Preguntas sobre ejemplos de oraciones con, y la definición y uso de "Platform"
El significado de "Platform" en varias frases y oraciones
¿Qué significa platform shoes?
Platform shoes are shoes with a thick sole. It's like having a platform under your feet.
¿Qué significa "platform" in "He didn't have a platform to speak on these things!"?
it means that he didn’t have a way to speak about those things.
Well, there could be many meanings. For example, if we are taking things very literal, a platform is a place where you stand on, so it would mean that he didn’t have a place to stand on and talk about these things.
But then there’s also the figurative language, which is the form that I think you’re referring to. A platform can also mean a place or a way to speak about something. For example, when someone has a lot of followers on Instagram or Twitter, they have a “platform” to speak about things on because all of their followers will read what they post!
For a bit more context, another way to say “he didn’t have a platform to speak on these things” could be said as “he didn’t have a way to speak on these things” or “he didn’t have an audience to speak on these things” or “he didn’t have a following to be speaking on these things!”
Hope this isn’t too confusing 😅😅 hope this helps!
Well, there could be many meanings. For example, if we are taking things very literal, a platform is a place where you stand on, so it would mean that he didn’t have a place to stand on and talk about these things.
But then there’s also the figurative language, which is the form that I think you’re referring to. A platform can also mean a place or a way to speak about something. For example, when someone has a lot of followers on Instagram or Twitter, they have a “platform” to speak about things on because all of their followers will read what they post!
For a bit more context, another way to say “he didn’t have a platform to speak on these things” could be said as “he didn’t have a way to speak on these things” or “he didn’t have an audience to speak on these things” or “he didn’t have a following to be speaking on these things!”
Hope this isn’t too confusing 😅😅 hope this helps!
¿Qué significa platform?
A platform is like a big box, similar to a stage. People stand on platforms to make speeches and be seen.
If someone "has a platform" as a figure of speech, they have opportunities to speak and be heard by society.
I think the writer is saying that they are tired of companies and celebrities trying to speak about moral issues. The writer would prefer the companies make products and advertisements, and celebrities entertain.
If someone "has a platform" as a figure of speech, they have opportunities to speak and be heard by society.
I think the writer is saying that they are tired of companies and celebrities trying to speak about moral issues. The writer would prefer the companies make products and advertisements, and celebrities entertain.
¿Qué significa my platform of choice?
It usually means either the operating system or computer type that you use to create or deploy something. It can also means the method or mechanism you use to achieve something. "His platform of choice is to code using Perl on a Windows PC". "Her platform of choice for making her political views known is to publish articles in the Daily Herald newspaper".
¿Qué significa "platform" ( in below image sentence usage) mean? Also would you provide some sample sentences for this word, with the same meaning??
A platform has several meanings in English. Since this text is about businesses, I think this one is referring to policies and/or programs within the company.
Ejemplos de oración usando "Platform"
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con platforms .
In subway station it’s is advised to stay clear of the edge of platforms when the trains approach.
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con platform.
The platform of the political party was to lower taxes
Por favor muéstrame oraciones como ejemplos con platform. Does it mean "foundation" or "basis" ?? .
That is one possible meaning, yes. Like if you are talking about a video game, "platform" can refer to the underlying Operating System or type of device the game runs on (e.g. "this is a game for mobile platforms like iOS and Android").
The word "framework" can also have a similar meaning in certain contexts. Example: "the constitution is a platform from which other laws are created" or "the constitution is a framework from which other laws are created".
Platform can also simply refer to a flat area that you can walk on top of (especially one that is raised above the ground and/or drops down on either side), such as a platform at a train station or a stage platform where singers and presenters stand.
The word "framework" can also have a similar meaning in certain contexts. Example: "the constitution is a platform from which other laws are created" or "the constitution is a framework from which other laws are created".
Platform can also simply refer to a flat area that you can walk on top of (especially one that is raised above the ground and/or drops down on either side), such as a platform at a train station or a stage platform where singers and presenters stand.
Palabras similares a "Platform" y sus diferencias
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre He stood on the platform with his hands in his pocket. y He stood on the platform clapping his hands.
I don't understand when use "with " and " ~ing" ?
I don't understand when use "with " and " ~ing" ?
with his hands in his pocket → the verb would be "are/were" → "His hands were in his pocket." There is no ~ing form with "are/were". "His hands are in his pocket." is basically the ~ing form here. "He stood on the platform while his hands were in his pocket." is just a convoluted form of "~with his hands in his pocket."
clapping his hands → I will put this into a form where "with" is used.
