Papers by Stephane Puissant
The Bulletin of zoological nomenclature, Sep 30, 2015

Cicadina, Dec 11, 2014
Matija Gogala celebrates his 77 th birthday on December 11 th 2014. He is among the pioneer resea... more Matija Gogala celebrates his 77 th birthday on December 11 th 2014. He is among the pioneer researchers of modern insect physiology and bioacoustics not only in Europe, but also worldwide. The authors and the "Arbeitskreis Zikaden" congratulate him warmly and wish him many good and busy years to come, and most of all, many more exiting days in the field that keep him busy! Matija's curriculum vitae Born in 1937 he has been interested in insects since his youth, just as he has been generally attracted to sound and music and, in particuar, the sounds of nature, from birdsong, the frogs croaking, the summer chirping of field crickets to the melancholic singing of tree crickets in autumn. He soon began to collect insects and to visit the curators of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History in Ljubljana. He chose the true bugs to collect and to "study" while leafing through the museum guidebook with his friend. His friend Bastian Kiauta, later professor at the University in Utrecht (Netherlands) chose dragonflies and damselflies. Both are still studying their chosen groups and are internationally renowned experts.
Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin, Apr 22, 2008
The male calling songs of the Mediterranean cicadas Tibicina tomentosa (Olivier 1790) from France... more The male calling songs of the Mediterranean cicadas Tibicina tomentosa (Olivier 1790) from France and Tibicina baetica (Rambur 1840) from Spain are described in detail for the first time. The absence of relevant acoustic differences between the two species together with the absence of morphological and eco-ethological specific characters leads to the proposal of the following new synonymy: Tibicina baetica (Rambur 1840) = Tibicina tomentosa (Olivier 1790), syn. nov.
Zoosystema, Apr 24, 2018
Les articles ainsi que les nouveautés nomenclaturales publiés dans Zoosystema sont référencés par... more Les articles ainsi que les nouveautés nomenclaturales publiés dans Zoosystema sont référencés par / Articles and nomenclatural novelties published in Zoosystema are referenced by:-ZooBank ® ( PHOTOCOPIES : Les Publications scientifiques du Muséum adhèrent au Centre Français d'Exploitation du Droit de Copie (CFC), 20 rue des Grands Augustins, 75006
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 2016
La description illustree du mâle de Cicadmalleus micheli Boulard & Puissant, 2013, premiere C... more La description illustree du mâle de Cicadmalleus micheli Boulard & Puissant, 2013, premiere Cigalemarteau recemment decouverte en Thailande, est donnee. La position systematique de l’espece est precisee, aboutissant a donner a la sous-tribu des Cicadmalleina un rang de tribu dans la sous-famille des Cicadinae, Cicadmalleini, n. stat. Des notes bio-ecologiques concernant les deux sexes sont mentionnees et la cymbalisation d’appel nuptial du mâle est analysee pour la premiere fois.

Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 2022
A cicada in the white of the eyes: synopsis of a very rare chromatic aberration in Cicadetta mont... more A cicada in the white of the eyes: synopsis of a very rare chromatic aberration in Cicadetta montana (Scopoli, 1772) (Hemiptera, Cicadidae). An unknown and very rare individual variation is presented for the first time in Cicadetta montana (Scopoli, 1772). The habitus differs from the typical form of the species by the white coloring of several anatomical parts which are mainly little sclerified and usually tinged with orange. If the compound eyes keep their usual brownish coloring, the ocelli are completely white. The comparison between two aberrant mature specimens with specimens of the typical form was made from cicadas collected in the department of Haute-Savoie (France). The degree of maturity of the aberrant specimens was evaluated, in order to remove the doubt on the suspicion of an incomplete coloration such as it exists in freshly emerged individuals. To do this, the complete observation of the chromatogenesis of two specimens was carried out in their natural environment. An approach to chromatic aberrations in cicadas is delivered and an explanation of this phenomenon is proposed in the light of scientific data available in the literature.
Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 1999
Deux individus mâles de Metrioptera bicolor ont ete captures en altitude dans le Vallespir, sur l... more Deux individus mâles de Metrioptera bicolor ont ete captures en altitude dans le Vallespir, sur la commune de Prats-de-Mollo a la fin de l'ete 1998. Cette espece est nouvelle pour le departement des Pyrenees-Orientales et le sud de la region Languedoc-Roussillon. De plus, ces deux mâles appartenaient a la tres rare forme macroptere sieboldi Fischer. A cette occasion, il est apparu utile de preciser les differences qui separent cette espece de M. azami, dont la coloration est plus variable qu'il n'est indique dans les faunes usuelles.
A new subspecies, Tibicina quadrisignata pilleti Puissant ssp. nov. is described from Morocco. Th... more A new subspecies, Tibicina quadrisignata pilleti Puissant ssp. nov. is described from Morocco. This cicada is similar to Tibicina quadrisignata (Hagen, 1855) but differs mainly in the body color of the males and some acoustic parameters, notably in the courtship song. A complete pipeline is developed for detailed analysis of the morphology and acoustic behavior of the two Tibicina taxa currently known in Morocco, i.e. Tibicina quadrisignata (Hagen, 1855) pilleti Puissant ssp. nov. and Tibicina maldesi Boulard, 1981. Biology, ecology and distribution are presented for the first time for both taxa. Tibicina maldesi emits an abnormally high carrier frequency relative to its size. It could be an adaptation to avoid acoustic interference with a sympatric Tibicina species yet to be discovered or extinct.
Worksheets containing raw data (acoustics, genetics, morphology) for the description of the Cicad... more Worksheets containing raw data (acoustics, genetics, morphology) for the description of the Cicadetta brevipennis taxa group:<br>Cicadetta brevipennis brevipennis, C. b. hippolaidica ssp. n., C. b. litoralis ssp. n., C. petryi.<br>
Zootaxa, Jan 25, 2016
A new species, Hyalessa scutata sp. nov., is described from Yunnan, China. This species is simila... more A new species, Hyalessa scutata sp. nov., is described from Yunnan, China. This species is similar to Hyalessa fuscata (Distant, 1905) but is distinguished by the larger male opercula and the evenly narrow uncal lobe. Hyalessa ella (Lei & Chou, 1997) syn. nov. is synonymized with Hyalessa stratoria (Distant, 1905). A detailed sound analysis of the calling songs of Hyalessa fuscata (Distant, 1905) and Hyalessa maculaticollis (De Motschulsky, 1866) is provided. A key to the species of Hyalessa China, 1925 is also provided. A discussion is conducted for the first time about the presence of potential hybrids between H. maculaticollis and H. fuscata within Tsushima Island situated in the Korea Strait.

Zootaxa, 2020
A recent paper by Ruschel & Campos (2019) on “leaf-winged” cicadas proposed a significant reorgan... more A recent paper by Ruschel & Campos (2019) on “leaf-winged” cicadas proposed a significant reorganization of the cicada tribe Hemidictyini Distant, 1905g, including synonymization of the monogeneric tribe Lacetasini Moulds & Marshall, 2018 following the results of a cladistic parsimony analysis of morphological characters. In this study, we reconsider and revise the morphological analysis of Ruschel & Campos and obtain new genetic data for Hemidictya. We find that their study suffers from a limited taxon sample, inappropriate outgroup selection, and misinterpretation of genitalic characters (uncus vs. claspers). We show that Hemidictyini sensu Ruschel & Campos includes members of multiple tribes and subfamilies, and we conclude that some of the taxonomic transfers by Ruschel & Campos are not supported. The two most similar and leaf-like cicadas, Hemidictya Burmeister, 1835 (South America) and Hovana Distant, 1905g (Madagascar), are probably not closely related but rather an excellent...

Molecular Ecology
Phylogeographic patterns in large mammals result from natural environmental factors and anthropog... more Phylogeographic patterns in large mammals result from natural environmental factors and anthropogenic effects, which in some cases include domestication. The grey wolf was once widely distributed across the Holarctic, but experienced phylogeographic shifts and demographic declines during the Holocene. In the 19th–20th centuries, the species became extirpated from large parts of Europe due to direct extermination and habitat loss. We reconstructed the evolutionary history of the extinct Western European wolves based on the mitogenomic composition of 78 samples from France (Neolithic‐20th century) in the context of other populations of wolves and dogs worldwide. We found a close genetic similarity of French wolves from ancient, medieval and recent populations, which suggests the long‐term continuity of maternal lineages. MtDNA haplotypes of the French wolves showed large diversity and fell into two main haplogroups of modern Holarctic wolves. Our worldwide phylogeographic analysis ind...

Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 2015
Hysteropterum reticulatum (Herrich-Schäffer, 1835) est formellement identifié pour la première fo... more Hysteropterum reticulatum (Herrich-Schäffer, 1835) est formellement identifié pour la première fois en France, ce qui porte à quatre le nombre total d'espèces du genre Hysteropterum présentes sur le territoire national. Contre toute attente, c'est à plus de 215 km au nord-ouest de son aire de répartition qu'il a été découvert, en proximité immédiate de la banlieue sud-ouest de la ville de Dijon. En outre, la consultation des collections du Muséum-Jardin des Sciences de Dijon a permis de découvrir une autre station située plus au sud, dans le département de la Saône-et-Loire. Ces deux stations, éloignées l'une de l'autre et de l'aire de répartition connue de l'espèce, s'inscrivent dans l'étage de végétation subméditerranéen tempéré. Abstract.-Hysteropterum reticulatum (Herrich-Schäffer, 1835), new species for France discovered in Burgundy (Hemiptera, Issidae). Hysteropterum reticulatum is for certain identified for the first time in France, increasing to four the total number of species belonging to the genus Hysteropterum and occurring on the national territory. Surprisingly, this species was found at more than 215 km northwest from its known distribution area, in the close vicinity of Dijon. Moreover, examination of the collections from the Museum-Sciences Garden of Dijon enabled to discover another station located further in south, in the department of Saône-et-Loire. These two stations are far away from one another and from the known distribution of the species. They have thermohygrometrical affinities and there phytoclimatic context belongs to the same vegetation class: sub-axeric class, temperate subclass.

Using bioacoustic methods only, we confi rm the presence of Cicadetta montana s. str. in France, ... more Using bioacoustic methods only, we confi rm the presence of Cicadetta montana s. str. in France, a cicada belonging to a complex of closely related species. Specimens of C. montana from France have probably been kept in collections for a long time but could not be identifi ed with certainty by morphological characters alone. The species was discovered in a single locality but it is highly probable that it will be found in many other parts of the country in particular in the north and east of France. This simple study illustrates how much bioacoustic studies can help in monotoring biodiversity, in particular biodiversity of closely related species and/or of species living in habitats diffi cult to reach or where visual contact is highly limited. Résumé. Suivi de la biodiversité par l'écoute : confi rmation par la bioacoustique de la présence de Cicadetta montana (Insecta : Hemiptera : Cicadidae) en France. Uniquement à partir d'analyses bioacoustiques, nous confi rmons la présence en France de Cicadetta montana s. str., espèce appartenant à un complexe d'espèces proches. C. montana de France était probablement conservée depuis longtemps dans les collections mais elle n'a pas pu être identifi ée de façon certaine par la seule analyse de caractères morphologiques. Cette espèce a été découverte dans une seule localité mais il est hautement probable qu'elle soit présente dans de nombreuses autres parties du pays, notamment au nord et à l'est du territoire. Cette étude simple illustre combien les études bioacoustiques peuvent être utiles à l'inventaire de la biodiversité, en particulier dans le cas d'espèces proches et/ou d'espèces occupant des habitats diffi ciles d'accès ou avec un contact visuel fortement réduit.
Mots-clés. Omocestus navasi, sous-espèce nouvelle, étages orthoptériques, Pyrénées-Orientales, Fr... more Mots-clés. Omocestus navasi, sous-espèce nouvelle, étages orthoptériques, Pyrénées-Orientales, France. Abstract. Omocestus navasi Bolivar, 1908 is reported for the first time in France. Morphological differences lead to the description of a new taxa: Omocestus navasi bellmanni ssp. nov. The first local characteristics are given as well as the species present within the same habitat.
Pictorial description of Cicadmalleus micheli n. g., n. sp., astonishing discovery from Thailand ... more Pictorial description of Cicadmalleus micheli n. g., n. sp., astonishing discovery from Thailand of a “Hammer-head cicada” belonging to a new subtribe.
Papers by Stephane Puissant