Insect & Pest Info
Insect & Pest Info
ENTfacts: By Topic
Identification & Management Assistance
For assistance with insect identification and management in Kentucky, bring questions and specimens directly to your local County Extension Office. Your local office can also help you find and print factsheets and other information. These services are provided to Kentuckians at no cost.
List of Kentucky County Extension Offices
Residents of states outside of Kentucky should contact their local or regional extension service.
More Resources
Field Crops
Alfalfa, Clover, and Pastures (ENT-17)
Field Corn (ENT-16)
Grain Sorghum (ENT-24)
Small Grain (ENT-47)
Soybeans (ENT-13)
Popcorn (ENT-62)
Tobacco (ENT-15)
Livestock & Poultry
Beef Cattle (ENT-11)
Dairy Cattle (ENT-12)
Horses (ENT-513)
Poultry (ENT-28)
Sheep & Goats (ENT-22)
Swine (ENT-23)
Midwest Fruit Pest Management Guide (Purdue)