Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Particular"
El significado de "Particular" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa Not in particular ?
It means that way this being referred to is not anything specific.
An example sentences would be: What do you want to eat?- Nothing in particular.
This is a list of the top 5 achievers, not in any particular order...
An example sentences would be: What do you want to eat?- Nothing in particular.
This is a list of the top 5 achievers, not in any particular order...
¿Qué significa i'm very particular?
我们平时说 I'm very particular about ...
¿Qué significa particular?
Khas .
Like i want this thing in particular - Mujhe ye cheez khas kar chahiye
Like i want this thing in particular - Mujhe ye cheez khas kar chahiye
¿Qué significa particular?
1. Adjective: special; only this
Eg. He wanted a particular type of shoe.
2. Adjective: not easily satisfied
Eg. She's very particular about the cleanliness of her house.
3. Noun: details or information about a person or an event, especially when officially recorded
Eg. The registration form requires you to note down all your particulars.
Eg. He wanted a particular type of shoe.
2. Adjective: not easily satisfied
Eg. She's very particular about the cleanliness of her house.
3. Noun: details or information about a person or an event, especially when officially recorded
Eg. The registration form requires you to note down all your particulars.
¿Qué significa particular ?
No, they are not. Particular can take on the meaning of especially, in some usages, though.
He is particularly talented.
And a particular person/thing is a single person/thing, but the meaning is specific, not single. (The person/thing is, however, singled out.) Hope that helps. :)
He is particularly talented.
And a particular person/thing is a single person/thing, but the meaning is specific, not single. (The person/thing is, however, singled out.) Hope that helps. :)
Ejemplos de oración usando "Particular"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con particular.
This particular question is difficult.
There is no particular problem with the car.
He is very particular with his food. (Picky eater)
There is no particular problem with the car.
He is very particular with his food. (Picky eater)
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con particular.
1. I have no particular company I want to work at in the future.
2. There was nothing in particular that stood out to me in the shops.
3. I am very particular with my food choices.
4. This particular brand of cat food is already sold out.
2. There was nothing in particular that stood out to me in the shops.
3. I am very particular with my food choices.
4. This particular brand of cat food is already sold out.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con particular .
As an adjective, particular is used to specify a single person or thing, or to mean "great or intense". As a noun, particular means a detail or individual item.
Adjective examples: "Don't use that particular method", "I need this particular part", or "He is a very particular person when it comes to his taste in movies".
Noun examples: "He is wrong in every particular" (he is incorrect in every detail), or "make sure to bring your particulars with you" (bring all of the personal items you need)
Adjective examples: "Don't use that particular method", "I need this particular part", or "He is a very particular person when it comes to his taste in movies".
Noun examples: "He is wrong in every particular" (he is incorrect in every detail), or "make sure to bring your particulars with you" (bring all of the personal items you need)
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con particular.
This particular t-shirt is my favourite souvenir from Canada.
We've been to the movies many times together before, but this particular time was really special.
You have to take this particular class to get your degree.
We've been to the movies many times together before, but this particular time was really special.
You have to take this particular class to get your degree.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con particularly or particular.
It is particularly cold today.
I'm very particular about cats. Especially British Short Hair cats.
I'm very particular about cats. Especially British Short Hair cats.
Palabras similares a "Particular" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre particular y espeshaly ?
Particular = used to single out something/someone
"I like her in particular"
"He particularly wants the shoes in blue"
"What car do you want in particular?"
"They spoke particularly to the kids"
Especially = used to single out someone/something/ some situation over all others.
"I like pizza but i especially like pepperoni"
"He liked short girls, especially blonde ones"
"They wanted to help people, especially the sick and poor"
" I especially want tomatoes on my salad"
"I like her in particular"
"He particularly wants the shoes in blue"
"What car do you want in particular?"
"They spoke particularly to the kids"
Especially = used to single out someone/something/ some situation over all others.
"I like pizza but i especially like pepperoni"
"He liked short girls, especially blonde ones"
"They wanted to help people, especially the sick and poor"
" I especially want tomatoes on my salad"
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre particular y special ?
"Particular" is a word used to specify a specific thing out of a group.
"Special" is a word to describe something the opposite of normal.
Ex. That boy, in particular, is very special. (the focus is on the boy, because he is special)
"Special" is a word to describe something the opposite of normal.
Ex. That boy, in particular, is very special. (the focus is on the boy, because he is special)
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre particular y peculiar ?
"Particular" means one, or one that stands out. For example:
- Do you have a question?
- I have a million questions!
- Do you have a particular question that you want to ask right now?
"Peculiar" means different, strange, or weird. For example:
- Can you tell me about the history of radishes?
- That's a peculiar question to ask here. This is a language learning site.
- Do you have a question?
- I have a million questions!
- Do you have a particular question that you want to ask right now?
"Peculiar" means different, strange, or weird. For example:
- Can you tell me about the history of radishes?
- That's a peculiar question to ask here. This is a language learning site.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre particular y special ?
used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class.
the action seems to discriminate against a particular group of companies
especially great or intense.
when handling or checking cash the cashier should exercise particular care
a detail.
he is wrong in every particular
used to single out an individual member of a specified group or class.
the action seems to discriminate against a particular group of companies
especially great or intense.
when handling or checking cash the cashier should exercise particular care
a detail.
he is wrong in every particular
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre I'm really not particular~~ y I'm not really particular ~~ ?
I'm really not particular 本当に拘らない
I'm not really particular 別に拘らない
I'm not really particular 別に拘らない
Traducciones de "Particular"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? particular
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? In particular
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? particular
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? particular
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Otras preguntas sobre "Particular"
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar particular .
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If 〜 particular
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar particular .
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¿Esto suena natural? I certify that the particulars given in this declaration are correct and this item does not contain any dangerous articles.
the way you say "this" sounds like "these".
¿Esto suena natural? I inquired a few particulars and returned to the hotel full of enthusiasm. Unfortunately, I found it hard to make Poiro share my feelings.
I checked the details sounds better than inquired a few particulars
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