Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Bacteria"

El significado de "Bacteria" en varias frases y oraciones

Otras preguntas sobre "Bacteria"

Q: ¿Esto suena natural? What happens if all bacteria disappear from Earth?
In July, when the heat wave is so intense, there are unwelcome guests more frightening than mosquitoes. The guests often spoil food, cause cholera, tooth decay, enteritis and other infectious diseases, and eat away at the health of humans. The unwelcome guest is bacteria! But what if all bacteria disappear from Earth? Are you happy just imagining? Just in time, '*Bacterinos' showed up and started removing all the bacteria from the Earth to keep the peace of the Earth. He(Bacterinos) didn't even give us time to ask questions, he starts sucking in all the bacteria on the earth with a bacterial gauntlet. How does the world change when bacteria disappear? Will we be as happy as we can imagine?

*Bacterinos: 'Bacterinos' is a parody of the villain ‘Thanos’ in the movie The Avengers. In the movie, Thanos aims to eliminate half of the life in space.
Q: ¿Esto suena natural? Nitrogen-fixing bacteria producing nitrogen fertilizer
Nitrogen is 78% in the air, but it is difficult for plants to absorb because nitrogen atoms are tightly bound together. For plants to absorb, the bond between the nitrogen atoms must be broken, which is done by bacteria in the soil. 'Nitrogen-fixing bacteria' and 'ammonia-oxidizing bacteria' make the nitrogen molecule (N2) into 'ammonium ion (NH4+)' and 'nitrifying bacteria' turn the ammonium ion into nitrate (NO3-) again. Ammonium ions and nitrates are dissolved in water and absorbed into the roots of plants and then used to make various proteins necessary for plant cell membranes and hormone production. If there are no bacteria in the soil, plants can’t make protein and will die.

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria
In addition to carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, elements such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, copper and zinc are needed for plants to survive. ‘Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria’ living near the roots of plants supply these essential elements to plants. Some of these bacteria dissolve the elements contained in the rock to make it a compound that plants can absorb. Typically, ‘potassium solubilizing bacteria (produce K)’, ‘phosphate solubilizing bacteria (produce P)’, and ‘siderophore-producing bacteria(produce Fe)’ can be melted from rock to help the plant absorb it. There are even bacteria that produce 'indoleacetic acid (IAA)', a hormone needed for plant growth. Plants are difficult to survive without rhizobacteria.

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