ? Dixtosa (talk) 23:33, 27 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

@Dixtosa მასე იყოს? რავიცი თუ განმარტების არეში გინდა იყოს, მაშ. აწი მაქ ჩავრთავ, საერთოდ სტატიკურსაც და დინამიკურსაც იმაში ვწერდი, რაქვია, კა-ვერბ-ის შემდგომ ველებში -Solarkoid (talk) 23:37, 27 September 2020 (UTC)Reply
კატეგორიზაციას ახდენს რაც კაია. ისე კი ka-verb-მაც რო დაიწყოს მაგის დაკატეგორიზებაც ეგაც შესაძლებელია. ka-verbში ახლა იწერება ზმნის რა ფორმაა ეს სტატია (აწმყო თუ მომავალი) და სტატიკურობა ხო ფორმა არაა. როცა ზმნის ყველა მნიშვნელობა ერთნაირია ისე მინახავს ჰედვორდის გვერდზე ცალკე თარგად ადგამენ ლეიბლებს (ვთქვათ გარდამავლობას). ეგაც შეიძლება. მოკლედ მანამ დავაკატეგორიზებ ka-verb-ში იყოს ასე ცალ-ცალკე სენსებზე ლეიბლებში.
ka-verbიც კაი მისახედია... Dixtosa (talk) 23:44, 27 September 2020 (UTC)Reply

ჩემი იუზერ სკრიპტის შეტენვის კიდევ ერთი მცდელობა :)



წინა კი დააიგნორე მაგრამ anyways...

ზედმეტად მოსაბეზრებელი რომ არ იყოს სიტყვების შეტანა სკრიპტი დავწერე რომელიც ძაან ჰგავს NewEntryCreator-ს. იდეაში ზუსტი ასლია უბრალოდ ქართული ენის წესებიც შევიყვანე. ხოდა თუ გინდა ნახე წესით ნოლიდან სტატიის აკრეფას კი ჯობია. Noun-ზე inflection-ის დამატება და verb form-ზე მწკრივის და სერიის შეკითხვები დამრჩა გასაკეთებელი. კიდე თუ რამეს გაუმჯობესება შეიძლება მითხარი.

თუ დაგაინტერესა ეს ხაზი ჩააგდე აქ importScript('User:Dixtosa/NewerEntryCreator.js'); //Linkback: User:Dixtosa/NewerEntryCreator.js

@Reordcraeft, შეიძლება შენც დაგაინტერესოს. Dixtosa (talk) 20:09, 3 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

