Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Imitate"
El significado de "Imitate" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa imitate?
It means follow or copying someone's action.
For example : the kid imitates the way his mum's do things
For example : the kid imitates the way his mum's do things
¿Qué significa imitate?
To copy something. For example of you are imitating someone's behaviour then you are behaving like them.
Ejemplos de oración usando "Imitate"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con imitate.
*My four-year-old daughter is always trying to imitate her older sister.
*He imitated her accent perfectly.
*He imitated her accent perfectly.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con imitated.
Imitate means to copy something or someone.
Ex: “my friend does really well in school, so I imitate the way he studies”
Ex: “my friend does really well in school, so I imitate the way he studies”
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con imitate.
I will imitate my Dad because he is humble.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con imitate.
Don't imitate me!
= Don't copy what I'm doing, don't copy my work
= Don't copy what I'm doing, don't copy my work
Palabras similares a "Imitate" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre imitate y emulate ?
It can depend on the context, but emulate always has a positive implication (someone wants to be like you because they look up to you). Imitate can mean that, too, but it has a less serious connotation and can be done in jest or out of meanness (e.g. imitating someone's stutter to bully them).
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre imitate y copy ?
To copy is to duplicate, to make something exactly the same as something else.
To imitate is to use something as a model to make something similar, but not the same.
“He copied his clothes style” means he wore the same thing.
“He imitated his clothes style” means he wore something similar.
But in actual usage, they are often used interchangeably.
To imitate is to use something as a model to make something similar, but not the same.
“He copied his clothes style” means he wore the same thing.
“He imitated his clothes style” means he wore something similar.
But in actual usage, they are often used interchangeably.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre imitate y emulate y simulate ?
Imitate means to copy - to do the same thing that someone else has done by copying what they did, on purpose
Emulate means to copy some aspect of something or someone, whether you do it on purpose or not. You might emulate someone’s personality after spending a lot of time with them. Your project might emulate certain elements of a project you were inspired by. If you imitate the project, you are copying it exactly the way you saw it as close as you can. If you emulate it, you’re inspired by it and there are similarities between the projects, but it might not be identical.
Simulate means to create a scenario in a controlled environment that you expect to see in real life.
You might simulate a hectic work day during a job interview to see if a potential employee will know how to handle it. Astronauts simulate what it will be like to be in space and to deal with emergencies so they know how to react once they are actually in space or if something goes wrong.
Emulate means to copy some aspect of something or someone, whether you do it on purpose or not. You might emulate someone’s personality after spending a lot of time with them. Your project might emulate certain elements of a project you were inspired by. If you imitate the project, you are copying it exactly the way you saw it as close as you can. If you emulate it, you’re inspired by it and there are similarities between the projects, but it might not be identical.
Simulate means to create a scenario in a controlled environment that you expect to see in real life.
You might simulate a hectic work day during a job interview to see if a potential employee will know how to handle it. Astronauts simulate what it will be like to be in space and to deal with emergencies so they know how to react once they are actually in space or if something goes wrong.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre imitate y copy ?
This is tricky. Copy and imitate can both mean 真似する。Copy can also mean to make a copy of something.
Listen to what I'm saying and imitate my pronunciation.
Listen to what I'm saying and copy my pronunciation.
If I imitate a swan, I stay me, and the swan stays the swan. I just act like the swan.
If I copied a swan, then I'd make a whole new artificial swan. Through genetic engineering or something like that. Or a robot. The original swan and the copy would be different things.
But, I could either copy or imitate the hissing sound that a swan makes.
Copy can also be a noun describing the new thing that has been created.
You can imitate an action or style.
I made a copy of Van Gogh's Starry Starry Night, imitating his style as best I could.
I recorded the lecture on my computer. If you have a USB stick, I'll make you a copy.
If you imitate, you do something similar to how something else does it. If you copy, you might do that, but you might create a copy (noun) of the something.
I imitated the sound of a swan. 私は白鳥の音を真似しました。
I made a copy of this CD for you. 私はあんたのために、CDのコピーを作ってあげました。
I copied this CD for you. 私はあんたのためにこのCDをコピーしました。
Listen to what I'm saying and imitate my pronunciation.
Listen to what I'm saying and copy my pronunciation.
If I imitate a swan, I stay me, and the swan stays the swan. I just act like the swan.
If I copied a swan, then I'd make a whole new artificial swan. Through genetic engineering or something like that. Or a robot. The original swan and the copy would be different things.
But, I could either copy or imitate the hissing sound that a swan makes.
Copy can also be a noun describing the new thing that has been created.
You can imitate an action or style.
I made a copy of Van Gogh's Starry Starry Night, imitating his style as best I could.
I recorded the lecture on my computer. If you have a USB stick, I'll make you a copy.
If you imitate, you do something similar to how something else does it. If you copy, you might do that, but you might create a copy (noun) of the something.
I imitated the sound of a swan. 私は白鳥の音を真似しました。
I made a copy of this CD for you. 私はあんたのために、CDのコピーを作ってあげました。
I copied this CD for you. 私はあんたのためにこのCDをコピーしました。
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre imitate y mimic ?
to the best of my understanding
to mimic is like taking an educated guess at attempting to copy something
where as to imitate is to take more of a research and critical thinking approach
The best example for mimicry would be how a child mimics his/her parents actions to the best of there ability, there not necessarily correct though
and a for imitate, an actor has to become another person to perfectly imitate his/her role in the play.
to mimic is like taking an educated guess at attempting to copy something
where as to imitate is to take more of a research and critical thinking approach
The best example for mimicry would be how a child mimics his/her parents actions to the best of there ability, there not necessarily correct though
and a for imitate, an actor has to become another person to perfectly imitate his/her role in the play.
Traducciones de "Imitate"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? imitate
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? imitate
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? imitate
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Otras preguntas sobre "Imitate"
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar imitating .
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¿Esto suena natural? I heard that カニカマ imitate crab meat is very popular in European countries, for examples, France, Elitoria and Spain. How about the UK? Do you eat it?
Thanks for your reply! ≧[゚ ゚]≦
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar imitate .
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Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar imitate .
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Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar I can’t imitate her altruism./ altruistic .
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