Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Anyone"
El significado de "Anyone" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa I didn't smile, not that anyone could tell if I had.?
"I did not smile. But, if I had smiled, nobody would have noticed."
This means the person could have smiled and nobody would have noticed.
This means the person could have smiled and nobody would have noticed.
¿Qué significa Can anyone explain to me what “they” here refers to and merrily the meaning of the whole paragraph in a more intelligible way?
They refers to the topics the magazines are talking about.
Here's my attempt at rewarding this paragraph:
The usefulness of knowledge is context dependent. These magazines discuss many topics which are not very useful to a poor laboring man. These topics are useless and destructive, especially when they keep a man from thinking about the Bible on the Lord's Day. (The Lord's Day or the Sabbath is supposed to be a holy day of rest. For Jews this day starts on Friday at sundown and continues into Saturday. For Christians, this day is Sunday. This paragraph is referring to the Christian Sabbath. The Christian Sabbath is on Sunday because in the Christian creation myth God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day.) But if these magazines keep him from looking at cheap literature (cheap is used here to mean of low cost and quality) which encourages bad religious views, morals, and politics; these magazines, though faulty, are useful.
Here's my attempt at rewarding this paragraph:
The usefulness of knowledge is context dependent. These magazines discuss many topics which are not very useful to a poor laboring man. These topics are useless and destructive, especially when they keep a man from thinking about the Bible on the Lord's Day. (The Lord's Day or the Sabbath is supposed to be a holy day of rest. For Jews this day starts on Friday at sundown and continues into Saturday. For Christians, this day is Sunday. This paragraph is referring to the Christian Sabbath. The Christian Sabbath is on Sunday because in the Christian creation myth God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day.) But if these magazines keep him from looking at cheap literature (cheap is used here to mean of low cost and quality) which encourages bad religious views, morals, and politics; these magazines, though faulty, are useful.
¿Qué significa As if anyone can replace your incredibly annoying, loud presence in my life. How dare you.?
Here, "as if" means it's not possible.
"How dare you" shows the speaker is annoyed (or joking about being annoyed) about the actions' of another person.
The whole thing means:
If you were to leave, it wouldn't be possible for another person to be annoying and loud in the same way that you are. You shouldn't even suggest that it would be possible.
"How dare you" shows the speaker is annoyed (or joking about being annoyed) about the actions' of another person.
The whole thing means:
If you were to leave, it wouldn't be possible for another person to be annoying and loud in the same way that you are. You shouldn't even suggest that it would be possible.
¿Qué significa Could anyone help me check what is the BGM played at 6:52 and 7:21 in this video? I cannot hear the lyrics clearly. It sounds like an English kid song.
↓ Here is the video
↓ Here is the video
¿Qué significa would anyone pls tell me the meaningof this sentence" she asked how long would i be needing for me to get this done ". explain the use of ?
It’s a big question, but briefly: ‘Would’ is used in two ways:
A. Attached to a condition to express something hypothetical. “IF I had enough money, I WOULD visit India”.
B. To relate repeated actions in the distant past that no longer happen “Before she got ill in 2013, the old lady WOULD walk her dog every day”. This is a relatively unusual formulation nowadays; you can just as well say “~the old lady walked her dog every day”.
At A the situation is hypothetical and may or may not ever happen, or even be possible. If a little girl says “If there WERE unicorns, I WOULD make friends with one” she is just using her imagination, but if an adult says “there ARE unicorns and I WİLL make friends with one” then he or she might be referred for psychiatric treatment (!). If you say “I now HAVE enough money and I WILL visit India” then you have the money and definite plans, not mad at all.
1 “how would her child resemble her” makes no sense on its own. It might be used in something like “if her child is adopted, how would he/she resemble her?”, though in this case ‘could’ is more natural.
2 “You would have seen many things” again only makes sense with a condition “If you had gone to India, you would have seen many things”. That is the case when your friend did not go; if she did, you say “Ah, you went to India, you WILL have seen many things”. ‘Will’ here expresses an assumption.
3 “People were so conflicted with their own identity that they would pretend to be ill” could be an example of the repeated past. “Where I worked in the 1980s ~”
You might find this page helpful (not mine):
or this video (also not mine):
A. Attached to a condition to express something hypothetical. “IF I had enough money, I WOULD visit India”.
B. To relate repeated actions in the distant past that no longer happen “Before she got ill in 2013, the old lady WOULD walk her dog every day”. This is a relatively unusual formulation nowadays; you can just as well say “~the old lady walked her dog every day”.
