Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Epidural"
El significado de "Epidural" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa epidural, pitocin and hypnobirth ?
Epidural = pain medicine for child birth. Pitocin, probably another medicine.
Hypnobirth, never heard of it, but probably since they don’t have pain meds, they are going to try to hypnotize her so she doesn’t feel anything.
Hypnobirth, never heard of it, but probably since they don’t have pain meds, they are going to try to hypnotize her so she doesn’t feel anything.
Otras preguntas sobre "Epidural"
I got put under.
I got epidural.
Is this correct? (for surgeries)
I got epidural.
Is this correct? (for surgeries)
I got an epidural
"I got put under" is perfect
"I got put under" is perfect
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar epidural haematoma .
For pronunciation help: eh-puh-dyow-ruhl hee-muh-tow-muh
Hope this helped :)
Hope this helped :)
¿Esto suena natural? She said she would already be dead without epidural when she delivered a baby.
She said she would be dead without that epidural while she delivered her baby.
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