Jean is a resident of Baltimore, Maryland where she is a practicing health care provider with more than twenty-five years experience in direct patient care as a Certified Phys...ver másABOUT THE AUTHOR
Jean is a resident of Baltimore, Maryland where she is a practicing health care provider with more than twenty-five years experience in direct patient care as a Certified Physician Assistant as well as a BSN, RN in cardiology at a local Baltimore Hospital. Regardless of her practice areas, she is known to spend quality time with her patients, teaching them how healthier eating can positively impact their healing and promote longevity. Her professional expertise has carried her practice to several local hospitals and private physician settings around Baltimore.
Her love for educating the public about good health has channeled her toward community events where she has had the opportunity to share with various age groups. She believes in the holistic approach in maintaining maximum best health for the body, mind, spirit, and soul. She further believes that when one area is lacking, the others are negatively affected. She hopes to enhance the “physical” side through this little book.
Her spiritual food comes through the services she renders to her church and community. She is the member of a local church in Baltimore Maryland. Jean has organized or participated with several churches in Baltimore, including her home church, where she has performed community health screens and educational services at fairs for adults and children.
As a gospel singer since early adolescence, she has sung with choirs, praise and worship teams and with her own sisters in a gospel trio, which at times has taken them out of state for church and radio performances.
She thanks her pastors, Dr. Brenda and Ernest Sewell and her long-time friend and co-worker, Dr. Carmellus Ezeugwu, for their contributions in reviewing
this publication and has included their comments as part of this publication.
She offers special “Thanks” to her daughter, Kimberly, whose expert graphics and editing served well to produce the type book she wanted for the community.
Jean plans to continue to publish future readings focused on obtaining and maintaining healthy families. She invites readers to visit her website which further embraces the concept of a holistic approach for healthier living. Her site can be visited at www.joshuashost.org. It is her sincere hope that this publication puts some fun in learning how to eat well to stay well!ver menos