@Dixtosa დავაიგნორე არა ის. ინჩი არ ვიცი მე კოდირება, იმიტომ ვერაფერი ვერ ვქენი, თან პირველი სკრიპტი იმდენად არ ვიცი როგორ გამოვიყენებდი. ახლა ვცდი კაი რაღაც ჩანს ახალი იგენის დამატება. გამოსადეგარია მართლაც. თან ჩემ კლავიატურას რამოდენიმე ღილაკი მკვდარი აქვს ამიტომ დამჭირდება ეს ძაან. გამოყენება არ ვიცი მაგრამ რამეს ვიზამ. დიდი მადლობა!! >-< -Solarkoid (talk) 20:15, 3 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
@Dixtosa following up after testing for 1 entry. 3 main problems arose. I'm writing in English since I'm more comfortable with it. so... to start
1) Feature to have several main headers added. Since for example დაწვა is a verbal noun and a verb form (3p.s.aor and 2p.s.opt - perf).
2) For verbal nouns: have a feature to add a possible impf./pf. verbal noun entry on top of the already assigned value.
3) To add several definitions for verbal nouns for example.
Please, tell me if I'm doing this incorrectly, because maybe all 3 of my problems are already implemented... >-< I suwk -Solarkoid (talk) 20:28, 3 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
არცერთი არ მაქ.
1 - ეს რთულია ცოტა ეს ბოლო მაქ პრიორიტეტში.
2 - ეს მარტივია მაგრამ რაღაც კითხვის ნიშნები მაქ რამდენად სწორად ვექცევით სახელზმნებს. მაგალითად სახელზმნას "დება" პერფექტივ სახელზმნა დადება უნდა ჰქონდეს? რატომ არა გადება, მიდება etc.?
3 - მაგალითად? Dixtosa (talk) 20:36, 3 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
@Dixtosa: ok 1st one makes sense. 2nd: Ask russian. We only grab the main definitions preverb. Only the main definition is full.; 3: Like 1st definition: verbal noun of blahblah a; 2nd definition: verbal noun of blahblah b. because generally verbal noun has at least 2 verb counterparts, one active and one dynamic passive. Some of course have more, so if you could, I want you to add code so that we can have first verbal noun thingy entered. Then next verbal noun thingy entered and s.o.s.f. Also can we use Lua error in Module:form_of/templates at line 132: Parameter 1 is required. template for verbal noun creation instead of whatever popped up when I created a page? Thank you again uwu -Solarkoid (talk) 20:50, 3 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
@Solarkoid: მეორეზე რა მითხარი ვერ გავიგე )). მართლა მგონია რო დებილურადაა ახლა რო ერთი პერფექტივი გვაქ ka-verbal noun-ში. თუ შენც მასე ფიქრობ ხოარ წავუშალოთ მაგ თარგს ეგ პარამეტრი? 3. უი ეგ კი მაქ გაკეთებული comma separated lemma რო მიწერია ანუ თუ მძიმეთი გამოყოფ ორ ზმნას მიუთითებ მაგალითად "იშენებს,აშენებს" ასე. ამას მეკითხები ხო? Dixtosa (talk) 21:02, 5 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
@Dixtosa: ანუ რუსულს შეხედე-მეთქი. მაგენსაც ხო ბევრი სრული ასპექტის ზმნა შეუძლია გააკეთოს ერთი ზმნის ფუძითან: говорить - выговорить договорить сказать поговорить наговорить. საქყისი ფორმის გვერდით მარტო მთავარი მნიშვნელობის პერფექტივია სახსენები, გინდ იცვლიდეს მნიშვნელობას, გინდ არა: играть. დანარჩენ სრულ ასპექტებს თან Reordcraeft წარმოქმნილ ტერმინებში აქცევს უსრული ასპექტის საწყისის გვერდზე, ამიტომ ნორმალურია ჩემი აზრით. ჩვენ ვიფიქროთ პირველი და მეორე ტიპის ზმნების მომავლის ფორმის ლემატაზაცია, უფრო ადვის გახდის მაგ საქმეს. -Solarkoid (talk) 05:15, 6 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

Middle Georgian


Should we have an etymology-only code for Middle Georgian, like gkm for Category:Byzantine Greek? Or we can make a full code, allowing Middle Georgian entries to be created. We have code axm for Middle Armenian (1100–1600 AD), but from my experience it is very difficult distinguishing it from Old Armenian and modern Armenian. @Dixtosa --Vahag (talk) 13:23, 4 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

