Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Greek"
El significado de "Greek" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa It's all Greek to me.?
This means that you don't understand something. "Nuclear physics.. it's all Greek to me."
¿Qué significa Greek Life?
Greek life refers to the lifestyle of college students that are part of fraternities.
¿Qué significa It's all Greek / Dutch / Chinese to me ?
¿Qué significa Greek yogurt?
it's a type of food.
¿Qué significa Greek /g/ made its way to Italy ?
When you make your way somewhere, you walk or travel there.
e.g. He made his way home at last.
e.g. He made his way home at last.
Ejemplos de oración usando "Greek"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con It's all Greek to me..
No problem! Another saying with a similar meaning would be “your guess is as good as mine” or “I can’t even begin to understand this”. I think in Spanish it would have the same meaning as “No entiendo ni jota”.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con all Greek to.
Do you mean “it’s all Greek to me?”
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con It's all Greek to me..
This means that something is incomprehensible. The Greek alphabet is difficult for an outsider to learn, so the expression means "as difficult to comprehend as a foreign alphabet." "I tried taking an algebra course but it was all Greek to me." "The hieroglyphs were beautiful but they were all Greek to me."
Palabras similares a "Greek" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Greek fable y Greek myths ?
Fable usually refers to short stories about animals (that teaches good moral)
Myths are stories usually about tradition
Myths are stories usually about tradition
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre Greek y Greece ?
Greece - the name of the country
Greek - relating to, of country/language -> Greek person, Greek language, Greek culture, Greek food.
Greek - relating to, of country/language -> Greek person, Greek language, Greek culture, Greek food.
Traducciones de "Greek"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Greek
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Greek
(just put emphasis on R)
(just put emphasis on R)
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Greek
Does the UK say it differently?
Otras preguntas sobre "Greek"
1. Greek food hasn't permeated in Japan as much as the other countries.
2. This is an app where you can compare all the plane tickets and airline company at the same time. Once you click it, the travel agency will show up and you can book the tickets.
3. A lot of cinemas have been closed down because there are Netflix and Disney Plus where people can watch movies and tv series at home quite easily. The cinema got affected by those new technologies. I know how convenient that is but I'd still like to stick to the old fashion way of watching it.
4. That defeats the purpose of coming to this restaurant if the popular dish is sold out.
5. In n out registered their trademark in the Asian countries. That's why they need to open up a store once in a while to protect the trademark .
Are these natural? If it sounds unnatural or grammatically wrong, please let me know😊
2. This is an app where you can compare all the plane tickets and airline company at the same time. Once you click it, the travel agency will show up and you can book the tickets.
3. A lot of cinemas have been closed down because there are Netflix and Disney Plus where people can watch movies and tv series at home quite easily. The cinema got affected by those new technologies. I know how convenient that is but I'd still like to stick to the old fashion way of watching it.
4. That defeats the purpose of coming to this restaurant if the popular dish is sold out.
5. In n out registered their trademark in the Asian countries. That's why they need to open up a store once in a while to protect the trademark .
Are these natural? If it sounds unnatural or grammatically wrong, please let me know😊
1. Greek food hasn't spread to Japan as much as other countries. (Permeated isn’t used often in conversation)
2. This is an app where you can compare all the plane tickets and airline companies at the same time. When you click it, it takes you to the travel agency’s website where you can book the tickets. (I could be misunderstanding this one. Let me know if that sounds like what you’re trying to say)
3. A lot of movie theaters have closed down because of how easy it is to watch movies at home with services like Netflix and Disney Plus. I get/understand how convenient that is, but I still like the old-fashioned way of watching movies. (The word “cinema” is more common in British English. Also, the second sentence seems a bit unnecessary, but if you still want to keep it, I’d say “This new technology had a negative impact on the movie theater industry.”)
4. That defeats the point of going to this restaurant if the popular dish is sold out.
5. In-N-Out registered their trademark in Asia, so they have to open up a store here/there every once in a while to protect it. (Choose here/there depending on if you’re in Asia or not)
Overall, I can definitely understand what you’re saying, but it does sound a bit unnatural. That said, your writing is still impressive.
1. Greek food hasn't spread to Japan as much as other countries. (Permeated isn’t used often in conversation)
2. This is an app where you can compare all the plane tickets and airline companies at the same time. When you click it, it takes you to the travel agency’s website where you can book the tickets. (I could be misunderstanding this one. Let me know if that sounds like what you’re trying to say)
3. A lot of movie theaters have closed down because of how easy it is to watch movies at home with services like Netflix and Disney Plus. I get/understand how convenient that is, but I still like the old-fashioned way of watching movies. (The word “cinema” is more common in British English. Also, the second sentence seems a bit unnecessary, but if you still want to keep it, I’d say “This new technology had a negative impact on the movie theater industry.”)
4. That defeats the point of going to this restaurant if the popular dish is sold out.
5. In-N-Out registered their trademark in Asia, so they have to open up a store here/there every once in a while to protect it. (Choose here/there depending on if you’re in Asia or not)
Overall, I can definitely understand what you’re saying, but it does sound a bit unnatural. That said, your writing is still impressive.
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar Greek .
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¿Esto suena natural? Greek is a foundation of everything in this world. It includes mathetics, physics and so on.
It sounds natural and well worded, but I'm confused about the claim. "Greek is a foundation of everything in this world. It is INCLUDED in mathematics, physics and so on." Is this your claim?
¿Esto suena natural? It's totally Greek for me.
"It's all Greek to me"
I don't hear this very often. It's from a Shakespeare play so it feels kind of antiquated.
I don't hear this very often. It's from a Shakespeare play so it feels kind of antiquated.
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