Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Iron"
El significado de "Iron" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa iron man ?
a person of great physical strength and the ability to continue doing something difficult for a long time
¿Qué significa “I never thought you had so much iron on you”?
do you mean "iron in you"? I haven't really heard "iron on you"? The sentence would mean you didn't think the person was as strong/tough/determined as they turned out to be.
If someone was being creative, they might say "iron on you" as in armor, or, being very defensive. But again "iron in you" is the more common saying.
If someone was being creative, they might say "iron on you" as in armor, or, being very defensive. But again "iron in you" is the more common saying.
¿Qué significa iron out a wrinkle?
"Ironing out wrinkles" or simply "ironing out" is an American idiom that means tweaking, amending, or modifying small but crucial details in dealings or arrangements before they can be accepted and closed.
¿Qué significa iron graveyard?
@misokatsu: It seems to be a term specifically used by the trainer in the video (but perhaps also the body building community in general), as he also uses the term on Facebook and on his own website.
I assume it means the graveyard where bad (weight lifting) exercises are buried.
As far as I know, this is not a normal/common term.
I assume it means the graveyard where bad (weight lifting) exercises are buried.
As far as I know, this is not a normal/common term.
¿Qué significa an iron bob?
It means he would not have bet on Gared winning.
This is not a common phrase at all. I didn't know what it meant when I read the book either. I looked it up, and apparently "Bob" is old British slang for a shilling.
Basically, he would not have put money on the outcome being favorable for Gared.
This is not a common phrase at all. I didn't know what it meant when I read the book either. I looked it up, and apparently "Bob" is old British slang for a shilling.
Basically, he would not have put money on the outcome being favorable for Gared.
Ejemplos de oración usando "Iron"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con iron , clothes.
I’m ironing clothes. I need to iron my clothes
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con iron.
I need to iron my clothes.
There is an iron next to the box.
There is actually iron in the blood.
There is an iron next to the box.
There is actually iron in the blood.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con iron board.
To iron clothes, you need an ironing board.
My ironing board folds up when I'm not using it.
My ironing board folds up when I'm not using it.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con iron out.
Try to iron out all the mistakes first before continuing. (iron out = fix) just like the other person suggested.
Palabras similares a "Iron" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre These iron bars are for preventing the guest from getting sucked into a drain. y These iron bars are for preventing the guest from getting sucked down a drain. y suck into or suck down? ?
Both work.
By definition, a "drain" always leads the water downward, so going "into" a drain will take you "down" the drain.
I guess, if the mouth to the drain is a gap in a wall rather than the floor, you could get sucked horizontally into the drain and be rescued before you go down... But that seems fairly unlikely.
By definition, a "drain" always leads the water downward, so going "into" a drain will take you "down" the drain.
I guess, if the mouth to the drain is a gap in a wall rather than the floor, you could get sucked horizontally into the drain and be rescued before you go down... But that seems fairly unlikely.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre flat iron y hair straighteners y hair iron ?
A hair straightener just anything that straightens your hair. These can be brushes, to irons, to combs
A flat iron is a type of straightener.
A hair iron is any type of heated metal tool used for hair. A curling iron could be a "hair iron" same as a flat iron.
A flat iron is a type of straightener.
A hair iron is any type of heated metal tool used for hair. A curling iron could be a "hair iron" same as a flat iron.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre ironing y steam ?
Nouns- The iron is the machine, the steam is the water vapor.
Verbs - ironing is using an iron to remove wrinkles from clothes. Irons do release steam. Steaming is using steam to remove wrinkles from clothes.
See, skip ahead to :58
Verbs - ironing is using an iron to remove wrinkles from clothes. Irons do release steam. Steaming is using steam to remove wrinkles from clothes.
See, skip ahead to :58
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre The iron is burning red. y The iron is red burning. ?
"The iron is red burning" is incorrect. You can say "The iron is red when it is burning".
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre The iron is burning red. y The iron is red burning. ?
二番目は文法的に間違っています。The second one doesn't make sense grammatically.
Traducciones de "Iron"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? iron
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? iron man
Yes, it is like "I earn man".
I say "iron" like アイン。
I say "iron" like アイン。
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? iron. I could swear I've heard Americans pronounce it like in irony.
The pronunciation will change depending on where you are in the United States. Some people pronounce it with a U (you), as in eye-run. Others, like myself, would pronounce it eye-urn with the stress occurring on eye.
Otras preguntas sobre "Iron"
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar iron .
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Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar iron, error, ironing .
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¿Esto suena natural? This iron is cheap and doesn't slide well and doesn't ease wrinkles so much.
This iron is cheap, doesn't slide well, and doesn't smooth wrinkles very much.
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar iron .
You pronounce it like "Iyorn"
1 He played iron man in the film.
2 He was playing iron man in the film.
3He plays iron man in the film.
4He is playing iron man in the film.
which tense sounds natural?If there are any other ways to say this,could someone teach me please?
2 He was playing iron man in the film.
3He plays iron man in the film.
4He is playing iron man in the film.
which tense sounds natural?If there are any other ways to say this,could someone teach me please?
1 and 3 are correct, depending on whether you are referring to the past or the present
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