@Vahagn Petrosyan Ah! Yep. I even asked Meta and he said this: "Yeah, depends on whether academics have a clear, mostly settled definition we can work with" Middle Georgian isn't really THAT different from Old Georgian, but we do see some distinctions. Main distinction is the vocabulary, I guess. In MGE, poetry and literature got influenced a lot by East-Asian poetry and literature (cf. Vefkhistq'aosani; Visramiani...), there have been translations happening of non-religious stuff and it influenced the language a lot. The word ბუქი, in any form, isn't attested until somewhere around 12-13 century, it has to be from Middle Armenian itself. Anyhow, another big change was the making of 'future series'. Up until 10th century, future time was expressed by 1st and 2nd subjunctives. Change started happening in 10th century and fully grew later on, up until Modern Georgian. I would like there to be a code for Middle Georgian, but I don't know if there are any linguists and Kartvelologists agreeing to this. Maybe we could ask someone, but this is basically beyond my expertise. -Solarkoid (talk) 16:02, 4 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
Quoting Akaki Shanidze here: "The verbal category, aspect, was a huge turn for history of Georgian literature and language and that fact made a certain inbetween of Old and Modern Georgian and on that inbetween lies Middle Georgian, which signifies the existence of the two systems (aspectual distinction) and trying to make the new system more flexible and forget the old system." or something along the lines of this.
Arnold Chikobava makes 8 distinctions, comparing Old and New (From his perspective - middle) Georgian on basis of Vepkhist'q'aosani. but ye... — This unsigned comment was added by Solarkoid (talkcontribs).
Sounds like an etymology-only language code would not hurt. @Metaknowledge, what do you think? Solarkoid now writes "Middle Georgian" by hand [1]. The dictionaries of Old Georgian are strict in defining the languages as up to XI century, whereas Modern Georgian dictionaries can include Middle Georgian words. So I think it should be ka-mid, not oge-mid. --Vahag (talk) 18:30, 4 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
@Vahagn Petrosyan, -sche: I think an etymology-only code is definitely appropriate; the question that I am still unable to assess is whether there is a clear enough definition and clear enough distinction to warrant 'Middle Georgian' as an L2. It would be best to decide that before rolling out an etymology-only code. —Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 19:06, 4 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
I don't speak Georgian, so the input I can give is limited, but: I see literature discussing Middle Georgian as a thing, both from the point of view of discussing Old Georgian and its continuation into Middle Georgian, and from discussing the changes that led to Middle Georgian as a new stage which continued into Modern Georgian, as well as from the point of view of comparing all three. This includes literature which discusses changes that happened during Middle Georgian that make early Middle Georgian different from later Middle Georgian which suggests it's recognized as a lect (encompassing different forms, which developed), as with Middle English, and is not e.g. just a designation of convenience for "the intermediate form between OG and modG".
But as for whether we need a full code, let me ask: if we don't give them their own header, would we be including Middle Georgian terms and forms as Old Georgian, or (as Vahag's comment suggests) as modern Georgian? And how different is Middle Georgian from whichever form of Georgian we'd be treating it as? If verb forms had different endings (not just that some conjugated forms stopped being used, or started to be used, which we could handle with labels in conjugation tables), and a significant chunk of vocabulary is not present in the other stage or is spelled differently, that would suggest a separate code could be useful, especially if Middle Georgian and modern Georgian have different standardized spellings. OTOH, if the standardized spellings and verb endings are largely the same, and/or our Georgian speakers would prefer to enter Middle Georgian (and its verb conjugations, etc) under ==Georgian== with labels/qualifiers, that would sound workable. Pinging our Georgian speakers: User:Dixtosa, User:ჯეო, User:Reordcraeft, User:Abkhazian1,do any of you have knowledge/opinions about this? - -sche (discuss) 00:11, 5 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
Now that you mention it, I can't really put my hand on differences between Middle Georgian and Modern Georgian. Only thing I can say is few screeves were dropped, especially imperative 1 and 2 and habitual 2. Some verb personal endings (-d, -n) have dropped actually, but I don't know if it was OGE -> MidG or MidG -> ModG. Also dropped habitual ending strong -i. appeared new one such as (-n-en) in modG. Vocabulary difference from OGE -> MidG is not big, but some vocabulary still surfaces. Either we don't have proof that it appeared in OGE period or it definitely appeared in MidG period (cf. ბიჭი (bastard sense), ბუქი, ჩოხა) but since MidG period is long, we cannot say for sure: sense bastard in early Mid Georgian has now become boy and is really common in modern Georgian. ბუქი is not as common, we have the derivative ქარბუქი used instead. Chokha, the 3rd word, is pretty common. That's why I can't judge. just like how you said "Intermediary between OGE and ModG" is how I view it and, I guess, it's how it's viewed. Vahag has mentioned Middle Armenian being hard to distinguish from old and new, but, basically, I'm like that with Mid Georgian, except I can say some key distinctions from OGE, which became prominent in Middle Georgian's literature. but as Vahag mentioned, maybe an etymology-only code wouldn't hurt. -Solarkoid (talk) 08:15, 5 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
Based on how much pain I have had differentiating Middle Armenian from Old Armenian and New Armenian, I say do not create a separate ==Middle Georgian== header. If you do, before creating an entry Georgian editors will have to find the text in which a term appears and determine its date. This kind of philology is very difficult. They will need a large library like mine. And unlike Armenian, Google Books is not rich in OCRed Georgian texts. --Vahag (talk) 14:25, 5 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
@Vahagn Petrosyan I'd agree, but there's the GNC right? Georgian Corpus holding pieces of literature and their approximate or precise dates? You're right though... That's why it'd be probably for the best to have only the etymology code and have all Middle Georgian words under one category. Plus the difference between vocabulary changes, unlike English, are subtle, so a full language code would be unnecessary. -Solarkoid (talk) 14:29, 5 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
I don't know how complete GNC is. Then there will be words found only in medieval and early modern dictionaries. In Armenian, such dictionaries contain both contemporary material and unusual words from now lost works of earlier centuries. There is no way of knowing to which century they belong without deep philology and etymology. I am talking about cases like թառափ (tʻaṙapʻ). --Vahag (talk) 14:39, 5 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
@Dixtosa now I don't know how to judge well and shit, you have more experience in terms of Wiki. I want you to look at this pdf. Thanks in advance. I can't assure people to change anything, I'll just mention them under Old Georgian or Modern Georgian -Solarkoid (talk) 16:10, 5 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
An etymology-only code is a minor change. If you are going to mention Middle Georgian anyway, then the code would automatically link to, which is not very imformative now, but could be expanded later. We should also have a context label categorizing senses into Category:Middle Georgian, a subcategory of Category:Georgian language. There is no harm in this. --Vahag (talk) 05:26, 6 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
Yes, it sounds like an etymology-only code is better than a full code, for this. - -sche (discuss) 10:38, 6 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
I added a "ka-mid" code for Middle Georgian and a corresponding context label, which can be used like this and this. --Vahag (talk) 10:14, 11 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
I understand I'm a latecomer to this discussion, but I agree with the proposal of creating etymology-only code for Middle Georgian, which is difficult to clearly delineate, identify or date, compared to other continental European languages. However, should we use the Nuskhuri/Khutsuri script for etymological entries? We currently use modern Georgian (Mkhedruli) script for non-etymology-only Old Georgian entries instead of Asomtavruli/Mrgvlovani, which I think is a mistake. The evolution of the script is one way to trace the language development, as the shapes of Nuskha-Khutsuri letters were heavily influenced by Arabic and roughly match the period of increased influence of Arabic language (including numerous loanwords) in the Southern Caucasus region. --Reordcraeft (talk) 14:26, 11 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
Old Georgian dictionaries normalize the spelling to Mkhedruli. The Old Georgian texts on the Internet too are in Mkhedruli. However, I have seen print editions in Asomtavruli, e.g. the Old Georgian text of the Physiologus by Marr: Of course I would be happy to see more of Asomtavruli which was probably invented for you by our Mashtots, but it would inconvenience most of the Georgian editors. --Vahag (talk) 14:58, 11 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
@Reordcraeft, Dixtosa, Vahagn Petrosyan And dare I say, Mashtots was a hell of a smart man. But yes, I would personally be really inconvenienced. Have to learn asomtavruli and nuskha-khutsuri then, and that'd take some time. I disagree with it being uh... handy and easy to operate, but do agree on coolness. Right now we need to prioritize operative work. What we CAN do is what Serbian does, or well a bit different. Write the main article in Mkhedruli, but make a thingy template to have the asomtavruli/nuskhuri, whichever the majority chooses, next to the entry. What do y'all think? -Solarkoid (talk) 15:55, 11 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

