Insect & Pest Info

Insect & Pest Info

Insect & Pest Info

Identification & Management Assistance

For assistance with insect identification and management in Kentucky, bring questions and specimens directly to your local County Extension Office. Your local office can also help you find and print factsheets and other information. These services are provided to Kentuckians at no cost.

List of Kentucky County Extension Offices

Residents of states outside of Kentucky should contact their local or regional extension service.

En Español

Consejo sobre los insectos en español.

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Field Crops

103 - Aphids
120 - Wireworms
154 - Kudzu Bug


407 - Slugs

Home & Health Pests

607 - Head Lice
636 - Bed Bugs

Contact Information

S-225 Ag Science Center Lexington, KY 40546-0091

(859) 257-7450