Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Moves"
El significado de "Moves" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa Moves, poses, postures.
How are they different??
How are they different??
moves are yor groove your rhythm, the movements you make with your body
Pose is when you strike a pose when you assume a position to pose for a photo or to be funny
Posture is like when you slouch or when you sit upright, if you sit upright on your chair you have a good posture, you have the correct spinal alignment from head to toe
Pose is when you strike a pose when you assume a position to pose for a photo or to be funny
Posture is like when you slouch or when you sit upright, if you sit upright on your chair you have a good posture, you have the correct spinal alignment from head to toe
¿Qué significa Moves on?
to go forward, to continue, to look in the future : that's pretty much the sense of it.
hope it helps.
hope it helps.
Traducciones de "Moves"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? Moves
Move, moves.
(The S is a Z sound)
(The S is a Z sound)
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