Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Majors"
Palabras similares a "Majors" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre He majors in english y He studies english in college ?
If something if your major, you need to fulfill specific requirements. For example, your school might require that you take 10 English classes in order to graduate with an English major. People may generalize and say I'm studying English to mean that that is their major, but the phrase I study English could technically mean any amount.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre majors y specialty ?
major: what you have knowledge/ a degree in (after going to college)
speciality: what you're super good at.
I majored in English so writing is my specialty
speciality: what you're super good at.
I majored in English so writing is my specialty
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre They are geographic majors. y They are geography majors. ?
Geography is the study of the earth, whereas geographic is relating to the earth. Geography major is correct
Traducciones de "Majors"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? majors
Pronounce or...?
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? how to say majors' (?)&minors' (?) in college, programmes or courses?
programs are the majors, courses are the classes you take.
Otras preguntas sobre "Majors"
¿Esto suena natural? He majors in Public Relations.
Good morning,
To me, it sounds natural. You could also say "He is majoring (or his major is) in Public Relations". There are also some variations depending on if you are using the passive or active voice. But yes, this does sound natural.
Have a good day :)
To me, it sounds natural. You could also say "He is majoring (or his major is) in Public Relations". There are also some variations depending on if you are using the passive or active voice. But yes, this does sound natural.
Have a good day :)
¿Esto suena natural? I needed to study hard not only my majors but also French. I tried to take advantage of opportunities as many as possible. In Montreal there are many chances to exchange with people of various nationalities.
Really good. I have included another way to say it below. The only real change is saying 'as many opportunities as possible'.
I needed to study hard for both French and my majors. I tried to take advantage of as many opportunities as possible. In Montreal there are a lot of chances to exchange with people of various nationalities.
I needed to study hard for both French and my majors. I tried to take advantage of as many opportunities as possible. In Montreal there are a lot of chances to exchange with people of various nationalities.
¿Esto suena natural? He majors in Economics but he has never been interested in looking for such a job.
"he never had any interest..."
¿Esto suena natural? She majors in piano acting and directing.
All you need are commas:
She majors in piano, acting, and directing.
And you're good!
She majors in piano, acting, and directing.
And you're good!
What does mean...? We're English majors.
This means that they go to university to study English.
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