"He stood on the platform with his hands clapped."
It ends up being in passive form, so it sounds like someone is standing behind him and forcing his hands to be clapped. It's weird and doesn't work.
so, "with" is just adding what is "with" the person as the action happens, and "~ing" indicates a second action the person is doing
clapping his hands → I will put this into a form where "with" is used.
"He stood on the platform with his hands clapped."
It ends up being in passive form, so it sounds like someone is standing behind him and forcing his hands to be clapped. It's weird and doesn't work.
so, "with" is just adding what is "with" the person as the action happens, and "~ing" indicates a second action the person is doing
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre platform y record ?
죄송합니다 한국어 못했으니까. ㅠㅠ
platform and record, both has multiple meanings depending on the structure of your sentence.
1) which platform do you prefer to communicate? line or kakao?
2) I'll meet you at the train station on platform 9.
3) **can also means a type of shoe
1) You have a great record/achivement in school.
2) Dental record/report are needed for the surgery.
1) They were asked to record/jot down everything they ate and drank.
2) They were recording/tape-recording a piano recital.
platform and record, both has multiple meanings depending on the structure of your sentence.
1) which platform do you prefer to communicate? line or kakao?
2) I'll meet you at the train station on platform 9.
3) **can also means a type of shoe
1) You have a great record/achivement in school.
2) Dental record/report are needed for the surgery.
1) They were asked to record/jot down everything they ate and drank.
2) They were recording/tape-recording a piano recital.
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre What platform is it for Chicago? y What platform is for Chicago? ?
If you are at a train station and you ask someone to help you then you should say "Which platform is for Chicago?"
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre platform y pavement ?
A pavement is the footpath by the side of a road for people to walk on.
A platform is a raised area on which people can stand. For example, you would have a platform at a train station so you could get on a train.
Also is could be like a stage, for example a politician could be on a platform to give a speech.
A platform is a raised area on which people can stand. For example, you would have a platform at a train station so you could get on a train.
Also is could be like a stage, for example a politician could be on a platform to give a speech.
Traducciones de "Platform"
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (UK)? platform
Hope this helps (:
Hope this helps (:
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? What's the best platform or site that I can find in it people to practice speaking English with them?
You could use a chat service like, 90% of the people on omegle are American
¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? platform
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¿Cómo dices esto en Inglés (US)? platform
Platform in english is Platform
Otras preguntas sobre "Platform"
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar platform .
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¿Esto suena natural? He was running carelessly on the platform of the station full of people, and hit his face into the bag a man had.
There are three small modifications. The first one would be the phrase full of people; it would be better if you replace it with crowded since it is more appropriate and avoiding confusion. Second, into the bag a man had. The is a definite article and a is indefinite, so if you know the bag then you know its owner, too. Third, hit his face is more appropriately replaced with crashed. So the modified sentence would be
He was running carelessly on the crowded platform of the station and crashed into a man's bag.
He was running carelessly on the crowded platform of the station and crashed into a man's bag.
Por favor, muéstrame cómo pronunciar platform .
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¿Esto suena natural? I am standing on the platform of the train station and I can see the two trains running. The one is incoming to the station and the the other one is outgoing from the station.
Omit "the" (定冠詞), unless we are mid conversation and already know about these trains.
"... and I can see two trains running". - 二つの電車が見えます
"... and I can see the two trains running." - その二つの電車が見えます
"incoming" は形容詞なので "to the station" は言えないね。
"One is incoming and the other is outgoing" なら大丈夫。
それか @RaeOfSunshineさんがおっしゃった「entering the station」でもいい。
僕なら「One is coming in to the station and the other is leaving」
"... and I can see two trains running". - 二つの電車が見えます
"... and I can see the two trains running." - その二つの電車が見えます
"incoming" は形容詞なので "to the station" は言えないね。
"One is incoming and the other is outgoing" なら大丈夫。
それか @RaeOfSunshineさんがおっしゃった「entering the station」でもいい。
僕なら「One is coming in to the station and the other is leaving」
¿Esto suena natural? Please do not lean against a platform door.
Please do not lean against the platform door.
Please do not lean against platform doors.
Please do not lean against the platform door.
Please do not lean against platform doors.
"please do not lean against the door" is the correct statement.
Significados y uso de palabras y frases similares
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