Old Georgian quotation library


I have made Module:Quotations/oge/data which you can expand on the model of Module:Quotations/grc/data and Module:Quotations/xcl/data. See the use in ჰასაკი (hasaḳi). --Vahag (talk) 10:53, 11 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

@Vahagn Petrosyan Oh that's amazing! Thank you :D And thank you for middle georgian as well. The thing I wanna know is, the bible editions we have, are they actually 5th century translations? Because from wikipedia we have this:
"უძველესი ბიბლიიდან დღესდღეობით ჩვენამდე ქართული ბიბლიის რამდენიმე მეტ-ნაკლები სისრულის კრებულმა მოაღწია. მათგან ყველაზე ადრეულია 978 წელს ოშკში ათონის მთის მოღვაწის..."
"From the oldest bibles, today we have several nearly full bibles in Georgian. From those, the oldest was written in 978 in Oshk by a priest (or someone basically living there) on Atoni Mountain...." so in fact the oldest bible is from latter 10th century, but the words, of course, still are Old Georgian, but not as old as Shushanik, Habo or Grigol. The thing is Oshk bible could be rewritten from an earlier Georgian translations but :shrug: is what I am feeling rn. -Solarkoid (talk) 13:23, 11 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
What matters is not the date of the manuscript but the date of composition. For Armenian, almost all works survive in manuscripts copied in later centuries but philology can determine the date of first composition. You can read about the history of Old Georgian Bible here. From what I understand, at least the Gospels and the Psalms are from the 5th century, but there were certainly new translations and corrections in later centuries. TITUS has several editions of your Bible at I will change the date to "5th century and later"․ I will also add Shushanik to the quotation library. --Vahag (talk) 13:48, 11 October 2020 (UTC)Reply
Oh ok, that clears the confusion up! Thank you again SO MUCH Vahag. You really help a lot around here. -Solarkoid (talk) 14:48, 11 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

