Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Holiday"
El significado de "Holiday" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa The holidays seem to be doing her health much good.?
"much better", not "much good". It still sounds a little unnatural.
"The holidays have been doing wonders for her health." = casual expression
It means that the holiday is helping her health improve. Maybe because it is a cheerful and exiting time for her, she wants to eat well or exercise, making her feel better
"The holidays have been doing wonders for her health." = casual expression
It means that the holiday is helping her health improve. Maybe because it is a cheerful and exiting time for her, she wants to eat well or exercise, making her feel better
¿Qué significa A holiday is on my mind?
Maybe. It's lyrical analysis so it is kind of subjective and everyone thinks something different.
¿Qué significa it should be over after the holidays. ?
It should be finished after the holidays.
¿Qué significa holiday abroad?
It means to go vacation in another country (overseas).
¿Qué significa I was on holiday?
Ejemplos de oración usando "Holiday"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con to be on holiday.
He’s on holiday until the 7th, so he won’t be in his office. I can take a message for you if you’d like though.
We’re going on holiday to the Bahamas this year.
School’s not in session right now, they’re on holiday/they’re on break.
The office will be closed on holiday/out on holiday, effective Dec 23 through Dec 27. Work hours resume as normal Dec 28.
The Johnsons are away on holiday for the weekend. I heard they were going to Hawaii.
We’re going on holiday to the Bahamas this year.
School’s not in session right now, they’re on holiday/they’re on break.
The office will be closed on holiday/out on holiday, effective Dec 23 through Dec 27. Work hours resume as normal Dec 28.
The Johnsons are away on holiday for the weekend. I heard they were going to Hawaii.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con Back from holiday ! (significa de vacaciones ??).
I just got back from holiday
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con holiday, vacation.
'I am going on holiday with my family'.
In the UK we don't use vacation. Vacation is used by the US.
In the UK we don't use vacation. Vacation is used by the US.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con holiday .
Merry Christmas
Happy New Years
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Birthday
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Happy Halloween
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy New Years
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy Birthday
Happy St. Patrick's Day
Happy Halloween
Happy Thanksgiving
Palabras similares a "Holiday" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre holiday y vacation ?
holiday is a special day like christmas, easter, new year.
vacation is when you go somewhere to relax. You're not going to work or do school stuff. Me travelling to japan would be an example.
vacation is when you go somewhere to relax. You're not going to work or do school stuff. Me travelling to japan would be an example.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre in holiday y on holiday y in the holiday ?
I am on holiday = I am taking a vacation
In the holidays = during the holidays
“In holiday” isn’t correct.
I am on holiday = I am taking a vacation
In the holidays = during the holidays
“In holiday” isn’t correct.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre I'll go on holiday next week y I'm going on holiday next week ?
I'll go on holiday next week IMO is like someone tells you that you need a break and that is what you would respond with. I'm going on holiday next week would be like informing someone you are leaving for a vacation.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre holiday y festival y vacation ?
In US English, a holiday is a special day when most people don't work, a festival is a public outdoor celebration, and a vacation is a time when an individual takes time off from work, usually for a few days. Almost no holidays in the US are festivals but rather are mostly celebrated individually with family or a small group of friends.
In the UK, they don't use the word "vacation" and "holiday" can mean both a vacation and a holiday in the American sense.
In the UK, they don't use the word "vacation" and "holiday" can mean both a vacation and a holiday in the American sense.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre despite of holiday y despite being on holiday ?
“despite being on holiday” and “in spite of being on holiday” are correct.
“Despite holiday” and “in spite of holiday” are unnatural.
“Despite holiday” and “in spite of holiday” are unnatural.
Traducciones de "Holiday"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? How do you spend you holiday?
In the past:
How was your holiday?
How did you spend your holiday?
In general:
What do you do on your holidays?
How do you spend your holidays?
In the present:
How are you spending your holiday?
How is your holiday going?
In the future:
What are you going to do on you holiday?
What do you plan on doing on your holiday?
How are you going to spend your holiday?
How was your holiday?
How did you spend your holiday?
In general:
What do you do on your holidays?
How do you spend your holidays?
In the present:
How are you spending your holiday?
How is your holiday going?
In the future:
What are you going to do on you holiday?
What do you plan on doing on your holiday?
How are you going to spend your holiday?
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? 休日は、楽しかったです! 北九州市に遊びに行きました。そして、カレーを食べました。美味しかったです。
That was so much holidays!
I want to Kitakyusyu city and ate curry.
So,it's delicious!
↑It's natural?
That was so much holidays!
I want to Kitakyusyu city and ate curry.
So,it's delicious!
↑It's natural?
"The holiday was fun!
I went to Kitakyushu city and ate some curry. It was delicious!"
I went to Kitakyushu city and ate some curry. It was delicious!"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? hello it’s a holiday today and i just slept all day
Revisa la pregunta para ver la respuesta
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)?
is it holiday days or just holidays?
is it holiday days or just holidays?