At A the situation is hypothetical and may or may not ever happen, or even be possible. If a little girl says “If there WERE unicorns, I WOULD make friends with one” she is just using her imagination, but if an adult says “there ARE unicorns and I WİLL make friends with one” then he or she might be referred for psychiatric treatment (!). If you say “I now HAVE enough money and I WILL visit India” then you have the money and definite plans, not mad at all.
1 “how would her child resemble her” makes no sense on its own. It might be used in something like “if her child is adopted, how would he/she resemble her?”, though in this case ‘could’ is more natural.
2 “You would have seen many things” again only makes sense with a condition “If you had gone to India, you would have seen many things”. That is the case when your friend did not go; if she did, you say “Ah, you went to India, you WILL have seen many things”. ‘Will’ here expresses an assumption.
3 “People were so conflicted with their own identity that they would pretend to be ill” could be an example of the repeated past. “Where I worked in the 1980s ~”
You might find this page helpful (not mine):
or this video (also not mine):
Ejemplos de oración usando "Anyone"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con Could anyone can tell me the difference between "It's not a big deal" and " big deal"? Or the two sentences have the same meaning?.
"It's not a big deal." = don't worry about it, it doesn't matter
"Big deal." = I don't care about it.
"Big deal." = I don't care about it.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con
Can anyone explaing me the true meaning of "crashing" down listed in this phrase?
"It's so fun having you guys crashing here this weekend."
Why to use "ing" in the verb "To have" after Noun "Fun"?
Can anyone explaing me the true meaning of "crashing" down listed in this phrase?
"It's so fun having you guys crashing here this weekend."
Why to use "ing" in the verb "To have" after Noun "Fun"?
to crash somewhere = to sleep at someone else's house for a short while
"having you guys..." is an adverb phrase that modifies "fun".
"having you guys..." is an adverb phrase that modifies "fun".
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con i don’t want to hit anyone or i don’t want to hit nobody?.
You cannot use two negative words in english if you are trying to put across a negative message.
For example, in ‘I don’t want nobody’. Dont is negative and so is nobody, therefore it is a positive message.
Use the first one ‘I dont want to hit anybody’. It makes sense.
Hope this helps!
For example, in ‘I don’t want nobody’. Dont is negative and so is nobody, therefore it is a positive message.
Use the first one ‘I dont want to hit anybody’. It makes sense.
Hope this helps!
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con Can anyone explain me the meaning of ringer in this text?
Ringer means E.T looked very similar to or a twin to Auggie. Ringer is a short form of deadringer.
Origin of the term. A long time ago they would tie a string around your finger and the other end was tied to a bell. This was done when you died and were burried. If you were not actually dead and woke up in a coffin. Your movement would ring the bell and they would dig you up. So you could go to a funeral and then see that person a week later. Since this doesn't happen anymore. The term has come to mean a person who looks very much like someone else you know.
Origin of the term. A long time ago they would tie a string around your finger and the other end was tied to a bell. This was done when you died and were burried. If you were not actually dead and woke up in a coffin. Your movement would ring the bell and they would dig you up. So you could go to a funeral and then see that person a week later. Since this doesn't happen anymore. The term has come to mean a person who looks very much like someone else you know.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con
Can anyone explain me the meaning of scored in this sentence?
"And, at first, I thought I scored because they were basically too nice to not acknowledge my presence when I walked over to the table ..
Can anyone explain me the meaning of scored in this sentence?
"And, at first, I thought I scored because they were basically too nice to not acknowledge my presence when I walked over to the table ..
It's hard to say exactly without context. It sounds like the person was trying to get to know more about the people at the table. When he walked up to the them, they greeted him. He thought they were inviting him to sit at the table and join their conversation, but they were just being polite after he interrupted them.
Palabras similares a "Anyone" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre "He has never met anyone who belonged in the faction" y "He has never met anyone who belonged to the faction" ?
He belongs somewhere is basically like saying he was destined/born to be there.
He belong to something means he is a probably member of something.
He belong to something means he is a probably member of something.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre You promised not to tell anyone. y You said you won't say anything.
which one is more natural? ?
which one is more natural? ?