მაგალითი წინადადებები



მაგალითები კარგი რაღაცაა თუ კარგი მაგალითია ზოგჯერ თარგმანსაც კი ჯობია. და ზუსტად მაგისთვის ვიყენებ ხოლმე მე )) სადაც მაგალითს ვწერ შეგიძლია ჩათვალო რომ არ ვარ ჩემი თარგმანით კმაყოფილი ))

მაგალით წინადადებებში ვცდილობ ხოლმე რომ ისეთი იყოს რაც ინგლისურენოვანი პირისთვის იქნება ყველაზე ახლოს, მარტივად გასაგები. აი ვთქვათ თუ სიტყვათა რაიმე წყობა ერთად ძალიან ხშირად გამოიყენება ეგ წინადადება ძალიან მარტივი გასაგები იქნება. შემდეგი იდეალური ვარიანტია თუ პირიქით ქართულში არის სიტყვათა წყობა ხშირი. აგრეთვე, ძალიან კარგი იქნება თუ წინადადება იქნება სრული ანუ კონტექსტი არ იქნება მოგლეჯილი აი მაგალითად ნახულობს აქ მეორე მაგალითი ძაან გაუგებარია ყველაენოვანისთვის. ენაჯიზე რაცაა მაგალითი იქიდან უფრო აზრიანია წინადადება და უფრო გასაგებიცაა to find-ის რა მნიშვნელობაა ნაგულისხმები. უფრო აღმოჩენა არის ენაჯის მაგალითიდან ანუ to notice. Dixtosa (talk) 22:13, 14 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

უი ეს ახლა ვნახე "შენ ქათმები წერილს არ გამოგატანდნენ." :D Dixtosa (talk) 22:17, 14 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

Done -Solarkoid (talk) 22:21, 14 October 2020 (UTC)Reply

Translating terms from The Church of Almighty God into Georgian


How could the following terms from The Church of Almighty God, a Christian new religious movement, be translated into Georgian?

全能神教會 (Quánnéng Shén Jiàohuì) ― The Church of Almighty God ― Maybe ყოვლისშემძლე ღმერთის ეკლესია (q̇ovlisšemʒle ɣmertis eḳlesia)?

東方閃電 (Dōngfāng Shǎndiàn) ― Eastern Lightning (as The CAG is also known)

全能神 (Quánnéng Shén) ― Almighty God

話在肉身顯現 (Huà zài ròushēn xiǎnxiàn) ― The Word Appears in the Flesh

律法時代 (Lǜfǎ Shídài) ― The Age of Law (i.e. the time of the Old Testament)

恩典時代 (Ēndiǎn Shídài) ― The Age of Grace (i.e. from the Advent of Jesus Christ to Almighty God's appearance in China)

救贖時代 (Jiùshú Shídài) ― The Age of Redemption (A synonym for The Age of Grace)

國度時代 (Guódù Shídài) ― The Age of Kingdom (i.e. the current age that started with Almighty God's appearance in China in 1991)

話語時代 (Huàyǔ Shídài) ― The Age of Word (as in the Word of God; both the Age of Kingdom and the Age of Millennial Kingdom are called the Age of Word, although they're not to be confused with each other)

千年國度時代 (Qiānnián Guódù Shídài) ― The Age of Millennial Kingdom

大紅龍 (Dà Hóng Lóng) ― The Great Red Dragon (CAG theology identifies the Great Red Dragon with the Chinese Communist Party)

Thanks for reading. --Apisite (talk) 09:22, 5 November 2020 (UTC)Reply



Thank you for your cleanup of 자주 (jaju), very much appreciated! :) And I know how long it can take, haha. --Karaeng Matoaya (talk) 15:13, 10 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