Holidays. There is no need to say day twice :)
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? holiday in slang 😝
We don't have slang for the word Holiday itself, but I assume you mean " 'oliday." Here the H is replaced with a '
Otras preguntas sobre "Holiday"
¿Esto suena natural? 삼일절(독립선언일) is one of five big national holidays.
From 29th August 1910 until 2nd September 1945 Korea was under Japanese colonial rule. Japan didn't respect our own culture and society but they ruled and suppressed Korea very inhumanly, violently and brutally. They committed a lots of atrocities. It raised deep anger of Korean at Japan and the will to resist was getting bigger. During that period Koreans revolted against the Japanese occupation and never gave up to take the country back.
From 29th August 1910 until 2nd September 1945 Korea was under Japanese colonial rule. Japan didn't respect our own culture and society but they ruled and suppressed Korea very inhumanly, violently and brutally. They committed a lots of atrocities. It raised deep anger of Korean at Japan and the will to resist was getting bigger. During that period Koreans revolted against the Japanese occupation and never gave up to take the country back.
× Japan didn't respect our own culture and society but they ruled and suppressed Korea very inhumanly, violently and brutally.
✓ Japan didn't respect our own culture and society but instead they ruled and suppressed Korea very inhumanly, violently and brutally.
× They committed a lots of atrocities.
✓ They committed a lot of atrocities.
× It raised deep anger of Korean at Japan and the will to resist was getting bigger.
✓ It raised deep anger among Koreans towards Japan and the will to resist was getting stronger.
× During that period Koreans revolted against the Japanese occupation and never gave up to take the country back.
✓ During that period, Koreans revolted against the Japanese occupation and never gave up to take their country back.
✓ Japan didn't respect our own culture and society but instead they ruled and suppressed Korea very inhumanly, violently and brutally.
× They committed a lots of atrocities.
✓ They committed a lot of atrocities.
× It raised deep anger of Korean at Japan and the will to resist was getting bigger.
✓ It raised deep anger among Koreans towards Japan and the will to resist was getting stronger.
× During that period Koreans revolted against the Japanese occupation and never gave up to take the country back.
✓ During that period, Koreans revolted against the Japanese occupation and never gave up to take their country back.
I would like to establish a national holiday called “technology free day,” on which day, contemporary people are encouraged or required not to use their electric devices as frequently in their daily lives as possible.
Is my passage grammatically make sense??😊😂
If not, could you please correct it??😉😭
Is my passage grammatically make sense??😊😂
If not, could you please correct it??😉😭
I would like to establish a national holiday called "Technology-Free Day," on which day, contemporary people are encouraged or required to use their electronic devices as little as possible in their daily lives.
Your passage is grammatically correct, but I've made a few small changes to make it sound more formal and clear. The holiday name is capitalized, "technology" is hyphenated, and the phrase "as frequently in their daily lives as possible" is replaced with "as little as possible." Also I've used "electronic devices" instead of "electric devices" as it is more commonly used and sound more accurate.
Your passage is grammatically correct, but I've made a few small changes to make it sound more formal and clear. The holiday name is capitalized, "technology" is hyphenated, and the phrase "as frequently in their daily lives as possible" is replaced with "as little as possible." Also I've used "electronic devices" instead of "electric devices" as it is more commonly used and sound more accurate.
I would like to establish a national holiday called “Cheering Day.”
The purpose of the day is to respect and honor the players as representative of the country.
Does my passage grammatically make sense??😊😂
If not, could you please correct it??😉😭
The purpose of the day is to respect and honor the players as representative of the country.
Does my passage grammatically make sense??😊😂
If not, could you please correct it??😉😭
I would like to establish a national holiday called “Cheering Day.”
The purpose of this holiday is to respect and honor the players as representatives of their country.
The purpose of this holiday is to respect and honor the players as representatives of their country.
¿Esto suena natural? I like public holidays I feel like I'm getting something.
得した気になるから とかですか?
I like public holidays because I feel lucky.
I like public holidays because I feel like I get paid for not working.
I like public holidays because I feel lucky.
I like public holidays because I feel like I get paid for not working.
It's a holiday today and they're doing construction.
I wish you'd be quiet. It's a little noisy.
I hope they take their day off on weekends.
This is my talking to myself. Does this sound natural?
I wish you'd be quiet. It's a little noisy.
I hope they take their day off on weekends.
This is my talking to myself. Does this sound natural?
"It's a holiday today and they're doing construction.
I wish they'd be quiet, it's a little noisy.
I hope they have the weekends off."
Point of view changing from "they" to "you" sounds odd, is all. And "the weekends off." is just a shorter way to say "day off on weekends." :)
I wish they'd be quiet, it's a little noisy.
I hope they have the weekends off."
Point of view changing from "they" to "you" sounds odd, is all. And "the weekends off." is just a shorter way to say "day off on weekends." :)
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