You promised not to tell anyone means you made a commitment not to ever let anyone know!
You said you won’t say anything means they were just saying it so it means they can lie and still tell someone.
Person- She told me your secret!
Me to my friend “ what? You promised not to ever tell anyone”
#2 me to friend - please do not tell anyone what happened
Friend- “ I won’t tell anyone “
* friend leaves to tell someone what happened “
Me to friend- you said you won’t say anything .
도움이 되길 바라요!
You said you won’t say anything means they were just saying it so it means they can lie and still tell someone.
Person- She told me your secret!
Me to my friend “ what? You promised not to ever tell anyone”
#2 me to friend - please do not tell anyone what happened
Friend- “ I won’t tell anyone “
* friend leaves to tell someone what happened “
Me to friend- you said you won’t say anything .
도움이 되길 바라요!
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre It is sad that I will never see anyone I like again. y I'm sad that I can't meet again to a person that I love. ?
The second one should be: "I'm sad that I can't meet a person whom I love again."
The difference is between "like" and "love." "Like" is a mild word equivalent to "すき," and "love" is a strong word reserved for family, partners, spouses, or some of your favourite things, equivalent to "だいすき."
The difference is between "like" and "love." "Like" is a mild word equivalent to "すき," and "love" is a strong word reserved for family, partners, spouses, or some of your favourite things, equivalent to "だいすき."
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre anyone know... "something"? y is there anyone who knows... "something"? ?
The first question "Anyone know _____?" is a shorter and more informal version of the second one "Is there anyone who knows ____?".
If I were talking to my friends and wanted to ask about another person, I'd say "Anyone know this person?".
When talking to someone I don't know well, I'd say "Is there anyone who knows this person?"
I hope this makes sense!
If I were talking to my friends and wanted to ask about another person, I'd say "Anyone know this person?".
When talking to someone I don't know well, I'd say "Is there anyone who knows this person?"
I hope this makes sense!
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre anyone y someone ?
Anyone can open that door.
Someone can open that door.
“Someone” has a more limited scope than anyone.
I’d use someone if I was talking to a group, but not to anyone specifically.
“It’s anyone’s guess what the answer is.”
“Someone, guess the answer!”
Someone can open that door.
“Someone” has a more limited scope than anyone.
I’d use someone if I was talking to a group, but not to anyone specifically.
“It’s anyone’s guess what the answer is.”
“Someone, guess the answer!”
Traducciones de "Anyone"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Can anyone who has lived in Japan explain this in English for me? How would you explain 派遣社員? What I would like to know is that difference between permanent employees. Also how they are treated.
temp employees.
temporary employees are contracted thru an agency on a contractual basis. (it could be short term or long term) they receive their pay from temp / staffing agency. if you are a permanent employee, you are directly hired by a company, and receive insurance benefits after 3 month probationary period.
If you are contracted to work for a company thru the temp agency, the staff member is not entitled to company insurance or benefits. temp agency also does not provide insurance and you must seek the benefit on your own.
how an individual is treated has nothing to do with who their employer is or if they are temp or permanent, all people are to be treated fairly by law. United States has strict laws especially when it comes to employment and the fair labor standards.
temp employees.
temporary employees are contracted thru an agency on a contractual basis. (it could be short term or long term) they receive their pay from temp / staffing agency. if you are a permanent employee, you are directly hired by a company, and receive insurance benefits after 3 month probationary period.
If you are contracted to work for a company thru the temp agency, the staff member is not entitled to company insurance or benefits. temp agency also does not provide insurance and you must seek the benefit on your own.
how an individual is treated has nothing to do with who their employer is or if they are temp or permanent, all people are to be treated fairly by law. United States has strict laws especially when it comes to employment and the fair labor standards.
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Can anyone tell me what is the difference between tone and intonation in linguistics?
Tone = any of the pitch levels or pitch contours at which a syllable maybe pronounced, for example, falling tone, high tone, etc.
Intonation = the use of changing pitch to convey syntactic information.
Tone is not concerned about with the voice patterns whereas intonation works closely with voice patterns.
Thai and Chinese are also known as "tone languages" because tones are just as important as consonants or vowels in distinguishing one word from another. (For example, in Thai, mai, mài, mâi, mái, măi -- these five words have different meanings.)
