Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Money"

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Q: ¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? I meant to mean to give you your money back, but I forgot

What does meant to mean mean ?
A: Using "meant to mean" only works for some sentences, but not in other sentences. It is a complicated phrase, that means "my original intentions were [this]..." It is a way of talking about your first hopes, your first plans, what you first meant/intended/planned to do. And then the second "mean" part is almost more about sincerity, what you truly wanted to give/express/say/feel.

So when you put it together, it is like saying "I planned to truly want [the best thing to happen and everything to be happy]" or "my first intentions were to help everything turn out happy" = I meant to mean the best...

So the song lyric, "I meant to mean the best" = "I meant to" [I planned to] , "mean the best" [intended the best to happen, had good intentions, wanted the best outcome, wanted everything to become the best, etc.] So "my first plans were to want the best to happen". Or "at first, I really did want the best to happen".

When you put that together, it is a little bit complicated. But it basically says "at the beginning, my plans were that I wanted everything to turn out for the best...." But now it is already it is too late now, because it is already over. So they started this relationship with the best of intentions and hopes, but now it's all over.

In the simplest explanation, "I meant to mean" is just adding a lot of emphasis to how much they intended this, they had planned to do this. Especially in the beginning before anything changed.

But for some sentences, just normal "I meant to..." is often enough just by itself. So the other example, "I meant to mean to give you..." doesn't make as much sense. It really only needs the "I meant to" part. So that is why I said it should be "I meant to give you..." instead.

It is a bit hard to explain. So I hope that made enough sense.

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