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di furto

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di furto

  1. (obsolete) secretly, stealthily, surreptitiously, furtively
    Synonyms: di nascosto, furtivamente
    • c. 1307, Dante Alighieri, “Trattato quarto [Fourth Treatise]”, in Convivio [The Banquet]‎[1], Florence: Le Monnier, published 1964, Chapter 5:
      Non puose Iddio le mani proprie, quando li Franceschi, tutta Roma presa, prendeano di furto Campidoglio di notte, e solamente la voce d’una oca fè ciò sentire?
      Was the hand of God not evident when the Gauls, having taken all of Rome, secretly seized the Capitol during the night and only the cry of a goose made it known?