Intonation responds to emotion, levels of politeness, and so on, or addresses such syntactic functions as showing a question. These functions are so important to most speech that in some everyday contexts the consonants and vowels can be largely lost and the intonation alone can carry the whole message.
Intonation is rarely directly taught in language classes, since most people consider it "natural" but there is of course variation from language to language, and differences in intonation can be responsible for a second-language speaker sounding unintentionally "abrupt," "polite," "uncertain", etc.
So, the majority of of languages spoken around the world are intonation languages, including French, German, Spanish, and English. (For example, in English ""Hello, Leo" usually comes out with a loud Hello and a quiet Leo. In Spanish both words of Hola, Leo are equally loud or the Leo part is slightly louder.)
Intonation = the use of changing pitch to convey syntactic information.
Tone is not concerned about with the voice patterns whereas intonation works closely with voice patterns.
Thai and Chinese are also known as "tone languages" because tones are just as important as consonants or vowels in distinguishing one word from another. (For example, in Thai, mai, mài, mâi, mái, măi -- these five words have different meanings.)
Intonation responds to emotion, levels of politeness, and so on, or addresses such syntactic functions as showing a question. These functions are so important to most speech that in some everyday contexts the consonants and vowels can be largely lost and the intonation alone can carry the whole message.
Intonation is rarely directly taught in language classes, since most people consider it "natural" but there is of course variation from language to language, and differences in intonation can be responsible for a second-language speaker sounding unintentionally "abrupt," "polite," "uncertain", etc.
So, the majority of of languages spoken around the world are intonation languages, including French, German, Spanish, and English. (For example, in English ""Hello, Leo" usually comes out with a loud Hello and a quiet Leo. In Spanish both words of Hola, Leo are equally loud or the Leo part is slightly louder.)
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? Could anyone polishing this piece of broken poem, i translated by myself, but it needs some authentic and poetic touch .... thank you very much for your time and effort! (English translation on the comment) 고맙습니다 !
How can I not scare you?
With my crimson appearance and sharp nails
Are what you would see first
Since i can’t make eye contact
Do not be surprised.
It may seem hard to believe,
But I did not wish to harm you
Since I can’t move your soul
Please don’t panic,
Though it may seem like
The flowers rot with my every step,
It wasn’t on purpose
As we hail from different worlds
I am so very sorry
As the fresh air is contaminated by my stench,
I’ll abandon everything and leave
As I have been like this since birth
Do forgive me
I was enthralled by the floating butterfly
So elegant, so beautiful
I must have been out of my mind,
Stumbling onto this garden of eden
For the inconvenience,
Behaviour, and misunderstandings,
I apologise from the bottom of my heart
The only parts I still don’t understand is why the devil can’t make eye contact and what you meant by “delivery of the soul is prohibited”
How can I not scare you?
With my crimson appearance and sharp nails
Are what you would see first
Since i can’t make eye contact
Do not be surprised.
It may seem hard to believe,
But I did not wish to harm you
Since I can’t move your soul
Please don’t panic,
Though it may seem like
The flowers rot with my every step,
It wasn’t on purpose
As we hail from different worlds
I am so very sorry
As the fresh air is contaminated by my stench,
I’ll abandon everything and leave
As I have been like this since birth
Do forgive me
I was enthralled by the floating butterfly
So elegant, so beautiful
I must have been out of my mind,
Stumbling onto this garden of eden
For the inconvenience,
Behaviour, and misunderstandings,
I apologise from the bottom of my heart
The only parts I still don’t understand is why the devil can’t make eye contact and what you meant by “delivery of the soul is prohibited”
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Can anyone tell me the usage of “the ”? I’m always not sure when should I put “the” before a noun.
For example,“I can’t experience the pleasure at all .” Is it appropriate?
I would be really appreciated if you could help me.
For example,“I can’t experience the pleasure at all .” Is it appropriate?
I would be really appreciated if you could help me.
Often, when you refer to general ideas, you use no article at all. You don't use 'the' or 'a'.
'Pleasure' can be a general idea.
"I can’t experience pleasure at all."
If you are talking about a specific pleasure, then 'the' is used.
"I can't experience the pleasure of taste. All foods are the same to me."
- Religion is a difficult subject.
- Travel is an adventure.
- I like science.
- Psychology is interesting.
- I love nature.
'The' is also not used for food in general.
- She drank milk.
- He ate chicken.
