Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Whats"

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Q: ¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? Whats the differences between woulda, could, shoulda ?
Why “would” is in past perfect?😑
For example:
I would have ( woulda ) been here sooner. - what happens there? 😂 I always think that “would” expresses the future.

Let me know what's going on :)
A: is correct, but let me try to summarise:

The two points he addressed are: (1) the correct way of writing the phrases and (2) what the difference in meaning is.

(1) The correct written formulation is "would have", "could have, "should have".
. "Would’ve", "could’ve", "should’ve" are acceptable abbreviations when writing the spoken word; otherwise use the full form, especially in a business letter or job application.
. "Woulda", "coulda", "shoulda" are gramatically incorrect forms based on a phonetic transcription of "would’ve", "could’ve", "should’ve". You will nevertheless see them in slang usage, such as song lyrics: for example “Shoulda Woulda Coulda” by Beverley Knight
. You also see " would of", "could of", "should of". These are also just wrong; I would not hire someone who wrote these in a job application! (

(2) The meanings are very similar. “Could”, “would”, and “should” are mostly used to talk about possible events or situations that have not happened yet.
“Could” is used to say that an action or event is possible / feasible: “We could build a house here”
“Would” is used to talk about a possible or imagined situation, usually as a wish and often when it is not going to happen: “I would go to the show, but the tickets are too expensive”. It is also used in polite requests: “I would like a beer please”.
“Should” is used to say that something is the right thing to do: “You should brush your teeth every day”
(for more see

also gives some good examples in the present and future but "would have", "could have, "should have" are in the past, so there is little difference because we already know what happened. So "I would have called you, but my battery was flat", "I could have called you, but my battery was flat" and "I should have called you, but my battery was flat" all mean pretty much the same thing.

Mmmm. The summary was a lit long too ;-)

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