Escuela Politécnica Nacional
Metalurgia Extractiva
Los polvos de acería, residuos obtenidos de las corrientes gaseosas de los hornos de fusión y afino del acero, están constituidos principalmente por óxidos de zinc, óxidos de hierro y cantidades menores de metales pesados como el plomo y... more
A particular environmental problem is the growing generation and the difficulties in the disposal of waste tires. The European Union, USA, and Japan produce around 6 million tons of scrap tires per year; while in the entire world generate... more
Resumen: Este trabajo compara 2 agentes lixiviantes, H2SO4 y HCl con sus respectivos procesos de purificación y electrodeposición para recuperar Zn metálico a partir de residuos de polvos de acería. Estos polvos se generan en la... more
Se presentan algunos resultados de la gestión del Departamento de Metalurgia Extractiva (DEMEX) que se ha fundamentado en cinco criterios claves: definición de metas y objetivos muy claros; planificación estratégica coherente,... more
Steel dusts, considered as toxic wastes, are made of metal oxides (ZnO, PbO, Fe3O4), which can be valued by techniques like leaching with HCl o H2SO4, that are not selective with iron. Leachates have a pH between 1-2, therefore, it is... more
Carbon reactivation is a strategy to reduce waste and cost in many industrial processes, for example, effluent treatment, food industry, and hydrometallurgy. In this work, the effect of physical and chemical reactivation of granular... more
The influence of the carbonization conditions of palm kernel in the hardnessof the produced char was established. attrition process was tested with differentchars evaluating the increase of hardness and carbon loss. active... more
Nowadays, mining effluents have several contaminants that produce great damage to the environment, cyanide chief among them. Ferrites synthesized from transition metals have oxidative properties that can be used for cyanide oxidation due... more
One of the main sources of activated carbon is biomass which can be transformed into char by pyrolysis. Apart from the obtaining coal, the pyrolysis of biomass can be used for the preparation of fuels, and this is why it is very important... more
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has increased in recent decades due to the continuous advancement of technology in the modern world. These residues have various metals that are found in concentrations that make their... more
Red gypsum, a waste material which derives from the production of titanium dioxide with a high content of CaSO 4 and Fe(OH) 2 , was evaluated as a low-cost adsorbent mixed with green compost. Red gypsum is becoming interesting because of... more
The incorporation of titanium dioxide and copper onto activated carbon for phenol removal was evaluated. Based on catalyst contents and phenol degradation, four composites were selected and characterized. The results showed that both... more
The photocatalytic oxidation of cyanide by titanium dioxide (TiO2) supported on activated carbon (AC) was evaluated in a continuous flow UV photo-reactor. The continuous photo-reactor was made of glass and covered with a wood box to... more
The removal mechanisms that govern Se concentrations in the Great Salt Lake are unknown despite this terminal lake being an avian habitat of hemispheric importance. However, the volatilization flux of Se from the Great Salt Lake has not... more
A mass balance for Se in the south arm of the Great Salt Lake was developed for September 2006 to August 2007 of monitoring for Se loads and removal flows. The combined removal flows (sedimentation and volatilization) totaled to a... more
The Great Salt Lake (GSL) is a unique ecosystem in which trace element activity cannot be characterized by standard geochemical parameters due to the high salinity. Movement of selenium and other trace elements present in the lake bed... more
Mining and petroleum production are the source of many elements and base materials fundamental for our modern way of life. The flip side of these keystone industries is the environmental degradation they can cause if not properly managed.... more
In this paper, the effect of pre-injection timing on the combustion and emission performance of methanol/diesel high premixed charge compression ignition (HPCCI) combustion mode at low load was studied by three-dimensional numerical... more
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more