Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Okidoki"
El significado de "Okidoki" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa okidoki?
¿Qué significa okidoki?
1st person: I want you to clean your room.
2nd person: Okidoki also, why did you come to Japan?
If you mean you’re going to use okidoki / okie dokie even if you aren’t agreeing to something it wouldn’t make sense
1st person: I want you to clean your room.
2nd person: Okidoki also, why did you come to Japan?
If you mean you’re going to use okidoki / okie dokie even if you aren’t agreeing to something it wouldn’t make sense
¿Qué significa okidoki
It’s a cheerful way to say “ok”
¿Qué significa okidoki?
It's a different way of saying "Okay" or OK
Traducciones de "Okidoki"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? okidoki
Okey dokey is a cuter way of saying okay or alright
Otras preguntas sobre "Okidoki"
When do you use okidoki?
When you need to say that you understand
What is okidoki? Is this girl's word?
You also see it rendered as okie-dokie.
Significados y uso de palabras y frases similares
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