@Karaeng Matoaya: Anytime! I had fun learning some new words, though. I've heard some people say, that some words are incorrectly defined on here so pretty much every word needs to be checked. And about 한문 투의 편지에서, 어머님을 뜻하는 말... I had no way to translate 한문투/한문체 so I wrote formal literary. -Solarkoid (talk) 16:46, 10 November 2020 (UTC)Reply
네 맞아요..... 정의가 부정확한 항목이 태반이에요 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ 특히 네이버 한영사전에서 그대로 따온 내용도 많아서 저작권 우려도 있어요. 하나하나 고쳐나가야 할 텐데...
한문투는 일단 제가 {{lb|ko|Hanmuntu}}를 만들었으니까 이제부터 그렇게 쓰면 될 것 같아요!--Karaeng Matoaya (talk) 17:37, 10 November 2020 (UTC)Reply

Judeo-Georgian language


Hello! I know that you want me to write links to sources where I took these words. But I take the words from the Internet, as well as from an article from Journal of Jewish languages «Judeo-Georgian Language as an Identity Marker of Georgian Jews (The Jews Living in Georgia)». This article isn't available to me (need to pay to read it), so I write out the words from the preview of this article. Soon I will point out the links to this article. Sheo123 (talk) 17:35, 21 May 2021 (UTC)Reply

@Sheo123: You need to use sources more carefully than that. You can use Sci-Hub to read paywalled articles. —Μετάknowledgediscuss/deeds 17:44, 21 May 2021 (UTC)Reply
@Sheo123 I found the book on google and preview is available. You can find it here. I think creating a general reference template for this is good, since it also benefits other languages, but I'm busy right now, though I will do it maybe tomorrow. The thing with Judeo-Georgian is, to my knowledge, that it's not used at all right now and to that it's just Hebrew with some Georgian grammar principles, so yeah... Idk, we'll see if it's necessary. If that is the case, then let's just keep it and see how things work out. If, as Meta said, you can find that journal and access it, we should also create a template for that.

Georgian terms for medlars


Hi there! Just noticed your edit to the page on the Proto-Kartvelian *sxmarṭl-. For your interest, the dialectic forms and spellings I cited are all taken directly from Kakitadze et al.'s სამკურნალო მცენარეთა ელექტრონული ლექსიკონი. You can also find a searchable PDF copy here. I included the individual regions because Kakitadze does; even though yes, it's all Georgian, I thought the dialectic information would still be worthwhile including. Perhaps on the individual pages for each variant might be a better place for it? Thefamouseccles (talk) 06:02, 18 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

@Thefamouseccles Ah yes no worries! You searched it well, thanks. It's better to include it in the original standard form's page - alternative forms going with all the dialects. I'll do it right now. -Solarkoid (talk) 07:03, 18 June 2021 (UTC)Reply

Thanks for contribute to 녀다, I have some question


I glad to see your care for wiktionary. I added the quote carelessly, but I didn't have delebrate to neglect one whom contribute before. I only didn't notice quotation button.

I'm dare to ask "can I add my declamation for each okm quote?" This will be able to be added by confusion and controversy. And I study Georgian language and I will add Georgian words to wiktionary. Then considering on the situation I don't speak Georgian fluently, is it wise not to add quotation?

Thanks for reading by it. Excuse for my clumsy English. --호로조 (talk) 23:58, 16 October 2021 (UTC)Reply

아뇨. 괜찮습니다;; If you want to add an okm, I recommend asking the user Tibidibi and I'm sure he'll teach you how to do so. As for Georgian, sure. You can add entries as long as they're correct in definition and follow correct conjugation. You don't have to add quotations. You can take previous, but new Georgian entries and see how they're made. I've been quite busy so can't edit for Wiktionary until my 시간을 낼 수 있어요 but yeah... TT well sure, go ahead :) and good luck. -Solarkoid (talk) 07:38, 17 October 2021 (UTC)Reply



I accidentally misclicked and my email application (Thunderbird) completely nuked your email; it's not even in spam or trash folder, so I'm not sure what I even clicked. Could you resend it please?

PS: If you do stuff like "კუეშჩონ", we might as well just train our English instead at that point. :p კვარია (talk) 08:06, 18 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

ddddddd cudad var. Yeah I can't find my sent mail either so... rip. It's fine I guess I don't remember what I wanted to send, it was some link about Laz though so.
and yesh I may be forgetting conversational Georgian at this point very uwu -Solarkoid (talk) 11:41, 18 November 2022 (UTC)Reply