- She likes Mexican food.
However, if you are being specific (definite) about a specific meal, then 'the' can be used.
-Did he eat some fish? No, he ate the chicken.
- Do we have milk? (indefinite). No, she drank all the milk (definite) in the refrigerator.
'Pleasure' can be a general idea.
"I can’t experience pleasure at all."
If you are talking about a specific pleasure, then 'the' is used.
"I can't experience the pleasure of taste. All foods are the same to me."
- Religion is a difficult subject.
- Travel is an adventure.
- I like science.
- Psychology is interesting.
- I love nature.
'The' is also not used for food in general.
- She drank milk.
- He ate chicken.
- She likes Mexican food.
However, if you are being specific (definite) about a specific meal, then 'the' can be used.
-Did he eat some fish? No, he ate the chicken.
- Do we have milk? (indefinite). No, she drank all the milk (definite) in the refrigerator.
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Could anyone put this another way so that I can understand it well?
This is different from the way to use “all S is…” that I know.
Second, a smartphone is all you need to access hundreds or even thousands of book.
This is different from the way to use “all S is…” that I know.
Second, a smartphone is all you need to access hundreds or even thousands of book.
A smartphone is the only thing you need to access hundreds or even thousands of books.
Otras preguntas sobre "Anyone"
¿Esto suena natural? I didn’t think anyone would remember me.
1. Is more casual, like talking to a friend.
2. you can also say 'I didn't expect anyone to remember me', both are grammatically correct,
the first is more natural though.
2. you can also say 'I didn't expect anyone to remember me', both are grammatically correct,
the first is more natural though.
Can anyone recognize what is written here? Please help.
soul can be a term meaning person (an older expression or poetic, literary usage), for example:
25 souls perished when the boat sank.
The more common usage today would be the emotional, spiritual aspect of being human that doesn't have any physical or physiological characteristics associated with it. (In a similar way that the brain is the physical organ responsible for thinking, etc., but the mind is something intangible).
Surrounding herself with nature enlivened her soul.
He felt such a deep connection, it were as though their souls communicated.
She felt that the soul of her deceased husband lived on in her son.
soul can be a term meaning person (an older expression or poetic, literary usage), for example:
25 souls perished when the boat sank.
The more common usage today would be the emotional, spiritual aspect of being human that doesn't have any physical or physiological characteristics associated with it. (In a similar way that the brain is the physical organ responsible for thinking, etc., but the mind is something intangible).
Surrounding herself with nature enlivened her soul.
He felt such a deep connection, it were as though their souls communicated.
She felt that the soul of her deceased husband lived on in her son.
Can anyone tell me what this place is? Where is this square? What country is this? What city?
Old Town Square, Prague, in the Czech Republic.
Could anyone teach me how to improve the following sentences and make it correct and sound natural?
"Now I want to introduce some follow-up actions done or will be done in the future for improving students' learning abilities."
"Now I want to introduce some follow-up actions done or will be done in the future for improving students' learning abilities."
"Now I will describe some completed and pending follow-up actions, intended to improve students' abilities to learn."
It sounds like this is part of a presentation, and in a presentation the language used may be a little more formal. However, it is best to avoid making it too formal or convoluted. Most of my changes were made to simplify the text. Notice, in doing so, i reduced the word count from 22 to 18, without losing any meaning.
It sounds like this is part of a presentation, and in a presentation the language used may be a little more formal. However, it is best to avoid making it too formal or convoluted. Most of my changes were made to simplify the text. Notice, in doing so, i reduced the word count from 22 to 18, without losing any meaning.
Could anyone help me with the following right-false questions?
1.Max loves Jill and she him
2.Max loves Jill and she does him
3.Have you invited Max? No, but I have his brother.
4.Did you like them? I did most of them.
5.We treat our apprentices better than they do their career employees
1.Max loves Jill and she him
2.Max loves Jill and she does him
3.Have you invited Max? No, but I have his brother.
4.Did you like them? I did most of them.
5.We treat our apprentices better than they do their career employees
1 Is probably ok but I wouldn't say that.
2 Seems odd
3.Seems odd
4 You could say that but you could also say:.... "I did like most of them."and then there can be no problem.
5 Seems fine.
2 Seems odd
3.Seems odd
4 You could say that but you could also say:.... "I did like most of them."and then there can be no problem.
5 Seems fine.
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